Installing Camshafts + Time & Chain+ Valve Adjustment (DIY) πŸ‘πŸ½

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welcome back youtubers gunner subscribers this is the video here where we are putting um the cams on we're putting the k series on timing and we are valve lashing i wanted to introduce the video like this because i know it's hard for you guys to find certain videos i have to do a better job maybe with the title maybe with the thumbnail so i'm learning man i haven't even been on youtube two years now i got vicki here with me hopefully he can help me record we'll make this much easier we swapped out the cams we'll talk more about the uh the lift and the duration difference between uh the ultra one and the ultra three so sit back get ready to soak in some knowledge make sure you like the video show some love i'd appreciate it and let's start gunning [Music] all right all right now all right guys all right guys all right all right so all right all right guys yep bye all right guys all right all right okay boys you got something to say 40 yeah hi guys i got everything set here i've got my torque wrenches i've got my tools i've got uh my caps all lined up i've got my chain here goes that part number again on the k24 chain here it goes i got you that's the part number you need that's the chain that you need when you're doing a 24 build um tensioners here inline pro it's modified we've got our cam gears here uh what else are we missing i've got my pulse plates ready with the bolts i have them over there and vicki is going to help me record to make this much easier so we swapped out from an ultra 3 to an ultra one there goes that part number now the reason we got the ultra ones was honestly the tuner threes were on back order so i looked up the lift and the duration this is basically a newer version of the tuner three so here goes the difference between um so on the ultra one you've got a lift of 540 on the intake you've got a lift of 530 on the exhaust now the ultra 3 vicky was a 575 on the intake and a 560 on the exhaust so this is a much smaller cam that's going to make a lot of power my friend bobby at tri-state made 293 horsepower vicky on pump gas on these cams same setup 293 on these cams right here pump gas and i think on m1 he made 315 or something like that so we're going with the ultra one we're going to crack these guys open we're going to put them in we're going to dial them in and you're going to learn all that today these cams open vicky we're going to have to uh let me get them open first we're going to have to put our cam gears on throw that out sweep it up in a second we're gonna have to put our cam gears on and our pulse plates and by the next clip you guys will see us doing that first camshaft is intake you'll notice the distinguishing difference between the let me take out the exhaust too so i can show you the huge difference because you can mess up and put the wrong gear on it so the intake is gonna have these uh oil ports that are going to help the vtc move on the cam gear the exhaust doesn't move at all so it won't have these oil galleys to push pressure through so the first one we'll do is intake right so simple we're just going to line up that dowel with this guy in there finished we'll thread this in by hand this needs to be torqued so the torque spec on this is 83 foot pounds for intake now it's going to be hard for you to torque it outside of the cylinder head so that's why we have to end up um bolting up so the same thing for the exhaust we'll put that guy on and i believe that torque spec is 51. so i'm just going to bolt this up by hand first we'll do the same thing with the exhaust now the exhaust same concept line up that dowel right there with here money drop that 14 in there thread it as much as we can by hand and then we'll move on to the post plates also pulse plates on exhaust very simple line up that dowel push it in take your take your bolt thread that in as much as you can by hand this also gets torqued too uh 29 foot pounds now the pulse plates are really important because they have a trigger on them that goes against and it reads off of the cam sensor so make sure that you line all these dowels up correctly and make sure you thread it by hand as much as you can because these can slip off and then turn and then you'll end up with a timing error and you won't be able to figure it out because you'll say hey everything looks on timing sometimes this breaks and it moves so make sure you thread it by hand as much as you can first before installing intake cam goes on first very simple procedure just line that up turn them until they they feel like they're as flat as their they can right there is where i want to be now i made sure that i'm 180 degrees off here vicky i made sure that i wasn't on tdc you see that arrow right there do you need a light no we're good you're good so this arrow is not lined up to tdc so i moved it 180 degrees back next cam exhaust same concept lay that down as much as you can well as flat as you can where it will allow you so give or take about right there i like that we'll start setting up the um we'll start setting up the cam caps we'll start bolting them in by hand and we have to torque those cam caps go to 16 foot pounds these cams