The Story of SLY COOPER (Sly Cooper Series) | Honest Gaming Series

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How old is the game now

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/superbaum99 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 26 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Awesome video man loved this series as a kid

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CapnGreybeard816 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 26 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Such a great series and 4 is my favorite 3d platformer last gen.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Novel_Brilliant ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 26 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
what up class welcome to another episode of honest gaming history the series will reveal how truly insane some of these video games cost good for today's lecture we're going back to a time that I never got to truly experience that never had a ps2 a time when antropomorphic animal protagonists were mad popular and Saturday morning cartoons we're feel a thing ha ha man those are the days remember Xiaolin Showdown yo that show was fired Xiaolin chronicles though not so much anyways thanks a lot of freaking oppressed of all you amazing people recovering the Masters tape and fearless leader the Cooper Dan Sly Cooper gung attempt I [Applause] [Music] before we start the video we got thank our sponsors over at Ridge now if you didn't know the ridge walla is a like sleek is dirty wallet it holds everything you need in your normal wallet without taking a bunch of space in your pocket it's got enough room to hold it to 12 cards while still having room for cash and it comes in three colors and 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from a legendary lineage of top-tier thieves known as the Cooper clan these guys were so good at robbing people over the years they created a book filled with all their thieving techniques call it bb's Raccoonus they also followed a strict honor code they would never use her gift of stealing on the innocent only one fellow thieves for the challenge I mean no matter which way you put it is still stealing but I guess stealing from a criminal makes it more honorable going back to our main character young slide was taught the art of robbing these fools blind by his father Conner Cooper like his ancestors before him he will soon inherit the Thievius Raccoonus to begin his quest to become a master thief however on the night that sly was a posting here at the legendary guide book a criminal group known as a fiendish 5 ran up into the Cooper household mercs both the slice parents then found the Thievius Raccoonus employee into five hearts yo whether it's a movie and animate a video game or whatever parents are always dying in these backstories why do all the peers got to die bruh so after the murder of his parents slide gets thrown into an orphanage where he meets his two best friends Bentley and Murray say living up to his family legacy sly forms a gang with his new friends Bentley being the brains Murray the muscle is lying the guy who actually does it stealing from the humble beginnings of robbing a cookie jar the Cooper gang grew over the years now a decade haven't identified parents these guys are known worldwide as s-class thieves now it's time for slide to achieve his birthright with him and his gang more experienced now they're going to take on the fiendish five and restore the Thievius Raccoonus but to do this he needs more information on these five criminals so slice first target is a police station in paris to achieve a police file he bricks in grabs the file we get stucked by inspector Carmelita Fox from Interpol so Carmelita is someone that's live man in Paris a while ago and she's low-key obsessed with it like it is a matter of what size doing if she finds him she's gonna assume he's being a miscreant and then hunted down but sliding she's a bad John and even though slides and theme Carmelita gets all hot and bothered by the thought of slide so even though it looks like Carmelita just wants to a rest line she really want some of that Cooper dick so Carmelita is like rah rah rah you won't get away sly but slight gets away cause she ain't really doin police filing hand slide what the help is being used it puts a hunt down each fiendish five member one by one they start with the Looney Tunes frog on crack relay that moves it a top-heavy Bulldog mugshot then the southern is alligator miss Ruby that take out the panicking and with each member sly defeats he's another part of the Thievius Raccoonus each part teaching him a new technique invented by one of his ancestors and since Carmelita is obsessed with him she rested each member while following sliced trail but a sly restored more and more of the guide to robbing people he kept noticing a shadowy bird figure a pair on different ages this figure is clockwork the leader of the fiendish five cater of the Cooper clan and last target of slyness gay the squad pulls up to works lair in Russia and after getting through a bunch of security sly finds Carmelita trapped she probably got our dumb ass here by following sly sly puss up to the Fox and she immediately blames him for trapping her here how though work uses this opportunity to trap sly and fill the room with poisonous gas luckily the bro Bentley hacks into the security and saves both Sly and the expected Carmelita apologizes for going all crazy and blaming him