Uebert Angel - Spiritual Vocabulary

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Oh [Music] you lift me up even when with you were never condemned [Music] I am [Music] hallelujah Jesus blessed be his holy name both now and forever 1 Corinthians 2 verse number 12 and our rings are you there now we have received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit which is of God that we might know Kalusha be us that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God which things we also speak mm-hmm which things also we speak not in words which man's wisdom teacheth but which the Holy Ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things with spiritual brilliant legacies I wish I had people in this place what does he say here it say is now we have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us so there is something we should do in order for us to know that things which are freely given to us I will say some very controversial statements that I want everybody in this place to be acquainted with and so that you can really be shopping the Word of God verse number 13 says which things we also speak not in words which means where wisdom can teach our youth at office 13 with me which things what which things we do what we also do I have my people here let's read it together up there what does it say which things also we speak not in words which man's wisdom teacheth but which the Holy Ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things with spiritual are you ready and a lot of people don't understand what that scripture actually entails the scripture is telling us you see especially the pathway says comparing spiritual things with spiritual tend to your neighbors and comparing spiritual things with spiritual when people see that they don't they use that word as comparing but the actual Greek rendering says speaking spiritual things using spiritual vocabulary I knew I was in the wrong church I should be in South Africa right now I'm telling you because there is a certain anointing in so in Africa that less that you can find in Britain say you came all the way from your house in Africa in in Shabalala and you got to to get weak and the whole thing changed you forgot the demons of Africa followed you here and they stood as powerful as they were when you were back there so sitting down laying kids getting comfortable since comparing spiritual things with spiritual do I have my people yes sir now now if he says comparing spiritual things with spiritual it simply means one thing demonic entities and angelic entities can't just understand any kind of talk so spiritual things respond to spiritual vocabulary you have to develop a spiritual language so things can listen to you and you are you're dealing with wrong people so my message is very simple its spiritual vocabulary come on the ability to speak the language that God understands the ability to speak the things that money can understand I want you to understand that the language that you you guys speak and use in prayer is what we call common language go to 12 go to 12 I knew I was in the wrong location now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God that we may know the things that are freely given to us of God uh-huh which things we also speak come on not in words that men can understand that means Christians should have a certain level of vocabulary that when we speak people say what are you talking about in money still comes and prosperity still comes I'm at again it might be the reason why your visa has not arrived yet might be a reason why your marriage is going down now and you know you hear some people say I pray and not I'm I'm a prayerful guy I pray a lot but things are not working which language were you speaking what vocabulary were you using have you not ever had somebody someone say when angel speaks praise ie you think I'm using big words I'm using very small ways but the impact is a setting for coupler I get into comparing spiritual things with spiritual let's go to let's go to 14 and just see see you see if you grew up in a check that did not open Bibles here we open a lot of verses you'll grow blisters what's this bad the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him the language we use it's foolishness to the world neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned so if your your language that you are using in your prayer life in declaring stuff two things which I had people here does not require the world to design then you not speaking the right language so angels will respond to some kind of words they don't just respond anyhow you just stand there say I want money they don't respond to that there should be a spiritual language sit down you're taking my time 1 Corinthians 14 version of attain 1 Corinthians 14 10 what does it say they are it may be let's read it together with your with your loudest voice you can master they are it may be so many kinds of sounds of voices in the world and none of them is without meaning or significant let's go let's go 11 therefore if I know not the meaning of your voice I shall be unto him that speaketh a barbarian and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me it means the you you become a foreigner in the language of the Spirit I say I knew I was in the wrong place so the Angels hear you and they say this is the foreigner we don't know what he's talking about since I really don't get what he's on about are you here or you just came for that miracle amazing stuff you need the word I said you need the words the weight is what you need and that's the biggest problem in Christianity right now people are in a microwave Christianity they won the miracle right now in the one the preacher to run from corner to corner and sweat and SLR today's church was marvelous do you see how on fire the pastor was on fire and your bills are still there you have to get to a point there when angel is not in your house you still can speak this language when people come to seek help you can actually go and say I can help you I can miss this thing up for you is there a demon in your house that demon who have to go because I can actually speak a certain language that they listen what makes me be able to speak something in front of people yeah you see people don't get the point the Bible says be it prophecy let it be done according to the measure of faith so I can prophesy where you come from your address your name what happened your situation and stuff like that but what people don't understand is what I say after which is called the real prophecy not this