The Complete History and Lore of DOOM

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- The Doom series is one of the most iconic gaming franchises in history! Without it, the FPS genre would not be the same! Hell, it probably wouldn't even exist! Last July we paid homage to the series by covering the history of it's protagonist, Doom Slayer. It was one of my favorite "Honest Gaming History" episodes, but sadly it is now obsolete! The Doom Eternal, The Ancient Gods DLC dropped so now there is more lore that we gotta talk about for our boy! Plus, there is so much we didn't discuss in the last video in regards to the game's development and it's connection to other games like Wolfenstein! So today, we're hopping right back into Hell to cover the history of not just Doom Slayer, but the Doom series as a whole. Play that intro son! (upbeat music) So before we begin, just wanted to .. if you enjoy this kind of content, please consider hitting that like button. It's a small action but it really helps the channel out a lot. And if you really like this content, sharing and subscribing would be much appreciated as well. - [Conscience] Yeah, yeah, do all that. But hold up! Donte, I'm reading this script, there was a second Doom movie? - [Donte] Unfortunately. - [Conscience] Bruh, did they not learn from the first one? I mean, was it good at least? - [Donte] Eh you know, it existed! But we'll get into that later. First, let's talk about how the Doom series became a thing. Our tale begins in 1990 with a small group of developers from the Softdisk company. Within this group was Tom Hall, John Carmack, John Romero, Lane Roathe, and Adrian Carmack. They called themselves Ideas from the Deep, or IFD. - [Conscience] Originally these guys just worked on new games for Softdisk, but everything changed once John Carmack decided to show his genius. - [Donte] He figured out a way recreate Super Mario Bros 3 on the PC. With the help of the IFD squad, he managed to create a working demo. - [Conscience] They sent it to Nintendo with the hope that it would lead to a collaboration, but Nintendo was like, "Naw bro! If people wanna play Mario, they're gonna play it on our shit!" - [Donte] Luckily, Scott Miller from Apogee Software was watching everything from the sidelines. He liked the work of John Romero, so this led IFD to start working with Apogee. For their first project together, Tom Hall pitched the idea of a kid fighting aliens to save the galaxy. From this came the side-scrolling platform video game series, Commander Keen! - [Conscience] It did very well. So well that squad was like, "Screw it, let's just make our own company." - [Donte] Removing the "F" from "IFD" they called themselves id Software. Roathe when on to lead what was left of Ideas from the Deep. - [Conscience] The first title they released as id was the legendary Wolfenstein 3D in 1992. As we said in our Blazkowicz video, this was a remake of the 1981 Castle Wolfenstein that was developed by Muse Software. - [Donte] To create the game, John Carmack used an innovative technique known as ray casting to map 2D textures on a 3D space. Computers at the time couldn't handle the pressure of the third dimension, so Carmack made it so PCs would only have to calculate what the player could see. The game's release was met with critical acclaim. Some even saw it as the best game ever created. - [Conscience] So the team knew they were on to something big here. After Wolfenstein 3D put them on the map, they immediately started working on their next IP. - [Donte] They went from the regular war theme to science fiction and improved their 3D engine. Then merely a year after Wolfenstein 3D's release, they dropped the first Doom. The title was separated into three episodes and covered the adventure of an unnamed space marine, commonly referred to as Doomguy, giving hordes of hell spawn the business. - [Conscience] Like it's brother game, Doom brought about significant changes to the gaming world. Not only did it help to popularize the FPS genre, but it also pioneered the idea of multiplayer deathmatches. - [Donte] Within the game, two to four players could compete against each other in a free-for-all mode inspired by games like Street Fighter 2 and Art of Fighting. So when you think about it, without fighting games we probably wouldn't have FPS deathmatches. Even more reason to put some respect on the genre. - [Conscience] After Doom's groundbreaking success, other developers started catching on to the hype and