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This is episode 3 tho.

Also, the fact that he modded in dialogue just for the sake of the storytelling in the video makes it one of the best Kenshi videos I have seen. 10/10

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Reapper97 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

YES! Wilburgur's videos are what convinced me to try Kenshi in the first place.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/TheWanderingSlacker 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

I recognize that thumbnail

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/redxlaser15 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Schweet, will check it out thanks.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/IblisBane 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] okay we we might be in a little bit of trouble here ah research complete cooking where we not to worry beat may not be the strongest warrior but he's definitely very very fast hopefully we can outrun these angry mutated giraffes i don't know why they're so angry oh maybe it's because i stole one of their eggs god they're so sensitive all i'm gonna do is sell it to slave traders for money yes that's it babe yes big wins bieber's the strongest warrior see we're fine welcome back to genji we've built a little town we've settled down wow we outpost we're finally out of the desert which is good because the empire wants us dead so does the holy nation i guess and everybody else we're simple farmers here we have natto work in the fields here we have jort the leader the big brain of the group who does the research to build the town without him we'd be lost we have the big boy table the warriors and this is our new recruit little shot a gunner he's a good little shot you know oh yeah and there's tumorous weep who we don't really talk about where are we i think today we'll focus on base building it's a great spot there's no people nearby there's no empire thank god just slave traders and these uh these big things but little shot you know he just guns them down so it's cool beep let's stock up on supplies for the town god we're fast let's do business hmm we'll take these food cubes we will sell our egg voodoo brothers huh oh warning massive blooded raid moving towards wowie outpost that doesn't use a slave i'm a beat yo ass no he's just a boy well don't hurt him useless slave bought him last year and the crit and can't even speak let alone do with his turd can't talk hey pastor cut his tongue out oh that's terrible how about i pay you for his freedom freedom slave lover thousand cats deal oh look he's got some farming where we read we'll uh we'll take him our relations with anti-slavers improved excellent well ray welcome to the team you're a little bit useless but you can be a slave i mean farmer head on back to town by yourself ray if you die i don't care beep still needs to do some shopping hopefully we can find a robotic arm for big rain look at this what are the odds very very low wow we what an amazing massive blooded braid has arrived oh god today is the day of new beginnings today is the day you join the revolution but i don't wanna today is the day you become a reaver hello okay everybody up we'll be fine we got all these strong warriors right ray i need your goddamn beak thing leave me alone well we might really be screwed here look at ray dodging big reed has been enslaved trimmer sweep oh my god quick move move thank god we have haako look at him go the invincible divine warrior he can probably take him on jort has been okay heart goes down well rey has bitten slaved everyone's been enslaved okay this might be the end of wow we outpost damn it i thought we had a good spot who the hell are the reavers beep i know you want to be the hero but now's not the time they've been enslaved no one's been killed so there might be an opportunity for a rescue or big ray he's not going to get his robot arm looks like everyone's unconscious except for a little shot [Music] yes little shot crawl out of there we might be horrible heal yourself clear shot please don't die on me we might be able to save him where are they going oh my god no shot oh okay his little skull's been caved in beep to the rescue yes don't worry a little shot i'll put your skull back together beep unlucky shackles discovered black scratch where are they going [Music] i think the best thing we can do is just you know follow them from a distance see where the hell they end up the outlands well hopefully there's like a town in between the destination here we go black scratch we'll try and head there hire some mercs maybe paco what of course he's okay he's a god warrior well harko meet up with me and little shot at black scratch by the way we're not loading in this playthrough anything can happen if anybody dies they're gonna be dead forever welcome to the world of kenshi [Music] five minutes into base building and chill and kenji gives you that look all right this is a rescue mission episode now beep time to hire some mercs time to save some lives let's do it luckily this is a tech hunter town because the empire wants us dead and the holy nation just takes insect boys as slaves hmm looks like there's a lot of mercs any strong robots perhaps oh remus with 80 stats very nice here you go a little sharp rest up we'll be back for you when we oh rest up no no no we can't leave him like that he's an insect boy we care about our insect brothers [Music] romulus i'm looking to hire some bodyguards for two days please maui only two well they better be damn strong i guess they can just you know they can die as a distraction as beep does the sneaky rescuing we should probably leave immediately because it'll take us like a half a day to get there we don't want anyone to die in um our rescue mission will begin at sunrise oh yeah we have harko harko can help he's strong oh god he's injured he'll be way too slow well looks like it's all up to babe okay guys everyone sneak the plan is this beep shall sneak in and rescue everyone maybe do some epic stealthy assassinations and you guys just cause the mother of diversions okay they're very slow they can't do these naruto running like i can in sneak mode beeps actually pretty stealthy it's pretty impressive okay kaya no you're no longer a slave it's time to fight back we give her the signal yes no what are you doing no no oh okay nado's the first person will free nada what are you doing come back okay we're gonna stand still we'll set you free and i know you might want to stay and be the hero but we're just gonna get you to run back to black scratch okay i know you might want to stay okay he's off all right here i go let's see if we can do a stealthy assassination ten percent that's all the