COCAINE ADDICTED PROSTITUTE Storage Unit Buy! What's Inside? I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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welcome back to treasure hunting with TVs guys in today's we got this second unit here this with a little high up gonna be a little complex to get through but we paid $60 this unit let's hope it it overpay it's another huge game a bunch of random stuff in the front let's get to digging [Music] alright guys so let's go through this day it's gonna be a little complex this is a home you just I wanted to get it lockboxes intrigued because you never know personally with you jewelry looks like costume jewelry probably though unfortunately some more jewelry and a bunch of paperwork which is all stuff that we have to go through later that I am oh no that was a mo this is necklace there's some gold down here too let's see if this costume jewelry that looks gold doesn't it I mean I don't see no markings on it but well definitely look at this stuff in more detail once we get home we're all kind of squished on time right now look at this more stuff but kind of squished no time they closed an hour it's is a two hour drive from college so we really gonna try to clean all of it out and not have to make a shirt back here so let's start going narcotics my favorite I know I start this well we got close miss follow a random junk looks like some shoes in their medicine too random we're gonna go through everything in more detail we're gonna try to show you guys we're going through it but we're gonna go ahead into everything in great detail once we get it out here we just really wanna get my deposit back today not come back two hours tomorrow that's it happy home person ready honey Minnie now is a book my steve harty department joy Steve Harvey I don't feel like watching a feud right now huh good but there's also a person here let's even get this purse out at least this one's heavy this one's definitely not empty definitely not one run might be like two or three bucks let's see we got in there now I'm supposed to be a joke that was supposed to be a joke not seriously something steal here what is the clover he'll worship Church stuff so personal stuff and clothes rip good open up this stuff from the last unit and start storing stuff and their car is still pretty full for everything in the last one so we got to make this back somehow clothes for narcotics yes my favorite these just pictures let's see this is a yellow actually nothing too interesting looking in there though alright again I see purses in here looks like mostly clothes we're gonna be going through all this stuff once we get out here you don't know what's name-brand as I found out in the past ones name-brand clothing can be huge huge money so I'm not knocking it all right spy back nice one I'd be up there with that st. John's day oops thank Jon Baker coat may be valuable not the one to ask and some other coat in here as well see it really quick to get out without my house it looks pretty nice it's uh whatever that says that Brehon mm-hmm want to look the stuff out when we get home it says Saks Fifth Avenue another bag it looks like it's closer than paper right there all the time looking every envelope left you never know it full of random envelopes and mail so food also to be in there like this you never know this is what happened in the one unit it was just a ball of Ember look like that and then there is just like five hundred and some dollars cackling or so you never know always check the paper this is all closed as well it looks like it's literally might be all closed which could be great could be terrible we don't know yet this is also closed with again the shoes and a lot of these so the shoes can be valuable we don't know yet until we check the brand what is this more clothes more clothes what is that and this has some value to it what are you give me something nice makeup remover no ho no but hey I don't come in handy or all the trash bag and put it in my pocket more clothes guys not looking good I mean I see Dickies ransom dress clothes this could be a good name stuff like I said we're gonna go through everything and check every pocket I can't stress it enough but it's not as exciting to see her it just looks like a whole thing of shoes her change in there the heck he's like Nike converse looking shoes I've never seen anything like that in my life that's really weird I hear chains rattling around this we got here anything useful once you change at the bottom you do more jewelry again the jeweler we have to check out something on the ground on there as real as that another bag shoes another tag come pretty close I feel one block finito there's a really random stuff in these value they're not all close definitely something we're gonna have to go through once we get home it's some random stuff man I hope you could put out this in the car it's gonna be a struggle it really really is you'll never guess what's in this one close but I didn't see a purse see what kind of brand that is last time we found a bunch of person we did end up finding a coach one in there so I did end up getting a bit of money off of that get out can't believe this is so calm about a hangar that's fine let's look at it doesn't look like anything and it's I don't even know what that ran is museum up on that never heard of that one good there's no way orange gotta get this off I don't know what we're gonna do ahead done well a we are creepy to off another bag looks like it's just full of clothes man this whole bag full of paperwork which could mean a bunch of trash or it could be hidden treasures I can't believe how much is in this not look like this much in the same chair where did get some headphones there there's one Nike not in the greatest condition but maybe salvaged it won't work something nothing anything not bags bags clothes dress later whoa hello look ahead in this good morning I'd be styrofoam head really weird hey there's some shoes just st. John the bay feel like most these bags got a lot of clothes every single one I'm looking so far there's been other really random stuff other than just clothes so until we get it all out and look doing we don't know if this is really gonna be a complete box or not a giant ball of yarn like literally like one of the ones in the cart to it I've never seen one like that one before I'm really starting to regret this I just don't see how that's gonna be possible unless there's a donation bin like somewhere right nearby I don't know where those accomplishes a pillow joy this which is full of paperwork again a lot of times paperwork's just gonna be stuck guys but you never know when you're gonna find that one that one paper like we did before let's just got money and you never know but look at this I mean probably the first open mail now another Trash Pack I'm just fooling that's not for me look over here look at this it's just all close so far as far as it looks like we really should adjust with the other one I'm not gonna it so good about this right now a pillow a pillow or gonna have your joy my favorite nothing else in here besides Mary Kay eyelash all right we're gonna take a break for a second cuz that is extremely happy there's no one getting it down without actually getting up here and pulling that bit down so I'll be right back all right guys got the majority of the bags out we got a few more bins to go through so far it looks like we're like sworn with clothes so lucky through the clothes donation bin in the parking lot or we would not have been able to get this out Hey so random this a glimmer