UFO Hunters: Multiple Orb Sightings Raise Suspicions (S3, E10) | Full Episode | History

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ufo reports of orange balls of light are  spiking all over the world whoa i'm getting   a series of lights right there it's moving but  most witnesses are filled with terror and dread   she starts screaming she won't stay out after  dark what emotion do you associate with here   those who see the lights i was employed by the  missouri state highway patrol to report strange   occurrences the farther i drove the closer this  light got to me and they want these terrifying   encounters to stop they're frightened some of  these people are just scared out of their minds video evidence seems to show that something is  going on that we just don't understand wow whoa   whoa but what is it there is no explanation for  it we have no known source for what is causing it is this presence a warning of things to come  this orb stopped three feet from me and i   heard a voice say don't touch it or you'll  die this is case number 92207 dark presence we investigated balls of light orbs last  year in indiana guess what they're back and this time we're going to investigate a whole  other aspect of these kind of a dark presence   people are reporting a frightening  ufo contact that involves nightmares   headaches terrifying premonitions and sometimes  actual confrontations with the orbs these   spherical ufos are really nothing new if you go  back into project blue book there was all kinds of   reports of spherical ufos this has been going on  for a long time and it's a huge part of ufology   to understand what these balls of light are the  spike in orb sightings is a worldwide phenomenon   from puerto rico to australia but we're seeing a  pattern of reports in missouri indiana and arizona   for some reason so we need to investigate  this phenomenon find out what's going on these orbs aren't necessarily ufos  and there's so many conventional   explanations that don't associate with  any kind of communication whatsoever   there's conventional and there's unconventional  so i think that's what we need to explore and   we're going to try to get to the  bottom of what this presence means we respected investigator ted phillips has been  exploring the orb phenomena for two decades   and focusing on a particular area in the ozarks of  missouri that he calls site x people are reporting   nightmares animal mutilations hauntings  and a deep fear of these uninvited guests   people are so frightened by these orbs they don't  want to come forward hi ted how are you hi guys   thank you good to see you but investigator ted  phillips has gained the trust of this community   and he's sharing with us some horrible  accounts that witnesses have told him we've had a great deal of new activity in  the light ball area i wanted to bring along   some photos and some video to give you a  better idea of what we're talking about   the light balls range in size  from baseball to basketball they'll fly around maneuver sometimes go into a   sort of yo-yo pattern up and down  and then to the right and the left and do this for a long long time there  it is wow whoa whoa i got ted man the longest duration sighting  was over an hour and 30 minutes   so you're eliminating things like uh gas  or earth lights because of the duration now recently more of the objects have been  seen on the ground so there is a little bit of   the fear factor one of the effects on humans  dry throat some nausea severe headaches colors   in their vision we've never heard stories like  this before from anyone about the interactions   of orbs with human beings so we're looking at  and close encounter with the fifth kind here   wow that was an awesome there  it is ronnie turn your camera   have there been any fatalities or injuries in  relation to these sightings we had one case   one of the very best and little girls jumping on  the trampoline she sees this close a light ball and she slips and twists her ankle just a  bit she starts screaming her mother tells   me said she won't stay out after dark has not  since it's happened so the daughter is scared   of these things oh yes she is the story that  ted is telling us is rather hard to fathom   how could this be happening and yet the media  hasn't reported any of this i'd love to interview   this woman that had this confrontation  but ted says she's just too scared to talk   are there any deaths that you can  ascribe specifically to these objects   we had a case in which the ranch owner and his son   were sitting there one afternoon  and they saw a small light bulb well he had his three labs lying on the ground  there by him and the light bulb makes a low pass   over the three dogs gets their attention and it  starts moving away towards a small clump of trees   and the dogs follow and suddenly he hears terrible  cries from the dogs and he runs down there the   light ball is gone and he finds the three dogs  as three sort of gooey puddles on the ground the dogs were liquefied this is a community  with a problem where where do you go when   you're being plagued by strange balls of light  that are actually making your children cry   and also causing harm to plant life and  livestock i think there's an indication   in the fact that they the thing lured the dogs  that puts it into an entirely different realm what do you think these objects are the  one thing i can tell you is these things   are real whatever they are so many witnesses  sing the same things and they are physical are we dealing with some kind of malevolent  force here i really think based on what happened   you have to go with malicious intent this is  an incredible video and a story that ted has   shared with us we have to analyze the video but  interesting to note