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they pushed me out of the water that is baloney Tony dude I that you guys saw that I clutch the 360 right now I have a confession to make I have a pizza I I just want to say this confession is something that I need to get off my chest for a long time didn't really think I would tell you guys this but welcome back to another video definitely be sure to click that like button got him oh but seriously I'm kidding my confession is that up we're playing another dropping map ooh all right I'm just messing with you guys at this point I'm sorry I know I don't have a confession but I do have a confession that you guys should follow me on Instagram as I post some really cool pictures oh I'm sorry guys welcome back to another video I hope you guys are having a wonderful day but seriously though I did very serious likely be sure to leave a like on this video if you guys do enjoy dropper maps I every time I play one of them on the channel you guys absolutely love them and go crazy over them so if you guys really do love droppers then show your support by leaving a like on this video and that will let me know hey maybe I need to play some more dropping Maps but this map is called impossible dropper - yay rules there's no rules oh wait they're right here no cheating moose literally get rekt moose even dude your soda no no note no offence moose I'm not trying to call you out I'm not trying to call okay I'm calling you out you are so known for cheatin that your name is literally in the rules specifically to tell you not to cheat all droppers were tested impossible so have fun raging as I am if you're recording this please link the map and my whitey in the description it's not that hard right-click for the channel layers channel and have fun there we go what is this favorite youtuber is that precious nothing nothing that's the only press and get to pressure okay that's fine I'll just eat his head okay I can't nevermind put this thing on there we go now we look and fancy alright let's go ahead and start this map I honestly have no idea what to expect but I do know there are some really cool levels in this map including probably one of the craziest and I kid you not biggest rainbow dropper I've ever seen it looks like this is the first level that's not water maybe it will turn into water I don't see any water I know that the rainbow dropper level is probably gonna be towards the end I'm just guessing that's where all the rainbow droppers are so definitely be sure to watch the whole video because guys you do not want to miss this rainbow dropper like it is huge ok what oh yes all the rainbow dropper for a second it goes all the way like past the world limit like it's insane ok I don't understand I'm confused I'm all what oh it's right there oh so the water only appears when you get close to it hold on I think it was like over here like it's that little grass patch right yeah there we go that wasn't too bad level number one right out of the way Buddha but alright level number two I see a water patch right there but knowing the map creator it's probably gonna close up yep see that's savage all right so the best way to do this is literally just jump tall wait what how do we land that then I'm very confused I'm very very confused how do we land in there maybe there's like a slime block oh I'd be so done if there was a slime block that's probably what it is it's probably a slime block down there and it's probably on this piece of grass or this piece of car it is a slime block I'm so done I know these dropper maps too well because I did play the first one and this Creator is pretty savage for hiding all the water like that he did that a lot in the first map it looks like a lot of these levels are like dungeon themed ok I didn't mean to fall oh okay maybe it might be a good thing I saw some water down there like blinking I don't know where oh there it is right there oh my gosh so look at the water it turns into a block then goes away so we got to land in that 1x1 cube at the perfect time as well you gotta just you got to just dive into it and just honestly just hope to make it so you got a 360 it and then fall all the way down here and then what if I would have made that 360 it and then fall all the way down here and then and a flip at a 360 it all the way down oh my gosh how do you make it in there 360 it all the way down 360 going down flip no but seriously though this level is actually like really hard and I don't like the map creator for making oh that's how you do it 360 it fall all the way 360 I'm gonna give this 360 guys watch me watch me watch me watch me 360 it Oh 360 guys I've been trying 360s for literally the past 10 minutes on this level I haven't made it once even without the 360s like I'm just trying to pull it super MLG combo and it's just not happening it is actually really hard to make this even without you know like doing 360s like it's just it's because like the the water is literally like right under this other block so you kind of got to go this way at it and then go back here and then uh swoop under but it's just really hard it's it's really hard to not hit that first one too like I can't believe I'm still stuck on this level like my gosh I'm trying I'm gonna hit this 360 though you guys watch me I will hit this 360 flip 360 attempt number 20 nope nope nope nope I'll be surprised if I can even make it just in general like I seriously cannot make this fall like I don't know what the deal is that's definitely where you're supposed to make it it's just really flippin hard you gotta just land kind of in the perfect area you can't go like between him either because they're too close together so if you go between them it's just not gonna happen I have been trying this for the past 20 minutes just this level with and without 360s and I don't know why but I didn't up make it so I'm gonna try to I know it said no cheating on the thing and it literally specifically called out moose but they're gonna have to change the rules they're gonna have to call out me cuz I'm gonna have to cheat on this level because I'm little been at it for 20 minutes I don't know what it is I just I can't make it I don't know what to do anymore I'm just so sad I can't beat this level you know what I dunno what to do no one can tell me no permission anymore flip this lever oh I've been playing for 30 minutes I officially must say I do not like this map creator I mean it's a good map don't give me are all these map like dungeon based oh my gosh