Ultimate K20/K24 Build Guide! PT.1 (head assembly)

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[Music] what's going on everybody welcome back welcome to the official first episode of the K 20 K 24 ultimate guide build I hope you guys are excited about this because I'm excited to just finally get back into building my motor and in all these episodes these are gonna be basic not basic they are going to be thorough walkthroughs and detailed videos on exactly what I'm doing to each part of my motor so in this episode this is going to be rebuilding the ek 20 head so I'm gonna be going into specifics on exactly what parts I'm using how I'm doing it what tools I'm gonna be using to get some of these jobs done and it's just gonna be as much information as I can give you guys I have a whole bunch of stuff laid out so let's give you guys well that's basically just start getting into I'm gonna show you how I have stuff laid out this is all the parts that are going to be going into the head and the tool I'll be use and so these are my super tech dual valve spring springs they are titanium retainers a hundred pound seat pressure I have all my keepers right here the lost motion of Springs are all in here and the spring seats are in here I have my valve seals brand new that I'm going to be installing so we're gonna install the valve seals first with the valves I have my two seals right here so the VTC and my VTEC solenoid which the VTEC solenoid is right there the VTC screen is right here that's the coolant temp sensor this is a plug that's gonna go in the back of the head I'll talk about that when we install that and this is going this is a tool I'm using to install my valve or the the valve spring there's your part number right here this is for K xx and k24 heads so this is everything that's going to be going into the head I have the head right here it's back it's been back from the machine shop it's fully cleaned prepped and it's ready to be assembled you can actually see the new exhaust guys I had installed a while ago when we thought the original problem was bad guides but no did so it's a good thing to point out to you guys on the case series if you are having some oil problems or like it's smoking a lot well my machine shop told me a common failure in the k-series head our exhaust guards they just seem to wear out prematurely so that's something to look at if you are having oil into your combustion chamber or something like that so the first thing you don't want to do when you're gonna start assembling your head if it's bare like this is you're gonna want to get your a spring seats now these usually come in your your valve spring package these are gonna go down first because these need to go down before the valves the valve seal is gonna once-over this once you put or if you put a valve seal on first these aren't gonna slide over them just for example I have one right here it just it doesn't go over so that way you don't run into an accident kind of like what I happen to me before just gonna grab your spring seats you're gonna put them over your guides and just see them all and once these are all done then we're going to move on to installing our valve seals all right so now all your spring seats are settled now we can start installing our valve guide seals which we have right here they are super tech valve guide seals there's a part number now if you look at the end of that number you'll see a five I the I stands for intake and the exhaust side we'll have I believe a five II yes so your exhaust side says 5e that's how you can tell the difference between your in taking your exhaust valve guides honestly I don't know if there's a difference if you were to use the exhaust on your intake side I'm not sure I've never tried it they tell me this is exhaust that's where I've always put it exhaust so I'm not sure how crucial it is I'm gonna go by what they told me to do to install these valve guys I'm going to be using this tool from four piston all that this is just a valve guide seal these I said guides the seals to install these seals I'm gonna be using this four piston tool and this is a tool that is just meant for installing the seals the end on this tool is formed for the seals so the seals fit perfect right inside the tool and it's grabbing the surface area around the seal so it doesn't squish anywhere else and all you do is just get this on push it and you're done it's super easy I recommend this tool do a lot of work installing these valve seals but the way to use that tool is you actually have to have the valve inside of the guide so it's kind of like lines everything up so I have my valve right here we're going to start at the first guy on the intake side have some oil what I always do is I dip the stem in oil just so it goes into the guide nice and easy there's no friction so well here this is 5:30 just the same motor oil that would be in the motor then tilt our head just be careful you don't lose your spring seats okay so now just hold the valve because it's gonna want to slide out since there's no seal to hold it so now that's set into place right here we're gonna grab one of our new seals we're gonna I still have some oil on my glove so I like to lube it up a little bit just to help it go in a little easier if now you can just grab some oil from here just get some oil in here just gonna help everything we're gonna slide it over a valve stem get it started push it all the way down all right so now you guys got a close-up view of exactly kind of how it's going to work we have our valve in there we have the seal over the the guide so we're gonna grab our tool we're gonna slide it right over the valve push it down make sure it's centered up we're gonna there we go so it's gonna kind of like click inside the seal and then we're just gonna push down and you go until it can't go no more come up and that seal is installed it's so easy with this tool I know this could be done I think like a 10 millimeter socket fits around this you can just kind of line it over it the same exact principle that this tool is and just kind of tap it on this hole just makes it a lot easier so we're gonna