How To Increase Your Vocabulary In Tongues - Part 1 with Prophet Uebert Angel

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so everybody watching tell somebody we are live right now it's important that you tell somebody we're watching because you say we have a strong subject that we're about to learn today and it's all about how to increase our vocabulary in tongues how to increase the vocabulary in terms because a lot of people have no idea how we can improve our vocabulary listen to me christians who don't speak in tongues are powerless christians there is something that tongues do amen listen they spoke in other tongues at the tower of babel they were speaking in one language and the bible tells us they were in one accord and they had one speech and god said behold the people what they have decided to do nobody can stop them amen i don't know if the people are watching and hearing says everything that they decided to do nobody can stop them because they are in one speech of one speech one language one mind and god said the best thing we can do is separate them how do we do it confuse their tongues confuse their languages and then you get to the new testament in the book of acts that same language they lost the bible says they were in one accord in one place agreeing and immediately the holy ghost suddenly the holy ghost fell on them and they began to speak in new tongues the tongue that they lost during the tower of bible they began to speak it in the book of acts now that means when you speak in tongues you have the same power in fact greater power than those who were in the tower of babel when god said these people are one behold what they decide to do nobody can stop them that means when you speak in tongues brothers and sisters something in you jumps to another degree and you begin to speak with a certain language that makes you surpass your level surpass the level of your enemies surpass the level of your finances surpass the level of your problems you begin to surmount your problems why because the same language when god saw it in the tower bible said behold these people are one and they are of one speech and behold nothing can stop them that they've decided to do what were they trying to do the bible says they were trying to build a tower to get to the heavens how do you build a natural thing in order to get to a spiritual thing and god said if we let them do this [Music] we are right now as i'm speaking to you i'm just like maybe five minutes away from a building that is called lincoln cathedral which was over 200 for over 280 years was the tallest building on earth for over 280 years tallest building on earth nobody could do it yet these guys were building towers that even god said behold these people cannot be stopped with this skyscraper that they want to build it was beyond the burj khalifa it was beyond the basically it was beyond it was the tallest thing that they were about to build and god said i need to go down and confuse their language they are speaking in one language and nobody can stop them so what makes somebody to never be stopped by even god is one language [Music] god said behold what they have chosen to do nobody can stop them because of this one language and they in one accord now the bible says repeat the same thing they were in one accord in one spirit in the upper room and the holy ghost descended and guess what happened they began to speak with other tongues they were given other tanks immediately now they were in one speech one language one spirit one accord nobody can stop a person who speaks in tongues watch this so it's very important this is something you never you you listen don't do nothing tonight before you sleep begin to speak in other tongues no demon can rouse you up no demon nothing the whole night you sleep like a baby why because the tongues have a certain language that there is a certain language that they even the bible says nobody can stop them imagine it took god to come down and confuse their language when he said nobody can stop these people the moment they speak in this tongue now watch what paul says i want you never to miss this don't miss this don't miss this i'm going to i'm not going to take a lot of your time lando cravandos caballandes si jutabratigas len cadaban crediga talk taxa 700 it's just amazing amazing seeing a lot of people a lot of people a lot of people are there right now and a lot of excitement that's right on youtube faith juices bring it on prophet amen a rosa says hallelujah hearing you sir amen amen now i want you to say something paul says it this way in the book of first corinthians 14 verse number 18. says i thank my god oh je lunch and the word thing that you say is the word eucharistio you know where we get the eucharist says i honor him right i value him so much that i give him thanks this is not something like thank you thank you after getting somebody buy you uh uh you know uh a pair of jeans and you say thank you no this is something with reverence so i know what i'm talking about here i'm at a certain level in my life where i'm thinking him i i take everything in me everything on me and in me is thanking him for this watch what he says it looks like he's busting it looks like bossing but paul no no no he's not even bossing he says i thank my god that i speak [Music] that i speak i leo i utter i speak in more tongues in more tongues or in tongues more than all of you see other the the greek rendering says in tongues more than all of you so if you look at the word more than you get it is the word malon which means it is it is um a neural of the comparative of the same as uh you see in the in the in the greek uh which is which is malista but it is the word that says to a