Alter Night

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everyone welcome to all nations worship assembly what world changes do gather welcome to all tonight's are you ready for a prophetic release are your ears open to hear what the says the Lord are you ready to enter into a time of prayer and intercession alright for those of you who are filled with your heavenly language began to speak and for those of you who understand the power of agreement come into agreement but we are [Music] headed in your speak here father in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth we declare that you are our greatest aside father we say that we come to a choir of you we come to inquire of you but we elevate a sight that we may be able to see what you're doing in the midst of us father we say that we need you we think that you and the lover of a soul we called you Alpha and Omega we call you to be in the each other we call you to person and Lasha we call you the pillar reveal the Lord the God who steps in the midst of us with knowledge and wisdom we call you to rock of our salvation of we call you our refuge other we call you the mighty God you are the Prince of Peace you are [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] we shout we can't wait [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] watches [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] let's go come on just give got surprised come on just give them over yeah yeah boy you never worry you have more you have more you we have an awesome night in store one tonight where the Levites the prophets come together can I have the prophetic painters come [Applause] apostles not here so I will talk exodus 31 this is the chapter there's something happens in this chapter very interesting this is the chapter before the Levites received their assignment in Leviticus 32 God speaks to Moses and he says look look at that man his name is Aziz old the son of URI the son of her who is from the tribe of Judah that's very interesting when we talk about the tribe of Judah Judah was the fourth son of Leah and Jacob and she had three sons hoping that this child and having those kids would make her husband turn to her but after the fourth son she said something very interesting she said even though my husband has not turned yet will I praise you so we've lost the essence of what praise is we've been taught that praise is when we gonna get something but the true essence of praise is when the desired outcome does not manifest God will still get what his duty is so God says I'm going to give this person from the tribe three qualities that no one else will have one I am going to give them wisdom the second thing I'm going to give them is knowledge the third thing I'm going to give them is understanding see wisdom a lot of people are smart but true wisdom is the ability to reason so a lot of people can know a lot of things but they cannot choose or select between multiple or two opinions so you can be smart but lack the ability to reason this is one of the things that making Solomon who he was what happened when the two women came to him and lied and said that they were both the mothers of the child Solomon said I will lift this child and cut it in half but the real mother said even if I lose it I don't want this child to die wisdom the ability to reason then he said I'm gonna give them knowledge knowledge is interesting okay because knowledge allows you to be able to comprehend a lot of people like the ability to comprehend so this this group of people gonna have wisdom comprehension but then also intellect this is where your IQ is determined so you're not only going to be able to reason you're gonna comprehend at a faster rate and then you're also going to be able to understand things differently and better than the others around you this is why creatives are weird because creatives do not follow the prescribed average intellect because in exodus 31 God said I'm going to give these people something that the average population does not have so we're leading up to tonight what our creatives are coming forth our profits are coming forth a lot of times we think the profits are weird but they're not weird they have received something from the Lord that the average population does not have this is make sense to you apostle is here so I give you our leader on tonight a wonderful leader dr. Matthew Stevenson starts the person is you tell a neighbor your future is in this room tell somebody else neighbor your future is in this room now I dare you to reach up and receive that all over this building I said I dare you to reach up and receive that right now father as a hands of your people are lifted we welcome the spirit of prophecy we welcome the god of the prophets we thank you for what you want to say in what you want to do we receive your word right now we have no objection we have no resistance to what's about to take place speak God and now your word to come forth like a hammer that smashes the rock in pieces and may what you say tonight and what you announced tonight give us great victory and great breakthrough now may every headlock that's been on the future by the powers of hell let there be prophetic cheese tonight to open to unlock them and to authorize the future we give you the praise for it in the name of Jesus now listen I'm about to teach but if you believe that God is going to do something to you that's going to redeem the time shoot you into the future and accelerates you I want you to give God a praise that this is the house of David or come on that's something tugged out of here answer the Angels here Oh harder harder harder hallelujah come on you got one in you Holly I believe wake who is in this building you are about to shatter a glass ceiling come on and shop if you can if you can hug the nearest person to you and welcome them into the house of the Lord give me my lights please [Music] [Music] so does they give me my lights good evening all nations god bless you apparently the city of Chicago believes that we need a word from the Lord I am so honored to be here welcome to all tonight's our monthly evening service I'm glad to have you here I know they are probably way too many visitors to acknowledge but if somebody like some if somebody looks like a visitor tell them something supernatural is about to happen to you tonight is a prophetic night and we're going to showcase the ministry of the prophets and you're going to see some things you've never seen before you're going to hear some things you've never heard before but I want to just clarify at the beginning this is not going to be a prophecy circus nothing that we do is going to be to impress to entertain I'm going to show you how the prophetic anointing can change lives and what the prophetic anointing can do and how God uses it so I'm going to teach first and then we're going to see this thing in demonstration and the prophets are here and they're prepared to minister so if you have a need from God I would just position your heart the right way and if you do or do not get a personal word when you need something from God God can put things in a myriad of different ways to meet your need who receives them and to the three witches that are here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] whoever plants a sward will fall upon it [Music] [Applause] you and whoever sent you will be dealt with tonight by the power of the prophetic word pull out your phones real quick just wanted to be clear about that I want you to take a selfie and Ocoee whoever is on you we used to bring the selfie sticks but I haven't seen one of them in quite some time and let your social networks know where you are you are at all nations that the prophets speak take a picture [Music] [Music] hurry up take them pictures now some of you need to take these pictures as before-and-afters because you will never look like this again in your life come on I believe some of you are about to change go ahead and take the picture for the proof this was the night the Lord changed me [Music] [Applause] have we opened the overflow yet the overflow is overflow okay all nations you need to build a church [Applause] [Music] we're going to prepare to teach and do what we need to do and I'm trying to wait for them to get as many people in here as possible we're going to prepare to teach and make sure that we have everybody in the room god bless you hallelujah give me a little bit more on the mic I want to sound like something around the throne [Music] I mean we literally almost have every seat filled all right how many of you are ready for the word this is going to be an unusual service we're gonna do worship and a bit of that at the end but it is vitally important that we see it this way if I teach at the top then what I'm gonna do is create expectation and create faith for you and the Bible says in the book of Romans that we prophesy according to the proportion of our faith and so it is very important that you have expectation for what God is about to do I want you to go ahead and I want you to put on your notebooks your cell phones whatever you're going to use to take notes are we Facebook liveing I want to welcome my Facebook audience those of you that are watching me line around the world get ready to be revolutionized by the words you hear it's going to be a phenomenal blessing who has been blessed to have an iphone who is still trapped in the second heaven with that Android [Applause] merci merci merci I want to start with this Luke chapter 11 verse 49 through 51 you don't have to turn there I'll tell you where to go but Luke chapter 11 verse 49 through 51 substantiates how old the prophetic is if you listen to some teaching from critics some announcements some speculations from people that are not of this persuasion of believer they criticize a prophetic the ministry of the prophets as if it's new as if it is a fad that something that people are picking up but one of the things that you need to know as we go into this and venture into this is that the prophetic ministry is the oldest ministry on the word in the planet the prophetic is so old that it was literally created in the same season as the world itself and in Luke 11 49 through 51 Jesus identifies the first prophet and what he says is that the first prophet was the son of Adam whose name was Abel we are traditionally taught that Cain killed Abel because he was jealous or had a better offering we are not as diligent in researching why his offering was better his offering was not better because God liked him more his offering was better because it contained revelation Abel was a prophet he was a prophet and God put him there in the Garden of Eden that's how old this thing is so when you investigate and when you study something that old you cannot enter into it or master it in 30 days you can't enter into it and become a vet in it in two months this is legitimately the oldest career on the planet it makes sense that immediately after the human race fail that God's next action would be to put a mouthpiece on the planet because he knows that forever now in order to retrieve protect guard what I invested in creation I'm going to have to put something there that's going to be my voice sin came on the earth because of a voice the voice of a serpent the national and the global icon of witchcraft and the occult after sin came in he became pregnant with a with the world's first prophet now I see the world's first prophet because there were prophets in heaven what you don't know is that angels were prophesying before men work in the book of Revelation the Bible says chapter 19 verse 10 when John on the Isle of Patmos experiences an angel the angel comes to John and before John is able to decipher what he's dealing with he bowels before the angel the angel looks at Jonah says see that you do it not for I am of thy kinsmen the prophets I am like one of you worship God the next verse says for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy which means that the point of the prophetic is Jesus Christ he is the point he is what they push he is who the prophets reveal and when he manifested on the earth he in turn preached the prophets he preached what they said now if you don't believe that look at who shows up every time there needs to be an announcement on her on the earth it's not Michael he's there for fighting it's not Lucifer because he was over worship but it's Gabriel the messenger angel he only appears what God has something to say on the planet so then uh Abel took up what those prophetic angels were do and started vocalizing God's ideas on the planet so then what is a prophet well the Greeks saw it as the word prophet espr OPH e tes and it basically meant a prognosticator a predictor someone who saw the future but that definition was rooted in a culture who was strictly cerebral in other words if the Greeks could not comprehend it they would not believe it that's why the Bible says that they desired a sign because they were a heady intellectual mentally arrogant people the Hebrews had a more richer definition of what a prophet worried what was with the word not be in a bi and then in a group term it was not be omit met a group of prophets and the way they saw the prophets was these are more than microphones these are legitimate representatives of a deity which meant that what makes a profit is not predictions but it is the aspect that Paul lists in first Corinthians 12 the Spirit of the Prophet there is a prophet spirit that is active in everybody that is born into that office so then one cannot emphatically become good enough at prophesying to become a prophet you cannot aspire to become professional enough at prophesy to become a prophet the absence of the prophets spirit is what determines whether or not a person is a messenger or an agent somebody who is used as a mouthpiece or a literal representative to the Hebrews a prophet could not only see the future they could come back to pass what they could