Uebert Angel - The MEAL That HEALS

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Oh [Music] Oh you lift me up even when with your words never condemned and then you love I am secure [Music] Oh [Music] and hello dostala' Macabre allah - surabaya john chapter number 1 verse number 1 says in the beginning was the word are you hearing and the Word was with God and the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was meant in him was life and the life was the light of men and the light shine of in darkness and darkness comprehended not are you hearing this you can take your seats polish okra ladoos I mean already they've been having this spirit of wanting to upgrade my life and I feel somebody is ready with me to upgrade and when you hear me say I'm about to upgrade my life I know what I'm talking about I said I noticed now I'm away there is something that is about to take place you he see me testifying now in a few days time I will be testifying I'm upgrading my life somebody here is upgrading their own life mala borrows a locket Australia I'm changing my faucet a helicopter into and somebody is changing from a car to a helicopter ride from a Toyota to any cities isn't it Christian it oughta be real Christianity ought to be real said you ought to be real made become real to you today I said may it become real to you today say father in the name of Jesus prove the reality of your distance to me now let me be the proof that you exist so watch what he says see don't sit up sit up so I can flow who is my in my team today I mean this side or this side because one thing we want to do is each X that is results where you can actually see your life changing from one place to another you no longer the same the places I used to go I don't go no more the things I used to do I don't do no more the house I own I don't own that no more I'm only better thing now I'm so heroes with myself right now Amen if you hear me John one says in the beginning was the word the Word was with God in the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was nothing made that was made in him was life and the life is the light of men and the light shining in darkness in darkness Catalano did not now washes the word comprehended day is the word Catalan bono and cuddle Amparo means to cease as if by force so there is a certain level of receiving the things of God that you ought to cease by force you're just walking in town like that you you're walking in town like like yeah yeah yeah I don't have a job they never even even put it in the newspaper that they are playing but because I have a Catalan banner revelation I will knock on their door demand to see the manager and tell them you got my job that's a Catalan banner level you didn't hear that now if you open your Bibles in the book of 1 Corinthians 11:23 rather go to 23 23 rather than 26 26 we do with it another time 1 Corinthians 11:23 lickable oh so irritable Hagia proneness in fact if you if we live that and go to a place what's this we'll go they will go they just put your maka there there is a scripture that says verily I say unto you whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God like a little child children do passive receiving and that word received a is the word - oh my - oh my is you put your hand like this or deck of my if you want to be Greek conscious you put your hand forward and something falls on your lap that's deck oh my it just comes to you that's publicist is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can work ask or think so I don't need to ask at that level I don't need to think what I needed that level I just receive it you're getting my point now you get a point now sauce up may may somebody deca my a blessing now but you see that's not what we are dealing with now today we are dealing with something called the mood that hues tell your neighbor the mirror that hues the muted hues the muted hues now what's this take a seat somebody now we are back to to first Corinthians 11:23 Pilar OD custo an Irish lace or Toledo prolly gasps mm hmm he says something let's read it from there let's read it together for I have received of the Lord which I also deliver unto you that the Lord Jesus Christ the same night in which he was betrayed took bread I want you to see one thing when you see what Poe is talking about there he has changed the gears from Catalan bono he's no longer talking about Dec oh my he's not talking about a thing that special called para Lambo no I wish I had people now you see when we're dealing with cattle on bond you sees as if by force you want your miracle you get it by force you don't go home when you want to get married and Catalan Bono you don't go home after service you wait for the brothers and a half to ask your name you get my point yeah you don't just go a father in the name of Jesus I'm going home now God bring my wife and my you wait are you hearing what I'm saying I have you you Mingo you you talk to some people you getting my point ask where they live and give them a certain revelation that the men of God said before you know it you have got your own Bible study at the back that they are too holy to discuss this issue are you hearing what I'm saying so you got a Catalan Bono your blessing you have to see this as if by false all right there come by you don't do much you just position your spirit and something happens somebody just arrives at your house you already have two cousin they say I just brought a car that's dick oh my you say I never thought about it I never prayed for this one but I got it anyway but poor good deeper with what he's talking about he went to a level called perrilyn bono he says when it comes to the boat Christ and to the blood to communion I didn't get a revelation only no I got a peril amber no