The FULL Story of Street Fighter

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Street Fighter 6 is on the way and I cannot  contain my excitement the whole aesthetic is   dope as hell every single character trailer  has blown me away even for the characters I   know I'm not gonna use like guile no offensive  I just can't do that charging [ __ ] and this   new world tour mode is looking to be one of  the best features ever added to the franchise   you mean I could walk around and throw hands in  the street fighter World say less so all this   hype got me thinking I already did a full  explanation of the Mortal Kombat lore why   not take a crack at this one so today  honest gaming history we're explaining   the full timeline of the Street Fighter  lore and I'm not talking about a simple   summary here we're going over everybody  in the roster then from there we'll make   some assumptions about the street fighter 6  story based on what we know let's get into it We Begin the year 1987 with the First Street  Fighter game developed by Takashi nishiyama   and Hiroshi Matsumoto nishiyama was inspired  to make the game after working on Irem's title   Kung Fu Master or Sparta next in Japan after the  game's release Capcom joined him from Irem and   there he improved on what he created with  Spartan X in an interview with he   states that he wanted to create a game with more  depth back then games were simple you run around   and shoot [ __ ] that's it he wants to create  an actual story with characters who had goals   crazy how that was a goal when the street  fighter Lord now is all over the place as   for the story the first game focuses on Ryu an  orphan martial artist learned how to throw hands   from Master goken to test his training my man  flies to Thailand and entered the First World   Warrior tournament he had dokens his way through  the competition until he gets to the champ Sagat   the Emperor of Muay Thai and this dude beats  the brakes off of Ryu it gets so bad that he   tries to show Mercy while our boy is down but  he immediately realizes that was a mistake when   Ryu gives him the meanest wake-up show you can  have life leaving a legendary scar at his chest   with that Ryu takes the win but he walks away  feeling off something took over when he show   you can Sagat he'll soon find out that it was a  satsui no hado The Surge of murderous intent AKA   black Air Force energy now though they weren't  important to the plot the First Street Fighter   also debuted ryu's best friend and rival Ken the  Assassin again sagat's pupil A don the English   bouncer eagle and the British fighter birdie there  are others but they're just one-off characters who   never show up again so we'll skip them now on  to the Alpha Series which yes came out after   Street Fighter 2 but canonically takes place  right after Street Fighter let's get into it when it comes to the story a lot of things are  going on at the same time for Ryu after his   fight with Sagat he returned home only to find his  master gouken dead killed by the man's own brother   Akuma the master of the satsui no hado AKA The  Lord of black Air Force energy so he goes looking   for the murderer while getting some much needed  training done well this is going on Saga also   trains his ass off for his rematch against Ryu  and develops a tiger blow in the process so to get   better than Ryu you just bit off his move that's  sad to God later he's found by his old student   Adon who's now looking to challenge him for the  title of emperor of Muay Thai mental's Master get   beaten was like hold up let me try and he actually  wins damn I didn't even realize how many Elsa got   took elsewhere rolento from the final fight series  makes his debut we won't get too much into the   final fight plot but know that it is connected  to the street fighter story if you win a final   fight Laura summary let me know in the comments  relentel used to be a part of the Mad gear game   but he dipped and left Metro City because the  gang life was starting to suck now he's out to   achieve his dream to form a Utopia Sodom also from  final fight in the Mad gear gang finds him to try   and bring him back but rolento refuses meanwhile  The Crime Boss and bison starts plying M bison is   leader the dark organization known as shadalu and  a master of using the malevolent energy dub psycho   power but since it's evil it's a double-edged  sword psycho power is strong as [ __ ] but is   tearing his body apart eventually he'll need a  new one he hears about ryu's achievements and   sets out to find him on the way he recruits a god  since the guy has a huge hate boner for Ryu and   birdie from the First Street Fighter also one  quick thing I'm sure you're all wondering how   birdie went from being practically white in Street  Fighter 1 to being black and Alpha well according   to his Alpha 3 winning quote it's because he was  sick so homie was not only a whole different skin   color but looked completely different because he  was feeling under the weather doesn't make a lot   of sense but this is Street Fighter anyway back  to bison's Antics his former student rosh had   to throw his plans but he escapes her Smoke by  playing dead later respawned by kicking Master   Chun Li who's looking to avenge her father who  bison killed but bison bodies her and laughs   away then the last person to comfort the Bison  smoke is USAF first lieutenant Charlie Nash he   heard rumors that shadow Luigi's were hiding in  the American Military so he wants some answers   from The Crime Boss himself but in a sick turn of  events he's betrayed by his own people and shot in   the back damn why isn't it steamrolling through  all his obstacles right now well that's going on   Akuma runs it again from the First Street Fighter  Akuma still on his quest for a worthy opponent but   again is sadly suffering from leukemia he wants  a worthy opponent too to end his life and he's   hoping Akuma can be that guy but Akuma lets him go  because he wants real unsick hands his quest for   smoke brings him to Ryu who if you don't remember  was looking for him all this time Akuma tests ryua   and confirms that he can tap into the satsuite  Ohio but he's not the level that he wants so he   lets him go but destroys the island they're all  to show him what a fully realized black Air Force   practitioner looks like following this ree was  finally met by Sagat for their rematch and this   dude to God actually wins hey look at you sagot  but out of pity for the guy and also because he's   still shook by the satsuite Ohio business Ryu let  him win never mind to God you suck but this serves   as the growth moment first of God for one hands  are training even harder and upgraces tiger blow   to the Tiger Uppercut we all know and love and  two when he eventually runs into the clown ass   fighter Dan hibiki he doesn't completely murder  his ass see Dan's father goal once challenged the   guy and took out one of his eyes so Sagat killed  his ass thus fueling dance drive for Revenge but   Dan is a garbage ass fight like you may be able to  finesse them in the game but in lore he is ass so   when Sagar ran into him and saw this dude filled  with anger it kind of reminded him of himself and   how Ryu made him feel so he let the poor dude win  unfortunately this went to Dan's head Elita making   his own Dojo to teach his crappy made-up martial  arts to others but that's a story for another time   back to the main plot over time bison realizes  that his psycho power is becoming too much for   his body to handle there goes that double-edged  sword but he had some contingency plan set up just   in case for one he has his newest product known  as a psycho drive it's a Doomsday Machine Shadow   Lewis building which is capable of channeling  a [ __ ] kind of psycho energy into him and to   handle all that power he and his scientists made  a perfect clone of him named Cami she becomes a   part of his League of Assassins known as the dolls  however during a mission to assassinate the Indian   fighter doll seem who's only in the story to raise  money for his village he snaps her out of her mind   control in response bison sends his dolls after  her as well as a member of shadowloo named vega   Vega is an assassin from a noble family in Spain  who actually made his debut in Street Fighter 2.   