for trapping her then they form a temporary shoes to take down clockwork with the aid of the inspectors jetpack that she just kind of had it's like confronts the sniper Islands him go on and on about how he hates the Cooper line this new congressman in life for hundreds of years living off of and I quote a steady diet of jealousy and hate how do you hate a family so much you deny death social I asked clockwork wild from alive back then if he hates the Cooper's much and clockwork tells him that he want to prove that a Cooper is nothing without the Thievius Raccoonus but the guy booth does not make great thieves great thieves make the guidebook so sly takes down the hatin ass owl it collects the last piece of his birthright but that girl Carmelita pulls up on sly and gives him a 10-second head start before she starts chasing him again so he used the ten seconds to get a smooch in and handcuffed her to a railing that's why escapes her clutches again with the devious raccoonus in hand sly revels in the bet that unlike his ancestors he earned his birthright by taking it back from a bunch of criminals now he can lead his team confidently as a master thief later in the first issue of The Adventures of Sly Cooper sly breaks into a wedding and steals the Venus de whale oh Christ I hope I said that right Carmelita is also newcomer at the wedding and as usual she's on the sly schemes and as usual - necessary miss Luke two years after clockworks defeat in slide 2 band of thieves finally gank find out that conquers parts have been savage and are being held at the Museum of Natural History in Cairo these parts are said to be restored and you all know the Cooper gang can't have that so they head over to Egypt to ransack the museum initially the clockwork pieces obviously slides and trying to give clockwork any chances to return the Cooper gang consistently breaks into the museum but the pieces are gone crazy-ass Carmelita shows up blaming sly for stealing the parts but this time she's accompanied by a new character constable Neyla nila since up for science is it the method of entry long with the guard casualties pointed as being a claw gang job Thank You nila someone had to tow this box to chill the hell out Carmelita reprimands the cosmo for speaking up which leads to an argument that sly uses at his distraction to escape then Carmelita gets left looking stupid again using Neela's oddly suspicious lead about the clogged gang slime the boys head to Paris to confront Dimitri a forger using clockwork tail for there's a pretty counterfeit money during the heist sirens the new momentum and mysterious Qasim O'Neil ax she makes it no but she gave sly the car tip on purpose because unlike dumbass Carmelita neela understands the work is a problem that needs to stay gone so they form a secret routes without Carmelina knowing if she did she probably arrest me like we're talking to her man then later sly beast out the mitri then takes the tail feathers and Carmelita arrest the COG gang members and slide just left them for her slides the one getting all the Carmelita's arrests like all Carmelita is doing is chasing after sly and arresting whoever he leads for her yo how has she not been parted she said trash at her job so after the tail for their heist the Cooper gang tracks the wings of clockwork to Rajan an illegal spy styler in India the gang is their thing the sly uses Neal it's a trick Carmelita into dancing with him unaware that this is sly the dance is used as a distraction for Murray to get the clockwork wings once Carmelita realizes the person she was dancing with was sly she gets tight source arresting everyone but not sly because he dips and Irish on either because he escapes with spy symbol later they find out that Red John also has a heart of Clockwork he's using it to increases illegal spice production how is that dangerous regardless of Rajan seemingly harmless plan sly and the gang head over to do hideout Neela shows up and instead of helping the team she portrays the Cooper gang by topping both Sly and Maria that he took down Red John and got half of the clockwork heart and she throws us a postcard under the bus by telling the Contessa a warden working for Interpol that Carmelita has been feeling at the sly chase because she's working with the game I mean to be real even without Neela's lying it's pretty hard not to assume that Carmen leaders working with slide gang think about it out of everyone in Interpol Carmelita is the one who seen side the most yeah whenever they catch each other she always fails to arrest him now we know us because she's thirst in Harper's line she's low-key trash at her job but when you look at a picture of her and fight dancing it's pretty hard to defend her so sly Murray and Carmelita get arrested by the constable and the Contessa luckily the Forgotten mutant ninja turtle Bentley is still free to carry out a rescue mission Garrett shillings because this is his first solo mission Bentley swallows his fears lures how to drive stick shift then Moosa - contestants prison on the rescue mission belying discovers at the contestants secretly a claw gang member the criminal rehabilitation clinic she runs is just a front she secretly uses her hypnosis to find out where criminals hide their loot Bentley eventually saved sly then they work together to cure Maria visit gnosis and they break him out - so the Contessa disre for the cooper gang uses the chance to jump her but the gang had even worried about it they're just happened to be together again in not in