greater level in greater degree so let me read it the way he's saying it says i thank my god i honor him i prostrate and i value him so much i thank him that i'm alone i speak in tongues malone i love you malone in other words what he's talking about here is to a greater degree more than all of you so he's not talking about more tongues oh he's talking about the quality of tongues hey the reason why preachers it's because there is a certain limit in the spiritual realm in their lives and that limit limits their language when a baby's grown growing up uh we had a problem with one of my sons and every time i would say to him this word he would say it in another word he would argue that this is not the word you're talking about you pronounce it in a different thing if you notice that kids when they're growing up they say tata they never even if they dead they will go tata you say you say papa they will go and in their heads they think they're saying the same thing now do you know why foreigners like myself and and immigrants like myself and and that migrate to countries like the western world and we come in here and we hear a white person speak and can hear him and know exactly what he's saying after a few weeks of staying here you kind of figure it out when you bring out what you say they can tell you you were speaking with an accent [Laughter] and you can't figure out how do you know it is scientific fact that the brain knows how to but transl memory for your tongue i didn't get that so so that's why we have people that are called uh that teach what is called elocution election is where they tell you how to roll your tongue how to draw your tongue in order just to make the word sound the way a british person speaks so you actually pay them per hour to teach you how to move your tongue the same way your brain has moved it so your brain thinks i'm speaking the same accent but your tongue has no memory so the tongue muscle memory is a very very confused muscle it doesn't catch things immediately when these guys are speaking they're not saying boss they're saying boost and when you get to boost if you look at the way your mouth is shaped and your tongue is shaped it's a different story altogether you say bass no problem if you would take it we take that your lips and we take a british person speaking the boss different then you realize your brain knows how to say it but the tongue is saying it differently because it has forgotten it so the reality of it is in the spiritual realm it's almost the same that spirit gives you tongues but there is something in your spirit that grabs the interpretation that grabs even the level of what you can speak because there's something still limited your vocabulary is still limited but when your vocabulary expands it means your spirit can express itself in more levels than anybody can no no no i don't know if you understand the bible says we ask amen and we do not have now notice this it's so amazing it says you ask and you do not have because you do not ask you pray and you do not have because you do not ask when you ask you ask a miss say two things number one you have not because you ask not oh my god so the only thing why i don't have is i don't ask but when for those who ask and they don't have is because they ask a miss wrong way no no no no two things you do not have because you do not ask you have not because you ask not but but god i'm praying yes you are praying with non-language and non-language is a limit and when you get into tongues don't say tongues have no limit your vocabulary if it's limited in tongues it is a limit too if you bring a two-year-old here to begin to speak you'll be the examples that they give you are examples of them playing football in the uh somewhere are playing with their 14 year old friend and 10 year old friend examples that don't really mean nothing to us [Music] i took my son to my room with my wife and we're just sitting there and we we watched this series and we placed the first series the first episode second episode uh third episode of this i think it was series eight or whatever it is and and and and then and then the fourth day of like are we watching he's like you guys are just watching the same thing over i'm like it's not the same thing if i'm surely saying episode five we have moved you know this thing is exciting we are now on episode 5 of he in his mind is the same thing why our brains have matured so what excites him is not this thing what he is excited with we look at it and think how can you be excited have you noticed why kids who are even seven eight years old who know exactly cartoons are not a representation of real things on the street they will still like cartoons they have never seen a dog that talks or thinks or runs around like scooby-doo but they'll be like i like it you know it's not real yep of course there are some bigger people that actually uh messed up when they realized that the kids believe you know my wife took my my kids to some other location and and and and you know and and she i think was near christmas and and they were very young uh uh uj and and levi and she just decided let me go past the for the christmas they got the father christmas sitting there with a white beard he said we know you're not real the guy got angry so there are also some old people that are still logged into a certain mentality of a young kid that's the same thing in the spiritual realm the thing that causes most tongue-talking christians not to get results is because in their minds since i'm speaking in tongues i'm speaking secrets and miracles ought to happen yes they happen better than when you're speaking in non-language but guess what happens if your vocabulary is not grown a person with