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you know people say that have problems but I think the disagree sometimes to another video hope you guys are having a wonderful day I'm having a beautiful day myself I'm a horse getting eaten by er sure personally I don't like chard I don't really like horses either but you know what I do like some unspeakable merch link to the merch website in the description below what is going on guys I apologize for the weird intro that's just me I promise no horses and sharks were harmed during the intro of this video but what I do promise you guys is to show you guys the top five oldest minecraft and best most popular minecraft maps' today guys we're basically doing a throwback Thursday even though it's not Thursday well that is okay you don't need a throwback Thursday on Thursday you can do throwback saturday throwback Monday throwback Tuesday throwback Wednesday every day as a throwback if you really want it to be so today guys we're looking at some of the oldest minecraft maps' but also the most popular and best Maps you guys might recognize a ton of these maps throughout this video we're going to be looking at five different ones and some of these maps are over seven years old some of these maps are so so old and we're starting with our first map with the temple of knotch now we are playing on an older minecraft version so if it does seem a little bit laggy or glitchy that's because we're playing on minecraft 1.4.7 a ceccolini temple of knotch is you give him a piece of gold in his well and then you'll kind of see if you're lucky or unlucky so you walk into here and you say hello to notch and you're like hi hello not now not you can do multiple things he can bless you with diamonds and gold and emeralds or he can cry and make you die just like just like that just like that not just to not like me today not white-white why do you do this why do you gosh notch i come before you today to give you this beautiful piece of gold I am giving you gold and you should give me something back because you're nice and you're the creator of Minecraft is not out probably not he gave me diamonds thank you notch will you give me more oh my gosh I think he actually he like the last thing that we just came in I think he gave us diamonds and he killed us now he's just killing us so yeah guys the temple of not sometimes knotch can be bad sometimes he can cry sometimes he can bless you with wealth of diamonds and gold and emeralds and today it looks like I'm a hanging hanging I'm sorry notch I'm sorry for playing Minecraft so much and I'm sorry I just like minecraft I figured he would bless me with a lot of diamonds but he did do that and then he burned me in lava and I watched all my diamonds disappear from my inventory lava alright guys so that is our first map and now we're gonna go to the second map so I'll see you guys in like 3 2 1 alright so we are in our second map and this is the dropper so in facecam but could you stop shaking so much they still stay still stay still okay we're good this is the dropper and this map is one of the first droppers ever made it's also one of the most popular droppers as well we're currently in Minecraft 1.5 as well because it does say play with Minecraft 1.5 impossible oh it is always possible in the in speakable gaming Lander your phone stay in my ear please stay okay alright let's let's do this what am I waiting on this map was made nearly 5 years ago almost 6 years ago so this is definitely a pretty old map and I actually played this map about a year ago so I do kind of remember oh my gosh that poor pig okay here we go here we go let's see if we can make this level on the first try boys there we go what is this a diamond let's go alright so does this go to the next level okay teleports the next level alright so now we are on level 2 the fall I'm not ready for this I always wait for it to open and then I hop in it okay here we go I think I remember this level where you have to OH barely made that one we can't forget the diamond either and I don't have my sprint key configured so I don't know what to do oh look at the controls guys who remem these old controls oh my gosh okay so where is sprint sprint not even a thing wait sprint isn't even a thing in this version of Minecraft oh my gosh we didn't even have sprint that just goes to show how old this map is and how old this version is sprint isn't even a thing it even Sprint's maybe you can't spray maybe I just can't find it alright let's go to the next level level three in the middle oh my gosh who remembers this level okay here we go so I think we have to land perfectly in the middle there we go nailed it on the first try alright we gotta go get that diamond as well you cannot be forgetting the diamond no that is the best Easter egg and then we go out this way an on to the next level level number four is cars oh I remember this one I think you have to land on a car okay let's see if I can actually turn it my render distance a little bit render distance far normal who remembers that where you couldn't adjust your render distance with a bar you had to select like bar normal short tiny oh my gosh the throwback is real guys alright so that's actually the farthest render distance we can do let's see I think the car is right here is this it yep this should be it there we go nailed it level 5 is mine okay this is the this is the one with over yeah all the railroad tracks okay so I do not really remember this one to be honest but it's pretty easy haha perfect I also don't know where the chest is I didn't get the chest or the diamond on the last one but there's so much looking to do I just want to play the map please I just want diamonds in Korea to vote you didn't you didn't hear that no what level six is curtain are we really about to beat this whole map within just a couple minutes okay I remember we land in the curtain oh I barely made that oh my gosh guys we're really about to beat this map just in a couple minutes like level seven some holes are closed oh I remember this one I think I hated this one so you have to memorize okay so the first one is that one okay hold on let's see what we got