Ultimate Kenshi

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[Music] beep wins BBC strongest warrior yes they just burn dogs beep okay relax Oh one of them's back touch what it's a guild we're not the strongest group there will be changes beep just still weak as hell okay look at those stats terrible you haven't proven yourself yet okay babe you're just being boastful yes luckily big race watching over you with his amazing new gear that we bought instead of hiring a decent recruit kind of necessary though because we looked like slaves will we we were slaves but now we're doing fine on our own although some of our weaker companions are still suffering a little bit like a nutter here who I think's just kind of been gutted on the cliffside but that's fine that's all part of the grind remember Nutter joined us from his own free will and I'm sure he doesn't regret that decision Ken she's all about taking advantage of the chaos where there's death and destruction there's money to be made I think today we're just gonna sell some holy nation boys into slavery make some bread maybe put that money towards hiring a strong recruit 1,000 bounty perfect there we go we haven't really picked a side in this war but sort of seems like we're siding with the united cities even though they you know promotes slavery z'n bigger II was an ex-slave beep was probably an ex-slave not oh is definitely an ex-slave he's still kind of useless through the Cassim thousand i thousand miles stare so this town's called drin we've sort of been hiding out here as ex slaves but now that that's expired we need to get out of here this is like a field command post for a giant war very dangerous place to stay we're gonna go back through here back through the chaos will have mercenaries this time so we'll be safe go into Boston get Kaia hopefully she's still alive and then we'll get out of here before we leave here we need to work out how much money we'll need can I help you I'm looking to hire somebody goats big Greek and talk apparently two days four thousand cuts we want two days so we need twenty four thousand cats to hire bodyguards and recruit kiya MEAP you have to make some more arrests beep the nomads be agree by the way is extremely strong he's he's strength is low because he's missing an arm so as soon as we get him a robot arm he'll he'll be god mode be greased actually broken I didn't notice how good his stats were 54 sabers and that's why we've got him this halt saber as soon as we get him like a hot high-level weapon oh yeah trimmer sweep has this kind of pull um did that suits him you know Joe it's pretty much healed not I was missing a few organs but that's ok and beep so made all our money back selling all these guys into slavery amazing alrighty rough well we're eve see you drin who's the main character guys is it beep is it George is it termer Swede but God forbid ok hopefully we can drop in and out of Austria Lee quickly grab Gaia what is this ok cannibals and giant insects and boss is just a hellhole ninja star then didn't just is still best somehow isn't that amazing isn't that incredible let's into battle let's do it taking them take them all on not a problem these are a skeleton guy still in his cage nor hey doing buddy not too well I see it's the it's the crazy skeleton outlaw oh my god he's back now how is he alive and he's just knocked out beep nur and he has another skin search hahaha why why how did he get another skin search well well gonna hand him into a bent for a bounty we'll take him all the way to the nearest town it's bounty flying insects what this is chaos as predicted though we're doing fine especially with these hired mercenaries looking out for us beeps fine why is babe so good Oh beeps got a little injury beeps got a little bit of labour leg need a bit of an MP leg and cutters unconscious again well let's pick him up for the millionth time oh my God he's poor babe why did I get beep to carry him ha ha ha [Music] okay beeps engage this born dog crap everyone's so injured why didn't I give big random all right be great thanks for the assist stranger no worries Kaia she's back and she's local a ninjas here when we read that this really bright sleeping under a blanket of pub I can't this - is that - keyers note they're both very similar-looking ninjas inside of each other welcome to kenchi all right let's talk to this girl again welcome back stranger I've changed my mind here's the money do we really want to spend 20,000 yeah my name's Kaia the name's Kaia my sword is yours to command look at this number six Kaia look at her stats oh my lord sixty katanas 80 for athletics eighty 96 stealth okay she's the god of stealth she's stealth god haha she runs like Naruto stealth 96 weeb 100 time to head south get out of the desert we're gonna squat though a squad be looking fine kya holding the big bad robot that we will sell into slavery you know hand him in for his bounty get some money hopefully