Uebert Angel - Manipulating Spiritual Systems

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here's good news [Music] good [Music] Oh you lift me up even when with you words never condemn and you love I am secure I used Oh [Music] give a clip of praise unto the Lord wherever you are even in the overflows give you a clip or praise unto the Lord open your Bibles in the book of Mark and don't sit down I just said open open and sit are two different words but I understand English can be a problem the book of Mark chapter number 16 and that's from verse number 15 are you are you are you with me from verse number 15 hope some of you are listening the King James Version says it this way and is said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature sometimes I wish I was in another branch son it's only 15 minutes that I'm going to teach you my secret in success [Music] you see whenever whenever a multi-millionaire tells you I'm telling you my secret is it the demon of poverty repels the most when it sees its deliverer right now you are hearing the secret turn to your neighbor say today manipulating spiritual systems I know you didn't hear that one tend to the other neighbor because this one is really really lazy say manipulating spiritual systems how to be a mafia in the things of the Spirit [Applause] turn to your neighbor say I'm a spiritual gangster I know how to manipulate spiritual systems much often of ass-kissing verse number 15 watch what he says and is said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature you can take your sister on sit on your mouth we need your mouth to say I'm in hell hallelujah where are my Leonard people here yeah I think it might be here [Music] the Bible says go ye into all the world and preach this gospel I wish I had people here who understood there is something called manipulating spiritual systems for a man like Abraham nananana let me let me try this side here was what's this now when God was angry with Sodom and Gomorrah on his journey to bend them with fire using fire maybe carrying a gallon of gasoline or something and and then a mesh box on the right hand he's walking towards Sodom and Gomorrah and before he gets to Sodom and Gomorrah he turns around and tells the angels we can do it until we tell Abraham nananana you didn't hear me now you did hear me now what was in Abraham that cost got to say we can do this we will be having trouble in heaven no no no I mean let me try this section here when God arrives and now he's negotiating the Bible says in the wind in front of God and changed and shifted you understand that from the wet dimension and he's shifted and he said what if if you get to negotiate with God what makes Moses to say if if you kill the Israelites kurma fest and he turns around and tells God repent from your anger and the Bible tells us and God repented from his anger I knew I knew I came to the wrong side of the church [Applause] what causes Ament we have so much power that good begins to listen to him hmm Moses had so much power that to the extent that when is when he was over 100 in 20 years the Bible says his eye was not dim nor his strength abetted the guy was still as strong as it was when he was 23 to the extent that God could not kill him one day the man was breathing so much full of life and God knew this one was going over and over and over and God came to him and say Moses go and to Mount Nebo it says to do what says and die the mania to be instructed to die by God why because they knew how to manipulate spiritual systems [Applause] haha what's this do you understand that Moses said to God remove me from the book of life let me tell you the secret in the Old Testament it simply tells us book of life but in the New Testament it gives us two books of life it says the Lamb's Book of Life or the book of life and if you read in the book of Revelation it tells you that the other book you cannot be deleted from source also watch this now so Moses is beginning calling the book he where knows God cannot do it that's manipulating God using his own ability knees on I want to teach you how to manipulate the Creator no no no you didn't hear me now now some people right now are thinking wait a minute you are telling me to manipulate God God wrote in his word that he could be manipulated I'm going now [Applause] so so so so so now watch this the Bible says go into all the world and the world world there is the word cosmos and the word cosmos is where we get the word cosmetic if you got a neighbor with makeup on just know cosmos [Music] so the barber says go ye into CC makeup is used on top of the original it's a freak thing that is put on top of the original so what is saying going into all the FAC and put the original injector origin if your neighbor has no makeup on this revelation is not sinking in yet go ye into all the thick hmm and I understand there is something called makeup and there is something God mess up mess up doesn't look like the originals [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] you know your friends uh-huh you know when they remove that thing you won't recognize them the economic world you see is effect that needs to be injected by the original the original is coming to eat change now I want to teach you the revelation or now to shift God to ascend with God is left in a corner as it were now English is as it were doesn't mean to say he can be put in a corner because I know some rugged theologians awaiting manipulating spiritual systems understanding how to move around let me show you something do you understand that when God went to Sodom and Gomorrah he found a man called lot now let me do this with your choir because you people don't understand with a woofster tip they they get a revelation quicker found a man called lot but notice a problem lot became drunk slept with his daughters what's this now and give birth you would think why is good allowing this nonsense that was the Old Testament we're not talking about the New Testament here