👍Top 10 BEST Effects in After Effects - After Effects Tutorial

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this after effects tutorial is sponsored by 0.5 hey everyone what's up i am nikhil from dopemotions.com and welcome back to this brand new after effects tutorial in today's video i'm going to share with you 10 super useful effects inside of after effects and we will also see how to use them and create some really interesting looking looks and animation so with that said let's jump straight into our true effects and get started [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys so here we are in after effects and the first effect that i want to talk about is called shift channels so here i have a very simple animation of a shape and some text animating and now i want to add a nice rgb effect on this so shift channel exactly helps us to do that so to use this effect i'm going to select the layer go into effects and preset and search for shift channels apply this now i'm going to turn the green and the blue channel to full off just keeping on the red channel and change the blending mode of this to screen then duplicate this hit ctrl d select the second layer turn off the red and turn on the green channel duplicate this one more time select this turn off the green channel and turn on the blue channel all right nothing happens but now if i displace the layers by just one frame you can see we have this very nice and you know dynamic looking rgb effect which makes the complete animation look even more cooler and that really high-tech vibe to any kind of animation basically this is a very simple example but you can add this technique on various complex animation and i have already shared this technique in number of different tutorials so it's super useful the next effect that i have for you is called the stroke effect so here i have a simple text layer so what i want to do is first of all select the layer right click and go into create create mask from text all right go into effects and preset and search for stroke which is an inbuilt effect in after effects double click to apply that and now i'm going to click on the small button that says alt mask so turn that on and let's set the paint style to on transparent and boom here we have some nice strokes on our text now you can play around with the brush size you can keep it the way you want you can even change the color so let's see if i want to pick a really nice color i can do that i can adjust the brush hardness opacity and start offset so we can create a really nice and simple animation so let's go at the very start create a keyframe on the end property i'll go somewhere around there set this to hundred and boom there we have a very nice and simple write-on effect which can be super useful and you can even take this one step forward so let me show you how to do that so what i'm going to do is go right over here maybe okay create a keyframe on the start property i'm going to hit u let's go right over here and set this to 100 so now we have something like this all right let's duplicate this hit ctrl d and then i'm going to move this layer a bit forward in time let's select this and i'm going to make this white or let's go with the blue color so now we have two different write-on effects which looks pretty cool let's duplicate this one more time hit ctrl d and then i'm going to pull this forward in time and set this to white and get rid of hit u and get rid of these start animation and now if i preview this you can see we have this very cool right on effect using some very sim using a very simple stroke effect super super easy and cool the next effect that i have for you is called the echo effect which is one of the most popular effect inside of after effects so here i have a very simple animation of tracing and scale animated on this i'm going to select the text layer go into effects and preset and search for echo effect double click to apply that and right off the bat you can see we get this kind of an echo look so we can increase the number of echoes so i can go really high so let's set this to something like 40 i can bring down the echo time so let's set this to minus 0.01 so i'm going to bring down the dk and this is going to give us a very nice look as you can see let's set this to somewhere around 0.9 or something and now if i preview this you can see we get this very nice trail effect and i think it looks super cool it completely depends on the type of animation that you have the more complex animation you have the more cool it's gonna look so yeah i think it is looking pretty dope and this is a very amazing effect and you can use it on number of different scenarios now before i proceed further with this tutorial i just want to take a minute and talk about today's sponsor 0.5 on 5 is the world's largest stock video marketplace with over 30 million clips to choose from this includes the highest standard of royalty free premium video clips which are available to use straight away in your projects in addition to videos pond5 also has a huge selection of music sound 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one a nice blue and this one a nice purple all right now in itself it's a pretty cool effect but to make it look even more cooler you can add some nice glow to this so i can go into effects and preset search for glow double click to apply that and make sure to hold alt and switch to 32 bits per channel this is gonna help us get some very nice and deep close and increase the radius the way i want and bring down the glow intensity just to make it look right and bring that down a little bit this is just a basic example of how you can use this four color gradient you can use this in number of different scenarios so it can be a really cool combination of four color gradient and some nice glows the next effect that i have for you is the drop shadow but i don't really prefer using the drop shadow effect that we get in the effects and preset panel rather i like to right click the layer go into layer styles and use this drop shadow instead now you may ask what is the difference so let's also add the drop shadow from the effects and preset panel all right and now if i see the properties you can see we have more much more values here i'm going to reset this now you can see we have many different values here to control the drop shadow in compare with the drop shadow effect that we get so i'm going to delete that and the main value that i care about here is the noise because what this does is it helps us to add a noise to the shadow and it looks super cool so let's pick the background color itself let's increase the opacity all the way up to 100 and also increase the distance and then increase the size so as i increase the size and also let's you know change the color of this just let's just pick whip from the background so you can see the drop shadow more properly you can see we get this very subtle noise which looks you know personally i like this kind of look and sometime it can be your kind of style that you want to go with for your animation or if you want to keep it very subtle just to avoid the color bendings or compression then you can keep it at five percent and you know overall i