here alright so you gotta go through this one oh wait no that's not it is that really not it oh wait the X's are closed okay so basically it's top top top side side okay I got it so it's top top top side side yes there we go literally nailed it not on the first try but the second try but that's only because I got confused because I thought the exes were the ones that were open I didn't know the O's we're the ones is open I just wasn't thinking on that level but that was pretty sick nailed it all right level number eight guys we're literally about to beat this map oh my gosh okay right into the toilet bowl this one is perdition but oh I forgot about the boats I still made it though I still made it and you got to exit through the side of the toilet bowl oh I remember these good old days level number nine is step by step so this try to land on the web I remember this level okay so you got to land on the cobwebs and then it takes you like 50 years to get out of them 2000 years later and then once you're out it says from here step by step so I think what you're supposed to do is you're literally supposed to take it step by step like you're supposed to land on this one and then this one and then this one and this one this one this wait I just printed what-what and then there's water right here so you're supposed to oh wait you're supposed to land in here like this and then I think you're supposed to run over to this one then you're supposed to land like this and then like this oh I missed it I'm sorry and then this and then this there we go I seriously can't believe we're like completing this whole entire map just in a couple like minutes okay so this was level 10 rail whoo I do not remember this one I do not always on we got it boys oh no that was our second dev I got this one though I got this one this one's not too hard it's just maneuvering your character to the right spot there we go perfect all right guys so I know there's a lot of other levels to this map and if you guys want to see me actually complete them maybe in a different video then leave a like on this video but we still have three other crazy maps to show you guys so yeah the next map is nearly seven years old it's a classic let's get into it alright guys so we're in the next map and I want you guys to try and guess what map this is just by looking at the background this is a very very popular and very successful map back in the day not a lot of people play it now but back in the day it was like the biggest thing in Minecraft now what you guys try and guess do you guys have three seconds to guess what you think this map is three two one did you guys guess aunt form survival because that is what it is so ant farm survival is a massive classic there is a ton of different versions that have been created off of ant farm survival now this map that were playing right now is the updated ant farm Survival it's not the very very original one because I wasn't really able to find that one the creator that made the original one was this guy and this is the map that I found from him because he has actually updated the map a lot over the years so this map has been updated all the way to 1.7.10 and it was made nearly seven years ago so just in the early one point to 1.3 and 1.4 versions of Minecraft that was when and the map was really popping and all the youtubers were starting to play it and all that stuff I even played this map on my other minecraft youtube channel that's right guys before I started mine speakable gaming channel I played this map and my old channel was called mister gaming 1000 if you guys try to look it up you won't find it because I pretty much got rid of the channel but yeah that was my channel before I even started unspeakable gaming so this map is a massive massive throwback for me and it's really amazing that it's been updated you know to 1.7.10 just because of how old it is so we hop in the map right here and before on the classic version they didn't have anything like this you weren't able to look out the windows of the map and see this beautiful bedroom because the theme of this map is basically you're in a massive bedroom let me turn up my render distance just a little bit oh my gosh what is going on what is that you guys hear that there's a lot of stuff exploding um is that good or bad what happened I don't know what is going on but that is so loud I really kind of want to fly out and I don't for mission what is going on I have no idea what is going on what is going on what is that noise I have no idea I hotel what is going on guys so the theme of this map is you're actually in like a kids bedroom or someone's bedroom who knows what you'll never see that person but you're in a massive little ant farm and you're supposedly really small but you're actually normal-sized but it just makes you feel small because you're in this massive massive room as we look around we can see a creeper through the window we can see a zombie banging on the door and solidly breaking it but he's actually not doing anything because he's a massive statue then we got a bed over here some bookshelves as well and I have no idea what is exploding down there but it's going crazy in the older versions of ant farm survival you weren't able to see out of these windows you were just kind of encased in an ant farm and you had to do your objectives as you were told and you had to try to survive and try your best not to die just like this if we fly out here you can see the whole entire ant farm and how it looks so throughout the ant farm there is a lot of spawners there's a lot of ores you can get you're able I believe you're able to get obsidian as well if you have a water source and actually go to the nether as well I've heard there's actually like a nether version of the ant farm which is pretty cool when this map came out you had a lot of objectives and things to obtain such as make a bow make glass make a bucket make iron tools make an infinite water source find and harvest sugarcane just a lot of really small things like that and youtubers like me back in the day and like antvenom and all those crazy guys did an ant farm Survival they would do all these