and fun fact his fighting style is a combination  of bullfighting and Ninjutsu that's pretty dope   but alas he's another charge character that my  simple mind cannot handle anyway these guys go   after Cami but they all fail Cammy too broken  bro so with little options left Bison goes back   to plan A get Ryu well he doesn't want to just  show up and snatch him up that's not what Maine   villains do instead he kidnaps his best friend  Ken and controls his mind using psychopower man   said work smarter not harder pissed Ryu confronts  Ken and gives him the hands of friendship to knock   him out of his mind control sadly bison pulls  up and beats his ass right after though now our   boy finally has three where he wants him he uses  psycho power to control him and hands him to his   subordinates of God they can have another go at  their rematch but unbeknownst to bison Saga had   some character development he now understands  that being fueled by hatred ain't doing [ __ ]   for him plus would want to fight their arrival  when they're being mind controlled that's some   [ __ ] [ __ ] facts so Sagat makes an effort to  Snapper you out of his mind control meanwhile Ken   returns from getting them hands of friendship  and is joined by Sakura to hold off bison this   girl is a high school student who idolized  Ryu ever since she saw him throw hands in   the First World Warrior tournament she's only  here because she's been following Ryu to see if   he'll train her back to the smoke so God manages  to free Ryu and in the process rediscovers a   connection between the satsui noharo and psycho  power he then confronts bison for their rematch   and this time with a strong ass mezu shorty you  can with that Saga and Ryu agree that they'll   settle their true rematch later then they can and  Sakura leave while bison crawls back to a psycho   drive to recover but he forgot about his rogue  agent Cami she returns to the rest of the Dolls   looking to defeat bison once and for all to free  them from a psychic control however bison warns   that killing him will only destroy the their minds  so after beating bison Cami uses the psycho drive   to save the dolls but they all fall unconscious  from The Strain while trying to escape the base   no worries though because Vega finds and saves  them from the collapsing HQ he believes that   beings as beautiful as them shouldn't die so  basically Vega joined chatalu only to fail his   first mission then save the girls that beat  his boss dude might as well be an anti-hero   with how he uses he is as a villain damn I never  thought about it like that but yeah you right as   for bison well this man doesn't believe in death  he somehow transfers his Essence to the body of   rose and that is the story of the Alpha Series  but there are still a bunch of characters he   missed because they honestly didn't do much in  the story so here's a quick background on all   of them to start we have the Russian wrestler  zangia originating from Street Fighter 2 he was   initially tasked by the leader of the Soviet Union  to show the world their country's strength however   after the psycho drives reveal his mission was  changed to apprehend Shadow next we have a guy   the ninja from final fight who studies the bushin  Ryu style he also pulled out that they're hearing   about shadowloo from his master zeku we'll learn  more about zaku once we get to Street Fighter 5   also from final fight we have the former hero  of Metro City and my main from sf4 Cody dude   was locked up with the prison World changed  him oh D now he's addicted to fighting so much   so that he breaks out of prison just look for a  good brawl anyway next is the Mike Tyson wannabe   balrog originally from Street Fighter 2 he's a  former heavyweight boxing champion who ended up   working for bison as a member of shadowloo he was  tasked with apprehending Gen and Birdie the latter   of which left Shadow with the goal of overthrowing  Bison himself yeah okay birdie good luck with that   then there is Blanca who also came from Street  Fighter 2. this dude that joined the roster   by accident he was chilling in his home in the  Amazon jungle until he accidentally entered human   civilization on a poacher's truck also two fun  facts his name is actually Jimmy and during the   Alpha Series he couldn't really communicate with  humans he was just out here screaming grunting   and electrocuting people sticking with the Street  Fighter 2 characters next we have E Honda he's a   sumo wrestler from Japan who's in the game show  the world the true power of sumo that's it also   and I'm just now realizing this while recording  homies government name is Edmund Honda Edmond   Honda nothing wrong with the name it's just that  from what I know he's from Japan so I didn't think   his first name would be Edmund I haven't double  checked his Origins just to make sure and yeah   he's 100 from Japan maybe that's why he wasn't  fully Japanese in the live-action Street Fighter   movie who knows next up in the roster we have  rainbow Mika the pro wrestler who made her debut   in Alpha 3. she just wants to make a name for  herself by traveling the world and throwing hands   in the street she's also a huge fan of zangiev  next is Karen kanzuki who made her debut in the   Manga Sakura ganbaru she Sakura's rival and heir  to the prestigious kanzuki zaibatsu outside of a   rivalry with Sakura fueling her she's also here  to look into shadowloo since they're interested   in her family's business and that's it for the  main roster in the arcade release the Home console   Port of alpha 3 added a bunch of new characters  to start we have another character from Street   Fighter 2. FEI Long our token Bruce Lee copy  like many of the other Fighters he pull up to the   story looking for smoke and in turn attracted the  attention of shadowloo after the psycho Drive was   destroyed the movie was released detailing the  events but with Fey long as the main character   My Man released a whole crisis to shoot his way  into stardom next we have the kickboxing musician   DJ I remember first hearing about DJ and getting  so hyped not only because he was one of the first   black characters in Street Fighter but also  because he's from my home country Jamaica but   he's another charge character so I tried him and  failed terribly honestly I Gotta Give It to the   guys who played these kind of characters how the  hell do you charge while keeping up with someone   trying to kill you like I feel like when I fight  a charge character they're used so seamlessly that   I don't even peep the charge they just body  the [ __ ] out of me don't cheat it's fine   you're just asset Street Fighter say with your  chest anyway originating from Street Fighter 2   DJ started traveling the world after becoming a  world champion kickboxer on his travels he was   heard humming some dope tuned by a music producer  That Tune inspired him to work on a whole album   with our boy so basically homie was looking  for smoke but found his love for music next   is another Street Fighter 2 character T Hawk  from the thunderfoot tribe he entered the plot   because people from his villages appeared and  he suspects Shadow to be responsible Julie one   of the Dolls actually used to be his girlfriend  following him we have guile also originating from   Street Fighter 2. now guys placing this story is  a little confusing because of continuity issues   he entered the plot to go looking for his comrade  Charlie who went AWOL after his last mission if   you don't remember he was killed up there and was  revealed that some of the US military is working   with Shadow but in his Alpha 3 story Charlie is  still alive and he actually helps him in chimney   defeat bison and destroy the psycho Drive however  because of Street Fighter 5 we now know that Alpha   2 ending in which Charlie gets killed in a Solo  mission is a Canon one so technically guile just   came here searching for his friend who we didn't  know was dead that's pretty depressing when you   think about it and the last two from the roster  are shinakuma and Evil Ryu but shinakuma is just   Akuma when he goes full saw to winohado and  Evil Ryu is a what if hacker that shows what   would happen if Ryu also went full satu in Ohio  the only Canon version of Evil Ryu is kage who   doesn't pull up till Street Fighter 5. now we can  finally pull up hold up we're still missing a few   people wait what okay to the arcade roster did  the console roster oh [ __ ] I'm sorry y'all I   forgot there were two versions of alpha 3. one for  the Game Boy Advance and another for the PSP title   Street Fighter Alpha Max the portable editions  added Eagle who was originally Just A Randall in   Street Fighter 1. Maki from Final Fight 2 Yun from  Street Fighter 3 and Ingrid from Capcom fighting   Jam Eagles looking to perfect his fighting style  and ends up fighting guile in the process but   this is where a story falls apart because he joins  Galena for handing shadowloo but we now know that   gal's pardon Alpha three-story can't be Canon so  Eagle is just kinda here apparently he also sees   Saga as his rival so there's that monkey studies  the bush and Ryu style like guy and she joins the   game to challenge him for the title of Grand  Master fun fact like car and she also made her   debut in Sakura ganburu and she's also a rival of  sakuras the Kung Fu petitioner Yun appears because   he hears that FEI Long is working with Shadow but  his entry also was a Canon don't worry though him   and his brother Yang appear later and last we have  Ingrid who's looking for shadowloo because she   claims to be the original user of psycho power  now her entries in Canon either because in her   story she's the one who beats bison but what she  does is still pretty interesting after bison's   defeat is revealed that her Crest is powering  the psycho Drive she then uses to travel into   the future to see what's become of Ryu who knows  maybe this means she'll make an appearance in   Street Fighter 6. but with that we are finally  out of the Alpha Series now onto Street Fighter   2 the part of the story that's most confusing  mainly because it's not really clear who does   what but I'll try my best to connect all the dots  the good thing here is that even though there were   a lot of iterations of Street Fighter 2 like this  [ __ ] dates back all the way to the original that   released in 1991 and goes on to Ultra Street  Fighter 2 which launched in 2017. the roster   for the most part stayed the same so a little less  work for us yay but with that time for some lore this part of the play is jump started by bison's  evil ass dude somehow found another body after   hiding in rows for so long and avoided going to  jail by bribing the judge now he's back on his   quest to get Ryu he really wants my man's