WILD SALMON, Flounder Catch & Cook, SEA LION Encounter...

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we notice there's something floating in the water yeah i think there's people like wanting to take pictures here so we're gonna get the heck out of here before these people like get in our way here they come look there's just some random people walking up hey hey how can i help you guys what wait what dude i'm filming a video here man what are you doing i'm filming a video too what are you doing in seattle trying to go fishing do you want to fish with us hell yeah dude taku right life yeah northwest fishing secrets outdoor chef life get on the boat guys that's right we are doing a collab with outdoor chef live taco and jocelyn came up from california we're going to try and catch uh some fish whatever we catch sharks flounder and we're going to head to an island probably cook them up together uh taku if you guys don't follow outdoor chef live after the video uh i'll drop like check out in the video description i'll drop the links below to his channel we're holding a lot of cameras here this is it's weird multiple people with cameras this is san francisco and seattle united right now bay and bay baby [Music] all right so we're gonna head out to a small reef where we're going to try and catch cabazon perch we're about 20 minutes away from the spot a little foggy on today might have just seen a little whale um that we have here in the puget sound they're called harbor porpoises they're kind of like a dolphin just really small whales they're super cute look at all that we're over a reef and there's but it's showing like a giant ball of fish right over it dude all right guys we're gonna try and catch one on the bullet lure here we've got the bullet lure equipped with a single point barbless hook for the puted sound see if we can catch a coho with that oh you got a perch oh yeah no that's perfect bait dude those are tasty too they are pretty good i'm gonna try and catch a salmon on the bullet lure skunk's off for taku first washington fish we noticed there's something floating in the water it looks like a dead sea lion i don't know it might be we're gonna go check it out taku and i were wondering like we've never touched a seal or a sea lion i've never licked one i've never licked one either check it out right there in front of us we're pretty sure it's a dead sea lion oh man yeah look at that guys [Music] so i've always wondered what does a seal or sea lion feel like [Music] they're super soft when you stroke them like that [Music] it feels honestly like a dog [Music] poor little guy maybe died of old age maybe got hit by a boat um well circle of life he's going to get consumed now by mike organisms maybe some little sharks and stuff crabs part of nature all right so we're back over the reef now taku and jocelyn are already sending down do you have a sabiki on there okay jocelyn has a sabiki taku's got do you got some the shrimp on there i got shrimp oh he's sending down some shrimp we're seeing oh we're seeing a lot of stuff so we're gonna send down the bullet lure we're gonna bullet this baby up nine mil version oh yeah you're on how deep were you oh taku's on something massive oh he's in the rocks what's your snag yeah oh no he's on he's on oh yeah bring him up get out of those rocks get him out of the rocks oh yeah oh he's a giant stud rock fish [Laughter] nice dude hold that baby in front of us dude yeah oh look at that big old kiss beautiful dude that's a nice what is that like a quilt quillback or a copper so the reason that we're releasing the rock fish i know a lot of you are like whoa they taste so good and they do taste delicious but here uh around seattle and the puget sound rockfish back in the day got completely overfished so now they're super protected cannot keep rockfish anywhere in the entire puget sound that was cool it was a good size oh i got slammed dude totally slammed oh yeah right at the bottom yeah they will eat the crap out of that oh that's a fish oh baby ah it's all about the ultra light for these things it's like the rod can handle it it's more about the real thing oh josh lazar we got a double oh a giant rockfish oh the color on that one he couldn't resist the bullet lure barbless hook comes right out beautiful rock fish look at that there he goes dang jocelyn that's a really really nice fish well i was hiding it on the behind the side of the boat there he let it go as soon as he came yeah i didn't want anyone to see that one okay i got the guy that i was going for what is that hella taco just got a little little baby salmon on the sabiki oh uh what is that oh link god blink god on the bullet lure oh bear oh he's just hooked right in the uh the lip oh dude oh dude ling card on the bullet look at the teeth on that thing would not want to get bit so ling sadly are not in season right now i don't even know if he would be a keeper he'd be close close to the minimum size right there beautiful fish thank you buddy yeah a little ugly and some teeth we'll still kiss i'm on the bullet lure there we go we got to hook you up with with bullet lure taco like hell yeah awesome ling approved all right let's send that baby down [Laughter] oh yeah man so since we had no luck with cabazon and perch we switched spots to an area where there are a bunch of spotted rat fish also called ghost sharks and delicious little flounder that kind of look like baby halibut oh yeah joslin's on yeah you didn't even film on there oh yeah flounder flounder yeah oh nice good one too oh really good one oh yes this is lunch right here good job what was it on the shrimp yeah yeah that's it just letting him swallow it send down a jig like this a little bit of squid on the hook there we go that's a good one oh yeah oh that's food there we go the jig is uh flounder approved check out how the eyes are both on one side of the fish when they're young they start out having an eye on each side but then as they grow older they turn into a flat fish and the eye actually like as they mature the fish starts swimming like this and lays on the bottom and the eye grows over to that side it's kind of freaky huh they look all funny like that and they're delicious though so we're going to keep them [Music] you guys see the salmon there in front of me we had to cut things off yesterday on the boat things got really late so taku jocelyn and i came out to my local river just by my house to cook the fish here it's absolutely packed with salmon right now it's mating season here too [Music] they're all heading upstream from the ocean and uh they go up there to spawn they lay their eggs and then they die and uh then the dead salmon they just kind of nourish the ecosystems around here all the local animals uh eat them and uh then the nutrients get brought up into the woods that's what makes the trees grow so nice and green