do come lubricated but they definitely need a little bit more so before we put our cam caps on we're just going to give this guy a nice glaze here right here wherever the cam caps are going to meet it why not put it all over the camshaft and i want to turn it real quick vicky so i can get to the bottom of this assembly so we can put some on that one too you know what i'm gonna be extra cautious i'm just gonna lay some right here vic that's all i'm gonna do just help it out because i don't want no bat i don't want no grinding on the startup you feel me i don't want it to start up with with like a violent you know like a like a rattle or any scraping this should be a smooth transition when you turn it on that's that's more than good there but we'll help it out a little bit more don't be cheap with the assembly lube you see i've been emphasizing on it right they've been seeing the videos vic and they're saying how come he's putting so much it's important let me go get my can caps again cam caps numbered arrows facing the cam gears we're just going to lay that down first thread by hand as much as we can i'll go get number two facing now you lot now these are labeled on the rocker assembly too you match the number two with the arrow facing that way now if we are if we're being a little bit too detailed i apologize but you know what i'm just trying to teach as many people as possible i don't want him to make a mistake because you know this is there's a lot of money at stake when we're building motors and at the same time vicki some people get sketchy on who to trust to build their motors too so why not learn yourself why not invest into yourself why not have the knowledge to do it by yourself okay so we've got one cam cap left and now again as i'm putting them down i'm making sure that all the arrows are facing the cam gears and i'm just threading by hand we'll get these guys down a little bit further and then we'll torque them down so i threaded every bolt by hand as much as i can right so now i feel confident enough to use this gun now i'm not slamming on the gun like this also another thing if you've seen in the videos where i said man this gun's weak the battery was dead the entire time the charger took a poop i went to home depot this morning and picked up a new charger um very very simple take your time we start in the middle here we're just bringing down the boat that's it we're not hammering down on it we'll let the torque wrench do its job but we're just helping it because we'll be here forever trying to torque down we're just letting it touch that's it so inside and then we'll move outside now we'll go get our torque wrench and start getting ready to torque this down 16 foot pounds ladies and gentlemen we are going to torque these cam caps to so that's the first thing that we do before we even think about torquing um the cam gears or the pulse plates so i'm moving this gun to 16 foot pounds done locked in now i'm going middle and then out okay done so that's exactly what we're doing now so we go in the middle and we move left or right it doesn't matter that's why the gun was crucial in the beginning also vicky because we would have been here forever turning and turning you see how much i'm turning i wish i could have gotten a gun to bring him down a little bit further but i wanted to be cautious again 16 foot pounds here it comes i'm going gonna be here for a while vic yeah it's okay we'll do it the right way though so last ones here 16 foot pounds again and after this one i'm just doing a double check on everything finished we move on to anything we're just going to make sure every boat is at 16 foot pounds check all your work so really important now i want to line up my pulse plates with these honda pins right here this tool is awesome it's real cheap again um if anyone can share the part number i don't have the package anymore for these pins that hold the pulse plates really really important tool to have don't try to cheap out i think this thing costs like 12 bucks and try to use like small bolts or drill bits it doesn't make sense there's a lot of money at stake here and you don't want to play with that so i'm going to tighten this cam gear by hand as much as i can and tighten this down as much as i can and i'm going to move the cam until i can get this pin in right there you see that vicky is it lined up i think so i don't want to get in between there it is done now i know that my cam is at top dead so you'll see a dot here on top and then you'll see a line across oh yeah so i'm going to do the same thing to the intake side perfect now if we jump to the other side lined up here your two dots are on top so now we're gonna go torque the torque plates uh the we're gonna torque the pulse plates so that goes to 29 foot pounds so i'm moving my torque wrench now 29 very simple done done perfect 29 29 that's finished we can move on to the cam gears cam gear intake 83 foot-pounds done 83 you'll get the 14 for that one exhaust is 51. so dial this back to 51 and we're almost done 51. here we go finished torqued 83 torqued 51 torqued 29. part number alert chain guides k24 got it other side k24 we're gonna need these chain guys really really soon so right now we're going to have to move the cams a little