particular of the prophetic what I say after is dependent on my faith it's not dependent on God oh they didn't get that that's why I say you can you can't go to it to a pasta with an ugly wife and say please pray for me to get a beautiful wife his faith has already proven to me that he can't he can't lie I know I was in the wrong location a man of God with no house and then he's praying for you the other house Piron john Coweta get caught beautiful said what I have give I unto you the principle is what the pastor has he can deliver what he doesn't have don't even ask the man is using stagecoach every Sunday and you're asking for messages bins from him it's not possible rather see I know now you are feeling sorry for your men of God what I tell your neighbor what I have give I unto you so if I don't have this I can give you that I can't I just can't how can you do that you can't you have no ability to to to own a business and you are telling me you are praying for people to have businesses what is showing see them so what does it say therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice I shall be unto him that speaketh a barbarian and did that speaketh unto me shall be what but by remaining a foreigner to me so you get in the realm of the spirit and when you get in the realm of the spirit you realize something that nobody is obeying you the sons of sceva when and began to speak I you by the name of Jesus whom Paul preaches they go to the real guy the real name they located the real Jesus not Jesus who plays soccer in in Mexico we turn about the one Paul preaches and the seven sons of sceva were bitten and when undressed stripped naked along the street to walk much naked much naked down the street bitten by demons yet they mention the name of Jesus they didn't understand that there was something about the name of Jesus and the word name they is the word Annamma it doesn't mean password like you used you know how many people here can be honest let's be honest right okay just let's be Christians for just a few minutes how men can say I've used the name of Jesus in disease not wicked be honest honestly you guys I know you're still please please let it get into you mine is up some Christians are here like every time it works you are lying he wouldn't be here right now you're looking for that miracle because we have used it over and over again and it is not work oh yes yes and you hear the Bible says at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven of things on the end of things under the earth you use it nothing happens [Music] Hubert angel Ministerial Association for mentorship teaching an impartation for those in ministry or those who have a calling register at www.att.com/biz to you those wishing to partner with Hubert angel please visit www.un.org/webcast [Music] it is the way and Noma anima means character at the character of Jesus that's why we can walk among people in their falling down and we never shot at the name of Jesus it is not to vocalizing it that works you think it was in the name of some people repeated several times have you not seen it people doing deliverance in the church and the demon stories inside it's not I'm not going in Jesus mighty name I'm not leaving ah what do you think is that it's because the word name does not mean name as n am E it means the character the way he moves you you understand use his nature is this kind of you you understand what I'm saying he the way he talks the way you move the way he and exactly that's what it means so what the they were bitten like nothing am I talking to you now now now James 3 verse number 2 so it is of paramount importance that you put a premium to your words turn to your neighbor say it is of paramount importance that you put a premium to your words put value to your words don't just speak words now let's read it together for in many things we often all if any men of thin not in word the same is a perfect man and also ever too brittle they're all body is the tank that controls the whole body everything you do is controlled by the time the whole world you are in right now this britain you are in right now the Europe America and all the cosmos it was made by words the tongue of God's pocket and it came to be and it gives you a tongue not to eat I would be saying some few things in a few minutes but we have to build that part are you there look 24 verse 19 look 24 verse 19 parabola goddess in Omaha I gotta watch this are you reading and he said unto them what things what things and they said unto him concerning Jesus of Nazareth which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people that means he never spoke a negative will ever his vocabulary was spiritual from beginning to end when you can change your vocabulary you can change your whole life you see when you begin to speak like a person who really really really has everything you know people think you are you're showing off you are too proud no I'm not I just know spiritual vocabulary I know the things that can't end my life in the wrong direction and go the other side may somebody in this house now being God with an ability to use spiritual vocabulary and let me just do with some few things are you there I mean already now here we are studying sit down sit down sit down sit up let's deal with this with this nonsense that Jesus died for us he did not now that's the spiritual vocabulary in the church the generic language of Scripture is Jesus died for us you know that right he died for the world right John 1 verse number 1 and he came forward for us isn't it yes he never did John 1 John 1 verse number 1 let's quickly do that let's read it read let's read it together guys and in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God verse number 2 let's quickly do that the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was nothing that was men in him was life and the life is the light of men mm-hmm and the light shines in darkness and darkness comprehended it not there was a man there was a man sent from God whose name was John uh-huh let's go to bear witness of that light lisslow he was not that light but was sent to bear witness of that light he that was the true light which lighteth uh-huh he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not let's see we came for he came and to his own the Israelites not you people see how difficult it is look at you because you don't know spiritual vocabulary you think Jesus came for you when his son rejected him then he said okay it's free for you people it's right there go 12:4 verse number 12 yeah after they rejected