para Lambo no is when somebody joins themselves to a revelation and become one with the thing I wish I I wish I had people here I don't know if I'm talking to somebody now you become one with the thing you are asking you see when you get the revelation for Prosperity when you parallel and pano prosperity you no longer fight to get it you become prosperity you took it you walking I wish I had people here it's a you see you can no longer speak Brock you know Brock is the language you can no longer talk Brock you are at another level you are going higher and higher you speak from a mountaintop perspective I make Kingdom Berea I move I block the demons from getting in I'm different proof it's like a bulletproof nobody can end a no demon can end it's you you become one with a revelation you don't talk broken whether you get two pounds in your account you don't talk it its pounds it's nothing anything I want to get out get it with two pounds listen it's not the amount of money money is there to buy options or let me did I just say something some people wondering is this the message on on on communion yeah you get it you get it in a few seconds you para Lambo No you see we say with this period inverse is a change of quality but you can sit there and wear whatever you're wearing right now and never get in until you parallel embattled the revelation even the way you walk changes the people you talk to change the crowd your movies change the clothes you wear you you are trying to raise it ah I'm not doing this one I'm I'm doing for that one have you ever stood in front of your your wardrobe wondering which one you should wear you wear one dress and afterwards you like mm-hmm where I'm going this one wait all reserve one dress for that party and then you think I'm going to church tomorrow and you start thinking what will profit us be whipping and this thing for party I'll find it another day away this one quality has already ended with something I'm not sure you to Sunday that means your peril unbounded you are now interested in living class I know I Rui Rui Kemp so short so Paul is saying Wallace you guys are eating this and drinking the blood of Christ and thinking it's just something parinibbana D I'm now at another level in that revelation I'm one with the revelation I'm not taking it as nothing I'm taking it as something a revelation that opens my eyes and apocalypsis an opening of them may somebody here our alum pano this revelation [Applause] now watch this so many of you don't understand sit down sit on said I'll show you something this thing came from way back if you're gonna read and I'll just help you read this Genesis 14 verse number 17 Meleager subianto if de gallo Genesis 14 verse number 17 make a Levite oh you're 18 and Melchizedek king of Salem are you hearing this are you getting it Melchizedek was actually Jesus in the Old Testament okay the wait king of Salem a lot of theologians argue that king of Salem means king of Jerusalem which is nonsense there was not Jerusalem at that time it wasn't build it's the City of David and a guy is not yet born it means king of peace and Jesus is Prince of Peace and Prince his son of the king so so so so that means Melchizedek is father to the prince you didn't hear me now so he says he is not beginning of days or no end of days and watch what he brought to Abraham a great great great grandfather and marriages Derek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine Communion oh my god I wish I had people here the men brought communion to Abraham and Abraham response was Taif most churches that don't have type is because they don't take communion communion opens your eyes to what you should give God now I wish I had people here you see so many people when we say offering they just grab whatever they brought from home and give their because the revelation is not entered there is no taking of what Jesus is the communion of God for their eyes to be opened to know what to give I knew I knew I came to the wrong branch hubert angel Ministerial Association for mentorship teaching an impartation for those in ministry or those who have a calling register at www.a ma co for the good news church call the number on the screen for more information [Music] thank you our partners and friends for making it possible to bring this message to you those wishing to partner with Hubert angel please visit www.un.org/webcast [Music] in their spirit they've caught something in the spirit and what did they catch a revelation and it'll give giving is a result of partaking of that communion I see somebody here and God with an ability to give and ability to surrender their substance for the growth of the ministry for the growth of Christianity for the help of somebody in the streets there is suffering for the poor that is ARRA that around the world your eyes are gonna be opened and apocalypses before he was the priest of the Most High the priest sells Communion and Bible says then Abraham was reached see right there so many people don't get it they say okay so you're saying we should pay ty - no tithe all right tithe is not a New Testament concept it's an Old Testament concept [Music] did I just say it right now in under grace there is no law but the loss of Christianity under grace a way way more difficult that they bring everything to God everything you own you should surrender if you knew Christianity you'd beg God to bring big tithe I'm telling you new Christianity is the every week they would gather everything that they owned and brought it to church and it'll be distributed to everyone imagine you're five cars and you were to bring four of them and when you come out service you realize sister so and so whom you had is the one driving the car that's Christianity bring everything so what we have