developed their own FPS games, but at the time they were known as "Doom clones" because they pretty much looked like Doom with a face lift. - [Donte] Then in 1994, id Software released "Doom II, Hell on Earth." Like it's predecessor, it was met with much love from the gaming community. It was praised for it's huge and non-linear levels that rewarded the player if they went exploring. The game's success along with the that of the first one is what got Hollywood to make that God-awful movie adaptation that came out in 2004. But sadly after "Doom II's" release, the franchise was put on the back burner because id Software wanted to put more time in their upcoming game Quake. They tapped Team TNT to develop Final Doom which was pretty much "Doom II" but harder and with more maps. It released in 1996 with two episodes, TNT Evilution and The Plutonia Experiment. After this they hired Midway to develop "Doom 64" which released in 1997. Coming out exclusively for the Nintendo 64, it was the first game in the series to not be available for PC. - [Conscience] Players praised it for being the best looking Doom to date, but it still had the same old Doom feel to it. With there being thousands of player created Doom levels on the internet, folks were getting bored of playing higher quality versions of the same thing. - [Donte] Yeah even the story was pretty much the same up to this point. You're a bad-ass space marine and you gotta kill a shit ton of hell spawn. The fans wanted something new, but they had to wait for it. Doom remained untouched for years after this. Then in 2000, id started working on their baby once again. They began developing a remake of Doom, titled Doom 3. While still sticking to the feel of the original game, the team put more of a focus on the story this time. It released in 2004 as a survival horror FPS game and it did wonders for the company. To date it is id's most successful game with over 3.5 million copies sold. Eight months later in 2005, they released an expansion for the game titled "Resurrection of Evil." Then id took a weird turn and developed a bunch spin-offs, including "Doom RPG", "Doom II RPG," and "Doom Resurrection." - [Conscience] Fans wouldn't here about a sequel to Doom 3 until 2007 in Quake Con, but the reveal was met with bad reception. People were calling it "Call of Doom" because of how similar it looked to the "Call of Duty" franchise. It must have sucked being called a clone of a game that you inspired! - [Donte] The next addition to the Doom series didn't come until 2012, when an enhanced version of Doom 3 got released titled Doom 3 BFG Edition. - [Conscience] However, following this release, the franchise took another break. Id needed time to figure out how they were gonna flex on the industry again. After four years of cookin' in the kitchen, they released the immediate high octane banger, Doom! For the sake of this video we'll call it Doom 2016. - [Donte] Once again the player assumes the role of Doomguy, who goes by Doom Slayer now. Hell spawn are out here wilding again so it's up him to teach them a lesson. The game not only looked stunning, but it also sported a soundtrack that perfectly matched how intense it was. I highly recommend it if you're looking something fun to get lost in. - [Conscience] The game's success led a VR spin-off titled Doom VFR which released in 2017. Here the player assumes the role of a cybernetic soldier who has to fight hell spawn in Mars. Doom 2016's success also led to the release of another garbage Doom movie in 2019, "Doom Annihilation." But get this fam, this was the second time this movie got pitched. The director tried pitching it before but Universal was like, "Bruh, do you not remember that last Doom movie? We're not doing that again!" But then Doom 2016 happened and Universal was like, "Hold up! This could make us some money!" But they should've just left alone! - [Donte] Facts, it was just not good. I don't know what is about Hollywood and video game movies! Why can't y'all just learn from Detective Pikachu? They got it right! Anyway, after Doom 2016 hit the world like it did, id had to make a sequel. So in 2020 they released the last game in the Doom series so far, Doom Eternal. Like it's prequel it did very well. Through the story it also revealed that this part of the Doom series wasn't a remake, but a continuation of Doom 64! There was even an expansion added to the 2020 re-release of Doom 64 that connects it to the new Doom games. But as of right now, those are all