him he then said as many as it believed me now who was under the law Israel so when you hear the Bible saying we have been redeemed from the law it's not us we were never under the law we were Gentiles we're no law Wow Wow Lana you see you see how difficult it is now you're looking at me like ah no no no no my church was telling me all this for years this is not your church here's the Church of Jesus Christ are you seeing that or you don't want to believe that how can Jesus died for people who never existed the Bible says if any man be in Christ remember Corinthians 5:17 If any man be in Christ let me put it up there if any man is in Christ what he is a new creature so you are new so you never existed so how do you Jesus died for something that never existed we are not the cause of Jesus death we are the result of his death and resurrection big difference spiritual vocabulary and ability to know how to speak the language and when you speak the language very well you change the way you deal with things you now know you didn't have sins you were never here are you are you are you hearing me so we were never redeemed from the law we were not in the law is the use that were under the law your problem is where every time you see something in red oh jesus spoke to us that was the message to the Israelites from Jesus mouth not from her to us this is why you find Jesus saying you should be brave one again and be baptized isn't it then Paul says no belief confess with your mafia born again Jesus said not you need to be baptized who is he talking to not to Christians to the Jews oh yeah yeah yeah I understand what's right now some of you are not born again and you are very much convinced you are born again and are we even born again no sit down this ritual vocabulary if you look at the word born again in the in the in the Greek it actually said the word again is not even again it's above yeah no problem thank you so much thank you very much it's born from above there is no born again in the book in the Greek rendering no born again in the Bible ever no born again I'm saying no born again no but again anyway born from above you have a problem how many men understand what I was talking about say when you start moving in that kind of Revelation your mind changes see everything that people preach is like we are moving from one area to another so every time you do something wrong you start thinking I'm back to that area I need deliverance now say I Know Who I am I know who I am and I know who's I am tend to the other neighbor but that one is not really doing well I Know Who I am I know who I am and I know who's I am Who I am now now now I think you have had you know there is some language that us as prophets use right but I want you to understand they are not as they are not instructions they are like if I say to you crucify the flesh I'm not saying God they and crucify it all right all we are trying to say is the result of something that happens when the weight is in you so we can utter it and you get confused same thing is the book I wrote called prayer bank where said Lord pray a lot prayer and pray o do this you think it's a work and it wink so that this can happen I'm simply saying the people that have got the word inside them we will not pray and this is the technicality of it I'm not saying what and Lord prayer so this can happen so if I want to get down to real stuff there is nothing called crucify the flesh do you honestly think your flesh is bigger than Jesus flesh that yours needs to be crucified use because Jesus crucification doesn't really didn't really put the power I think I will just end here Galatians 5:23 what does he say meekness temperance again is such there is no law verse 24 what's this now they that are Christ's our grace are we Christ they that are Christ's will crucify the flesh have already done it look at you you like huh all we need is to receive Christ and according to the Bible Christ dying on the cross we have crucified the flesh that's it done no more crucifying a nude I you there only serve you people that are really understanding the words they're really getting it right thank you you know some people are wondering what hello what are we doing here they have have have passed it ins they have already done it how did they do it the flesh of Jesus was crucified that's enough your Wednesday I crucify it i crucify my flesh you get to the pub like this you're about to get another pub we say in the name of Jesus I crucify my flesh that's mind over matter that's what many Christians are doing mine to try to bring the mind of a meta mind over city never Jesus wet Jesus work on the cross head we have all read the crucified the flesh I won my church this church that is Christ Church this one this one that the Lord has made me to live I wanted to know the spiritual vocabulary the right vocabulary to use and when you know the right vocabulary then you know who's you are and who you are seems like it hey Romans 6 verse number one Romans 6 verse number one something is taking place you will live with a testimony some kind of bonus we have is because we understand what we are we know spiritual vocabulary we definitely know what's taking place are you here or you've gone home are you here ah are we there what shall we say then let's go what shall we what say uh huh shall we continue in sin that grace may abound do you know that visa that vest comes after we spoke with we speak of going to heaven even your works are banned your wigs are banned but you are going to be saved anyway then that chapters tassa like that that ok ok we understand that you do not go to hell but shall we continue in sin that grace may abound oh wow that verse has been made that so many times and cost to say what preachers want so many times saying should we continue to sin just because we are in Grace Bible says God forbid God what for how shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein see people don't even know what toy saving poor is saying I'm already dead men don't talk about sin oh no no no no no no no yeah maybe maybe you didn't hear me don't talk about it I'm know I'm already dead to it it kind of fit the dead man you know bills if you send them to the grave what happens they will get paid no do dead people have views of course some people send them bills that they died before paying finishing pay so what happens then why would they pay they can't they're dead now Paul is saying don't even ask that question because it's never gonna happen because I'm dead to it see how difficult period it's the same thing as