body  film to lure him out bison forms a new base in   Thailand and announces the second World Warrior  tournament vegan balrog entered because well they   kind of have to I mean they're still a part  of Shadow Saga enters looking for his rematch   against Reeves and even though he had all that  character development he's still a part of Shadow   you hate to see it Blanca joins simply because  the [ __ ] he went through in the Alpha Series   made him realize he loves street fighting also he  knows how to speak a little now thanks to becoming   friends with Dan and Sakura Cami joins because  of her past ties to bison after the events of the   Alpha Series she woke up with amnesian was found  by the British government organization Delta red   luckily her combat skill stuck with her and she's  been an asset for the team ever since since bison   killed her dad Chun Liang is looking for Revenge  into end chatalu DJ Now a major music artist Joe   is just promote his work and find a new beat for  his next album I guess delivering hands inspires   him to write music doll scene returns from India  to once again raise money for his village but he   realizes fighting even if it's for the betterment  of his people goes against his pacifist beliefs so   after the tournament he quits fighting and travels  the world to help people in need E Honda makes his   return to once again to the world of power of  sumo also apparently a bunch of his fellow sumo   wrestlers were caught taking a really sketchy  drug made by Shadow so Honda is also trying to   look into that one of the reasons why he has his  face paint on it so he could hide his identity   so homie's like a whole Sumo vigilante moving on  zangiev also returns to show the world the power   of His country Fey long interest after taking  advantage of the cycle Drive incident to make   a movie tournament makes him realize that he's  a much bigger fan of real smoke instead of the   choreographed smoke is used to on movie sets man  said enough of the fake [ __ ] I want real danger   guile joins to avenge Charlie and teoch joins to  reclaim his people's land from bison and save his   lover Julia who goes by Julie now really Winters  2 of course test his strength and he convinces   Ken to join after sending him a letter talking  about how hard he's been training it's crazy   because Ken almost didn't join since he found a  new flame in his future wife Eliza at last we have   Akuma who decides not to join but instead watches  what happens to see if anyone here is worthy of   his hands with that the World Warrior tournament  commences but like I said before it's not clear   what really happens Ken and Ryu definitely meet  up for a match but the winner is never revealed   and to make things more confusing Street Fighter 2  technically has two different endings and I'm not   sure which one is Canon on one hand we have the  ending where guile chinli Kami Ryu and Ken team up   to defeat bison after his loss instead of giving  himself up he offs himself by exploding with   psycho power on the other hand you have the ending  where Akuma pulls up on bison and hits him with a   raging demon to kill him and fight whoever the  finalist is personally I like the second ending   more because it just shows how much Akuma does not  give a [ __ ] man didn't even enter the tournament   he just skipped to the final boss and ended his  ass because he could this is why akuma's the goat   But whichever ending you go with the main thing  to know is that bison is dead again now before   we move to Street Fighter 4 there were two other  characters to wear a street fighter 2. Evil Ryu   and violent Kent they were an Ultra Street Fighter  too we already know about Evil Ryu but violent Ken   is completely new he's a version of kin that was  controlled by bison psychopower one can argue that   he's also a what-if character but technically we  already saw this Ken when Ryu had to fight him   in the Alpha Series with that we can move on to  the next game in the timeline Street Fighter 4. as usual bison somehow returns from the dead  but he's not the one who jumpstarts the plot   this time or at least not directly remember  how bison was doing research on possible body   replacements for himself one of those experiments  specifically the 15th led to the creation of Seth   a literal martial arts machine they were made by  slapping together the fighting styles of multiple   Different World Warrior competitors homie was  dead made by the smoke and they are not a fan   of Shadowood in fact after bison's supposed to  death Seth was like [ __ ] that dude I'm a way   better final boss than him then proceeded to take  over the remains of shadowloo through its weapon   division the shadowloo intimidation Network AKA  sin CIA agent Crimson Viper makes her debut in   this game and she joins in to figure out what  they're planning jury the Taekwondo Menace that   everyone [ __ ] with also joins sin but she has  ulterior motives as well that we'll get into   later by set's command she's had to take down and  kidnap the rest of the Dolls left back by Shadow   her Mission almost succeeds but Kenny pulls up  and manages to save Juni one of the dolls from the   Alpha Series when she returns to Seth they pull up  bison and start another world Warrior tournament   do something known as the Bliss project sin has  been working on a machine with the ability to   augment one's key to fully develop it they  need date on the strongest fighters in the   world hence the tournament and of course just  like bison their main target is Reed for the   Hefty satsuite Ohio Ryu ends up joining the  tournament to get a rematch with Ken instead   he ends up getting his rematch with Sagat who  is now done with shadalu and though it's not   confirmed it seems like Ryu wins this time jury NC  Viper joined because of their loyalty to sin but   the most important competitor is bison the winter  is just to [ __ ] [ __ ] up homeboy cycle crushes   his way through the tournament with a weaker body  than usual might I add and Beast a mess on a Seth   then my Man reveals this is all a part of his  plan guessing he was too lazy to revive Shadow   after Street Fighter 2 so we just had Seth to it  for him after Seth's loss jury shows up prevailing   this is all part of her plan too see when she  was a kid her father was a prosecutor who was   going after Shadow loot but bison couldn't have  that so he killed her parents the attack also   severely damaged her eye so 10 years later she  had an operation done by sin to install the feng   shui engine in their missing eye socket this is  a small device meant to boost her fighting Power   since then she's been an assassin for sin with  the main goal of getting Stefan bison to kill each   other but her Mission failed since Seth got bodied  what she finds was left of Seth she kills them by   stomping out their Tandon engine the source of  their energy but now you're probably wondering   wait if jury kills Seth then how the hell does  Ryu fight them later well apparently this is   just one Seth after bison's attack he freed of  the copies of set that were made by sin so Ryu   and anyone else who fought set during the end of  their story actually fought a clone speaking of   Ryu once he makes through the tournament and gets  his Seth fight he beats the guy and destroys the   Bliss project afterwards he leaves with Sakura  who once again into this tournament looking for   Ryu sometime later Ryu was found by his old master  gokhen who actually wasn't killed by Akuma damn   akuma's lacking nah bro Goku was straight up using  hacks so y'all know how the Raging demon or Shin   Goku satsu attacks your soul well goken counter  that by using the opposite of the satsui noharo   the power of nothingness to straight up empty his  soul homeboy gokan dead said can't kill masol if   it's not there brother but now that he's back He  makes himself useful by stealing Ryu satsui nohara   with the power of nothingness wait wait you mean  gokane could have helped Ryu out this whole time   but instead chose to play dead pretty much I guess  it was goken's idea of a lesson Bro [ __ ] lessons   I have literal black Air Force energy tearing me  apart every day help me Sensei the [ __ ] anyway   akumari emerges afterwards pissed at goken would  dare mess with his pup so the two duke it out   once again to decide who gets to keep Reeve we're  not told who wins this but since Ryu is not crazy   evil in Street Fighter 3 or 5 we can assume that  Goku menace to get the W later Ria reunites with   Ken and they chase after their Master anger that  he's trying to dip again without saying a thing   well goken's like bruh y'all are grown ass men  stop following me and live your damn lives and   that's pretty much it for the main story of Street  Fighter 4. now on to the characters we didn't get   to let's start with the main roster from vanilla's  Street Fighter 4. first up is newcomer Abel before   sf4 he was actually when the first successful  replacement bodies made for bison but it seems   like he became self-aware like Kami so he was  deemed imperfect and chatalu abandoned his ass   because of it luckily Charlie back when he was  alive found him suffering from Amnesia and saved   his life in Street Fighter 4 he decides to go on  a journey to find out who he really is and this   journey brings him to professional Shadow hater  Chun Li she tells the mentioning tournament made   by sin is his best bet to get some answers on his  journey of self-discovery and smoke he runs into   guile and confirms that this guy was Prince