the games in the Doom series. Now let's get into the meat of this video, let's talk about the wild ass lore of this series, starting with the first Doom from way back in 1993! The first Doom takes place in the distant future. Humans have upgraded technology to the point where we're out here living on other planets and time traveling like it's nothing. The Union Aerospace Corporation or UAC, are doing secret experiments in the two moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos. - [Conscience] These idiots keep testing the waters until Deimos vanishes! Dead ass gets erased from this dimension! - [Donte] This is where our protagonist comes in, the unnamed marine. Fun fact or theory about this guy, it's possible that he shares a connection with not only B.J. Blazkowicz, but Commander Keen as well. According to Tom Hall and John Romero, many of id's games including Commander Keen, Wolfenstein, Doom, and even Quake fall into the same universe. William J. Blazkowicz from Wolfenstein 3D is an ancestor of Keen and Keen is an ancestor of Doomguy. There is not a lot of proof backing this since the Doom timeline is hella convoluted, but to my knowledge, none of id's developers came out to counter this claim. And it makes sense when you think about it. Look at how much of a badass Blazko was. The black air force energy must run in the family! Anyway, three years before the events of Doom, Doomguy caught a superior officer trying to kill a bunch of civilians. Doomguy was like, "Welp, can't have that!" and beat the mess outta him! So he got in trouble and now he's trapped on Mars working in security. - [Conscience] When Deimos disappeared, the scientists from Phobos hit up Mars like, "Bro! We're dumb! There is some wild shit coming out the portal! We should've listened to Conscience but we didn't and now we're gonna die!" - [Donte] So Doomguy is sent to Phobos with a group of marines to check out what's going on. - [Conscience] Once he gets there, all his friends die and he's welcomed by a swarm of Hell spawn wilding the hell out. These dumbass scientists opened a portal to hell. You can't trust any of these guy in video games, son! Being the embodiment of black air force energy that he is, Doomguy shoots his way through all the hell spawn then finds the portal to hell. - [Donte] He hops in and lands on the missing moon, but it's been overrun by even more demons. So my man shoots his way through again, then kills a bigger demon with a Mega Buster! - [Conscience] After that our boy's like, "Wait! I'm in hell right now. The thing that sent those demons is probably here too! Yeah I'ma need to kill that!" - [Donte] So he goes through hell, killing mad hell spawn along the way, then finds the thing that planned all of this, the Spiderdemon. It tries to put up a fight, but Doomguy kills it. Mission accomplished! - [Conscience] Our boy finds a way back to earth, but it turns out the mission wasn't accomplished, because hell has invaded the planet. Demons and shit are out here wilding killing a ton of humans! - [Donte] This brings us to Doom 2, Hell on Earth! Funny story about this game actually, it's very possible that the character you play as here is completely different from the marine in the first Doom. The instruction manual for Doom 2 talks about how this marine fought on the UAC Mars Base, not on Phobos. For the sake of the video we're just going to assume these are the same people, but I just thought you guys would find that interesting. Anyway, in Doom 2, earth is in complete chaos. The leaders of the planet were not trying to deal with all these hell spawn running around, so they took everyone left and dipped. - [Conscience] Doomguy isn't trying to give his home away though, so he continues his demon massacre. - [Donte] Eventually he finds the portal that's causing all this. To close it, he jumps in, where he finds the Icon of Sin. He's like, "Leave my planet alone!" Then kills the thing, thus closing the portal. Regardless, he finds his way back home, then he and what's left of the human race work on rebuilding what they can of their society. - [Conscience] Which takes us to Final Doom. The UAC hasn't learned shit from their past, and is still experimenting with interdimensional space travel. The only difference now is that they're doing it on one of Jupiter's moons. Their experiments lead to another hell portal opening, which leads to another hell invasion! - [Donte] Luckily for them, Doomguy's working on the base. He does what he does best and