so don't try to juxtaposition is that it means this so it means this no because lot had no other option because God puts his anointing in a DNA now watch this now and Lots descendants became the Moabites that gave birth to Ruth the great-grandmother of Jesus so God was still looking for his DNA so lot could have manipulated God in any other way because he knew there is no other man you can use except this bloodline now oh I wish i that's Old Testament I want to teach you New Testament I think I came to the wrong side of each exercise [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's this now Old Testament God was - looking for DNA New Testament God is looking for spiritual DNA so they could have sinned all they want in the Old Testament but not in the new that means where you are right now there is no physical contact you need with me all you need is to say I believe in the god of this man this ritual DNA comes into you these are dimensions there is a difference between a level and a time areas ending like this and he looks on the mountain innocence Cheerios he says open the eyes of my seven research areas around Elijah if they are sitting close like this where can you fit Cheerios that means when his eyes were opened in the spirit he realized that although in the natural way across there is a distance the reason you cannot see that there is a difference is due to spiritual reality distortion field is like a gap between the two of us of the spiritual it is the miracle man we opened a dimension of mind also that Manek phones for those in levels I stood in the middle of Nigeria I went to a must it from 2004 to 2005 this woman died no but she and your father died is two brothers died your uncle died you're in low tide yes I can saw every premature a good news Church London with you bird angel every Sunday from 10:30 a.m. at the Colosseum suite 310 highroad ilford London IG 1wq call plus forty four seven nine three zero five nine zero 100 for more info P part of the good news revolution so I look at God and said what is the thing that can make me to get to the level where I can manipulate spiritual systems and God says when you manipulate me it's not you manipulating me in the in the in the Longman dictionary of contemporary English the word manipulate is a verb that is transitive they are intransitive words and that transitive words let me try this before here it means to use a skill to shift things either secretly or openly but to your advantage but usually at the disadvantage of the peasant you are skillfully manipulating [Applause] so I can get into the scriptures now now let me show you a secret before I get to that set your neighbor neighbor a man needs a woman needs a woman to produce a child produce a child everything needs everything needs a mate many to produce so a scripture scripture scripture needs another scripture to produce and it ceases they miss that one that's what the Bible says no paragraph or no prophecy is of private interpretation you gotta look for another vest that agrees with it and [Applause] so I can find one vist and look for another one that is deeper that can connect with this verse and then manipulate the system now watch this what's this down Genesis chapter number 2 Genesis is actually close to the book of Revelation that means if you forward the Bible the other way I'm about to finish give me two more minutes two more minute sir I'm about to say something you will not agree with but it will be very true I know they were not agree with this one it will be very true Genesis chapter number two are you there verse number two para division of Licata - comma - let's read it together and on the seventh day God ended God did what and entity is whack which we had made and he rested on the seventh day from what all his word how many all his work did he create anything after that no so that scripture means God is not working I told you you will not believe what I say break it down some people are still waiting for me to break it down is written the waitress that day is the way Sabbath God is an ominous and God and all-powerful that means he never gets tired what was he doing when he rested come on if you read it in the Hebrew it means he went on retirement hey I knew you are not hearing me now and when you went on till retirement I told your son's going into all the world and manipulate the system hey have you realized they trees you saw outside came from another tree their water that rings if you have a head of a human being who just dropped from heaven why he ended his work Wow you are too much I know you're not hearing me and I trouble you on this one [Music] in finance there is something we call passive income in other words I create a system that can give me money while Isom resting and God after that verse he says as long as the earth remains seedtime and harvest and hub remains in other words I have blessed a system and the way to work the system but as for me of rested I'll retire so the problem with the average Christian is they don't understand how to work that system so that the results can come why are we here right now worshiping God doesn't he know we love Him he does we are working the system brother hey I came to the wrong place I'm telling I came to the wrong place maybe maybe some spiritual people here how many of you woke up today and God just knocked on your door got into your house grabbed you from your bed took you to the shower and a bath to you nicely and you you did it on your own right yes where's go down I know your this one you never understand it him to take days for us to deal with this one it will take days let me ask one question you need to answer if God is all-powerful why does he need angels whoa I thought these ones were theologians it's too quiet now let's just worship and go on our comeback maybe on Monday and try again [Music] we come to the New Testament and we see God versus if God is so powerful you so much power why Angels why do you need another angel to go there