jail after taking a long break they continue on their home for the clockwork parts and found that the Contessa is holding clockworks eyes she's keeping them in her castle to enhance her hypnosis so I can have this spider hypnotizing more people so Hema gang break into her estate to do what they do best but Neela has become a worm the Contessa's betrayal so she's on her way there - with an army of mercenaries wait wait an army of mercenaries the hell are you gonna do with an army of mercenaries the Contessa is one person that's overkill brah I mean what can I say it noses some dangerous so sly breaks in and finds his girl Carmelita fighting against the hypnotic effects of the clockwork guys against Bentley's wishes he saves the inspector then he goes for the eyes and takes down the spider lady the words Neal arrested contestant gets promoted to captain then Carmelita dilip YouTube thanks at nila teams up with the Cooper gang to escape next they go after their new target John bass on the hold of the stomach and lungs of where he's using the parts of power his trade so they can carry spices all over North America yeah once again I know these are illegal spices but still don't see what makes them so dangerous the gang man has the Canada Rob's a chain of their clockwork parts then shows on the whole spice trade operation however our girl Carmelita is still running away from the cops after getting framed so sly being a nicer that he is is brainstorming a way to clear her name without turning himself in but we'll worry about that later we still gotta click these clockwork parts the gang track John basalt to a lumber cameras reveal that he's using the clockwork closet cut down trees in the area for the environment the gang slaps a out of John but it turns out he sold both his and the Cooper gasps clock worth parts of the leader of the COG an arpeggio slide his cohorts get to arpeggio and it's her abilities been working with Nia all this time arpeggio and Neila allows slide to see all the press from the other Club members the gang leader plans on using the parts to attain immortality but the parts are only half of the equation to truly gain cogs and mortality or pinch it needs a steady diet of hatred just like Hogwarts wait living off of hatred thing is canon I thought that was a joke Brooke that makes no sense so y'all remember those illegal spices right they make people more susceptible to hypnosis and that's to the members of the claw gang these fighters have been consumed by a pretty big population this man arpeggio wants to use flashing lights to hypnotize the people of Paris into feeling immense hate then he will you said hate to fuel as immortality grow how he's so screwed up that she rude a bunch of people's lives just for your own immortality you know they're gonna do anything with it this bird is evil evil but then Neela for Trey's arpeggio shame that you portrayed an T'Pol and the Cooper gang what made it think he was taking the betrayal train I mean she has a point then Neela as a clockwork frame a doubt of his parts kills arpeggio and introduces herself as claw claw with the help of his gang and Carmelita who once again is temporarily siding with sly they not the owl megazor down but it's not out yet Bentley remember something about a hate ship which introduces to be the source of clockwise power so he pulls it out of her whatever beat crushes him in the process that's completely paralyzing his lower half with katha defeated the Cooper gang stands and all the clockwork parts that are somehow still in mint condition Ben Carmelita shows up and crushes the hate chip and just like that the posterior ring but you know how this fox gets down she pulls out our gun and Hills a Cooper Genghis stick them up normally I would find a way to get him and his friends out of there but both of the Americans AUSA from the final boss fight not to mention that Bentley kind of can't walk so slide is a noble thing and turn himself in and return for the freedom of his friends the inspector accepts it's like get scuffed and put in a helicopter the two finally easy sexual tension between them by actually having a conversation they talk about everything from past times he may look stupid to their favorite type of music Fivey compares a moment to a first date but after noticing haven't been on a helicopter for a minute Carmelita realizes that slice Prince to the present for him the pilot is gone and the moment she tries to secure sly he handcuffs himself a disc she has to be letting this happen on purpose at this point later and slide three honor among thieves by finding speaks to a Jim McSweeney this guy should be a part of spies fathers gang McSweeney told sly about the Cooper vault a secret vault holding the collection of most of the Cooper lines loop power since it is the Cooper ball only Oh Cooper can open it McSweeney give him a map to Cain island the place where the vault is located and location already is a mad scientist dr. M he's turned the place into a fortress and is trying to bring it to the Cooper ball with brute force by realizes that a mission like this needs an army of world-class thieves so he sets up to recruit the best people you can find obviously Bentley who's now in a wheelchair six to his boy for the third member of the Cooper gang Murray left because of the Bentley accident that happen in slide two they start by rear accreting Murray in Venice who is currently going through something called dream time training I'm gonna teach you some one only known as the Guru however