done is a ministry is to understand that tithing is partnership with God because tithing is a lot that not work tithing is partnership isn't me appreciating what God has done wex tithing is given by people who are tithing now they didn't get that 60 I give tithe because I already got the hundred [Music] it's not given when you don't have anything that's why it's given from your in Greece oh if I don't tithe I'm kissed I told you before you're not kissed if you don't take you already the reason why you can't tithe is because you already kissed it's not like there is a kiss coming no it came I wish I'm going to another I'm going to Birmingham I'm telling you or Munch's or Ireland or somewhere I'm adding to you that's not the ministry that we are dealing with right now see isn't it amazing that when Isaac was blessings his own son he said you shall be blessed by the wine the corn in the bread he's telling you the ingredients of the bread and telling you you shall be blessed by the communion so the Sun is already going it has been anointed see anointing is handwritten is something dangerous let me digress a little bit anointing is something dangerous turn to your neighbor say neighbor I'm happy you are not my god I was anointed without your permission [Applause] oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's why they're trying to fight you and they can't win you were anointed without their permission I'm anointed without their contribution I'll never go down I show here sent into the other neighbor not this one tell them tell them the you shall see me the same and you shall see me this year I'm upgrading my life oh yeah oh yes as you shall see me this year in fact this year this year might be too long this coming month yeah you should hey this coming month I was being told about our new pastors here that they went out there and and they said no they can't give them a cow something like that their credit score whatever the thing was and they listen to one word from a prophet and went back that's it done and the cows say what happened to the computer is it forgotten no we are upgrading our life supernatural updates I speak to somebody here supernatural upgrading now watch this sit down sit down even your body requires communion there is a reason why in my house of chameleons at home there is a reason why listen a man called Smith Wigglesworth Domino Smith who it was with how many not Smith who goes with if you don't know Smith who goes with you net born again so we gotta check your other we should have one two five points where we ask people if they are really born again do you know Smith who goes with no it's buried in um it was buried in his birth was buried in our Bradford see instead of visiting Martin Luther whatever not King the Martin Luther there's a matter Luther yeah you know Martin Luther King was named after Martin Luther listen Smith who goes with would stand there and begin to pray and people would run away from judge the glory smoke during time whether when smoke machines now if you see smoke some more black now that time there was no smoke machine people would run out of them because they were fearing that they might actually go to hell one time so goes with was arrested on the stage and a little child who was born lamb you know was put on the stage not really a baby but you know you're talking about maybe two three years four year old and he kicked the child from the stage get off my stage you faithless and when the child learn depended on the on F on his feet started walking one woman who was dead in UK here in Britain dead for days and Smith who goes followed the coffin and went to went to the place said can I pray for this person I said no then they agreed later on and he took the body out of the coffin put it against the wall and whooped it devil and the woman woke up from the head the first thing she found out was she is actually being bitten and people asked why do you bid the day she said I'm beating the deficit that people get in the way these are generals that are buried in this city and you know what he did that's same person prayed and prayed and prayed for somebody who was close to him for healing and it not happened and one day God appeared to him and say take communion and healing heaven naina they said they didn't hear me now I sitting in here your body has something that it needs from communion that's why jesus said as often as you do this as often meaning to say if it's often that means I need to do it often how many times is often many many times yet the church will give you communion three times a year and some of you are dumb enough that you think if the church doesn't announce communion I can't have it at my house as often as you do that means there are some parts of your body that will never benefit from the food you eat real nutrition comes from communion Jesus went deeper and said my flesh is meat indeed and my blood drink indeed that means the nutritional value is obtained from communion more than any other place so many don't understand that for you to get the calcium that is required for your body a day you need to drink the whole drug 200 liters of milk and you can't and the doctors will tell you yes just drink milk it will not do nothing of course except some little babies some 7 euros that are still breastfeeding now you understand what I'm trying to say it will never work for you all these things I'm the balanced diet there is no such thing is there in theory after you do everything that is balanced is not balanced let me just tell you something so that you understand these statistics how many know that salt is bad for your body salt you know some people eat too much soda American Heart Foundation told us all right here's the statistics if a doctor tells you you are