and do your job why because angels are part of the system God's them Raya is part of the system that can manipulate the system [Applause] warship is a tool to manipulate the system the name of Jesus is a tool to manipulate the system what's this have you ever wondered that in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation God is simply sitting on the throne yes yes sir say revelation is very difficult the mother is stronger than the baby on one thing because the mother will eat meat and that meat will be transformed and then changed into milk so what the baby is simply eating is vomit I knew I came to the wrong place because the way your people are looking at me like this [Music] but when you mature now you need to understand now how when you get bones like this how to transform them into milk so you can give somebody else yes sir I wish I had people here we're here sir we're here sir here what did God do in the Bible when we find God standing up from the throne what happens God was standing up from the throne when when when Stephen was up was being stunned yes sir that's true and I know they change we are waiting for God to do something for Stephen isn't it Stephen is being stoned and the Bible says Stephen looked up and saw God standing on his throne first time God is standing from his throne / God retired and when he stands up we're expecting God to save Stephen Stephen dies I know I came to the wrong place [Music] most of you are waiting for heaven to move when heaven is waiting for you to move you are not just ritual robot you are a real thing that works that God has given his power and say go out and with the system you have my power now yes I [Music] knew this one wasn't going to go well here you sir are you getting it or not gettin it here it is when we wash him we open portals of the system how many times here you have prayed to God God Oh me me and nothing has happened do you think he doesn't hear you I created a company called the billion group in Britain incorporated last year so that my son who is 14 could go and work there after school he's on boy in in boarding school but on holidays he knows every morning goes to work no funny tricks I'm son of Angel I'm rich no go to work there is a system come on and he went the first day he went the second day you went the third day he was excited he would go the end people would say wow he's very good one day I got to the office is not the way easy he's sleeping at home I said no problem leave him like that he didn't come to work nothing I gave him the salary that is tantamount the days he was working at work and he says no no no no no no you promised me my salary uh-huh I'm like the promise I gave you was best on you going to work every day there is a system I put in place that can give you a salary but if that system you don't work it you got a problem don't call me I hear you this is the reason why the church is weak the church sings the song open the floodgates of heaven let it drain nice song when it comes as the direction of a prophet no problem because the Prophet knows what he's doing but when it comes as you sing it in your own house the Bible says dies and I will open the windows of heaven not seeing hey there is a system Moses is tending their Red Sea behind him the Egyptians in front of him the Red Sea it calls out to God open the sea please and what did God say why Christ now unto me see I knew I knew I knew then another why are you praying unto me forward march begin to much with your face match with your face match with your faith in Christ match with your faith [Music] mekka booth I knew hours I knew this one wasn't going to go well you are preaching emeritus the problem of Africa is a simple one you're waiting for God to do something for you so you don't go to school you don't start no business you believe in miracle money [Music] when we perform miracles called miracle money we are showing you an example that God can actually do a miracle that's all we are not trying to get you to stop work I think I'm still gathering the evidence by my investigation as I move around which one is which Roy is Leonard and which one we tell you let's go to the Priya Mountain and pray what were we doing we kick the system some people just go in there one time a lady came to my wife and she's like how do I get an a a man a boyfriend Jesus go deeper me I know you have that question too but you don't want to shout on anything like that my wife asked the question where do you go after church she says I don't talk to nobody I just go straight to my house Goldie so you expect an angel Gabriel to knock on your door like this you say we easy to say thou art angel Gabriel [Music] for I have come unto thee with great news thy husband is around the corner you don't do like that let me tell you something citizen isn't set up this is what you do good you eat after check service don't go home wait around what this is him you say brother this verse I did not understand God upon this one brother and don't let them finish the revelation when you're new is about to go to the Edison let's continue next week Lloyd around wait the system brother with the system sister wait the system [Music] you think angels are gonna deliver your husband like that or your wife like that how many women here not to merit resent shall not married huh you see look around you look around you see all this put your hand down men were not two married brilliant men who are not married if you're not married risen look around meet each other after church now work the system God is looking at you praying in tongues daba daba he says wait a minute I don't need time to go there when we need rent here don't move around with your tongues we can spit more tanks better than you we don't need tongues we can't pay rent buy tanks no times pay rent no tongues [Applause] [Music] whack the system what the system Hey Tendo somebody said I'm ready I'm ready to manipulate spiritual systems or systems [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you