we talked about how many men know about spiritual gifts how many gifts 2f9 that's a lie down spiritual vocabulary we find the nine spiritual gifts in the book to the Corinthians they book to the Corinthians Paul was writing to correct their misuse of the gifts they were missing upon nine spiritual gifts and Paul wrote them to address the nine spiritual gifts that they were messing up he wasn't saying they are the only ones go to Romans 12 verse number four Romans 4 verse number four in let's read it together try to open your mouth and read it works you just open it like this move your tongue Scott speaking go up are we there for what let's go home together for we have many members in our body and all we have not the same office let's go so we being many are one body in Christ and everyone members one of another uh-huh even what everything what everything what let's repeat that word gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us where the word that's a gift here let us prophesy according to the proportion of hey let's go to another one or a ministry we didn't know there was gift of ministry let us wait on our ministry or he that teacheth we know that one on teaching uh-huh or he that exhorteth there is a gift of exhortation encouraging people yes sir I think I came to the wrong branch a do it with what simplicity he that ruleth a gift of leadership there are people with the spiritual ability to just lead do that with diligence and heed that showeth mercy gift of messy so difficult it is because you had somebody saying something that's the same poor mixing that gives the gift to the Roman today today to the Corinthian church is mixing with the new gifts to the church in Rome the to the Romans I don't know whether you you guys understand this or you're not understanding are you getting that is the scripture that's the Bible day and it's just mixing teaching and profess and put that now imagine even gives you a gift of giving the difference between a man with a gift of giving any man with a gift of mercy is this the one when we say let's give for less I want to buy a building this one would do anything in order for that building to be a gift they feel like I need to give we need to prove it they all black I'm here we need a stage I am here we need a conference facility I'm here to buy it they have that gift the ones with Messi they will never run to buy for to pay for that one they're never they will be after church they come to the men of God men of God there is a woman here who doesn't a friend I think we should do something as the gift of messes they don't want to contribute their their heart is only less privileged someone out there someone in the church who is failing to do this these are additional gifts but guess what the church is using nine spiritual gifts from way I knew I knew are you I told you there is a vocabulary to it it's a language when you understand the language you understand there is no where weight says the gift of these the gift of this these are the only ones which are here is the same thing as the Bible saying the word of wisdom the word weight of wisdom if I ask somebody right now what is the weight of wisdom you'll be like are the weight of wisdom is a portion of God's we're Swiss Dom yet the wind weight there is the word logos that's the same word used for Jesus he is logos as well so he says the logos of knowledge and you say it's a portion he just means wisdom so it's simply a gift of wisdom and a gift of knowledge not a portion of it same thing with an ability of a man of a head of a double portion I need a double portion I mean here a double portion okay what can I have what can I show you get three phones or three books just three books what those three books right see so let's say Amen says give me double portion of those books it doesn't mean times the word portion is a hint it's a patch in you I need but I need these two paths not to you as double no no you didn't hear me now you getting the point but britches use it often double portion they even count them the the gifts of Elijah and the gifts of Allah in in Al Elijah imagine you can't me measure between Elijah and Elijah one died of a stomach ache the guy with a double portion died of a stomach ache a ledger went to heaven you see if you can defeat death if that is your only miracle you came here to perform you have performed all the miracles it says that double portion he simply means to two of you some if you have twenty I just need two of the other ones you have not a double size you not your double no not W double portion of your spirit because they are in potions maybe your spirit is able to do this and is able to do this I need two of these is this two paths not times two are you getting it or you have gone home I think you have gone home right I think you have gone home Colossians chapter number 1 verse number 12 let's do with this deliverance ministry nonsense let's really giving thanks unto the father wisheth made us meet me in other words suitable to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light uh-huh oh yes IRA wait a minute what happened to him deliver us so Jesus did it so we are going to be delivered so you think that kind of Jesus deliverance is not that good so you need to start a church called deliverance ministry or no the gifts that we were talking about did you hear anything got the gift of deliverance what kind of change concentration on the devil what is our focus win souls not not demons [Applause] [Music] Hubert angel Ministerial Association for mentorship teaching an impartation for those in ministry or those who have a calling register at www.a ma co for the good news church call the number on the screen for more information thank you our partners and friends for making it possible to bring this message to you those wishing to partner with Hubert angel please visit www.un.org/webcast [Music] and you can go to any church you like or you can get delivered because I understand there is a kind of deliverance that people need deliverance is when your ignorance is confronted right now we are confronting your ignorance right now that's deliverance [Music] are you hearing that's deliverance right now and we're gonna have this teaching ministry going on and on and on because something is happening in the realm of the Spirit and we're gonna have testimonies and testimony based on understanding a shifting our understanding so so we were delivered that's what they use delivered us from the power of darkness and yet what translated us into the kingdom of his dear son everything has been