Typography Animations in After Effects | After Effects Tutorial

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this after effects tutorial is sponsored by pixamen's hey everyone what's up i am nikhil from dope motions and welcome to this brand new after effects tutorial in today's video i'm gonna show you guys how to create this trippy looking typography animation inside of after effects without using any plugin it's super easy to create and it's super fun you can experiment and create some unique typography animations so make sure to watch the video till the end so you don't miss out on any of this amazing tips and tricks that i'm going to share with you by the end of this video so with that said let's get straight into after effects and get started [Music] [Applause] all right so here we are in after effects let's start with creating a new composition let's keep it full hd that is 1920 by 1080 30 fps and 10 seconds long let's call this render as a main render comp hit ok then let's create a new composition again this is going to be a text placeholder so let's call this text hit ok and then we can select the text tool and type in anything that we want i'm going to type in something like maybe flow all right and for the font i'm using the monumental extended which is a free font i have mentioned the link in the description and you can also download it from the project file which is free to download link is in the description and if you appreciate the free project file please do support us on patreon by the way all right so here we have our text i'm going to hit ctrl k to bring up the comp settings and bring down the com size so it fits the text so i'm going to bring that down like so all right unlink this and also adjust the height okay then hit ctrl y to create a new solid call this bg for background gonna keep it black and then select the rectangle tool set the stroke to around five or seven fill to none and then create a shape like this just to add some nice lines to the composition so you can see we have this kind of a look let's call this lines all right so far so good now let's create another new composition gonna keep this 1920 by 1080 again and i'm going to call this scene then drag and drop in the text composition that we just created go into effects and presets and search for an effect called cc repertile double click to apply that and then expand the right and the left side so let's set this to somewhere around 2000 and this one to 2000 as well okay i think it's a bit big so i can hit s and bring down the scaling just a little bit maybe around 80 percent should be fine and then we can animate it so select it hit p to bring down the position and create a keyframe let's move this right over here go all the way up to 10 seconds and let's move this like so so now if i preview this we have a really nice movement in our text all right so far so good now let's go into our main render comp and drag and drop in the scene composition that we just created go into affection preset and search for cc cylinder double click to apply that and now we have this nice cylinder as you can see let's set the render from full to outside and i'm going to animate the position and the rotation of this so first of all let's bring down the y position like so and i'm going to rotate the rotation x like so so little bit maybe around 20 degrees should be good and for the position 150 is looking good let's create a keyframe on the position and the rotation go to around one second and 10 frames bring up the position like so and set the rotation to -20 maybe i'll set this to yeah that looks good so now we have something like this before you proceed further with this tutorial i just want to take a minute and talk about our today's sponsor pixelmons and tell you guys about the android mock-up builder it is an exceptional tool to showcase your animations and design in a much more easy and realistic way it includes over 200 fully customizable scenes that can be viewed and imported via the premium builder extension with the android mock-up builder you get three realistic smartphone 3d models that is the galaxy s22 galaxy zed flip and galaxy zed fold it also comes included with video tutorials and the pack also requires you to have element 3d in order to customize the scenes you also get an innovative slider control which opens and closes the devices this way you can easily animate custom open and close animations it's an element 3d template meaning you can create custom animations in real 3d scenes easily instead of after effects so make sure to check out android mockup builder the first link in the description below pretty nice let's select the keyframes right click keyframe assistant and easy ease them and now i want to loop this complete animation so to do that i'm going to use a very simple expression hold alt and click on the stopwatch type in loop out with a capital o open and close brackets and in between them i'm going to type in a ping pong so now i can copy this expression hit ctrl c and hold alt and click on the stopwatch and hit ctrl v to paste it so now if we preview this you can see we have a looping animation which is looking quite nice all right so let's duplicate this hit ctrl d to duplicate it and then select the second one and set the render from outside to inside so now we have something like this which looks pretty damn cool now let's select these two compositions hit ctrl d and what i want to do is first of all change the color of this so you can see it more properly and then bring these two compositions between these two i mean the old ones all right and then i'm going to go 10 frames forward in time and let's bring them back like so and then select the new ones and set the radius to around 90 or maybe let's leave that at 100 and increase the radius of the old ones to 1 1 0. so now if i preview this it has delay in the animation and it looks pretty nice of this kind of typography animation now i can create as many duplicates as i want so i can select these two compositions again hit ctrl d and let's bring them between and let's set this to an aqua maybe let's select these four compositions and bring them back like so and then change the radius of this to 90 and this one as well to 90. so now if i go here and preview this we have this really cool animation so let's add one more copy really quick i'm going to hit ctrl d and bring this in between set this to maybe pink and let's go to one second select these compositions and move them like so and boom there we have a really interesting animation one thing i forgot to do here is to bring down the radius to 80 and this one to 80 as well so here we have a really interesting and cool animation now let's make it a bit more trippy so to do that i'm gonna simply first of all go right here select everything and hold alt and right or left square bracket to crop them up and let's bring them at the very start like so then select all the layers hit ctrl shift c let's call this animation you can call it whatever that you want and let's go into effects and preset and search for shift channels double click to apply this and set the and turn off the green and the blue channel so let's set this off and change the blending mode of this to screen hit ctrl d to duplicate it select the second one turn off the red and turn on the green duplicate this one more time turn off the green and turn on the blue channel and then just move every layer by one frame like so this is going to help us achieve that nice rgb look that makes it feel more trippy so if i preview this really quick you see we have really nice looking animation and to just add a bit of organic look to this i will be adding a fake motion blur so search for cc i think uh it's um cc force motion play yeah let's apply this and set the shutter angle to 360. then let's copy this hit ctrl c and paste it on other two layers and now let's preview our animation so there we go as you can see it looks kinda cool can it repeat and you can experiment with this particular effect you can add some cool text animation as well if you want to you can even add some colors if you want to so it's super easy to create and looks pretty damn cool now one thing one quick thing i would like to show you is you could also add some really interesting color to this so i can maybe select this scene and go into effects and presets and search for tint effect double click to apply that and let's swap the colors so it looks kind of like this or maybe let's delete the tint and use a tritone color that should work much better i think and i'm gonna make this black let's make this white and this one black as well i think yeah then copy this and paste it on this one and then on these two as well i think yeah so now if i preview this we get these kind of separation in colors so that is a wrap for today guys i hope you enjoyed this tutorial if you did make sure to like this video if you are watching my video for the very first time please do subscribe to the channel and press that bell icon to always get notified you can also follow me on instagram at dope.motions all the links are in the description below with that said i will see you guys in the next video till then take care and always stay raw stay creative peace out
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 34,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects, after effects tutorial, typography animation after effects, typography posters after effects, trippy typography animations in after effects, animated typography in after effects, after effects typography animation tutorial, typography text animation in after effects, adobe after effects, adobe after effects tutorial, typography tutorial, typography, after, effects, motion graphics tutorial, dope motions, after effects animation, seamless typography after effects
Id: aq1a_yrM9W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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