a vocabulary that is grown is a person who has got more more miracles who can produce more proof than you said i think my god tally go for oncredigas i thank my god that i speak in tongues more i speak in terms more to a greater degree you see when paul would begin to speak it would be like machine gun tongues the guy will bring out some vocabulary some words you have never had in your life have you noticed that some churches or some regions you can go to southern africa east africa west africa you can hear there is a certain thing that they use all of them use not all of them but most of them use that you can tell they are not speaking in tongues they used to she in ca and ra and like almost everyone is using that then you realize it's exactly like a little babe who has been told this is the way you speak when you want to say do you say dada even mothers when they teach their children they start with the little one they already know all kids say that they will never say daddy never they will even use that one that is wrong to teach the same child to speak dead yet they are saying dada you wonder why because the vocabulary it's like a language you have to grow it you have to push the spirit within you to speak at a certain level you have to show the holy ghost you are free your tongues are open you know i'm like you know i was born in in new york the big apple so my my my palettes i'm not used to stuff like you know funny things to eat you know so i i would just like to eat one thing or two or three that's it don't go further don't don't move forward until my wife said you need to train your palate train it no this this this every day i said okay i'm training it now i tried to train it for years i kept on going back until i got to a level where it was not boring it's this one is this one it was almost the same thing i started changing my i opened my palace to to get to that mod and i realized it was my brain that was closed it wasn't my tongue it was my brain my brain told me this is the nicest thing ever then you give it to somebody who has grown in britain say test it they say it's testless look what you made is this this is brilliant this is life you say okay okay coco another one call another one test it they say my god how are you surviving you eat this and then you realize it's a quiet test now if it's a quiet test most people don't know water is no test if he has no test why do you hate it it has a test but the test is based on whether it's cold hot warm look home exactly it changes the particles if you want to test it what you do is boil water and put it in that ice tray and put it in the in the refrigerator do you know what you get you get ice blocks that are clear clear clear clear clear that you can see through it that's when you put warm water in the refrigerator and it freezes when it's just cold it'll become hard you can look through you can't the particle's already different based on the environment it's still water so when you test it the changes are in tests number two the container you you use this is scientific brothers and sisters the container you use this you you use rather you might think that container all right you might think that container has no effect on the water it has i don't know if you're getting this now so the environment you are in increases your tongues the person you listen to increase your level of tongues the preacher you listen to will be able to open your spirit you you hear have you ever like come on no evaluation have you ever listened to a voice speaking to somebody ministering and you stand up and go la cuba and greedyard lee joonda angrily asking advance let us call up your cup you get into a sitting level where where tongues come out they they force themselves out of you based on the revelation you're hearing so the person you watch increases your level of tongues your vocabulary is increased when your spirit isn't confronted by revelation that it can't get rid off [Music] i don't know if you are getting me so so many people when they minister when they're speaking in tongues they get to a point where it seizes they don't know what level they are at they go [Music] underground yeah lena honda zabala they get to a point where they come back to the same tongues or just nibble through and they go back and take this word and take this away then it's now a recycling of words am i saying it's not powerful it is powerful brothers and sisters it's powerful but when you get to a certain level where tongues begin to line up themselves with you when you are in prayer you wonder what's taking place let me show you something let me show you something very very important very very important oh i wish you were hearing i wish you were hearing garmon description ah on youtube i'm surely getting you loud and clear amen ephesians one james is powerful prophet of god who didn't you like it just just get into a prayer room get into a prayer room and you begin to pray and something began to well up inside you you know you know when people say why what were you doing five hours seven hours in prayer what were you doing people think i'm speaking in tongues that's why no you can speak in tongues and just do 20 minutes and really feel like you have done it it's done why because language is its limits and tongues of their own limit that's why we go to a level of groaning even the highest of levels of tongues you still break through into groaning that's why jesus when he got to the to the to the grave of lazarus he sighed grunting himself after groaning guess what happened he went and he said father i thank you that you hear me always and you have heard me when when did you pray there is no prayer in the whole chapter where were you praying when you