that just 30 miles away we   have a firsthand account of orbs making nightly  visits and they're also linked to a dark presence i was employed by the  missouri state highway patrol   one night i noticed this light off to my left the  farther i drove the closer this light got to me   doug schultz is a 31-year veteran of the missouri  highway patrol while on duty he witnessed a single   orb every night for a year so many residents in  the area saw this light that it became known as   the north view light in december of 1992 i was  in marshfield going across the exit 100 overpass   i noticed the northview light off to my left it was brighter larger and closer than  i'd ever seen it before i went west on   highway 38 and the farther i went the closer  this light appeared to get to my patrol car it was really close really large so i decided i  was going to stomp my car and turn the engine off   and see if i could hear this thing i stood  with the door open got my binoculars out   and i got a good look at this thing it was  probably about no more than a quarter of a mile   from it and it was about 80 to 100 feet above the  ground hovering immediately over the county road my patrol car was equipped with a spotlight  so i decided that i would shine the spotlight   on the object just to see what what might  happen as soon as i shine the spotlight on it   this craft without making any noise took off  and was out of sight in less than a second   a friend of mine lived almost directly below  where this light was hovering at the time he   was a cattle rancher we found a dead cow  in a farmer's residence this particular   cow had about an 18-inch incision made in its  neck it also had parts of its udder removed   we've already investigated cattle  mutilations and those witnesses have   reported that orbs have been cited in  the areas where dead animals are found all i can say is the light appeared  almost nightly during this time period   and at the same time period we  were having cattle mutilations   what what is your take on on what happened  during that time i wish i knew but the orb   that doug schultz has observed for over a year be  part of the orb colony that's terrorizing site x   we need to analyze the video from site x  to see if there are clues to what it is jim oh hi hi thank you for seeing us today well  i've been analyzing ufo pictures for more than   20 years and in the last 10 years a lot of the  tension has been on orbs because that's what   we see more often now than disc shape ufos jim  deletoso spectrum video has analyzed hundreds   of ufo and orb videos and what he brings to  this investigation is a database created from   previous investigations a huge asset in trying  to determine what these objects are and are not   it's like a police fingerprint database you have  a bunch of knowns they're planets stars airplane   lights flares you have an unknown you extract the  data and try to get a match if you get a match   you can say well these are flares if you  don't get a match then it's absolutely unknown ted phillips video the interesting  thing to me was that it's two lights   they stay on one's large and one's  small and then it becomes three lights   we can be sure that these lights are not an  airplane well airplane lights don't remain   steady like that the patterns of airplane  lights are known there's specific patterns   that they need to be to come on and off he says absolutely these are not airplanes these  are not helicopters in his professional opinion   we're looking at something completely  different these lights they're unique we have this one light that plays back and forth  between one light two lights one light two light   and that lasts for some number of minutes jim  dillatoso is analyzing ted phillips footage and   he says the video isn't matching any known objects  like conventional aircraft or flares in his   database but he is intrigued by what we're showing  him which means that maybe we're onto something can we say that this is definitely not some  kind of military operation going on there   i can't say whether it is there isn't a  military operation but i can say this is   not flares because the lights don't modulate they   don't flicker they don't change if we  built a graph comes on stays on goes off and what's a flare graph look like  a flare graph is modulating frame   to frame the red green and blue content  are all varying in relationship to each   other and the overall brightness  the luminance is varying so guys you know we've been hearing a lot about  orbs you've got the story of the little girl   even though she experiences no bodily harm to  this day as an adult she will not go out at night   alone on that property what would you do if you  lived in a community where these balls of light   come out and somehow threaten you actually make  you feel threatened unsafe would you be able to   tell people about it without them thinking you  were nuts right i mean who would believe you these stories are amazing because these are the  signs of intelligence behind these balls but we   have to remember these are still just stories that  we're hearing without actually getting to the site   and i just don't have enough yet sidex isn't the  only place where ufos have a malevolent effect on   those who see them there's another hot spot where  witnesses are reporting seeing orbs in conjunction   with a dark presence and it's a place we've  investigated before kokomo indiana there was   an orange light what i observed that night were  not any flares i've ever seen you know i think   we have to use this information and let's bring  that with us to indiana all right back to kokomo we're meeting with glenn means the  indiana state director for mufon   who's going to talk to us about these  balls of light now