commits mass demon genocide, then heads to hell to kill the Icon of Sin again. After this the UAC shuts down because of their losses. And I mean, I get it. These guys have been spending years trying to make this one project work, but instead they keep opening portals to hell. Time to call it quits. - [Conscience] More like temporarily call it quits. The UAC starts back up a year later. These scientists are stubborn as hell bro! - [Donte] But this time they take their past mistakes into account. Instead of opening portals to other dimensions, they work on figuring out how to close them. - [Conscience] This doesn't go well either though, because the Icon of Sin is still out here being a menace. It keeps one of the testing portals open giving it's minions time to invade the Jupiter moon again! So they call Doomguy while he's on vacation to come and help with this mess. Not gonna hold you, I would've spit on 'em. - [Conscience] The marine heads over to the situation, enters hell once again, then beats the Icon of Sin for the third time! He heads back home afterwards to wait until he's called for again in Doom 64. - [Conscience] At this point, Doomguy is having nonstop nightmares 'cause of all the shit he's been through. He tries to take a break since his last vacay was ruined, but he hears word that Mars is on that demon time again. - [Donte] The Mother of Demons broke into their dimension and is leading another invasion on the planet. Doomguy's like, "Well, I rather shoot my trauma in the face than stay worried about it." Then heads over to Mars to save the universe once again. - [Conscience] He fights his way to the mother then gives her the business! However, Doomguy knows that this was only a temporary solution to a much bigger problem. Hell spawn are just gonna keep invading his planet every chance they get, so he decides stay in hell to rip and tear everything here! - [Donte] The marine's violent mission catches the attention of the sister of the mother of all demons. She's not trying to deal with Doomguy so she kicks him out of hell! - [Conscience] That's how you know Doomguy is built different. - [Donte] Back on earth, our boy ends up discovering another portal to hell. He pulls up to the mother's sister like "You thought you could get rid of me?" Then takes her down. - [Conscience] Afterwards, Doomguy continues his killing spree in hell, making sure none of these demons bring their ass back to earth. - [Donte] Years of demon slaying later, he ends up in another dimension on the planet Argent D'Nur. This planet is home to the Sentinels, a race of aliens who worship powerful beings known as Makyrs. There was a time when these Sentinels worshiped the planet's original gods, the Wraiths, but years ago the Makyrs came in with their advance knowledge and promised to bring order and prosperity to the planet. - [Conscience] This caused most of the Sentinels to switch up on the Wraiths and start praising these Makyrs instead. Even though all these Makyrs are sus! - [Donte] Remember all this because it'll become important later. Anyways, when Doomguy shows up on the planet, he's brought before the Order of Deag, the council of high priests on the planet. - [Conscience] They take a good look at our boy then decide that trial by combat is the only way to prove whether they keep him alive or not. - [Donte] Doomguys bodies the trial, thus catching the eye of all the higher-ups in the planet. They decide to enlist him into their military, then sometime later, hell invades the planet. - [Conscience] Yo hell will not leave this man alone! - [Donte] Triggered, Doomguy starts going off on the demons. He pretty much carries the whole planet. This catches the attention of the Night Sentinels, the Sentinels responsible for protecting the Wraiths. They recruit him and for the next few years, he continues destroying demons with them. - [Conscience] His violent quest leads him to a Makyr known as the Seraphim. This guy was astounded by the amount of black air force energy exuding from Doomguy, so he put him in a special divinity machine to make him an even bigger problem, by enhancing his physical abilities. - [Donte] So now our boy's not only the carry, but he's at full build too. He continues to lead the Night Sentinels into battle killing hordes upon hordes of hell spawn. His many incredible feats earn him the title, Doom Slayer. But after years of fighting, shit starts going south for our boy again. Y'all remember the Makyrs right? They're not good folk! They're