eating too much soda is lying there cells that are responsible for your for your heart they feed on salt ah yeah yeah yeah yeah you see what I'm telling you the Chinese eat at least 12 teaspoons of salt a day per person eight hundred times less chances of a heart attack in the Chinese community do you know what you have statistics 400 chances of a heart attack because you don't consume enough salt but medicine is all you you can reduce on your soul the minimum usually have is about three teaspoons of soda a day you see the same American Heart Foundation is telling you you need salt in your doctor who just had old wives tales and we have doctors here they are like wow amazing this is why doctors die at 55 that's the average lifespan of doctors 55 the same people who qru die average 5 years and I tell you yes you live long ahh what about you you need communion I'm by no means saying don't take your medication I didn't tell you you are sick the doctor did [Applause] take communion take your medication and take communion there and you see some miracles taking place there is something about this that's what the Bible says the Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword capable to do what separate what the marrow from where why the marrow is where blood is manufactured see if you hear people who take these things called a RVs this is HIV and stuff like that you need to understand one thing that drug actually eats up the virus yeah it destroys but what then happens when there is an overlord it simply means the virus has gone to other areas they can access the medication can access so it then multiplies from those areas did I say something now the Bible is telling you the board of Christ the bread you eat you're gonna have today has an ability to separate the matter from the bond if it is not a belief that means it can access the areas that can aah oh I don't care what disease you came with today something big is gonna happen God is gonna put you in a certain level la shoe Cabral adieu sana Hegel Claro touch to buy it I feel something I feel someone are you hear somebody say the word works we used to who UCF a song about the word working way back when we were real spirit embassy now we're going back now we're going back I know about that I know about you I don't know about you but I'm going I'm not going with you or some already are here sums them some are like I'm here already we're not going anywhere they're here already am I talking to you let's open let's open Luke chapter number 24 verse number 45 verse number 45 the MU that he was say the Miller here's the mirror that he rose after this meal people would want to know where you're coming from let me tell you a secret you are not big and two people one the way you really come from if you ever walked into a place like really really walk you know like you have a spring in your step and it's people black who is that and they end there if they have not asked the country of origin you have not you are not dressed well when you walk they say who are you to say oh it's John they'll say which country you are big now somebody's big I'm telling you let them ask your origin where does it come from after where do you come from say what does he do and they've seen the things are different am I talking to you now I said things are what dear friend things are different what does he say let's read it up there let's read it let's look up then open here they are understanding that they might understand scriptures so Jesus opened their understanding so they could understand the scriptures and said unto them that it is written and thus it behooves Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead that a day uh-huh and the repentance the remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations beginning at I want you to understand that look doesn't really get deeper into what needs to be say what's this they are moving use use him because he's very William Hunt luigi's you are very humble you can only happen you know when you're clean like is William hands yet William Honda's don't even know they don't even know who William andes see sometimes quality do it for yourself because nobody knows who you are wearing you'll be moving like this I'm wearing Gucci people like with Jackie just do it for you so that you feel some way no no forget about the Gucci stuff so the disciples are moving in Jesus miss them and they don't see it that is Jesus and the Bible says he supernaturally opened their hearts to understand scriptures then he started laying it down to them this is what is happened this is what has happened don't you think this is crisis to suffer and die guess what they still did not understand it so Luke doesn't finish this story this same chapter he doesn't do it in this chapter but when you go down with the story you realize that he is sit down with the disciples gave them bread and broke bread and communion and the Bible says their eyes open they saw who he was the verses themselves could not convince them the Bible couldn't convince them the Torah could not convince them the book of the laws could not convince them the prophets of old could not convince them communion open your eyes and they began to see your eyes are open to see visions may your eyes open to see visions shall abayas so many people ask me what business do I need to do men of God sit down sit on serum zero what business do you want me to do I think if I can if I just know what business to do I will prosper now you don't get it by just reading you get it by your connection to the word but your connection to the word is understood in this way let me just say this why is it that the Bible says thank you why is it that the Bible says why is the Bible saying the blood of Jesus speaks better things what