How to Make Beautiful Animations in After Effects | Beginner to Pro

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hey guys welcome back to the new video and today I want to show you how you can make a beautiful animation in the after effects with a smooth transition so make tea or coffee and we will start all right guys this what we are going to do today of course with sound effects it will look much better but if you ask me in the comments I will definitely shoot a video of how I make sound effects so in this animation we can see two spheres and the window in the center in which you can adapt for yourself and place your own content there then it smoothly transition to animation number two where we simply have houses so let's go to the after effects program and get started so okay guys we are already in the after effects and first of all we need to create two spheres for our background um I will make it with the circle tool I making the perfect circle I mean ellipse tool I'm sorry and for our spheres we need to adjust just the linear gradient like I'm doing here uh I don't know guys why you can see my gradients window like now I'm already in the gradient window so I just want to add the white color in the end so you will now definitely see it so guys also don't forget to make the Anchor Point to the center and uh you can do it with the mo tools plugin it's absolutely for free or you can do it by yourself I highly recommend you to use snapping so you can paste it at the center uh much more easier so guys The Next Step I just duplicating our sphere and I guess I will flip it horizontally and maybe rotate it a bit all right guys The Next Step I'm going to make the rotation for our sphere for that I'm just using our key frames and make it easy e uh you can adjust it by yourself to make it looks good perfect it's up to you so I decided to make it like this but I think I will make it better a bit further all right guys the next step we are going to create our window using the rectangle tool um it's nothing too hard you just need to adjust your gradients I'm using the lineer gradient you can see my colors purple uh dark color uh black and uh White at the edges so also don't forget to make it round uh so you can just uh open the properties and uh increase your roundness of your shape shape all right guys uh the next step we are are creating like a panel tool or something like that maybe dashboard uh so I also adjust my gradience here and we will need to put it inside our main window so for that I'm copying my window uh what we created before uh you will see it now uh so you just need to duplicate it and use your panel tool or you can name it how you want uh so you just need to track met use the track met button uh and use it on your main screen so it will put it inside of our main uh window I hope you guys understand me uh that's nothing too hard just just try to feel me uh then guys the next our task is to create the mirror it will looks like a mirror so so just repeat after me uh we need to create the rectangle one more time make it round so increase the roundness for it uh also make it feel just white and guys have a look you will need to uh click on the button with adjustment layer so guys now it like it disappears uh then we need just to uh use our blur basically I use fastbox blur and increase our blure yeah I just increased it and uh also I guess I will make a seene border for it so I just need to create the stroke I will create the stroke for it uh for that I duplicated my mirror deleted the blur so I removed the blur and removed um adjustment layer so I just want to make it above and uh create the stroke for it also nothing too hard so guys and I just want to make this divide the divided stroke something like this so guys now we have our glass morphism effect it looks so cool I'm happy with that and the next I want to make this lines uh on our glass morphism and also we need to create some rectangles uh in the our right side of our uh window so guys also why you can see it so fast I just want to uh show you the main principles for this animation and not take your time uh too much so I hope you understand me uh here you just need to uh make your gradients uh in your fi uh by the way maybe you will uh decide to put there your uh animations for example or you can do it not uh horizontally you can make these rectangles vertically so you can also put inside your own animations here or you can just uh add the text or something like that I'm just showing you the principle as I said of this composition so you can just um repeat and if you will have some questions I will answer you in the comments or you can ask me in Instagram I will also leave the link for it below so guys also we will need to uh prompose all our um layers and shapes uh which is connected to our main window so we will leave outside the composition our spheres so guys you will need to adjust your scale for this main window uh I decided to put it from zero to 100% so you can do it as me and also we will need to create the 3d effect uh for all these icons all right guys the next our task is to create an denal object uh make all our shapes and layers uh in the 3D and Link it all to the null uh so guys after that we just need to like change the position of our Windows to make this fly effect for it and also I will make it a bit rough so as you can see and also I'm using the motion tool to make it looks like this as you can see now on your on your screen