Uncharted 4 - Before You Buy

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game ranks presents another episode of before you buy the show we give you some straight-up gameplay and some first impressions of the latest games releasing today we're talking about uncharted 4 sorry for the delay on this one I know a lot of mainstream reviews have already gotten out and we're completely last but we like to go in and go out and actually get the games ourselves and not always rely on publishers providing review copies when we do we make sure it's on our own terms but we like to avoid it and get the game as a normal person kind of would also I don't know if you notice but we just hit 2 million subscribers that's crazy thanks guys so let's just get into it uncharted 4 feels completely different and almost exactly the same I know it doesn't make complete sense but just hear me out okay well the gameplay remains fine-tuned and familiar with you know very few little additions here and there the tone and like a hardcore emphasis on story and character building make this feel way way different than previous games don't get me wrong though this is still very much an uncharted game it's hilarious there's swashbuckling adventure type stuff and cool globe-trotting adventure and action but at the same time the game can feel very grim serious and realistic it's like the game goes out of its way to make the characters really feel like they're actually real people not new versions of the characters you love but the same characters just stronger and better and more developed it's very clear here that uncharted 4 was led by different creative leads without spoiling anything there's an early establishing scene with Nate and Elena it's just two people kind of eating dinner and talking and it had me on the edge of my goddamn seat that's just because everything is just put on so well since you're going to care about the characters you're really gonna actually care about what happens here and I think that's some of the best stuff you get from uncharted 4 and we might as well get the sound of the way to the game looks incredible I mean look at it I'm gonna jump in before PC guys come in and say some [ __ ] okay we know what can look better on PC if that was a thing but it doesn't matter right now the game looks impressive regardless the only thing that I will say Ken take you out of the immersion is the occasional dumbass AI pathfinding and goofing around and pumping and falling off cliffs to some people you know the game is on a very high technical level and to see this as kind of a disappointing sometimes each environment and scenario in the game you travel to feels very and completely distinctly different and most of them are pretty memorable the semi open-world Drive stuff is pretty great and a surprising amount of fun you've probably seen the trailer with the Jeep chase and stuff it's all really satisfying and off-roading and rock climbing and sliding through mud in your Jeep actually feels fun it feels like real off-roading not only that but in that Madagascar terrain you can actually hop out of your vehicle and drive wherever you want and explore little things here and there it's not completely open world at all but it just kind of expands the driving sequences and makes them more fun the other new aspect here is the rope swing grappling hook thing it feels great and works pretty well with Nate's you know already kind of floaty and quick jumpiness swinging around a ledge and jumping and grabbing another ledge never gets old here especially when you swing and you punch someone in the face the first time you do that everything changes this time around most encounters can be handled through some stealth gameplay which is very hit-or-miss it's simple it's it's really basic it's pretty satisfying creepin around snapping every guards neck but it's very very workman and basic you can't really do much you can't lure guards you can hide in tall grass you can take cover they do have lines of sight and different levels of awareness they do give you the ability to mark and tag enemies to keep track of them while sneaking around and that's a pretty good feature at least but your options are pretty limited other than just avoiding them and killing them and then shooting everyone when all hell breaks loose it works it's a simple mechanic it's not as satisfying as you would want and it's definitely not as fleshed out as the last of us but it's there like the other Uncharted games there's great action scenes and set pieces and big things going on but here they're spread out much more the game has more of like a level head in terms of pacing so it's not always gonna be mile a minute crazy ridiculous explosions that might disappoint some people but we'll all the character building stuff I think you might get it unfortunately some of the biggest set pieces you may have actually seen in III trailers and previews and stuff like that but don't get me wrong there are still some great surprises here and I think it's worth noting that a lot of the puzzles and stuff have gotten a major improvement they're well designed and sometimes I actually had to stop and genuinely think with my brain more than I expected there's just some satisfaction you get out of that the one thing I was not pleased with at all is the amount of crate pushing oh my god it's really it's bad I've been pushing crates since like 1998 and frankly it really sucks to have it this much in a game in 2016 it feels like they kind of of ideas to throw things in the mix every once in a while but honestly if that's one of my only complaints that's fine by me this is probably the lengthiest uncharted or at least it feels that way not only just in game lengths but thanks to some of those open areas I mentioned and as well as some surprisingly long but enjoyable cutscenes there's also multiplayer which I got to briefly dabble in if you're a fan of Uncharted multiplayer and you're in that community yes there is a community for that you're gonna enjoy this uncharted multiplayer doesn't feel as tacked on as you would think you run and you shoot other players and you use in-game cash this time around to buy abilities and weapons on-the-fly mid-match there's characters to unlock there's custom load outs and there's some actual progression to sink your teeth into it stands out from being attacked on mode thanks to uncharted movement you know running and climbing and jumping and swinging and shooting makes it feel a little crazier than your average third-person shooter for many I'm gonna be totally honest you're not gonna care you're not gonna play multiplayer but for those that do you're gonna have some fun overall here what you have is a fun adventure game with some great characters new members like Nathan Drake's brother voiced by Troy Baker is awesome the emphasis on story though is no joke you really do feel like you're playing through a story there's flashbacks there's a prologue there's all different things going on you get a bunch of different looks at different points in time of a character's life and nobody dog really pays attention to the detail here from the story and the nuances of characters to the actual environments and movements and controls themselves the story fits really well together it's all satisfying and I'm gonna be honest uncharted 4 is pretty damn good is it the best Uncharted I'm not sure it's really good though if you're a fan of this series you're not really gonna be disappointed but I do want to know in the comments what you guys think about uncharted 4 since I'm putting this video out a day before the game actually releases I just want to know what you're anticipating and what you think about what I had to say for those of you that don't know with these before you buy videos I give you a rundown of what the game has and then I tell you how I feel about them saying how I feel about them is an opinion and this is my opinion and I want to talk about it with you guys down in the comments below I'll also be on Twitter Facebook Instagram all those places answering any questions you have about uncharted 4 you guys know the deal though if you like these before you buy videos we want to do as many as we can and how we do that is if you click the like button it helps us out and we appreciate it so freaking much but if you are here subscribing is a great idea because we put out videos like this every single day but as always thanks for watching and we'll see you guys next time
Channel: gameranx
Views: 1,106,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uncharted 4 review, uncharted 4 impressions, gaming, jake baldino, lol, uncharted 4 gameplay, nathan drake uncharted 4, video games, uncharted 4 before you buy, uncharted 4 first look, gameranx, uncharted 4 graphics, funny, uncharted 4 fans, before you buy, uncharted 4 driving, uncharted 4 quick look, uncharted 4
Id: njTDpKLcLt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2016
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