objectives and but they would also go above and beyond and go more insane and build all these crazy things in the app farm and people loved them so this map was not just a massive throwback to me but it's also a massive throwback to Minecraft because this map is just so old it's been through so much it's been through so many changes and it's really grown the Minecraft community because this is one of the first maps I believe that blew up on YouTube and stuff like that and everyone went crazy about it it's definitely cool to see this map progress as well and see people play it but yeah so that is number three now let's go to our number four map and this one is oh this one is a classic you guys are gonna love this one let's go guys one of my favorites and if you don't recognize or know this map the TNT Olympics this map was made over five years ago by sethbling and basically what it is is it's a giant Olympic horse where you do a bunch of Olympic type things but with TNT so it's really really cool the way it works now I haven't played this map and I want to say about four years so I hardly remember how everything works but we're gonna kind of go through it and we're gonna do some of the Olympics and some of the games in this and this map so you actually have a lot of different game modes to choose from in the TNT Olympics so you have javelin throw trapshooting your high jump and long jump four hundred millimeter hurdles am gymnastics volt you have rowing balance beam but you have swimming and horse riding as well so the first one that we're gonna do is the 400 meter hurdles so I'm kind of curious how this works I don't know we have to press this first do we have to press this I don't know I don't know what any of these do I don't know oh wait oh wait there goes look it started the hurdles okay so we're supposed to run I guess we're supposed to be in lane one okay so we're in lane one right now running the 400 meter hurdles oh no I didn't make it NoHo got a back up back up back up whoa oh what's come on wait curious question how do you even jump over a fence post isn't that impossible you can't jump over fence post that's not possible or is it or am i doing something wrong I don't know I might be doing something wrong I have no idea but I think I see the high jump over there so I'm really curious as to what the high jump is I want to do the high jump alright guys let's just run up to the high jump here we go running up to the high jump and high jump oh oh okay okay I jumped just okay alright so I think this one is actually the javelin throw I don't know how to work it though because it gave me a bow but I don't have any arrows let's get another TNT block and set it right there I felt nope that's not that's not where it was it was right there yeah I think that's where it was okay so then we step on this and then it ignites it and then we're supposed to shoot it is that we're supposed to do are we supposed wait I'm so confused I don't remember I don't remember how any of these things work guys I do apologize I haven't played this map in nearly four years how do you how do you shoot T&C with an arrow that's never been a thing maybe I'm just playing on the wrong version i'm playing on 1.7.2 so it's not that old I don't know I might be on the wrong version guys I'm probably goofing this up but I'm so sorry this map is just so old it's just okay so it's not that I'm on the wrong version it's just that I'm actually doing it wrong so what you're supposed to do oh no I already started it okay so what you're supposed to do you're supposed to shoot the arrow oh I completely missed that one okay this is what you're supposed to do supposed to load it up with two pieces of TNT and then you're supposed to run over it run up to here wait for and shoot the arrow I think it actually backfired yeah the arrow backfired that's awkward you were supposed to time it really really you really gotta time it perfectly to where the TNT explodes just as you shoot the arrow I just watch settings video over it and he was saying like yeah I know my games are hard but this one's like really really hard the key is just to time it perfectly and shoot the arrow right as the tnt blows up there we go wait did we get a successful shot on that one no I think it just landed right there but if you get the arrow right when the TNT blows up it should just launch really really far but it's a very very hard game well give it one more try here we go all rights loading up the arrow and Oh completely missed that one I think or yeah no completely missed here we go one more try one more try come on come on come on oh there we go was that all no anything that is such a hard game so our next game we're going to compete in is long jump basically a long jump you run as fast as you can when you step over this pressure plates going to activate the TNT and then the TNT supposed to explode right as you're running past it so let's see if we can nail this just on our first try okay TNT is ignited come on come on come on oh that was terrible okay maybe we got to run just a little bit slower let's also try to go into survival mode as well that might help a little bit okay so let's press it and let's start running now okay so this should be perfect perfect timing oh no but hopefully you guys kind of understand the game you're supposed to run with it and then right when you're running past it you need the TNT to explode one more time here we go alright I'm not gonna stop this time I'm just gonna keep running ah no he killed me what let's try it once more but in creative mode this time okay so here we go TT has been ignited and there we go okay so we made it four meters that time so that's not bad I honestly don't know if you can make it all the way to the end - 18 meters oh my gosh that's insane right there alright so for this next game I think it's a form of a high jump or maybe it's the gymnastics vault I'm not really sure what this is but let's go ahead and run and I think you're supposed to run and then land in that pit of TNT and then uh-oh hopefully land in the red let's go boys nailed it on the first try all that way I think we're slightly on the orange oh