Teen GETS PARALYZED In CAR CRASH, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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tonight [Music] you got this baby come on yeah [Music] [Applause] that's how we do it baby yes God oh that was close yeah but it's a good thing you didn't give up yeah so next when you match up with Stanley you're next little man hey don't let him intimidate you you've taken down God's twice his size and after you beat him you're gonna be number one in the league let's go celebrate let's go to Darling really I mean don't you worry about this on this is on me okay good job you know when you started I knew you were going to be the best no no it hasn't always been easy you know everyone kept telling me that I was too small and weak to compete instead of being possible for me to win well what did I always say where there's a will there's a will there's a way yes I remember and you made a way now eat up let's go aren't you this enough of the bottles it's okay honey you needed way more than I do you're the one that was wrestling all day well um I'm fine don't worry about me I'm good um could we please get the check yeah absolutely can I eat you guys any dessert oh yes yes um can we try that um what's it called mom the uh that chocolate overload you know what um I think we're gonna pass on the the dessert uh if we could just get the check sure I'm so sorry Theo I didn't bring enough money for dessert and I didn't want to have to tell you but my boss cut my hours at work things are going to get tight for a while more tight almost all of my money is gonna have to go toward the rent and our credit card debt don't worry it's not forever I'm already looking for a part-time job hey what if I got a job too I could quit wrestling you know it would make time no I will never let you quit wrestling that has been something you've always dreamed about but this was my responsibility okay I am going to do everything I can to make sure that you have everything you need I promise you I'm gonna make so much money you'll never have to worry about this again I know baby you're the best son of mother could ask for foreign [Music] they should be depositing my my paycheck tomorrow and I'll get something but for now I have enough to take you home and to take you to your match in the morning what if you run out of gas though no Mom you're just not uh put that away I'm not letting you pay for anything and that's final I buy you a Tesla one day the last thing you'll have to worry about is gas [Music] more hello hello may I speak with Theo yeah yeah this is Theo who's this my name is David I'm a recruiter wanted to talk to you about some sponsorship opportunities what what is this uh one second oh so you're interested absolutely yes that sounds great yeah okay is there someone I can give this information to just my mom she's driving right now though so she she can't talk oh let me talk to him hello hello my name is David and I'm a recruiter specializing in wrestling his phone number by coach you're kidding your son has raw talent and I want to take him to the next level if you and Theo are interested and even offer him twenty five thousand dollars of oh 25 thousand dollars yes yes a thousand times yes have a great night thank you you too thank you oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I can't believe I'm gonna get recruited and get sponsored like I'm always knew you could oh my God that was oh yeah oh my God [Applause] foreign [Music] you're in the hospital sweetheart we were in a a terrible accident huh sleep for it's been a little over a day the doctors had to the doctors had to put you under to do a surgery what wait wait what about the tournament I didn't miss it did I don't worry about that honey that's not important what's important is that you're gonna be okay huh unfortunately talking about what about the recruiters and he sees let's see oh ah I hurt everywhere please don't worry about anything Theo just please relax [Music] [Music] mom why can't I feel my legs the doctors will be back in any second and if you just my legs I I can't feel what what's going on what's what's happening to me Mom you know just I can't feel my legs forever my paralyzed [Music] duck duck hey what what happened to me what happened Theo I need you to be strong for me right now okay and I'll explain everything can you do that foreign you were in a very bad car accident an oncoming track hit you guys the driver fell asleep and when he woke up he tried to Swerve but he collided with you guys on the passenger side of your mom's car unfortunately it was a hit and run the driver took off before the police could get any information when the ambulance arrived you were unconscious we had to perform emergency surgery in your back to save your life but unfortunately the impact to your lumbar vertebrae your lower back resulted in paralysis below the waist yeah no no no no no no I can't be true no no please please tell me that that can't be that can't be true but I'll re I recover right I go I'll give back to to walking and wrestling and stuff in a couple weeks or something right and I'm I'm sorry Theo due to the severity of your injury the studies give you about a two percent chance of ever being able to walk again [Music] I'm going to be transparent with you you'll likely be a new wheelchair for the rest of your life Theo [Music] yeah can you try moving them at all no oh so frustrated it's okay put it back it's only been a month we'll just keep trying okay it's okay [Music] [Music] it's your question no I'm not okay I hate being stuck here