done if you say was in the power of darkness Jesus has done it you don't need another man of God say get out out do demons get into people of course you ever seen us casting out demons they've seen it but you can't cast out a demon from a Christian are you telling me about the vest that says light and darkness can not stay together it's wrong are you telling me they ran away from light because they love darkness because darkness and light cannot have one place so are you telling me Jesus is inside you and the demon is inside you and they are sharing a house do you understand what it means to be demon possessed it means the demon Tex has taken control of you how can you then be a Christian you a scientist because whose Storify has taken control over you is the real owner now we have Christians having demons like nothing it's rampant just start preaching there I'm here means angle and look at what demons are doing they are tearing families apart because if a demon comes manifesting is a Amis angle and guess what watch is what did Jesus do what is Jesus doing when I demonstrated talking said shut up now I I was we give him mic speak where you got how many years have we been here where you coming from who sent you ah Jesus Eddie shut up why because the Bible says when a demon speaks when the devil speaks this speaks of his mother tongue when he speaks a life he's the serial liar so you're hearing a demon saying you are a big profit it doesn't mean he's telling the truth some people have listened to demons confessing that the pasta is very dangerous it might actually mean the opposite because the demons lie every day that's what they do they are very good you said to them yeah come out they say I'm out hi how are you speaking using this same person I'm out I'm going now are you going yes I'm going ah they just forget it so we have been transfered into a spiritual Kingdom most people don't understand that the word we use the vocabulary we should use it's never intended for this world the materials a secret in the spiritual realm huh in the spiritual wrong in the spiritual realm thank you in the spiritual realm it's very congested there is nothing as dangerous as which are wrong living in the spiritual room is more dangerous than living on earth you understand the word is light right is the light light way we already have lights on earth with the Sun we have the moon we even made our own do you think you see the wind is meant for the duck in the spiritual world the darkness in their demons everyone let me give you an example if you go to the book of Revelation you won't find that John says and I saw angels ten thousand times ten thousand times ten thousand times an innumerable number of angels are you getting it so you couldn't number the other angels but you could number the ten thousand if you calculate using the numbers we have only these numbers we were given before you say multiplied by an innumerable number because you don't know it if we multiply these angels alone these ones that is so that you could number each and every one of us on earth including Osama bin Laden and whoosah River and thieves and robbers and prostitutes if we're going to give them these angels each one of us we have forty thousand angels each only the Angels John saw now imagine they were solid noise pollution everything we can't live together here the resources will be finished in one day in fact the other angels do not even feed so imagine the spiritual realm how congested it is there is congestion in the spiritual realm it's dangerous to walk in it that's why God gave us a world so that it can show us the way in the spiritual realm and then the spiritual controls the natural but you're throwing me you thought the weight is simply to control your money I speak my way to my money a man who listen to the words it's not used for year she's for the screech all wrong if you hear a sheep bleat you say is bleating but to another ship is saying hello you hear dog buck what do you think he's bucking but to another dog he's saying my friend how are you but in order for you to know that language you need to be a dog so for you really to understand God you need to be in the spirit otherwise you think he's not talking am I talking to you now are we talking so how many understand that the born-again experience simply means born from above it doesn't mean what you think it means what born from above it doesn't really mean what you what do you think how many understand now about deliverance ministry always saying demons cannot be removed from people cast out from people no that's not what we are saying all we are saying is if you talk about demon possession real demon possession huh real demon position does not okay to Christians if it does that person is not a Christian demonic affliction yes not something saying I'm inside I'm coming now and these people are talking nonsense a I'm a diamond from the sea Emma me Whataya do you understand what the Bible says when a demon comes out it stays in dry lands they can survive water and then a demon since I'm a Miata marine spirit you are marine species and profit of like out there in spirits and you'll be very happy after they are they see I had five million spirits it has to fit in with the world so when you don't know the word preachers would take advantage of you remember there are difference between a preach any man of God of all the Old Testament kings and whatever David was the only one mentioned is the man of God and I'm not in this day and age everyone who is a preacher man of God men of God men of God men of God and some are not some are just preaching [Applause] you have to know is a man of God and with the preacher that's why Paul says whether the gods will be preached out of envy not when the men of God preached it know whether the gods will be preached out of envy huh oh by someone you don't like the Bible says the gospel is being preached anyway but why because these are preachers they're doing God a very good work but guess what they themselves are not men of God are you here are you here now we have this issue of people saying we are you know if he ever had people say I made a covenant with God nonsense God Himself coming to you to make a covenant with you in that one bedroom of yours do you understand from eternity past to attain it whatever to attain it prison I understand Gandhi has never been seen by anyone oh but men of God what about Daniel Daniel so the Bible says and I saw one like unto the Son of God that's the Holy Ghost look at Moses he sought the bending bush and God spoke from