Absolute Best Firestarters On Earth! | 2018

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hello YouTube it's Chris here and today's episode we're gonna be showcasing the absolute world best fire starters welcome back everybody and thank you for sticking with me yes you heard right today we're gonna be going over the absolute in my opinion anyway the world's best pre-made store-bought fire starters on the planet so first up is the gin three fat rope stick by of production hanger 51 this thing is 30% larger than the old version this is huge now I love this because of the fact that this one little stick right here will actually provide you 90 fires if you choose to do it a specific way what I like to do is actually measure this out into two inch sections and once you get that you get a bunch of these little braids a total of nine but once you break apart of these individual strands which are right here you actually end up with these smaller sticks now once you actually grind these up and break this apart you end up with a actual tinder source to all these little fibers hundreds and hundreds little fibers and that one little stick will provide you 90 fires now that's what I that's what I enjoy about this because one little stick even though it cost like seven bucks ninety fires I can justify that now we've been doing some preliminary testing it is amazing it has an average of a seven-minute burden time we're just taking just a fractional little tiny piece off of it and it's the fact that it's waterproof we'll help you use this in subpar crappy conditions when you need it the most second on the chopping block we've got fiber light this stuff is pretty freakin awesome the guy who actually makes this stuff we actually found him at prep upon and what I like about what he does does he takes these wood fibers from wood processing plants in furniture stores and carpentry shops and collects the fibers and then he just infuses it with wax then the a pax infused wood fibers so the fact that this is a 100% recycled material is frickin awesome but this is a refill pack and it's this nice finally granted already tenderized stuffs all you gotta do is hit it with a lighter get it with a fire steel right away and it's good to go next up we've got the rocks wood stick from production hangar 51 you're gonna see quite a few items from production here 51 but it's because that little Canadian is crazy Frank is a mad scientist when it comes to is innovations with wax and this very flammable material that he will not tell me what he uses it's very very much an industrial shaker but then he infuses it with cotton paper wood everything and what I love about these wax wood sticks so we're gonna be overlaying footage but it is really really really soft high heat output water resistant wood that you can use to start a fire but these shavings come off with ease and splitting this wood because of the wax infusion is very very easy now you shouldn't be batani with a folding knife but the fact that you can do that relatively easy and actually use one of these sticks to start a fire by itself it's just awesome very similarly to fat wood which is an argument I'm gonna be getting from a lot of people won't use fat wood in certain parts of the country we don't have a fat wood we don't have pine trees we don't have access to that or we don't have access to things like birch or some of the other really nice awesome flammable natural fire tenders around us so having things like this are amazing next we have basically what petroleum jelly and cotton balls or gelled cotton are on steroids these are the lightning strike tenders from the lightning strike fire starter and the napalm tenders now hauling guns was nice enough to give me a whole big huge blue bag of Smurfs crap to play with but um you take these out and they are made of cotton but they are infused with basically dragon's breath and gasoline not really but you take these hit him with a fire steel and these things blow up like a balloon and they will actually last for two to three minutes they last a very very very long time but the fact that they're not oily they're not messy I don't get any residue unlike gelled cotton these end up being just absolutely fantastic so having these available inside of my lightning strike fire starter and lighting them in the rain these have been my number one bomb-proof cotton based little fluff tenders that I've ever used now in previous videos from a catchment cook raccoon video my catch of cook crawfish video actually had a start fires physically in the rain and these were the tenders they got the job done as well as another fire Turner you're gonna see here in a moment next up is one that a lot of y'all should be familiar with this is the fire strip roll from production hangar 51 now if you actually watched my ultimate 750 piece fire kit video if you have it's gonna be war up right there in the top right corner of the screen you will have actually seen that this is a 54 foot strip that if you cut this down into two inch strips you're actually going to get 324 freaking fires out of this one freaking roll and though this cost seven dollars and fifty cents per roll which does sound expensive is first that that made my brain explode the fact you get 324 that burned for two or three minutes on their own is phenomenal I actually have a small compact fire kit where I stuck a roll in here that's also in that same video but the fact that this is waterproof you can cut them up you can flat pack them and it there's it's just so damn convenient it is definitely one of my top fires now you guys just saw the howl and guns one with that little blue Smurf crap