[Devil May Cry] The FULL Story of Vergil (UPDATED) | Honest Gaming History

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so there are a bunch of reasons why the Devil May Cry series is one of the dopest gaming franchises to ever exist the gameplay is good the plot is awesome without being overcomplicated held the freaking name Devil May Cry is enough to make any gamer jizz their pants but the one factor that totally stands out is the main cast of this franchise you've got the charismatic main protagonist of the series Dante the badass new protagonist Nero and who could forget the edge Lord Himself and subject of today's episode our boy Virgil right play that intro son [Music] hi so long ago there was this powerful demon warrior named Sparta Porter and his demon kin were in the midst of a great war against humans but Sparta wasn't about the war against humanity so he rebelled against his fellow demons and single-handedly defeated the dark Emperor motifs and his army and to make sure the demons of the underworld stayed away from the humans he use his own blood the blood of a priestess his sword a special amulet known as the perfect amulet and a good portion of his power to seal the door between the two worlds known as Tammany grew humankind greatly respected Sparta and treated him like a legend much much later he fell in love with and knocked up some chick named OVA nine months later even gave birth to two sons Dante and Virgil the two boys were trained by their father Sparta until he randomly disappeared while they were still young before his disappearance however even gave each of the brothers one half of the perfect amulet with Sparta gone saltiest Mondays seized his opportunity for revenge and sent demons after Eva and her two sons unfortunately for Virgil he was not with his family during this attack so after Virgil leads his demon powers to defeat the demons that ambushed him he went back home only supplying to Eva and Dante gone and instead of you know being logical and assuming that Dean was attacked Eva and Dante too he falsely accused his mother of abandoning him bro if you got attacked by demons wouldn't you also assume that your family got attacked by demons too and the worst part is that this false accusation basically turned Virgil into the power-hungry Edge Lord we know today mind you his mother died while looking for after multiple years of traveling brutal runs did a demon orchim who tells him about the tammany grew Virgil's like tomini grew demons more power God needs that he wants to open the gates of the underworld so he can claim Sparta's weapon the force edge he also finds out that his little brother Dante still alive but instead of getting all hype to see the guy he takes Dante's half of the perfect amulet then beats his ass Dante pleads for his half back so Virgil gives it back and tells him that he could come back for her whenever he wants mom man basically said I am your big brother so when the time comes I will beat that ass again then claim that amulet sometime - this virgil goes to fortuna in order to learn more about sparta he finds out about the order of the sword knocks up some random chick than tips saying that these people will soon learn about the true power of the son of Sparta after more time passes Virgil reconvenes with Arkham together they summon the Tammany group and Arkham goes to Dante's crib to basically tell him that Virgil is ready to give him more smoke Dante ain't no [ __ ] so he goes into Tim and he grew to accept the Virgil's challenge Virgil proceeds to beat the life out of him then he takes the other half of the amulet Arkham and Virgil then make it to the bottom of the timony group in order to perform the ritual to open the gates of the underworld now that he is a few steps away from his goal Virgil has no need for Arkham so he kills him damn Virgil chill Virgil then attempts to perform the gate opening ritual but he fails he's missing something but he has no idea what it is then Dante shows up ready for his rematch Virgil's like maybe I just need more of Sparta's blood Dante also has father's blood so I'll just take it from him so the brothers fight but get her up there by a woman named lady hi so lady is the daughter of ARCA before all this happened Alchemist is your average human but he was enticed by The Legend of Sparta so he sacrificed his wife in order to gain demonic powers so now lady hates ARCA and is here to get revenge lady's interruption turns to Brotherly duel into a stalemate but then the demon jester enters the fray jester is actually the demon form of Arkham after his entrance he starts talking all the [ __ ] apparently everything that transpired up until now went according to his plans he wants part his power for himself so he tricked Dante and Virgil to showing up here and lady is the final piece of the puzzle she has the blood of the priestess needed to complete the ritual so Arkham opens a gate to the underworld and obtained Sparta's power which forces Dante and Virgil to team up in order to put an end to the demon after the final battle Virgil's like I'm still trying to get dad's weapon though so the brothers fight once again with Dante seizing victory this time but Virgil is way too salty to just accept defeat so he keeps us after the amulet and falls deeper into the underworld there were two runs into mundus she revels in the thought of facing the Prince of Darkness then rushes at him now it was never officially stated who won the fight but we could go ahead and assume that Virgil lost mainly because he shows up as a slave of Mondays and doesn't make rye one which takes place after Devil May Cry 3 LM a crime one Dodd's a defeats Virgil once again and takes the other half of the amulet so now we could move on to Devil May Cry 5 since nothing else really happens to Virgil and Devil May Cry 1 years after arrow and Dante defeated Sagat and Devil May Cry 4 Virgil returns from the underworld now free from London says hold on but my man is hell away from taking all the LT took in the previous games so he makes