I'm sorry uh you can do it by yourself adjust these key frames to make a sequence so guys uh now as you can see we have rotating our main window and our small Windows also going to the top so I like it and it looks really cool so guys now I want to show you how you can paste your image or video in your windows so for that we need to uh adjust our size first of all and uh guys I need to find this window what I'm trying to push to paste it in uh I made the promost but it is not necessary uh for that guys you just need to uh paste it above and as you can see here I'm just using the track mat and all you need just to paste your image at the bottom uh to make the stroke above and you will have this perfect animation with your video inside or your uh pictures so it will it will be cool and it's pretty easy uh so guys now we are creating the second composition uh we just need to use our rect angle tool uh create like a square or just a rectangle uh guys we need to use the fill uh black color and we will use the mask for it so I'm using my fan tool you can just guys repeat after me oh you actually can use uh like a circle here to create the mask for it and now guys you just need to click the right button on your effect controls here uh you actually cannot see it unfortunately uh but you can just click a right button uh generate and use field so now we can see this F uh we need to use our color so I decided to use purple one and uh we will uh just make a bit I will adjust I mean the size for it and increase the fether you can adjust it guys by yourself uh because I guess I will adjust it uh as well a little bit later uh all right guys uh the next step I want to create new rectangle uh and the top uh so also make the feel black and use the uh purple mask as we created uh before uh so guys now I want to edit our pass mask pass I mean so try to understand me I want to make uh the beginning of our transition to make this appearing effect so I want to make it from the bottom to the top you will see it now what I mean because it's hard to describe it I'm sorry so guys now you can see my graph editor so my key frames uh isy e and you can do it like me it will have a good effect for our transition so uh I'm also doing with the second Shadow uh the same appearing so I'm editing the pass for it okay guys the next our step we need to create a building so for this we need to use uh just the rectangle uh I will make some windows inside uh but before that we need to adjust our gradients as well so you can just repeat after me to make it uh looks similar or you can try to adjust it by yourself uh so guys the next we will need to uh draw some windows here and after we will have our uh like a building we need to also guys I'm drawing all this windows in my rectangle uh it's the same shape layer uh so I will not need toess compost it or link it to all my shape layer to uh one of them I just creating it all in my first shape layer so I hope you understand me uh and guys the next step we will need to duplicate it and uh use 3D for it click on uh our Cube to make it looks like a 3D and we will need to adjust the position for it so guys here uh once you duplicate it you need to adjust your Anchor Point to the right side uh I using the motion tool plugin but you can do it uh by yourself uh I also recommend you to use snapping for it uh and as you can see I changed my y rotation and make it looks like this so it now as for me uh it looks perfect so guys The Next Step I want to make the appearing uh of this building from the bottom to the top so I'm making the rectangle tool one more time make the feel black and uh trying to uh set this rectangle at the top uh and our building will will be at the bottom so it will appears from the ground so it will have a look like it appears from the ground uh as you can see on my screen right now so guys I moved a bit forward um so the next step is pretty easy you just need to precompose uh your second animation and paste it um to your first animation uh to the ending of it so you will see how it looks like uh also guys if you will have some May be issues you can ask me in the comments I will help you uh you can also direct message me in Instagram uh I will answer you there so uh if you don't know something because this animation I try to show really fast don't take your time so much um because this video could be uh maybe half an hour or even more so I really guys hope you like this video um you can add here a lot of different stuff like another building or maybe a man with a dog near the building I don't know or other buildings that appears or you can just try to repeat the composition I made uh as you saw at the beginning also guys if you want to know something from the beginning uh preview what I made uh because there are additional some effects uh you can also ask me if you don't know something I will show you uh or maybe just tell you the name of this effects what I used and guys I hope I really helped you with this video I just want to make some value for you and uh guys don't forget please to subscribe and like this video if you have some problems or questions you can also ask me in the comments as I said uh so I will also link the project file below so guys I love you really so much thank you and goodbye
Channel: KuryshkoMotion
Views: 4,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yiS3-QoN0YE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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