Create 03 PRO Typography Animation in After Effects - Full Tutorial

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you are just a few steps away from becoming an After Effects Pro hey everyone I am nikil from dope motions and in this after effects tutorial I'm going to show you how to create three unique typography animation inside of After Effects step by step from scratch even if you are new to After Effects you will easily be able to follow this video and create your own typography animation by the end of this tutorial so without any further Ado let's jump straight into after effects and get started bring [Applause] [Music] all right guys so here we are in After Effects now before we start today's video I want you guys to download a free script or a free extension called animation composer it is from Mr horse link to which is in the description and it is completely free so once you download and install it make sure to relaunch After Effects go into windows and there you'll find the animation composer Anchor Point mover which is script and again the animation composer key frame wingman these scripts will help us move very quickly with our animations and you know tweak our key frames in just a click so make sure you use them it's absolutely free and it's good to add on this script to your workflow so once you do that you can see we have the key frame wingman right over here and the Anchor Point mover right here let's start by by creating a new composition I'm going to go with 2560 by 1440 you can go with 4K or full HD if you want to let's call this render as our main render composition let's call this render1 because this is going to be our first animation first typography animation frame rate is set to 30 FPS and duration is set to 10 seconds press okay then let's create another new composition this is going to be our text placeholder so let's call this textor 01 with the same properties press okay select the text tool and type in whatever text that you want for the font I'm using Clash grosch again this is a free font and link to everything is in the description so I'm going to type in Break The Rules you can of course type in anything that you want let's adjust the size and everything going into paragraph alignment let's left align this or actually I'm going to just type in first line that is break and I'm going to you know set the Anchor Point into the center then go right right here in the alignment and align this into the center as well if you don't see this align tab you can go into windows and they'll find it on the top which is out of the screen right now I'll set this to semi bold that looks good and let's adjust the cing a little bit okay so that is fine let's press contr K to bring up the composition properties and let's adjust the height so I'll set this to around 250 I think that should be fine yep that looks perfect actually and let's animate our text so I'm going to go right here at 1 second select the text layer press P to bring down the position property create a key frame go back and bring that down and now select the key frame you can press F9 to easy ease them but if you have the key frame wingman script you can easily tweak the key frame from right over here I'll set this to 95 and now we have a much more interesting animation now in order to do that manually you can select the key frames going to the graph editor select the edit speed graph and tweak it manually which will take you a lot of time when you have to do the same animation or multiple different layers so the easy way is to select the key frame and click on this small button and there you go there we have applied the animation which looks very very cool then at 1 second I also want to add a secondary scaling animation so what I'm going to do is Select this press s to bring down the scale properties create a key frame go to 2 seconds and let's set this to 90 okay select the key frame and apply the same curve so now we have something like this and the secondary animation as well looking pretty good let's go back to our main render one composition and let's drop in the text one so here we have the text I'm going to place it right over here let's duplicate this press control D I'll press contrl K and rename this to text 1.1 and type in our second text that is the rules there we go and let's drop it and position it right over here so here we have our text so now if I preview this we have this really nice looking text we can displace them by probably around five frames should be fine so now we have a little bit delay in the second text animation and it is looking very nice actually pretty cool now let's add that nice gradient shape so to do that I'll select the shap layer tool and let's go with a rectangle tool I think that would look pretty cool or let's go with the star tool now when we drag click and drag using the star tool you you may see Star so if you click the up Arrow it will increase the corners if you click the down arrow it will decrease the corners so now we have a nice triangle we don't need the fill so I'm going to set the fill To None we only need the stroke so I'm going to increase the stroke size to around let's say 250 should be fine let's make it a big triangle like so and maybe we can place it somewhere around there should be fine I think let's call this shape then I'll go to effects and presets so let's go into windows and search for effects and presets search for ramp let's add a gradient ramp I'll place it somewhere around here I think and one right here for this one I'll go with a nice blue tone and for this one I'll go with a nice dark purple that will look really nice I think yeah now let's go ahead and animate this so I'll go to around one second select the shape press P to bring down down the position create a key frame press R to bring down the rotation create a key frame and then press U so we can see both the key frames go back and let's drag this out of the frame and let's give it a little bit of rotation be something like that so now we have something like so let's select the key frames and apply the same animation so now we have like this