Fire Kit for Survival Exotac Tool Roll

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one of the most essential tools that i use is a fire kit you know you need to have the ability to start fires it's an essential element it's something that man has used from the beginning it cooks your food boils your water gives you light gives you heat builds morale and can keep predators at bay and so having a good fire kit is something that i find essential whether it's in my go bags bug out bags in my vehicle i like to have the ability to start fire plus when we're having a bonfire or a barbecue you can be the rock star because you can start the fire when others can't because you have the tools you need and i've been using these whether it's fire steels lighters of course big lighters are just excellent they're easy to use they're convenient and it's one of those things that you know i find myself using the most but if you're like me there have been times where the fuel's leaked out or it's just not working the conditions are not good so having other redundant ways to create fire is very important plus having some fire tender trying to start a fire with just natural elements especially on a wet or soggy day is difficult at best now i'm a big fan of exotec fire starters they're a little more expensive but they are top quality they're all made right here in the usa i've recently got this little tool roll i mean this thing is so compact so neat and you guys know i'm a big fan of tool rolls and so we're going to take a look at my new fire kit in the exotec bag now not all the products in here are x attack there's a lot of other things but guys having a place that all your fire tools are put where you can get to it and what i love about this one is it's that orange color and it does have the gray which makes it nice but i know where that bag is if i'm reaching down in my pack i've got it handy now again guys i've been using these maxpedition pouches for a long time and i really love my expedition stuff you guys have seen a number of reviews and i still love this i'm going to keep it uh the new exotec tool roll is just really unique i'm a big fan of tool rolls and i've been a big fan of exotec for a long time i mean they sent me this little tool roll they'll send me different fire starters especially new releases so just recently they got in touch with me and said hey you know we want to give your viewers a discount you shoot 20 get a 20 discount on anything on the exotec website and that is really cool and in full disclosure it is an affiliate link but it's just what they offered but the discounts great all right guys here's my standard fire kit small little maxpedition pouch but you can use whatever i just love this size and i've got a couple of these that i use i've got this little mesh netting i don't really put anything there but here you can see i just have a number of items uh that you know really are for redundancy i've got my lighter bic lighter i mean this is the stand in and let me show you look here this big lighter is not working i don't even think it has any fuel in it and so this is one actually this kit was kind of set back i didn't know where it was but this is a perfect example that you might only have a big lighter but if that's all you got you know that's all you got vaseline cotton balls really easy just pull it apart make sure you get those fibers opened up get your lighter to it i mean it just does really well and of course again your lighter is your fastest and most convenient way but as we've seen these can go out this is one that actually was a prototype they never actually put it together but it is a fire steel and you do have your striker here so you know it just really works and we're going to kind of go through and i'm going to demonstrate some of the different ways to create fire but you can see that it it has that and protects it and then on this side you can put little tender tabs you know and things like that and guys i'm telling you you need to make sure that you do have some kind of fire tender because fire tender it's really difficult to get dry fire tender or the right fire tender so here we've got our striker even though it's a short rod you're still getting a lot of spark now this is a small little lighter these small lighters require lighter fluid and i really don't trust these as far as long term but if i just want to take it just for the cool factor you know you can you just make sure that you do need to fill it now here the little cylinder comes out and we just take and fill up the cotton that's inside and you want to get it until it's saturated but you really don't want it to overflow now you put your cylinder back on inside the capsule you may have some lighter fluid that's on the outside you want to be careful because it can burn but here it flames right up but this is a nice option but again this is one that you've got to kind of keep maintained here i have a standard ferro rod and this is one of the fire rods from exotec these are great little fire rods and these little compartments you can keep your tender tabs in the back they are sealed so it keeps it dry then also these little paracord loops are actually fire cords so you can use this as a tender and then of course you have your fire steel itself one of the things about exotec is that you can replace these and so you know all you need to do is go back and pick up one of these or a couple of these and you've got a you know you can keep the top part which honestly is really high quality they do a great job on these and these are made in the u.s now you have this black coating on your ferricium rod and so you want to make sure you scrape that off and it allows for better contact you take and pull the fair seam rod towards you okay we've already got a flame so it doesn't take a lot with the vaseline and cotton balls as you can see this puts out a lot of spark one thing about the fair sim rod as well is sometimes with stainless steel unless it has high carbon it won't ignite the spark and also you have your small little strikers this is a ferris stem rod as well and then you have a small little striker that's actually attached this doesn't really have a compartment for your tinder and it's really minimal but again it's got a seal you can just bring that this is your striker and so this really is redundant with your standard fire steel now with the nano striker pull the fair sim rod out take your striker it is a small striker and but it still gives you plenty to grab hold of that little tab and again we need to make sure that we get rid of some of that black you can see the old cotton ball is still burning in my little pit there take it you can see you getting good spark even with this little short rod so this makes a really compact option and again you can replace those rods and the old tried and true magnesium bar with a ferrocem rod right here and these are great they've been around for a long time but these really work now when it comes to the magnesium bar we're going to just scrape off