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with my mac and cheese all right ladies and jim today we have a mission a mission to survive and not die this mission has been built by two eleven year old kids yes this map has been made by two eleven year old kids that's Oh wonderful that doesn't mean the maps gonna be bad it's probably gonna be actually pretty good eleven year old kids have a beautiful mind when I was eleven years old I had a broken arm I think yeah yeah anyways anyways welcome back to another video hopefully you guys are having a wonderful day today we're playing this map called welcome to how will your how you will die how will you die how you will die how will you how will how how will you guys hit the like button on this video so read the rules behind you starts so these are the map creators this map is made by two eleven year old kids is our first map so I hope it's good so here are the rules Google is allowed if you're stuck I love that rule single-player only rule number three make sure you die wonderful number four stay in Adventure mode unless it changes your mode for you number five have fun dying okay so beautiful rules didn't really tell me much but I love it okay so let's go ahead and let's just get started welcome to level one think think think think think think think there's a button oh is that was that level one now that was another one that was it now push love a lot oh you guys can already tell this is gonna be an absolutely wonderful map okay so this is level two so we got oh yes yeah I know what this one's gonna be okay can be placed on cobblestone glowstone and obsidian okay so basically what we're gonna do is we're gonna build up a massive Tower and then we're gonna take fall damage so this is a clot oh we goofed hold on we goofed oh I'm gonna have to break one of these oh no no no no no no no wait I can't break one of these oh wait no how can I reset the level ah wait wait I can still make it work though hang on I can still make it work Oh I can just hear I can just do this yeah I can just make it all the way up here and then I can just hop off like that oh yes no work so still worse that's not bad 30 years later yep this is me 30 years later just slowly slowly just working my way up and yeah this is a wonderful yeah yeah yeah is it up now the next one's gonna be the killer here we go and a three and a two and a bingo no no okay maybe three two one and bingo all right I win welcome to level three I love houses welcome on everything it's just like welcome welcome welcome welcome to level three okay so can break and ville can be placed on obsidian okay so this one's pretty self-explanatory we're just gonna drop anvils on our heads this is a beautiful way to die pretty classic one if you ask me yeah not typical game was squashed by falling anvil welcome to level four make three potions of harmik three well thanks for telling me now I'm gonna look it up on Google cuz I don't know how to do that but hey that's not cheating cuz it said on the rules if you're stuck looking up on Google and I am indeed stuck just a little bit minecraft harming to potion crafting recipe and minecraft 1.5.2 alright so I got the order this is the order that they go in so basically he gave me all the ingredients I think it would have been a little bit harder if the map creator's like gave me all the potion ingredients and I had to figure out how to make a harming potion but they actually gave me all the ingredients I just had to figure out what order they go in so first it goes nether wart then it goes spider I then fermented spider I then glowstone the nether wart makes an awkward potion the spider I then turns it into a potion of poison and then the fermented spider I turns it into a potion of harming and then the glowstone turns it into harming too so really pretty pretty symbol right I got this if you're watching this video and you have memorized how to make all the potions and minecraft and you don't need to look anything up I think you're a genius you're honestly like a genius I know how to make some simple potions but like I forget a lot of the potions because there's just there's so many different recipes and so many different items I mean you have the glittering melons you can even combine ingredients to get certain things like when you combine a slimeball and I think it's blaze powder then you get the magma cream and then a melon and the gold to get the glistering melon and then that glistering melon turns into potions of healing and like oh my gosh seriously if you have memorized all the potions of Minecraft here a genius I really do thank you Oh genius oh thank you what speak well thank you thank you March link in the description uh all right we got three potions of instant damage and the only way I can do it is just drink him so I'm just gonna up this one should be oh yeah mmm there we always welcome to level 5 thank you very much welcome to level 5 I feel very welcome okay what is this oh I wonder what this lover does Oh meet you yeah I didn't really yeah but wow that's a lot of zombies that's a lot of them here let me just Wow okay so I think what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna draw demo into the zombies and I'm just yep there it goes ladies gentlemen welcome to level 6 thank you very much thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you and speakable is here to save the day and and die what do we have here Oh see now we're getting more interesting although this one is still very very easy so what I can do is I can put a stack in here then a stack in here and a lever on this one and a lover on this one and I can do a stack here and I can do one here and then I can just wait why is that not killing me son Academy what has that not kill me oh there we go again this one works okay there we go