Create Pro Cinematic 3D Stroke Logo Intro in After Effects

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hey guys so last week we learned about how to create professional looking logo reveal animation using Strokes in After Effects this week let's take this animation a step further in this video I'm going to show you how to create a 3D stroke logo reveal animation inside of After Effects without using any third party plug-in the final animation will have a nice cinematic look and I'm confident that you will learn many amazing tips and tricks throughout the video so make sure to watch it till the end but before we start today's video make sure to subscribe to the channel if you haven't already so you don't miss out on fresh new After Effects videos that I upload every single week with that said let's jump straight into after effects and get [Music] [Applause] [Music] started now before we start this video I just want to take a moment and tell you guys about my motion design bundle which consist of three huge animation packs for After Effects completely designed and animated by me so all the animations are super high quality and easy to customize and use for more info check out the first link in the description below all right so here we are in After Effects let's start by creating a new composition let's call this render as our main render comp this time I'm going to go with 1920x 1080 that is full HD frame rate is set to 30 FPS and duration is set to 10 seconds press okay let's create another new composition this is going to be a logo placeholder so let's call this logo and finally another new composition this is going to be our scene01 let's go into the logo comp I'll move this right here and drag the logo whichever logo that you want to use you can also use a text if you want to I'm going to go with this nice logo and then let's jump into scene number one drag this logo composition just like that then make sure the layer is selected go into effects and presets and search for Vegas double click to apply that set the blend mode to transparent and for the color I'm going to go with white for the width I'll set this to 10 and let's increase the hardness all the way up to one increase the midpoint opacity to one as well and increase the midpoint position to 999 that is all the way up and end opacity to one let's bring up the segment all the way up to 250 and then set the segment distribution to punched now what we need to do is animate the length so at the very start of our timeline I'm going to set the length to zero create a key frame go to around 8 seconds and set this to one so now you basically have a very simple stroke reveal as you can see looking pretty good you can play around with the stroke width so if you want to keep it very subtle you can keep it so I think 10 is a bit too much I'll go with eight that looks good so there we have our stroke now what we need to do is turn this layer into a 3D layer so click right here and then I will be using a very simple expression that I have here so you can find the same expression in the description or in the pin comment below so copy this and then select the layer press press P to bring down the position and hold alt and click on the stopwatch and then just copy paste the expression so press control V now what this expression is going to do is whenever we duplicate this layer now because we have three dimensions X Y and Z it's going to move every other layer by three points so to visually see it if I right click and create a new camera with all the presets as it is press okay and let's press C to switch into the camera tool we can switch between different camera modes by pressing C multiple times so I'm going to go with this one orbit camera let's move it right here I'll select this layer and press crol D to duplicate it let's select the second one and change the color of this one to a nice gray color and let's change the layer color of first one to Red so that we know this is the main layer then I'll right click and create a new adjustment layer call this color control and go to fix and preset let's search for color control double click to apply that we can lock this layer and then go right here go into the properties of the effects and Vegas and rendering hold alt and click on the stopwatch and then link this one to the color control so now we can control the color using the color controller that we created all right so I'm going to select the color controller set this again to gray now if I duplicate this so if I press CR D multiple times you can see we are creating a 3D stroke basically every other layer is placed three points ahead in the Z space because of the expression that we use so I'm going to create multiple copies let's go with something like around 25 or 20 should be good I think and the last copy I'm going to call this Shadow okay so now we have bunch of copies right here now press control y to create a new solid called this BG for background I'll keep kind of an offwhite color press okay and place it at the very back so now we can see here we have our and the gray is a bit too much so I can go into a color controller maybe make it a bit more lighter tone like so now let's select the shadow layer we can also change the color of this one to yellow and let's select all the different logos except the top one and paren them to this main logo all right and then unselect the shadow layer holding control and then click on the shy button and then this one so it's going to hide all the duplicates that we created so that we can work much more efficiently so here we have our strope now select the shadow layer and go into F and preset search for an effect called CC radial fast blur double click to apply this set this to um I'll leave it at 50 I think or maybe let's go with 60 60 should be good let's set the zoom to Bright test and then I'll also add a fill effect so let's go in effects and presets C to apply fill and let's set this one to a nice dark gray color so now you can see we have this nice shadows and also what we can do is select the CC radial fast blur and move this point so here you can see we have a point and I'm going to place this one right over here so now we have this