chance a hero needs see how we go failed okay lost a leg it's right we can take him oh oh no okay i'm down beeps down no no we got him out of there oh my god look at these robots go we might have a chance t weeb time to break out time to join the fight yes all beeps enemies will be destroyed is the strongest there will be changes yeah god look at these robots go well we made it thanks to those op robots it took like five hours we lost some gear vigory now has a robot arm though thank god and no one died miraculously we're going to go west we're going to abandon wowie outposts we're going to go west through these uh ridges through these canyons you know and hopefully we can find a place that's quiet we can find a place that's peaceful and we can finally relax oh my god are those sky laces coming here was a terrible idea now that beep is the strongest warrior ever beep needs to ban to wear the bear yes now it's not the time beep we're about to be incinerated we're all about to die now is not the time beep that's jord's voice and so matera yes oh my god you're not even the strongest warrior between all of us if it weren't for those robots back there we'd all be dead and some beautiful human ladies female human ladies yes i would like to see one of these oh my god this game so apparently this region has sky lasers i don't know if there's some kind of satellite hey i'm a beautiful human female lady yes kya is and a great ninja beep nani what's that supposed to mean swallow us nervously oh my god anthony beep we need to find some shelter we need to look what's that i i did not know this i did not know this discovered old tower who's laughing is that big rio george look there's some shelter yes quickly let's get inside before we get roasted yes beep is feeling toasty ancient lap we should be able to stay in here until nightfall hopefully it'll be safe shannon please kaya pick this lock yes very good 90 percent kaleila is underutilized i think she's a very very high stat ninja oh there's someone in there how did she fail that three times let's uh let's just get out of the sunlight and kyle you oh scavengers got ahead can we just stealth ko him [Laughter] well and we're off and we're out of here job well done i say put them put them down no okay we're gonna have to fight beep where are you going what are you doing beep why you stupid you stupid heal yourself babe a rare easy victory take your time beep we'll just let beep rest here and we'll get moving at night time hmm oh okay there must be like a robot uh camp somewhere because all these thralls are appearing they're very weak it'd be a good way to blood ourselves you know look at them all this must be their base their robot base yes it looks like we'll be staying here during the day as well because it's already the morning no door this should be easy all right let's see what we got yep all the robots take on that weak throw beep beep you're glitching look at that ray's learning how to fight as well look at this beep don't worry just let him go don't worry oh who's that scream of the false oh he's strong oh he's strong hakko take him on oh there's two of them this is not good bounty 20 000 punk got the prisoner we can't let him escape it would bring doom upon this world what the heck what prisoner okay this is bad this is bad we're in trouble okay kaya go upstairs let's find this prisoner hopefully the prisoner will help us and not kill us akugami oh my god look at those stats i didn't even know that was possible what the hell am i looking at akugami uh hi okay maybe we should just leave him in there probably for the best who's this guy agnew how's it going gerg what the hell calm down he plays flails around in his cage obviously furious who are you how did you end up in this cage okay clearly you've had your brain fried he stares at you spacing out don't worry buddy i'll get you out of here yeah we'll free him hopefully he helps us this insane robot this might be a terrible decision no he's dead what no no no not natto this does not look good everyone's dying oh crazy skeleton outlaw he's back we're all gonna die grab beep agnew and get the hell out of there damn skeletons they're so strong come on harko oh no oh god no it's the godbot he escaped where's he going what have we just let loose on the world what have we done there might be a chance we can save beep maybe but i don't know about everybody else this is nightmare this is the worst possible outcome we're gonna lose everybody big re george kya it's time to say goodbye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh babe's been unconscious for this whole thing he's just waking up next to this insane robot guy well where are we let's have a look around town see what's happening with a little bit of a limpy leg libby leg where are we we made it through the canyon thanks to agnew but uh everybody's dead settled nomads saved by the nomads look at the forest nearby are we see if we can meet some of these townspeople see what they're like see what the hell's going on good to see you alive thank you yeah thank you can we talk to him we can hello you're awake how you feeling beep glad to hear it saw your robot friend hauling your ass from vang most don't make it out of there alive yes i lost many friends my dear companions gone forever beep beeps with sadness sorry to hear it but nobody's gone forever y'all see that dark forest there which lives there y'all she can bring people back from the dead beep yeah the pale lady wears a white mask yeah i've seen her many stories about her yeah uh thank you no no how do you know this oh you know yeah just stories you hear yeah sir okay beef okay beeper he's not that stupid he's just a bit naive beep i think he's childlike you know in his innocence so you've never actually seen this miracle no yeah what i've seen her yeah i've seen her with my own two old eyes he was camping in the swamp and sore across the water yeah the pale lady and her white wolf oh goodbye did you see her revive someone no but i'm telling ya it's a strange world out there they say she brought back the holy phoenix himself you know says she revives dead travelers she sees just like that i've seen her she's real okay thank you goodbye mr yacht goodbye yeah okay well maybe hope isn't lost we'll head to the dark forest we'll look for our friends and we'll try and bring him back from the dead where we you
Channel: Wilburgur
Views: 453,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, wilburgur, wilburger, willburger, gaming, gamer, commentary, playthrough, walkthrough, pewdiepie, edited, glitch, glitches, funniest, best, Kenshi, meme, memes, gameplay, highlights, wilburgur kenshi, anime
Id: nzcHQgb_Ens
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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