they're proliferating   they've changed and we want to hear  what glenn means has to say about it   what has been going on in indiana i know you're  investigating it mufan's been involved in it   just tell us what's going on for 30 40 years easy  we have had ovals appear in the sky orange balls   of light these are not flares gentlemen these  are not things that are affected by gravity as   a flyer for 20 years in the air force i can tell  you that this is nothing i've ever seen before   glenn means is a credible investigator with  the mutual ufo network he flew black ops   aircraft while he was in the air force  and was involved in top secret missions   so he's familiar with black projects as well  as the capabilities of conventional aircraft   what kind of evidence of the orange balls  of light have you been able to collect   we've got lots of film we've got lots of videotape   lots of still pictures but that's  about as hard evidence as we can get when you look at these orange balls of light  are you looking at them as if there is a   tangibility to them a substance to them or  are they manifestations of just pure energy   the ones i've seen do not manifest any type  of craft you look at them and it's just like   looking at an orange sphere that's blowing  internally it's not like something that   has lights on it you can see that the  light is coming from inside the sphere   have you ever had any sign of intelligence behind  them or are they just moving sporadically that's   one of the most fascinating aspects  to ovals because indeed they do   show signs that they are aware of our  presence just as we become aware of them   the feelings that some of our witnesses have  been reporting would seem to back that up   sensations of peacefulness calm other witnesses  reporting intense fear they're frightened some   of these people are just scared out of their minds  this is very different from what witnesses told us   last year there's a real fear this time and it's  very difficult to get them to talk about what   they're experiencing we did locate one witness  who insisted that we not reveal her identity   i don't know if anybody who saw what i saw  they were pinkish red and they pulsated they   went on one by one just kind of blinked on  and then they shut off all at the same time   i've only told a few people about the lights i saw  on this guy i don't really like to tell anybody   we're here in kokomo indiana where we're about  to meet with an eyewitness because she works   in law enforcement she can't really disclose  her identity and wishes to remain anonymous well i was once shifted i was leaving our  president and approximately nine o'clock um   i saw a strolling line in the corner of my eye  in the northeast sky and i think i looked right   so i continued to watch a little bit longer and  then the southeast sky was another sterling light coming towards the first one  looked like they were going to   and then a bunch of pink red  lights came out whole roll over do you remember about how many lights  were in this row i would say probably   seven or eight it was like a half crescent   perfect it's not like they were falling  you know unsteadily and they were all again and did you get the impression that these  were separate lights independent of each   other or attached to a solid object oh they were  they were independent i didn't see any objects and then they stayed in the sky for  half seconds on the old link down i just have dreams about what i saw trying  to figure out what i saw my dreams haven't   really been making any sense all they  are are the lights going on in the sky so the lights keep coming back to you in  your dreams just about just that one dream   well when you remember your dream what  emotion do you associate with probably here we're in kokomo indiana investigating a ufo dark  presence witnesses to these orbs live in fear   and report a terrifying psychic intimidation  along with strange premonitions they can't control   most are too afraid to speak out but we've managed  to find a few witnesses who are willing to talk they come on as a light and  will just stay there in the sky   then they'll go off i don't know what they are my name's roger lamberson and i've seen the orbs  we're meeting with roger lamberson who saw orbs   on the same night as our previous witness so we  know that something has been going on over kokomo i saw this these lights which are in fact  i've seen them before they're flares there's   a military operating zone over here they  drop flares they come on sequence one   and another and they pop off in that same sequence  immediately after that i saw circular lights   look like they were around a vehicle of some sort  how many lights were there about 10 or 12 of them   and did you get the impression that they were  different lights from a different craft or all   part of one object just all part of one object  what i thought and they were closer together   than the players and they came on all at once and  they went off all at once after a couple seconds was there any movement to it no it seemed  like it was kind of hovering in the sky   it's like the orbs that you see  around here they just come on go off   what we have here is a sighting that is very brief  happened at night and it was quite a distance away   the lights that he saw don't demonstrate the  the flight characteristics that are typically   associated with an unconventional craft especially  not these balls of light that we're hearing   reports of so roger what do you think these  orbs are i have no clue i've always assumed   they were extraterrestrial but then you figure  you know what are they doing here why do they care   something is going on on the heartland that  threatens the security of the people here   and involves