some magnesium again taking the spine and not the blade kind of put that together in a spot then take your striker that's on the bar there we go you can see it lights up really hot magnesium really burns hot but obviously you want to get a little more magnesium than just this little bit but you got a large bar here now always keep some sort of knife in my kit i like to have the knife handy you can use that for a lot of different things but you can also use this as a striker if you need to you can use this to process your tinder and so to me having a knife is a critical part of your fire kit and these little sleeves they're great because they can organize everything and put it together now there are two sleeves in the back and i just have some vaseline and cotton balls here this is great fire tender you just take and mix the vaseline with the cotton balls it can be a little messy and because of that a lot of times i like to use the tinder tabs or i like to have some but this is a cheap easy way to make a lot of fire tender guys i'm telling you that vaseline in cotton balls it burns really well and for a long period of time down the hatch here i have a tea light candle tea light candles are great because they burn for a while but they can also provide you some light and if you're not careful like this one looks like they got melted some and uh you know everything's down so this is one thing though that i wanted to bring out and why i brought this kit out is because i want to make sure guys that you keep up with maintaining your gear a lot of times you'll put stuff together and you'll put it back somewhere and this is what happens this is not my current fire kit even though i had it set aside i've got a separate one in my bag and i just maintain it you know every month or so just go through and look especially my go bag this is far tender as well it's impregnated with wax or some kind of propellant this stuff is great i mean it goes forever and ever and it cuts and splits really easily and so this stuff is just great i've used this a numb for a number of years and i have some to set back you can also use fat wood fat wood works really good and you can actually harvest that from trees pine trees and so that's another way to be able to do it but there are some alternative methods out there or some alternative sources now i really like this little impregnated wood but again fat wood would work just as well what i like about this though it's very easy to split so you can just kind of bring this down make it into really small fine pieces so this really allows you to get that fire started easier these are a lot more flammable when they're small and short or you can even feather them take a pair of sim rod there we go it lights up really quick and because it's wood it burns longer and then as it gets started you can add other pieces to it and that's pretty much all i have in this fire kit and obviously i need to go ahead and take this and maintain it now this is the exotec tool roll it runs 24.95 but it is really high quality i really like this now you have a little leather strap and so we're going to go ahead and this is adjustable so you don't have to fill this completely up and then we're going to open it up then we have hook and loop or velcro all the way around so i can open this up then i have these two side wings and this really secures these pouches now this is what i love about tool rolls you can roll this out and you have everything right there at your fingertips i mean it is just a great way to do things and it's one of the reasons why i love them but here we have mesh netting all the way at the back and then we're going to open this up it also works as a flap to protect this and then we have elastic bands in the back and so we're going to kind of go through and i'm going to show you some of the things that we have first off we have some lifeboat matches and we have a striker make sure that you have some way to be able to strike it but these things are waterproof in fact you can dip them in water and pull them out now with the lifeboat matches these are my favorites and you can take and just strike it it lights up really well watch this and put it in the water bring it back up and it lights again i mean this is phenomenal once it gets down to that material it'll just start to burn out but it still burns the wood continually so again guys this is the deal when it comes to matches now here i just have a couple of fire cord pulls you can put this on your jacket but you can have these extra in case you have some kind of issue and it just allows you to be able to have that fire cord again a little bit of redundancy and then here's an orange one now this is a much better option than the tea light candle this is a four hour nano candle again this is exotec but this isn't an extratech commercial i just love their stuff but here you see you've got a small little beeswax candle it'll burn for a long time but one of the big things about having a candle it makes lighting a fire in the rain or in the wet a lot easier because this burns longer and i've done a video on how to start a fire in the rain in fact it was raining had been raining for a couple of days and guys it's not impossible in fact it's a lot more simple than you think and then also we have some tender tabs here this is what the us military uses and you just take and pull these out and these are just great they're really flammable and you can you can actually use part of this you don't have to use the whole tab but we have four in here and a lot of times i'll have more now the tender tabs have really become a favorite of mine they're not as messy as the vaseline cotton balls and they're fairly reasonable but you can puff this out and really get a flame going you can actually cut this in half if you don't want to waste the whole piece because it does generate quite a bit of fire here we're going to use the phariseem rod there you go just one strike did it but it lights up really well it burns a long time now this is something a little different it is just from exotec i threw it in here but this is one of the rip spools this is an excellent tool for repair and so you have duct tape that's all the way around there's a really small cord or rod in the middle so this is quite a bit of duct tape and then here we have kevlar thread all the way through here and then when we open this up which these things are just really well done we have a sail needle and so i can pull this out i can take my thread my kevlar thread and i can just go ahead and make repairs that if i need to and then the sharp tip goes inside so that way i don't have to worry about sticking myself which is a good possibility here we just seal this up it's a great little repair kit and guys if you're outdoors and something breaks this is a great way to fix it next we're going to go to the other side again i do have a knife in my kit and i always keep a knife just some kind of utility knife it doesn't have to be anything major i mean this is a little smith and wesson and uh