bit um we're going to get the tdc now another assurance that you're on tdc i just use the dipstick here so you're going to line up hold on let me see if we can get some better lighting here how's that lighting look on this side better there you go okay so we're going to get this arrow to point with this arrow right to get the tdc now i know that one and four are all the way up i'm at top dead center this is pretty much lined up and we're gonna have a dot down there that we're gonna line up the third gold link to so let me go get the chain now so now i have gold links here right gold link here that's going to go to the dots and then i have one gold link here that's going to go to this dot down here now my intake cam needs a little bit more help going backwards so i'm going to line this one up right because i know this one is at the top i just want to line up this cam gear to this line and this link so it might move i'm gonna have to bring it back this way that's beautiful okay that's money right there all right so it jumped that's fine we'll get it right but i'm lined up here vicky look i got dots up here i'm lined up with this with this tooth and this line now i just bring this guy down here and find that gold that dot so what i could do is i could just hold it here right i could just hold it here give it a little bit of tension bring this guy here to have it line up and look at this beautiful right there so now what i'll need to do from this point is i'll need to go get the chain guides and start installing them so the first guide i want to put is the one on the intake side so i'm just running my three tens into here got some brand new honda ones and um these you're just gonna hand tighten for now and then get your ratchet and then tighten it just like that vicki behind you should be a 10 on a ratchet i'll take that right now please perfect okay now we'll get our other guide and then we'll install that okay other guides on slip it behind this thread this in by hand all these guides should be new man they're not that expensive you can make all this last much longer okay so by hand again you don't need to torque this if you have the torque spec you want to pull the gun out go ahead done finished okay now let's just double check our work okay before we add tension here now this guy has too much tension so when the tension releases you'll see that these lines are going to line up perfectly see that they're lined up money and now when it goes like that it's just telling you hey when you put the tension on i'll be all right so now we'll get our tensioner we'll bolt that guy up and i'll show you how many clicks you need to have this set so remember one more time two gold links go in between this dot this dot these should be lined up and then down here you have a gold link that goes to a dot and you're golden you're on timing tdc holding tension onto that guide i just want to put this tensioner on like this and just thread that up because i want to swing it up because these aftermarket tensioners do come pause with a lot more attention so just slide this guy up nice and easy keep the tension there perfect perfect right there and it doesn't need any more tension than this because i'll show you why in a second so i'm gonna thread that by hand right we're gonna check our tdc but that's it we're pretty golden on timing we'll tighten this guy up it doesn't need it so boom okay so tdc down here my gold link is you won't see the dot here but you'll see that line here top dead center here top dead center up here done very very easy now the reason i tell you most people you'll see them take a flat head and try to move it this is already pre-tensioned like this is already set up for the right amount of tension you feel look that's good tension there that's good tension down here nothing's gonna scrabble nothing's gonna move around i mean so you always wanna line up this bar back to that dot to where you can almost stick this pin in see that so now most like i said most people will try to give it a little bit more tension it doesn't need it i don't want to give it more tension than this so we'll put our top chain guide on i know i forgot to tighten this 10 because i wanted to remind you guys something about this so let's move on so this top 10 right here i left it because i noticed that you got you guys noticed that i just torqued everything down to 16 pounds this one's like 100 inches so don't be a hero man look done nice and easy tight fine before you spin the motor to check your tdc you gotta put your top guide on i'm gonna run and get that it's the same torque spec 16 pounds guide on threatened we'll thread that up get my gun those twelves are much much longer so this guy here thank you vic done finished okay so before we end up spinning this motor let's just double check everything tdc up here tdc down there tensioner has good tension remove this pin right here in order to do that i'll need my 14 which is on this chair just to get this pin out because this pin helped me a lot keeping that exhaust sturdy what we're looking for when we're spinning the motor is just any kind of weird movement any kind of weird movement okay so far so good look at that nice nothing's jumping nothing's hopping put the motor back on tdc and