of  Charlie later when she hits the fan at sinhq Abel   helps Gail and chinlius get the chatalu base but  on the way he runs into a Seth clone and realizes   how similar they look this is because Steph and  Abel are technically Brothers they were made using   the same experiments it's just that Seth was  a better model the devs were actually thinking   of naming Seth Kane because of this distinct with  the biblical reference if you didn't already know   Kane and Abel were the first two sons of Adam and  Eve however they chose to instead name him Seth   after Seth Killian the former senior manager  of community at Capcom this also preserved the   biblical reference since Seth was the third son  of Adam and Eve meant to replace Abel after Kane   killed him anyway following he's met by bison who  lets him go after calling him imperfect then after   the fall of sin Abel decides to continue his  journey of self-discovery but what were Chun Li   and Gail doing here well being two of the biggest  shadowloo haters in existence they joined the new   tournament solely to see what sin was up to Cami  still working with Delta red join them at a point   when she was going down at sin HQ she found a  former doll named The Capri suffering from bison's   mind control to save her she's forced to leave her  with bison which is a very questionable move why   would bison save your friend when he's the one who  made her like this regardless Cami continued her   infiltration and found data on the police project  her mission was to collect this data but out of   fear that keeping an attack could do more harm  than good she deletes it instead this pisses you   by bra who only joins sin to get a hold of this  info nevertheless after she leaves the base she   decides to continue her for the rest of bison's 26  engineered bodies moving on our boy Blanca returns   in his tournament because people were looking at  him funny back at home now he wants to fight her   in everyone's respect but Hostess demise he heads  home after finding out his mom was looking for him   this whole time yoga master doll scene forgets  about his pacifism pack to enter the tournament   because sin is messing with the water in his  village Shadow loose stays messing with my man   doll scene bro luckily with the fall of sin they  all seem gets his water back but he's starting to   get sick and tired of try to lose [ __ ] E Honda  appears to once again show the world the power   of sumo his quest for smoke brings to another  newcomer El Fuerte this Joe character entered   just to increase his culinary skills he sparked  some beef with zangi have to prove who was the   better wrestling style also fun fact El Fuerte was  trained by the master of el stingray a character   from the very old slam Master Series developed by  Capcom Mike hagger from final fight was also in   this series and it said that slam Masters is also  within the street fighter Universe onto zangiev   he came back because apparently younger kids from  his country thought his wrestling was boring and   would rather watch other martial artists so he  pulled up at the tournament beat a Seth clone   and took a picture of him holding the unconscious  clone to prove to his younger fans that he's still   the [ __ ] newcomer Rufus makes his debuts only  because Kenneth is the strongest fighter in the   U.S and he feels like the title belongs to him  they find the tournament and though the winner   is not made clear I think we could all agree that  Ken beat this dude's ass Dan comes back to spread   the word about a psycho Ryu style and FEI Long  returns from his movie career because sin attacked   his crew the mysterious roles also re-emerged  after seeing a vision of bison's return she's   later met by the Tyrant who takes back the power  that he left within her which restores all the   memories of what he did while in Rose's body bro  that must have been scary as [ __ ] imagine being   footed with memories of Bison doing wild [ __ ] in  your body I'll be shook she ends up getting saved   by a guy who doesn't fully appear until Super  Street Fighter 4. the Assassin again returns and   joins the tournament looking to avenge Chun Lee's  father's death they used to be friends and because   of that he's been protecting Chun Li when he could  later he catches akuma's fight with goken over re   which inspires him to keep fighting even though  his body is giving out on him next we have Vega at   the shadow collapsed due to the events of Street  Fighter 2 he went back to bull fighting but soon   got bored of it he was hired by sin but betrayed  them the moment says plan started falling apart   sounds about right he ended up taking a copy of  the Bliss products Data before Kami destroyed it   and dips the running into Chun Li fellow shattaloo  member balrog isn't into the tournament but is   instead sent by bison descendants to retrieve  what it says bodies but balrog's trying to get   paid so instead of doing his job he goes looking  for Treasure his search brings him to a young boy   with a glowing Shadow Mark barrock doesn't know  anything about the kid but surmises that he might   be valuable so he takes him in dips and that's it  for the vanilla roster now for everyone to add it   in Super Street Fighter 4. starting with aidon he  hears about the New World Warrior tournament and   answers to fight his former Master Sagat before  the tournament was even announced so got pulled up   to one of adon's matches looking for inspiration  he eventually got challenged by Adon and whooped   his ass now the former people is trying to enter  God's life out of Revenge they crossed paths in   the tournament and unfortunately Aidan whoops a  got to ass again God damn it's a guy what happened   to all that character development next up is my  boy Cody and his boy guy Cody once again breaks   out of jail due to boredom after hearing about  the New World Warrior tournament guy interested   to send floods his home of Metro City with  weapons they eventually meet and throw hands   but like almost every fight in Street Fighter 4  we don't know who wins what we do know is after   everything went down Cody returned to a cell and  Guy saved Rose so man I remember when Cody's trash   drop and I just knew he was gonna be my main his  theme song the limit man just broke out of prison   for the smoke the fact that his punches are so  real they summon mini tornadoes yo Cody was that   dude anyway how Jamaican bro DJ makes his return  because he's bored of music and wants to get back   into fighting British boxer Dudley from Street  Fighter 3 pulls up two after getting invited to   this new tournament another newcomer akan joins  a tournament to show the world the power of the   Turkish national sport oil wrestling and yes this  is a real thing and it's exactly what it sounds   like wrestlers douse themselves in oil and go at  it it's a tradition that dates back 4 500 years   well all right you learned something new every day  back to hakan and his stories revealed that he's   old friends with E Honda they just argue about  whose martial art is better Ibuki who mirror   debut in Street Fighter 3 as well sneaks out of  her ninja School in Japan to enter the tournament   just to meet cute boys Makoto another character  from Street Fighter 3 joins for honestly the   noblest of reasons she practiced rindo con karate  in Japan but her father died leaving her to take   care of the failing Dojo she made it to the end  of the tournament but she came a little too late   Seth already lost so she didn't win any money  but even with that pulling her down she returns   to Japan ready to make money the old-fashioned way  yo Makoto is best girl bro you heard it here first   and last in the Super Street Fighter 4 set we have  t Hawk who entered a tournament for atonement for   failing all those pastimes against shadowlands  damn dude still didn't find his girlfriend well   he did in his ending but that doesn't seem to be  Canon since she's still a doll in Street Fighter   5. now on to the added cactus from Street Fighter  4 arcade edition the only important people from   this expansion were the Kung Fu twins Yun and  yang they appeared because they followed Chun   lead thinking whoever she fights must be a worthy  opponent Evil Ryu got added but once again he's a   what-if character and oniga added but he's a what  if version of Akuma that went 100 into the satsui   nohara think shinakuma but on crack next up are  the characters from the final iteration of Street   Fighter 4. Ultra Street Fighter 4. first we have  Elena from Street Fighter 3. she's a princess from   Kenya who practices the dope ass art of dancing  smoke capoeira her dreams to travel the world   and meet new friends but after she hears a  disturbance in the forces of nature she's   was joining since tournament to discover what the  source of that storybin says she doesn't end up   finding it but she does formed friendships with a  bunch of the Street Fighter cast including Akuma   which took a picture with homegirl has to be on a  different level if she got the Lord of black Air   Force energy to be her friend next are Hugo and  poison these guys also made the debut in final   fight and they were a part of the same mad gear  gang rolento and Sodom were a part of however at   the default of the gang is separated years later  in Street Fighter 4 wrestler Hugo decided to join   the sin tournament to show off his strength while  wrestling manager poison joint looking for new   Talent by the end of the tournament Hugo allows  poison to become his manager sticking