groaned yes groaning was a certain level of prayer but it is a prayer you get to after the language is expanded and you have finished all the vocabulary given to you by your level of understanding and you push through and you realize you get to the end of it and it breaks through into groaning groaning can raise the dead the men groaned in his spirit when that's what the bible says the holy ghost himself will prop you up with groanings that cannot be uttered ah yeah when language becomes groaning but how does it get there you have to improve the vocabulary you have to increase your vocabulary in tongues have you seen men of god minister that you say this guy where these pixie ducks oh my god you're excited about tongues when we sing in tongues like the uh the album of the songs of the spirit when you listen to that you realize wait a minute it's pure pure tongues pure holy ghost speaking to your spirit speaking secrets of the heavenlies you are you are pushed into into a realm when i'm minister when i pray you are pushed into my environment by just tongues watch this are you here yes sir ephesians 1 ephesians 1 and i'll read from verse number 17 that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him notice do you notice he says me given to you may give unto you may is not will you it's a choice yes if any man be in christ behold is a new creature all things are passed away the word behold means awakened to a reality awaken he's talking to you please wake up fool wake up you are new come on it's not behind all things i knew like oh everything is you now yeah i'm born again everything no you have to awake to it you have to awaken you have to agree to it amen now he says that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give me me may may not will may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him oh i don't know if you're getting this it says in the knowledge in the epignosis the full exact knowledge of god the precise and correct knowledge ah knowledge of things ethical and divine precise and correct knowledge says yeah so watch this that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full and exact knowledge so i want to increase in tongues what do i do i need to know i need to have the spirit of wisdom in the knowledge i need to get deep in the word and improve the word content in me to put the word to deposit it inside me so i get the word inside of my spirit so so it tells me that tongues are a processed word he didn't hear me now he didn't hear me tongues are a processed word that means the word is the raw material for tongues so your spirit is the factory by which the word is turned into tongues so more word more vocabulary in tongues if you find yourself going you are speaking brothers is good it's working the devil is even afraid of that but when you get to a certain place la razico fra clearer certainly when you get to that level where you touch something and boom it takes place you're like wait a minute something is coming out of me something is chilling out of me i don't know how to stop it it's happening it's happening five hours you are down there you are crying and things are coming out you wonder why are you there for seven hours look i have too many things to speak what were you saying even me i don't know i just knew there was some beautiful words coming out and those beautiful words in my spirit in deep down in my noah i know it's a language and i know it's the language of the spirit but guess what today i had tongues i've never known you're hearing me in a few minutes i'll be done just imagine going to bed knowing you have finished everything in tongues and your vocabulary has spoken greater things your vocabularies is pushing some things pushing some boundaries pushing some walls and pushing some trust me there are battles you're battling and and guess what you're winning you're winning you're winning why because all of a sudden the devil throws a punch when you're speaking in your tongues and guess what you dodge with another word that he has never had before like wow do you know this how did you speak this deeper you see when you sit down people and you hear them talk you can tell this guy knows how to present there are so many preachers that i see that have no revelation per se as big revelation but they have big vocabularies i'm not talking about vocabulary as speaking big words they have a way of presenting the simple things in other words so people think there is revelation that has been spoken just by vocabulary now just imagine if you play like that with the devil and you give him that thing you push him to that extent where he hears new words from the spirit he says i've been here for 14 years i never heard you speak this i was moving again getting into into my bedroom and uh my little kid just came and said this person oh did this did this i think it was the word spontaneously and i was like what at that time he was five years old just happened spontaneously the first thing is look i know spontaneously but where did he come from from this little boy and it's perfectly being used what happened i want to know now just imagine the devil is trying to give you a hard time you give him one word in the spirit [Applause] he says wait a minute this is the word we only used in heaven only gabriel used to use this one how did you get it even jesus said to peter flesh and blood has not told this unto you but my father which is in heaven even jesus recognized there are some information you are getting from somewhere so and blood the earth cannot produce the information you just produced the devil also knows the same when you increase your vocabulary in tongues that definitely knows this time you just gave it's not no more you