UNBELIEVABLE Super Mario 64 120 star Speedrun former world record set at LIVE event by Cheese
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Channel: European Speedrunner Assembly
Views: 1,154,056
Rating: 4.8685446 out of 5
Keywords: european, speedrunner, assembly, speedun, marathon, world record, cheese, cheese051, esamarathon, wr, 1.38, 1:38, ezscape, european speedrunner assembly, games done quick, break the record, btrl, break the record live, world, record, pb, live, puncayshun, simply, mario, super mario 64, sm64, mario 64, speedruns, speedrun, speedrunning, world first, world's first, bounty, $10000, record bounty, fuzzyness, bowiethehero, esa, clutch, onsite, 120, 120 star, 120 stars, stars, 70 star, 100%, nintendo, n64, nintendo 64
Id: rMUB8ZLqM-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 35sec (6275 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Reminder that the splits he's running against (that this run, with a great upstairs, lost time against pretty much every split in tippy) were from a run earlier this same day. He is a god
Does that mean the race for the bounty is over?
The best speedrun that I've watched in my entire life, massive congratulations to Cheese!
What was the time to beat going into the event? To get the world record? I’ve not watched the thing at all
So clipping is okay in this run?