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yeah I did actually leave the service fool why can't I know I just got kicked out of our own video oh no wait can you psych won't help me give me a random let go w Nobi you're the first person that waffle is a god so I'm sorry oh my gosh I'm so sorry waffle you can get back in to kick someone else out for you get in no I can't I can't I like me oh my god hey joining joining joining joining joining joining joining joining joining joining joining Oh nope the service fool okay oh can I do that my gosh no cyclone Wow oh my god we're waiting quick little commercial break if you guys ever want to be in a video like this with me all you guys gonna do is follow me on Instagram Twitter or snapchat all my links in the description because whenever I do these videos I put the IP to these servers on my social media accounts so definitely be sure to give me a follow and you guys can be in videos like this sounds back up back up I'm joining I'm Jack please I want to be let speakable I want to be not speakable oh my gosh guys this video is going to be ridiculous I have over a hundred fans in here with me and today we are going to be doing some crazy stuff and at the end of the video we're going to be giving everyone on this server Opie so they can do anything they can shut down the server they can crash the server anything they want to do oh my gosh there's so many people in here and people are just gonna keep joining first I think Cyclone what we should do the hugger planes inside of a bar we got a hundred players inside of this box but what if we put a hundred players on one block you're sure okay dude that's right we build a bridge over that that's the I'm just gonna just gonna kill that guy cuz of preset he is okay cyclones let's set the server spawn point on this one block make sure everything is that everyone is in survival mode and the only block they get to spawn on is this block and let's just say that's born do you want to get rid of the floor of this box then one block yes we kind of spleef them right oh yes leave them all right there we go it's kind of like they're blanks belief who's gonna be the last man alive keep going everyone's starting to spawn there now last man alive is it always is star wars something okay and now we have a hundred people dawning on one block players on this block hey let me punch some people real quick just lap around babies oh no no dude hold on let me get it you get some sniper shots in here huh it's so laggy do there's so many players spawning in one place that we're gonna have to expand this just I know I know this was a bad idea let's design a platform in just a little okay yeah now we have a little bit of a bigger platform oh no no one's moving oh no this was a terrible idea this guy's been floating here for the past like three minutes oh yeah he's got the lowest I place redstone on top of the TNT and nothing's happening why did you think this was a good idea just Caroline oh no one is no one's rooster there's only like five people here okay cycle it I think what we're gonna need to do is we're gonna have to take a quick L on this and yeah that's what we're gonna have to do ladies do enjoy this quick commercial break oh sorry I'm late news just in that people merch is literally on fire guys like I can't even explain how much fire this merch is producing guys if you want to check out some of the people merch I'm going insane and crazy over on your news broadcaster Nathan if you guys like to pick up some merch there's a link in the description to my dad back up ok so we have hundreds of players on this little platform now what means cyclin are gonna do is we're gonna make a parkour course kind of a trolling parkour course with the barrier blocks and stuff and whoever can make it to the end of it will get Opie alright yeah we can say that in chat so let's make the parkour course where do you want it like coming from over here oh do you want to stop from hit yeah let's stop okay so let's let's start it from here and then we'll connect it so people can run from it okay are we gonna have parkour jumps and I want you to can you make the parkour jumps and have them lead all the way up to this place here if that's okay that's okay yeah I've got an idea and I need to need to do this okay alright here we get okay that and we're gonna have I have a good idea right here so what's your idea alright so we got multiple different jumps here check this out some of these jumps are gonna be fake the as for what I'm trying to do is I'm gonna put some Pistons back here and then it's gonna push people to the wall that's the idea you have an axe alright there we go okay so you have these blocks right here but not all of them are going to be real so I'm gonna give myself some barrier blocks give unspeakable game barrier blocks let's say so this one is gonna be fake and then you have to jump to this one and then this one's gonna be fake and you have to jump to this one then this one's gonna be fake and you have to jump to this one oh dude that's oh wait no yeah no they're not possible so you have to go from this one to this one to this one to this one no most of them are probably watching me build this thing okay dude the smart people that are watching us