do was invoke whatever God they served this is why every God lowercase G OD has mouthpieces they're called false prophets in that nights every God has a human that speaks on its back that comes forth in the earth as a representative of what they're supposed to do so the puppets of God have always been a major investment in the earth so that mankind could know the thoughts the attitudes the emotions the actions the judgments the opinions and the swings of God the trends of God were made known thought the prophets he chose to make it that way and I love how he writes it in hosea chapter 12 go there in hosea chapter 12 verse 10 god always talks about his use of the prophets there were certain problems in the Old Testament that were prophetic problems perversion was one be a cult was another backsliding was another he would he would send them to apostate Israel the future came through the mouths of God's prophets in Hosea 2 12 10 we see something very unique about the ministry of the prophets when god says i have also spoken by the prophets and i have multiplied visions so I'm not just gonna send a vision here or there I'm going to send numerous overwhelming amount of visions God saw visions as a part of his resource to a people as a part of his supply to a people I multiply the visions by my prophets I have multiplied visions I have used similar twos or I've used parables or comparative analogy where they can use earth language to understand heavenly things I've used similar to by the Ministry of the prophets now that doesn't seem very impressive until you identify what the word ministry in that context means it is the Hebrew word Sodom s OD and you know what it means it literally means the hand of God he says I am multiplied visions by the hand of God through the prophets the Ministry of the prophets is the hand of now the Bible says in the New Testament if I by the finger of God cast out Devils then the kingdom has come unto you if the finger of God cast out Devils then the hand of God has to speak to God's involvement his attachment his very aggressive hands in the affairs of mankind in other words when God wants to put his hand on something over something or against something you will find that prophets are somewhere in the mix that the people of God seem in them a part of this may fascinate you but you will know that every plan in the Bible contained above it God never planned without them in Amos 3:7 it says surely the Lord God does no thing now nothing means nothing without revealing his secrets through his servants to what the prophets in other words God's begins everything by the prophets they are how God begins things it even took a prophet to pave the way for the Ministry of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ could not come on the earth until there was repentance why because until you've repented you have no respect for Revelation so it's a John the Baptist to come and prepare the way for their respect of the Messiah hi John the Baptist that came the Messiah would have come and then instantly disrespected because the hearts of men needed to be be piled up a prophetic word so John had to come in the wilderness and cry what not blessing not your husband is coming not this is the greatest season of your life he had to cry what oh come on Simon he had to cry what he had to cry repent because without clearing the way the Word of God could have no respect always be mindful of any person who proclaims to know the future and does not care if it anybody that professes to see things about the future and makes the requirement of your soul is a psychic they are a soothsayer all be a Christian they still are a soul reader because the word of the Lord on the planet makes requirement and demands a response say I hear you you go down to verse 13 of Hosea 12 after God says I have my hand in the earth through the prophets see there's a lot of people who claim to be prophetic but they don't live a prophetic lifestyle the prophetic lifestyle means if you are a prophet or prophetic you always have the back slidden on your back you you district demonstrate the might of God the blind the Deaf the rebellious the broken they should be somewhere around your sphere because that is the might and the hand of God if God is reaching for somebody he is doing so through the prophets in Hosea chapter 12 verse 13 it says and by a teacher is getting warm up here by a pastor by an archbishop by an archbishop deluxe by a superintendent by a missionary by a first lady by a adjutant by a superintendent a supervisor by a deacon by a trustee by a mother let's get the record straight by a prophet the Lord we just got to talking about his hand brought Israel scream that over right now oh come on say out say out listen there are some things our people will never come out of until they've been hit by the Ministry of the that's they will stay undecided they will stay in lust they will stay in bizarre fantasy magic humanism religion he occult witchcraft seduction perversion until they run into that abrasive brunt of the prophets m'angil it is the coming out of 90 it is the anointing that waves of people out he could have used the priests to do it think he could have used the Prince to do it he could have used any ministry gift to do it but he chose to bring him out by the ministry of the prophets which means that if there is a house there restricts the ministry of the prophets that house is a house that's incapable of bringing people out you can help them feet then they out you can pretend like they out but they ain't coming out without revelation I'm talking to your ball here they will stay in this is why the devil hates the prophets this is why your pastor hates the buffets this is my your denomination hates the prophets it is the anointing that goes into freedom I'm trying to keep this down when I still there's our coming out in this there is an exodus in the spirit never saying it [Applause] New Delhi Dingaan Doria you can sue Blenheim medical coma you cannot teach a person house you cannot Pastor a person out you can't even evangelize her mouth there must be a word that goes to war with the stubborn causes of darkness to bring them the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt Israel was in the hold of Egypt their oppressors oppress them the idols the seductions the fantasies that they worship they were oppressing God's people so there needed to be an anointing that could be the medium of the intent of God the prophets brought him out and that was only half of their work by a prophet the Lord brought Israel in Egypt and by a prophet was she Israel preserved that word preserved is the word shaman it is a word that describes what the angel did when Adam was kicked out of Eden it means to Patrol it means to walk back and forth see you thought we were going to tell you your husband was coming you thought we were supposed to give you magic spring water but prophets are God's supernatural police what we do is we patrol the lanes of the earth make sure that none of these laws are broken to make sure that we deal with supernatural and religious crime to make sure that we enforce the edicts of God through what we say say preserved so then it is not enough to God for you to come out in order to stay out you must stay out by revelation this is why Moses would spend time and personal prophecy there are people who teach their personal property is petty and those people are non-prophetic antipathetic so we get it is petty because you can't do it but the reason why Moses spent time and personal prophecy was because of the Exodus when people are coming of their former lives and their seductions versions if they don't have God say something on the other side of they're out there going back in so Moses said because I crossed you over this red sheet and because I let you out of Parros army I've got to make sure God starts talking to you to make sure you don't go back to what have you if you've got a high rate a backslider a high rate of falling away what you need is to let the puppets come in and begin to declare the word of the Lord for the voice of the Lord is upon the water it is upon the wilderness it is upon the condition it's God's voice that gives men the victory so prophets are better than psychics I said to it and the reason is because we're more powerful very humbly speaking psychics have to rely on second-hand information see information can be secret and steal second hand by the time a psychic picks up on something it's been on the earth a long time why because God ain't talking to them like that so they can't retrieve the unknown just the secret so a psychic can pick up on what is in your soul I minister to you about what's in your heart but that is their limit that is their their their their measure they cannot go into what God knows because they can't have access to his mind that portion belongs to God's prophets say I hear you I hear you jamya says something in his book concerning the prophets of God he says if they be prophets and the word of the Lord is in them let them make intercession to the Lord of Hosts that the articles that are in the house of God pay attention sire go not to Babylon which means that you cannot have the prophetic active in a house and Babylonian behavior it is the job of God's prophets to keep Michener out of God's house see there would be no down-low bishops I'm coming there will be no pedophiles there will be no prostitute in molesting quad directors if the prophets had more power than the Deacons there would be no real rapes and there would be no adultery there would be no people there to divide the house of the leader if the prophets had a right to say there is a word from the Lord because through their mouths the devil's get expose the Bible says in first Corinthians 12 28 they are second in the in the order of God's house I love the way that David set up his church in first chronicles twenty five and one you find that David shows musical men and women to prophesy and here is how he said it he chose men who prophesied upon the hearts I bet you didn't know that instruments could talk for God you're going to see tonight that sometimes drums and in harps and organs can speak for the Lord I believe that there are things that can be said on the song that can be said with a sentence the song has the power to penetrate the soul if I play James Brown right now everybody's body would move just a little bit why because the song has the power to bypass your internet songs can go beyond your beliefs into the seat of a man so God says I know how I'm going to influence men I'm gonna raise up men and wind that can pop inside my song say prove it the very first song not second not third not full not fit the first melody uttered on the planet was sang by prophet things that make you go home and it makes sense because if the herb didn't know what music was somebody who had to hear to heaven had to satellite it on the earth what was her name Miriam she had a brother named Moses they got together in a recording studio after having heard that the children of Israel had a wolf and the Bible said that Miriam got at Emory and she began the professor and out of them now came these words the horse and the rider God is dealing with a strong whole and the mentality Ragman boy he's dealing with the curse and the thing that charges the horse and the rider had he told he to butchy she sang the song of deliverance about the fate of God's enemies fascinating facts about the prophets as we created the schooling system there was no such thing as academics before the prophets the prophets set up the world's first school before Samuel and Elisha men were studying personally but Samuel revolutionized a revelatory world by bringing cohorts of revelatory people to live together literally for support so that they would not be persecuted by the non prophetic community it is the same today that you are most persecuted by people who don't understand you but help me encourage somebody who's falling into depression next to you and tell them you ain't crazy you just hear from God go tell somebody you ain't crazy you just hear from God there people around the world stuck in lukewarm houses ring to feel like they're losing their mind because they're hearing things and seeing things I'm sensing things that pee lately but that devil is a liar his momma got a goatee God is letting the prophets go free this is a season where God is stopping prophetic persecution around the world and he's gonna vindicate those that cry out and those that prophesy and those that have been ignored to bring about in Ezra chapter 5 verse 2 I'm system just substantiating what you're going to see in Azra chapter 5 verse 2 the walls to the city had been destroyed Bishop got up early and talked about how a cago is dying there were a city was in calamity and a king by the name of Zerubbabel had a burden for the city he had a burden that the city rise from her ruins he was living and building and trying to push for people while the city was in ashes so the Bible said that God woke up two prophets he got him together and he called them up and he released him to start building with the king the Bible says that Haggai and Zechariah were with him rebuilding the city it says and the men got together Swartz and construction materials and with him were the prophets of God helping them that's Ezra phi2 which means that a leader a mayor a king don't know what they're missing out of if they don't have prophetic helps see the prophets of God have a gift of helps but the only gift of helps that America's Church know is water and peppermint's and calls but there is Repertory help there is prophetic help I may not be able to pour the water the right way but I can tell you where the money is for this next building project I can help you mr. police officer I heard the sound of blood crying across the water I know where you can hit y'all for that so you still won't zodiac prophecies but I believe God is raising up