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ladies gentlemen it's Thursday and welcome to throwback Thursday where today were playing fifteen-second Park where I only have 15 seconds to make it all the way to the in this map so I'm trying as fast possible and also I don't have my minecraft skin so it's kinda trust me out I'm sorry I was talking fast everything was happening so fast but we only have 15 seconds to beat every single one of these levels this is a kind of throwback Thursday map this map was created years and years ago it's actually so old that we're playing on a Minecraft snapshot if that tells you anything at all we just beat the second level guys it's Thursday it's a brand new year I figured we'd do a throwback celebrating such an old Minecraft map like I said the concept is pretty simple you got 15 seconds to beat the whole entire map most of you guys have probably seen this map before I've done it on my channel but it was a really low what the flip how am I supposed to wait what I can't see any whoa it's all the way over there level 3 obviously I gets pretty aggressive pretty pretty intense I also don't have my minecraft skin so that's cool I didn't get the speed boost off there we go okay that that mine is like three seconds right there goodmorning speakable oh my gosh I can't no there's no way how am I supposed to see 1213 tada alright so I disabled the cloud so hopefully we will actually be able to see the jump this time so it's a little bit I face bar exists sometimes I forget we're gonna get this level and this is gonna be like some MLG clutch oh my gosh I see it I see it I'm gonna land on it I swear I'm gonna land on before i click respawn and go into the next level I need you guys real quickly to leave a like on this video and if that subscribe button is read and waiting for you to click it click that subscribe button it's a new year and it's a new time for you to subscribe to a new youtube channel and of course in the year of 2019 I'm gonna be bringing you guys some of the best content ever so you're definitely gonna want to subscribe and what is this an ice level oh jeez it's kind of like a remake of the first level but it's all ice I slipped I slipped but it's okay come on and speakable go faster it's already been five seconds and by the way for the time you guys can look at my XP bar and it actually shows the time this map has been nervous also I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to finish this whole entire map the first time I played it it actually took me like three hours because the last couple levels of this map get really really difficult like look at that there's like a tree sideways over there it's like a dropper I don't know what's going on why am I not sprinting why am I not know oh my gosh it said 10 seconds 12 13 14 Oh level number 5 lower level number 5 oh my gosh okay this level is very tedious because you have to run around a whole entire circle but you can't stop sprinting because if you stop sprinting you're gonna die because the level is so there we go we're beating a lot of levels right now and I like it I really like it here where am I supposed to go with this oh my gosh I forgot that press the spacebar this is only this is only level 6 I don't remember how many levels there are I want to say 15 but I'm honestly not sure okay what in the world and then what am I supposed to do here oh my gosh oh my gosh actually oh now we got cobwebs ah no see the whole purpose of this map is to be quick and with cobwebs it doesn't I'm very slow oh come on really really you just had to catch my my little toe that just missed that you have to be like completely flawless with all your maneuvers on these levels because if you're not and this happens yeah because you only have 15 seconds they look at long it is you know this all right here it's just giving me some troubles I'm just having some troubles here I've just decided to hit all the cobwebs what the heck is going on here oh my gosh am I gonna make it oh I could probably what if this is what an apathy oh that's nice they gave me a skip level thing too bad I'm not gonna use it because I actually you know what I might have to you know what I'm not even gonna I'm not even gonna look at this skip level thing you know why because I am gonna no I'm I was gonna make it but you know cobweb decided to get stuck to my head and 13/14 oh oh first up house my score 276,000 what did I do to deserve that that's like collecting hundreds of diamonds did i collect 100 diamonds before i did this video probably oh my gosh i'm gonna make it oh my no much time oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh I still made it and I get caught in the cobweb I don't know how I did that oh my gosh okay what in the world is this wait what do I do here Oh what okay hold on I was I was not ready for that I uh that was really not what I was thinking but okay so wait what am I supposed to jump what am i wait why you gotta like time it perfectly okay now oh that was too soon I'm supposed to like jump out a little bit cuz it's possible yeah maybe if I just take it a little slower a little slower there we go so in about five seconds it blows up so we have five seconds to get up there oh my gosh it's intense okay so oh I fell two three oh my gosh oh my gosh what is wrong with me the TDR you explored there's another one exploded come on do another one no I lost alright three four five oh there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is go go go unspeakable oh my gosh oh my gosh she's about to end that was literally at 14 seconds I barely just barely made that all what in the world is this oh and I have poison what kind of cruel world oh my gosh I can't see anything no it's a OH I swear when you have like 15 seconds to do something in Minecraft it gets some it gets pretty interesting Oh what is this I'm I'm I'm am I not supposed to take fall damage oh I died okay so you really have to go pretty fast down here I'm gonna take it slow somewhat somewhat not taking it's never mind this is difficult is there not like any there's not any water at the bottom so like I literally have to just oh my gosh oh my gosh I have to just oh my gosh I have to find I have to find the path that's like gonna take the least fall damage because I can't be taking any fall damage I guess once you get to ten attempts the map is automatically like yeah you're bad you might want to skip it cuz you're not gonna make it see look I got the skip level thing and we're huntin attempts on this one level alright we got this we got this okay oh there's a four drop oh my gosh I have one heart how am I supposed to now there's no way oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh that was legit that was pretty sick what soul sand are you serious what could be worse than some good old soul sand probably what oh wait look there's a Mario