gelled cotton looking thing we used the fire strip roll and those to get the fire starter in the rain and this and those are honestly my number one picks for absolute true blue bomb-proof no mistakes no BS when the chips are down those are gonna work those are my favorites Wham we've got smart and fire this stuff is amazing now please excuse my directional mic because the wind is so freakin horrid if I didn't actually pin this stuff down we all blow away now this is actually not my absolute favorite fire starter in the world but in my opinion this is the most versatile given the fact that it's not just a fire tinder you can actually use this strip you can think of it that like a wick if you light it with a lighter hit it with a fire steel you can use this to get your tinder source and your fire started but then you can pull it out pat it dry put it back in your wallet put it back in your fire kit then you can use this multiple times but side of that you can use this to lubricate zippers you can wrap this around sticks as a flammable torch at night if you needed to not exactly anything better than a flashlight if you got a flashlight obviously use it but on top of that you can use this to repair and patch things like your tent you can fix and lubricate joints and knives you can actually just do so many freaking things with a Spartan tender there are literally 15 and 20 different types of different cool things outside of fire-starting that this one wax-based linen tender can allow you to do not to mention it's bomb proof waterproof and will work in almost every condition though it doesn't have as ferocious of a high heat output as some of the other ones that we've mentioned previously from companies like production or 51 these are ferociously reliable when you need them the most and not to mention you can carry a six pack in your wallet and take almost no space at all moving out towards the end of the list this is quick fire a lot of you guys to watch my pepper Khan videos for 2017-2018 you'll see these these are amazing you can actually with a lighter use the plastic as a wick the sachet will burn for like 7 to 10 minutes this is made of paraffin oil and water so it's non-toxic it's not gonna mess with you and these are very similar to wet fire or fast fire but these actually came out well before wet fire but the way that I like these are designers that are flat sashays my big gripe with wet fires because of their blocky little cube nature they're harder to pack in multiples but I can stick several more of these in a smaller package second last we've got the ultimate fire tinder which is the same process the byproduct or the shredded product of the fat rope stick already processed down for people who don't want to dick around at all with the fat rope stick now I think the fat rope stick if you're going to put in a fire kit is incredibly useful like I said because you get 90 fire starters but for those people who just want to be able to take it out hit it with a lighter hit it with a fire steel and be good to go this is right up your alley what I like to do the most with especially with my compact micro little fire kits my EDC fire kits my little campfire kits I like to do these you get these little tiny tins you can find these anywhere but you stick a bunch of this firestarter and even though it doesn't look like there's a whole bunch a little pinch just like this will be actually more than enough to get a fire started if I using that this still gives you about a week of fire are starting writing this little freaking package you can get six to seven fires out of this very very easily that what I mean by that six seven fires is the fact that I'll last well over 60 seconds with just that microscopic little bit and last definitely not least is the mini fire boss kit now they do make a full-size a boss kit from Sanford outdoor supply now this thing is amazing it's like I think it's anywhere between 10 to 12 bucks depends on the day depending on the sale how they're running it get quick tinder tabs you get fat would you get magnesium caplets you have a fire steel built inside there are a bunch of different pieces like char cloth there's just so much crammed those little tiny kit if you don't have a lot of money but you want some really good bomb-proof pieces of kit that are gonna work this will get you this will fit the bill for you will then divide just for this episode like I said it's some of the best literally the best store-bought fire starters you can ever hope for from the fire strip roll fat rope sticks the Quickfire fiber light Spartan fire the napalm tenders and the wax wood sticks they don't really get any better than this now you can make obviously the DIY stuff like I mentioned earlier but for convenience of carry and just the bomb-proof nature and reliability of what these things offer and how many fires you can get started with just one individual packet just makes them a worthwhile investment if you're just looking for teaching tools or just bomb proof elements in your bug out bag but that is the best for now if you enjoyed this episode the overview oh the fire gift of this video a big thumbs up it shows that with your friends and family in your social media networks so we keep growing thriving and making awesome videos for you guys but that's special for now hope you guys have enough
Channel: DropForgedSurvival
Views: 108,345
Rating: 4.8607426 out of 5
Keywords: EDC Everyday Carry, Camping, Survival, Axe, Machete, Tent, Hammock, Cold Steel, Sports, Outdoors, Wilderness, Bushcraft
Id: -ksCCe5KJLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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