not Jesus why doesn't Jesus speak better things why should it be the blood speaking better things because when we're dealing with the blood we are now dealing with the sacrificial part of Jesus so when you take the communion you are taking an example or an example of his suffering the complete works of Christ are obtained right there my god I enjoy to to keep communion in your houses take communion if you can help it do it every day your body requires it your spirit requires it your mind requires it I wish I had people here [Music] Hubert angel Ministerial Association for mentorship teaching an impartation for those in ministry or those who have a calling register at www.a ma co for the good news church call the number on the screen for more information thank you our partners and friends for making it possible to bring this message to you those wishing to partner with Hubert angel please visit www.un.org/webcast [Music] when I joined the gym a few months back you know I joined then I I led them whatever they're doing honestly one one time I got into the gym and they put this this ball on the floor and it's a lie on it I'm like okay instead of shaking I'm like I'm fit man I'm prophet I can't be on this thing I left them with airport honestly I was wondering why is this shaking like this and after all these exercises all these exercises you know they we would do like what five sets five five exercises four sets per exercise and I'm doing this and I'm doing this and I'm doing this and I'm thinking when am I gonna be strong when what did I you know I need time you know I did Marshall as machinist who tell you three months you are from this bird then you go three months then you great and you know I needed that kind of thing and this gym stuff I did all these exercises lift this lift that 40 kgs 50 kgs I'm like sayonara I'll meet you another day but you see I was ok with the exercises and you know I don't like food I'm not like him a guy who likes food dad you know thank God for those of you you when you grant me in petition please I really when I see people eating I'm like wow wow I can't they just I watch this now so it was with when my personal trainer said say what you need to do is after this exercises at home she can breasts in like Jesus who gave chickens breasts honestly that that meat is not good how many have tried it you know people eat chicken right yeah I think we're rotten white people who are here in Indians I think we wrote each other memos are you in America say yeah are you black yes eat chicken every way we eat chicken okay now I'm thinking chicken is okay chicken breast now and what what else do it is rice something brown rice what what happened why didn't God just choose jollof rice [Applause] like this is good for your body jollof brown rice so i don't know how all of these things test i went home brown rice i'm like what why is it even good rice what are the things that fish I think fish I tried numbered fish is got a certain kind of you know it's one of those once in a while you're doing just everyday and if it was if it was eating that I'm okay but for them to burn other things now you can give me chicken breast no problem as long as I'm can you know if the other no this one that is where our enema tea with my trainer was developed I was ok with exercises except the eating part that became the problem if you didn't look at life it's all about what you eat that gives you the disease let me give you the statistics that you guys didn't know British I don't mean red pants Wharton I mean the real guys study was made just a few years ago about five six years ago by a medical doctor and you know what the medical doctor said he said something like this he said be an African life expectance is reduced tremendously the moment they land in Britain you didn't know that right you've got it's increased because we're coming from Africa it is reduced your lives your life expectancy goes down immediately why the food you start eating is processed and the food you got from Africa for free behind your heart do you know potato right I mean no sweet potato science is actually proven that's the most efficient fewer for the human body more than any any other food you remember when you were in Africa in India you would run away from your parents if they say here is food try to buy it it inheres there you'd think you are buying something very expensive very special the things that were available for free when you come here they give you processed stuff and you begin to a yen for that process stuff one time after years of being in this country I I took my wife back to Africa and we attained days to say with our parents in those 10 days the third day we missed the food dinner in Britain I was like oh what happened why do I miss processed food something happened in your why you reduced your life expected by what you eat and the people with money here eat organic food let me just interpret what organic food is Africa food that's it now the one polished you know Tomatoes they are not bent they just look at that whatever you put in your body is the thing that is actually deteriorating your life now in the book of Genesis it tells us that there were two trees in the garden the tree of what of life and the tree of good and evil and the anatomy if what did they check the tree of good and evil that's what they took that was it and they left the Tree of Life what was the Tree of Life Jesus what is communion Jesus so in the book of Genesis you find that Adam an evil I just out of the Garden of Eden in the book of in in Matthew in John in Luke you find Jesus in in the garden and the Bible says of Jesus is the second Adam meaning to say the second Adam came to restore is the life-giving spirit came to resurrect I'm just hearing