trying to collect something known as Argent energy because they're race is dying and they need it to survive. But here's the thing, Argent Energy is a combination of life energy and hell essence and it can only be created by harvesting living souls! So under they're leader, the Khan Makyr, they've been traveling to other planets snatching souls for their own benefit. - [Conscience] And these Sentinels are praising these guys. Hate to see it! - [Donte] On top of that, the Makyrs have a deal with hell to continue harvesting these souls in exchange for unlimited Argent Energy! - [Conscience] The revelation of this sparks a civil war between the Sentinels who don't wanna get sent to the shadow realm, and those who side with the Kahn Makyr. - [Conscience] In the midst of it, Doom Slayer and his fellow Night Sentinels get sent to hell by the Order of Deag. Apparently these guys found a way to take the place down once and for all. - [Conscience] But upon getting there, they find out it's a trap. They get locked up in hell where they're forced to fight mad demons! Pretty much all of the Night Sentinels die 'cause they're not built like Doom Slayer. The only one who survives, outside of our boy, is Valen, the former commander of the Night Sentinels who helped betray them. - [Donte] Valen lost his son to hell's forces a while ago, so he betrayed his own squad because the Order of Deag promised to revive him. But the bitch ass order revived his son as the Icon of Sin! So Valen puts himself in timeout 'cause of his ignorance while Doom Slayer continues to body everyone he can in hell. Eventually all the demons agree that this man cannot run free in their home again! The Makyr's bringing him back here was an awful idea. - [Conscience] So they jump him like a bunch a cowards, then lock him in a sarcophagus. - [Conscience] Now let's talk about what humans were doing during all this. The UAC is unfortunately still a thing. - [Conscience] And they still haven't learned shit! In 2095 these dumbasses went back to Mars and found out about Argent Energy. Once they realized how powerful it was, they started using it for their own benefit. But get this, these dudes knew this energy came from Hell and they still used it. They just kept it to themselves so sensible human beings wouldn't cancel their ass. - [Donte] Can the UAC even be canceled? These guys have been killed off multiple times and they're still here. - [Conscience] At this point, I don't even know! Anyway, after years of using Argent Energy, the UAC sends an expedition team to Hell under the guidance of one their chairmen, Dr. Samuel Hayden. They find Doom Slayer's sarcophagus and bring it back to their base on Mars. One of his employees, a scientist named Olivia Pierce, has been acting real sus recently, so he wants Doom Slayer on base just in case shit gets crazy. - [Donte] This takes us to Doom 2016, where shit does get crazy. The year is 2149, and the UAC Mars base is in complete chaos!! Samuel was right in thinking Olivia was sus because it turns out she made a pact with hell! Now demons are out here running around like they own the place. In response, Hayden sets the beast that is Doom Slayer loose in the place. Now it's back to business as usual. - [Conscience] Without even needing an introduction, Doom Slayer begins ripping through the demons in the base. - [Donte] Hayden along with the base's AI, VEGA, guides him through the base until they meet. The doctor's like, "Aight bro. To stop this whole invasion you gotta turn off this thing called The Well". The Well is the source of Hell's energy. - [Conscience] With that, Doom Slayer keeps it pushing to find a way back into Hell. He makes it to the Advanced Research Complex where he kills the Cyberdemon, then uses its accumulator to teleport to Hell. - [Donte] There he shoots his way through more Hell spawn till he finds an item called the Crucible. It's a weapon powered by Hell energy that's said to have the power to kill the Titans of hell. After grabbing it, he's met by ghosts of the Night Sentinels. But he doesn't get the chance to react with them because he gets kicked out of hell again. - [Conscience] He's brought to VEGA's primary facility where Hayden tasks him with overloading the AI to open another portal to hell. Our boy does just that, but he saves a back-up of VEGA just in case. The AI's been mad helpful so far so he rather not lose it. - [Donte] A portal opens up and takes him to the location of The Well. Using the Crucible, he shuts down