because this is a video game including murder requires slide to do him a solid the people Venice crime lord Don Octavio and purify the places black water so the team doesn't thing and they feed Octavio and Carmelita does her thing and her residue dross Lima gang escaped Marie is now back on the squad but he feels guilty for never returning to the girl to help their friend slimy Billy agreed to head to Australia so Marie come and turn into a sensei they get there but as usual they have a problem to deal with before actually meeting the Guru the problem this time are the miners in the area who are ruining the Blues Hall the gang does the thing again then if they're fighting Carmelita and Titan form because of some dark mask of power they save the Guru's home leave Carmelita looking stupid again then the Guru joins their gang I mean I don't know how the Guru robbing people will help him maintain inner peace but okay back at base bellies loop if they're gonna successfully rants at the Cooper vault they're gonna need an RC expert so the ninja turtle Hoffs in the dark web and talks to an RCS her name Penelope he tries to recruit her but she doesn't saying that she only works for the best but the mountain just lead them high and dry she tells me if they can put up their bed by beating her boss the black baron that you'll be a part of their heist so so I just kind of gets a pilot license and the gang worse is over to haunt and to the black barons flight competition after doing a lot of cheating to even the odds so I beat the Baron at his own game but father the Baron was actually Penelope this whole time so you just lady we have a heist to do you can't be wasting our time like this would that mean the black barons first to beat Penelope throws away the baron guys enjoyed the Cooper game but even with Penelope on the squad they still need more power to get the Cooper vault heist done they specifically need a demolition expert so Bentley proposes that they recruited patty-cake one of the bosses in the first like Hoover class I'm trying to hear that because as a former member of the fiendish five he played a part in the murder of sliced parents but Bentley's like bro you're trying to get your inheritance or not so slide gives in to Leonardo's wishes and they had to time to recruit the panicking but just like everyone else recruited in this game they got to do a quest first the panicking has been on his meditative piece of ever since they had been to the first game but his daughter got kidnapped by general Tsao so the gang helps the panicking and saves his daughter and car Malia gets involved because that's how she is an arrest neural Sall for something that undead up in history to this village with that climate panicking put the differences aside and the Cooper gang gets another member with the team looking much better compared to how it was in the beginning it looks like it's time to initiate the heist but the ex Claude gang member Dimitri calls it for a favor that's lyova alright so after sly beat Dmitry back in slide 2 he basically became homeless he just started picking up a bunch of jobs one of those jobs being back at the flight competition in Holland a while ago so since line Dimitri have history the Miche helps like cheating the competition to machine for a favor in the future now the BG's calling for that favor so for the favor the Miche ass client is going to help him find his late grandfather's diving gear the poor guy had that and his treasure stolen back in the day so Dimitri wants to do right by his grandfather by getting it back they finally grandfather's treasure a lot with his diving gear but the pirate captain left fleet captures Penelope and takes everything for himself fine the gang are like well can't have that so they jump left we and Penelope do someone to see with the sharks and the rescue got Penelope all hot for Michelangelo so with the Dimitri's grandfather's stuff recovered the me she decides to join the squad now that ready to tackle Kain Island and get to the Cooper vaults the gang makes it on the island the plane goes off without a hitch so I guess it a vault but dr. Emeril's up with a mutant primate and captures them as it probably begins to crush the thief your ministers on all his past ventures and regrets never telling Carmelita how he felt about her then as if on cue Carmelita comes in with their force and the knew it so I guess taking him by the residue Cooper get to get patched up eventually he could from soccer em again doctor ability used to be a part of his father's gang on which McSweeney he was sick of playing second fiddle to Conner Cooper which is why he went all even than going after the family fortune slice Maxo doctor away and finally answered the ball with his bros rap and Murray slide would like his friend follow him deeper within the ball but his only meant for Cooper's so his friend stayed back to guard the entrance waltz line navigates through the vault Bentley starts ranting to Murray about how he thinks like she's dimmest sidekicks but Murray being a less insecure one reaches a turtle by tilting invest lies their best friend for life they are all equal in his eyes the doctor embrace of the feel-good moment it eventually gets a slide the mandolin continues to on the Cooper name but sly dependence up by stating that his team is his family just cuz he's a Cooper doesn't mean he's an ass with teammates then Carmelita shows up bro what is going on everyone and their mom is when I go back to the Cooper vault yo facts if I must