with the   final fight graduates relenta returns because he  hears about the police project with the goal of   using it for his new Army he joins a tournament  but the project was destroyed before he can get   to it and last in the roster is the Capri who  he already went over she was taken in by sin   After shadowlu's Fall with her objective being  to kill Seth however as you know kemi found her   later and gave her a right back to bison because  he's the only one that can save her deteriorating   mine and that is it for what happened in Street  Fighter 4. Now we move on to Street Fighter 5. so since bison returned to shoot Fighter 4  Shadow was back on its [ __ ] however they   have a new member named Fang who replaced to  God Fang is the one to jumpstart the plot this   time with his plan operation chains he sends a  bunch of giant satellites named black moves up   in space and plans on using them to cause a giant  EMP across the world they plan on using the chaos   that will include a boost spice and psychopower  but thankfully one of the hackers they kidnap to   make this all happen sabotage a plan by sending  the keys for each Black Moon to a different   warrior in the street fighter Universe newcomer  Rasheed received one of these pieces because the   hacker who sabotage operation chains was his close  friend he raised the shadowloo base with the goal   of saving them but unbeknownst to him thank kill  them to make [ __ ] worse Fang finds him during   the infiltration proceeds to whoop his ass and  steals his key with it he detonates one of the   black moves attending an EMP through New York  and throwing the place into chaos she oversheed   you really dropped the ball my guy all this gets  the good guys to start making moves Karen kanzan   recruits Ibuki and birdie to look into these black  moons meanwhile a mysterious group led by a woman   who goes by Helen revives Charlie intends to  collect the keys to the moons and you already   know our professional shadowloo haters are pulling  up too Garland shouldn't lead team up again and B   line into New York but what about our boy Ryu well  even though goken seal the satsui noharo is still   [ __ ] with him so he's currently trying to figure  out how to get a handle on this he goes to doll   scene for guidance who tells him that he must face  the murderous intense that are trying to suppress   it however his lecture is cut short by the ancient  Aztec warrior nakali AKA demon Jesus this guy   seeks The Souls of powerful fighters to eat them  his Target is now Ryu in good old's Street Fighter   fashion they do get out but nakali overpowers him  and forces him to tap into the South between Ohio   fortunately doll seem saves our boy but nakali  dips afterwards back in New York Chun Li and   GAO find bison Fang begin balra causing Mischief  Chun Lee tries to square up with bison even though   this is a losing battle and proceeds to get her  [ __ ] rot bison almost ends her ass too but the   homie Cami shows up just in time to save them this  escape and it's revealed that guylin chin Lee both   have black moon keys but they can't do anything  about that now because Charlie appears looking   for those same keys and even though God used to  be his bro he doesn't recognize him so he beats   the squad takes their keys and dips he returns to  Helen's Hideout where he meets Rashida and jury   who were just recruited I should also mention that  jury has an eye patch because before all this she   tried fighting bison and homeboy ripped out her  feng shui in Jedi she eventually found another but   Jesus jury you're tough [ __ ] anyway at Helen's  base she tells the rest of them the same thing she   told Charlie about the keys they need to collect  them and stop Shadow but during her explanation   her boss yurien shows up now this guy isn't  important right now but just know that he can't be   trusted and to prove that the first thing he does  when he shows up is beat the mess out of Charlie   luckily the rest of the squad stops his crazy ass  before it gets too serious elsewhere Karen starts   making moves to stop operation chains as well by  recruiting a bunch more fighters from the Street   Fighter world when Ryu and Ken are contacted after  a sparring match Ken says they'll go for the both   of them right now Ryu needs to focus on keeping  that satsui know how to in check back at Kanza   phq the recruited Fighters start making plans to  split up and search for the fighters with chess   pieces Ken heads to Brazil where he meets the Bro  Sean matsuda from Street Fighter 3 and his sister   Laura matsuda my main for the short time that  I play Street Fighter 5. Laura has one of the   keys but since this is Street Fighter she doesn't  give it up without a fight and in a wild turn of   events she beats Ken well [ __ ] even in the lore  lore is no joke after the brawl Sean convinces   the scissor that these guys ain't here for the  smoke they need her key so Laura gives him the   key and joins the squad with the goal of making  matsuda Jujitsu known around the globe meanwhile   GAO joins Grappler gods and gift looks for another  key but they run into balrog and that kitty saved   in Street Fighter 4 named dead they managed to  fend off the duo at first but then Ed uses his   psycho power to snatch the key they were looking  for back in New York we found another character   from Street Fighter 3. Alex this dude is actually  from New York completely forgot about that his   parents died when he was young and ever since then  he's lived with his dad's friend Tom and Tom's   daughter Patricia while raising him Tom Alex the  art of the hands doll scene confronts him asking   about the key he received then after fighting  for no reason Alex just hands it to him Alex is   just hungry for the smoke bro back in Brazil the  Capri pulled up to Ken Laura in the gang if you   don't remember last time we saw her bison took her  in because her mind was falling apart Cami jumps   in and knocks her out but the cops pull up at the  worst time because Sean called them Sean you have   superhuman martial artists by your side there was  no need for the cops they tried to arrest her but   Cami can't have that because this is their sis  so she assaults one of the cops then jury pulls   up dead ass out of nowhere and takes out the other  one afraid that she might get her friends caught   up in some [ __ ] she decides to take the Capri  and leave a jury not sure why jury even came for   her but whatever later team kanzuki regroups and  infiltrates the shadowloo HQ holding the machine   that powers operation chains there they find  Rasheed and since they're after the same thing   Rasheed forgets about his Squad and joins theirs  damn homie wasn't loyal at all honestly after   talking to Helen and yurien I would have left too  with Rashid they managed to NAB the rest of the   keys so they steamroll their way to the machine  run into Abel who's been undercover as a shadow   loose Soldier this whole time and together they  shut down the moons but figs [ __ ] ass is like   welp can't have that and instructs one of the  hackers to program all the moves to collapse   in 24 hours I mean I guess this will give bison  more than enough chaos to mess with yeah at the   cost of millions of lives yo bison truly does not  give a [ __ ] speaking of Bison homie pulls up to   the base because he's sick of people messing  with his plans and Charlie comes through just   in time ready for the smoke he's been waiting  for this [ __ ] bro but sadly he gets his ass   beat again you hate to see it before bison kills  him nakali returns because this is where all the   violence is happening and if you don't remember  this guy feasts on the smoke bison hits us with a   all according to Plaid because he's freaking bison  and he and akali fight while Charlie runs for his   life this time nakali gets his ass beat and dips  later Rasheed finds a week in Charlie and they   book it together when nakali reappears for the  smoke the unite with team kanzuki as they escape   the base on a helicopter elsewhere with Kami and  jury because they're a team now the Capri starts   Walling out again trying to kill Cami then Vega  pulls up just to throw hands the lower reason for   this is because he sees a new form of Beauty in  her and he wants to see it more so honestly yeah   he just came to throw hands he beats Cami loses to  jury then leaves it to seeing Cami defend her sis   back at Kanza key HQ Charlie and Rasheed return  to their people to figure out what they can do   about these falling satellites there Helen reveals  a clue that was left back by rasheed's friend for   him now Rasheed knows how to stop the moons though  oh also I should mention that cami is with Team   Helen now guess she's just following jury for the  time being Helen starts going on about how this is   for sure gonna take down shadowloo and now she's  all excited and [ __ ] then she turns to Charlie   saying now you can finally kill bison aren't you  hype but Charlie's not down for it he's like imma   be real with you lady I tried fighting bison and  I got my ass [ __ ] it was terrible bro not doing   that again then Helen actually gets tight saying  bro what the [ __ ] you saying I revived you for   no reason the whole point of you being here was  a beat bison and you can't even do that yo this   is why you're gonna die again soon and Charlie's  like yeah [ __ ] I know but now I'm leaving your   ass cause you disrespectful as [ __ ] they need  dips every she leaves with him damn Helen done   [ __ ] up and lost two people serves her