the Benham bush you remember remember that right hand he said but that was God go to the book go to - Paul Paul says something he says for Moses met an angel bending in a bush Moses God in God poor we as the revelations as an angel and if you find in the Old Testament it says the angel of God's presence that's the Holy Ghost the book of Revelation if you get to the book of Revelation when it's describing the image of the holy ghost says and I saw him with the hair like wool like whatever but if you notice this first scripture it says for I saw I'm the candlesticks one like unto the son of good one like what did Jesus say I will send you a loss Parakletos another one like me who is that the only ghost you are you getting it so you think you made the covenant with God Moses himself was told if you see me you die if you look in the scripture Genesis then the Holy Ghost proceeds out of God's MA now imagine imagine God is ten cities standing here and something comes out of his mouth and touches that back chimera day and when good then wants to be in that location he just extends from that camera to that location and if he wants to be in that other location so it's like a web like this it just moves a network of God the Holy Ghost proceeds out of him so when you get to that camera that's God who is there but God in the form of the Holy Ghost I hear you I I understand move your move your hand like this you've just moved it you've just moved to your hand past the heaven through heaven right now you say you do like this you just pass your hand through the spiritual realm let's let's make it clear for you so that you understand that's the globe right but before this globe removed the globe in your mind what is the space what is the space because before God there was simply the split your own so God created the world and put it in the spiritual realm now you didn't get that say so how difficult it is for people I know what you think you wanna you want to go to the spiritual room in another Ilia somebody hid it from that side some this bit was still wandering this ritual room is all around you if you tin like this you are in the spiritual wrong the angels are even moving to try and get you ahh before the world was created God was alone and he said let there be and they it was and he put it there way waist day in the spiritual realm that's why job is asked by God do you know where I put the Pillars of the Earth because God knows if you look at there as you can see pillars this is the spiritual realm we are in you don't need to enter the spirit this way the city that's where the people get confused when John says I was in the spirit on the day of the Lord they say which kind of spirit it's like he entered from my the Bible talks about the seven spirits of God when Jesus breathed on his disciples said he breathed on them and they got understanding and guess what one of the species the spirit of understanding so when a man thing I was in the spirit of what that's what you need to understand of understanding and then I head but it's always in the spirit because you live in the spiritual realm right now if that information is in you it's easy now to send angels to do whatever to do your bidding it's easy now to tell some things to happen to expanding it is easy but right now you think if I concentrate I tightly heavily I give I don't sing for five days I will end up a spirit ah you are too late some of our in what do you think you are driving spiritual around as I know is it not the book of John where Jesus breathed upon his disciples and this is any blue on them and said receive ye the Holy Ghost or so so what does it breathe out come on what only ghost what do you think when you speak your breathing just science told you you breathe in oxygen and breathe out and now you are believing science yet your own Lord when he spoke we said this is the only ghost what did God breathed into Adam the Holy Ghost so when I breathed out what do I breathe out come on come on so I'm able to speak whatever I want to speak because the Holy Ghost proceeds out of me the Holy Ghost is proceeding out of me yes I can speak I can call into existence whatever one of Killeen Texas is why the only gross take you see now imagine when you understand that your revelation of what you are speaking I'll speaking with the men of God I had an opportunity to be with him for like think four hours or some what I was there for hours now and and we were talking and he grabbed one of his tables that we had in there and he said do you see this angel there is life in this plastic thing listen said there is life in this thing it's clamped and wants to come out said one day I was sitting there and as I was sitting said one of the first visions ahead of the Lord Jesus Christ the Lord Jesus Christ started moving in the corridor said I could not see through the corridor to see the Lord said but the walls told me it was day and he didn't hear man get in here get in here since the walls the walls the walls announced this coming Jesus is walking in the corridor to win cinnamon over like this and the world said wake up noon look the Lord is coming he said my own words it never moved as far as he could remember there was no movement on the walls but when Jesus arrived the life trapped in the walls came out I'm telling you you a hard-of-hearing new people this is the sort of stuff that moves me zero zero zero zero do you notice now how many of that phone call iPhone X I know some of you are if on sts-3 I don't blame me you don't know where they sell them I don't know mine I have mine I think yeah see real one real ones with 24 karat now listen yeah now what's this now it has got a FS recognition so you just do like this so you don't press it okay to you it's a new technology you are very excited about it right I'm not using that mic handheld mic why because I'm using this tightly but there is another one that they've developed now which is which they put on the skin you don't even see this now if you are wearing a t-shirt you can actually wait and you won't see nothing hi is they an infatuation with automation in the world when you get to your bank they does open I'm installing a clipper in my mansion you get in you just when you get to the door you don't need to open it it reads my iris and I get into my house now now watch this why is they an infatuation with automation because something in us tells us these things should do these things for us automatically you didn't get that I didn't get that they didn't get that they didn't get that something in us yen's for interaction