are not normal person you the way you just spoke this one only god in heaven knows these things and some few angels around him they are the ones who use this kind of level paul says i speak in greater at a greater degree ah yeah at a greater degree i speak in tongues more than all of you greater degree i speak for everyone right on behalf of everyone here watching me father in the name of jesus anoint them with greater impetition so that they can speak in other tongues new tongues greater level of tanks in jesus night name now watch this i'm about to finish i'm about finished give me uh two more minutes two more minutes two more minutes two more minutes watch this now here it is here here it is the eyes of your understanding the eyes of your understanding now watch this some people are not getting it the eyes of your dianea the mind as a out of understanding feeling and desiring the dionya is the part that desires the feeling part of the brain uh you understand the way of thinking and thoughts either good or bad that's the dionya so he says here it says here the eyes of your understanding the eyes of your spiritual feelings spiritual sensing being enlightened i don't know if you're getting this and the way that enlightened is for teaser being flooded with lights see when when desire is inside of you to do the things of the lord and and a certain level of sight is given and desire is moving push pushing its way but it doesn't know where to go and then all of a sudden stadium lights for teaser and then desire knows the direction to go to the eyes of your understanding are you getting it the optamus where we get the word optics the optics of the spirit of your dionya of your feelings the eyes of your feelings peace when your feelings have eyes carbohydrate disease you don't walk around and just say i just feel i need you i need i need the car i just feel it i just feel it no when the eyes of your understanding are given to your understanding to your dionya your feelings you begin to feel the right things that god feels it's like you're holding the powers of god and hearing every heartbeat feeling every heartbeat so you go the right way say when you shall go to the left you shall when you don't know where to go and you're moving so you shall hear a voice saying follow you this way now the eyes now have developed on your feelings on your diener now watch this now some people are getting it some people are taking it very very simple but this is huge you cannot do you cannot go to bed without watching this trust me never go to bed without watching this never never sleep like that never get to a point where you speak in tongues before you sleep you are speaking in tongues and the devil will just say i'm leaving you alone i don't know what you just said some of the words i don't know because you're speaking secret because he that speaketh in a non-tongue speak secret but the devil knows that these mysteries were spoken once and ours remember when john was in the in in in the spirit where the bible says and and there was silence in heaven a lot of minutes silence nobody's saying nothing and the devil was wondering what's happening there are some tanks that the devil himself would be like where do i it was an advert way back where you know i'm a martial artist so i kind of watched a few things like that and and and and i remember this advert this person just kicked they were kicked by somebody standing next to them they were killed here and the person is standing next to them like this this leg just went like this and they were wondering who kicked me just imagine the devil in your room going like who punched me i need to get out of this place oh i'm telling you i don't have time now now watch this now the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what are the riches being enlightened that you know what is the hope of his calling what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints it says anything god has given you whatever god has given you when the eyes are developed so the thing is it's your brain your spirit is not expanded the reason why kids cannot say teacher when they are growing up at the age of one at the age of one month in the age of two months their brain is not much word your kid will get to five months crying and you don't even know why just tell me say what the problem is they will just cry after feeding them they will cry again do you want water no nobody says nothing they're just looking at you crying they can go to bed in the middle of the night another cry what happened nobody disturbed you what is taking place you wake up you put the light you try to feed them they don't want to be fed and they're just looking at you like this thinking what is happening and then mothers are very nice they will start talking to them meanwhile the baby doesn't even know what you're saying then they get to the level where ariel got to where you try to he's talking to you he's giving you information with the language that is not a language and you will be replying in non-language and you'll be replying in his gibberish and he's thinking you should know what i'm saying now because this is it and you'll be so happy you'll be answering back in gibberish he gets it what you're trying to say he gets the information somehow it's not all of it but he gets it but to talk to you using your language he can't then he gets to a point where he starts learning words and when he's learning words he will or that child or she or he or she they will even argue with you on words you've been you've known for years one of my childhood used to say abstinent meaning an accident i was like no it's accident no accident oh i'm like we've been doing this for years set him down no