something okay came to resurrect the thing a ballistic IMO pick what do you do again what what would you do what work do you do import/export okay I'll probably say no you started business Clements for a guy is that a business prophesy Oh prophesy after joining millionaire Kadim you said it is what ways your wife professor she's looking after the father but she is also sick because when I have passed by that place day it was like diabetes yes yes papa now yeah she literally got diabetes now this is a person who is coming here this mother is coming there and this is not even your mother this is your mother-in-law yes she is my mother-in-law now prophesy Papa senior beta I want you to understand something Jesus himself resurrected on the third day but what did he eat before he died communion yes I have resurrection power after this one I said you shall have resurrection power after this one diabetes will go out I'm talking now I'm talking now I said I'm talking now sadly got this tire sit down sit down sit down sit down and even the bones are having you know bones yes this problem is a bond issue coppertino syndrome yes that's true and you know I'm not a doctor but you see one thing I have managed to parallel panel in the revelation so I'm exactly the one one with Christ that's what the Bible says is the fullness of we are the fullness of him that filleth all in all in other words we had the member of the Trinity some people still trying to figure out Trinity's three we're number this we he is not complete until I get in we are the fullness of Jesus Jesus wolfy was all in all he fills all of you but guess what if we are not de is not complete we are the fullness of him that filleth all in all boy am big oh I'm telling you now I cannot be fired from work I can't be divorced I can't be dumped why I refuse somebody here say I refuse to be broke is to be pure I refuse say arguments faith at this basic level is an argument when Yuri just faith to its smallest component it's just an argument the divorce is you're poor turn around and look at the difference say I doubt you you no longer have money I doubt you this very a that I'm talking to someone I'm talking to right now this very a not everyone you know change your neighbor say say say say say I don't cave people don't like me because not everyone is good good test I know everyone is good tooth so don't worry about but this is someone here I said this very a somebody will be bored enough to own a multi-million dollar company please this one don't do my it you can cut a lambo know it but go deeper in peril of annuity we wanna have people here who are multi millionaires [Applause] and I'm tired of saying next year I'm tired of saying by this time next year I want it I want it I want it not tomorrow now when you walk out of here you have an imposition for increase Paulo do see a coma sit down sit down sit easy now the Bible says in the book of Acts September 5 it's September 5 verse number 42 at chapter number 5 verse number 42 I'm about to finish I'm about to finish Leggero Sally happy yes to God LA to gamma high and daily in the temple and in every house the disciples cease not to teach and preach the way to Jesus Christ let's go 43 and they departed from the present of the kinds of rejoicing that they were counted with to suffer shame for his name and they ceased not if you read in other scriptures it tells you the end breaking bread daily breaking bread now I want you to say security to understand something how many know the Scriptures you know you have your Bible how many can tell me which vests can tell you about a disciple getting sick how many got sick not even one yet the Bible says they daily broke bread are you hearing me and then it tells us the children of Israel when they came out of Israel they came out about three million of them 3 million does an estimate and there was nobody sick among them no fever and the wet fever there is the word castle and the word castle means no one believed that means nobody died so what then is communion it is a representation of the blood of Christ the body and the blood of Christ now some of you are looking at me and wondering ok so are you saying the blood turns into real blood it receives an impartation for Revelation to get into your flesh do you mean no we are already healed by the blood of Jesus we are but why are some sick because the flesh hasn't gotten the revelation yet so I need to force my flesh to have a revelation that I'm already healed I'm not brought by a long shot my flesh needs to get it my big account needs to get it my bank manager needs to understand it I'm not broke by a low say I'm rich say it I'm reach say it I'm rich I'm healed I'm no longer seek now imagine that the Bible says for the blood of Jesus get better things so I take communion bread wine right and then I sit down there and guess what I do the blood is speaking better things over my finances the blood is speaking better things over my money the blood is fitting better things over my marriage the blood is speaking Marathi over my business the blood is speaking better things so my body consumed it my mind is saying it now I'm all of me I have parolin but now I'm now in a certain level of understanding I wish out our caliber [Music] Hubert angel Ministerial Association for mentorship teaching an impartation for those in ministry or those who have a calling register at www.att.com/biz to you those wishing to partner with Hubert angel please visit www.un.org/webcast [Music] this has never been here it's never been here this is a blood issue suffering from a blood issue blood cancer how do I know you have men over this is in India now all right raise your hands toward this brother here Palin brooklet uchiyamada Jesus assume Nikita and to get a plan a father