just double check the cam gears now you'll never ever get those gold links to line up again don't worry about the gold links that's just the beginning point you'd have to spin this i don't know how many rotations to get the two goals up here and then one go down there so we'll just work on tdc why not let's take precaution let's take our dipstick here bring that down into there bring this back to tdc all the way down here it comes pause two dots on the top lines they line up see it down here where's that arrow arrow to arrow top dead center just learned how to put your own timing on so now we are moving on to valve lashing valve lashing ladies and gentlemen is maybe a two three hundred dollar job you can do it on your own you need this valve lash tool to adjust the valves this is like 10 15 bucks max if that and you need a feeler gauge is this a feeler gauge yeah feeler gauge all right so you need a 10 for exhaust now how do you understand how to adjust your valves like how do you know which way to do it you always do it with the cam facing up that's the cylinder that you do so for instance i'm going to turn this motor i'm going to start at this one i don't i don't i don't want to be crazy so i'm just going to turn that and make sure that the lobe is all the way up and i have no tension on the springs no tension at all okay here we go this valve right here is ready for adjustment my lobes are up i've got no tension on the springs i'm gonna try to fit this tenon doesn't fit in take my tool put the flat head in place loosen back out the screw right there and you'll feel it if it drags a little bit that's fine 10 fits 10 doesn't fit bring this down line that up loosen it good tension close it 10 10. done moving on to intake again i want to make sure that that lobe is up move this out of my way now this this size is uh an eight so an eight on the feeler gauge obviously it won't go in see that too tight so we have to loosen it and make sure that our eight goes in on the feeler gauge loosen it back out the screw real good tension tightening eight goes in eight doesn't go in it's fine loosen it back out the screw good tension tight eight eight i'll do one more on the intake and we're done okay loosen get our eight ready try to get it in between back out the screw a little bit right right there good tension there goes our eight last one good tension you could lose power also you could lose power if your uh valves are not adjusted right so make sure you take your time again these tools are very inexpensive uh you could save a ton of money you can do this in the car too don't kill yourself take off the valve cover make sure really important too you cannot adjust your valves while it's hot make sure the car is completely cold so if you're planning on adjusting your vowels maybe do it the next morning or at night it has to be completely cold so i hope that helped you guys i'm pretty much done for today because i told kalito i i honestly believe he should take his time from this moment at the moment and powder coat at least the side cover or get it cleaned up because once i close this motor he doesn't need to turn it on i'll leave i left it at tdc for him i'm not going to move it from there we're going to obviously install the cover it'll probably move around somewhat we'll install the rest of the stuff and i'll fill you guys back in on this build but yeah you learned a lot of information today you learned how to install cams you learn how to put timing on and you also learned how to adjust your own valves there are some other parts that are on here that are here that i can install but i kind of don't want to do that yet until it's completely closed because i'd also like to clean the block a little bit more really important also you should clean everything before you start working on it so when he dropped off this motor i brought it outside i'd sprayed it with simple green scrubbed it down as much as i can to leave it cleansy so i'm gonna scrape off some other stuff off camera start cleaning up some other things that belong on this motor and uh it'll be wrapped up man this is this is in good shape to make 300 horsepower he's gonna have a great time uh i didn't charge him for this i just wanted to help him because he was someone that was discouraged in this racing game that wanted to quit couldn't find him when the trust couldn't find no one that could lead him into the correct path so i'm honestly grateful to have him in the movement also with that being said men enjoy the rest of your weekend guys like comment subscribe keep going [Music]
Channel: Keep Gunnin
Views: 45,782
Rating: 4.9831281 out of 5
Keywords: honda, civc, vtec, keepgunnin, boostedboiz, taiboogie, nyce1s, kseries, bseries, k24, k20, DIY, HowTo, streetracing, racing, eg6, ek9, hatchback, hasport, skunk2, ktuned, Etown, hday, hondaday, 4piston, AEM, ppg, ghostboy, aki, 1320, eg, ek, awd, allmotor, turbo, street, MIR, dc2, integra, typeR, Cams, Camshaft, Ultra1cams, Keepgunning, Aki, Ghostboyaki, k24a2, k24a, ValveLash, Valve, Lash, Valveadjustment, Caminstall, cleetus, freedomfactory, Kswap, BuildingMotor, MotorBuilding, k20a2, k20z3
Id: mM9ZeJ7S1W4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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