build this parkour course will know how to get through it most of people will have it quiet of a difficult time okay so after this I think we should have some like crazy lava park horse thing or something along the lines of that oh and then we should do like a giant waterslide that would be pretty sick okay all right and all right now it's getting it would slow its redstone clock now except bedrock then we'll hollow this inside out actually I guess cactus a lot longer set lava and then we're going to fill it up with two fast they're your blocks as well so they can't get out oh no it's raining it's raining you can talk a downfall I'm in the middle of something very important barrier there we go all right all right my amazing build is we stopped all the fish is sitting over there just watching us build this thing all right so this is gonna be some type of parkour all right so what kind of parkour could we do on this can we do soulsand worship what's the best kind of a lava parkour Nate yeah yeah dude like nether brick fence so they don't bond of course and then we'll do from lava the soul sand and then Oh - magma blocks there we go now we're talking and then from magma blocks to barrier blocks and then what we're going to do is some invisible parkour but you can kinda see what I mean by that is you can see these fences but you can't actually see the blocks so you think you're gonna be jumping on the fences but you're actually jumping on these blocks so mine is also just got done um so that yeah your fence is a skating sound fire you need to do you need to never brick fence alright chanter to the other brick real quick and then these are various and these last ones the four block jump and then this is going to be the very end right here so the first one but you okay yeah so the first one to get here and take the diamond the fake one dude let's have this is a fake one there's a very a wall there but what they can do is if they jump this way and whoa my gosh yeah all the way around the back again we'll be back here oh that's so savage okay we'll do an item frame first want to get this diamond gets Opie on the server and they can do anything they want to all the other fans hopefully that makes like that all right so sorry to put another stop item frame right there it's okay this is the real way to go you actually have to go this way okay so so many fans are gonna think to go this way they're gonna see the diamonds we're also gonna put a chest right here as well okay I'm gonna put the floor back in in this room so we could set one spawn and then just kill them all again there we go dude okay everyone is ready now all we got to do is wait don't set the world spawn in there we're gonna connect we're gonna connect the paths it's all going to be magma blocks the magma blogs yeah there we go here we go we got people coming through we got rainbow Steve coming up as number one all right and then we get the piston parkour up here yeah winner gets Opie winner Opie was gonna be who do you thinks gonna win who's your money money on are you I don't know what whoever has an unspeakable skin nah you know I think this guy this afk guy with the super rainbow skins gonna win I think I got my odds on that oh wait yeah there's another rainbow skin I wait that guy's definitely flying yeah he's definitely you gotta play for Opie fairly okay all right some guy oh whoa waffle that's the guy that we act we had to kick so I could get on the server I'm sorry but it's back on the server he's back on the server all good did I make this too difficult yo there's an unspeakable running through here with no eyeballs look at this that explains what you do not see you know okay I made it because we can't see a lot of people have figured out the trolling parkour now I don't think your party is too difficult I really don't think into that much like two people have made it past it it's hard but it's not it's really not that difficult I think the hardest part is gonna be the very end of you know some people are fine on the barrier blocks if you do it no I think probably gonna be you know I think this dude is a youtuber ah wanna have my house like yeah okay someone else has made it Oh taking some lava damage ah no Mars is gone on that one slime is also taking an L oh my gosh we got it we got another person coming through here oh we go here we go can I make you pass every go fan jumps oh oh oh do the invisible does the invisible jump come on you got this buddy it's not that word of a job I promise it's only two blocks we have jumper Finn going you can jump for fan at common oh alright dude this is easy easy jumps easy jump I don't know duty my dive does a lot of damage I don't know you might take an L from a lot of damage if you do hit that lava once for long enough you will be dead oh wait here we go you guys got to make this boy he's gone don't put finis - alive though he might get jumper Finn jumper Finn you got to do this jumper is in your parkour I mean in your name I mean parcours on your name I mean minecraft there you go there you go I have an idea there you go wait don't you know that cyclone ease he made it you better TP him back where he know you know TP jumper Finn right let me tear I'm a TP jumper pin - in speakable game alright jumper Finn there you