We Built A K20 / K24 For $276! Will It Be Enough For 10's???

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what's going on guys Mike and Chris here locomotives crew crucial creations I just want to give a shout out again guys if you guys haven't seen our crew shirts we have a merch site down below locomotive stuff we're gonna have a new shirt coming out pretty soon also if you guys are wondering we are super super close to 200 thousand subscribers I should have some type of some type of picture right here of how close we are so anyway we are starting now we've got done with porting and we actually got our cylinder head back from the machine shop do you guys want to wear the the finish on the head looked like it was used from it was looks like it was flattened with like a like a grinder or something it was but we have Chris right now he's on cylinder head duties I like to have Chris do most of the little intricate works because he's so anal and he loves to little nitpick little things if it doesn't it doesn't feel right he'll take it all apart and do it all over again you know Carlos is the complete opposite he'll just go for frickin broke and he'll just make it fit so this is a nice clean divide between both of them so Chris is gonna tell us what we're doing right now on the cylinder head so Carlos has imported this thing so here we are excuse the compressor in the background up they from CNC machining head port masters I want to know what you guys think [Applause] I think they're doing a fantastic job what do you guys think so I'm gonna explain you guys really quick this is not gonna be the complete we're probably going to do a another pass around this to make it a little bit more shiny and a lot smoother a lot smoother but you know that hardly takes up any material but he did a majority of the work and if you guys are wondering why head partying is you know it's obviously one of the only crucial things that we could do to create more power with an exception of getting higher lift cams we're going to try to do this on stock cams so you guys are wondering about our build this is a PRB this is a k20a two head well actually this one's gonna be a kate went easy one because this is from a 2005 to 2006 RSX type vest okay we have the block here see a little better-looking that things flipped but it's a k24 a two so this is actually a TSX lock and we're using a k20 head you guys are wondering we actually purchase this head tell the story so we actually took one of our motors over to the machine shop to have some work done and they actually had the k24 and another cylinder head sitting on the understand or on the shelf and the guy was just like hey you guys interested in the Honda motor you know see you guys bring in a Honda motor in maybe you guys interested in buying one so we just asked him you know even how much and he actually threw in the cylinder head the block Pistons rods like the whole deal I mean everything was obviously disassembled but everything was freshly machine so it was literally like a perfect like starting point absolutely kay 24k 20 set up you know and what did we you text me he texted me 600 bucks he said bro 600 bucks everything brand-new ready to go you know what I mean because it was cleaned it was like all you know hot tanked Brandon yeah it's booked everything was done to it and that was like 600 bucks sold so right now as far as price is concerned we have the hood head which we bought a K 20 from the hood for 75 bucks so we're using that cylinder head and then so so far we have spent six hundred and seventy five dollars for the long block is concerned the two motors practically but yeah I mean as far as what we're gonna do yet so I'm actually gonna post a the block and the head the other head that we got for sale so hopefully they could knock down some price and a total build of our K 20 K 24 you guys are wondering what Chris is doing and a premise rust off is to clean the rust off the valves we're gonna kind of polish it with some heavy-duty cleaner you can do it with like a steel brush but this is a lot easier and quicker yeah it doesn't take we're not trying to take off like material on our doors trying to clean the rust off [Music] Azumi there you go it is a nice cleaning of the carbon deposits on the valves the other one that I didn't as Queens all right guys I'm gonna give you guys another tip if you guys don't know when you give something resurfaced what you're gonna find that is that in crevices like this I'm gonna see if I get a good zoom in you see that around the hole there's like it's really sharp some of these are oil passages some of these are coolant passages you're gonna find it around the edge too you actually want to deburr around this and around these especially around this because you know it's a possibility that it's thin it could break off with heat or it can you know be a hot spot for detonation so what you want to do is you want to deburr around any material that has been resurfaced and using a file you're gonna have to go around and sand and grind off and deburr each little end of the cylinder head so that's the tip for you guys we're just examining pistons right here so you guys are wondering these are the pistons these are the cast pistons that we got off eBay pretty nice nice little dome here these are the stock TSX Pistons that had better days I guess that's why they had a drop the valve and organ ated that was Chris hitting himself I mean I guess you gotta