forensic puppets let them solve mysteries and so clues and put together things that put cities this is Ezra five two they prophesied upon the hearts all day all night what I love is first samuel 10 when they were getting ready to prepare saw to be king there were singing prophets and songs they came and sang over him about where he was going about where he had been and dressed him through the song then you have what you call prophetic acts there were prophets like Ezekiel that would act out the word of the Lord God told his if you set a seizure up in these rocks of clay and knock them over with your foot you would think so there is a very unique spirit in the prophets it's a very unique tendency and makes them very odd it makes them do weird things a normal person would not say here's a word of the Lord as you have dropped and rose so shall I drop and roll you you wouldn't do that but in the Bible God would cause theatrics and drama to come from the puppets we are to create a portion of the five four it is through the prophets that there is spontaneity and there is wildfire creativity that's released he told me get your builders and put your foot against it and say to them this is my judgment against the whole how he acted that out and there was nobody there to hear him so when you sneak the prophets don't just think verbal or vocal some of it will be acting when he lies just stood up in the heavens and cast his mantle he didn't speak a prophetic word he did a prophetic word that man Joe came upon whoever was supposed to land on and it was a prophetic what action remember when Saul got mad at Samuel and grabbed his mantle and tore it Samuel said and as you has torn this from me so will the kingdom be torn from you that was a prophetic what action remember what he lied to the publicís my finger what do you the prospect laid upon the dead child hadn't breathed upon him body to body literally on top of that ball that was prophetic CPR what happened the wind of God came so rapidly in that corpse that that dead person sneeze seven times now that's not prophetic to you but it's prophetic to me because what God says is not only am I gonna bring him alive I'm gonna clear his breathing up I'm gonna deal with infection I'm gonna allow whatever is in here from the spirit of death to be answer I hear the Lord saying ah-choo something was about to happen to the body of Christ were you all about to cough up and come out and release whatever is been on you from that if you believe it say that prophetic act Carolyn made Elijah get in trouble because you were not supposed to touch the data you were cursed he broke his society's rules and laid body to body on that thought was a sign when Moses called Joshua up and laid his hands on him that was a prophetic act when Jesus spat on the person I don't plan to spit on any of you tonight but when Jesus spat on the blind man and open his eyes what was it a prophetic act it was an act that said something tonight you're gonna see some things that are actions that say a thing see God has more ways to speak that you have to hear it's an action that says a thing and then you have perfect people who pray I love the story of Anna and I'm wrapping this up but Anna was a woman who sought God until now and we think oh this is a cute then old lady sits in the temple just a faster just like that but imagine let me teach you how important this is when you have a baby the only people who think that baby is cute is the person who had can we just break some rules there is a such thing as ugly babies now I know that offends you I know that's too real for some of you and you're supposed to think they're beautiful they belong to you but some babies come out looking like aliens EGS when you have daughters and they look just like they daddy you can I knew God helped a lot oh it's too real for y'all y'all never seen the ugly baby Oh babies that cute there W a line wonder I'm seeing some babies look like straight aliens just hand I'll be going if they are oh yeah Anna look at the infant Jesus the disciples walk with this man for years and at the end of their apprenticeship Jesus still had to asked him who do you sing tonight this cousin John the Baptist was related to him and when he was in a moment of agony sin worsen are you the one or should we look for another this lady looked at the baby Jesus and knew who he was before he could talk he that's a bad mamma jamma that means that the era of mourning is an anointing of a rifle it's an anointing of revival she's the mantle that says oh yeah this is the move-up ha this is it i know it is a verifying the Norden a confirming on order it is a validating anointing that's a bad girl to look at an ugly child and say this is the move of God glory to the son of God to look at somebody that still got gunk on a face and say this is the Lamb of God you took Magog open up the heavens for John to see it and I saw it from the day it came out I believe there are some Anna's or that are getting ready to be raised up in the body of Christ that are gonna pray until the other early detectors in the kingdom I know it's that pole born that I see this tape in his infant stages something is about to be born [Applause] then there was Elijah the dramatic Moffitt the power cooperative dealt with Jezebel who confronted the false prophets you've got the prophets at Antioch acts 13 1 what I love and what you're going to see tonight is the Bible's very could after all of this prophetic persecution Paul and sped up and he says in 1st Corinthians 14 29 let the prophets speak two or at the most three and let the other judge that means that if you'll pack your house and got at least two prophets you are out of scripture order I said if your house and got at least two profits you are out of spit - Lorna how you got ten Olivares twelve you pastors of ministers and training class we're on the front you want this you got Altos you got tennis you got Sopranos and ain't no profits God didn't give it to me that way what did he didn't give it to you the design is in the book the Bible say pass the puck yato like this gospel first apostles secondarily prophets than the prophets me two at the most three and let the others judge he's given room for at least five so y'all are negative I love acts 15 baba says in Acts chapter 15 that after great persecution of clothes of this how do you know in times of persecution in times of clothes heaven it is right for the prophetic word in times of great darkness times of confusion it's time for the prophetic word an acts 15 there was a great persecution in acts 15 32 the Apostle Paul went and wanted to establish helping the churches so what happened was when Paul left and went back Judas and Silas stayed and the Bible says in acts 15 32 Judas and Silas spent a long time with the church there giving very many words strengthening and establishing them because they were prophets at acts 15 32 they knew that without having a spectrum a variety of prophetic words over a person that there were two things that would come under attack their strength and their establishment that if there were no prophetic words over a people the devil would use their weaknesses against them but if there were no prophetic words or over people a people could not be established now that's a powerful word because there's a lot of people who are in place and not established what establishes them is that something must open the ground level and plug people deep in their purpose and deep in their house and deep in their assignment you know one of the ways I'll never run out of staff is because I prophesy my idea is I never want to assume what gifts or resources are not in my house I will never put a classified account for anything I'm gonna lay hands over and see what God is saying and then I'll do gift inventory aha you're the next youth pastor aha you're the next musician you see whether you prophesy the Spirit of God will begin to highlight what is active in the lives of it's called the treasure that is in the earthen vessel but you need an anointing that can see past the earthen vessel to retrieve the treasure that's buried in them it is the power of the prophetic word there's a such thing called prophetic presbyteries in the latter rain movement they would have times of fasting and prayer we're leaders in Bible College teachers will come together on graduations the only church I know of that still doesn't like that is City Bible Church Frank DiMaggio out an organ but I know very few african-american churches that make room for that we have made nigh musicals I don't know what the significance of that is we have all kind of concerts all kind of EPs and debuts and all of that birthday party to release panel that requires preacher bowls all of that nobody has prophetic gatherings where you have a team of people who pick people out and lay hands on people to prophesy concerning the future or their purpose or their gifts now this may be seeming a bit overwhelming to you because I'm detoxing you from believing that if you desire a prophetic word it makes you a prophetic junkie don't go around following in pulpits everywhere but that's not our biblical heritage our biblical heritage was that man inquired of God through prophets now grant it if your church don't trained and your prophets maybe D level that vest they may be average at best so what you probably don't want to inquire them when they start papasan they so overcome by the word if they can't communicate it the Lord is coming back okay ma'am but in the meantime what is he saying today what is he doing today what is he watching today hi Ron stoppable finding him today how do you know the Lord is talking about more than his return how do you have an end time Bible prophecy teacher who don't Papa sighs have you have somebody decode the book of Revelation and they are non prophetic the spirit that authored the book is not in them so that's what I got y'all celebrating peace and blood moons and looking for signs and chickens with multiple eyeballs that's why everything is a sign of the end times cuz they don't discern the times they don't have the spirit of prophecy in them he changed the prophetic anointing to interpret prophetic books you will never understand prophetic books if you ain't feel with the Holy Ghost it was the puppets anointing that position David terrain walked up to him and said you you stink you're filthy you are illegitimate you don't qualify and even with all that being the case about you the oil is flowing I wish I had the time the oil is flowing you smell like she you've been outside but the oil is flow back you don't look like the rest of them you got freckles and they don't your face looks like where you think but the oil is flowing your daddy don't think you deserve this he puts you out on the purpose brother oil then listen to me it don't matter where you been what's your bid through who did what who said what when the audio stops come on elbow somebody with a weave said when the oil flows let me oil all you need is for the oil over you and don't can take you from the ghetto to the blue very many of you the oil is going to flow the oil is gonna flow on your marriage the oil is gonna flow on your ministry somebody in here is thinking about killing themselves God has a greater worth the oil is about to flow somebody in here is in a soul time the oil is about to make you strip your way on out of the Sun God is about to send the unknown in the rubic rate your exit you're gonna come out of this he's gonna make that thing is heavy ha ha ha tell somebody the oil the oil the oil the oil the oil [Applause] wherever there is a profit there will be a new thing the Apostles need them the kings of the earth need them whether your pastor believe it or not he need them if you shut the prophets down there is a level of money you can't have st. Chronicle 2020 if you believe in the Lord your God you'll be established but if you believe his prophets you will my final admonition to you is this some of you will receive a word tonight that's not gonna make sense don't try to make it make sense what I know about the prophecies it makes sense in the season when the season of that word arrives you will understand it until the season for its manifestation arrives you just get strength from the fact that it was spoken over you but some of you you will receive confirmation but for some of you it's not going to be confirmation at all some of you're gonna go hooome so it doesn't have to confirm anything particularly if your heart ain't caught up with heavens some time God will forecast something that you never thought you could do and never thought you could be he will come to you and say something impossible like going up to a virgin saying you shall conceive and bring forth I just really believe there will be some impossible words tonight or you don't have to faith for that God is going to do some impossible things you will receive what David received when Nathan prophesied to him a brand new beginning how do you know some revelation makes you repent Nathan walked up to David and God started all the way over how do you need a new start just something brand new that prophetic anointing can reprogram you in to the future say I received the Lord so now we are going to see a series coming movies a series of prophetic things are you ready are you ready you are about to witness the various ways the word of the Lord goes or forth and you will be let's give the Lord a shout of praise all that this bill [Music] [Music] the sounds of many waters hamsa P&V the voice that ends the silence meets me in my knees like fireworks igniting in my chest the weight of your glory so speak to me [Music] speak to me [Music] speak to me [Music] the sound that shakes the heavens the whisper on the wind it breaks my inhibitions and settles me you hidden mystery you closer than my skin sweet to me [Music] speak to me [Music] Petey streets me [Music] speed [Music] speak soon [Music] speak to me [Music] [Music] [Music] we