hell's power source. As he tries to find a way out, he's met by more Night Sentinel ghosts. Then he runs into Olivia Pierce. - [Conscience] She's shook because the same demons she worshiped betrayed her. But lady you were messing with beings from hell, what did you think was gonna happen? - [Donte] Then lightning strikes the scientist and she morphs into the Spider Mastermind, like in the first Doom. Of course Doom Slayer mercs the thing, but after the battle Dr. Hayden teleports our boy back to Mars in restraints. He takes the Crucible for himself, betraying our boy, and admits that he plans to use it to create more Argent Energy for humanity. - [Conscience] Fuck you, Hayden! - [Donte] Then as he dips he teleports Doom Slayer to an unknown location. And that ends Doom 2016. The next and last game in the timeline is Doom Eternal. Some time after Doom Slayer was banished to another dimension, he managed to find a giant space station dubbed the Fortress of Doom. VEGA was installed into the station and now our boy uses this place as his HQ. - [Conscience] He finds his way back to earth only to realize that hell is invading the place again! It's Doom 2 all over. - [Donte] The Kahn Makyr set her sights on planet earth and is trying to harvest the living souls here. So she sent the Order of Deag to lead hell's forces into the planet. Doom Slayer's like, "Welp! Can't have that!" Then heads to his home planet to continue blowing demons up. - [Conscience] He starts his crusade with Deag Nilox. After killing him, the Khan Makyr moves the other two priests into hiding. She knows this man won't stop until he kills everything related to hell. - [Donte] To find them, Doom Slayer goes looking for a Celestial Locator. He finds it on the Sentinel planet of Exultia, but he needs a power source. His fetch quest then brings him to hell where he finds Valen. This guy's like, "Hey man, sorry for betraying y'all and shit." Then he gives him the power source for the locator along with a dagger that he'll need to kill the Icon of Sin. - [Conscience] With that, Doom Slayer uses the locator to find priest Ranak and merc his ass. In response, the Khan Makyr throws the last priest somewhere else so our boy doesn't get his hands on him. - [Donte] VEGA informs him that their best course of action now is to talk to Samuel Hayden. Though he may be a dick, he's their only kinda-sorta ally who knows a lot about hell. So he heads to the ARC Complex where he finds the doctor's destroyed body. It turns out that after Hayden banished him, he led the charge against hell's forces during the invasion with the Armored Response Coalition. Using Argent energy, they managed to hold off the demons, and Hayden was seen as a savior among the earthlings. However, everything changed once Hayden fell in battle. Now he looks like this. - [Conscience] Can't say he didn't deserve this though. This what you get for banishing a hero of black air force energy, Hayden! - [Donte] But once our boy finds the body, it's revealed that Hayden planned for all of this. He knew Doom Slayer would eventually come back, so he had his staff wait for him with the Crucible from Doom 2016. Our boy doesn't give a shit though. He takes Hayden and the Crucible, then heads back to the crib. - [Conscience] There, he uploads Hayden to his fortress' interface. The doctor tells him that the last priest is back in the city of Sentinel Prime on Argent D'Nur. However the only way to get there is through a portal in Mars' core. Hold up! Why is there a portal to hell in Mars' core? Who the fuck put it there? - [Donte] At this point, I think we can assume it was the UAC. So now that Doom Slayer knows where he has to go, he blows a hole into Mars in order to get to its core and find the portal. My man really just brute forced this problem, son. - [Conscience] He makes it to Sentinel Prime where he kills the last priest. However this act excommunicates him from the Night Sentinels. But I'ma be real, I don't think Doom Slayer gave a shit about these guys to begin with. Pretty sure the only reason he joined them was because they were also trying to give hell the hands. - [Donte] With the last priest dead, Doom Slayer heads back to HQ, but the Khan Makyr shuts the place down. She's sick of him messing with her plans. - [Conscience] Luckily the Crucible is enough to power the fortress, so he uses that as it's energy source for now. - [Donte] But with this Crucible occupied, he needs another. He heads back to Argent D'Nur where he finds another