go up now okay jumper Finn I got you buddy all right there we go you don't have to take I'm sorry jump harsh punishments by cyclone man waffles are God's is coming through yogi if you ever want to sell your nametag sell it to me I'll buy it for like 50 bucks gods waffles waffles Marv gods no I'm not gonna push him off dude he's a waffle you can't be hurt waffles like that dude we not cook cook the waffle you no no I'm not we're not cooking any waffles today oh oh was doing it oh my money how did you miss that it was a four block jump to be fair okay really gonna get a three-block dude that's too easy now because people don't landing on the phone no it's easy look at it just let it be cyclone we haven't had a single person even try to jump at the diamonds yet I know I know but they will do in time oh yeah that is actually really easy jump bro so many people are still taking l's on this barrier block parkour but then again there could be a lot of new people joining the server as well because people could be leaving coming and going so and you have some people that are just like oh really New York was too mean you just killed five people and did you remove all the my gosh okay this parkour is so easy now someone should be able to finish this without a problem it's literally a straight path now okay waffles coming at it again waffles are gods I think he's got it figured out yeah let's go waffle I know you want Opie on the server so you can destroy everything you can secret command you can even do you can do slosh stop and it actually crashes the server when you could Opie so if he decided to do that I'm not telling you can't hear me waffle thumbs up waffle is he bad to do it dude waffles he's like no no no it's that come on wait hang on let him figure it out let him figure it out so easy to the corners they don't die but they'll stand on their the be like oh no I can't oh that would be epic okay well break the corners there we go you know what I'm gonna try to do it with the fans here okay okay I'm gonna try to do it alright I'm gonna do it and it's have to stop okay let me see I can see how they think it's hard because there's so many people there is a lot of fans but it's not once you oh I just poops oh no I just got pushed off cuz I couldn't see you do it yeah if you join in f5 I think you can easily take it on all right let me run down in here run down the magma blocks No alright yeah top of that downfall cycle alright I'm coming through here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go oh no oh no oh no I fell I couldn't see anything cuz there's so many people to it that's honestly the only problem I think their main issue is that there's so many people all right what a fan knocked me off I think that's why a lot of our dying cyclone yeah if there are too many people on a block that happens I think I don't know where my boy waffle we're just added an alternative method that has a 3 1 and a 4 block kiln so if it's a game you know ok yo we got a golden Raider coming up don't do it goin retard you did it yeah you're flippin did it get did it golden reader why did you have to oh my reader all you guys gotta do is beat the parkour then if you win you get OPP every block and then a full block jump all they've got the difficult like wall post ah my boy waffle just fell again yeah we got a ton of new people that are making it through minecraft nerd aiming slime filling filled banana we got some competition waffle my money's still a waffle cuz he's gonna have figured out by now you know got it figured it out oh man that guy just had tried to like speedrun it in Mission Possible 100% just big oh my gosh dude we just had like four people die on the lava right here it is possible 100% just figure it out come on buddy there you go there you go that's what I'm talking about that is what I'm talking about all right let's see if this guy has what it takes to figure out so when we walk that is not the right way to go my dude no no miss the last jump fine we'll do a little hint it looks to be impossible but really you just have to walk got a jump is far they'll try to jump for it but though actually I realize yeah yeah I realize like oh you know okay fine you know what let's do this point no no let's just do a lot but no no it's okay do this it's been like 20 minutes there's only like two people have made it to the end you have a point okay all right there we go who we got now this if no one can make this now I'm gonna cry this guy did it before oh we do that same plane okay so now we have a lot of people actually come in and here we go oh no possible oh my gosh look waffles like a I know it's a boy oh no oh my Q no one knows know what that's right oh oh so much you figure it out so everyone's following just to figure it out first person to get the diamond cycle and do it oh my god oh wait who's gonna be the first person to get the diamond is gonna be that guy wait you gotta grab it you gotta grab the diamond Grimm Jack Oh bad Oh No give him Opie Opie I got him Narnia is art now Oh peed hassle be been one eight one seven Oh whatever you want alright so let's see why uh be been one eight eight one seven does you can do whatever you want if he just wants the screen just want to screaming okay one Lee parkour it looks like