crazy  ass right back at Kanza KHQ Ryu finally returns   to the plot now that his training is done and  I'm sure the whole satellite falling thing got   him on his [ __ ] nakali meets him for the smoke  and Ryu kicks his ass with his new ability the   power of nothingness the same thing gokuan used  to tank the Raging demon now that Ryu is here   Team contiki sets out to jump bison again Charlie  or Rasheed come through too but they're basically   their own Squad now once team contiki lands at  the base they fight through some dolls while Kami   durian is seemingly okay DiCaprio joined to do the  same eventually Rasheed stops operation falling   chains which in turn frees the dolls from their  mind control Charlie confronts bison again even   though he knows he's about to get bodied but this  time he sacrifices himself Majin Vegeta style to   deplete bison's power man took else for his whole  story but at least he was not a hero next up on   the chopping block is annoying ass Fang can I just  say this dude was the worst addition to Shadowood   pretty sure you only got this job because he's a  professional bison dick rider fortunately Chile   whoops his ass and saves the last hacker a little  girl named Lee fed now it's time for Ryu to claim   the W for the whole Squad even though he was  M.I.A for pretty much the entire story using   that good old Power of nothingness he defeats  bison once again maybe he'll actually stay dead   this time with that they leave the base before  collapses and they all live happily ever after   but wait what about Helen is what you're probably  thinking well in a scene that plays in the credits   it's revealed that her name is actually Colleen  and this whole time she's been secretly following   Gil the antagonist of Street Fighter 3. now  I can explain the secondary plot that was   happening in the background see Gil Orion and  Colleen are all involved with this cult known   as the secret society or the Illuminati throughout  the Lord they've been manipulating things in the   background their ultimate goal is to form their  own Utopia after the prophesized end of the world   gillison is their destined leader because of his  aptitude for the smoke Colleen is the secretary   and yurien his brother is Vice President Colleen  was trying to take out Shadow because there ain't   enough room for two big ass evil organizations in  this plot and that perfectly sets us up for the   Street Fighter 3 story but before that let's talk  about the characters we missed first up is Abigail   someone I thought was a newcomer but he actually  originates from final fight he used to be a part   of the Mad gear gang however in Street Fighter  5 he renounced his life of crime and now runs   a mechanic Garage in Metro City in his story he  fights people because he likes making car noises   but people mistake it for farting and other weird  noises also crazy fact this dude is eight feet   tall and 584 pounds Jesus next is the master of  smoke Akuma after his fight with goken to claim   Ryu he continued his journey to find the ultimate  opponent before the whole operation changes in it   he rans again and seemingly killed him after a  fight later he finds ree when sets out his power   of nothingness in battle Akuma wins but Ryu takes  the Elwood stride saying his fist will continue   to communicate with Akuma from the opposite side  of the smoke with that Akuma leaves again next   up is Ed who was present during the sf5 story but  there are still things you guys should know about   him especially since I think he's going to be  very important to the future of Street Fighter   after a balrog season from the shadow loot base he  chained him in the art of boxing I'm guessing due   to Shadows experiments he ended up growing into  a teenager rather quickly however he's constantly   haunted by nightmares after the fall of shadowloo  he feels bison trying to creep back into his mind   but he breaks out of the trance however he fears  that he's a threat to his Guardian balrog if you   can't keep his psycho power in check he could  kill the guy but balrogs lie like what hurt me   child I'm basically your father you with her and  [ __ ] feeling insulted and challenges him and   wins so he leaves and months later he forms a new  organization dubbed neo-shadaloo their goal is to   find others who were experimented on by Shadow  and give them a home damn Ed that's Noble as   [ __ ] sticking with the newcomers next we have  minat the Egyptian fortune teller and Apprentice   of Rose before operation changed she confronted Ed  and warned him about hard times coming up for him   and his boy balrog this is most likely referencing  how they split up after shadowlu's fall following   minat is zeku he's technically a newcomer but his  official first appearance was his Street Fighter   Alpha 2 as an NPC y'all remember guy well this  dude was his master he was originally the Grand   Master of bushin Ryu Ninjutsu but he passed  that title on to guy after when she started   working on his own fighting style meant to be an  evolution of bush and Ryu before shadowlu's fall   he tried recruiting new students but to no avail  later he's seen contemplating a name for his new   style Strider ends up being one of the names he  considers now nothing has been confirmed yet but   I'm pretty sure this is a reference to the action  platformer Strider in that series Striders are an   elite League of high-tech ninjas this could mean  that the Strider series takes place in the future   of the Street Fighter universe and the bushin Ryu  style may be the roots of The Strider style this   is just a theory though let me know what you  guys think in the comments below back to the   roster next is our Brazilian homie Blanca once  again he's not really doing anything important   here he started a business selling Blanca dolls  and they end up becoming really popular in an   arcade that Sakura works at speaking of Sakura  she's now grown in working a part-time job the   reason why she wasn't in the main plot was because  she was busy adulting well [ __ ] chasing the bag   instead of chasing the hands I'm proud of you  girl and in her story she lowkey has an early   life crisis thinking about why they're fighting  is what she wants to do for the rest of her life   after Shadow lose Falls she runs it to Rieu  and once they fight she realizes that one day   she wants to start a family home girl is really  growing up Cody returns to sf5 2 as the mayor   of Metro City former mayor Mike hagger exonerated  him of his crimes and gave him the title now he's   running the city and cleaning up at streets dude  went from jailbird to Bear ill is promotion after   next is [ __ ] another newcomer to the series  she once was a shadow experiment until Ed found   her and saved her he later recruits her into  neo-shadowloo following her as a mysterious   Abraham lookalike and newcomer G apparently  this guy calls himself the president of the   world that's a cocky ass title geez genus to  unify the world and he does this by raising   his popularity through social media but one of  the biggest mysteries about G is in regards to   Q another ominous character who debuted in third  strike since G dropped everyone has been talking   about how similar these two are and what makes it  even more odd is that we're not given much about   either of them to be honest I'm not really sure  if G and Q are the same person mainly because Q   doesn't even talk while G is super social however  some proof lies in Gil's character story which for   the record takes place after Street Fighter 3 but  for the sake of this explanation I'm going to talk   about it now in his story he dead-ass raids G's  livestream to present himself to the world they   battle and Gill wins then Gia loses to the fact  that they are after the same thing the mere fact   that he has a connection with the boss of Street  Fighter 3 is a big tell but this could all just   be Capcom throwing a huge red herring let me know  what you guys think about G in the comments below   anyway on to our boy with all the yells Saga it's  a guy story and Street Fighter 5 was actually   pretty interesting since it basically mirrors what  Ryu went through he's seen training as he usually   does but the satsui ohado comes at him like a  truck honestly I didn't even know Saga could   tap into this [ __ ] however experiencing the  murder's intent Builds an understanding for Ryu   this helps him tap into the power of nothingness  to quell this hatsui noharo later he's met by kage   the embodiment of Ryu satsui noharo kage beats  him but so got comments on how this being will   never be as strong as his boy Ryu after that fight  kage goes looking for the smoke against Akuma but   even after beating him Akuma baritamin forces him  to retreat afterwards he returns to Ryu for more   hands but Ryu overcomes his influence by using the  power of nothingness so I guess kage is dead now E   Honda returns to the game as well but he's just  traveling with akan and running his bath house   man does not have a care in the world even though  Shadow was just trying to take over the world next   we have Lucia from final fight she's a detective  of the Metro City Police Department she doesn't do   much inside of attack Abigail because she thought  he was still hanging with the Mad gear gang later   Cody recruits her as well as poison to take  care of crimes going on in Metro City speaking   of poison she's in this game too but without  Hugo since they fell out it's all good though   cause her story ends with her giving the wrestler  