don't look for a job the Bible says tithe and now open the windows of heaven what do you do in the window you peep through so you can see opportunities it's not the type that will bring your money it's your eyes after you tithe you begin to not catch opportunities you begin to see opportunities if science is defined as knowledge gained by observation proven by experimentation or demonstration refined by classification then evolution can never be a science because the human being from a monkey nobody observed it and nobody demonstrated and if there is no scientist that can even prove that a human being can turn back into a monkey there is no experimentation prophecy he was driving this small cat with an open back there is young brother like a phoom phoom phoom for money driving like this then they can nearly came out of the road and they will yet developed like it was covered like right now they were on the side of the road and they said we nearly died here on the front door before you came here that's science now [Music] good news Church London with you bird angel every Sunday from 10:30 a.m. at the Colosseum suite 310 highroad Ilford London IG 1wq call plus forty four seven nine three zero five nine zero 100 for more info be part of the good news revolution the Bible says he that sits in the heavens did you notice it doesn't say he that is moving around he that sits he that sits in the heavens shall laugh what is it doing it loving see very difficult to receive I understand I understand the spirit of religion since says and the government shall be upon the shoulder the way the government means the power from here today not the head he said the power is given to the church what did God do he sits in heaven where did he put the power to the church weighs the power in ways they tell me where me I have got the power inside you inside me let me tell you some Revelation you will not believe in I don't want you to confuse it and I know somebody will cut me in the wrong way bring it on bring it on then where is God inside him inside you but you hear some Christian say I want to get closer to God wait come on where is closed up what you want God to do for you close that to God he's nearer to you than you at yourself God is on the inside of you looking for an exit sign I'm praying for somebody today to realize good is given us all power he is the statement of Jesus say it with me all power is given unto me it's given unto me all power oh how much power all power what does or mean Oh Oh everything everything all of it all of me so what is God left with right now somebody's hearing me as if I'm saying powerless God he put the F here let me just try to explain to you because from the country that has given me a citizenship code Britain now watch this there is a Prince Charles there now what's this now listen the Prince Charles in the palace has a problem because it's an old man who can be king because the Queen is still alive [Music] have you ever wondered what it feels like to want to be king and you know for you to be king your mother needs to die if it was in Africa we have prayer requests here go deeper may God take my mother I think she misses him this is what the progress will be now so the Queen is also old but she says she will not retire and Bridge house is in there wanting to be king but you can't the mother is still alive so what the Queen does or used to do way back would be to take over the whole of Britain and Ted Charles and send him to another country and be king in another country they are missing the point they're missing the point I'm missing the point I'm missing the point come on he just went like this I hear you sir so when God was in heaven and decided to create you he realized to make you a king in the Queen he needed to create a world where he sends you there and you live his kingdom so he has given you power to challenge the systems of this earth because you are no longer in heaven is God King of Kings because we are not in heaven [Music] the moment we get to it to be in heaven we are princes and princesses the word Kingdom means the king and his domain the Dominion of the King way he exercises his power when this come and put a coup created this thing they created it and made it to to go through all processes and then they put the esteem and say boy going show the world what what who made you that's exactly got what God did when you were coming from heaven come on he put his spirit in you and says now go and prove to the world those who know their God how to explain where wait wait a minute wait a minute that vest does not say those who know their God will make God to exploit those who know their God shall do exploits I think you as soldiers as soldiers as armies go out there and do exploits in the name of Jesus go out there and do exploits move around it to exploit listen to me the power is not coming from heaven every of a head of evaporation you have it condensation yes and be aware of clouds forming from water yes in the area of a man called Elijah calling fire and the fire lake the water evaporated and then brain came sorry anyway they are still not getting what I'm saying now they some people are still getting it I think is coming like this like this into the revelation that's what the Bible says work out your own salvation what's tripling and fear you gotta do it not anybody else you are the new Superman in Christ I said you are the new Superman in Christ you are the new Superman in Christ you manipulate spiritual systems I want you to stand wherever you are begin to pray that I know I'm the new Superman in Christ but I need that power to show I need that power to be exposed Bakula digitally Peres due to be a najara dickish mach 4 verse number 11 what's this I did not say push it but sit down and he said unto them unto you it is given to know the mystery the secret of the kingdom of God but unto them that are without all these things that done in parables remember your father preached the message