in the name of Jesus even as you have reviewed to me prophetically the condition of this brother here I decree and declare now by the authority of the Holy Ghost and by the blood of Jesus let there be increase in the healing cells to go out there para Pella to Chico mahadji's and remove that disease now cancel disappear in the name of Jesus go in the name of Jesus go in the name of Jesus leave in the name of Jesus in Jesus might name we pray are you excited yes who is it to you who is it my sister-in-law in Delhi he sent me this picture last week whoa imagine so you don't even know the guy I don't know no no what's this we are watching right now yeah imagine they are watching in India this this is the photo I'm seeing for the first time and God said there is an issue with the blood and a man is in India never seen may never spoke to me and this guy is just receiving another person a photo of another guy and here in this location God is speaking about the sickness here [Music] you see the blood of Jesus s clip-ins like we really wanna clip his it should always be understood it's always be understood that this is not my doing in our family this does not happen we have no ability like this just has to come from God I'm not talking to you now let me tell you something you can hate a person all you want you can say I don't like that vessel I don't like this one I don't like this one that vessel was created by God and God listen to me they're more unqualified you are the more God wants to choose you listen why you would understand that his favor is when the vessel is not favorable [Music] that's what a barber says of Mary she was a highly favored among women highly favored means highly did not deserve what is working with some people here who don't deserve it I said the blood of Jesus is working with some people here we don't deserve it yes if you don't deserve it you have qualified for it say I don't deserve it I told I have qualified for it now Jesus might name we speak for that healing to happen in the name of Jesus ways the cameras or so I speak to them directly father in the mighty name of Jesus for those who are watching right now let the Spirit of the Lord begin to beautify their lives let the glory of God shine over their lives let every opposition from the enemy be destroyed let the effect of the disease be canceled now in the name of Jesus from the top of your head to the soles of your feet be involved with the healing anointing the blood of Jesus is speaking better things now a Jesus might name [Music] it's a small town that's where this guy's father in the mighty name of Jesus whatever has taken his head in his mind be occurred to him to the extent that he is no longer productive I changed the situation now in the name of Jesus locust eientei a know Cobra we talk on Omaha and easiest ending for a guy in whatever the place is called it's not written here it's just a photo in Uganda I'm telling you now you people have not seen change we are upgrading your life take an upgrade I said we are grading your life God is about a change of situation I pass by here so this lady here God is taking you higher God is taking your higher something is gonna happen [Applause] with number three in your family it's just a person in the church and you definitely see look she's not old old but she's a mature lady and all of a sudden God says number three you would be thinking number one in the family sometimes I hear God speaking and sometimes I see it written I what told me something whose sir ever left you has no connection to your future and I didn't hear that [Applause] like I told you before if they left you with no reason don't allow them to give a reason to come back this is like this is like this is like when I had it I I got confused because I you know I'm hearing and it's like 13 or 30s thirteen thirty years thirteen thirty years is it thirteen is it Betty three zero see I hear so if I hear I kind of have to say thirteen or thirty years what sounds the same in my and the husband is left look at him mature lady somebody just decided I'm walking wait is it way is also old ten were you a comeback [Music] that's Jesus talking [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] father in the name of Jesus Kimura disturb a latouche to go Makai idiomas you see some of you I can move from all that place there and meet one person with a negative or positive they are spirit our work and they can see what you carry in the negative they realize there is some power there I'm carrying a negative force but that power is confronting me so I can move from there with money you see now she can talk to me and can even face me sandy I'm coming to you imagine this is a lady all the way from Paris Paris and you people I hear and somebody comes from Paris and the experience is open and something comes out and said no this man here and not you no no no this is too much I'm coming I'm dealing with that later on Hubert angel Ministerial Association for mentorship teaching an impartation for those in ministry or those who have a calling register at www.a ma co for the good news church call the number on the screen for more information thank you our partners and friends for making it possible to bring this message to you those wishing to partner with Hubert angel please visit www.un.org/webcast [Music]
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 74,354
Rating: 4.8689022 out of 5
Keywords: uebert angel, bebe angel, beverly angel, the goodnews church, prophecy, prophetic, kenneth e agin, pastor chris oyakhilome, spirit embassy, christ embassy, prosperity
Id: _pZ7koS9R3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 25sec (3985 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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