Crucible that he used long ago to kill a dreadnought from hell. - [Conscience] After taking it, he beelines it to the realm of Urdak, the home of the Makyrs, to put a stop to all this hell shit once and for all. Once there, he finds the Khan Makyr trying to awaken the Icon of Sin. He stabs the icon's heart using Valen's dagger, thus freeing it from the Khan Makyr's control, but this also leads to the eradication of the wall between Urdak and hell. - [Donte] So hell takes this opportunity to invade Urdak. Hell really said, "Screw our deal. We need more souls." - [Conscience] Angered, the Kahn Makyr tries to come at Doom Slayer, but he kills her ass. Then Doom Slayer makes his way back to earth to stop the Icon of Sin who is currently running rampant on the place. - [Donte] Of course he ends the thing, but there is now a much bigger problem. Hell's invasion of Urdak has got them feeling greedy, so now they're trying to take over all the dimensions! Doom Slayer is done with dealing with hell's shit, so he and Samuel Hayden team up to find the one being who can stop hell's conquest, the Seraphim. If you don't remember, this was the Makyr who put our boy in that machine that enhanced his abilities. - [Conscience] With the help of the ARC, he finds the Seraphim in stasis. Hayden instructs him to upload him into the being, thus revealing that Hayden and the Seraphim were the same this whole time. - [Donte] The Seraphim was tasked with helping him throughout the game. We'll find out why soon enough. But after his awakening, he tells Doom Slayer that he must repay the Father for all he has granted them by bringing him back to his throne. To do that, he needs to retrieve the Father's soul sphere located in hell. So our boy makes another trip to hell, but he thinks this whole soul sphere plan is sus! Once he finds it, he destroys it instead of handing it to the Seraphim. - [Conscience] The soul sphere of the "Dark Lord" then reveals itself to him. He grabs it, then leaves the Seraphim to take it back to the ARC carrier. - [Donte] Almost everyone dips when they see Doom Slayer walk in with this thing. The only person who stays is an intern who's honestly just trying to help our boy fight the good fight. The intern states that the Dark Lord was pretty much the ruler of hell. Doom Slayer's plan is to revive this dude and kill him so all the demons die. - [Conscience] The only place where he can revive hell's ruler is in Urdak, so he goes there only to find the Seraphim waiting for him. - [Donte] Angered by Doom Slayer's actions, the Makyr transforms into a demon thanks to hell's corruption of Urdak. Our boy defeats him, then revives the Dark Lord in a place known as the Luminarium. - [Conscience] Turns out the Dark Lord looks just like him. The Father even tells him that this is pretty much hell's version of him. As usual, Doom Slayer is ready for the smoke, so he tries shooting the guy, but the attack does nothing. The Dark Lord says that no blood will the spilt here, if he wants to throw hands then he'll have to meet him in Immora, the capitol city of hell. Once there, they will engage in ritual combat. - [Conscience] With that, Voldemort leaves and Doom Slayer is transported back to Argent D'Nur. His journey to Immora leads to Valen again, who gives him his Sentinel Hammer. Then he finally runs into the Dark Lord, and this dude drops the biggest plot bomb we've seen yet. Apparently this guy is pretty much God. His original name is Davoth and he was the first being ever created. He formed the realm Jekkad along with all of it's people, but he had one problem. Everyone was mortal and Davoth thought that was stupid! So he created the other realms, including Urdak, to solve this mortality problem. Eventually the Makyrs found the secret to immortality, but they didn't want to share their discovery with their own creator. - [Conscience] Instead they betrayed Davoth by locking him and Jekkad away from all the other realms. Then they stole his godly powers and gave it to a Makyr who became known as "the Father". To add insult to injury, they even wrote history to make it seem like this Father was the creator of all things. This is why the Makyrs were seen as god-like beings. But in reality they were just some sneaky ass liars. - [Conscience] This turn of events pissed Davoth off beyond belief. His rage was so fierce that it consumed all of Jekkad, turning it into hell. Then Davoth devised a plan. If he can't run the universe he created, then no one will. - [Conscience] This