eat [Music] sweet [Music] me [Music] so what we're gonna do now is they're dancing we're gonna give you an example of corporate prophecy so this is going to be the word from the Lord keep it where it is that's specific to a people over a people so that means it's something God is saying that applies to everybody all the other section so just lift your hands and receive as they begin to prophesy what God is saying over you and the Lord and the Lord and the Lord and the Lord says that I am sifting through my people and those of you who has you who have used seduction and witchcraft to enter into my presence tribulation shall be your portion lest you repent but those of you that understand the deep things of me and are pure in heart now it's time to come out of your caves for no longer show you be hidden and your rest is over and even as past seasons have brought trouble unto you as you have tried to step out and act upon what I have placed in front of you now I heal you now I deliver you and now I bring you into a house where you shall be built in the things of me says the Lord and the Lord says that even as I heal you that I shall begin to release the sensitivity to hear my voice in a greater capacity and the Lord says I bring to your remembrance that which I've declared in my word that as you seek me with your whole heart that you shall find me so the Lord says know that this is an hour that I may be found as you pursue me with your whole heart the Lord says yes and as you seek and as you pursue me that I shall grant wisdom that I shall grant revelation and that I shall grant understanding to you so the Lord says do not be dismayed by the cares of this world and do not be dismayed by your fears for on tonight I come to deliver you from fear and I come to restore hold on to you for you to believe again but have not declare that Hope deferred makes the heart sick so know that on tonight that I come to restore the fragmented pieces of your heart and know that I come to declare over you that even in the myths of broken is that I shall make everything beautiful in my timing as you rely upon me I want this young lady I think you I think these are two strands they're blonde you're rubbing your hands together come here I want you somebody was just standing up with both of their hands up a thin frame lady will you come now we're going to show you the song of the Lord how do you know you serve a singing God the Bible says the Lord sickens come up here will you we serve a singing God the Bible says that God seems in the midst of his people and what he sings often he sings my prophets or prophecy I'm gonna have some singing prophets come and sing the word of the Lord over these two c'mere where's Ryan come on come on by the - you can come the stem right here stand right there all right you go with her make sure them lifes are right and you go with her all right lift your hands here the word of the Lord I've carried you I know you I know you I know you and I've seen your tears I've seen your pain I know you I know you and your cast shall not help you you're mine you're mine yes your past shall not have you your mind your mind I've always watched over you when no one was there when no one else cared I love you I've always watched over you when no one was there when no one did care about you your parents should not have you your mind yes your mind and you're mine your passion not of you yes you're mine you're mine you're mine [Music] I surround you with my Lord and you will move with the wind of my glory you shall move with the wind of glory you shall move with the wind of my glory right see the door right and when you walk in now can you walk around with my glory this is me lifting you up this is me lifting you up this is me lifting you up this says me lifting you up all the pain pain is gone the pain is gone this is me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] alright the Bible says that David had men that prophesied upon the harps I want is there anyone in here like in the last week or so that's had a miscarriage the last week or two that is miscarry the last month if you've had a miscarriage and I'ma lead him down there I won't have gone a bit come here Robert Stephanie coming come across sweetheart just stand right here all right we're gonna have the harpist talk to play and as the harpist plays we're gonna have profits that they release the word of the Lord jahar cetera here in front of her give me some more value on her [Music] [Music] three years I've been speaking to you about your future I've been speaking to you about your destiny and where you should be right now you have been working and you have been progressing into my wheel into my plan for your life and I want you to know that loss is not lost and death is not death but I perfected everything in my time everything is perfected everything is made right and all things work together for the good of them who love the Lord and our call according to my purpose so what you have lost the Lord says I will repay Sevenfold and I will give you beauty for Ashes and joy for mourning and yes you will feel this joy yes you will conceive this joy you've been in Sivas where lord I can't I can't understand I can't really feel the joy that you're speaking of I can't really feel and process this joy but the Lord says there will come a day when you will feel the joy of the Lord then it will be tangible to you you'll literally be able to grab it with your hands and the Lord says even now the Lord says that you will have more children spiritual sons and daughters people that you mentor and that you speak into in a time the Lord says and he says take this time now and process yourself take this time now and study take this time now and learn because there will come a time while I will pour you out let's leave God and I will allow you to speak to nations saith the Lord and he says that your bounty will be plenty and you will lack nothing so he says take this time to sow wheat and he says that I give you permission to weep it's almost like you held back your weeping because you thought it wasn't something then that people like you knew that strong people don't weep for the Lord says I release we weeping unto you a season of weeping because he says in the season of whipping you'll get divine revelation and he says it's a part of me he and even as the angel are bottling up your tears she said tears aren't part of me he said I put it into your DNA to cry and he says oh it's okay to cry it's okay to weep and the Lord says that you will have a season of weeping but it will bring you into great revelation and understanding of me so he says be still my daughter know that I am with you know that I have even paint away before you and I have calculated everything everything has been calculated into my divine plan for your lives [Music] real quick before you come yeah I just let your hands give her the word of the Lord this is someone else who suffered a miscarriage give her the word of the Lord [Music] the father says that weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning and I see you sitting at the post of your bed crying out God widely widely why me why me why me why me and the Lord want you to know that everything happens for a reason and he said through this you're gonna gain strength you're gonna gain momentum and even courage I see boldness and courage coming out of you even through this miscarriage that you had because you're gonna overcome barriers that you thought that you would never be able to overcome and I see you as a little girl wanting children and I see you're desiring to even like playing house in the midst of just wanting to be a mother and wanting to be able to raise children and God says that don't worry that I am going to come I'm going to give you my promise and I see God crowning you in this season for you ran the race well since the Lord and he wants you to know that everything that you feel like you've lost he's gonna give it back to you and I see you even acts in the Lord in prayer time I see you as a strong intercessor and God says that through this miscarriage I'm even birthed intercession through you and you're gonna know what it is to wore in prayer and he says that even as you suffered a miscarriage you're gonna help other people burn out things out of them but there shall be destiny a purpose that you walk like a like a um a midwife or you'll be able to burst things out of people and he wants you to know that this happened for a reason for you to learn from so there shall be knowledge and wisdom that begins to be downloaded onto your person and I see you walking out of the waters with God for there shall be courage that comes out of you there is a birthing that's even coming out of you again says the Lord but you think that this may not be able to happen again but gosta there shall be a birthing that comes out of your belly there should be a bursting that comes out of your belly and he wants you to believe and have courage take courage says the Lord take courage says the Lord hold on to hope hold on to peace for that she'll be the thing that stabilizes you for the end you will not be able to torment you any longer but he says take courage my daughter all things are in my hands and I see God putting your hands to work in this season but you've been able to hide but God says come out amongst them come out amongst them come out amongst them but your intercession is like fire in the belly and I see him clothing you again but this came to destroy you it came to rob you for death was trying to overcome you but God says I break death off of you even today but the spirit of death shall not be able to reign and rule over your life but this shall not be your portion and even death to your bloodline shall not happen for I'm breaking curses through you said the spit of the Lord so have hope faith peace shall be your portion say it God all right thank you so much let's give our harpist a hand [Applause] Riis get me real quick switch with bin now we're going to see the word of the Lord interpreted through dance okay one of our prophets is going to pop aside and as our prophet is prophesied the dancer is going to interpret what he's what she's doing I want this lady you have like a salt and pepper effort you putting your glasses back on coming proper to keep the cup [Music] [Music] just stand there let your hands up all right now she promised us Jasmine's going to dance the word of the Lord out here the word of the Lord for daughter the Lord says that I come this day and he says I remind you of all the promises that I promise you and yes you said and even trying to declare to yourself that this is it that you have nothing left inside of you but the Lord says that I show you who I am as a father and as long as you exist on this earth you will be my daughter and I made promises to you that I will keep because I am a God of my word and I am NOT man that I shall live no shall I leave you and he says you will see me as a father but you'll also see me as Emmanuel in this season so I remind you that I am always with you no matter what the past look like I give you a focus now to your future and the Lord says your future is secure and he danique destroy the thing that tried to hold you and try to destroy you and try to kill you all in the dr. Z the words of dr. this tried to make a proclamation over your body the Lord says I am a father who comes and healed his daughter and he does not heal your body I hear your brother heal you in your blood area that I said I heal every portion over you and even your dreams and your aspirations they're not even there yet alive and are closed you to dream again I told you to live again I called it the play again he says you're an intercessor in a which came and attacked your prayer line but he says I'm gonna show you what it means to pray and not cease and he says this interpretation of his dance he said I come as a father to remind you of my promises for your life says the Spirit of the Lord good Lord shut up raise actually I want to seek you say right there I just said something moving on that I want this guy you're sitting all the way at the back with the hat on all black at the very back yeah you [Music] jasmin stay up here [Music] [Music] right here give me something that sounds like a fight I'm gonna prophesy to him about a war loot your hands man stand in front of him for the Lord says son this is the season of restoration and recovery for you for the enemy has come after your integrity I've seen in the last five years you have been in a war a war against who you are but God says I reveal myself to you in this season and in my revealing myself to you in this season I reveal more of who you are but there are gifts and talents that I locked up on the inside of you where you've been trying to figure out which way to go and I even see you in between jobs in this season the Lord says son I put a business mantle only inside of you I've made you to be one that shall call people into the level of employment I've made you to be a financier for your name shall be known across nations where the Lord says I put this be inside of use at the time of your birth and you cannot run away from it saith God for I shall use you as a mighty weapon in my kingdom and even your mouth Vietnam I shall use against the forces of hell so the Lord says take part of this season and trusted me but I'm gonna shroud of glory over you and Lord says my angels protect you in this season now by the power of the Holy Ghost and by the blood I between healing over your mind i decree restoration over you and I and I'll take right now into captivity this thing has been slimed the war gives you even at night time even during the time you're sleeping God says you have not been able to sleep we're trying to figure out what's the next step in life here you know this you are my son and know that your destiny is in my head I shall move you that's your progress see I shall send you forward