After Effects Tutorial - Creative Typography Animation in After Effects

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hey guys in this offer effects tutorial I'm gonna show you how to create a typography tornado in After Effects it's gonna be super fun and we don't need any plugins to create this I am Nick Hill from Doc motions calm and without any further ado let's get started [Music] now before we begin with this tutorial I would like to take a minute and introduce you guys to my very own case graphics pack which contains over 2,000 plus ready to use animations plus it comes with animation studio which is a free extension for After Effects making the pack super easy to use the pack contains 18 different animation categories and 250 plus sound effects making it all in one graphics fast to know more about this patch check out the link in the description below with that said let's get back to After Effects and get started alright guys here we are in After Effects let's start by creating a new composition just like we always like to do let's call this takes your because this is gonna be a text placeholder for the vid I'm gonna go with 2804 n for the height alcove 8 to10 10 seconds long comp with 30 FPS hit ok so you have our takes a placeholder let's select the text tool and you can of course type in anything that you want I'm just gonna go with twisted twister motion just motion alright now one thing you need to make sure is you use a very thick of fun so for that I'm gonna go with monumental extended ultra Bowl I'll mention the link to download this font in the description below let's align this into the center if you don't see this aligned tab you can go under windows and turn this on also let's increase the spacing a bit let's set this to something like that and let's try to align this okay so as you can see this is aligned very nicely so there we have our text let's add a background really quick so hit control Y to create a new solid called this BG with our black color here ok let's put this below so here we have our text now we need to animate this text so let's create one more composition and this time I'm gonna do the reverse of this so let's make this 2 and 0 by 2,800 call this black strip alright let's drag and drop the text here composition right over here hit R to bring down the rotation properties and rotate this by 90 degrees now we need to animate this to do that I'm going to use a very cool effect called motion style double click to apply that up and now we can just basically animate this just like so so let's create a keyframe at the very beginning with title action center go all the way up to 10 second and let's move this just like that so we have a very simple movement for our text it looks very nice simple now let's duplicate this black strip that we have hit control D and call this white strip okay let's open that up and let's go in a fix end preset of this let's add a tint on this and swap the color so we have the opposite of black and white that is white in black which absolutely doesn't make any sense but it will in a bit so here we have the reverse colors for this and what I'm going to do is select this layer hit U so we can see the keyframes select the title action Center right click going to keyframe assistant and time reverse keyframes so that the movement is towards the top and the black strip movement is towards the bottom alright pretty simple let's go ahead and create a new composition this is going to be our main animation comp so let's call this animation and photo width I'm going to go with 1920 for the height I'm just gonna copy that 1920 by 1920 here okay but if you want to create this for a video you can go with 10 892 ID by 1080 I'm gonna do this for Instagram so I'm going with 1920 by 1920 okay let's drag and drop the black strip first of all right over here hit R and rotate this by around let's go with let's go with something like so yeah that looks good maybe I'll go with minus ninety eight just a bit and scale this down to around 60% all right let's select the layer go into effects and preset and type in see lender cc cylinder is that what we will be using now as you can see it looks a bit messed up so to fix this what we can do is turn on this option called collapse transformation set on that on and now you can see we get this really cool look if I just turn off the background you can see looks a pretty cool go into lighting pretty quick and set the light high to 90 so we get a better look at this now let's go into the position and position the z-axis to around let's get minus 800 okay that looks good now we don't want the band backside that is the swirl that we have right here so to get rid of that I'm going to set the render to outside only if you want the inside you can set this to inside but I'm going to set this to outside and that is what we get let's go into the rotation and we need to tweak this a bit so I'll first of all rotate the y-axis to around 80 degrees the x-axis to minus 5 and the z-axis to plus 9 now these are the properties that I came up with while I was playing around with the animation you are free to try out different values but to get the desired result this are the properties so that looks pretty cool let's select the black strip hit ctrl D to duplicate it say the second one it's like the white strip now hold alt and drag and drop it so it's gonna replace that and now if I set this to inside you can see we get a nice white strip right over here now one thing that we need to do is select this yes and the reason I'm doing this is right now you can see the movement on the strip is pretty weird we want the animation or the text to go in one particular direction so the fix this I'm gonna unlink the scale and set this to minus 60 and now there we go looking pretty nice now let's go ahead and create one more composition which is gonna be our main comp here okay and drag and drop in the animation come that we just created and basically now all you have to do is duplicate this so hit ctrl D to duplicate it let's put this up below just like so let's align this with the black strip so as you can see we need to align this oh you can use the arrow keys just to be a bit more precise just like that and now you can see we get array of motion which looks like a twisted tornado now basically the idea here is to keep on duplicating this so I can just hit control D again pull this below and place it just like that let's move all of them to the top right select this at control D pull this below and one more I'm gonna do this really quick just like that so as you can see this is looking pretty cool now this is the effect that you can go with but I'm looking to create kind of a tornado look to this and the tornado is in a way that the top is a bit more bigger than the bottom I don't know what exactly to call this but you get the idea so I'll create a new adjustment layer called this mesh and yes you guessed it right we are going to use mesh war upon this a very cool effect let's set the rows and columns to 1 and 1 let's go with the quality of 10 so the mesh warp and all I have to do is we the points so do that I'm gonna just select this pull this right over here and I'm just gonna do this very roughly you don't need to be very precise actually with this and then select these points let's pull them out and then we need to adjust the handles just like that try to make this very straight and I think we are good to go are you can see this is looking pretty cool so very easy and very interesting effect that you can play around with and by the way you can actually go into the text here calm and you can add different number of stuffs you can use icons you can even use videos if you want to and you know the one thing that I like to use that I showed in the previous tutorial as well was the grid so I can discrete a new solid called this grid go in affection preset type in grid apply this set the border to three and display on with the number of strips just like that you know something like so now if I go back into main comp there you go we have a very interesting look so this was a really simple but a very interesting you know concept of creating some cool typography animation inside of After Effects without using any plugins so guys I hope you enjoyed this tutorial if you did make sure to subscribe comment like share and follow me on instagram at dopes dot motions and yeah I'll see you guys in the next video if you guys are enjoying this kind of typographic tutorials do let me know in the comments section below so that I can create more and more tutorials based around this topic and if you have any more suggestions for any kind of different topics do let me know in the comment section I read each and every comment so yeah I'll see you guys in the next video till then take care and always stay raw stay creative peace out
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 93,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects, after effects cc, after effects tutorial, typography in after effects, text animation in after effects, creative text animation, typography, trending typography, easy after effects tutorial, no plugins, free template, dope motions, ae tutorials, typo, motion graphics tutorial, creative typography, text animation, text effects
Id: PlVjDFjZb-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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