is where Doom Slayer comes in. Davoth saw this dude's black air force energy and was like, "You're the perfect weapon for my revenge!" He manipulated the Seraphim into giving the guy god-like powers back when he was fighting with the Night Sentinels. This whole time, our boy's purpose was to kill the Makyrs and the false Father the Makyr's created. - [Donte] And to add to this whole plot bomb, it's also revealed that VEGA was the Father this whole time! Back when humans started learning about Argent energy, the Father sent the Seraphim to teach the humans how to use it. To do this without freaking anyone out, he created his own human body and became Samuel Hayden. As a human, he put the consciousness of the Father into the AI known as VEGA in order to help him hide from the Dark Lord. - [Conscience] So even though Doom Slayer's purpose was to destroy the Makyrs, he was actually receiving help from them this whole time. - [Donte] Yup! But you know what's the kicker to all this? Doom Slayer is unfazed by everything. Nothing from this plot bomb makes him utter a word. Right after learning the truth about everything, he engages in a epic duel with the Dark Lord then wins! - [Conscience] This man just beat God! - [Donte] Then Doom Slayer takes off his helmet and we catch glimpse of his face in 4K for first time. Davoth asks him if he has anything to say before killing his creator, and our boy just gives him a simple "No" then stabs him right in the chest! - [Conscience] Demons all across the universe begin to perish after the Dark Lord's defeat. But Doom Slayer is affected by this too. The machine used to power him up used Davoth's power, so thanks to their connection our boy knocks out right after the fight. - [Donte] The Makyrs find him and proceed to put him in a sarcophagus. They plan to keep him locked in until the universe needs him again. And that is how the story of Doom ends! It's crazy how the ancient gods DLC wrapped everything up. To think this was all God's plan! - [Conscience] And VEGA being one of the Makyrs was a wild ass reveal! - [Donte] Facts! I wonder if we'll ever see Doom Slayer again though? Like he already beat God, who's next? - [Conscience] Knowing these dumbasses at the UAC, they'll probably break something in the universe while trying to research shit they shouldn't be. It's just a matter of time. But let us know if you think this is the true end of Doom Slayer's story in the comments below. - [Donte] And now that we have the full story, tell us your thoughts about our boy. We think he's the leader of the four horsemen of black air force activity, but if you have someone else who deserves that title let us know! With that, end screen! What's going on fam? Thank you guys so much for watching another of "Honest gaming History." If you enjoyed the video, don't forget to like. Comment who else you want to see me cover in future episodes of "Honest gaming History". Subscribe if you wanna see more of me and hit that bell if you wanna stay notified whenever I upload new content. Shout out to my $1 Patreons, my C rank hunters. Than you for all that you do, your kindness is very much appreciated. And special shout out to my $10 Patreons, my A rank hunters. AJ Gaines, Makael Nimrod, Daniel Gonzalez, Victor Garcia, Mustardgas, DD, Graeme Landsborough, Zack Haji, Curtis Clarkson, Dylan Boatner, Ghaven Esports Team, Nik the Nocturne, Jakari Scott and Tsugi. Thank you for the extra funds this month, your kindness is what keeps the channel going. So once again, I appreciate you guys. With that been said, I'm off and to start working on the next "Honest Gaming History." (indistinct) but like I said in the last video, going to be going into fighting game lore this time. With that, be easy, stay lit, stay healthy out there. Black Lives Matter and don't forget you can do whatever the hell you put your mind to. All it takes is practice and time. Peace out y'all. Have a good one.
Channel: The Black Mastadonte
Views: 113,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doom, The Complete History and Lore of DOOM, john carmack, john romero, doom 3, id software history, id software, doom lore, doom eternal lore, doom story so far, doom eternal, doom eternal story so far, doom eternal story, doom story explained, doom 2016, doom fps, history of doom, honest gaming history, the black mastadonte, doom lore explained
Id: 3YLdxu0pcrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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