there's a town nearby insects should we battle these insects insect battle better sir Oh God if people get injured out here we're kind of screwed not our don't die my demand god I love it Hawkeye is fighting while she's holding a robot's how we doing baby okay all your left leg beep no no mercy what I can do we're gonna have to amputate something no um Kyah Kyah Gila now I'm fine just leave me Lord Jesus be agree with the big attitude up okay oh come on game come on hey I take one step into the desert is everyone okay everyone's fine let's get going beep if it beep you need a move quick up beep Rutan alright who's gonna carry bait look at him look at his cute little arms he kind of cured isn't he at this distance up close Issa he's a nightmare how had we took one literal step into the desert well let's keep moving [Music] I got you babe don't you worry don't you worry hopefully we'll find it down soon you know hand in this robot man hope something's loading Oh town where is everybody hey kya can you pick this lock please pick this lock what's going on in here what's going on in here oh it's full-on war the holy army somehow made it down here God look at this guy he's takin on everybody ten thousand bounty that is nuts well we'll just wait for him to die and then we'll hand him in you know get the bounty from him ha ha ha oK we've been waiting for three hours he's still alive oh my lord oh my god should we just attack him and aggro the holy nation can we take him let's try sell this robot first yes mm so we get half the reward he's a little glitchy can I just shoot him with my let's do a save and we'll just experiment okay we'll just experiment a little bit he's limping which means we could do a little bit of sniping on him you know run no not our you'll be insta-kill termers wave you'll be insta kill do not babes down yes holy nation and out hostile towards you that's okay what a team effort though I'm so proud kidnap hi paladin Hawker yes time to enter stay very high paladin Hawker well we've picked aside and it's the Empire where filthy slave traders FIFA there we rescued guys from slavery well where we're now a slave trade as I guess ok nope what the hell is that human skin cert okay well I'll just hand in hi paladin hot car ten thousand reward baby weary cuz he's alive so that's how it works oh my lord oh my lord amazing up babe no babe dar it'll be fine Duras wave now we really need to rest jolt can you heal not rape we need to rest [Music] okay this is our final stop before we finally leave the desert so we should try and get a rubber um four big ray so that he can be useful and carry up dying companions looking to chair Jami Gertz Oh ninja rags we could buy some ninja rags couldn't we eh Oh square goggles this is what we need me to buy we could buy Hawker we should so do that door we should so do that oh my God look at his stats he's like a elderly joe rogan damn us what's looking good look at us there is room for one more though unfortunately big ray we may have to delay you getting your robot arm just so we can afford Jaco and not only may have to sell you on the dodgy sorry sorry not oh you got a new turtleneck though that's that's way better than a weapon you need to defend yourself with take this no dachi god I've absolutely got robbed I just got robbed guys he's gonna sell that back at 400% value well contract with the dam that was a rough job yes sir that's what happens when you hang out with beep and Jordan gang but our team is becoming epic we do not need these mercenaries because we are gonna get high paladin Hawker looking to buy some slaves through our a highfalutin Hawker done what am I supposed to do a euro the coq header put me in here what's going on he's angry why is he angry don't be angry I just paid twenty thousand for you what are you doing don't fight don't attack me great slave a god why are they attacking me what the hell's going on this can't be happening we're gonna have to fight it earth earth who lost a limb beep no trimmer sweep is dead come on game come on well everyone's dying it's all up to kya and Kai's dying okay I think we're just gonna load here you know just gonna just gonna load I really want Hawker someone has to be able to get in there we go beep doesn't have a bounty with the holy nation every oh my god 1,000 holy nation is okay kya we would use cuz she was United cities but anyway beep beeps now negotiating for slaves here we go we'll see what happens let's just do a save all right beep time to negotiate they're safe beep let's talk to this elderly djaro geun-hye pallet and joe rogan bless Akron in his light bless the coming and going of him may his passage cleanse the world may keep the world for his people join our squad i seed her recent doctor beep oh wow eerie relates to the holy night Abreu by 50 wowie okay well let's will purchase him legally holiness should no longer hostel that a/c baby looking to trade MEA Dubai 40,000 what how did