has the worn cliff blade to it i just really like this knife for some reason and i've been carrying it and then i have a flashlight and i like to have light wherever i'm at because you know you may be at night trying to start a fire it's great to have it you should have one in your pocket but uh this is one of the old olights this is the s10r baton i've had this thing for years and it just works and so i like to have some kind of light and typically i'd probably have a couple extra batteries in here as well next i have one of the exotec match cap exhales this is just a cylinder it's aluminum has a striker on the bottom and obviously from the name we have matches and you do have a little shield here to be able to help protect when you're lighting that match and these are the waterproof matches i'm just a big fan of these i mean i have tested out matches and guys the waterproof lifeboat matches are the best and you have a seal around here so it keeps it locked in but it's large enough to where i can grab it even if it's really cold i can get a hold of it and open it up and then take my hand here you can put a lanyard on this when it comes to the match cap you've got a striker on the bottom and then we also have a striker back here on this little shield but guys i mean it doesn't take much to light these and this little shield works great matches lighter i like to have those things again you want redundancy here we have some vaseline and cotton balls you're going to see that a lot in my fire kits but it's not the only tender as i've shown now here we have another one of those strikers and we have our striker here and then we can open this up for a ferris stem rod and again these are replaceable and i have my fire cord here on the end so i have tender as well next i have a lighter but it's in one of the exotec fire sleeves and so you pull that off you can set your standard big lighter into this rubberized coating and it's or silicon really and you can pull this out we don't need to but take it light it it's going to help to just protect it and then we can take this part here if we need to keep that fire going this will actually fit over and create the fuel so you can hold it down here because if you're holding a flame for a long time it really starts to burn your hand so that way i can take it and put this over it and just create that fire and then pull it back this will seal your lighter so it helps to keep from happening what happened to my original lighter because there's a lot of corrosion that built up around that lighter and this also protects the fuel from leaking out which is probably one of the biggest things if this thing gets depressed it is dumping out fuel so this is a great way to be able to protect this keep it in one place now last but not least and this is a big one and i typically don't have it in here but i got this from exotec recently and this is the fire rod xl this thing is huge uh in fact they're sold out on the exotec website last time i checked this gives you a lot of fire starting capability and guys you know that's one thing about the fire steel is that you can continue to use this with thousands of strikes whereas your lighters and your matches sooner or later you're going to run out but with this i mean it's going to be a long-term solution to fire creating so and then these are removable and you can buy another one and put it right into here so it's a really thick rod it's going to give you again a lot of strikes now one thing cool about this in particular i've had the fire rods for a long time and i really like them they're in all my kits this has the duct tape around it as well and then here we have a large compartment that we can put our tender tabs and so this to me is a really cool option i mean it gives you a large capability too i can grip here and as i'm using my striker or my knife and you always use the spine don't ever use the sharp point but this makes it really nice to be able to have a good solid grip and you can pull that and you can create a good fire we do have a fire cord so that does give us some more tender now that really is kind of large for this particular pack but i had just gotten it in and i wanted to make sure that it was in this pack when you're done you can just roll this thing up and you can get it as tight as you want and then when you pull this velcro over it just seals it and then you bring over the lid a really secure way to keep this together now typically with tool rolls i like them because they do they just open up and you can see everything you guys know i've been doing a lot of roaring fire tool rolls they're just great for tools and you know you can see everything whether you make a fire kit or you make some kind of survival kit or you just use it for what it's intended for the tools but honestly because of the way this pack is set up it's really easy to be able to get to so you know that's one thing everything is just laid out so i know where it is and so the advantages typically of a tool roll over some others is not as great if you're using a small pouch like this but one of the things i love about this is i can slip it into my pack it's got that orange blaze color and so it's easy to find and i can fit more items in here than i can in this small little pouch but i can up this pouch if i wanted so guys the big thing is make sure that you have some kind of fire kit it's just one of those things that you just need i mean it's one of those survival elements that you're going to find yourself using over and over especially in a critical situation so guys again you get a 20 discount using suge20 the link down below in the description and we really appreciate exotic for doing that so guys again i highly recommend having some kind of fire kit we've done some videos previously about fire kits it is one of the essential tools i feel that really helps you get organized and fire is just that important you need to have these tools available because when you need fire you need fire there's nothing to substitute it and so check out the exotec or if you just want to put together a small little kit with a small pouch it works fine but just thought i'd show you a couple of different things of what i use on an everyday basis be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the republic [Music] so [Music] but there are times where the fuel light but there are times where the fuel leaks and then here i in here i have a teeth fire fire fire fire it's just got a good feel to it almost feels like a football once it gets going well that sucks so they got in touch with me and they're offering a 20 discount to sooch what is it [Music] good it's right side up
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 83,986
Rating: 4.9430847 out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Prepper, Exotac, Tool Roll, Fire Kit, Fire Starting, Ferro Rod, Fire Rod, Fire, Camp Fire, Camping, Hunting, Exotac discount
Id: c-F4pWPS7w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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