Alleged Twitch Predator

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usually when i talk about twitch drama it's goofier topics like that girl who was banned for queefing into her mic and by the way she was kind of a pioneer like an actual innovator in the field she was like the tesla of farting and the queef queen actually started a trend on twitch for a little while where recently asmr streamers were farting into their mics for sub goals so unfortunately for the valedictorian of vaginal air expulsion she was just a little early to this she just was ahead of her time had she been queefing during this meta she could have probably popped off on subs but she just she got there too soon also those streamers that were farting into their mics also got temp bands for it so the result was the same but she wasn't able to squeeze as much juice from it as they were able to but uh anyway this is not one of those goofier topics today we're talking about something actually serious like like genuinely awful yesterday i received quite a few emails and mentions on twitter letting me know about a streamer who was allegedly exposed for grooming underage girls and being a predator [ __ ] like that and for some reason the guy that was accused of all these things mentioned me in this video on his channel it says hopefully charlie will make a video on this and help prove my innocence he's a homie i don't i don't know if this is about me but a lot of people seem to think that it was i want to make it clear i don't know this guy so i haven't like defended him or anything like that and i don't know why people are emailing me asking why i'm defending him when i haven't done or even said anything about this until right now it's important to know that all of these are just allegations at the moment nothing is proven but seems like some pretty hard evidence this isn't just some like twitter dog [ __ ] where one anonymous account says in 2013 at megacon orlando at the washing machine enthusiast booth uh soda poppin was groping on my nut sack fondling a little bit aggressively it felt good at first then it got a little weird when he started tugging on my nutsack hairs and you know ever since then i haven't been the same soda poppins a predator you know it's not just like baseless nonsense or anything like there is real evidence against this streamer for the things that they're being accused of so since that video title has led people to believe that i'm somehow involved in this whole thing i thought it was at least worth talking about so i want to go over the full lore of the situation as well as some things about it that just don't add up about all of it so this all started with a thread on live stream fails lsf also known as the home to xqc's clips if you miss an xqc stream you can just check live stream fails and see every single moment of it posted there on the front page of it of course i'm only kidding there's ms kiff clips as well but last night there was an anomaly some kind of like [ __ ] solar eclipse had occurred on live stream fails where the top post wasn't xqc or mischief it was this and it's about this user talking about their experience with a streamer and you can read it for yourself but the gist of it is they were following this channel in 2018 and randomly decided to check in on them that evening and he believes that his name must have sounded similar to a girl's name on the platform because the streamer reached out asking if they were a girl and asking the chat and then the following ensued i'm blurring out the streamer's name everywhere just in case this all does turn out to be false a hoax or even worse a malicious attempt to ruin one innocent person's career so i just want you to keep that in mind that that's why i'm doing that just because none of this is completely confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt he reached out using twitch whispers which is akin to using aol instant messenger to get in contact with somebody no one has used twitch whispers in years this was probably the first time this was even activated since twitch launched nobody uses whispers so i mean call this guy old-fashioned i mean this was pretty wild i didn't even know this even still existed it's an archaic system more people use carrier pigeons than twitch whispers but as you can see he gets in touch are you a girl yes why do you ask want a dm on discord and then tries to add them so they decided to add them on discord and this is the conversation they have he asked what state and how old they are so basically some omegle [ __ ] asl age sex location they respond with 17 18 soon streamer says really nice young i like that i could fly you to me maybe and the conversation really starts to look like something you'd hear chris hansen reading they asked when they started to follow they say check in the chat and i'll type something so the streamer responds with when you were a teenie then he he i actually haven't heard or seen the word teeny since i was a [ __ ] teeny like 11 or 12 years old so that was quite a blast from the past and then this is where it gets very [ __ ] weird the streamer says let me show you a little vid are you home and you can probably already guess the video that they send i'll go ahead and spoil the surprise it is not an edp situation where he sends a picture of his [ __ ] he sends no [ __ ] pics this is a video of him jerking off beaten on his meat just playing the skin flute obviously won't be showing even a pixel of that video from there they say would you love it honey if you could sit on me and feel my hard dick in your [ __ ] he he a bunch of hearts that's kind of it's kind of sweet right i mean that's like valentine's day kind of [ __ ] right there and then he says that he's horny as if that was a secret i mean there's nothing left to the imagination here i mean he sent a video of him jerking off i would imagine there's some horniness levels reaching critical mass as you go on [ __ ] nuclear meltdown mode of horniness uh then again it would feel so good for you baby would you like would you like to hehe babe and then that's when the poster says making an lsf thread right now you like grooming young girls i'll get you banned everywhere so he basically just says that he's making the the thread about all of this and then in response to him revealing that he is not a 17 year old girl and is in fact going to be reporting this behavior on reddit uh the streamer responds with something i can't show anything of because he drops the n word a few times but he basically says i knew you were fake and then says the n-word quite a few times so i'm i'm not showing any of that but that's where those screenshots end he then gives a little evidence to prove that the discord account that he's sharing in the