see I don't even need all the other red stones do you just you just it there's easier ways to do it I promise I swear there is welcome to level seven thank you very much thank you very much to this levels dark I don't like it um we got a pickaxe can break Oh stone monster eggs oh this one's a classic the problem is we got to find the stone monster egg if I was a stone monster egg where would I be probably on the ceiling above the chest no maybe not out of all the levels that we played so far I think this level is honestly the best and the most tricky because like you can't tell the difference between stone and a stone monster egg they all look exactly as there's a sound yes you're they are my just hearing things I didn't even sound like minecraft yeah I definitely did not sound like Minecraft but I'm just gonna let it slide for now where's the flippin smothering what should be like under the pressure plate huh oh I'd be hated you know be really Opie if I had like not enough items and I had the I don't remember what it's called but there's a mod on not enough items where you can just look at a block and it tells you the block that you're looking at so I'll tell you like stone or a pressure plate or chest now if I just like hovered over all the blocks and found the monster egg that'd be so upbeat but fortunately I don't have that we're just gonna have to do it the hard way but seriously though they're like we're getting close oh wait right there oh wait what there wasn't one right oh wait here anymore little buddy come here how did I not notice that there was a come on come on yes yeah yep yep I'm just gonna sit back and relax really Shane if I accidentally killed you but the whole purpose of this map is for you to kill me so I'm just gonna let it happen I'm just gonna relax and I call it I call it here we go I'm gonna call it faster than you guys and and bingo welcome to level 8 thank you for all this is parkour Finnish parkour to die wonderful wonderful well I don't think an 11 year old or two 11 year olds my bad can make a really hard parkour map so one try flawless just like that welcome to level 9 okay here is level now what do we got on this one oh come on okay first off I'm gonna use every single piece of TNT I'm literally gonna use every single piece of TNT just because I can now this much tnc right here will probably kill me but oh wait hold on I can only place it on bedrock off flip okay we're not gonna be able to use every single piece of TT but we can line the whole entire room with TNT the problem is we can't place TNT on TNT we can only place it on bedrock so that might be an issue but we can still use a lot of the CNC actually I don't think we're even gonna yeah we're not even gonna have enough if we wanted to fill up this whole entire room yeah there's no way we'd have enough we need like four or five more stacks like we've already used almost a stack and a half and we just did the floor yeah yeah that's yeah yeah so there we go look we just use two stacks of TNT that's two stacks we definitely need like four or five stacks and I'm also gonna be a savage I know he gave me the flint and steel to use it but I'm gonna use the pressure plates because I am an absolute savage welcome to level 9 ladies gentlemen and whoa there he goes yep okay yep yep welcome to level 10 yes we're going in the nether for this one okay guess we have to die by I'm assuming another mob that's what I'm guessing oh look there's a nice little staircase for me okay what do we got up here what is this oh oh oh classic Oh Isaac I'm gonna take every single one of these beds because I'm a savage all right can we play some time sitting in another okay I'm just gonna line them all up let's just let's just be you know if we're gonna be a noob but might as well be the biggest noob we can be my mama always told me if you're gonna be bad at something might as well be extra bad at something I mean okay she never really told me that I'm just kidding okay I'm gonna place every single bed I physically wait what my mac and cheese all right let's how many levels and there be oh I was about to say this level completely oh one of these one of these one of these one of these one of these one more shot does the trick bingo and that's how you get killed by magic in Minecraft that's that's how it's done alright welcome to level oh ok eleven-year-olds got a little bit smarter than I thought they would what no offense to 11-year olds but oh my gosh to 11 year-olds built this level and I'm probably going to rage quit cuz I got a press every single flippin button one eternity later him oh I got it went through three walls of buttons and I finally okay hi alright okay I'm just gonna be honest with you guys I hate those levels those levels are the most tedious annoying levels and it hurts my finger and it mmm I'm just I don't want to talk about any more all right what do we got in the chest what do we got today sand nice okay all right this is a typical one okay so what what you gotta do with this one is you basically just do this there we go easy easy you just you sit you wait you relax I'm out of water yep there's no more water where that came from okay level 14 Oh does it get even better than this what are we doing now can break blocks of quartz so I'm assuming I'm gonna break these blocks of quartz and there's gonna be something behind one of these blocks of quartz that killed me and if I could find out it's actually probably gonna be at this one yep there it is there it is there it is there it is okay so we're hopping here and we press this button and we're what whoa whoa or the map reader is getting smarter or am I getting dumber stop well lip just happened though seriously okay let me just ah there it is see I was I was thinking I'm like I'm probably gonna break one of these blocks and it's