know what the flip is this watch I'm gonna land on that I'm probably gonna end up landing on the oh jeez Oh unspeakable you think you can make it yes I can I also think I could do a 360 well do it at the same time flip I think that water thing is actually switching around like I'm being serious hang on let me just drop down here make it all the way to the okay I can't even make it to the bottom let me just drop down here make it all the way to the bottom and just land at the bottom and kind of stare at the floor okay does that thing move around I swear I saw it move hold on wait for it I guess it doesn't move I guess it stays put I swear I saw it move a little bit but I might just be seeing things because I'm trying to pull off a crazy 360 maneuver and oh my gosh I almost made that 360 s for days 360 s for days flip there we go that was actually probably like a 720 more so oh wait what oh it pushed me out of the water that is baloney Tony dude I that you guys saw that I clutched a 360 I what well that was pretty cool too I collect another 360 plate I'm really confused it's like not letting me walk past you think you can make it yes I can but what the flip is going on ah what the heck is happening right now I don't understand you think you can make anything you make anything you me yes you think you can do I have to like I swear if this is one of those levels where I have to like push the button while I land and that's how I go to the next level I'm going to be done okay I seriously don't know what's going on right now though uh okay to be fair I did make it you think you can make it to be fair I did make it you're just not letting me press the button you're being very rude you know this is not what good friends do what if I try you know what if I try to make a bedrock wall to block your weird thing from pushing me nope that doesn't work all right come on let's go let's what if I build up what if I build up I think I've nope I did not fight the way mm-hmm [Music] oh I don't know what was up with that ladies things still spamming me okay now it stopped okay whoo that's the rainbow level you guys got to stay tuned for the end I think all these levels have cut ah what the heck the water is literally switching why did I agree to play this map but we're gonna hit some 360s while we're doing it anyways oh no this is basically just luck you just got to get really lucky well I'm gonna get really lucky by hitting a 360 and landing in it at the same time you ain't never seen no one do this before no one do this before what 360 actually seven twenty thousand that was baloney I'm just trying to spin as much as I can without Oh No all right that was like that was a lot of spins drop or king over here Preston's bark or King I'm drop or King Preston what you got against me bro okay that thing is definitely not going to stay there yep that's what I thought literally nope that Savage okay now we got to find the slime block if I was a slime block where would I be what the heck yeah this is so sad oh my gosh it literally makes me fly all the way back up alright we're gonna hit them with the MLG juju uge okay now our head is stuck up here okay so how do we how do we make it down here I don't even see the button down here are we even supposed to go down here what if we're not supposed to down here oh wait what wait oh it's oh it's just a hint I thought that was the button for a second I thought hold on was this a hint that's the hint oh wait is this the hint wait what I'm really confused right now we just went on to the next level maybe the hint was that we actually made it but we didn't make it I mean it unlock the next level alright this one looks really confusing but we're still gonna hit them with the 360 boys and that's a facepalm wow you really got a time this one good got a time this one perfectly otherwise you're doomed honestly I don't know if I'm gonna be able to hit a 360 on this one I just need to focus on where the flippin water is actually know what we're gonna hit a 360 we're savage let's do it let's we're gonna show this map creator that even though this might be a hard dropper map we can still hit a trickshot on the way down it's not the fact that you have to make it past this thing but not only that you gotta land in literally one block my gosh this level is so hot what guys are you serious right now it's okay and speakable just think of it this way that's what you gotta fake up oh this level and then - one more and then we have the rainbow one oh I'm so excited for the rainbow one oh this is gonna be another troll I'm already betting on it yet wait for it wait up yep see that's not that one coming oh I see piece of carpet right there all right we're going in boys 360 maneuver just like so yep there it is there it is you can't fool me with that copy yeah that's mine whoa that was probably one of the easiest levels so far we're almost at the end alright this level and then we got the rainbow one what the heck is going on here alright let's see where we gotta land first why are you serious there's like cobblestone little what how do you supposed to make it around that oh this is not gonna be fun this is not gonna be fun I can already tell look at that you literally like cobblestone walls up what the heck just happened I don't know what just happened but I just like went what wait so now if I go through the Dragon is it just like well im so confussed yeah yeah what what does that mean what about what am i going through i like going through the dragon's mouth i'm assuming but like how does do I avoid that like jump around it can I go through this one maybe nope nope that one still makes me fall through it maybe I can't land in the dragon oh that would be terrible that would be absolutely terrible if I couldn't land oh this guy really made I hope the rainbow one is somewhat enjoyable like it's still you know like because rainbow dropper is always like they're somewhat easy for the most part but they're also like extremely fun because it's probably like the coolest thing ever falling down there but this is just terrible hey my dead body fell and that could be fair technically I made it I'm just saying I'm just saying hit a 360 real quick and fly in it and miss the jump I'm gonna start trying a different angle I'm gonna try this angle right here because it looks like we actually can land a little bit closer to it this is like the closest we can land to it without going through the dragon's mouth so it's just all a bunch of witches died right there I don't understand