unwelcome visitations from these orb  shaped ufos well how sure are you that there's a   genuine phenomenon over kokomo i'm positive  that there is i know when something can't be   explained i don't know what it is but there  is a phenomena that takes place in this area this is uncharted territory  that we're in glenn means   has invited the m ripa paranormal investigation  team to be part of the sky watch this evening   we're just going to stand back and observe  what they do and this is an unprecedented   union of traditional ufo investigators and  paranormal researchers trying to solve the case over the years we have come across report  after report that just don't fit in that   normal scientific you know nuts and bolts  craft type of genre so that's why we have   started reaching out to people like jason and  rachel jason and rachel's midwestern researchers   and investigators of paranormal activities  is crossing over into ufo cases the team has   several night vision and heat seeking cameras  that they use in their investigations of ghost   and other paranormal activity and we'll  see if we can get anything on tape tonight   we have three of the high resolution infrared  cameras positioned out on the skyline where   glenn and some others have told me that they have  seen things in the past things that have show up   in the ir spectrum could possibly be drawn to the  ir spectrum so by throwing an enormous amount of   infrared light out it's possible that we  might get some kind of action or contact our goal is to stay here all night and see if  orbs make an appearance m ripper's cameras are   especially sensitive so ideally they'll  pick up anything that comes into view   right now we're seeing little rain droplets  being amplified by the infrared light   rain droplets have a specific look that  people sometimes will claim to be paranormal   when it's not in fact it's rain dust has a  specific look and if it's an orb it has a   definitely defined appearance  that you know is not water or dust have you actually captured orbs with  this equipment yes we have we've caught   orbs in regards to the pair of the spirit realm  it is normally when within a couple of seconds   we'll catch on the dvr system i've been very  lucky with capturing them on still photographs what does a real orb look like  a real orb looks like a ball   of electricity with a clear transparent center there is no explanation for it the light anomaly  we have no known source for what is causing this as we can see in the monitors right now  the rain has slowed down a little bit   we can still see the droplets coming  through we're going to let the equipment run   for the remainder of the evening to see if  there's possibility that we will capture something   this is a prime opportunity with three  cameras out there if they're going to   come out and play and they want to show  themselves they should be doing it now it was a long slow night and we didn't  see anything that couldn't be explained as   dust stars or aircraft but it was  a really interesting experiment   including this paranormal team and it's  something that we may want to try again i thought we had a really interesting time  in indiana i mean we heard lots of stories   now we're going to phoenix and we are  being inundated with hundreds of reports   people are seeing orbs all over the place like  kokomo we've investigated phoenix previously   and heard nothing from witnesses about fear  and nightmares so something has changed   and i'm puzzled why these ufo reports  have suddenly taken on this malevolence i don't know if we're talking about a  completely different type of orb here   or maybe the same orbs could be both demons  and angels you know a threat ends benevolent arizona is one of the top hot spots in the  world for ufo sightings and most recently   orbs many reports are orange balls of light  much like the orbs seen at side x people now   claim there's a dark psychic connection to these  orbs i have on one occasion felt extreme fear   around an orb and it's a feeling  i never want to experience again christine dickey has taken some incredible  photographs of orbs around casa grande arizona   near the ancient observatory of the hohokam  and christine is telling us she's felt a dark   presence that's manifested itself as malevolent  premonitions followed by actual orb silence what kind of feelings do you get well it's kind of  a feeling of excitement it's like just a knowing   and you feel excited like something's out there  this is a feeling that you get before you have   a sighting right on september 10th there was  a huge thunderstorm building all day and i   got the feeling so i went out i started taking  photos and on top of one thunderhead i got a ufo   christine photographed this orb during a  thunderstorm near the casa grande ruins   and is indeed an incredible  photograph i'm not sure what   it is but it is interesting that she  sees these orbs near this sacred site i had an orb it was about that size  a little bit bigger than a basketball   this orb came down from the neighbor's house down  the hill through the trees stopped three feet   from me now this thing is rotating it's  going back and forth as if it's scanning me   and i reached out to touch and i heard a voice  as clear as they say don't touch it or you'll die we're here in arizona talking to witnesses  who have seen orbs and felt a dark presence   in one case an orb flew right up  to a witness and confronted her and i reached out to touch and i heard a voice  as clear as they say don't touch it or you'll die   i jerked my hand back the next thing i know it's  about 11 30 at night and i'm laying over the   back of the bed and i rose up screaming bloody  murder i had no idea what what just happened and so i dismissed it as i must  