go do the same process through the whole head and get all the seals installed and then we're gonna come back we're gonna install our springs one thing I just thought about is I was the son when this head is not that I thought about it but I showed you guys a zoomed in version on how to use this four piston tool and how easy it is so I figured I'd just pull the camera out and show you guys how really how easy just cuz I just saw was a zoom in version so I just put the valve seal on there line it up push seated and done that that's I just wanted you guys to see like literally that's how easy it is to use this tool valve seals are completely installed on it this is what it should look like when you're done the brown is the intake the blue side is the exhaust side we have our spring seats under them we're all set for the next step so the next step will be installing our Springs and retainers in the way we're gonna do that is we're going to be using this tool which I showed you the part number before I'll show it to you guys again right there I'll leave a link in the description if I could find where I got this from but this is for K 20 K 24 heads so we're gonna do we're going to take this sound I'm gonna start basically setting it up on my head and we're going to with this tool super easy to install valve springs the only problem is you need a way to keep these valves up because when it starts to compress the valves gonna want to go down it's kind of a getaway that I do it but what I do is I'll grab either one or two bottle caps whatever fits these are the only ones I could find right now now put it under that valve in the combustion chamber so that way when it does start to press the valve starts to hit this and it stops moving and that's what keeps my valve from going down it allows the spring to compress down I can put my retainers come back up and we're good I used to use rags they would work but the only problem with rags is sometimes the valve would open a little bit and it would hold it and then when it would come back up the valve would close and pinch the rag in there so I haven't done it this way in a while we're gonna try this way again to see if it works if not I'll come out with a different way but the main principle is you need something to hold these valves from going down so you just this is just a little stopper so the valve just kind of kisses it stops and then you can compress the spring so here we got our main tool the company is HP T I kind of remember that now obviously it says it and it looks like you can actually use this for s2000s as well for an F 20 and f-22 head as well so you can use it on a K 20 K 24 F 20 and an F 22 head it's pretty versatile so we're gonna line it up with these two bolt holes right here to give us the bolts to lock it down with next you're gonna get this long threaded bolt but it's got a little what do you call like I'm not a taper but it's rounded at the end so you're gonna start this in and this is going to be your cup alright so first thing we have to do is actually grab our springs here's our super tech hundred pound dual spring literally what it sounds like it's a dual spring with our titanium retainer I'm gonna go right up top so we're gonna put this in make sure it's seated inside our valve seat or our spring seat pretty good now we're gonna get it here let me move the camera for you guys alright so here we go we have basically set up here I have my cup right here before I put my cup on actually what I want to do is I want to take this retainer off take my keepers make sure you don't lose these and I'm gonna physically start them inside the retainer and what that does is that actually just makes it easier for me to seat them once they're already started in here and I'll show you guys all right so that's what your retainers look like inside they're just two half-moons put together so we're going to put this on top right here put our cup right over it I'm going to start this as you can see it's already going now as you're going down you're going to want to work these retainers so as you can see they're trying to come out but we're just going to guide them over the valve sometimes I use my finger just you got to press them in okay so I just kind of slid them over now but it's coming back up press them down again and you're just gonna keep pressing them until they go below the grooves on the valve so this one took a lot of fighting for some reason um I had to work it around I ended up burning the Cup but it's in there and it's seated I don't know why this one fought me a lot I actually ended up taking the bottle caps off too and I filled cardboard up under it so I did this one off-camera let's move to the next side I see that makes our life easier pretty much I've had some practice doing this side off-camera this seems to be like a feel thing I haven't used this tool in a while and after a couple of them I actually started to fly through them as you can see so I just want to show you guys the way this tool is supposed to work if you're doing it the right way it really you could just fly through these valve springs so quickly and you can even use this tool on the car but yeah pretty much got the feel for it now so let's show you guys how easy it is there you go this is like a third of the time it was in the first couple ones we were doing and you can see it's they're both seated this will save you so much time once you get the feel for it so we finally got done and saw all the valve springs it seemed at first a little harder than it needed to be but like I said once you get used to the tool it just makes everything so much easier so the heads all done not done but the the valve springs are in there you go they're all locked in one thing you guys can do if you're just not if you're unsure but just to be on the safe side is I just get like a rubber mallet and just tap the top of each of these don't tap them hard just like taps on top of them what you're basically doing is just creating basically like a pounding motion like if the cam was rollin and if one of these aren't locked in completely it'll pop so that's just a quick check you can do