be low-key pissed so Carmelita's are talking about how she's gonna arrest everyone and blah blah blah you know the deal but then dr. M shoots at the inspector so I can't had that so he give him the way and takes the hit Carmelita is like nobody touches my man they she's the out about their M she goes check on sly looks at the Hickey from amnesia since he has no idea who he or Carmelita is so she uses the chance to lie as they either partner constable Cooper Carmelita aren't you a cop what are you doing lines at his prison to keep him close to you how's that follow the values of a cop you must really want that Cooper dicker figure to lie to a man Thor he just saved you the vault begins to collapse and Cooper and Carmelita escape all Bentley and Murr look everywhere for sly luckily the two friends managed to escape to but sly remains missing all the finances came with no one to leave the Cooper gang each member goes off on their own Murray was a pro racing circuit and Bentley and Penelope stick together to refurbish the Cooper vault it's him to build a time machine which smoothly breaches a slice final adventure it's like Cooper thieves in time so sometime after the Cooper boat job Franklin finds out that sly is alive and with Carmelita and he wins right at him to prove that he's faking the amnesia wait Franklin I understand you're doing Bentley all these random Turtle character names but Franklin remember that Kate show back in the day about that turtle had that bear and oh yeah that was boring as hell right so even more time goes by for donatella find out about what slides been up to spies pretty much retired and he's built a life with Carmelita mah man is dead faking an eater for some box since the Cooper ball job squirtle and Pinilla people to lie for themselves - they built a new lab estar doing research on the Thievius Raccoonus well really knows that Penelope just vanished along with some condom the Thievius Raccoonus so Bentley finds Murray then finds slient is him about the missing content so I can't have someone messing with this book so he sneaks away from his woman and joins Murray and Bentley thus reforming the Cooper gang Bentley explicit someone is literally running around the timeline erasing Cooper history luckily books a time machine for just such an occasion however to get to a certain time they need an artifact from that timeline before they embark on their quest to screw up the time-space continuum they need to ransack a museum before the job they hired to meet you again to keep a watchful eye on the book while they're gone then the team doesn't think flawlessly until it's light gets caught by his ex-girlfriend Carmelita man for a master thief you really suck at not getting caught sly Carmelita is tight just like give him the usual stuck you were marking dibs on it he'll be back don't worry with the Japanese artifact in hand the flattery time Atlanta their first stop in feudal Japan there they'd fight slice a Cesario chief the famous ninja and adventure of sushi however when they arrived they found out that the dictator El Jefe is imprisoned the ninja for selling bad sushi how the hell does the creator of sushi sell bad sushi sly brings in the janitors out of prison the meningits of them about how he'll have paid for me the area now so the cooper gang with the help of rio chi slowly free the village from El Jefe his grasp while the game's a village back El Jefe makes his appearance and steals real cheese cane so I can put the tiger to get it back but when he defeats him a bunch of mask rat super show up and get the jump on him he then watches these two particulars Kade and enter a blimp with a shadowy figure watching him the niblet vanishes but before it vanished when the trooper shot the bad sign his gang his travel to their next destination the Wild West there they'd find Tennessee kid Cooper but unfortunately he was thrown in prison by the sheriff of this place toothpick so I guess in to prison in freeze Tennessee kid then at the hideout Tennessee explains what went down before they got here he was about to pull off a bank heist one that was supposed to go down and Cooper history as legendary but he got caught before he had a chance to rob the place then what he was sent to jail the robbery still happened and he was charged for it even though he was in jail what kind of crooked cop the person responsible for this toothpick just like how jefe is actually from the present and it turns out that toothpick captured Carmelita who somehow found her way in the past not even time travel can stop this lady from hunting sly luckily Tennessee kid saves a crazy-ass Fox this slide tries to play nice but Carmelita ain't having it toothpick used to distract him to arrest lie on the rest of his gang and take their van so Carmelita and Tennessee team of to save them once they grip the gang out I try to explain itself once again but Carmelita is still bought her just wants to get back to the present apparently she was sent back to the past by Cyrilla paradox someone that come earlier ran into while working on a case and the shadowy figure that we saw back in feudal Japan so right now she's sick of time-travel sick of sly and refused to believe is oxidation but she needs the gangs man stumble back to the present so she heats up with them anyway together they get the bad back and put an end to toothpick they revel in their W for a bit they knows that they're heading straight for a cliff they drive off the cliff but luckily Bentley goes mergs Nick listen to the time