with the out one with the inanimate objects wouldn't it be good that you're just sitting like this and your car comes to pick you up come on now you know the new s-class right travels about 15 seconds I think they looked it - 15 seconds you can go right round the the the roundabouts on its own with your hands like this Tesla yes sir you don't even need to hold the steering wheel it does it on its own it can go for miles and miles why it's because when we realize that we yen for these things to happen we started using science human science to have what our spirits are yearning for yet there is spiritual science that's why Jesus could speak spiritual language vocabulary to trees and I love the life in a tree that is trapped in there your money the money you have please me any any thank you any yes and its really release some of the ones in there like this no no do you see this now it is information inside I don't mean the information written by the bank this thing can talk to you it can walk to your house when we call miracle money and it appears in your bank if you ever asked yourself out it did walk to your pocket see they didn't get that they didn't get that when we say miracle money to you what do you think is happening money's coming from wait it is walking into your pocket without your knowledge how did it work because it is life it knows sit down stay down zero I was sitting with with him with with Pastor Titus in him and another brother from Nigeria called brother Mike and some few guys from church Danielle's and I don't remember the other guys they were sitting with in in our housing gained fame and rain came the rain rain came sir and rain chem Hey I was you were busted during the Sun Papa you're basking in the Sun enjoying the Sun and rain began to come and I thought let me rush quickly to go and get his jacket and I'm gonna be counted then he shouted and said come and the Sun not Sun isn't me but the sunshine and immediately right there papa immediately the Sun began to shine everybody thought I was crazy rain is acid Sun come back everyone is like what rain stopped immediately how did it hear me what is did I give it nothing is creation it knows us all of you here you don't need angel to pray for you you are dependent on pastors too much and pastors are happy do you know why because if you attend church every Sunday give them money they're excited you should come to church to just worship God but most Christians 90 percent of Christians you come here to seek a miracle and let me tell you one thing that I've noticed in my spiritual father would of other people if your spiritual sonship or whatever it is or you being a daughter to angel is need conscience or need Cendant once and not that men miss that need that's when you start opposing angel if you come here for money and I don't give you that money if you come around me so that I can buy you a car and I don't give you that car guess what you invent stories because you are angry you should have given me money mind I went for it what we own 1 John 5 1 John 5 first number 14 1 John 5 14 do you see that now are you there he ate and this is the confidence we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he heareth us now watch this according to what according to what his we reason it according to what his will according to what his will what does he do if he is according to his will he does what he hears us now what does God do when we ask according to his will are we are we really there what does he do he hears us alright so the issue now is to understand what is God's will right God's will is what his word how were there yes sir let me shock you somehow if you could be shocked let me how many I mean here know that God is Jehovah Jireh Jehovah OSHA died in the ecosystems of the consuming fire see how you see how excited you are you see how he excited you are that means you believe Germany but you believe in what God says you believe in what God says about himself about himself more than what he says about you more than do you know you can get in the spirit just by knowing is that consuming fire oh you like Alleluia consuming fire consume the more Lord when he says you are the head and not the tail like I don't understand I mean no God knows all your sins I say raise your head if you know now if I tell you God knows Oh God who here or your prayers you like a prophet only since we agree but the players the same God who says I hear your prayer is the same God who knows you still but you are very very afraid of what you do good to see you now goodness looking at you now what is hearing your prayer now I like you just don't know what you're talking about now 15 I want to show you why God answers prayer what does it say and if we know and if we what if we know if we what if we know so we need to know that what he hears us then whatsoever we ask we know that we have so why does God answer prayer if you know he is you look out look out slower so the only reason God answers prayer is if you know years you if you don't know it you do not answer that's it do you want whatsoever you want to ask for no ears you if you know then you hear and if you don't know it's your own biloba our way together so we said any you said what according to is what we're what is this will is word go to Ephesians chapter number 1 verse number 11 I want to show you something that Arthur would shock you but I know you are not easily shocked Ephesians 1:11 what does he say also we have obtained an inheritance being predestinated cool down in whom also we have obtained an inheritance being predestinated according to the purpose of God who works all things consoles is unwed no they didn't get it let me let me try to tell tell it to you it simply means God when he wants to do anything he also searches his own Bible to see if you wrote it see see our difficulties that God uses his weight the weight that is in your book right there that's the one he uses before he does anything and then he gave it to you as a usage like you know this one means if it was angel him so doing it it would wake God himself consoles is on word I'm not saying it takes the Bible in flips he already has it he remember he is the word God loves the word so much that he calls himself the word are you hearing that are you getting it now in him wave what obtained I was moving with when it comes to weather weather doesn't year you rain doesn't you was moving with Maroney pastor Ronnie pastor Ronnie yeah to go into Manchester thing mind you say if you know pastor Ronnie you ask him and rain snow rain and because of