Ultimate 750 Piece Fire Starting Survival Kit

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hello YouTube it is Chris here and in today's episode I'm gonna show you my 750 piece survival [Music] welcome back everybody and thank you for sticking with me so yeah you heard right my 750 piece fire kit now after we go through this kit I actually need you guys to stay tuned because we're gonna be showing you three to four additional kits that you can look at to give you some awesome ideas for your fire kit before we dive into this some people like go Kris why the heck do you need a separate fire kit and there are a few people out there that subscribe to you they need a knife in a fire steel and they are good to go they will use the tinder around them and in certain environments that works extremely well that it actually ferociously effective but in certain climates or for certain people who are organization freaks and want everything compartmentalize from first aid clothing their shelter fire they want everything compartmentalized and organized this is an awesome little kit to put together that will give you years and years worth of fire starting that you could easily throw in your survival bag alright so opening this bad boy up you see that it actually looks very familiar because we base it off the Maxpedition fatty organizer you can use any organize you want this is purely designed to show you what we've put in our kit while we put in our kit and also just to give you some fun helpful ideas that we'll start from this side over we've got the Nano spark this is the XO Tec nano spark this is an amazing spark will this is just to give you different various types of fire starting you always want several methods this actually has fat packs in it but you could put the fire strip roll tinder quick sin it is it's really nothing you can't put in this thing then this is my favorite little striker this is an eight-sided Ferro rod striker it works really really really well it'll catch the sparks really really awesome now some people use a spine of the knife but if you want to save that for various things when I damage your knife unnecessarily this is a really good striker to have this actually came from zombie tenders Fair on v3 I don't like their kits I think their kits are ferociously expensive but they got the fire still right so I took the scraper said save that then we've got my Vic lighter you can use any lighter you want can usually get about 1000 clicks or so with these then we've got my fire steel this is my extreme with a fire starter from four directions bushcraft this bad boys got a really high gobbing spark ferrocerium magnesium we fully tested this in my video so you gotta get abused check out extreme of the fires and we've got a fatwood handles this pretty much is the triple threat if you want to go super minimalist this will definitely do it ordered we've got the cold steel pocket Bushman for $34 this is my favorite knife on the planet because it's extremely strong lock this is used cts b1 the newer model I was rocking German 41:16 stainless steel but it's got a really good edge but it's not too hard to resharpen and with some of the other items we have in this kit we'll explain why Phil sharpening will be a breeze but as we dive deep in here these are two of those 88 cents in a five pack meat loaf tin foil pants you can use this to boil water if you need to we have a stove in this kit still which is pretty freakin awesome and I figured in a fire kit being able to boil water cook food it's kind of just makes a complete then to keep my knife sharp an addition additional method of fire starting we have car by T ceramic rods for any type of any other blades or serrations you might use we've got a diamond rod here this also comes with a whistle a little tiny rinky-dink flashlight that kind of works it's it technically turns on but it's not super bright then we got another Ferro rod built inside so now we've moved to the kind of I would say the big humongous mean potatoes now as this stands right here this is more than enough but this is kind of like a long-term thing this is something I would put in an inch bag your bug out bag whatever you choose to call your survival bag these are the types of things I would put in there because when you break everything down you should get a ferocious amount of tender so the first thing up is in the middle this is the gen 2 phat rope stick by production hanger 51 and this is why a particular chose this some people look at this they see it's an $8 tender and they're like that's outrageous that is so much money I could just do this in this and that's fine I don't care you do you but I'm gonna show you why I kind of break it down mathematically why I can make this make sense to me so once you cut this thing into two inch strips you actually break these main braids apart and you get nine of these this is how it's broken down what it's all comes said and done and then this little strand right here will break into ten individual little sticks which come into something like this that is actually more than enough to get a fire started so you'll be able to get ninety fires out of this little bad boy and because it's wax infused with some other really cool properties you wind up with this type of tender once you fluff it up and this will catch a spark really really really well it's it lights up like a frickin dream it just makes sense not to keep something that convenient in your kit we've got the old semi fire tender I actually made my own tin for this because the tins they give you a humungous they actually take a full stick and they stick the whole tender inside and break it down but I went through this is the gen 3 fire tender and this gives you everything you need this will give you 20 to 30 even 40 fires if you segment it out and the fact that it catches so well is impervious to water it will work in wet cold crappy conditions that's why I like it because the guy who makes this is in Canada so he has the distinct privilege to test this in some of the craziest coldest wettest environments you could possibly hope for so for anybody who is asking they're like Chris why do you got this and then you have the stick well here's the deal this is kind of gonna be like my short term system this is when I first get to camp or I first get somewhere and I want to waste as little time as possible I can go ahead and use the tinder I just kind of fluff it up it's already pre ready to go for me so for the first week or two I've already have everything I need and I just splay it out light a fire and I'm good to go so next we've got the silky pocket boy oh this thing this thing is absolutely amazing this you get a five and a half inch saw and you get a full grip handle but as we could tell from a like a two three four even five inch branch the sink will rip right through it and for any things like a more substantial fire being a process of wood better and more efficiently instead of using something like just a knife or