Top 10 EPIC Effects in After Effects - After Effects Tutorial

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hey guys what's up i am nikhil from and welcome back to this brand new after effects tutorial in today's video i'm going to share with you 10 super cool effects inside of after effects and we will also see how we can combine these effects with each other to create something really interesting so with that said let's jump straight into after effects and get started [Music] [Applause] all right guys so here we are in after effects and the first effect that i want to talk about is called radio waves so pretty quickly i'm going to create a new composition let's call this radio waves 1920 by 1080 30 fps and 10 seconds hit okay let's hit ctrl y to create a new solid call this bg for a background gonna hit okay and quickly i'm gonna add a fill on this by the way i'm using this fx console which is a free script from video copilot linked which is in the description below so you can use the script to easily search all the effects instead of going into effects and preset all right let's make it a nice yellowish color something like this and then let's create a new solid again so hit ctrl y call this waves or radio waves hit okay and let's add the radio waves effect so basically this effects creates these kind of waves you know pretty straightforward but you can do a lot of different things using this particular effect so i'm going to give you guys a basic overview of how to use this first of all let's change the color you know and just with that you get this really nice circle animation which you can use as a background but we have a various different properties like the render quality which is right now set to four you can increase this if you want to but i think four works pretty fine and there is not not a major difference when you increase this now in the wave type we get options like polygon image contours and mask i'm going to leave it at polygon but in the wave motion we can increase the frequency add some more circles or to add some more waves like that we can also change or you know bring up or down the expansion like that but the best part is that you can jump into this polygon section and then you can decrease the number of side we can go with the triangle or if i can set this to four we can go with a nice square or we can go with uh or if you want you can also add some nice curves to this like that and you can also bring up and down the curviness you can also turn this into a star if you want to but i'm going to leave it at this then we can increase the velocity so it's going to make it look like it's 3d which i think it's pretty cool but i'm going to leave it at zero i'm going to increase the spin and this is where things start to get a bit more interesting so now if i preview this you can see we get this cool wavy pattern we can obviously increase the frequency to get a bit more of a wavy pattern we can bring up the expansion or bring that down i can also add some orientation if i want to let's add a bit more of a spin to get a really nice look pretty awesome then in the stroke property you can add colors you can change the stroke profile from square to triangle or sawtooth in but i think square is fine for now we can increase the or bring down the opacity from here so let's increase the end width actually like so and you can see first it starts with a smaller stroke and as it goes to the end the width starts increasing i can also increase the start with if i want to and we bring down the opacity and then increase the fade out time so this is gonna give us a really cool look i think our shapes fade out as they expand so if i bring down the expansion you will be able to see it more properly bring that down and also i'm going to bring down the frequency something like that and now you can use this as a very nice background animation for your motion graphic project but this is just scratching the surface of this effect especially there is a tutorial from andrew kramer which shows how you can take this effect to the next level and it's pretty awesome i will mention the link in the description so you guys can go ahead and check it out so now let's take a look at the next effect and that effect is cc lens i'm gonna pretty quickly create a new composition all right let's add a text i'm gonna call this lens i'm gonna wig i'm gonna make this white color and let's add a simple animation of scale so let's go to one second hit s create a keyframe go back and scale this up like that all right let's select this let's go back and then bring this back so now we have a very simple animation right but now to make it more interesting what we can do is add a cc lens effect on this and boom we can play around with the size of this to get a really cool look we can play around with the conversions pretty awesome so i'm gonna play around with the size i think so i'm going to go right here and create a keyframe and go back and let's bring down the size like that so now we have something like this pretty awesome so i can actually hit u select the keyframes and hit f9 or right click keyframe assistant and he sees them and now if i preview this we get this really cool look maybe i'll make this a bit slower pretty awesome and one more effect you can add to this you know which goes along with the cc lens is the shift channel effect using which you can give some very nice rgb look so to use this i can simply pre-comb this so hit ctrl shift c to pre-compose it then i'm gonna add a shift channels effect turn off the green and the blue channel set this to full off hit f4 and change this to screen hit ctrl d to duplicate it select the second one turn off the red and turn on the green channel duplicate this one more time hit ctrl d select this turn off this one and turn on the blue channel then i'm going to move this one frame forward like that and now if i preview this we get this really nice rgb distortion which looks pretty cool and this takes us to our next effect which is the glow effect now whenever you're using glows in after effects the default glow specially always make sure to create a background layer so hit ctrl y or a background solid i mean and keep it black or whatever your background color is all right then let's create a new adjustment layer and call this glow so let's add a glow effect on this and most of the time people just increase the glow radius and you know play around with the threshold increase the glow intensity and leave it just right here but what you have to do is always try to create two type of glows one is going to be much more tighter