no open doors for you I will send you back to your family to open doors I mean that are in your family know that you will be one and so break the spirit of poverty of your family poverty of blood and come to your body doctor I will send you home listen you thought same time it has not said that nothing shall by any beat hit did you know ROG from this day forth his heart the most somebody give them our praise all over this raise all over this building somebody scream out published ha [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now we're gonna see the word of the Lord act it out but I see the same thing we're gonna transition into this hum of you are enjoying this demonstration of the spirit we're gonna receive these mimes is they act out the word of the Lord and then we're going to have the same demonstration where somebody's going to act out what God is saying through mine receive the word of the Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I want this guy you got on glasses sitting on the end with the gray shirt or you champ yes sir you and you at the back what the suspenders who just slowly sat down will you come [Music] now we're gonna see the word of the Lord go forth someone's gonna act it out in the very same dimension as they prophesied over cameraman cerise this is yours you come up here stand in front of him or maybe y'all should switch so you stand yeah in front of them and this is yours all right Aryan you go first I hear the Lord say that he's come today as the check breaker and I hear that say I come to even called you to be like Saul even when he met the prophets coming down for the mountain but today you shall be changed into a new man and the Lord says I see you I see you running but though it says today I have come to arrest you and I have come to call you into purpose and into destiny and the law says even right now I break off of you fear you feel of your future and even I see word curse that was spoken over you and there was a lock up the great work course off of you and you shall be and you shall go and you shall do and you shall say all that I have commanded you to do for there is a great preacher of the inside of the earth and you will open up your mouth and you will preach my gospel say the God and the Lord says up I even have your parents in my hand says God for Noah that I am aligning up and I agree establishing even now but the Lord says that there be on your heart I see for six months huh and even as you are praying and crying out to me that I ever heard your prayers I and I have come to Rin the heavens in decision for you and I see you disappointment eager you asked of God and it all says sauna I have heard your prism and not only have I heard your prism I'm gonna grant your request for more than what you asked for well you might even like Sullivan unto me up and when you ask for me you didn't ask for stuff of things you asked for my heart you asked for my Gloria you asked for my purpose of and now you're running for your life up and soother I have come a time so you are so today I can say that I put you under arrest up in the name of Jesus [Applause] and either lower saying this was a this was a seed this was the season that you have walked out of was a hard season this was a transition for you the Lord says that he is very pleased with a decision that you have made to come and to follow him the Lord says now this is the time that you will stand and that you will be the man that is called you to be I see that there has been situations and there has been hurt from leaders hurt from leaders I see hurt from leaders are placed upon you but now God comes - he comes to restore you he comes to give you life again he comes to restore that team that was broken he comes to am in the places that were broken in your heart I see I see um I see your living situation I see your family situation and I see uh how it was a struggle and how you saw your mom go through I pray now and I see how it was difficult for you to actually endure and look at it but the Lord says he's coming to rebuild rebuild I hear rebuild I hear rebuild for you rebuild the Lord says that your that your ministry is going to be unique I see you uh not fathering but mentoring from the ages of 12 to 16 it looks as though that you have seen some things in your life that God is going to use now for you to be a testimony to others that you will be used and that will be God God's ministry for you I pray now in the mighty name of Jesus O God for this vessel now I pray now and the mighty name of Jesus o God that his ears would be open oh god to hear your voice now I pray now a god father that anything father that has tried to penetrate him and anything that has tried to come to devour him and kill him I pray now against death now in Jesus name father I prayed now oh god that now God that the weights will be broken off of his life now in Jesus name I pray now oh god father Oh God father as he is released so run to you God I pray now about that surf fire oh god what now oh god father penetrate his body now in the mighty name of Jesus while I pray now O God that now oh god father this will not be ever be a season where he will lag on the father that he will be found a strong guy and I thank you O God that you have broken up in weakness now and she's a snake I pray now oh god father that now Oh God that his tears and father what he is crying for everyone has bar up in the left broken and torn father would be rebuilt now in Jesus name and I pray O God and I thank you O God for His life I thank you for security in you Jesus I pray now in the mighty name of Jesus Oh God that now O God that you will begin now o God to invade his space god I pray all that baggage won't break oh now over him now God now oh god father release the emotions down and Jesus say a prayer god father he would love me emotional isto for the father you would have the emotions of you I pray now now his back would be made strong now in Jesus name I pray now grab that now would be the time and this will be the seat that you will open in the ground there promise I promise I promise I promise I upgrade now and the money they would see the slogan that is here so Godfather will be unblocked and I play for clarity a great for clarity I beg you that is like this yielding you and she's this name will put those hands together pull the Lord all right I want this rope enough god I think this is a living online we're showing you who's who lives in you right there thank you and I want this woman again here will you jump with the fuzzy should get to me my former first lady is about to come this is prophetess Katie peach oh I might have her minister the word of the Lord to these these young ladies how many of you know one of the assignments of the devil is premature retirement the devil will make a person feel like this is all they have to offer but I believe that one of the anointings of the Prophet is to refire and reignite people who thought they were done in life how many of you believe that right receive the word of the Lord when you were walking up here what I saw because you have your life and bringing you into a place of gladness where you will not only be full of joy but you will be happy those that have spoken against you years upon years and said that you could not God said not only that you can but you will and this is the tiny'mon your finances where you thought that you didn't have enough finance God said now I'm going to put the finances in your hand because now I can trust you because before because of things that were spoken over you you just let your money sort of be in a place of a swallow but God said I'm pulling all that together and showing you that you are more intelligent than you think that you are that you can do more that you obey you think that you can't do and God said this is now in the time for you to step hi I see tracks that have been for you and you have been stepping into the tracks but now god said those tracks even though they try to shut our shut are all around you even around your feet I see you stepping side stepping and God set your breaking right from my enemy that has kept you down and you get it instead and in rhythm with the Lord now I'm going to show you what it means really to be a daughter of the Lord to hear my voice obey my voice and know that it's me you will not second-guess yourself anymore you will not let others talk you out of what you know God told you to do and what you can do your days of disappointment are over be happy my daughter and be filled with the joy of the Lord beautiful but God has laid you to sleep beauty there have been times where you could not see it you knew it somewhere deep on the inside of you and God has called you to prophesy but you have not because it's been this feeling over you and invest feeling it's like I can't get above this ceiling I can't seem to break it I can't seem to shake it but God said it wasn't for you to break all the shame he's getting ready to do it through you he's getting ready to show you the strength that you have that you did not know that you had it like this but you have strength you have inner beauty and that beauty is coming on the outside of you and I see job not changing your posture and giving you a backbone like you've never had before aha roll up our shaker mama Playa oh you must be kiddin your shame and when you come forth now you have strong warrior champion because that's what got me to the beat and you shall won't get it and do it that that's it this is your instruction just be strong and do it say no more put those hands together for the Lord [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell somebody be strong and do it bless me you know I just feel that intercessory thing coming up here he come here you'll see we have to end prophet crystal now there's a way to pray a prophecy they are certain prophetic gifts that have a very powerful intercessory bit that as they are praying they pray through prophecy over a person compared Jimmy give him a mic somebody get him a mic [Applause] we're going to have three people chopped if we're going to have each of these prophetic in assessor's pray through a prophecy over them okay you're gonna see how that works that they could pray a prophecy and push what through my life skin man right here sitting next to Felicia I don't know your name you stand in front of her I think I'm gonna get you later myself i watch out dude just trying to listen to God about what's going on in the room what the Lord is saying there's a gentleman we're not gonna do either of that views you're very going to do I want this this young lady with his lime-green [Music] and I won't mother right here you got like the retro thing going on today you're giving me an geez don't wreck it with it yes yeah [Music] you stand in front of him now let's do women with women so you switch with Jimmy you come instead upon a Jimmy you now you stand in front of her and you stand right here alright what they gonna do just put your hand on their shoulders will you each of you and what each of them are going to do is they're going to pray through a prophetic word over them all right you ready prophetess receive the word of the Lord Arabian arabic allah arabic haza lord I thank you for your daughter God that I thank you that the curse is over God but I think you that the years of running is over God and I thank you Lord now that you crowned her with your righteousness God and I think you'll order to crown her which your holiness not but I think you that you move the spirit of the feet away from her you're gonna thank you that you show her great victory God but I think you don't have the curb creativity God and I thank you that you're moving on even finer forgot that I thank you that no weapon formed against us shall prosper in the name of Jesus and I thank you Lord that the curses of the enemy is destroyed they're gonna thank you guys she know her place in your house but I think you that she knows God that her place is here thank you this you'll stop the running god I pray now that the rotation of running is over I count to the spirit of the feats and accounts of the spirit of procrastination they're gonna thank you now that you perform in the name of Jesus and even the prayer of a mother I think Uganda now they hit her like fire the shut up in her phone they're gonna thank you that the prayer the prayer mother shampoo possum in the name of Jesus I break the wall of the enemy that calls her to run in the name of Jesus I break the pact of the enemy that tells her she don't belong in the name of Jesus and God now I think that you put her in your way in that you put her in your way in God that you place her in your brand in the name of Jesus and I break the feet even off of her mind in the name of Jesus and I bring on even fear fear of her call in the name of Jesus over her now in Jesus name and brother name the name of Jesus gonna just thank you for your son I just thank you Father for the season Oh got a victory that you are assuring him into thought I just thank you that you break every assignment of poverty on with his life i decree father in long life you will satisfy him i decree that that you break every assignment of Devlin even now we decree father now that you give him life of all the inside of it for you called that he may have a life he has that more abundantly I decree father now you'll release a spirit of life of all the inside of him Oh death where shall speak grave where is your victory i decree now brother to arrange the bumper and you are dressed up for the season oh please get ready to go into a we'd agree father receiving their consecration is a polymer but seasonal plastic it is autonomous let's see the player it is a father but let us be the perfect judge but that's not like you God does not like you are and the spin of Suicider will it create breaks now hit of depression Sri Lanka and the literature and liberty and freedom a weekly assignment out of seduction up with a