[TAS] N64 Super Mario 64 "120 Stars" in 1:20:41
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: SPsm64TAS
Views: 2,607,280
Rating: 4.8578176 out of 5
Keywords: Super, Mario, 64, 120, 120Star, One Hundred Twenty, Star, Stars, TAS, Tool, Assisted, Speedrun, ToolAssisted, Speed, Run, Hi-Res, by, MKDasher, Nahoc, sonicpacker, Bauru, Eru, Jesus, Kyman, Mokkori, Moltov, Nothing693, SilentSlayersSnark, ToT, in, 1:20:41, 1:20:41:52, SM64, high, resolution, MK Dasher, Nahoc10, sonic, packer, Jeremiah, toyuru2, AruaErueru, gorogoro12352, KymanTASVideos, mokkoriboy, Nothing, pastatsh, Silent Slayers, snark122, ToTxTASx, Nintendo64, Nintendo, N64, HD, definition, Super Mario 64 (Video Game), Mupen64, γΉγΌγγΌγγͺγͺοΌοΌ
Id: xL6VE_5PddM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 5sec (5165 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2012
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Uh, HYPE!! Yes!
Holy hell, talk about a ton of contributions.
I guess Mario 64 is somewhat parallelizable? There aren't much, if any, random carryovers from zone to zone?
Asking as someone who has no clue how to do this, how long did it take this person to make this?
My afternoon run has been rescheduled...for an hour and twenty minutes from now.