it's wrestling I can't believe you do not have to give up on all of your dreams you don't have to give up on anything there are a lot of things that you can do you could be a writer or a programmer or all I've ever wanted to be was a wrestling mom do that too there are other leaves I don't want to compete in another League I want to compete in my league right after I almost got the sponsor ship too I could have changed everything for us well there's still hope the doctor said that there's a two percent chance of you walking again and I have always told you when there's a will there's no way Mom I'm working as hard as possible since I've gotten here and I've I've made I've made no progress none just [Music] I'm never gonna walk again [Music] what was that in your purse nothing don't fight me well my son eviction notice then our insurance wouldn't cover the rest of your treatments so I haven't been paying the rent but I don't want you to worry I have been looking for a second job the sooner where are you gonna stay with Grandma you standing with Grandma no I want to be as close to you as I can okay so then you're stayed in the car you're in the car right right it was totaled I've been catching the bus to get here so then where are you gonna stay I don't know I don't know there there's some local shelters around I'll probably end up at that I just can't believe I may not have a home for you to come no no hey Mom you're not oh that's more really you you've always been there for me and supported me through everything I [Music] I just don't want you to give up love okay [Music] okay it on one condition you can't give up hope either all right no matter what that you keep fighting [Music] all your life you've done things that other people said was impossible this is no different as long as you don't give up can you promise me that [Music] Theo decides from that moment forward no matter what happens he's going to keep trying he keeps doing physical therapy it isn't easy he constantly feels frustrated at the lack of progress after months of work he still can't move any of his lower body many times he feels like giving up [Music] but remembering his promise to his mom he keeps on fighting [Music] eventually he's able to move his toes [Music] and then his foot after months of hard work he's able to start walking a little everyone's shocked at all the progress he's making his mom couldn't be more proud and then after a lot of time of intense therapy he's even able to go back to pursuing his dream no I thought the doctor said it would be near impossible for you to well if there's one thing anyone should know about my boy that he'd never let anyone telling him something's impossible stop him so he came to watch yeah came to Russell I don't think that's a good idea maybe we should take some time all I've had is is time respectfully sir I I don't want to wait anymore hey yo Stanley yeah Let's Roll are you sure long overdue wow me in the middle shake hands Russell you sure about this Theo don't have to send you back to the hospital or maybe yeah finish him pick it up you can get out yeah nice you got this man take them down okay thank you [Music] all right are you good man oh I'm so proud I can't believe I lost oh you were so amazing especially since it's been so long since you wrestled you don't know where you can be and I gotta say I'm very impressed Theo and this is your first match back right yeah thanks we spoke a few years ago prior to your accident which I'm very sorry about by the way are you the recruiter yes ma'am I was talking to your coach he told me about your journey over the past few years and I gotta say it's the most inspiring story I've ever heard in my life hey you yeah yeah I just wish I hadn't missed out on that scholarship opportunity uh yeah I really Coulda changed their lives missed out if anything the opportunity's gotten bigger if you're still interested I can probably get you 50 000 now but some sort of joke or something not at all Brands all over the world are looking for inspirational stories like yours and if you wrestle like you did today that number is only going to get bigger oh my gosh you know this be anything that we don't have to live in a shelter anymore oh my God no [Music] because of us um sir just out of curiosity if if I were to become number one and stay around how much would I be making for that number one in the state there's a lot of great wrestlers here in the state I don't want to get your hopes up because that might be impossible you must not know my son thank you thank you so much sir congratulations oh my gosh did you look at that [Music] you're partially so good so good almost as good as a pasta you're making I'm not quite dumb yeah well I know I did want to open a restaurant no that probably never happened why not how much it costs and it takes a lot of time I'm not in my 20s anymore so a white person once told me it was well there's a way there's a way exactly can I get you guys anything else yes um can we have a dessert menu please awesome that then don't even think about paying for it Mom I got it okay I know you got it baby I am not gonna fight with you about that anymore it's just actually looking for my keys oh right uh you won't be needing those anymore actually oh huh no no mm-hmm hey hey I told you that one day do not have to worry about paying for gas anymore [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 6,780,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: _73R9lty9qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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