credit let that should be a wall of fire break every chain destroy every pillar with a green light and so Taizo means the player the player the prior of Claude Akins today he will not die but she will live and inevitable life miss your personal life is your personal life romantic be delivered ah Priya he delivered on mp3 but [Music] [Music] thank you all of the entire day happy Oh [Music] the righteous shall be will be my media field come on give the Lord a shout of praise all over this I'm gonna do this this is something that the Lord uses me and just kind of stay right there softly its tongues and interpretation the Bible says that tongues are therefore a sign so there are times that God communicates messages through tongues and interpretation the Bible says in the Book of Isaiah through stammering lips and another tongue will I speak to my people there are times of darkens speak forth and utter forth a prophetic word in an unknown tongue and it's interpreted in a known language in it's very much Bible I want beloved come come on [Music] [Music] this gentleman right here will you come yes sir in the black [Music] test your mics [Music] stand in front of them [Music] I received the word of the Lord roto Boccia Vendela Oh Cora namaste Rebecca Congre acatenango so Steve alibi Ricci Ando so I beyond Ruggiano so leafy Sakura nama Sarah Greta Bolsheviki and Ella Bosa rape a pimp Evian dose or imam and are a idiot Oh rose so Shiva la manga Linda ce que lo Boston rata Baba mauna kea olivian le Jia mo severely makea da da da da ba Baba multi previous o Bharata massacre libecki animals o placebo sorry Monsieur for the desolate time and God says that edge you have posture your heart to come to me and you have only to me the enemy has [Music] [Music] another one of them I want this this woman of God you got the purse slang yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll give the Lord a shout of praise all over this come on you can do better than that get me out some glory few more things I want [Music] I think [Music] mother back here in the dashiki you got the hope someone he was just rocking good morning Bob I want this man right here you about to get rekt and you which is blue you actually may need some help with this beloved will you come back up mix that right here woman of God you stand in the middle this guy in the blue you stand at the end bring me this they agreed to meet again the painting so we wanted prophetic artists to to paint out what they were sensing in the atmosphere so we're going to give one of these paintings to each of these people and what's going to happen is the Buffett is gonna pop this out to the person concerning why the painting is significant to their season promise Michelle or put this one bring that to me Nick this is you stand close to it Damon bring this to this woman of God right here [Applause] put it next to her and put the blue next to the blue [Applause] here top the profits he thought we were dead devil what is [Music] that is so this is the word of the Lord for you so today I open your eyes in a more intentional way and I cause your ears to hear says the Lord for your heart and your belly's so burned with fire says the Lord runnin a so home for you says the Lord and in my government the Lord but you love the Lord and Yolo change stations by your word and by your intercession the Lord the day I say come forth come for the boldness well there are the four continues a day that was a today and I realize the joke down from the hearts of the king the Lord your God receive the word of the Lord the Lord says that in the past you have been in the atmosphere of shame but now as I speak unto you I now speak unto you life and I calls you to be a life giver and the Lord says that even as I have caused your mouth to be a shark mouth in the earth I have called you to speak life and that would you so will give life and bring forth life the Lord says that no more when your tongue be used for death but now I have put a word in your belly now I put my word inside of you and you will speak life and that would you so you shall also see free-run not a god that even lies and I'm not a god who changes on what I have decided from you Rahab closed you even from the foundations of the world to be a life-giver and to speak light and I've even changing your atmosphere from atmosphere same to an atmosphere of glory and you will see me crown you and crown you in your atmosphere and you will be able to speak light and to give glory crowding others with glory I'm even changing your living situation I'm even calling you to even be safe and secure and your living situation no longer will you be afraid or ashamed of what your future entail crying the God that feels a future for you I'm the God that has framed your world from the foundation of the world from the foundation of the earth and the Lord says that now from you from now until the time where you see this thing manifest you'll begin to speak a different thing regarding your household and now you will speak a different thing regarding your family but the Lord says that I have called you to be one in your family that is going to bring forth life and even the spirit of death that has been a sign against your family you will be the one to even cancel that the Lord says that your intercession and your prayers on behalf of your family I receive people is saved because of your intercession and because of your prayers say from physical death and say from the natural death for the Lord says that the whole woman of God your prayers are heard in heaven and Lord says that you are not ignored and Lord says that you are not overlooked and Lord says that you are even accepted in the beloved the Lord says that no longer will your past be a little something that haunts you but now the Lord and gives you a new future a future in a hope and he assures you today that today your future is set and today your future is set today your future is set today your future is that it is in stone where I have said it and forever my word is settled in the heavens your hand man received the word of the Lord [Music] random wins of interpretations grandeur winds of distance greater winds and efficiency levels the more you're not about what you see the Lord but upon your mind upon your heart says the Lord while carbonell that sensitivity in you and I'm behind you and me bringing you is the crate and divine treasure and when I release you it shall be us and the purity it shall we have now the oneness with heaven says the Lord nor is there for us when abaya noisy Seve impressment of my revelation that the Lord your God wishes it's not my turn [Music] [Music] two years ago this week there were waters around you that we're supposed to drown you overwhelming waters waters in your reading waters in your relationships and waters in the city you would live but the Lord says look and see what I am done the thing that should have drowned you will become the thing that you walk upon I see that that test the literal academic test that you are nervous about get ready to walk upon it in flying colors for I am Lord over the waters and iOS's I will show you what it is to split them and walk through them but save the Spirit of the Living God and the Lord says woman although there had been injustice against you where one had robbed from you for an entire year your day of divine recompense has come and it's gonna come without the court system oh it's gonna come from the powers of heaven and you will watch me to keep you for no thief has gotten away but I'm gonna allow for the refund to come and the retribution to be released because you have sought me set the Spirit of the Living God come on give the Lord praise all over this building hallelujah all right these paintings belong to them so make sure they get them all right god bless you all right everybody sit down god bless you god bless you now here's another bear we're working through this now presbytery is where a group of prophetic people prophesy to one person almost in a team and generally speaking we see this in acts 13 and 1 we see this at First Samuel TM where a team of prophetic people would give the word of the Lord to a person mainly about destiny mainly about their assignment mainly about things that may interrupt them but also impartation Paul told Timothy neglect not the gifts that were placed in you by the laying on of hands and the prophetic words of the presbytery so presbytery is one of the ways that gifts can be transferred but also recognized we're gonna transfer some gifts today come on somebody say transferred or shouted like your New Testament say transfer I want who's unlucky well Providence Gabi profetas Keesha come stand with me Aaron Rabin and Jason come over here visit Tiffany one right the Tiffany okay I want oh yeah Jared where you at son [Applause] and there was a young lady although acted back with a hat on I think the color is peach you got blonde hair career you're not hiding so we're going to do prophecy and give any preparatory sense with my water now he was bringing to you [Applause] [Music] [Music] in the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord he was high he was lifted and his train filled the temple and I saw living creatures going from the south and the east and with two wings were on their backs the two wings were on they feet and they cried holy holy holy is the Lord and then I heard a voice speaking out of heaven saying who will I sit who will go for me and then I said woe is me for I am an unclean man and I throw them the midst of an unclean people but then I saw the angel of the Lord with a burning coal in his hand and he came and he cleansed my mouth and he cleanse my lips and his word was in my mouth like fire but the Lord says this is the year that aziah dies over you and I'm getting ready to crack open the heavens and you shall behold my angels saith God for I have angels and they are very many and they have been over you even from the time of your mother's 6-month when there was the idea of abortion I said angels to preserve you said the Spirit of God now what I'm getting ready to do is were you I'm gonna burn your mouth I'm gonna burn your tongue I'm gonna burn your conversation and you won't know what it is just Thunder for a great power for like I say a puppy in my holiness and in my righteousness I have made you a poncho another serie of prophet of repentance I have made you a man that cries out holy holy and there shall be kings that fall at your word so do not declare your uncleanness for the longer where you declare unclean what I am please say it the Spirit of the Living God for I am the God that purifies for I come to remind you that I did not leave you polluted in your blood neither did I pass you over for I am the Lord like our like he's CEO you shall Pina you will be like a watchman and soars higher and you'll be able to elevate your sight and you will be able to declare the word of the Lord how why I am God and I establish you as a prophet of the Lord that God in my house and I stay on to you yes the secret is out yes sugar you come out of the hiding place I'll break your limitations yes I even deal with you know and Tara when I look at you the Lord show me two Scrolls in your hand and he's beginning to stuff those Scrolls in your mouth and the Lord said this day I change your diet to your destiny and the Lord said yes I break the spirit of Jezebel that came out after you out of the womb and the Lord said you've been running and you've been hiding but the Lord said now I break your cave wide open says the Lord and the Lord said I begin to see show you trifles in your dreams but the Lord said now I say can't they Liam so the Lord said now I introduce you to power that's good and the Lord said be not afraid so I break the spirit of failure off of you the Lord that you will never fail my love never fails the Lord said now how about you with a new man so and I do grace and new wings so the Lord said now start higher go further says the Spirit of God [Applause] [Music] try it please come pick it up hold it up move quickly [Music] as it is in heaven let it be upon the earth we induct you tonight into the Encounters of pouch holy prophets from before the time began you've known the god of healing and the God of restoration but now you are about to meet the god of Elijah as it is in heaven let it be in the earth get caught up out of the prophets spirit of the living this your hands real quick every gag order on every prophet of God in this audience every death decree on every properties of God in this office audience we send the hounds of heaven I page the spirit of Jezebel to consume the flesh I believe a boat's padded in the street you will live and not die to declare the works of the Lord your God it is so that it will not be otherwise streamed in this house [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift your hands for I hear the Lord say and carve an ear unto me for your cry in this season has been Lord I want to you you father I want your will God tell me what to do and the Lord says for Dona I have heard your prayers and I'm coming to you leave even Swift like the wind in this season and the Lord says I'm coming to breathe the breath of God upon you and I come to move even in your intellect and your intelligence same God for even in your mind I see even when you are a child something happening where it calls your mind to not work at its full capacity but today the Lord I've open up the focus of your capacity and I called you to be a genius huh and even though I cannot say it even in this time I'm get ready to bring you for its a purpose and into destiny for the ones that I have called you as an intercessor in the earth and you shall be worn up who prays for my dear creature and you shall be water who prays both my wheel in the earth saying guard up and even I cannot say right now I've given up like your heads in full health filled up for the reason I had cause you have stabilized the minds of Lena and