I think I will move this out of the frame a little bit more and let's increase the timing to around 1 second and 15 15 frames so now we have something like this pretty cool I want the shape to appear from behind the text I'll put it at the bottom and also I'm going to turn on motion blur for this so make sure to go ahead and turn on motion blur and then press control K this is very important going to the advanced properties and increase the shutter angle to 180 and the samples per frame to 32 it should be at 8 by default but putting it at 8 will give you this kind of color bendings in the motion blur so make sure you set it at 32 or 16 if you prefer that but 32 works pretty well now to add some depth into the scene I'll select the shape press control shift C to precompose it and let's call the shape press okay select the rectangle tool and this time I'm going to create a mask like so and press F to bring up the feather properties and let's feather this up we can also play around a little bit with the mask expansion so something like that and let's set this feather to around 450 okay so that looks much better and this adds a nice depth into the overall scene I think pretty cool I will also add a secondary animation which I forgot my bad so I'll go right here maybe at 1 second and let's go into effects and preset search for transform effect double click to apply that create a key frame on the position press U so we can see it go to around 2 seconds and let's move this right here a little bit and add the same exact curve so now maybe I can just drag this and place it right here I'll set it to 3 seconds a little bit more so now we have yeah something like this let's see what we have looking pretty good we can also add a nice description to make it feel a bit more professional so to do that we can simply select a text tool and let's click and drag to create a bounding boxes for our text and then you can type in whatever text that you want so I'm just going to copy paste some text that I have let's make this smaller there we go set this to regular I think and let's increase the spacing okay so this is some random text but you can of course use any text that you like and to animate this description we will be using a very simple technique let's go into animate and click on position let's also add a property of opacity let's make some room right here and I'll go to around 1 second set the position down to let's say some around 80 should be fine then go into the range selector set the offset to 100 create a key frame go back and set this to minus 100 go into advanced properties and set this from characters to lines and let's set this to ramp up so now if I preview this we should have a very nice description but we also need to bring down the opacity to zero and increase the ease low all the way up to 100 so now when we preview this we have this really interesting typography slide and animation so there we have our first scene let's go ahead and create our second scene so I'll start by duplicating this so now we have render to Let's jump into this we can delete everything actually and then what we can do is first of all I'm going to add an image so now let's start by creating a new composition call this mediacore 01 press okay and drag the image that you have or that you want let's close all these compositions so we don't get confused so here we have the render two and now I'll um create a new solid press control y to create a new solid called this PG for background press okay and we can copy the same gradient from this particular shape so I'll jump into the shape let's go into fix and presets copy this gradient ramp and paste it right here we can adjust the ramp however we want so maybe I can keep it somewhere on there is fine actually and you can of course play around a little bit more with the colors okay let's go to one second select this press s to bring down the scale property create a key frame go back and set this to zero select it and apply the same curve so now we have this then let's also duplicate our text so I'll call this or I'll type in control D so now we have text two and let's change the text to something like reinvent we can align this into the center using the paragraph alignment tool but that will also mess up our animation of the position so what we can do is Select them let's align this into the center actually go here and align this here as well okay there you go and there you should go okay so that is much better also actually I should first have aligned it by using the paragraph then go here align the Anchor Point and then align the composition so now we have something like this pretty good let's add the text to so now we have a revealing text pretty cool and with the secondary animation I want to add our nice image in the background so to do that first of all I'll go right here and create a ellipse select an ellipse set the stroke to zero we need a fill whichever color that you like you can take it and let's Create A Perfect Circle holding control and shift at the same time and I can place the circle maybe something like that should be fine or I can increase the size a bit more so something like that would be fine I think so this is going to be the mask so call this mask put it at the back and let's drag in the media composition let's place it right here and select it set the track mat to the mask so now we have something like that okay let's go to 2 seconds select the mask press P to bring down the position and press s to bring down the scale property hit U so we can see it go to 1 second and bring down the scale to somewhere around maybe 40 should be fine and Position will be out of the frame so now we have something like like that okay that is fine with this I will also animate the media so press s to bring down the scale property create a key frame drag it here and set this to 200 so now I will select all the key frames and click on this so now what we have is this really nice and Sleek animation so this is how you can add media to your scene to your typography scene and make it look a bit more interesting and looks very professional when