his way over to Nero's place rips the kids arm off turns into his old sorghum Otto than dips with his original weapon back in his possession virgil heads over to red grave city the place of his and Dante's birth there in order to gain more power and expel his weaknesses he stabs himself with yamato in order to separate his demon side from his human side this gives birth to the extremely powerful demon your ism and the physically weak bait you know what's crazy if Virgil knew this is possible it doesn't make rice read this whole series would've went differently like Dante would probably be dead already and this whole game would just be an epic drama about Nero and Virgil yo yo yo that would actually make a dope ass game yo Capcom call me your boys got ideas anyways as yours in Virgil's summons the coffin redgrave city he plans on using the fruit that grows from this demonic tree to gain even more power and become a demon God as me Virgil is like well can't have that then first hires Dante lady in church to take down your is this and just for good measure he recruits Nero as well neither Nero nor Dante and his team serve as a match for your ISM yours in completely bodies Dante and his squad then Falls up by beating the life out of Nero don't forget that you're just dead weight [ __ ] one month later Nero returns to fight your is it but he is once again defeated then Dante shows up transforms into a new and more powerful Devil Trigger form and engages your is it but yours and leaves mid-battle in order to claim the fruit from the Kwai Fong get back here in Cassie's hate-filled hands son when it comes to be up until this boy he just been trying his best to help Nero and Dante defeat his demon counterpart but the father they go on their quests the weaker he becomes after Dante leaves the chase after euros in being Nero make their own path to the demon boss on the way B informs narrow that years and isn't even the name of the demon they're facing he tells near that years and is actually Dante's brother Virgil with that in mind the two head over to the self-proclaimed demon king only to find dante getting ready to finish him off we request that he be the one allowed to slay your is it Dante allows him to do his thing but when V gets to ear is in Dante notices that something is off before we can do anything about it these stabs yours in then fuse with them to turn back into Virgil Nero is all types of confused at this point dante attempts to fight Virgil but Virgil easily defeats him then tells him to go and heal his wounds so they can have a proper duel hold up guys can we all just sit back and appreciate Virgil's motives for a sec he's not doing all this with some generic reason like taking over the world or whatever this whole time he just wanted to get to a pool where he can fight his brother again at full strength Virgil just wants Dante to catch his fade I can appreciate an antagonist with those kind of motives so Virgil leaves and Dante prepares to go after him for their rematch but Nero is tight because he's trying to get Virgil ahead - don't forget that this dude stole his arm however Dante denies his request by revealing to him that Virgil is actually his father nero gets even more confused and dante heads over to his brother once they meet they immediately start fighting but before they're able to complete their fight nero shows up and puts an end to their duel he is not gonna allow them to kill each other virgil then challenges nero and tells dante that if he beats Nero Benny wins verified - Dante could care less about murders conditions so the father and son fight only for Nero to seize victory after the father-son quarrel the three realize that they can't just sit here and continue bickering the Klatt fault is still a thing and the only way to cut it down is to go to the underworld sever its roots then close the portal to the underworld from the inside we're gonna size to handle it so he and Dante can continue their business and Dante falls in for backup before they leave though Virgil gives Nero a book that he carried around his V it's kind of like a keepsake letting Nero know that his father has some type of respect for him and then the story of virgil ends with him and dante successfully severing the cliath roots and closing the portal to the underworld what's going on fam and thank you guys so much for watching this new honest gaming history episode so as I was finishing up this video I realized they didn't really do a good job in covering me like I looked into this character and there's actually a lot to this character so if you want me to cover him in a separate honest gaming history episode let me know in the comments below with that being said shout out to sprays or space fnh Paul and all my other dope patrons out there that make videos as possible with their very kind donations and if you are not already a patron I would like to become one please check out my patreon page in the description below and find out how you can support the channel for as little as one dollar a month if you enjoyed the video please don't forget to Like share comment who you want to see me cover next and subscribe if you have not already and with that being said that's all folks please don't forget to hit that bulma fication button because i plan on updating once a week once I move and yeah I will see you guys next week so as usual be easy stay lit take care
Channel: The Black Mastadonte
Views: 88,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: devil may cry story, devil may cry full story, devil may cry explained, devil may cry lore, devil may cry storyline explained, devil may cry timeline, devil may cry manga story, devil may cry story order, devil may cry story chronology, devil may cry story explained, devil may cry history, the full story of vergil, devil may cry vergil, honest gaming history, the black mastadonte, devil may cry 5, devil may cry 3, devil may cry
Id: ZPzhyFJYymM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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