glow so the radius is going to be very tight and increase the glow intensity duplicate this hit ctrl d and this is going to be a much more you know what we call this much more spread it out glow and you know this i think looks much better so you know this gives much more organic glows i think so this is a way that i would definitely recommend to try it out and also make sure to always work on 16 bits so hold alt and click on this and this is going to help us to get rid of any kind of color bendings but you can also use another cool effect that i'm going to talk about is called noise so i'm going to create a new adjustment layer and one pro tip that i would like to give here is whenever you're using noise effect always make sure to uncheck the noise type and clipping and then increase the noise amount i found out that this method or this way when you uncheck the use color and noise and the clip result values the noise is much more nice and subtle and it helps to get rid of the color bendings as well so if you want you can go really high but you know i always like to go at around three or four percent looks very nice and subtle and gives very nice glows as well as the noise pretty nice now let's take a look at the fifth effect and that is going to be the bevel alpha so i'm going to create a new composition called this bevel alpha select the text tool type in something like bevel let's align this into the center so for this particular effect i'll use a different font i'm going to use the billabong font i think it looks pretty cool and bring down the color to black now when i add bevel and alpha by the way this is just to demonstrate this effect you get this really nice highlight over your text you can increase the thickness if you want to you can change the light angle you can even animate this by the way and that would look pretty cool as well and then you can also change the color so keeping it a little bit of yellowish gives a feel of an actual light bulb you can bring down or up the intensity depending on the look that you want to go for so yeah like that and then if you want you can obviously add color to this text for example like this so this adds another level of detail to your text and add some nice depth so this is a very simple but a super useful effect whenever you want to create some nice title animations for your motion graphics project you can use this bevel alpha effect now the next effect that i want to talk about is called posterize time so here i have a very simple stroke animation on this i'm going to add the posterize time so first of all i'm going to select this layer and let's add posterize time what this effect does is it brings down or increases the frame rate of that particular animation so right now it's set to 24 if i bring that down to 10 and preview the animation it's gonna preview at 10 frames per second so this effect is super useful if you want to create kind of a stop-motion feel or a hand-drawn feel kind of look or maybe a 2d animated feel but with this effect there is another effect that that goes really well and enhances the complete look and that is the turbulence displace so you can use it like this if you want to i can increase the amount to 70 and bring down the size to 2 and now it looks much more like a hand-drawn you know stroke and it looks pretty cool i think overall pretty awesome and then i can simply copy this effect hit ctrl c and paste it on this one as well and this is just an example but you can add this effect on your motion graphics work and that is definitely gonna look super cool so have fun and play around and experiment with these two effects together the next effect that i want to talk about is called the cc star burst effect so here i have a simple background image and on this i'm going to add the cc star burst and this effect is going to convert my image into this star field or star burst but we can take this a lot more further for example i can increase the scatter or bring that down so if i bring that down you can see if i just set this to zero it has converted our image into this dotted more like a cc action ball wall action i think that's the effect so i can increase the grid spacing like that so you can see it has converted our image into the small dots and it's pretty awesome so i can add some scatter to this like that and create maybe a galaxy scene or something like that but i can also increase the size if i want to but what i like to do is combine this effect with another effect called echo now whenever you're combining these two effects make sure to just save your project because this is gonna get really heavy so i'm gonna increase the echo amount or echo count to 10 and let's set the echo time to minus zero point zero one and this is going to give us this nice strokes that you see now obviously i can increase the number of echoes but the more echoes you add the more heavy the scene is going to get also i'm going to increase the scatter amount so we get less particles like that and let's set the decay down like that and this is now looking like a particle field i guess pretty awesome so you can really combine these two effects and you know play around with it and create some very cool particle burst effect and you can also use this as a background for your maybe a space title sequence or something like that the next effect that i want to talk about is called cc scale wipe it's a pretty simple effect but one of the coolest effect especially if you like those glitchy style title animations you can use this effect so let's select the text layer that we have here and add cc scale wipe and now if i increase the stretch you can see is it stretches out our text like that but now because we have a bounding box for our text we need to fix this right we want our text to be stretchable throughout the complete composition so to do that i'm gonna use another effect called cc composite and place it above the scale wipe and now boom there we have this really cool look now let's change the direction to zero and let's keep it right over here and let's go ahead and animate this i'm gonna go right here and clear a keyframe on the center go at one second and bring that up like that so now if i preview this we have this really cool animation which is pretty cool i think but you can obviously change the direction increase the amount of stretch if you want to and it's going to be super stretchy so i like to keep it all the way up to 100 now we have this cool look and one more cool thing that you can do here is you can duplicate the scale wipe so hit ctrl d hit use so we can see the keyframes and let's