have laid down and fell asleep   and i had a really weird dream her story is  similar to this testimony that ted phillips   reported witnesses are being intimidated  threatened and sometimes even attacked   not all of the reports are like this but it's  a very disturbing trend that we're hearing   so i kept it to myself and then my neighbor came  down and she said she was upset with her husband   and she said he never believes anything i say  especially when i told him about the green ball   of light and i said excuse me and she said yeah  just same night she was driving home from work   saw this green light come out of the clouds down  over our neighborhood and disappear into the trees this is an example of the dark  presence we're hearing more and more of   in conjunction with the orb sighting  unfortunately a photograph isn't enough   evidence to investigate fuller but we have someone  who has multiple orbs he's captured on videotape i think i do have a relationship to these orbs  i've been sighting and witnessing them for so long   i'm jeff willis and i'm connected to these orbs hey jeff hi how you doing pat how  you doing bud it's been a long time   jeff willis is one of the most prolific  ufo videographers in the southwest   now he's videotaped dozens of incredible  ufos including many orbs in fact one of his   major sightings happened while i was standing  right next to him videotaping jeff in action i've been actually videotaping orbs and  ufos here in the phoenix valley since 1995   longer than anybody's been doing it we've had the  white ones during the day the red ones at night   red lights green lights  blue lights yeah you name it jeff is telling us that the reason that he  captures so many orbs on tape here in phoenix   isn't by accident he's a dedicated  sky watcher that has struck gold   many times and he's also reporting these  weird premonitions before he sees the orbs i have had like a strange feeling right before  they show up where i thought go outside right now   and i went outside and then a few minutes later  something showed up like a psychic message inside   perhaps that they're going to be there exactly  as a matter of fact when i was on the mount with   you when i shot the four lights moving to the left  you got it pat it was funny because i was standing   right next to pat and something told me turn  on press record on the video camera and i held   my camera up and right away they started moving  and i zoomed in and i happened to get it on tape   whoa i'm getting a series of lights right  there i got it i got it i got it it's moving   how big was the object i would  say they were probably uh   you know smaller than these jetliners  that come in and out of sky harbor and they just appeared to be you know big balls  of light that just hovered in the sky very slowly what do you think you're looking at  what do you think these objects are   i mean really to tell you the truth i don't know it seems that the orbs that jeff willis is taking   are very similar to the ones that  witnesses are seeing in missouri   and in indiana but is there a dark presence  to them or is it something more benevolent   how have your sightings been going lately the  activity is intensifying and it is more dramatic   really i mean the objects seem to  come a lot closer now and a lot lower   well this matches what ted phillips told us that  the orbs have moved from high in the sky and are   being seen just above the ground so we need to  have jeff's footage analyzed by jim delatoso so of the jeff willis videos that we're looking  at this one right here is most interesting to me   because of the lights and the apparent  structure we have a program that we use that   measures the relationship of the lights one to  the other to a reference point on the ground   this has structure to it it had  edges they're like other structured   v-shaped objects that we have in  the daytime and the night time jim is telling us that jeff willis's orbs are  in fact a v-shaped triangle craft of some kind   that matches roger lamberson's indiana  string of orbs so there does appear   to be some pattern developing  regarding these orb sightings the reflection versus light emitting filter test  that we ran said that this is not reflecting   the sun this is light emitting that's a key  thing to know about this particular object   that this is light emitting not light  reflecting even a bright or a dim light   is going to have a a flare around it jim reminded  us that any kind of light source will have a   blooming effect when it's videotaped but these  orbs don't seem to have that blooming and that's   curious it means that the objects are generating  their own light and it doesn't seem to be like   light sources we would see on a tape if it were  a conventional aircraft this object has the same   pattern of lights coming on and going off as other  videos that we've seen and if we graphed it out   and compared it to other orb sightings the  graphs will be similar if not identical   so jeff willis's orb video is very similar to the  footage that ted phillips provided to us they both   appear to be generating their own lights that  sounds like a craft with intelligence behind it   and jim shared a very interesting trend  that he's seeing with the orbs over arizona   this is a map that i know will be of  interest to you and it's of different sites   in arizona that are sacred sites some of them have  petroglyphs on them and clustered in and around   them are places where people have either reported  lots of orbs or have videotaped them i would   suggest going to some of these sites and taking  someone with you that can interpret petroglyphs   and see if the petroglyphs have orbs  in them and match them up to some   of the the videos that have been shot  recently