another shot she also tried getting Abigail to be   her wrestler of choice but he's too busy being  a mechanic to care about that [ __ ] Seth also   returns an sf5 or at least a copy of Seth jury was  tasked with activating one of the dolls but doing   so caused Seth's personality to take over the doll  however the transfer wasn't perfect so Seth's mind   is extremely unstable they go looking for bison  for Revenge but they end up fighting Eden Focus   dead thinking that these guys are bison after the  brawl Eden Falk leave Seth B they don't have time   to worry about this thing switching up on them  in a moment's notice next in the roster is Akira   the first playable Street Fighter character who  originated from the old Capcom fighting game rival   schools Akira and her brother Daigo were orphans  but after The Disappearance of Daigo Akira made it   her mission to find him she ended up fighting him  in the second rival schools game project justice   but we don't have time to talk about about that  right now she entered the Street Fighter 5 story   because she was looking for her old friend soccer  to train with yeah if you don't know Sakura made   a cameo at rival schools she visits the kanta Kia  state but she gets jumped because nobody knows who   she is then they have a beach party when Sakura  clears everything up next is the clown of the   roster Dan [ __ ] habiki his dojo is failing cause  he's trash so after being inspired by Blanca's   dolls he starts producing his own to advertise  his fighting style and that's pretty much all he's   here for 11 is another newcomer to the series but  it doesn't do much here either it's an experiment   made by the Illuminati meant to copy the abilities  of Fighters before the events of the main story   urian tried testing it out but he deemed it as  a failure so Colleen used his body to bring back   Charlie this is why Yuri and came on him all crazy  back in the story he feels partially responsible   for his creation moving on to Oro from Street  Fighter 3 this guy's whole thing is that he's   a legendary martial artist who mastered the art of  senjutsu his goal is to find someone worthy enough   to teach his techniques to in Street Fighter 5 he  goes on a quest to find that successor he meets   a lot of people but the most important is doll  scene the chat about multiple philosophies and   Oro mentions how he believes that forces like the  satsui noharo and psycho power are not inherently   evil bro the satoid Ohio is dead ass The Surge  of murderous intent that [ __ ] is evil as [ __ ]   don't try to sugarcoat it Rose also returns to the  plot but this time she's less worried about bison   and more worried about this vision of the future  she keeps having it shows the end of the world   and for some reason the mysterious G is involved  maybe this also has to do with The Illuminati's   Prophecy with no idea on how to stop it she thinks  I'm finding a way to contact her past self maybe   she'll be able to rewrite time that way and  last on the roster is a newcomer with a big   ass forearms Luke this guy's father sacrificed  himself to stop a bomb that threatened to kill   multiple people thus inspiring Luke to join the  Army but Midway into his tenure he realized this   life may not be for him guile finds the kid and  gives him some words of encouragement leaving Luke   more motivated to live a life that both he and his  father can be proud of and that just about covers   everyone from Street Fighter 5. but before we  continue I just want to thank all of you who are   watching for making it this far this is a project  that has been months in the making and it reminded   me how much I truly love writing about video game  lore it was hard to get everything organized but   I am super proud of myself for getting it  done so once again thank you from all right   all right they get it now can we please continue  we're almost done and I'm tired fine geez okay   y'all we're at the final stretch let's talk about  what happened it's Street Fighter 3 second impact for those who don't know Street Fighter 3 new  generation came first but second impact wreck   counts a lot of the story and third strike wraps  up the events of second impact it's been a few   years since all that [ __ ] happened is G fighter  5. a lot of the original roster is older and done   with fighting the Illuminati is thriving right now  though business is going well and the organization   is growing so much so that Gil ends up getting  his hands on a fly to you car that was previously   owned by the father of Dudley if you don't  remember Dudley he's the heavyweight British boxer   he showed up in Super Street Fighter 4. later  Guild challenges Alex's caretaker Tom and beats   him within an inch of his life homie said call  me the Messiah of smoke meanwhile under Gail's   command the Illuminati starts working on something  deemed the G project it involves multiple genetic   experiments with the goal of creating a league  of super soldiers to populate the world win   according to their prophecy Armageddon happens  newcomers necro and 12 were created from these   experiments however necro went rogue cause [ __ ]  the Illuminati later as part of the same project   Gillen Colleen up another world Warrior tournament  they're looking for the strongest people who are   worthy of surviving the upcoming apocalypse and  like the last Street Fighters Bishop jumps our   supply to the Street Fighter 3 games our boy  Dudley enters to get his father's car back he   doesn't win but Gil just gives it back to him bro  what was the point of taking it in the first place   our girl Elena returns not to enter the tournament  but to make some new friends she ends up studying   abroad in Japan Ibuki Naruto runs back into the  plot because her clan tastic with fighting the   Foss from the G project Gill ends up just giving  it to her though the project is already underway   so no reason to keep this [ __ ] secret the Rogue  experiment necro as well as his girlfriend every   into the tournament for vengeful reasons but nekro  gets trapped in the process he's later saved by   his girlfriend they decided to stay on the run to  the Illuminati doesn't catch them all row enters   looking for a worthy pupil and also because the  Illuminati is sus Reed Winters are pretty much   the same reason he's always been entering for  training Ken enters too cause father to sticking   him away from his best bro for a while so he's  looking to catch up the boy Sean steps up from   being a side character because he was inspired  by Ken unfortunately he's trash though Mike   I really hate to say it but Sean is quite possibly  the weakest playable character in the lore after   Street Fighter 5 he spent his time hounding Ken  to get the guy to teach him the hands multiple   field attempts lets again finally taking him  on as a pupil but after training him for a sec   homie sent him to fight Ryu out of annoyance damn  can I understand you're just trying to raise your   kid but that's foul of course Ryu who upset ass  thus pushing Sean to train by himself yin and   yang returned just to show off also did you know  Yin is the older twin brother I don't know from   the designs it just felt like Yang was the oldest  but hey the more you know Gil's hating ass brother   Yuri enjoys the goal of defeating him and taking  his place as leader of the Illuminati but in the   most hilarious turn of events Gil lets his brother  win so you're eating us the title of president   but he ends up getting promoted to emperor of the  Illuminati so yurien is still just player two damn   homie death needs some therapy anyway Hugo returns  to this partner poison just for this smoke that's   pretty much it Akuma doesn't enter this tournament  either but like in the last tournament he just   alerts looking for someone to fight he ends up  fighting Gillen hitting him with the Raging demon   but unmannosed to Akuma the guy revives himself  afterwards and last but not least we have our new   protagonist Alex who joins to avenge his master  Tom he ends up getting to the end and defeating   Gail but he passes on killing him and heads back  home to see his boy Tom fully recovered also fun   fact before this tournament Alex entered another  tournament we fought against balrog and destroyed   him so that feat and his win against Gill proves  that Alex is one of the strongest cactus in the   street fighter Cannon Gill even takes interest  in him after their battle but with that let's   get into third strike and wrap up the Street  Fighter 3 story since the tournament is over not   much happens here Dudley gets knighted Elena goes  back into street fighting to make more friends the   decides to study abroad in France Hugo and poison  start a new wrestling promotion Ibuki challenges   Oro for her ninja graduation exam that has a  college after passing Sean enters a U.S Martial   Arts Tournament but takes another L and Kenneth  Benson by winning the next tournament Ryu later   finds Cannon challenges his little friend to a  sparring match which he wins veterans into Alex   and beats him too he encourages a young Warrior  to continue his training then goes back to his   training while on the Run necro and his girl  are confronted by Illuminati experiment 12.   