you even use a video that would make it look even more better I think so that is how you can create this particular animation now let's jump on to our third and my favorite slide so I'll create a new composition or I can just duplicate this press contrl D so now we have render three and just to be a bit more organized I can just drag everything here and I'll call this assets and comps let's go right here we can delete this also yes one more thing to finalize add that Final Touch we can add a nice description and place it maybe right here at 1 second so now we have a description as well just it makes it look more professional I think and yeah instead of shape you can also use a different alphabet so let me just quickly show that to you as well so let's say if I type in any alphabet so let's say s I'll select The grosch Bold and make it really big let's increase the scaling and I'll place it maybe somewhere around here okay then select it press U so we can see the key frames go right here and animate the scaling and the position press U so for the scaling we can bring that down for the position I can maybe bring that right here so now we have something like this for scaling I'll go to around 100 and apply the same curve from Key frame wingman actually instead of s let's go with an R because it will resonate more with the relevant reinvent sorry let me place it somewhere around here okay and then change this media from Mass to R so now we have this pretty cool right and the best part is that because it is an alphabet you can anytime change it to something different like we can go back to S and you know actually s looks much better I think to be honest so yeah something like this pretty cool so yeah you can experiment with this particular technique so let's jump on to our third animation so what I'm going to do is select the text tool and actually not select the text tool but duplicate our text so now we have text three let's call this typo drag it in and I'll scale this down a little maybe I'll scale it later on let's uh see this so we have the animation and with the scaling I also want to add a circle right here so we can double click to add an ellipse go right here and hold alt and double click on this link tool that will make it a perfect Circle increase the size and make it black and let's call this shape okay we can turn on transparency so we can see what's happening and I'm going to select both of these layers press s to bring down the scale property create a key frame go to 2 seconds and 15 frames and scale this down so first of all I'll scale down the typography and then scale down the circle to somewhere around here then select it apply the animation so now we have something like this pretty cool and now I also want to add a typography background in order to make it look even more cooler so to do that what we can do is um let's actually duplicate another text called this background text okay and let's type in something like typography and make it a bold okay so that is fine and we don't need any animation on this particular text so we can get rid of that we just need this let's um create let's bring that out actually let's create another new composition this is going to be our background um animation for the height I'll set this to 2560 and let's add the background text right here place it at the top we can actually align this right okay select it go into effects and presets and add the transform effect let's animate the position go back go at the very start and I'll place it somewhere around here go at 10 seconds and let's drag this like so so we have very nice and subtle movement I think it should be a bit more okay select it press control D to duplicate it and I'll pull this down and press u i can select the key frames right click going to key frame assistant and time reverse key Fram so we have a reverse animation as you can see pretty cool then all I have to do is keep on duplicating it press contr D bring that down bring this down press controll D bring that down bring this down and one more time so that should be fine I think okay so we have something like this let's go back into our main render three composition and drag the background animation Right Here Also let's press control y to create a new solid called this BG with black color so we don't have any transparency select it and let's turn on the collapse transformation rotate by 45° and scale this up by around maybe 150 should be fine yep so now we have something like this pretty cool and then finally I can add the gradient ramp so I'll go right here copy this and um paste it on the background animation so we have this nice gradient also if you want you can go right here and switch the text to stroke and set the stroke to around four pixels should be fine so now we have a really interesting animation and really interesting typography animation so make sure you play around with this particular technique you can add a different text different font would also look good or you can also add a drop shadow to make it a bit more interesting so let's say I'll select the shape go into effect and preset search for drop shadow double click set this to a nice uh bluish purple tone and now we have something like that let's play around a little bit with the darkness I want it to be very subtle not too bright or harsh so yeah in case if you like that you can use it so it looks much more interesting but I think it looks much better the flat profile looks much better I think so there we have our third typography slide animation
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 12,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: typography, after effects text, text animation, text animation after effects, title animation, title animation after effects, cinematic title after effects, after effects tutorials, after effects text animation, after effects tutorial for beginners, dope motions, dope motions after effects, dope motions tutorials, text animation tutorial, motion graphics
Id: fMk-pkRa2is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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