actually building a shelter if you find yourself in shtf situation this thing has your back and for this guy being so small it in the fact that it fits in this fricking kit 100% worth it in this front section is the fire strip roll mine's a little smooshed but it's okay it's still good to go this is a brand new product from production anchor 51 for anybody who follows Canadian Preppers channel who also follows my channel you've seen that actual individual review yesterday now there's a few things that I want to cover up that he didn't do is a full roll once you break it down is actually 54 feet long and we went ahead and actually measured that and that is a substantial amount of fire ten now here in the US these will sell for seven dollars and fifty cents now when I break that down for one little roll my brain automatically defaults to go man that's really expensive for tender but me being me and the mad scientist I am and actually found out just a simple one-and-a-half to two inch strip was more than enough to light a fire whether you're going to be using a lighter you're gonna be using a match you're gonna be using a spark wheel or a Ferro rod and they all light this is a waterproof tinder I was actually break this up in two inch strips and for a full 54 foot roll and I was actually able to break this thing down into 324 yeah yeah you're listening to that right 324 I'm gonna Billy Mays on you 324 pieces of tinder now you could choose to put this in your kit or a bug-out bag over this if you want to go and have it preemptively ready but I wanted to show you how much space this doesn't take how efficient it is and the fact that you get so much for so little and I think it's honestly this ends up being one of the best fire tenors they've got on the market now there's there's almost nothing you can't do with this particular setup so let's say you were hypothermic because you just got out of the water and you're desperate for a fire you don't have one going this is probably gonna be one of the fastest methods you can just rip off a bunch of this take 2 3 4 or 5 feet of it and like this bad boy on fire get yourself under something like an emergency blanket and this tender is substantial enough if you don't have time to grab this tinder you don't have time to build a real fire this will last long enough and give you a such large of the size of an inferno to literally save your life and that's why it's definitely am I gonna be in my survival bag it's definitely coming with me on this special challenge that we're gonna be doing in November we're gonna release to you guys in a couple weeks and it's also in my fire kit this is amazing as you scars men sales pitchy as that just sounded it just works and I'm hoping the overlay footage that I'm showing you kind of just proves the point that there are just a variety of different crazy ways you can use this if you want to build a really crazy huge candle if you want to use this as a torch and help with it in the stick and go through somewhere at night if you have all your batteries die there's just a ferocious amount of versatility built inside this roll so down here I told you if I had something extra this is the fire ant by M Berlet stoves titanium this is a 2 ounce stove that can go with my pot so if I actually if you have a pot with you you can use it if you want to put something a little more substantial you want to put more of these in there I've got two of them now this isn't for me like a survival kit this is a fire kit but it's completely setup and complete with backup systems if I need it so having a stove this small and compact that will work in a pinch it just it could fit why not this breaks down the full kit as you guys see but as promised like I said stick with me and I'm gonna show you three awesome alternatives if something this big and robust just isn't your speed little EDC roll this is the tactical 10 by Maxpedition I even have a tech clip right here but let's say you like organization you thrive off that but you know that guy said that full kit it's not your speed but you want similar functionality so we're able to put a full fire strip roll in here this is freaking amazing you got a full fire strip roll in here then I got a bunch of goodies so right in here like I said you can put whatever you want I have some wax wood stick this is a custom built piece by production hangar 51 I've got the nano striker XL by EXO TAC we also have the nano spark I've got a bit click lighter this is a waterproof lighter so it'll work with me at a pinch I've got another fire still that has an emergency whistle on it cuz obviously if I'm using this stuff I'm probably going to be in some form of apparel so having any types of signaling device it's not a dumb idea we have a temperature zip on this side and then we've got the Leatherman skeletal knife and this knife is super sharp got a 90-degree spine on it and for like 25 bucks it's awesome if you're looking for minimalism less weight and obviously lower cost this is also a good option so I've got two final kits here for like I said if your budget is even smaller we like to take care of everybody so this is actually the mini fire boss kit by Sanford outdoor supply you get a fire steel you get some tinder tabs you've got some magnesium tablets and we've actually tested and reviewed this as well for like 10 to 13 dollars this is an absolutely amazing comprehensive kit especially for beginners let's say you have a full-on super fire kit like my Maxpedition case is and you want to teach your kids get into it but you don't want to spend a lot of money this is a perfect way to teach your kids or loved ones about fire starting and then this one is from my bud is over at Texas mini Heat they are a texas-based company they do all the stuff themselves they forge their own knives yeah they actually custom Ford's these little cute adorable freaking knives that are actually really really really freaking sharp I'm pretty sure they're made out of farriers rasp s' but they actually hook you up with a fire steel some char cloth jute I'm still wool some gelled cotton and a bunch of freaking fat wood and for another little kit that has a custom knife built inside so you can take care of a little bit of business it's freaking awesome well that just about does hurt forward of this particular episode you got to see a my full 750 piece fire kit we showed you some budget-friendly and more compact options so if you enjoyed this video tip for this video a big thumbs up and share this app with your friends and family in your social media networks so we keep growing thriving and making awesome videos for you guys but that is the business for now hope you guys have a
Channel: DropForgedSurvival
Views: 749,233
Rating: 4.7845049 out of 5
Keywords: EDC Everyday Carry, Camping, Survival, Axe, Machete, Tent, Hammock, Cold Steel, Sports, Outdoors, Wilderness, Bushcraft
Id: gzmVcCRzWQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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