that happen Rio we could buy this holy paladin should we check him out where's he where's this holy Paladin well I think we're just gonna break out Hakka I'm not paying 40,000 beep doesn't really have the skill set to break out Hawker so I think we'll meet up with the rest of the crew you know help me cause this guy you're okay buddy diplomatic stud Empire agent well kya Kamiya will free Hawker who is this guy yeah take me to heft and I will have your gratitude jugglers and singers to man applause you will serve your Emperor by taking me to have to immediately what reward awaits me in heft the reward of continued existence take me to have tale I think not war breaks out know what beep kill it Gillian babe guy a quick yes be points papers the strongest warrior yes ok screw it we're just gonna kill this slave of God and then we'll get the hell out of here we'll get Jaco and go who cares my entire team beep it's the strongest dad there where BJ just I don't know about that beef god damn it no okay kya come here we are going to pick this lock trimmer sweep first-aid beep okay alright pick success Oh God where you going kya you need to set him free set him free where's natto mothers just running around like an absolute nut Oh God - fighting with his fists I saw this weapon that's why baby okay [Music] well at least we got Hocker on skype some nice Kia loot we'll just take these Oh really powerful sword we'll take that yes and these goggles fantastic well how dare you touch that dirt narc oh good oh good and we're just gonna get the hell out of here we're just gonna get the hell out of here okay taking on the Empire probably wasn't the best idea it looks like everyone's dying or being imprisoned yes come on hock our take on this we should be using uh martial arts actually we've got really good martial arts it's all up to another yes not heal yourself and then crawl out of the city get out of there Hot Shots jorts imprison guys alive Thor she's limping she's gonna heal T wave and be great and then she's gonna get out of there yes okay we're just slowly making our way out not a problem big R you'll be fine hey Spidey defective snart crap we just killed just kill this guy big gray you're strong enough come on give him a smack use that sword and kill him yes hey go oh he's got a look some good stats actually does he know no we'll be fine there you go big ray that's it look at this oh we're being shot at that's what's happening oh my god we need to run we need to absolutely run okay George is gonna die in prison unless we save him we need a rescue mission but kyuh kyuh Stu Limpy beep you have the second-highest snakes kill this is it this is your moment beep time for a sneak mission time for beep to prove himself I would use kaya but she's too injured not a get here beep beep or you'd know beep run I think how did that happen how did we survive we just that guy's crossbow skill was low look at all these dead bodies o- fifty this is it we have to we have to run across it doesn't matter we have to do it if we don't run across now job will die focus babe focus come on beep oh my god come on babe distraction 19:54 come on beep ultimate stealth mission yes babe yes oh my god we have to sneak past these guys this is it we have to sneak past these guys somehow pass this entire army hopefully there's no guards yes yes yes yes John we got us negative 63 we're gonna save your life we're gonna save your life George yes baby look at this I got you yes three short has been released from prison George is glitching what the hell ha ha ha ha does a perfect split that should be that should be the thumbnail for the video I bet you wondering how I got in this position ok babe pick him up he's unconscious pick him up beep okay now we just have to escape out of here somehow somehow okay beep we're running we've been discovered run beep run run babe come on avoid this guy come on babe baby run oh my god thank God that ATLA fama distracted the turret guy now we just have to get away from this samurai here luckily he's pretty easy to dodge his attacks yes beep you're doing it you do it at beep yes yes beep I cannot believe it's all right babes still the hero ok Hakka Hakka to the rescue big shocker careful he's a hero why am I getting hot go to heal he's like missing half his brain his medic is literally zero wake up beep wake up you did it you saved everyone we got away from the town and jordiz alive thanks to you guess what beep I got a little surprise for you that Empire agents Kia why don't you try it on [Music] [Music]
Channel: Wilburgur
Views: 343,845
Rating: 4.9748917 out of 5
Keywords: funny, wilburgur, wilburger, willburger, gaming, gamer, commentary, playthrough, pewdiepie, edited, glitch, glitches, funniest, best, kenshi, sseth, gameplay, highlights, kenshi meme, kenshi memes, meme, memes, anime
Id: nw91DnWkQCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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