accident okay accident hack say see see dent dent say too all of it abstinent the whole thing like honestly come on we've been doing this where it's like no it's abstinent no accident no oh i'm like okay obsidian then there came a time when he just got in and he started saying exit him like ah now you can say you see is it now this is what we've been trying to say all these years no you can't they will even tell you they never said it why because it never go when they were saying absolutely they were saying accident oh you didn't get it now so i can tell you you can improve your tongues but you'll be like why why it's not necessary he that speaks an unknown tongue why would paul say i speak in more times more than all of you have you ever noticed something let me show you something let me show you something i'm about to finish two more minutes two minutes two more minutes harleen carbon crazy [Music] are you hearing me verse ephesians 5 verse number 18 do not get drunk on wine weigh in his exes instead be filled with the spirit in other words be drunk with the holy ghost and if you look at the play of words that paul puts he says be being feared that means there is a continuum drinking oh it's not one night drinking it's a continual drinking you drink today you drink tomorrow you drink today you drink so you are continually getting drunk now we knew one thing about my brother before he got born again um brilliant guy very intelligent he would he was so talkative not talkative the way you think you only got to be talkative when he was drunk know my brother will actually make a a real uh plan that i will get drunk and tell you all i think somehow his vocabulary was locked he couldn't bring it out until alcohol was here have you noticed that when we were growing up we had some angles that were so exciting only when they are drunk like this guy is so quiet wait until he gets drunk wait wait then you start talking then they say give him more beer you will see you'll see what you do then as he kept on drinking they kept on talking then they got to a level of only groaning they were now fooled now the bible says when you speak in tongues be drunk with the holy ghost [Music] the more you drink you begin to speak something the more you drink you begin to increase your words the more you are drinking on the word you are taking this word seriously and you're reading it every day confessing it yourself the more is being confident convicted in into spiritual tongues and tongues come up and the vocabulary is expanded and when the vocabulary expands your tongue now is forced to speak and when you begin to speak you speak more vocabularies come out be drunk with the holy ghost i thank my god that i speak in tongues more than all of you so number one be free yield yourself yield your members when you hear a man of god minister yield your members wait for it to happen wait and always be ready to respond to that word coming out remember what the bible says what shall i compare this generation to they're like children at the marketplace that said we played unto you but you did not dance we piped unto you but you did not respond with a dance in other words when the bible speaks about joy god is expecting to see a reaction of joy now when god says i will make you masters and never they tell you but the head yeah i'll be the head and undertale god is like ah with what i've just given you right now you are saying yeah get one iphone god says you shall eat the good of the landslide hallelujah amen i shall eat the good of the land hey 100 pounds let me call my mother hey we have just been given money here the bible says when the lord says something respond and respond in a certain way that shows you're hearing it we are so excited about natural things that perish but the word that never perishes the word that have gone out of my mouth i will never change nor alter and we don't get it we don't respond like god wants us to respond so number one yield your members and have a man of god that ministers revelation that shocks your spirit that blesses your spirit that revelation should be the one that somebody pulls words out of the spirit bring them to your tongue and the tongues then get a demand from the spirit so when i speak i always tell you these words have come to me and demanded to be spoken these words you're hearing came to me in the money to be spoken number two what do you do increase the word because the word your spiritual being the inner parts of your belly where the bible says shall flow rivers of living waters is the place where tongues are manufactured the vocabulary is laid bare rather and how does it happen the ingesting of the word when the word comes to you the entrance of thy word give it the light so many people don't know this let me just explain to you when you speak in tongues it stops time do you understand what god was trying to do in the old testament remember when god spoke in tongues in the old testament oh they don't know yeah god spoke in tongues in the old testament before tanks came the wise men were standing there the clever guys were standing the advisers of the king were there linguistics were there and god just came with his hand and wrote many many takeaways he called the language we don't even know what is written there one word one man what did it mean you have been weighed and your years are numbered man just many what languages men name you've got 29 words except tongues that's why tongues will talk about interpretation of tongues not translation of tongues translation would be word for words the thing is i speak one line in tongues can write your whole bible the whole book oh this volume you see here that's what i mean you can speak one line in tongues and