gonna make me fall into the void I'm but a big but a bingo level 15 is this okay can we break this class oh there's something in the chest okay can break glass okay so what's gonna happen is I'm gonna break the glass and then I am going to get something to break the wood and then yep and then after actually ochem break stone wait that's not right oh come on why you gotta do this to me and then okay well I you know I thought it would be in the correct order but it's the complete opposite order and then we got out and then after I get this I'm gonna get something to break the wood and then in the wood chest there's gonna be a can't break wooden planks you know why you got to do I'm gonna I'm just gonna break the top one I've learned from the previous perience I'm just gonna break the top one break the top one there we go can break grass blocks then we break the grass block and then we [Music] was I supposed to do something else lip did I forget something I mean I got all the chest oh wait there's tress right there can't break obsidian ah yes okay I was like is this really how the map is what if the map ended like that like what have you made a map and it just ended like that but you never told someone ended so they got so confused they spent like an hour trying to figure out what they were doing but really that was the end of the map that would be hilarious Vedanta to honestly be hilarious okay level 16 all right well what's gonna happen in this one [Music] they're all the same they're all the same they're all the same they're all the same oh wait a second what hold on there's got to be a button or something the chest is the hint though is who oh you thought I was sneaky no or you thought you were sneaky I was I was never sneaky but can't be placed on Moss okay place this then we break it let me get stone and the stone can be used for what I don't get it I don't get it I think I goofed up I don't get it maybe the skeletons can be placed on the stone I don't I flip in gosh what [Music] what if I just do that that does that trigger anyone is that trigger anyone there's an uneven amount over them okay I don't know what I was supposed to do okay I got the stone back let me try placing the stone and then oh that - see I see I knew it was gonna be something like that I knew I grouped up a little bit but okay come on come on come on okay you guys got to kill me at some point come on you really you guys just all shooting each other come on come on come on there you go let's go boys welcome to level 17 I wonder yeah me too I wonder I wonder hunger oh it's one of these [Music] uh-huh I'm dead yep when Spiegel Games starve to death you know I'm sorry I'm talking with mouth closed or mouth open people games are death that's fine good meeting right now welcome to level 18 and my game mode has also been updated to survival okay think thank you thank you for telling me to think um I wonder what goes here oh gee man I don't know and I don't know um you know I've played a lot of minecraft maps' to know that it's in my inventory not flip oh wait who's that next cruise you are not good because I've been there done that I've been there done that welcome to level 19 uh I think what's gonna happen is I got a break all the stone and then after I break all the stone I'm gonna break this and then yep is see now I can break cold after I break the coal and I gotta break all the iron got the coal now I gotta break the iron this is just this is just beautiful this is just absolutely beautiful and then after the iron bit but you know I get to break the gold and after I break the gold I get to break the blocks of diamonds oh yes my favorite thing to do on the weekends and then we got you got shrilled what what what do you mean what do you mean you got slowly I don't you can't roll and speakable you got [Music] hmm we know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna keep digging because if I keep digging I might find something too oh look at this what is this what is this huh what is this what is this what is this Oh welcome to the final way to die okay so this is the file level pretty sure this is level 20 and really that's it it doesn't matter it doesn't matter where I land I'm dead the real last way to die is just the real light are you sure are you sure okay there's like barrier blocks right here hold on up there Elle tonight you see that wasn't you our dad that was not too hard I'm just gonna sit back and eat some cheese [Music] okay okay now is this Congrats you learnt how to die nice thanks for playing I hope you enjoyed share with your friends click this button only for pressing it will only work for him don't try that bet okay maybe not feel free to blow up the map okay and this one too what is this oh nice unfortunately I can't place anything because I'm still in game-mode - but I will go into game mode 1 and oh my glob yeah it was a pretty cool map hey to be completely honest 4 to 11 year olds making this map that map was awesome I love the aspect of it I loved how it was funny and I honestly I love these maps in general the you know like 20 ways died 30 ways to die maps these maps are just so much fun hey guys I want to thank you guys all so much for watching it be sure to go give the map creator summit love and I want to thank you again so much for watching hopefully you guys have a safe and fantastic everyday I'll catch you guys minecraft video does anyone want the rest of these just let me know in the comment section below guys have a safe and Todd's grocery day I catch you guys tomorrow in a brand new video [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 4,231,547
Rating: 4.9266086 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: h4R3JEdCOz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2018
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