it was miss like yeah and it was like Papa we need to pack this car I said don't worry within one mile this within one mile or kilometer just 500 meters to a mile this will go that's the drain move sideways yes and no man is like just that you said rain moves enough said let's drive 500 600 meters the rain was no way no miss nothing Norfolk now washes washes I'm telling you about controlling the atmosphere all right I'm telling you about controlling the atmosphere remember a time when the men of God coming to UK from Nigeria and it gets to to London they you know is they're about to land and realize that it was really really cold you know the pilot announces and stuff like that and he says to to his team as when they landed it's not saying to his team the team said no you give you a jacket we've taken and check your jackets a he said no I'm the son of a king sunshine needs to come here because I'm here they they started driving I think they draw for like 20 30 minutes and one of the British guy said but we love our weather said ok since you love your weather then lately they're called kumbhak like that like it's a talk and rain Quebec Bishop voya Depot is going to drop somebody at the airport and delayed this guy it was effective yet delayed a lot you know a lot in preaching and he was supposed to drop I think it was Casey price or something to the airport and he gets there before he gets to the airport you could see the runway there plane go into the runway you know going you know about to live you know takeoff and this is with you late unless you play said that's my plane because it that's my plane the bridges that's my plane he just said draw down the the window says stop there is the pilot coming goes back to the Skywalk without knowing why there are men of God who are just exercising they are safe and what you think is my god they put too much unwritten let me explain you cannot increase you on rating you can't reduce it if ever we had people say or he was very anointed but there is no man hunting now the Bible says the unknowing team that I've given you remains in you and abides in you forever those are the words of Jesus not some preacher preaching on TV Jesus is right now would you have an anointing some of you have an anointing that is greater than mine in you right now it's just - working uses domains let's say is in quantities somebody can have 50% anointing and we have 200% anointing and the 50% anointing if there is more grace they will manifest the anointing more than you so aggressive what makes other men of God look like they are bigger than others and faith to practice and activate what is inside them since when last in fact when last did you even tell anything to obey Him except some sickness you feel like a stomach you say stop in the name of Jesus you wait for it to go it goes fire fire like why Jesus please help me I give you my name now I mean I've done it before you know you've done it before where you instruct the stomach to to obey two minutes later is no waste you wonder what happened how many I still here my brother finish give me five more minutes I just came to give somebody a testimony but in order for those things to happen you can't be walking around how many people have in this song we are marching to Zion marching to Zion we're away the Bible says we are coming to Mount Zion we already on Mount Zion right now yes sir to an innumerable number of angels but your vocabulary says we are matching to Zion where we thought we were this little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine little lights the Bible calls it light for T so stadium lights not only too light too much light it blinds my enemies it blinds my poverty it blinds unemployment it blinds the sickness too much life take the amulet have you not had people there is a brother here who can a mature man here who came with a photo of his sister suffering from cancer or something like that yes he I don't know whether he's yet Hey he's there zippy there you see thank you it's all right it's okay it's okay buddy see he brought the photo to mrs. this person was in bed reading nothing was working with when you prophesied about it now look at this photo she was she's already out she's enjoying versus what happened to that we are lights chemotherapy simply light it's just that our light doesn't Bend it only bends the other part not us what is really taking place when we speak this word to you and prophesy to you what is really taking place let your mother speak the right words from today onwards I want people that talk the language of spirit embassy how many men are with me on this language transformation language of spirit embers talk rich talk money talk prosperity talk health talk wall enos talk we're soul winning talk the right talk I'm studying a company my common will be the best company customers come to my company I'm not even struggling this is what is gonna happen from now onwards I'm gonna be a multi-millionaire in fact I am a multi-millionaire I don't get sick remember I did not say I can't get sick chickens don't grow teeth but you might watch one day on National Geographic and you see one with canine teeth it is an anomaly but it can happen but don't is the right width chickens don't grow teeth I don't get sick I will never it's impossible I will not do it oh but you are coughing yeah but I don't get sick anyway but you are limping I don't get sick they let go tune into the motion if you understand what I'm talking about you understand say if you are sick you you wake up like this you are you are like oh my god this leg this leg is a lick I don't I don't get sick me this pain this pain has to go if you get involved in an accident and your leg is going like that just get us a stretch let's go you'll get to a level where your language everyone around you start snowing it's for this person the way it talks talk push the good news Church London with you bird angel every Sunday from 10:30 a.m. at the Colosseum suite 310 high road Ilford London IG 1wq call plus forty four seven nine three zero five nine zero 100 for more info p part of the good news revolution
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 133,285
Rating: 4.8593817 out of 5
Keywords: uebert angel, bebe angel, beverly angel, the goodnews church, prophecy, prophetic, kenneth e agin, pastor chris oyakhilome, spirit embassy, christ embassy, prosperity
Id: g3R8U0fEmSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 52sec (4672 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2018
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