parabola passers so that those who are in the kingdom can have the secrets and do it not everybody the world already knows that's why the world thinks there is no God because God rested it's us who need to prove that God is alive not God God doesn't need evidence that he is alive the Book of Isaiah says I'm good alone and beside me there is no other God and beside me there is no other God I know not of any other in other words God God did the research let's go let's go so this is when he told the parable of the sower and it said unto them unto you it is given to know the mystery let's go 12 I want to go to one place only and seeing they may see and not perceive hearing they may hear and not understand lest at any time they should be converted in their sins be forgiven who is he talking about the world since for you I'm giving you the secret to manipulate the system and I'm not going to give anybody else but you who receive Jesus you see what he's trying to do is try to give you information so you can tap into divinity and do what the world cannot do and it said unto them know ye not this parable what parable of the sower as long as the earth remains seedtime and harvest will remain he is telling you the kingdom is managed by a seat the seat doesn't have to be money your time is seed your voice when you sing for God is a seed your smile is a seed your money is a seed your car can be a seed just your happiness you know when you smile other people smile they don't need to feel anything you smile at a present they find themselves smiling it's a reaction to a seed it's a system you need to operate most of you are crying to God God see me you think God has forgotten you he created you he knows everything people hear the words and God remembered Israel look at the word remembered in the Hebrew it actually means when Jew time came when Israel had triggered a reaction that caused a result that they were looking for that's when the Bible says same God remembered isn't like good for God he that keeps Jerusalem and Israel who neither slumber nor sleep it does not forget let's go let's go to the way let's go no you're not what do it with me no you're not no you're not this parable how then were you know operable do you know what the Bible is saying is saying all these parables are based on that's parable and if you don't understand the parable of sowing you have no idea don't even read out the parables what purpose do you know give me theologians what parables nobody knows any parable what are the parable do you know of the wah music do you see they the VIP do they don't know nothing then the VIP seats let me go to you real human beings or spiritual Jesus says is they talking about - no no what at the parables do you not you remember in the Bible huh the prodigal son the prodigal son uh-huh the Good Samaritan uh-huh The Lost Cohen aha talents they taint talents have you seen one thing in common with this all this parables they are all about is it yes sir there is someone who is giving something the parable of the hidden treasure somebody had to lose something in order to gain something now the Bible is saying if you don't understand sitting and harvest you have no idea how the system works everything about this Bible is about what you give and what you are given let me reiterate not money it is not restricted to money everything you should know about the Bible is predicated on seed and they harvest remember the seat time and what harvest the seed what time seat time and what harvest in harvest it doesn't say seed time and harvest time you have to see the opportunities as they come right now with everything you are raising I decree and declare Moshe plan coneja say possibly quino's lira potatoes Roma hyah [Music] if science is defined as knowledge gained by observation proven by experimentation or demonstration refined by classification then evolution can never be a science because the human being tank from a monkey nobody observed it and nobody demonstrated and if there is no scientist that can even prove that a human being can turn back into a monkey there is no experimentation prophecy before you kept the change you got a phone call from your father he was driving this small cat with an open back there is like a brother young brother like a phoom phoom phoom for money driving like this then they can nearly came out of the road and there we really felt like it was covered like right now they were on the side of the road and they said we nearly died here on the front door before you came here that's science now [Music] the good news Church London with you bird angel every Sunday from 10:30 a.m. at the Colosseum suite 310 highroad ilford London IG 1wq call plus forty four seven nine three zero five nine zero one hundred for more info P part of the good news revolution Shabalin gana bralla do see me [Music] stand here in the realm of the Spirit it's like the Lourdes this is my first time talking to you my first time nobody didn't interview with you to give me any details of you all right this is my first day talking to this woman God is about to move in your direction and as a prophesy to hear and prophesy to you whether you're in the overflow or here right now I saw the Spirit of the Lord and he stood by you I remember in one of my houses in a location called Newark and I'm sitting there and light entered the room you are talking about liquid light and it was it filled the whole house except we're talking about a few inches away from my face that I could not see beyond a few inches it was simply light within a few minutes with a big woosh the light formed into a being like a form of a beam and sit in the sofa next to me and said I am the Holy Ghost now I want you to understand I have preached the Holy Ghost as a person but I never experienced their vision of him as the Holy Ghost so when I saw here I said I saw the Holy Ghost standing by her [Applause] [Music] this ring here there are people who are fighting this ring but the eye of your father has