machine so blast him off into an unknown time in place turns out that got sent back to 10,000 BC Australia and because of the crash the time machine is too damaged to work so Carmelita just kind of leaves in frustration I mean I get it you're mad but where the hell are you gonna go while searching the area sly finds a random bear named Grizz who also happens to be from the president then they just so happened to find the first Cooper to exist he only speaks gibberish though some slide calls him Bob Bob explains in his own way that Grizz just kind of came here started snatching his food so I can't have someone robbing the first Cooper so they agreed to help him do away with the bear with the help of Carmelita who's actually spent time to think what the sly situation is now less pissed they get to the Bears base then Marie beats dog out of him but after the raid Carmelita's as I stick with him - says her best bet of getting back home then thanks to pure ex machina luck they find out from Dimitri that grizz's crown could even to the next destination in 14th century England so they throw the crown - they're now fixed time machine and had to Inglot to find sir gallant Cooper's a sister from this time just like the last few place today visited ain't right here either sir Galef has been reduced to a gesture and Mickle's are walking around they live here Cooper does a thing and sees a dramatic as hell sir gallant thank God tells them about a mysterious Dark Knight who appeared not long ago with his army of mecha wolves sir gala tried to fight off the army in the night but the power of the feature was too much for him which led to him getting defeated and reduced to a gesture so with their objective obvious the gang work on taking on the black knife at their spying on him they put over the Black Knight is actually Penelope badly his girlfriend Penelope damn you see it can't be trust in these rats son she's a mouse dumbass and close enough apparently Penelope thought Bentley was holding himself back by following slide so she stole Bailey's time machine plans and built cirillo paradoxes time-traveling blue Bentley is shook by this new info and crawls into a shell on an impression so sly Magan continued the mission without him but they bow stick down the bitch-ass Mouse for their friend Dixon from the ex Cooper gang member would you too much of a takes lie on with the ones and twos she hop into a giant robot climb the squad take it down but the Bree from the robot pin slide down luckily Bentley sees them in an Olmec suit and beats his ex-girlfriend afterwards Dmitry contacts and directs them to their next destination in Arabia to help Selim alkyl par another one of slice ancestors and a ton of member from the four TDs yes those three beats using the core that Carmelita took his evidence from a museum in the present they travel to their next stop when they arrived they found out that 40 thieves retired and alka part is up and vanished they find an old Alfa par they flew the him in the last of the 40 thieves were planning to rob this new lady who appeared in Arabian named Miss decimal but when they tried she got the jump on them and captured Alka parts partners the recruit has been trying to find a way to save them ever since so their task this time is to stop miss decibel fly eventually catches the paradox and miss decibel going on about their plans the elephant is using her own otic power supports the deeds that she captures to forge historic documents suros planets that have these documents for so he can rewrite history and give himself a royal lineage in the present the Cooper gang can't have a paradox screwing with the time-space continuum on this scale they continue their efforts and find surreal time-traveling blimp the paradox shows up talks his the rules that he stole Salim's Kane then that thief throws municipal happened to hold him off as he escapes they beat the elephant and surreal visit he also has Carmelita in its custody how the hell did you get captured the paradox and escapes is not only Carmelita and alkyl parse cane while all the paisa slice ancestors the gang went over their adventures through time the gang feels hella defeated right now but they ain't got time for that because the Miche is them up telling them to rush it a present Jude is going down they get to the prison and spotlit paradoxes face everywhere it's like he runs the place now Bentley pulled up the skunk's backstory and they find out the surreal come from a lineup these very similar to the Cooper's the paradox his father had plan to ruin Conner Cooper's legendary diamond heist by stealing the diamond himself and free meeting on the raccoon but Connor Cooper's too quick for the so the paradox failed and got arrested leaving Cyril alone to learn the crime business by himself this led to the scum getting in prison after a bunch of failed robberies then after he got out he created a criminal syndicate thanks to the links he made in jail and he used this whole all collection thing as a front for criminal activities now looks like the paradox leaves the Cooper family for all his misfortunes and he wants to prove another paradoxes are the better line of thieves even though his father the one who up and got himself caught if these villagers took the time to see their reasons for being evil are usually stupid like this wouldn't happen sly employed recent blimp invites Carmelita but it's a setup the skunk beats him once again and traps him in the Fox the paradox reveals his time tunnel but advisement to