here in washington [Music] super lucky to have something like that here i can just come out here sit by the river in the ocean the salmon are all like just eating eating eating and now of course here in washington it's mating season for the salmon so they come up the rivers and they just get all funny they're chasing each other around and nipping at each other the boys are fighting over the girls you know how that all goes it's really beautiful place man like look at this this is like 15 minutes from my house dude come on [Music] uh we gotta cook some fish now i've got my stuff here about to shoot some thumbnails taku's already there rocking away cooking there's a waterfall right there in front of us salmon are jumping up that waterfall uh they're coming from downstream and they're like over there we can probably see some trying to trying to jump up there not all of them make it but they just try and try again and they make it and they go up and spawn all right so now that i'm done shooting this delicious looking thumbnail for you guys we're gonna go ahead and start making our food for right now we're gonna set our flat fish this is a rock sole aside oh there goes the danny sea salt sorry little baby [Music] that avocado is getting just a little soft ain't perfect no more good thing we're eating it what else do we need here oh some onion in order to fillet a flounder these are super super easy so we're going to come right down the center here and find that backbone and run that knife all the way down the backbone and we're just going to fillet out from there it's a really easy way to film just like a halibut a lot of meat on these little guys it's wonderful wonderful white meat as you can see very mild flavor there we go that's one piece of meat there and then for the other half you do just exactly the same thing check out what taku whooped up here what what what am i looking at so this is fried flounder and flounder egg yeah and uh cabbage little ryu little lemon juice oh go parsley cheers cheers man thanks for uh being feeding feeding the tribe here it's all good dude that was mind-blowing remember he's a professional sushi chef so he knows his stuff looks like we got lucky on this flounder we got us some eggs very gently cut those out of there all the eggs come on out there we go got an egg crack it on the rock boom just whip that baby up until it's nice and creamy looking oh crap we spilled a little now this little guy here the square is going to get some cornstarch and then we're gonna get some of these panko crumbs right over here oil delivery oh oil delivery yes sir taco you're two kinds i'm gonna put it down on the ground oh there we go oh yes nice and warm and all i want with these onions here is just to get them a little brown just caramelize them a bit and we're going to leave the skin on actually a lot of you guys have mentioned uh in the comments that flounder is actually really good with the skin so i'm gonna try it out we're gonna put it into the cornstarch first it kind of makes it a little crispy and it lets the the egg stick to it really well there we go look at that little guy he's all happy all battered up in the cornstarch now i'll throw him in that egg oh my goodness look he's so so stoked about that and then from the egg directly boom over to the panko crust or is it panko panko taco keeps saying panko so he's he's probably right he's japanese it's a japanese ingredient he's a sushi chef it's it's panko not panko we're ready in they go golden brown absolutely beautiful i can already feel with the spatula how crispy these guys are going to be all right we'll add those eggs now they'll just be a little appetizer nothing serious oh oh yes yes yes i'm super excited that we have the skin on there thank you for uh everyone recommending to try flounder with the skin uh-oh oh what's life doing with the cheese oh no no no no just kidding just kidding that's where it belongs oh that was a that was way too much cheese we really don't need that much these are like street taco size boom cheese in first then the tortilla holy smokes look at that they're married and they're about to retire together actually oh my gosh really and they're going to retire retiring our bellies we got just a little bit of a little bit of onions right there we got a piece of fish brand new bag of danish sea salt so secure i can't even get into it just a tiny little pinch oh my goodness take this is looking good all right one piece of avocado on each one ooh taku i have a little appetizer here for us ah yes just a little fried fish piece of fish eggs oh yeah the fried eggs yeah there we go cheers cheers if you want do you want to like be in charge of the salting yeah you get the the danish sea salt in your hands man choco's doing the danish sea salting on his tacos oh yeah be generous with that not shy at all well guys it's dark but i think you got to get just your eyes on it before we start devouring these let's dig in man i'm just starving i don't know what i'm saying here oh yeah chris the cheese man oh that's your thing i know that lay down the cheese first so much better than just sprinkle oh totally totally it's like if you're going to get the same amount of calories you might as well make it taste good that's some words of wisdom right there i like the onion too yup oh yeah onion that adds that earthy undertone the flounder i love the idea with the uh the panko crust very crunchy and the meat of the flounder is super mild flaky just delicious yeah it's like a little halibut tasty i just realized guys it got so dark you could barely see us anymore so jocelyn just joined shoe grabbed at taco as well i had a little light on the camera that's how this stuff goes sometimes but you know what crispy crispy and the danish sea salt with the dairy sea salt man i gotta hook you guys up with some of that you guys just heard it from a professional chef the danish sea salt yeah all right guys we gotta get out of here before it gets completely dark remember like comment subscribe check out taku's channel outdoor chef life and we will see all of you guys next week for the next fishing adventure and until then you all know it fish on baby this was only the first um several treats this was only the first of several trips this was only the first of several trips that we're going to be doing together
Channel: NW Fishing Secrets
Views: 399,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, catch & cook, flounder catch & cook, flounder catch clean cook, flounder, salmon fishing, salmon, king salmon, sea lion, nw fishing secrets, nwfs, nw fishing secrets salmon, nw fishing secrets catch and cook, sea lion encounter, flounder fishing, wild salmon, catch and cook, catch clean cook, deer meat for dinner
Id: _XdlenaQAhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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