really nice shadow now let's switch to our camera so press C so we can switch to the desired camera angle and I'll move this and just create a nice frame also I'll move my time indicator right here now we have something like this let's zoom in so it's all about how you frame your shot all right so I'm going to go at 2 seconds select the camera hit P to bring down the position let's create a key frame go back a little and then let's rotate this a little bit me move this up a little bit and then move that key frame at the very start so now we have a nice camera movement as you can see which is very slow and cinematic and that is exactly what I want pretty happy with that I think the shadow is way too intense for now so I'll select the Shadow and bring down the color of this one we can hide or close the vus effect let's make this somewhere around here want to keep it very subtle all right so this is going to be our first shot also let's add some nice depth into the scene so what we can do is right click and create a new adjustment layer called this um depth go into effects and presets search for Camera blur camera lens blur double click to apply that and let's increase the blur radius to around 20 and select the ellipse tool and let's create a mask holding control like so then invert this and press F to further this up to around 250 so there we go and also we can adjust the mask using the expansion tool so I can bring that closer like so and yeah that is looking much better at minus 100 so now we have added this nice depth and which gives a sense of like we are shooting with a camera okay so now let's go back into our main render composition here we have our scene one I'm going to drag and drop it let's go to 2 seconds duplicate this press control D and duplicate this right here as well it's this is very important so we have scene two and then hold alt and replace the scene one with scene two and then hold alt and left square bracket to crop that up then go into the scene two and then we can get rid of the key frames that we created on the camera so we can remove that key frame and create a new key frame so now we have a different movement for our logo and according to that I can plan out my scam so I'll go to 2 seconds again just on the key frames that we have press C and switch this to a different angle where it would look really cool so maybe something like so and then I'll go to 4 seconds move this a bit down like so and rotate it so now if we preview this we have this really nice camera movement I think it should be a bit more so there we go it's looking pretty nice I think all right so here we have our angle two so if I go back into my main render comp here we have our first scene then we have our second scene so it's looking pretty cool I think now let's create our third scene similarly so I'll duplicate the scene two here control D press alt and left square bracket to crop that up duplicate and create a scene three and replace this holding alt and just click and drag it and drop it so now we are in the scene three let's get rid of the key frame and create a new key frame let's see how the animation goes okay to get an idea and then I'll press C let's zoom in this time a little bit and I'm going go with a different angle let's move this right over here then go to 6 seconds there we go it's looking pretty cool so now if I go back here we have our first scene second scene and third scene which is a nice close up and that is exactly what I want let's duplicate this one more time let's go to 6 seconds cross this create scene 4 and you can create as many scenes as you want I'm going to jump into the scene 4 and this time I'm going to get rid of the key frames go into the camera option or the transform option and reset the transform properties so now I'm going to go right here at 8 seconds create a key frame on the position go back to 6 seconds and let's zoom in a little like so so we have a nice smooth Zoom zoom out and I'm going to keep that zooming out until 10 seconds also the color I want to change that I think in this scene so let's go and select the color control and make it a bit lighter so now if I preview the complete animation let's have a look pretty cool I think all right that is looking good and finally in the main render scene I want to do some minor changes here and there so what I'm going to do is right click and create a new adjustment layer call this color let's add a photo filter here I'll select the cooling filter lbb and set this to around 6 person so we have this nice bluish tone which I really like basically I can turn off the Adaptive resolution by setting this to off and final output and there there you go it's looking very nice and finally to reveal our final or main logo what I can do is select the camera hit you so you can so we can see the key frames duplicate this logo press contrl D and delete the Vegas effect then go at around maybe at 9 seconds or 8 Second and 15 frames press D to bring down the opacity create a key frame go all the way up to 6 seconds and set this to zero and we can then easy ease the key frames so now we have a very basic and nice reveal and it looks very nice and elegant basically so it's fine for this one and there you have your 3D stroke logo animation pretty nice and simple so that is all for today guys let me know what you think about this video or if you have any questions do let me know in the comments below you can also follow me on Instagram at do. motions and nikil pavar all the links are in the description and I will see you guys in next video till then take care and always stay raw stay creative peace [Music] out
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 24,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects tutorial, after effects, logo animation in after effects, cinematic logo animation, creative logo animation in after effects, after effects tutorial for beginners, easy after effects tutorial, logo intro after effects, logo reveal after effects, cinematic intro after effects tutorial, adobe after effects, adobe after effects tutorial, dope motions
Id: vh-kl59hUl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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