but necro Beast thing and they escape Akuma and  Oro meetups duke it out but we're never told who   wins this match Makoto hops back into the play  and challenges Ryu to a fight which brings a   [ __ ] ton of publicity to our Dojo newcomer Remy  joins the plot to honestly do nothing he holds a   grudge against fighting because his father left  his family to pursue martial arts and his sister   died in his absence so he upholds his Grudge by  fighting well that's [ __ ] stupid yeah I know his   story ends with him growing out of his Grudge and  moving on with his life also he has moves similar   to guile and Charlie so maybe he's related to one  of them in some sense weird-ass Q doesn't do much   either he's being investigated because of multiple  murders have to do with him but his pursuers don't   really get much on him which further solidifies  why I don't think G and Q are the same person I   mean G is crazy but he wants to run the world not  kill people but then again there's a possibility   that he was innocent or maybe Q is G being mine  don't you you're doing it again you right you're   right let me stop anyway next is yurian's [ __ ]  ass who tries to kidnap Lee fan for the G project   luckily chin Lee hops back into the plot to save  her so Yuri and just taking L's as usual yup but   it continues after Gill raided G's live streaming  that cuts in an sf5 but actually takes place at   their sf3 yurien gets pissed how dare his brother  present himself to the world so the dumbass hater   challenges him once again to lose again yurien  just stop bro and the really sad part is that   as Gil leaves he's like brother your time to be  my replacement will come to pass that's what the   prophecy States Ben yurien's like yo [ __ ] the  prophecy I want to be the chosen one and he just   continues to yell like this as Gil walks away  dude has no respect for this man none at all   bro but with that we have finally completed  the street fighter timeline everything from   Street Fighter one to now we [ __ ] did it  conscience damn Thank God now after all that   the big question is what does this all mean for  Street Fighter 6 well as of the day that this   is being recorded we know that Blanca Cami Chun  Li DJ Dawson E Honda guile jury Ken Luke Ryu and   zhangia are returning to the roster and Jamie  Kimberly Manon Marissa Lily and JP are making   their debut to the series as for what everyone's  doing here from what we know Blanca has become   a tour guide Chun Lee is now done with hunting  Shadow and she's now training Lee Finn the same   girl she saved in Street Fighter 5. meaning we  could see Lee fed as a playable character doll   Seema throw in his pacifist route and E Honda  is still trying to show the world how powerful   Sumo is Jaime inspired by Og zunan Yang is doing  what he can to protect his hometown by the way for   anyone wondering Jamie is for sure going to be my  main homie's fighting style is break dancing Kung   Fu need I say more jury's just kind of chilling  now because she doesn't really have a reason to   do anything since bison's dead Ken is apparently  on the run because of criminal accusations which   which we'll get into later Kimberly graduated from  college early and decided to train another guy in   the bush and Ryu style because she was bored so we  had this black female character who's not only a   ninja but apparently she's a genius let's [ __ ]  go also though I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be using   Jaime as my main I'm gonna be playing a lot at  Kimberly too Luke who's now a contractor for a   private military company is spending his time  teaching mixed martial arts and of course our   old protagonist Ryu is back to seek true strength  as for everyone else they didn't mention we don't   really have enough information about them yet from  this influx of new characters as well as a huge   influence hip-hop culture has in the aesthetic of  the game I think Capcom is trying to make this a   better version of Street Fighter 3. if you didn't  already know sf3's big thing was that I was going   to bring players to a whole new generation of  Street Fighter the vanilla version had a bunch   of new characters while just bringing back Ryu  and Ken however at the time of release a lot of   people were pissed about how pretty much the whole  roster was new that's why more familiar faces join   with the release of second impact and third strike  I think now they're using what they learned from   that and Street Fighter 5. to reopen the door to  make new generation and I think this attempt is   way smarter because we have some new characters  coming in and we're still getting the older   characters but with some more spy since they're  actually age this time like look at my boy Ryu   finally out of his struggle gee my man's got the  drip now also it's looking like we'll be getting a   lot of callbacks to older Capcom franchises like  final fight since the game takes place in Metro   City during the trailers we even see some guys  from the Mad gear gang maybe this means they'll   be important to the plot who knows anyway back to  the whole new generation thing I think what makes   Street Fighter 6 truly special is that you become  a part of this new generation in the new world   tour mode you get to create your own character and  travel around Metro City to learn the true meaning   of strength so you're basically on the Ryu path  pretty much you explore the area you're learning   from different Masters to up your move list so you  get a first hand look of what it feels like to be   a new fighter in the street fighter verse it's  not confirmed whether you can play online with   your created character but as a standalone feature  this is already pretty sick I can very much see   them making you the sense or the story it should  unfolds which brings me to what I think is gonna   happen in this game I have two two big theories  for the first one I think the Illuminati is going   to return because of their whole end of the world  prophecy originally I was sure that bison would   make us come back but now that I've had time to  think on it I truly think the shadowlu Saga is   over hell the name for the sf5 story is a shadow  Falls if that isn't a euphemism for the death of   Bison then I don't know what is it would also  be pretty repetitive because what's bison gonna   do this time hold another tournament to try and  get a strong body Bro you've been doing that for   years stop Street Fighter 5 also works as a smooth  transition for the Illuminati to become the main   villain of the series and though sf3 did give us  more on their story I wouldn't say they completed   it we still have no idea what the Gate of Harmony  is that G and Gil speak of and this prophecy they   keep bringing up is talking about the end of the  world that seems like something you would want to   address directly and it makes for a solid fighting  game story maybe yurien gets so sick of Gil that   he starts Another World Warrior tournament  in order to find someone strong enough to   kill his brother and break the prophecy but that  ironically causes the Armageddon that you have   to stop and maybe this brings Ed's neo-shadowloo  to light what if he his squash daughter war with   urian because of his Twisted goal this part may  be a reach because no one that we know from Neo   Shadow has been confirmed but it doesn't mean they  won't be in the story as for my second theory if   the main villain is in the Illuminati I think  the Madd Gear gang will make a return the fact   that world tour mode takes place in Metro city  gives me a big feel that they're going to use   it for the plot plus we've seen multiple people  from The Mad gear gang show up in the SF Cannon   before this and though there are people that are  done with it there are still folks like Sodom who   care about it and want to revive it this could  also link it to Ken's story because I'm pretty   sure whatever criminal accusations he's facing  he was most likely framed for them I truly don't   think Ken hazarded him to commit a crime so what  if the Mad gears are somehow responsible for this   however riding that out just made me realize  how Ken's bio can fit into my previous Theory   [ __ ] it might even make more sense this way so  we know the Illuminati or at the very least Yuri   and is making beings like 12 who can shape it into  different Fighters what if the Illuminati used one   of these experiments to frame Ken now Ken is out  here trying to prove his innocence by pursuing the   Illuminati but which one do you you guys believe  more let me know in the comments but fam that is   it for this honest gaming history I really hope  you enjoyed the street fighter Deep dive leave   a like if you did comment what else you'd like to  see me cover in this series and hit that Bell to   stay notified huge shout out to my lovely patrons  your monthly donations allow me to continue making   content like this so truly thank you guys  so much for doing what you do and with all   that being said be easy stay lit stay healthy  out there black lives matter and don't forget   you can do whatever the hell you put your mind  to all Texas practice and time peace out y'all
Channel: The Black Mastadonte
Views: 556,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: street fighter lore, honest gaming history, street fighter lore explained, the black mastadonte, sfv, capcom, street fighter 5, street fighter 4, street fighter 3, street fighter 2, street fighter v, street fighter, fighting games, The COMPLETE Street Fighter Timeline, the full history of street fighter, the entire story of street fighter, street fighter history, street fighter 6
Id: mWlEgz8oIcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 11sec (3611 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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