level I totally forgot everything about this map oh my gosh guys I'm not even kidding these levels are pretty difficult like they look kind of easy but like play it yourself and tell me how that goes the soul sand it's very very tedious especially jumping on one block oh my gosh I only have ten seconds ten twelve thirteen I still made it oh my gosh what is this a Mario level oh my gosh oh my gosh what oh my gosh did you just wrecked me am I supposed to jump on top of these things oh my Carrie oh I gotta get away from my gosh there's another one there's another one there's like three of them oh how am I supposed to beat this level so long there's a creeper - I think I'm supposed to hop in one of the tubes I think that's what I'm supposed to do I feel like that's what I'm supposed to do okay so I hop maybe in this tube what does this do oh there's a command block down there come on hurry hurry unspeakable oh my gosh oh my gosh no there's no way all the ends right there alright I get it now it's gonna be a lot quicker on these smaller ones and I got to land on this thing there we go there we go oh my god okay okay okay okay okay get in get in the hole get in the oh my gosh oh my god I don't know why it's so difficult it's cuz like you have speed on so you're like so quick come on right right in there yes Oh flip I forgot about the zombies 12 13 14 oh there it is there it is there it is I feel it this is the one this is the one yep we got 10 seconds left oh yeah we're good oh my gosh what the heck is this oh my gosh oh the slime blocks no wait wait are they I think those are slime blocks no way slime jobs oh there's more slime jobs so this is a very slimy level oh my god she slime jumps I feel like take forever there we go 1 2 oh my gosh I don't have enough time oh my gosh 13 14 oh yeah make it wait please still made it please tell me I made it oh I didn't make it I can't make it by skipping one of the jumps there's no way I can skip a jump I need every single slime jump here it is this might be it this might be it oh my gosh 14 who I act no I was on that I literally just saw the pressure play come up yes okay I'm supposed to be like if I did not make that okay what the heck is this oh my gosh oh my gosh just levels so long oh my gosh already 10 seconds what the heck I don't even see the end yet 12 13 where's the end is it like hidden somewhere this level is tedious there's a lot of vines everywhere and it's slowing me down a ton I don't even see the end I literally don't even see the end oh come on I haven't missed anything so far oh I just touched that vine oh there's the end I see it I see it I see it oh my god I thought it was all the way down there Oh flip oh no we're riding horses oh my gosh oh no that wasn't a full one there we go these horses jump so I wait how am I supposed to make it over that oh my gosh okay this is a difficult level cuz I'm not very good at riding horses oh my gosh you have to literally hold it perfectly it has to be at the very end it has to be like maximum Hort jump height no no no Oh flip our go down together buddy wait this is a horse race fun okay good oh my gosh I've got everyone perfect so far I'm gonna use the yeah okay I use the skip just because you know we haven't used to skip yet and wow that was really bad we haven't used a skip yet so I figured why not there we go this is enderpearls oh my gosh no I am NOT good at throwing into pearls if anyone's good at throwing into pearls it is not me I promise oh my gosh come on come on what are you I wonder if you can skip it can you just like MLG it all the way to the end wonder if I can make it all the way to that one no you can't make it to that one I'm literally throwing it as far as you can they're not even they're not even touching it okay so you have to go every jump okay so there's no way you can skip any of them oh my gosh I already felt oh come on there we go there we go there we go oh my gosh I almost okay alright I got this I kind of got the hang of it a little bit we got this I know kind of exactly where to throw now ok never never oh my oh my gosh what what wait what what wait I'm on the next level what I didn't even press the skip okay oh wait how did I what I'm so confused olders falling blocks I don't see any falling blocks I'm confused wait what going to have textures on or something let me see I can see them now I don't see him I don't see any falling blocks am i a suppose see him you're like I'm supposed to see him all my settings are on every single graphic settings on okay oh my gosh just it's literally just like a game of luck I can't see any of the falling blocks at all I feel like I feel like I'm definitely supposed to see them but I'm making it pretty far so I'm not complaining oh my gosh okay oh my gosh that's the thing you can turn on 3d minecraft oh my gosh guys I'm so sorry okay I'll turn it off like I think that's what it was but I didn't really know I have a back to the normal game I was wondering why everything was such weird colors and I think I'm gonna skip this level because I can't see any of the falling blocks wait I'm gonna make it though oh my gosh am I gonna make it I made it without seeing any of the blocks that's supposed to happen I don't know oh no what am I supposed to jump around it what am I supposed to do Oh flip how am i is this like the last level or something oh I got it well that was interesting umm what is this oh did we finish the map oh my gosh we finished the map and look these are all the little levels that is Wow we did a lot of levels oh my gosh that is crazy so the last time I played this Matt like I said it why is it still killing me am I really still in the game like I said last time I played this map it took me so so long to beat everything it took me like hours to be this mad but now I beat it in like 27 minutes that is awesome and that means that my minecraft skills have improved quite a bit over the years cuz the last time I played this map I think it was like two or three years ago but guys I guess that's gonna wrap it up for this video thank you guys so much for watching I hope you guys are having an incredible new year so far I want to wish you all a safe and fantastic rest of your day and be sure before you go to click that subscribe button so you guys can be notified when new videos come out on the channel so guys thank you so much stay awesome stay safe and stay in speakable and I promise next video I'll have my pal plants getting back it's just because we had to play this map in a snapshot so you know it doesn't really have your skins and it's kinda lame it's okay because now we're gonna go to the title screen and we're gonna say merry xmas [Music] [Music]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 4,609,656
Rating: 4.9406614 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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