of hope they're gonna be at least one interesting thing in here maybe not like I said we haven't gone through any of the pockets we haven't got them any other brands I mean that any of that yet so it could be good but make your part excitement goes not really all close again just do do in cases a.m. they feel pretty light you'll never guess close do you think the front one now a Sharpie pen woo joy this is all no way close you never guess it nothing but freaking close there's actually blankets and a Bible literally that's all I see any of this and sheets guy so at this point we just gotta hope that some of those poser names ran our house it was a complete $60 bust which may very well be the face anyway we're gonna go through it all and we'll do a recap at the end let you know what we found and if any of it was good so see you then alright guys let's do a recap of everything we found we didn't keep - too much in his unit but it couldn't of being very good it could end up being bad I don't really know but before we get into that I want to show you the interesting stories we figured out why cleaning up this unit so we found an absurd amount of condoms in all the clothes bags I mean I'm talking close to a hundred condoms still in the package so I was joking the whole time this is like a hookers unit little Lumino we'd find actual arrest records I'm not gonna turn this around cuz this has like their name and all their information on it actual arrest record for the woman to own it for a cocaine prostitution an assault that's not even that there's son yeah and her son I guess they shared the union cuz there was males close in there to was also arrested for armed robbery so great family I don't want to show this now that has all their booking information and things like that I guess I can show that the effects of crack cocaine on there this came from there was a folder of her rehab facility that she had all over things in so she was really hooked on cocaine was a prostitute in the past the son was armed robbery that's not even said something like there was a note in there somewhere to said something about I should have been dead when I got shot by somebody I was like this is a crazy family this is a very crazy family but anyway that explains all we didn't find too much things too much of value in here if they're addicted to cocaine so first things first a purse here doesn't have a brand name what I don't think it's worth much I usually could sell the purses for about four or five bucks at the flea market no that's all we can't get this I've never even heard of this phone brand cool pad but it doesn't cut it on or anything but I'm just gonna try to put this in the ecoATM and see if it cuts on a little take it sometimes all for a couple bucks for a cheap phone this purse summer I didn't look in this one yet but if somebody recognizes that logo they are under pressure so let me know what Brandis says I haven't looked it up yeah I've been crazy busy the last few days but that prayers it was a name brand be worth a good amount of money if not another four or five dollars the flea market now we did find one good person there a Michael Moore purse even use D cell for usually about forty two sometimes a hundred dollars on eBay depending on the brand so if this one fetches me fifty dollars or more I'll be happy we paid sixty bucks for the unit I thought for sure we were done and we weren't gonna make anything so if I can get my money back with this purse on eBay I'll be very happy with that unfortunately all the clothes you saw is Paul out of there I mean 99.999999 repeating percent was cheap Walmart stuff that was like five bucks new but now that I read the back stories doesn't surprise me we found only two things we kept I don't even know if these are valuable just kept them from there really thick and I couldn't find out much information on them online but this is a Michelle Frances made in the USA most stuff is made in China you could pretty much just donation bin is now worth it but this is made in the USA it's really thick and it looks nice so I decided to keep that and I kept this jean jacket because a regular jean jacket I usually get five or ten dollars for so this one's actually insulated and two really thick jean jacket and the brand says competition I could not find information on the brand competition so if anyone knows about that let me know there's a emblem if somebody wants to see it because I could not really find anything on this brand but I know random jean jackets I'll usually get five bucks for so if it's a good brand it could be worth more insulated still probably about fifteen dollars now let's get into the good part the crazy part these necklaces a lot of that jewelry was just fake costume jewelry like we expected to begin with but the little one this little one I don't know how much these are worth in gold but let's go to these first actually these right here they have the marking SH on them I don't know what that means I tried looking this up too I couldn't really find much about it but they have SH markings usually fake jewelry has nothing on it in real gold or real silver real metal have numbers on it so I was kind of weirded out to find SH I don't really know what that means if anyone else it that means let me know so I don't know if these are rule or real estate rule I don't know if these are really it we're gonna have to get them checked out but they look like they could be gold this one is 12 carat it's really small so I don't think it has that one value I felt like 12 carry gold necklaces this size going for like 50 to 70 dollars online so I don't think it's really worth to too much even though it is real gold but it's small another watch this one is stainless steel as well unfortunately not gold but stainless steel watches I've sold the bigger ones for 10 or 15 dollars sometimes more so a little one like this will maybe sell for a couple bucks only I just kept it because why not it look cool and this same thing it says SH that's what I don't know if that's like a brand name for fake jewelry but obviously this is not gold if that's anything would be silver but I don't see anything on it besides SH and I don't see no numbers usually like my necklace right here it says the 925 which means sterling silver so I don't know about that one either it didn't have a marking with it again maybe it's still real the Rings we found a few years ago did not have any marking on them we took them to a pawn shop they were sterling silver so I don't know but anyway guys that's gonna be it for this unit so thank you so much for watching if you did enjoy make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up and if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome storage unit videos treasure hunting videos dumpster diving I think we're gonna have another storage unit tomorrow we have one going off today fingers crossed we win that one too and if you want to follow us on our social media link still be on screen and click the links down in the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 48,851
Rating: 4.830986 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a car, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, i bought an abandoned storage, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage unit, abandoned storage locker, abandoned storage units, abandoned storage units finds, storage unit buying, storage auction finds, storage auction locker, taco stacks storage locker
Id: POcQsL0hyZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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