sense line Carmelita on a never-ending trip Valley nude a time-space continuum a couple kind of needs to dip badly and murder then pull a clutch move and rikuo all the Cooper ancestors as they met while traveling through time each of the Cooper's find their cane and Tennessee kids free slime Carmelita before he said back to his time now free slide tells Carmelita and the rest of the gang to leave the blimp with Adam as it time total tears it apart then sly engages the paradox in a final fight to decide which line of these is better 5-piece the bitch-ass Doug but he pauses the whole help me undying trick so the paradox uses the chances nationalised paraglider now slides on a blimp that has fallen from the sky with no way to get off safely then let paradox jumps off with slice glider but karma shows up in the shape of a plane it smacks him up the sky well at least he's dead well no he's not he actually survived the fall thanks of landing in water he got arrested though some time goes by for that night the TV's for Kunis is back to normal but sly is nowhere to be found the disappearance of flight once again led his friends to pursue their own adventures Murray got into pro wrestling Carmelita threw herself into her work but is still trying to find her favorite criminal and Bentley adamant as ever is using all of his readers to often look for sly well fortunately for the former Cooper gang and Carmelita slides alive but he's stuck in Egypt in unknown time period and that is where sly story ends with him stuck in Egypt with no hope of getting back home that's a really crappy ending yeah yeah it is and this would be the part we talk about the Sly Cooper movie that was supposed to come out back in 2016 but it never did what were cause of the canceled movie in the cliffhanger ending sly story was pretty good it got wild in and sensical at times but this series did start back at o2 so what did you expect funny enough at one point the creators of Darksiders were working on a Sly Cooper game for the PSP not much is known about it because it was canceled during early development but based on this dope-ass concept art it looks like it was supposed to be their original thieves in time but unfortunately the game never came to be and I highly doubt we're gonna get a Sly Cooper game in the future if at all well at least you can always sit back or remember sly for who he was and hey if you used to agree with me let me know if you think a new slide game is in the works or maybe a remake that being said it's great yo fam thank you guys so much for watching this new episode of honest gaming history about Sly Cooper I appreciate it once again thank you for a rich for sponsoring this video check out the stuff my code is in the description below and yeah use it tell me if you like it if you do the video don't forget to Like share with other people who like Sly Cooper or like suck but games in general and comment unless you want to see me cover and honestly in history in the future I'm thinking because it at the map because aftermath coming out I'm just gonna drop a whole bunch of MORTAL KOMBAT kak your son like I'm thinking like after that comes out I'm just gonna get into doing like the remastered version of scorpion the remastered version of Sub Zero the remastered versions are rated like I don't think I don't think unless Luke actually has some actual story in here I'm not gonna redo replicate story because that is still pretty recent but yeah I'm gonna start just rolling out a bunch of Mortal Kombat characters let me know if you like that in the comment below I'm planning on doing that if you don't want me to do that let me know as well but yeah I think about a whole bunch of ammonal Kombat character then if most of you like it and that's what we gonna do go meal it if you want to see more of me don't forget to subscribe and hit that bella defecation button because if you do not you will never be updated on when i post a new video and i'm sure you subscribe you want to see when I pull few videos if you don't want to you don't have to shout out to Trey Trey Gil Thomas J Reaper await and all my other dope pages you'll have support the channel with their very kind donations and if you also wants to put the channel with your kind donations go to my patreon page in the description below there's only one tier just a dollar you can help support the channel to help me keep on doing this for as long as possible but as you know if you cannot do that sharing liking subscribing commenting all that good stuff still helps out when I say stuff like that it sounded weird so with that being said I am off this so as usual be easy stay lit take care say the silence you have to go outside and if you have to go outside where your frickin mask and you'll be able to have a put your mind to all tickets practice and time take care of people
Channel: The Black Mastadonte
Views: 96,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sly cooper, sly cooper ps3, sly, cooper, sly cooper movie, sly cooper cutscenes, sly cooper and the thievius raccoonus, sly 2: band of thieves, sly 3: honor among thieves, sly cooper: thieves in time, sly cooper full movie, sly cooper 3, the sly collection, sly cooper cutscenes movie, playstation 2, sly 3 honor among thieves, sly cooper all cutscenes, the story of sly cooper, sly cooper series, sly cooper explained, sly cooper story explained, honest gaming history
Id: qZdtbT50fI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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