this is why illness after your mind and this is why here wants to drive you crazy and this is why and 70 is over you but today God says I stabilize you and Noah you will not be your mother now can share it by fire my fire shall tell you and you will cry louder and you will spare matter when I see a muscle over your mouth and even it's like on your job and in your family people don't want to hear what you have to say don't even open up your mouth and will you try to shut it up and put it a keener and when you take it down the walls are closed you go burst open up my cleaner and my wheels say O'Connor and now I speak to infirmary in your body and I decree and declare now disease and sickness up from your grandmother will not hit your party now transfusion in your parlor and and and death shall not have you know sir if you will incline your ear on jamia and submit yourself for my water my plan for your life you should humble yourself in this season if you humble yourself before me huh I will close you have the glory for teens how close you just stop before grizzly and how close you to walk through pause I'll close you I hear you saying God I'm not worthy God me huh God ah I can't do it ah God ah it's too much' the Lord said huh it is not too much' for you I'm not souls in the vessel ha and you are the water I have enough for such a time as this uh save car even as I have blown upon you the breath of life I now release upon you my fire as a cleanser I began to purify you from the inside out and know that I call you for a time such as this and I release the Ministry of deliverance upon you will you shall be used as a weapon of war against the bowels of hell even now i unlock the gift of deliverance on the inside of you and the Lord said you cells set free and shall deliver those that are bound by sicknesses and by disease those that are locked up in their flesh the Lord says you sell make them hold and you shall release them into their callings so even right now by the power of the Holy Ghost i unlock this gift that's blocked up on the inside of you and I release it by fire now lamb by the sea by the Landy Superman solo back on land II on so PO I stir up fire now on the inside of you that will you open up your mouth demons will shrivel hell will I open up no one see pot alone the I - Oh I command you to loose her and let her go she's a weapon of war she's a woman of God she's a woman of Valor and even now father we decree and declare that father you will release her into her generation father just set them free father the set every captive free you shall use her hands to build father and not to destroy and then father even in the secular city even in her job and her business father you shall use are there to deliver father even where she works Lord we thank you that even right now father you going to open her mind and give her the capacity to receive impartation even right now that father you taking her to a new level higher Heights and deeper depths and you say it God now father let your fire begins to increase in her Lord she shall be known as a woman of holiness and a woman of standard and a woman of stature father for her past shall not hunter any longer in the name of Jesus we thank you for it now and God says he's come into this spirit of fear that keeps keeping you down and keeping you bottled up but there was complications even in your mother's birth that caused and interfere or cause the entryway to fear in your life and God says I've come to put a dancer that intimidation that comes over you season after season I see every year around the same time there's a cycle of you beginning to look at yourself in Phyllis if you are not worthy or good enough but God says I come to break that cap off of your life for you she'll be one that begins to look at yourself more clearly I see you looking in the mirror and beginning to see yourself as God has seen you [Music] [Music] put those hands together for the Lord all over this place come on put those hands together for Jesus all over that place we're almost done we're gonna do something the Lord told me who he wants us to come after tonight how many of you are being blessed watching the word of the Lord manifest give me right where you was with that last look Ruth will you if you have felt stagnated real quick I'm gonna give a corporate word we're gonna do it for Finnegan I've been standing in money stagnant in your body I've actually seen a couple of things you've been dealing with stagnation there are especially some pastors here that desperately need God's answer for the next step will you please stand if you feel like you're dealing with stagnation just stand right where you are if you're sitting next to them just give them a little room they're not going to come up here Reese will you go up [Music] when you look on the keyboard there are a lot of buttons there that input information into the computer system you have home row key you have a space bar we have a backspace bar but there's a button right under the backspace bar Paul shift and what it does is it moves things to the next thing now for many of you that have been stagnant Hill has planned an assault at one particular location your battle strategy may not be to hit that you just need to shift lift your hands i prophesy over you that this week as your faith has been aroused that there will be a shift in your finances move one step to the left now i prophesied that there will be a shift in your children and in your body shift again i prophesied that there will be a shift in your physical health in your energy shift again i prophesied that there shall be a rearranging and your mind and your thinking and even in your speech chef the more time I promise on that may not gonna know you for different things shift again I prophesied that those of you that need houses and property and real estate my shift is coming shift again beside that the same thing you tried last year and it didn't work it's going to work this year's chef will go to my prophesied that those have you got I've been looking for Club the relationships and you've got a disturbance up because nobody understand there's a ship coming your relationship shipped again I prophesied that those are you have been claiming teachers mentors coaches and people to pause they're coming to ship you ship together beside me the day of your confusion your discombobulation is over you're getting ready to shift into clarity shift again you are in the season of this shift would you go home your life nothing like what you've found it if you believe ha ha go go ship chef same in your home on your job in your family in your body in your money in your mind if your gifts in your destiny and your purpose in your meeting in your love and your passion shift the shift is on shift is on brush shift well you ain't crazy you ain't crazy you ain't crazy you're not crazy I tell you to go crazy like David one lousy Pisa come on his ship your praise will shift it subject no celebration was shipped shifting your celebrate go harder I want to be in Johanna I can write breakin right now so guess what chef I see the heavens open I see the heavens open she is good over something is blue negation changing his glow he says he was about come on yeah we look towards authorities across the [Music] yeah stopping it movement when you right now it's a hands an exalted [Music] [Music] your hands in a joke I see angels in this book ah see I was at this moment that comes good to have tech sergeant I see angels in this book I see angels in this building [Music] come on there is a way there is a way there is a way move the weight of God is coming to move a heartbeat in your life right now the company down there no Soto vt5 something hard is getting ready to move bad because of what this sample of the whole thing God said those of you in the room that need new organs having visions of kidneys the kids out there lose my cool embedded on a 40-mile they better give you carry on I don't care no - but I believe all this yeah if you need a new kidney or a new organ lift your hands right now right now right now everybody in the room that needs some type of transit you better let your hands if you need a chance right now God is shifting you to the top of the list lift your hands the puppets are knowing it is in the room don't play with he's moving you to the top of the list [Music] if you are around a person with that hand lifted respectfully place your back all bar doors they call invocation for this muhammediye universe by coolyback great offensive punishment in this era - so three people man come on put your hand on there right now God is doing some surgeries on some people right now [Music] oh-oh-oh-oh I call the fire of God to each of these people that need a transplant I call the fire of God to them and I say right now then whenever a devil has been prolonging this process of getting them a transplant I command miracles tonight by the power of the prophetic word miracles tonight in Jesus they fire make you whole right now that pray for them right now we'll be judging the play play play play play new audience from heaven to hear you new organs from heaven kidneys it's coming it's coming come on new organs from heaven new organs from heaven new organs from heaven ah [Music] we're gonna go [Music] I see them angels from Isaiah six floating around in the sky burning ones are coming to touch your mouth with your hands now there's a mass of knowing that's going to hit this building something is coming to sanctify your lips [Music] the future is in your mouth Satan is try to use your mouth to damn you and bring death into your world but a new force it's about the company about that your hands right now Father I pray in the name of Jesus then then I sing as six angels would come down and burn and sanctify and purify the lips of everyone in this building oh yes that commissioning angels come oh yes to sanctify their tongues for the season that is before them that the same thing that made the purse blessed condemn their circumstance is going to now be used to have them create a world of blessing I command that fire upon you in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus when I count to three you're gonna yell out Sydney out go you're gonna get up from your heart Sydney I'll go one [Music] - hey screaming screaming wait weird waving who will option who wash it we will call for me create a shot oh yeah congratulations you area get your teams ready almost sent them to the overflow you have crossed over into a new season I promised I'd to you that not only is July the 7th month it's going to be the season of God's perfection in your stuff you are about to see God perfect and the end a cycle in your life and by the eighth month everything about your life will be brand spanking new another hit play sir I can clean it is finished kitty into that is gonna be the finish he even thought hi gods go knock the head out of hell he go cheap a always been that to you it is Midori salad or y'all he shouted what get ready for the seventh month he's gonna in this big chick help Oh but is getting ready to begin again the genesis of government is about to take place in your life turn around one full time come on do it right now there has been a turn around to do there has been a change of events there has been a separate room on the behalf of the righteous as you are here tonight the word of the Lord restored the work at your house Arica has happened to you if you believe it say yes say yeah go ahead and place it right now oh you must wrong with you you all Catholic that separation rule and you can open your mouth we said nothing halleluyah halleluyah my soul [Applause] [Music] whoa is about to happen gods don't cut red tape he's gonna deal with demonic conspiracies the wait is over and the shift has cut I said the shift pass chop touch do people just sell them shift shift shift shift over your mouth and prophesy your party look as much as they shift funny funny ha-ha ha-ha-ha hallelujah [Applause] [Music] got to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the shift is coming the shift is on the way right now [Music] hiya I said the ship is coming right now right now I said right now [Music] we go do it don't play with it go ahead take you 30 seconds to - about those selenium taking about 30 seconds advance about that ship come on all over the building come on well come on I thought you America dance man I got to a Pentecostal shut up shudders gonna be suddenly don't be out of nowhere something is on the way Oh watch it I feel that holy to God nor the dead sometimes get better woman [Music] and we go so we don't home [Music] [Music] that gentle thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] he said tell my people I'm intervening and their affairs even - no I said he's intervening and your pairs even right now move it move it move it I still feel him though they've already to come [Applause] [Music] [Applause] gonna take an offering [Music] go ahead and pass off the envelopes [Music] yes yes yes miss yes always get hot in here is a different kind of hot right now I said this is a different kind of the holy No gonna alter your hair [Music] we've got a soul let you go make sure somebody's in the overflow but then they're so as well everybody needs to sow into what happened tonight [Music] hurry up I'll run around mr. Joe hurry up please [Music] [Applause] [Applause] well I appeal the big-time the pitar [Music] which will happen laziness bring it on in the middle [Music] [Music] [Music] this season you have we got a soul [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think meals good let's give our all food you need an envelope raise your hand Great God who does not have an envelope [Music] make sure these women have got her toys [Music] an envelope inspiration we have your envelopes we're going to pass the buckets instead of making them walk today get your seed in your hair I have one more thing I need to do I'm gonna dismiss you before