drill while we talk about friggin engine whatever the name of call the car is I mean I think all car names should be girls rules they're all girls like I mean Rose can name their their cars guys names and guys got a name I mean now whatever backwards forwards okay so now he's showing an interested a creative way to laugh I mean we've done this before I want it know when a second cup we did this different some some people might not have saw us do that but this is a very quick and easy way to lap valves I want to I was amazed that this thing like the ingenuity in this thing okay grab your drill lean the tip just take the drill off for the tip off so he's connecting it oh okay okay connect it to the valve I'm gonna go the other side okay so there so this is what he's been doing you're doing like left and right yeah I'm doing both ways some more left and I'm going right show him this way okay hella good are gonna see this init feel hella good turn it the other way it's gonna take it off this rag to wipe the stuff off where's my ivory cleaner so we gonna make sure you take all that compound off it's gonna mess up everything yeah you don't want the compound on here or while they're doing that because it will actually uh like create grooves and scratches on the stem which you don't want you want them nice and smooth and then you can see did a little laughing I'm gonna I have another look at that nice I don't know if it's skill or is it because like well you can hit that a big gap yeah I need I want like a let me like I'll do like over here and I'm like you can I can I do a bead cuz like I couldn't even get that thing to well before this actually the part that like oh here we go [Music] I don't care bro you're stealing we good brother all right guys the manifold is welded up but as you can see here I have this line that's drawn in with a marker I actually have to cut that because this is for different types of k-series Styles heads there's two different styles the cake 20 make a 23 and this one right here does not follow the path so this one has to be cut so we're going to cut that out in order to be attached to the new k20 head we got what's going on guys I am on Engine duty I have the long block chilling right here this block has been sitting for a couple years so you can see like like surface rust I have to kind of double check everything one important thing that people forget is that there's a little oil squirter here and you have to remove this and plug this when you go to K 20 K 24 it's kind of like when you plug this the cylinder head in a like LS VTEC if you guys are familiar with B series on engines but I'm on engine duty so a friendly reminder take that out I'm just going to like thread this little screw into it and try to yank it out all right you guys can see I just drove it in there see if I can get a good zoom in there drove it in there with the Honda bond the Honda bond should dry seal that thing right up that's kind of one of the precautionary things you need to do with the engine now I'm gonna head check and check measurements with the crank and make sure everything's good what we're gonna do now is we're going to go ahead and make sure that the clearances on the main bearings are good so you guys can see this is where we're at so far I just installed the oil squirters you know you could do it after you can do it before sometimes you get in the way but I just go ahead and assemble it if they get in the way I'll go ahead and take it off but a lot of people like to plug those for extra oil pressure but I like to think that the factory kind of knows what they're doing all right guys I'm using King bearing if you guys are wondering at them installed I'm gonna look go ahead lay the crank on top oh man I didn't get a chance to I was just so focused I didn't get a chance to check the measurements on camera anyway but if you guys are wondering there is the well this is on the mains if you guys were wondering see we get a good zoom in there [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so I just finished assembling this cylinder head kind of sort of just uh what is the retainers Val Springs and keepers it actually took me longer than I thought Mike over here finished assembling that block and Carlos finished assembling is transmission and doing all the suspension work on the car with the time it took me to put all 16 of these valve springs and retainers and hair keepers in most part it is done valves are lap and now we got to meet the head to the block and Mike's over here working on the block yeah you see there's a little little rust on the crank oh yeah I'm gonna hit it with some 2,000 grit well it's 2,000 degree row it's 2,000 grit yeah I'm just trying to get some of the contaminate buff this thing is ready to go because I know King bearings you actually can't buy cheap bearings for k-series really oh yeah King bearings I'm gonna spend my 80 80 something bucks like 85 maybe 89 I think 89 88 89 99 like 90 bucks for some bearings no they don't sell treat burns they don't sell cheap bearings they just sell race bearings so you an OEM or 80 bucks there's no om Singh more expensive that's crazy you know how much it cost it's like fifteen dollars aside Wow so it's 30 bucks a rot oh wow yeah I'm finishing up with it to last two and putting the pistons in and then we're gonna go ahead and install the cylinder head port the oil pump oh you show them the intake manifold chimera haven't you guys are wondering you see it