we're slightly on the orange I think okay so we got I think we got a 9 and a 10 oh my gosh but first trial that one that was pretty good guys there's a lot of other games that you can do in this TNT Olympics but I'll kind of leave that to you guys or maybe if you guys show a lot of support on this video maybe I'll do a video where I do a throwback and I do all the teens he Olympics but I do them with friends and stuff so let me know if you want to see that believing I like on this video but guys we do have one more map to check out the very last map one of the most popular maps that have completely changed minecraft history let's go check it out right now okay so we're on the map and my FaceCam is shaking oh look guys your yeah alright see so stop stop good boy we're on the map right now and I think this map has truly changed minecraft and made minecraft what it was today this game-mode has gotten millions if not billions of views in so many different servers and games and videos and just everything I think this is one of the biggest minecraft game modes and this is what really made minecraft minecraft I want you guys to try and guess what you think this game-mode is it's Hunger Games oh snap who remembers Hunger Games I seriously think this is one of the most popular minecraft game modes ever in Minecraft I mean with millions and millions of people playing this on servers youtubers just doing this with hundreds and thousands of episodes I even did a couple hundred episodes myself I believe of Hunger Games I think not a couple hundred I think I did like eighty or ninety episodes but I mean I know youtubers that made series where they did 2000 episodes I know youtubers that base their whole channel just off Hunger Games and they made it to nearly three hundred thousand four hundred thousand very dedicated subscribers and they made you know a thousand you know two thousand episodes of this game-mode I think this game-mode has truly changed minecraft and of course a very good way and it made minecraft what it is today I mean look how much Hunger Games expanded and then the Hunger Games expanded into sky wars and then sky wars expand into this and it just all the grew is a massive community I think Hunger Games is seriously one of the most important game modes to minecraft success and this is the very first or not the very first I want to say because there's probably other Hunger Games maps before this but this is the very first most popular Hunger Games Maps this is survival games number one and I know that you guys know this map I don't gotta to do a showcase of this map you guys know this map probably by heart and if you don't know this map you've at least seen it or heard of it if you've played Minecraft and if you haven't seen it or heard of this map um you just started playing minecraft this year this map was made nearly five years ago I think almost six years ago I didn't really see the date before I had downloaded it but I mean seriously do you guys think about what I have to say about Hunger Games do you think Hunger Games truly made minecraft what it is today it's a very very interesting discussion to talk about but it is definitely a very important one so there's two diamonds in that chest that is a pretty good chest right there that's a diamond sword and this map isn't just a throwback for youtubers and Minecrafters it's a massive throwback for me as well because like I said I did nearly 90 videos maybe even more than that I don't really remember but I did probably close to a hundred videos on Hunger Games and that's a lot of videos that's probably about a year of content from me because back in the day I wouldn't post a video every day I'd post a video every two days or every three days or something like that so 100 videos for me is pretty much a full year of Minecraft content I think it's truly crazy what minecraft has become because of all the people and you guys in just everyone everyone as a whole has made minecraft what it is today and you watching this that one person that's watching with all you guys that are watching this you guys are probably like oh I didn't make minecraft I don't matter I could leave minecraft and it wouldn't affect anything well no you do make minecraft every single one of you guys every single one of you guys that are watching this video you guys all make minecraft what it is today and it's absolutely incredible what it this game has become like seriously just give yourself a round of applause on the back for playing Minecraft because it's so cool it's minecraft come on it's minecraft minecraft thank you guys so much for watching and thank you guys so much for being minecraft supporters of Minecraft fans you guys make what minecraft is today and hopefully this game will still continue to grow throughout the years because there's still so much potential for it in the future I want to thank you guys so much for watching I hope you guys have a safe and fantastic rest of your day before you guys go be sure to click that little subscribe button below me and click that little bell next to it cuz what that's going to do it's going to notify you guys when I upload my new video tomorrow and you guys do not want to miss tomorrow's video because it is sick like you don't want to miss it like do not miss tomorrow's video it is so cool I'm just saying don't miss it don't miss it turn on those notifications click that little bell cuz you don't wanna miss tomorrow's video again guys thank you all so much for watching hope you guys have a safe and fantastic and I'll be seeing you guys tomorrow in a brand new video also if you guys would like to download any of these maps I'll include all these download links in the description just if you guys want to check them out and play them for yourself but guys thank you all so much for watching I was safe and fantastic rest everyday and I'll catch you guys tomorrow and a brand new [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 15,562,755
Rating: 4.8795276 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: QKvo0ksRezg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2017
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