managed to look at something that is okay that's your men that's the one the first time I laid my eyes on you I saw in a remoter spirit what number you in your family what number you know family we were what number are you I'm the last one yeah the last one all right the Spirit is ministering to me that the enemy had tried to destroy everything about your family when it comes to marriage to the extent that I saw number two in the family like a Maggie Maggie whatsoever is fighting your family I inject the system with regards to you I inject the system with Hollywood's short socks on this man this is like a man of God this is like a man of God and the low minister to me you should stick and stay under the anointing here and what is gonna do and shoot you up high to other level I'm coming to give you something I saw the enemy was gonna try and use you because the enemy will make this whole thing that the Lord has put you over to grow exponentially and when it grows let your hat not think you did it yes thank you - good I'll do that one of those because I'm seeing it grow I receive and when it starts growing and people start talking like oh the Menace power ha the group is growing you live this one and then after that that's when you leave this chase we're 21 of course of course you see that video there one day we'll play it here the fastest man of God after your pride is taken over we'll play it the fastest one of those is it this video keep it reverse it man of God you see it you'll be playing it here and you will you be refusing a nothing like that ever been the best seed man of God press for me please I want my own system working all the system Red For Women of course if I give the warning keep that one because I saw this thing growing like nothing and people seeing him demonstrating the power that you would have taken from here playful women he would start telling you that when he was young the angel appeared to me the angel of the Lord appeared to me and I began to see things have you ever put someone in front here were they about to testify and all they do is I I i after a prophesy after the men of God mentioned me in fact before that day I had dreamt God visited me ha how many times did God visit you and nothing changed we have dreamed too many dreams about beans eating beans nothing you think you get a profess from the men of God one day say I did this then after that I went and gods met me come you you you can prophesy of a professor [Music] [Applause] this is the first time talking facing talking the first time the first time first time I never spoke to you before first time paralegals Makka pakka devious Stan here brother God is about to do something greater I receive I saw something happening it's like somebody's creating something for you like gold yes left cord at the ass it's like a if a gold business like a god business yes why not get into gold oh you're already into court I'm already into you're already into gold yeah who is George George is my business pattern I speak to somebody here who is in business right now iris what's your problem talk to me grandpa grandpa you can prophesy to me sir I'm ready for prophesy are you married married you're not married yes Coco Coco Coco is your name yes McDonald what don't know my name give me your phone let me see your phone this is your phone yes yes there are you seeing it my father my father [Applause] [Music] how is it possible what's this now inside here if you go on the internet it's like there is something like MACD weight wisdom pawpaw was my my girlfriend you found another girlfriend three weeks ago yes grandpa neti neti or something like that or something Larry weeks ago yes the unrighteous infant you are using a gmail account on your email it's like market is something Gmail account back the first email what they has to do is something from texif I the second email on that one is coming from a place like indeed or something like a job something like a job open your email now God is gonna do something for you I all wrong your situation in the mighty name of Jesus just as you prophesied to this gentleman standing in the front with me you spoke about gold and he has opened a document from his email which he received and there is an email right here which is talking about cold from a gmail account give Jesus a big head right here right here right here as a man of God prophesied about cold there it is there's an email right here unquestionable tammana through the spirit of faith an ability for God to speak to you is that you are the biological microphone by which God speaks to his one creation God gets into you and starts working himself in Iran that leads he is now a icon of faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God is this not what we're talking about lead to say causes you to see and declare and faith you speak and questionable opinion through the spirit of a the spiritual State you don't have to speak it's three boyfriends in the two of your boyfriend's are awkward PETA there is a beer for Russia inside the refrigerator to your left there is and all decide that they are three tomatoes it's a little bit we have not so lot cunningly devised fables swimming I witness of this thing that which we have handles which we have seen with our eyes wrapped against this is the word of truth the good news Church London with you bird angel every Sunday from 10:30 a.m. at the Colosseum suite 310 highroad ilford London IG 1wq call plus forty four seven nine three zero five nine zero one hundred for more info P part of the good news revolution
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 194,808
Rating: 4.7654757 out of 5
Keywords: uebert angel, beverly angel, bebe angel, spirit embassy, the goodnews church, goodnews, prophecy, prophetic, word, teaching, prosperity, finance, bible
Id: 8Fh5TNdVJyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 31sec (3631 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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