a lot of people I'm also make it made it to the end dude you can do it everyone you can literally shut down the server no no said I love you guys so much ask him he wants to blow everything up blow stove you have Opie troll my dream has came true troll bad dude you can ban everyone you can ban me always breaking the barriers okay dude he can literally banned me from the server like he could do whatever he wants do you think we should give the OP to the other pasta new got runner up as well just to seal that wanted though no we could try that honestly dude let's just Opie everyone whatever you really could not open a waitin on blog you gotta get do it through a command block okay okay there we go okay so guys now we're going to Opie everyone on the server oh now he's blowing people up okay I think everyone should have up now if it was PA does everyone have Opie everyone should have up Oh go go there we go hi everyone it's a game Otzi does that walk there we go everyone's in creative mode wait no we got to get everyone actual off though that was like that means they can do whatever they want oh my gosh everyone's getting into the command block someone said everyone into survival mode that wasn't me no that was that was a beep in random I'm just gonna off everyone at random ho tab I just pick a random name and just stop them and we'll be fine we're trying to op everyone we can guys we just have a command block this is press ball I didn't think about that press we're up have a command like it says press for off oh my gosh everyone is blowing up the server Oh what just happened wait what do you mean I got disconnected you get banned I just got this guy I don't think bad but somebody follow my gosh ooh I'm gonna try to do [Music] you I'm still trying to Opie everyone I can I can't off everyone cuz its being so slow that it's not even loading I've we've opted at least 20 or 30 people though oh no more than that more than that is insane oh my gosh I think these are the people that either don't have up or haven't figured out what to do with all I was banned and I'm trying to join but yeah world world edit on this server as well dude I'm looking at you everyone is just having the time of that life okay dude I think the server has officially frozen no honestly I can't even join back this is great dude I think the server has officially frozen okay so guys here's what we're gonna do since we have killed the server for like a fifth time I think that's gonna do it for this video but if you guys want to see us do a part two where we get a hundred or maybe 200 or 300 fans on this server and give everyone Opie and just make that that's what the whole video would be about I think that would be ridiculous and if you guys want to see that just leave a like on this video everyone is still completely frozen dude dude oh oh oh what's happened you probably in side of a giant sphere right yeah yeah where am I you already gave oh three you're outside of this van there is there is TNT and a giant wait is it all TNT it is it is no it's gold but that's TNT inside of it I don't oh my gosh it is a giant pack man this thing is oh my god she goes all the way to I can't even see the bottom I'm on I'm on I'm on like 20 plus render distance I'm using game mode oh my gosh oh the inside of it is completely blown up and there's white right yeah well if you go to the bottom going on there's like this huge area that's blown up inside the cube there's a bunch of mobs in here what happens you get fangs up I guess oh my god someone set in the time constantly oh that I can see that someone has that time set time said time set it's like on a command block repeat oh my gosh this is ridiculous this is another level of ridiculous oh my everyone's up here everyone's building random stuff everyone's dropping TNT people are getting Diamond armor now unless that's a skin that actually might be asked in a hey let's save this like Oh watch is happy oh this is such a weird build now I don't actually know we should make this into a whole video where all we do is just give fans Opie and see what happens 14 I think we know what happens look look at what they've just Shh why hi there it gets someone close the server they just do / someone you yes someone probably did / stop if I stop it oh my god alright well guys thank you so much for watching we're gonna go troubleshoot and try to get our server back like I said if you guys want to see a part two to this where we give everyone opion the server then just leave a like and if you guys want to be in that video all you guys gonna do is follow me on Twitter Instagram or snapchat you don't have to follow me on all three just follow me on at least one because whenever we decide to make that video we will be tweeting out the IP and that's how you guys can get on the server and actually play and be in the video so thank you guys so much for watching have a safe and fantastic fu day and I'll catch you guys tomorrow in another video stay awesome stay a couple second load you have anything to say before Billy Moseby reveal get back [Music] [Applause]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 8,960,097
Rating: 4.8209991 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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