actually want to show you guys something that happened so you see this these are not to keepers this is one that cracked on me when I was installing it on the head luckily I heard a click and the click sounded like like it's seated in here and when I looked at it I just saw a little line pulled it back apart and I saw that it was cracked it probably too much pressure on one end I don't know luckily you have spares so definitely if something seems off or it just sounds weird do yourself a favor take the time to take it apart and double-check it because that cracked keeper would have destroyed this would have destroyed the camera it would have been catastrophic failure and I would have been very unhappy so I'm glad I caught that next thing we're going to do is our lost motion Springs which are right here these are really easy I think I kept them oiled up we're gonna drop them right in into these holes right here and then basically we are done with the spring portion and assembling on top I'm not gonna install the cans because all of that goes on after I put the chain on and stuff so there's a top girdle let me show you where it is it's not a girdle it's the cam caps that go on top of the head I won't install this until the motors back together you know the head is on the block and stuff like that because you can't install the head studs with this on the way you just can't get the rub the ratchet through here so these are gonna go on lat what I will do next is I'm going to start installing my VTech solenoid and the VTC cover with the gaskets [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your head usually right here there's like a little um what do you call it like an inlet to this is where your heater core of one of your heater quorums lines we connect to which flows the heat into your car I deleted that because I'm not running any heat so I have this K tune plug then I just plug this end up with so we're gonna put some more thread sealant on this plug as well we pretty much worked our way through most of the pile of parts that I have is one part left last piece to this puzzle is a speed factory titanium intake stud hardware I'm just gonna install them on here not gonna fully tighten them because one of the reasons I did get this when you're running any manifold basically on on this case series and you're still running like an idler pulley right here the manifold doesn't slide out so I used to always have to do is remove like this side and this stud and this corner one just to kind of like angle the manifold out always had a double stud death that's our double knot to start and everything it became kind of an issue with this speed factory hardware the heads are actually allen head so removing those studs would be so much easier now because all I got to do stick allen head in or yan allen head and just unscrew it out that's kind of the main reason why I got these and also because that I have some titanium all around my engine bay this is just going to match it super simple to install these let's just get this on and the head is pretty much complete pretty much wraps up the assembly of my Cates when he head there's a better look at the studs I like the way fern titanium looks on the silver hats I think it looks cool but we got our screen here I got a review Tech solenoid on coolant temp sensor and the other plug in the back Springs retainers seals everything is done this is the complete guide or this is the way to assemble your head at home honestly this job is not hard at all you guys could do this in your own garage just literally one special tool you might need just the valve spring compressor tool the seal tool you don't even need it like I said you can get away with using a socket just to press it down that just makes life easier takes you about two hours to assemble I mean I've been filming so I'm trying to get the right angles it took me a little longer than he could but it's so easy guys if you have any questions definitely leave them in the comments give me a big thumbs up if this video did help you or it was informative enough to give you guys the confidence to assemble your own head at home if you had to granted is it was a lot easier for me just because the head is off the car but the same principle goes if you're on if you're doing a head job on the car the only difference would be you want your Pistons a top dead center and some people I mean the right way to do you run compressed air take the spark plug out and run compressed air into the cylinder to keep the valves from dropping other people I've heard they've done a trick where they'll run like literally rope into the spark plug tube and just build it all up and then that kind of stops the piston from dropping but if you have the head off and you're doing it at home this is the right way to do it I've had great results of doing it this way I hope you guys have better results or just as great results doing it at home of a comment if this was the video you were looking for or this is the style of video looking for just tons of information on it the longer video but just as much information as I can't put into it that's it we just kicked off the K 20 K 24 bill we're starting the series I hope you guys are excited for it like I said next video probably gonna start tearing into the shore not tearing into it I'm gonna start assembling the short block got some parts coming for that so stay on the lookout for that guys thank you for your support thanks for watching this video I'll again give me a thumbs up if this video helps you out or if you're into it or you're new to the channel and you really like this content there's a lot more coming guys it motivated keep making those trees louder and I'll catch you guys in the next video [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Views: 155,423
Rating: 4.9599442 out of 5
Keywords: ultimate k20/k24 build guide head assembly, k20 build, k24 build, k20/k24 build, k20/k24 all motor, k20/k24 turbo, rsx all motor, rsx type s, rsx k24 swap, rsx type s turbo
Id: E65o1AkRtAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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