you see yeah there they go so it's welded up all ready to go we're gonna cut this part off of the intake manifold because this doesn't fit the K 20 head this is for like at 8:23 so we're gonna head cut this off and then we're gonna go ahead and get the motor ready to be installed through every move Frankenstein like crazy I know right hey was that big on his head a little cellophane Frankenstein yes but it's ready to go I was so zoomed in huh like zoomed in oh this thing yeah zoom out Oh your housing been damn Lubin it up dude after a while you're like no clothes the reason being - is that maybe you could feel like dirt or something you can't feel that should be doing this in an engine room what do you expect if T freakin do this makes life so much more so much easier they just like fall in broke this is officially a second motor we're building as a team and if we could build two 10-second motors so these are the K xx 0 K 21 is the 2005 to 2006 RS X Type S these actually have a little bit more aggressive than the year before beautiful then I got this cheap gasket head gasket exhaust gasket and gas get set I think this was about thirty-five dollars shipped I'll have a link and a little picture of it he even comes with its like own little with silicone condom on high temp gray RTV RTV the sheet pan data I mean a ha Audubon's so cheap on the bond a game it comes with like bow sail but we didn't use because we I'm pretty sure they're junk so what I use these use a head gasket we're gonna copper spray it of course extra seal that's not a medic it's automatic it's off-brand or eBay brand was $35 for the whole kit head up so we I have to so I have that kit that kid is uh head and up and then I have the timing chain kit I think this was a little bit more expensive like 50 60 bucks so it comes with like the chain so we're gonna utilize all this stuff so when doing ikk 24k 20 set up uh-huh what change do you have to use you have to use the K 24 chain we have to use K 24 chain and then we're gonna use a k20 oil pump so you have to use a k20 oil pump chain okay so it's a hybrid so it's like yeah okay intake it's rocket science box loaded up where's this does it have a little pin yeah shake shake okay you're feeding her into the motor but it's still possible to blow hi guys are all motor I just know we're gonna find out this is an experiment again guys we we've never really done this before we were just you know we're just experimenting this is all we built motor before don't get us wrong but this is like a purposely built on motor is this our first K 24 K 20 yeah there's mine too oh wait I did my own Oh across this motors K 24k 2000 stick car but we didn't build that mark so if this works and we'll never well I mean we did it big series we we did put together the stinkin Frank which is the opposite of what we're doing right now with a K 20 block with a k 24 head this is a k24 block where the K fling head yeah the other motor was used and we just put early just to put it back the other still in their head and okay but you guys can do this at home this is not rocket science guys so this is like this is why we no one can do this I can do this everybody online be climbing down alright it's not rocket science guys it's really it this is just the basics working out their arms cut ties oh dude what are we calling this man it was a bunch of there was a plan Chris because you remember any I was the boy's name there was one that was good that it liked I can't remember hold on let me read him out yeah yeah that one's good they put like everything they did stuff with like na liked her and there yeah terminator nominate her and like there's all these random ones let me see what we can find you want to read them off let's see here 40 replies 40 row buddy we got a name lady whitey white ghost who's some racist I know burner white lightning white local motor the local motor carnage carnage is it in a carnage part and age that's a carnage carnage but that would have been good right mouse why Mouse I don't know another one is abracadabra Honda Hot Wheels abracadabra is the name if you truly build the cheapest 10 second card longtime subscriber first comment alright alright Rudolph because of the red nose that makes sense that makes sense use the first initials of all your names and blood clot bend it red beard red beard gonzo gonzo gonzo okay red heart in Spanish go to us and Rojo great logo EEG or motion eg China or cholo vinyl Niner final nightmare featherweight featherweight domination Dalmatian Oh super n a true supernatural but an HP they have mennonite straight straight go straight coast cuz what is this power what is Red Baron call it white noise white noise The Terminator I don't know I can't remember which one I like now but I don't know I mean no one's really like it like hey that's really hidden
Channel: Diymike
Views: 66,767
Rating: 4.8938055 out of 5
Keywords: pink widow, locomotives, k24, k20, GTR, drag, racing, k20a, k series, B series, race, honda, acura, 300hp, all motor, NA, cheapest, k20k24, k24k20, street racing, run, 1/4 mile, drag racing, pink, civic, del sol, integra, eg, crx, ek, ef, 10, 10s, ten seconds, import, domestic, muscle, charger, 1/4, burn out, built, ford, boosted, mile, quarter mile, nissan, street, track, Mexico, NO PREP, MUSTANG, ALL MOTOR, NO TURBO, CHEAPEST, WORLDS, QUICKEST, FASTEST, EG6
Id: Ofhg-V1LE_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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