think it looks pretty damn cool i can let's um increase the angle you know get a really cool look i think pretty nice always always use the layer styles drop shadow not the default one and not the and not the one from the effects panel the next effect that i have for you is called optics compensation so let's say i have animation here on this effect i'm gonna apply the optics compensation and this effect helps us to achieve this kind of distortion on the edges which makes the complete look even more interesting so if i preview this you can see we can also animate this to get this it's very useful effect when you are creating something uh that you know kind of a vr look you can even reverse this and get kind of an old tv style look which is pretty cool it can also be a helmet of a space guy i don't know you know the possibilities are quite endless here and you can even play around with this setting that is a view center and get a really interesting look pretty cool effect and definitely should give it a try the next effect that i have for you is called the displacement map effect now if i directly apply this effect on any layer so let's say i have a text here i'm going to add a displacement uh map it's not gonna do much you know it's gonna be very weird and probably not usable but if you create a map for this effect it can look super cool so let's go ahead and create a new composition i'm going to call this map and let's hit ctrl y to create a new solid hit okay and on this i will be using another effect called fractal noise which is a very very awesome effect and using this effect you can create a number of different things so let's set this to block for now and bring down the complexity like that let's increase the contrast a little bit going to transform unlink this and i'm going to just make it look a bit more complex like so all right and now if i go back right here let's drag the map composition in hide that and in the displacement effect select the map and now if i displace this you can see we get this cool glitchy look and it looks super cool basically so i can really animate this you know i can even duplicate this so hit ctrl d to duplicate it i can change the position of this you know and what i can do here is create keyframes on this hit u so we can see only the keyframes go to around one second and set them back to zero and let's see what we get select the keyframes and let's add a simple animation and boom just using the simple technique you can create the school in complex displacement and you can anytime jump into the map change the way it looks i can maybe make this longer like that you know it's gonna look super duper cool so you can create many different glitch effects using this particular technique the next effect that i have for you is a pretty simple one so you're gonna have a simple paper texture and on this i want to add a nice grid effect so to do that i can hit ctrl y to create a new solid and then on this i'm going to add the grid effect double click to apply that okay let's make this black and then i'm going to switch the size from to with slider let's increase this like so you can play around with the border size you know keep it very intense or keep it very light like around two should be fine and then i will and then what i like to do is hit ctrl shift c to precompose it hit ok and on this i'm going to use the displacement map effect again and this time i'm going to select the paper texture and let's increase the displacement a bit like so and hit t to bring down the opacity like that and now we have a very nice textured grid and you know it can be a really interesting background you can play around with different uh stuff like i can go here i can invert the grid and let's see what we get with this you know pretty weird stuff but it can be super super useful the next effect that i have for you is called turbulence displays but i like to use this effect with a very interesting effect called venetian blinds i used to use this effect a lot when i was learning after effects this is a very cool effect so i can create a you know design like that let's increase this then then search for turbulence displace let's hit double click to apply that and you can get some really interesting look you can also animate the evolution or you can what you can do is let's set this to somewhere around like that increase the complexity really high like this and you know just play around with stuff so i can increase this and get a really weird kind of a texture which can look cool in some cases it's all about playing around with this effect and you know trying to come up with a different look really cool kind of a breaststroke effect which looks pretty cool so this is just a simple example of how you can combine these two effects and you know play around with this and come up with some really cool animation you can even create these kind of transition by the way which is really nice you know for one to the second scene pretty cool and finally the last effect that i have for you is called the wave warp and this is again a pretty cool effect and if i apply this on a text and increase the wave width i can also change the direction and now if i preview this you can see we get a really nice wavy text which looks pretty awesome right and now you may get some jittery edges so to fix this obviously you can change this to high but what one more thing that you can do here is create a new adjustment layer go into effects and preset search for fast blur fast box blur set the iteration to 1 and increase the blur radius to somewhere around 50 and then hit t and bring down the opacity to around 12 or 15 should be good and this is going to help us to fix all the jittery edges you can play around with opacity depending on the look that you want but around 10 to 15 seems to be a very good number and you can obviously play around with a number of different things so you can change the wave type from you know sine to square get a really different look and you know play around with this and obviously have fun with this particular effect because it's super cool and you can create some very very nice animations using this so that is a wrap for today guys i hope you enjoyed this tutorial if you did make sure to hit that like button subscribe to the channel and press that bell icon so you always get notified whenever i post a new video you can also follow me on instagram dope.motion and if you're feeling generous please do support us on patreon all the links are in the description below with that said i will see you guys in the next video till then take care and always stay raw stay creative peace out [Music]
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 333,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe after effects, after effects tutorial, after effects basics, effects in after effects, best effects in after effects, after effects best effects, after effects top effects, top 10 effects in after effects, 10 best effects in after effects, best adobe effects, easy after effects tutorial, dope motions, adobe after effects tutorial, after effects
Id: 8-9_OY7I5gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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