HOMELESS MAN SAVES LIFE OF 10 Year Old, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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and then my fourth shop is close to where I stay and that's how I opened up my fish shop in the city all right hey Marquette yeah what's happening can I get along bro what I look like charity get you a job man it's cold hey my boy you got better luck getting money in the street with a homeless signing with Marquel over there bike is Dyke got that right ain't no handouts over here [Music] hmm sorry it's okay I'm still getting the hang of it that's a nice car thank you you're welcome is it remote control yeah that's it thank you hey Hey sir thank you I don't want you near him what do you want sorry for the trouble my name's John I was wondering if I could use your bathroom does this place look like a public restroom to you go pee on the street where you belong please sir go get out of here you stinking up my shot sorry to be of trouble [Music] why didn't you let him use the restroom he seemed like a nice guy because I don't want guys like that in my shop spam for business just look at it but I thought you should never judge someone before you get to know them there's nothing to know he's a drug addict probably dangerous and the saying goes if you feed astray it'll keep coming back we definitely don't want that right how else is the Stray supposed to get fed you're missing a point just be careful next time okay ah man don't forget to turn the alarm on probably you always do yeah yeah all right we'll stay right here I'll be right back [Music] wait wait there okay [Music] there you go now keep a watch out all right thank you of course you know I have a daughter just a little older than hey hey hey hey what do you think you're doing man I was just trying to help her her stay with my daughter you understand me but Daddy go inside the shop what now Zuri [Music] I don't know why you think it's okay to talk to my kid sir it's not what you think I promise you just get out of here I decide to stop being nice okay okay hey get up man get up no get up man what are you doing get up you are from me I don't have anything what oh sorry sir I was trying to trying to make my barber shop into a homeless encampment no that's not the case that's not happening sir that's all my stuff sir those are my personal possessions I know you should have thought about that before you decided to launder in front of my property sorry sir you think I got to where I am in life by letting homeless people sleep in front of my Barbershop no sir I don't I I don't survive what are you doing rosary that's my stuff now get your things from the street where you belong yes sir right away sir now I'm gonna call the police for trespassing no no no police no police please sir do not call the police 9-1-1 I have an emergency get my stuff I'm putting a bag I'll disappear from you I'm at my barber shop and there's this homeless man trespassing there's no jail I cannot go to jail my daughter's sister forever life yes yeah two minutes here we go [Music] call an ambulance call ambulance yes please send ambulance right now [Music] where am I thank God you're okay you're in the hospital John a hospital your daughter is she okay yes she's okay come here she's all right thanks to you thank you so much for everything of course little one of course I can't believe you still worried about her instead of yourself foreign I'm really sorry about how I treated you you have to understand that homeless people aren't as nice as you [Music] I was just trying to protect my daughter yeah I know yeah I met my my fair share of homeless people I also know what it's like to be a protective father you do oh yeah I wasn't always like this you see just a few years ago life seemed perfect [Music] I was married with a decent job and my daughter Shayla was my whole world [Music] in the beginning of our marriage my wife was an up-and-coming realtor eventually she became a lot more successful and they had started getting to her head [Music] one day while she was at work I came to pay her a visit now let's just say her rich client that she'd always spent a lot of time with was more than just the clients [Music] instead of feeling any remorse whatsoever she decided to abandon our family she went to live a new life with that man she'd been seeing leaving me and Shayla behind I did my best to keep everything afloat but I was so depressed a lot of days I I couldn't even get out of bed so I lost my job and not long after that our home [Music] with nowhere to go I ended up on the street and it didn't take long for a child protective services coming take my little girl away from me that had to be the hardest day of my life so you see in a very short amount of time I lost everything I lost my wife I lost my job I lost my home he even lost my daughter I did not plan for my life to go this way but life made other plans gosh I can't believe that happened to you in all this time how come you didn't get a new job or try to get your daughter back good job you think I didn't try I went down a downward spiral I could never dig myself out when you're homeless people take one look at you and think they know everything there is to know about you yeah well I guess I'm guilty of that too I realize now Jose was trying to tell me that you really shouldn't judge someone before you get to know them I'm so sorry about that and I should know better because I'm my wife isn't in the picture anymore either I'm sorry to hear that being a single father a lot of people that get you different I do at least you still got your daughter there uh I do anything anything to get my sailor back Salem you're my kid I can't even get a job [Music] you know what I think I might be able to help with that oh sorry all right little one let me get that for you and here you go Zuri what did I tell you about that remote control car here's your paycheck wow thank you Markel yeah you know now that I have an apartment a few more of these I could probably get a car and then maybe God willing then maybe next year I could uh try to get Shayla back who says you have to wait a whole another year well I made a bunch of phone calls put a few strings and [Music] thank you I thought I would never see you again you think I would let that happen I've missed you so much come here come here oh goodness goodness oh you must be oh Janice her mom well foster mom but I like to call her mom Janice is so nice to me I have to hear thank you thank you for taking care of my Shayla [Laughter] Shayla talks about you she really loves you all right I love her too with my sweet girl are limited why I don't know how the social service stuff works but uh I mean I hope you could still be a part of her life of Our Lives I'd like that very much hi I'm jury look it's a string puppy I'll take care of it no no wait hold on let me see if I can find some food around here I thought you said you shouldn't never feed astray well that was the old me and how else is supposed to get fat huh all right well I'll be right back so don't let that cute little puppy leave oh [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 3,867,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: X6ovgzXHtUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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