Fluid Gradient Animation in After Effects - After Effects Tutorial

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this after effects tutorial is sponsored by motionbear hey guys what's up i am nikhil from bloopmotions.com and in this after effects tutorial we will learn how to create this liquidy gradient animation or liquid gradient background instead of after effects that too without using any plugins so without any further ado let's jump into after effects and get [Music] started [Music] all right guys so here we are in after effects let's start by creating a new composition let's keep it at 1920 by 1080 that is full hd 30 fps and 10 sec is long let's call this com as render as our main render comp hit ok let's hit ctrl y to create a new solid which is going to be our background so i'm going to call this bg hit okay and now we can create a nice gradient background so to do that we will be using a four color gradient i can go into effects and preset and let's type in four and that should bring up the four color gradient let's double click to apply this now you can of course use any color that you want i have selected a few specific color codes that i want to use for this tutorial so i'm gonna just copy this and paste it i'll copy this one let's paste it on this one same for this one and finally a nice blue all right now we can animate them so we can easily drag this handles and you know drag it wherever that we want to so i'm going to place it some somewhere like this you know and let's create keyframe on the point one point two point three and point four go all the way up to 10 seconds i'm going to drag this one right here maybe drag this one into the center and you can basically do this very randomly i'm just going to move them just in order to create a random movement you know into the colors so that is looking pretty good and that's all we need to do on this particular layer now let's right click create a new adjustment layer and and all the design and animation are going to be created on this new adjustment layer so i'm going to call this um let's call it something like um i don't know movements all right so i'm going to select this layer and i will i will be using a very cool effect called cc smear so i can double click to apply that up and let's drag this point maybe right over here and this one right over here all right let's increase the radius all the way up to 1000 and we get quite a weird look but it's fine we will fix it as we move forward with this so let's create a keyframe on the from n2 of this cc smear go all the way up to 10 seconds and maybe i'll move this one something like there and this one something like this so basically we have a very simple movement all right let's duplicate this so i'm going to hit ctrl d so now we have smear 2 and i'm going to drag this one right here and this one actually right over here all right i'm going to hit u so we can see the keyframe so smear 2 i can remove the default keyframes and create a new ones go all the way up to 10 seconds and let's move this one down maybe somewhere around there and also i'll drag this one a bit closer something like this all right so we have a pretty weird movement right so now in order to fix the frame i will use motion tile so i'll go into effects and preset type in motion tile let's double click to apply this and make sure that this effect is on the top of the effects rack just like so let's let's increase the output width to around 200 and increase the output height by around 500 and then make sure you turn on or check this icon that says mirror edges and boom there we have a really nice look so it's looking pretty cool and then i will add an effect called turbulence displace so let's add turbulence displacement again we need to make sure that this effect is on the top of the cc smear effect all right then change the displacement from turbulent to vertical displacement and let's increase the amount to around 300 and increase the size to around 150 as you can see right off the bat it started to look really really nice and liquidy and one more thing that i can do is actually increase the complexity all the way up to 10 and this will help us to achieve this really nice lines but if you don't want that you can even keep the complexity down to around three and you know get a very liquidy kind of a gradient which looks cool in itself but i like to go with 10 i personally like this look all right so this is looking pretty great i think now one more thing that you can do is play around with the evolution that will help us to achieve uh you know pretty nice uh movement into the gradient so i can add a very simple expression here i can hold alt and click on the stopwatch of the evolution let's add a simple expression called time times maybe something like 50 so that it adds a continuous movement into those gradients it's looking pretty nice now before you proceed further with this tutorial i want to thank today's sponsor motion bear motion bear is an elite video hype author with over 12 000 plus sales and they have created this amazing transitions and titles pack for after effects called pluto you can easily edit the speed of any transition it also works with any fps this pack contains over 1 000 drag and drop transitions and more than 760 titles and other animated elements with all the sound effects included this pack can support any screen resolution up to 4k and it's super easy to use [Music] for more information check out the link in the description below and finally i will add a really nice glow on this so i can go into effects and presets type in glow double click let's increase the threshold to around 90 percent and let's increase the glow radius just like so all right and then bring down the intensity to around 0.3 or 0.4 should be fine so you can see before and after it's quite optional you know so but i think it looks pretty good and gives that nice dreamy look to the complete design and if you want then now you can use it in number of different ways you can also add some noise or you can just simply type in a text that you want so i can type it on like gradients and just use it as a nice gradient background and i i personally think it looks super cool i can bring down the size maybe so you know you can add a really nice title revealing animation and it looks super duper cool so that is a wrap for today guys i hope you enjoyed this tutorial on how to create some fluid gradients inside of after effects that too without using any plugins if you enjoyed this make sure to hit that like button and do let me know in the comment section below and i will see you guys in the next video till then take care and always stay raw stay creative by the way you can also follow me on instagram at dope.motions i have mentioned all the links in the description below
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 56,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects tutorial, after effects, gradient background after effects, animated gradients, moving gradients after effects, smooth gradients after effects, after effects gradient tutorial, after effects gradients, smooth color after effects, animated gradient sin after effects, gradient animation background, dope motions
Id: Mpbn-Zx2aWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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