go right here bring this one up go right here and then bring that down and then change the direction of this to 180 so now we have something like this pretty awesome and one more thing that you can do here is you can duplicate the scale or the text layer hit ctrl d pull this maybe one or two frames forward in time and then change the color of these decks so i can make this red or you know something like maybe a blue color and get this really dope look you can add more and more uh text layers so i can again duplicate this again pull them forward and let's change the color of this one so if i want i can make this black or i think i can make this a nice red and we have this really dynamic text reveal using this cool effect so there are a number of things that you can do i have a complete tutorial on which in which i have showed how to use scale wipe and create some very advanced looking animation i'll mention the link to that tutorial in the description below as well the next effect that i want to talk about is very very simple but very very useful and it's called the photo filter effect so whenever you're working with any images or videos that you want to color correct but you don't want to really spend more time into you know color grading you just want a basic theme over your images this effect can be perfect for that kind of scenario so all i have to do is go to effects and preset and search for photo filter and it's going to apply a color filter over your complete image so right now you can see the filter is set to warming filter 85 i can increase the intensity and we get a very nice warm look to our image and that is how you can add any kind of look that you want so if i want a cool look or cool filter i can add that i can bring down the density just like that and then we also get a preserved luminosity check box so if i turn that off it's gonna make our image a bit darker because it's not gonna preserve the luminosity that we have in our image and if i increase this our image is going to start getting really weird and dark but if i turn that on you can see it's going to preserve all the luminosity so it's very useful and if you want to create a specific kind of mood for your image or videos you can definitely try this effect out if you want you can you know manually jump into custom settings and add a specific color manually so if i want to add a nice brown theme a brown tone i can add that as well so you can see before and after pretty awesome now before we proceed further with this tutorial i just want to take a minute and talk about our today's sponsor ready mag ready mag is a design tool for creating amazing and unique websites you don't even have to download it it works right in your browser create standalone websites landing pages interactive editorials and many more from scratch or pick from a variety of highly customizable templates to speed up your workflow ready mag is a great tool for typography lovers because of its precision with which you can fine tune your text layout you also have access to 5000 plus free web fonts also you can turn project pages into templates so you can reuse them to speed up your workflow in future you can sign up to ready mac for totally free without the need of a credit card or you can choose a studio plan where you create as many projects as you want and map up to five domains to your account you can also invite up to five collaborators to work on a project jointly using the collaboration function so the first 50 people to use the promo code nikhil can try out studio plan for only 20 dollars to know more about ready mag check out the first link in the description below and finally now let's talk about the last effect that i want to show you guys and it's called the cc light burst so this effect works really cool if you have a background animated video or something for example here i have a nice background animated video on which i'm going to apply the cc burst effect or cc light burst effect so go into effects and presets search for cc light burst and boom we get a really cool look for our video and as you can see it's a bit heavy on the system but it's pretty awesome now you can change the center point of this effect so i can just select this effect and move the send point like that pretty nice but i always like to keep it in center like that you can increase or decrease the intensity the intensity is the basically the brightness of that effect so i always like to leave it at 100 but you can play around with the rail length so i can bring that down if i want to i can take this and reverse or i can really increase this and when i increase this and play this up so let's preview this we get this really cool look so this is before and this is after pretty awesome i think now there are three different presets in the burst mode of this effect so right now it's set to fade i can set this to straight so basically the lines are going to be straight no fading at the start and the end of the ray so if i bring the rail end down so you can see it more properly there is no faded look in the start or in the end if i set this to center now we get a faded look at the start of the line and the end of the line so this is pretty awesome i think and looks pretty cool so you can increase this really high and get a really nice look so these are the 10 cool effects that i would definitely recommend you guys to go ahead and check them out play around with this effects and create some really cool things so that is a wrap for today guys i hope you enjoyed this tutorial if you did make sure to like this video subscribe to the channel and press that bell icon so you always get notified whenever i post a new video with that said i will see you guys in the next video and before we end this video make sure to follow us on instagram at dope.motions all the links are in the description below if you're feeling generous please do support us on patreon and i will see you guys in the next video till then take care and always stay raw stay creative peace out [Music] you
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 93,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe after effects, after effects tutorial, after effects basics, effects in after effects, best effects in after effects, after effects best effects, after effects top effects, top 10 effects in after effects, 10 best effects in after effects, best adobe effects, easy after effects tutorial, dope motions, adobe after effects tutorial, after effects
Id: f80Aj131YJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2022
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