I do it we want to be if you don't have an offering add somebody next to you for one I want everybody to be a part of this [Music] when you have an offering lifted high in the air father in the name of Jesus we praise you for your presence for the smoke that's in the building we give you honor for your glory thank you for what you're doing what you're saying and what you're making possible in this building I'll give you the honor or God that your word is coming to pass like wildfire and that you're prospering those who have the faith today for your word to come to pass the glorious name of Jesus I honor you and I love you for what we do Jesus name Amen go ahead and pass those buckets [Music] we worship you in the school and we were shut you in that room we worship the speedy that's what [Music] those [Music] we worship you in the truth we wash that's what we're gonna do we into the Holies that's how I water that's where in tomorrow Oh into the hole [Applause] [Music] my god what's up [Music] [Music] that's a reward [Music] [Music] [Music] and that [Music] enter the whole thing [Music] that's where I wanna marry we're into the hole that's what I wanna be um that's what we're going at you you I get you the whole range I wanna go there battlecode man said it again say into the Holies of Holies into we go in we don't help we've always said again we go and pass the outer part into that's what I wanna be [Music] I haven't prophesied to you what in 1516 years but as I was sitting there the Lord told me that you are favored of life and that lives have been changed today like never before they've been shifted yes but they have been saved and he gave me this word that from Deuteronomy 111 we're living the Lord God of your father's make you a thousand times more numerous than you are and bless you as he has promised you God is going to really move you into the thousands and tens of thousands in this movement right now because you have been faithful to do what God told you to do years and years ago you have been faithful to stand in the place of the Holy Spirit and bring the personhood of the Holy Spirit and the voice of the prophets as well as the Apostolic to people that were dry and thirsty now God told me to say this there's been a shift in it increased in money's because let me tell you why the land that you need to do what's really in your heart to do is coming to you right now [Music] [Applause] because you said I can't go into any more buildings and renovate what you've shown me is I have to build but God has told you how to build it and where and there there's even some land that you don't know about that God is going to put in your hands and you're right it won't be about a zonie or anything like that it will be because it's needful and this city will hear of it I have kept you where the city has not heard about you as they've heard about song but I kept you because I wanted you to have a great people so when you go out you will go out strong you will go out and they have to reckon with you because of the people that you have with you now God will need to say this to the front line if you're really in the shift and you really understand that there's been a shift tonight the Lord told me to start off and I'm sewing a thousand dollars from the front line and I'm not saying that to say oh she's sewing that I know that's what God told me but he told me the front line is to get behind a parcel and make the shift to the increase that is coming his way right now so if you don't have it tonight would you tell apostle Stevenson when you're gonna have it I mean make it a quick work I don't care if you're saving for a vacation your wedding whatever you saving it for let it go let $1,000 don't because this is going to be the start of the shift see God works the anointing is from the top down and the this is where the anointing is going to shift for real in the front line and so apostle Stephenson I'm not going to say get ready I don't really like that phrase because God said be ready and you are ready to go to the tens of thousands to save the lives of any and everybody you don't judge and because God has given you an expanded heart to receive the world God said I'm giving you the Terrafirma to put the world in and they have to the powers that be will reckon with you and as you prophesy even to vent they will do what you ask of them I see some officials that don't know what to do about this city but you want to get before them oh and give them the answer and God is going to use you with a prophetic voice and a Clarion voice like never before God has the answer and here's the answer in you you're not afraid you have said it I'm not afraid and because you don't feel anything or anybody but God he can use you to speak to the masses as well as the governments people and the government yes this is all nations because all nations of people not just an ethnicity will come here but they're broken and the lanes and the cast aside and the disenfranchised and all those that people thought were nothing they can come here and God is going to make that something out of the nothing because of the word of the Lord that God has put in this man's heart god bless you come on put those hands together for the Lord I received the word of the Lord how many of you have enjoyed God's mood tonight hallelujah we're going to dismiss right now I want the prophets come up here again Aaron you sent your teams downstairs here's what we're gonna do I don't really feel led to open the toys at the church y'all come up here if you wanna join then you can come back on Tuesday holdfast if you change your mind between our Tuesday we need you God told me tonight I'm going to dismiss everybody now I'm very serious about this there are people in the room that have not talked to God in months you are literally back slidden come on Selena some of the elders and pastors where you come Elda Marjane all of you guys if you can't I want you to come if you're on the prayer team the prophetic team come on we sent a team downstairs that told me tonight he wants to back slidden so what we're going to do these are people who almost literally have been deliberately rebellious fallen away walked away in a in a bondage and a snare you're in something right now that's keeping you away from God if you're not back slidden then please don't come up asking can we pray for your ankle or your back because I'm gonna tell them to tell you we didn't call for backs we got to do it as God give it to us I want the back slidden these are those that are angry with God that have stopped talking to him that are in sin I've walked away from the Lord I'm gonna dismiss and I want to pray for the backslidden if that's you hold on guys don't let the team just come up here first that's you but you feel backslidden stand up be honest for well if you own the permanent parking on Chappell the Lord is moving your car due to tow people if it's permit only so you backslidden now you're going back slab when you find out your cargo now listen I know the voice of God and they're way more of you when they start coming just make them get in a line I want the back slidden you have been out of the house of God you are mad at the people of God some of you don't even believe that there's a god stand up right now the spirit and the bride is calling you you're in rebellion now there's about four of you shacking and two of you are in the same-sex relationships stand up one of you is a woman the other is a man whereas Henderson now I'm waiting on all my people to stand up some of you have been flirting around with different faiths different religions Islam you're gonna minister to you now if you're in here and your spouse is backslidden you want to stand in proxy folk for them stand up stand up stand up your husband your wife is backslidden come on don't let the devil convince you out of this this may be your opportunity for breakthrough viewers stent if you are here and I want you to hear me very quickly let me stand in between YouTube if you're here and you've been dabbling with the occult witchcraft something in you is on a search for power you've been messin with the bizarre you've been seeking out witchcraft to hurt people that's hurt you one of you is is studying Transcendental Meditation and chakras breathing and all of that stuff stand one of you do grandmother's name is Anne and she was a water witch stand up thank you Father get in this line you're gonna break curses tonight there's the name of the Lord young lady the one that's pregnant that's contemplating abortion so that your fall don't get found out get in this line to murder that baby is to backslide you had a one-night stand with a light-skinned guy with a goatee Sears or Pierce sorry his name is Tuan get in the line [Music] there's a young lady here you're 25 years old you're in a lesbian relationship with a lady named Ashley get in the line they're mothers and evangelists from Missouri get in the line right now trying to give you a chance I know there are over a hundred people here backslidden so I'll move in the word of knowledge until the fear of the Lord comes upon you and you get up thank you one of you your mom's name is Yolanda she's an evil woman she's an alcoholic and you hate God because of her she's controlling please stand you are backslidden [Music] there's a young man man over this side of the room you have to fake facebook accounts you've been deceiving people to flirt with them in God's house please stand you are backslidden praise the name of the Lord hi Laurey you are in here and you are on jack'd the meetup app get in the line you are backslidden so cool Pony Viviana this is if aha they shot with a period the Lord come upon you I know there's eight of you right now one of you have the signal on your screen is cracked get in this line then icon nearly killed by the die sound [Music] I'm gonna dismiss you but I want to make sure that we got everybody we're supposed to pray for one of you is a high-end escort your church boy but you sleep with all the married men this is your night get up get it I need you to work this office we don't get up right now you're going downstairs I want you up here Charita somebody's in adultery come on come on see when you think that's sliding you think somebody that don't believe in Jesus no you can believe in Jesus and your behavior being complete disrespect to his word if you are sleeping with a married man you are backslidden ma'am and he's lying he's not even getting a divorce stand up [Music] [Music] there's several of you that are in relationships with gospel recording artists part of that backsliding is that soul time you can stand up to we're going to pray don't be ashamed and if I catch you laughing or jeering or smearing at them I'm going to expose you God's having mercy tonight and he wants to gather there are two men in the room you're very afraid that you have HIV so you won't go to the doctor one of you just slept with somebody Friday stand up that spirit of murder in you is God Sharif getting retaliation and people stand God's gonna deal with you hi young lady who's doing credit card fraud stand up you're in a three-tier scheme with a friend from high school you figured out a way to take credit card numbers from gas stations stand up and if you don't you're going to jail God's coming to break this thing off of you oh yes this is mercy some of these people are in are in the basement there's a woman in here you let a man move in with you and your son has learning problems and learning challenges and you don't believe what your son is telling you about your boyfriend you think he's making it up get in this line God's gonna show you the truth that boy is not lying now for the six of you in here I'm almost done that's selling weed and you know you backslidden you sittin there thinkin that you're not back slide slide because you believe in Jesus you are a wizard a sorcerer you're selling things that keep people booked y'all get a bit I want y'all to work is we don't need a lot of help stand up get in line we're gonna pray for you break that's bit of witchcraft pharmakeia that warlock stuff off of you is so many marijuana addicts in here it's ridiculous you know your neck slit that's coming to gather you I'm gonna dismiss the rest of you but I feel like God wants to labor with the bats that lady whoever you are you are pregnant with twins don't you go to Planned Parenthood a Tuesday its fraternal twins a boy and a girl don't do it don't do as a young man here who lives on the block of Jeffrey you live on 72nd and Jeffrey and there are entertainers and recruiters coming to you to do sexual acts on videos please stand God's gonna give you a job you're not gonna have to sell yourself hey I'm gonna dismiss you Father in the name of Jesus I thank you for the anointing that's getting ready to move in this building to bring the backslidden home Lori that your holiness be what confronts these men and women that your holiness be what brings them in and draws them back to your heart as we pray as we labor pastor David come with me as we pray and labor bring these men back to you bring these women back to your heart and your mind in the name of Jesus we love you and we give you the glory amen god bless you that is an official dismissal if you need to leave for those of you that are coming to prayer for prayer I want you to come with a broken spirit and I want you to come with a contrite heart now minister to these people with great sensitivity we're gonna pray for the back slid into game if you need to leave leave by that way so that you don't mess with the line too much but don't be embarrassed God is bringing Israel out of Egypt to them this is what he wanted tonight
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 95,459
Rating: 4.90029 out of 5
Id: AxvDvxkpSRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 45sec (13125 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2017
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