or even sometime past of these orbs we're here in arizona investigating the  orb phenomenon and we just got a lead   that maybe the orbs have been around  a lot longer than we first believed look who's here guys you got it giorgio soucalis  is the publisher of legendary times magazine   he's one of the foremost experts on  sacred sites archaeo astronomy and   the ancient astronaut theory and he's come  to phoenix to assist in our investigation we've been told that the orbs that we've been  investigating somehow have a relationship to   these mountains these petroglyphs and the people  who lived here the ancients who lived here   thousands of years ago it seems as if  these orbs have clustered around these   specific sacred sites and the question is  what really went on a long long time ago those petroglyphs not only  exist here in the united states   but also in south america in europe africa  all over the place and i've always been   very intrigued at the uncanny similarity  between all these different petroglyph sites so georgia what do you think came first the the  orbs in the ufo activity or the ancient sites   definitely the orb activity because  that is what native american   legends tell us that their whole civilization  if not the entire planet was seated by   the gods or as they call them the kachinas  the teachers from the sky the all-knowing ones   the kachinas are said to have taught the native  americans everything so it's interesting to hear   that they saw things that they couldn't explain  in the sky but it is possible that meteors and the   movement of the heavens played tricks on them  and they simply misinterpreted what they saw and here we are i mean check out all these  paintings so these petroglyphs right here   on the wall the the spiral is an often seen  motif in many of these rock walls and   some have suggested that it is basically  a representation of our spiral galaxy we're told oh it's all coincidence and  i choose to disagree because someone the   kachinas told the native americans about  the cosmology of our own solar system   what we have right here is two human beings and  they're both pointing to the sky and up here   we have two orbs that are floating above them and  as is often reported whenever these orbs showed up   the kachinas the teachers from the sky  also appeared and they taught mankind   in mathematics and agriculture in  engineering all these different things giorgio says that the ancient native americans  saw orbs or ufos and that they were craft visiting   from another solar system it's possible that their  descendants are the same orbs that are being seen   today what indian tribe is native to this area  the hokum tribe and the hokum means the vanished   ones because just like in azazi they mysteriously  disappeared and all we're left over with is walls   like this one here the challenge is to actually  decipher what the ancients are trying to tell us and we know that the hohokam tribe  who carved these ancient petroglyphs   and built this ancient observatory at casa grande  apparently disappeared from the face of the   earth is it possible that the message in these  depictions might point to their disappearance well what's the relationship  between these petroglyphs   and the orbs that we've been talking  about do i think that the orange orbs   were anything spiritual in nature no i think  it was flesh and blood extraterrestrials   and our ancestors misinterpreted those  visits as divine in nature even though it was not we have so many people telling us so many  different things about what they think these orbs   are and i think there are natural phenomena that  are going on on the planet earth and i wouldn't be   surprised that if in 50 years we have a scientific  explanation for what these balls of light are   i think the reason that the quantity of  orb sightings and videos are increasing   is because people often have a  video camera in their possession people are seeing orbs maybe  they protect this planet   and when we get out of line they come and  have a word with us and make sure that we   we stay on the right track it seems that a  level of psychic communication is happening here   that involves dreams and premonitions  that are so disturbing to us humans   because we've lost the ability to rely on our  senses and maybe we need to listen to what   these orbs are saying if the hohokam encounter  the orbs it doesn't bode well for our future so i mean you have this relationship not new  going on right today in the ozarks with ted   phillips sites and the story of the little  girl who was confronted by the orb right in   her face something is going on here one  thing is pretty clear orbs have been our   past and orbs will be our future and if we  keep looking up maybe we'll see something i think the dark presence is an omen that  a quickening has begun we've ignored these   contact events for hundreds of years and  maybe now that the evidence is mounting   we finally see an acknowledgement that we  are not alone and we better pay attention   to events that have long been documented  or face a similar fate that the ancients met you
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, ufo hunters, history ufo hunters, ufo hunters show, ufo hunters full episodes, ufo hunters clips, full episodes, ufo video, ufo sighting, ufo videos, ufo video clips, alien sightings, ufo hunters history channel, extra terrestrials, extraterrestrials, spaceships, UFO Hunters s3 e10, UFO Hunters se3 ep10, UFO Hunters 3X10, US Military Pursues UFOs, First Response, Season 3, Multiple Orb Sightings Raise Suspicions
Id: 6l5NjCJvbGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 42sec (2682 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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