write the whole thing because it's interpreted it's not translated god spoke in tongues and it took a prophet to come and say okay what it means is this and it was the first time he also saw it the king is like guys interpret all the these guys that had led eve from the highest professors of the days institutions they could not interpret it why it was in tongues now some of you are standing there you don't know how we win battles you don't know how we surpass mountains you don't know how we we break through we go through walls you don't know how we meet obstacles and we surpass them it's not because we are clever but there is a language it's called tongues but after getting the tongues language guess what we learned how to increase our vocabulary needs you don't just find us a jackass it's good i'm not laughing at that but it's not expanded the reason again number three the reason is your mind has not expanded so your imagination is not going anywhere the eyes of your understanding your dynamia your imagination your feelings the eyes of your understanding your imagination your imaginative ability is your creative ability the reason why kids can't pronounce words correctly is because of imagination it's not grown so they can't imagine their tongues can actually pronounce it when you can imagine you can roll your tongue in any direction and you know you can you can you can stop yourself i looked at one guy there is a the president of zimbabwe is called munangagwa then there is a country called czechoslovakia i was surprised to see a white guy come on tv and call czechoslovakia czechoslovakia czed czecho who who says che on when he sees cnn could answer czechoslovakia nicely when it came to a zimbabwean president saying then you realize it's not that you can't pronounce is the desire they didn't get that the moment they realized this man is from zimbabwe they they just said it's africa it's very difficult names there you managed to trans to interpret czechoslovakia you called it out you can't call me honestly so the other point is you have to be willing you have to be willing to increase your vocabulary you have to be willing you can't undermine what i'm talking about like you can undermine some africans you undermine them so you can't pronounce their their names yet you can tell these names are so easy how do i pronounce this like oh come on come on the way you just did czechoslovak do you come from jacob's lava no try it no they won't try they're just like africa very difficult difficult names those people see what i'm talking about you have to have a certain willingness to expand your vocabulary and you have to have a man that can impart it to you this is just part of it i want you to raise your hands wherever you are father in the name of jesus christ expand their vocabulary teach them to go deeper in vocabulary expand it right now in the name of jesus i decree and declare that the battles that they are facing they require a new tongue they require a new level in jesus might now watch this so then they shall speak in new tongues i want to just spin it a little bit there so that you can understand uh you can understand you can understand ah mandu zebra it is in the book of max kisten it says and these signs will accumben those who believe so those who believe are already christians i believe they are already speaking in real times because when they got born again the tongue was imparted and they spoke in tongues now the bible says new tongues cajinos tongues new levels of tongues why list it also means that you have a language imparted to you this also goes beyond it's talk about kainos another type of tongue that another thing that never existed before this is the time that never existed before it's a vocabulary it's a word you never knew you are increasing your vocabulary i impound upon them new tongues that when they speak the devil's amen who will be shocked and surely proclaim that this we have only hated in the throne room in the name of jesus i decree and declare may every devil be chased away by their tongues in jesus might name let them win every battle let them shock demoniacs diabolic spirits nephilims nikolaitan spirit leviathan spirits let them chase them by the level and the degree of their vocabulary in tongues in the name of jesus amen and amen when somebody is speaking in greater vocabulary we say i think he is leonard the guy is yeah he's really he went to school this guy the bible says when they when the disciples were seen by the religious readers they said behold these men were with jesus see they took notice because they never went to school but because they had robbed it's jesus they said these ones were with jesus of nazareth the way they speak the second language and vocabulary they are using this guy when somebody speaks you can tell this one was a university lecturer or student or he passed uh through the university somewhere this the ways the way he is articulate we know we know where he's coming from that alone tells you when you speak in tongues demons are saying this guy has been in the school of the spirit we don't play like this you know we don't we don't play so oh but the devil knows listen the devil is a spirit being but it's not spiritual in other words the devil is very spiritual as he is formed of spiritual matter but he himself is not spiritual the way he understands things is when you speak and he realizes oh my god something is taken
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 184,548
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Id: KmUSFRxedIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 52sec (3052 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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