the whole mouth thing it's like sometimes I go through here and then wait what does I say Congrats you got eaten Rick click right click where are we supposed to go hold on wait are we supposed to go in there and right-click that sign instead of actually laning no cuz there's a button down there hold on hold on let me see if I can right-click it hold on where is this oh it's sometimes teleports me in the mouth and sometimes it doesn't I don't understand there we go there we go I don't know which way to turn to right-click okay let's just try up first do I look up though let's try looking to the left looking to the left yes okay so it's looking to the left so I'm gonna look to the left right click as much as I can I'm gonna try to oh how do you even what I would like to be eaten by the end of Jordan I can just slam into his face please let me be eaten by the internet what the flick alright I'm sorry I'm gonna have to do this but I am going to kind of skip this level because I don't want to play it for literally the next 40 minutes I've already been at it for 20 oh my gosh I've already been at it for 20 minutes I mean you guys don't see that I've been at that for 20 minutes because most of it was cut out and just me failing but if you guys can beat this level then that's awesome you know go ahead and download the map and give it a try but I can't so I am going to take the El you guys can comment l in the comment section if you while you can just kind of support me if that's okay I mean it's really I mean you try it you try come on get on the map and you try if it's so easy the money download the map oh but you're not getting on the map oh alright mess with you guys but yeah that was actually like a really hard level and I'm just gonna put bedrock over it so we never talked to it or see it again so yeah next one or last level is the rainbow level what is this yeah I know okay a rainbow drop will a rainbow dropper in a ruin theme that dropper map but they're cool okay and you can hashtag clickbait I'm a youtuber to right-click okay so what is this hints guess I'll do the hint the slime block is aa white now I shouldn't have done that hint now I I didn't know it's gonna be anything like insane the slime block is on oh I see the slime block right there too so you're supposed to you're not even supposed to fall all the way down here wait that's water though there's water right there we can land in that water it didn't even change blocks hang on I don't think we need this mysterious slime block yeah this slime block Oh Congrats you made it here however this is an unfair dropper Mac so what this isn't the real ending the real one is located by bouncing off a slime block the slime block is hidden under carpet good luck I'm evil I know press great death wonderful what I just eat it it's like a giant what the heck okay so I guess we have to go over there to that block we got to land on the slime block but yo this dropper is sick thing is massive it's so massive that my render distance right now it's on like 20 chunks like geez okay so we have to like up around here where's the hold on where's the thing okay so it's right there so it's literally right under that X of course it would be so it's right the painful part is just walking all the way over here every single time you die because I know I'm gonna be dying a lot every single time I died you gotta walk all the way back okay I literally landed right next to it to be fair take your glass bottle take it take it eat it away eat it I don't want it I don't want it no more the only thing I want right now is a nice warm slime block to cushion my fall and if that happens I'll be happy there we go there we go okay where am I supposed to go though what oh wait what wait no okay well I just completely broke the map but if I do land here where am I supposed to go I don't understand there's not like a door there's so much of mobs being killed I don't know I don't I don't get it is there something like on the outside that we're missing there's literally nothing on the outside wait what is this oh no is there like a button right here don't tell me there's button right here oh no what is this is there actually a button right there actually is a button right there I am so done so we're supposed to land okay I get it now we're supposed to land watch this guy so this is what we're supposed to do we're supposed to bounce off this thing uh-oh whoops I didn't bounce high enough flip alright so we're supposed to jump off the slime block and land no I missed it again anyways you get the point we're supposed to land right here which is pretty much a perfect up spot and then uh and then we press the yeah button so I think we made it Congrats you did it cause you didn't grass you did it Congrats you did it guys you did it thank you very much take me if you dare hero's sword Oh what is this wait what is it unsub to shot get rekt alright well I guess that is oh my gosh these swords are insane guys thank you all so much for watching I know we did have to cheat a little bit in this video but you know it happens sometimes maps are so hard and sometimes I don't want you guys watching the two-hour video where I sit there for the same level for 45 minutes hopefully hopefully you guys can understand that but I'm sorry for cheating I try not to never cheat or skip levels but they were so hard I just couldn't do them and I wouldn't thank you guys so much for watching hopefully you guys have enjoyed if you did of course we should leave a like thank you guys so much for watching and I'll catch you guys tomorrow in a brand new video but before I go I just ask one thing of you guys to click the subscribe button and click the little bell next to it what that's going to do is when you click the subscribe button and then click the little bell it's going to notify you guys when I upload my new video tomorrow because tomorrow's video is crazy and you don't want to miss it but if you guys don't click the subscribe button and you don't click the bell then you won't be notified and you won't see the video but you want to see it right when it comes out because it is crazy you do not want to miss it I would have thank you guys so much for watching have a safe and fantastic yesterday I'll catch you guys tomorrow in a brand new video click that subscribe button [Music] [Applause]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 3,387,130
Rating: 4.8985519 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2018
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