screenshots belongs to the streamer and that's kind of where that interaction completed in the comments other people were finding video clips where the streamer was asking how he can delete every video on his hard drive at the push of a button once all this was coming to light seemed like he really wanted to find a program to scrub his hard drive of all of his videos all at once which is a little weird uh some of his old tweets were dug up where he was talking about having sex with 14 year olds is less of a crime than stealing coca-cola as well as some other really [ __ ] gross tweets but i i'd like to talk about a few things here on lsf there has been a few times in the past where a poster has made a threat about a streamer they don't like accusing them of some horrible things that turned out to be completely false even though the evidence made a lot of sense they'd have like screenshots of [ __ ] what they didn't show was what actually transpired being like extremely manipulative lying and stuff like that in order to get that kind of reaction and make that kind of narrative on lsf in order to just farm karma points or hurt the streamer they don't like i'm not saying that's what happened here i'm just saying this kind of thing has happened in the past and was proven to be a hoax like the [ __ ] bigfoot or satchmo [ __ ] like that right now this is the only post and only person talking about this streamer like this i can't find anything else from anyone sharing a similar experience they've had with this streamer or anything even close to this kind of experience with them which strikes me as a little odd because if he is grooming underage girls so actively that he would reach out to someone in his chat he thought was a girl based on just their twitch name you would think there'd be other victims that would come forward and share a similar experience with this person but i haven't seen anything like that it is possible that this is just so new that no one else has had a chance to come forward with that kind of information this is less than a day old so that's definitely a possibility but it does strike me as odd that he's so active that he'll reach out to someone that he even has like a small [ __ ] smell of a female in his chat and reach out and like start jerking off for them that there would only be this one isolated incident that would strike me as like a pattern not just like a one-time thing so i would have expected more people to have similar stories but i haven't seen anything like that yet so for now this is all we have to go off of and the tweets are extremely suspicious but what really strikes me is odd is that the profile picture is like the stereotypical neck beard thing like very self-aware neckbeard anime weeb it really seems like a parody account on twitter there are people that are open pedophiles like that's not uncommon for twitter but it strikes me as weird that the profile pic would be like the neckbeard people make fun of like the anime [ __ ] neckbeard thing while saying these things it really seems like it was supposed to be satire and i don't know if it is or not either way it's dog [ __ ] satire but the account's been deleted so i can't really go through and look at all of it myself there's only a couple screenshots of the individual tweets now and from what i was reading from the uh the active members in his community during all this he wanted to be on lsf he's apparently they were saying he always wanted to be the top post on lsf so it almost seems like it could have even been manufactured to a certain degree which would be the dumbest [ __ ] way of going about that to label have you be labeled a pedophile by so many people in the twitch community i don't think does anything good for your streaming career if that really is what was going on here so i i don't know if i really believe that but there are some things in this that just don't make sense to me the discord having no profile pic immediately sharing his discord and then going zero to 100 hey where do you live you want to see me put my finger in my urethra just [ __ ] tugging on his meat real hard after like four text messages back and forth like it all just seems really fishy to me in his chat going on about how you fell for me lord's schemes they kept saying like melord treating him like he was some kind of super villain mastermind and we were just pawns in his game like this is exactly what he wanted which wouldn't make him a mastermind and make him a master [ __ ] idiot because this is such a dumb idea for like publicity if that really is what's going on here it just really all of it just doesn't add up to me like to be so open about you know pedophile predator [ __ ] that just doesn't make any sense there's also this so the poster was replying to a comment which is now deleted and he says he's been famous in his chat for grooming young girls on discord when he whispered me i wanted to see if that's true that statement directly contradicts what he says in the opening statement in the thread where he says he just randomly decided to go to the stream and then he just typed something in chat and then the dude reached out to him like that's a little different now he's making it sound like he was in here in there with like a mission like he was going in there as the [ __ ] vigilante and was finally going to expose him which is completely different from the narrative that he started with in the original post he had also recently been banned and had only just been unbanned like less than a week ago and then all of this happens like it's just so many things in the story seems so strange and then to like on that same night talk about like how do i delete videos on my hard drive talking about like i need to scrub the hard drive every video needs to go someone quick help me i need to get rid of all these videos that doesn't strike me as someone who's like actually panicking about all of the accusations that strikes me as someone that's trying to farm karma and attention out of this it really does seem like the behavior of a troll like an extremely edgy really misguided troll i mean because now there's like articles about it that are talking about his alleged pedophilic behavior that he's exhibited you know over the course of like the last five or six hours those articles have been coming up so it's like a really bad idea if this really was the plan but overall i just wanted to talk about this because for some reason i was mentioned in it or at least i was people perceived that i was mentioned in this so i at least wanted to talk about it and give like the full breakdown of everything going on the whole situation's [ __ ] up no matter what is actually going on here and if everything from the lsf post is true and that's exactly how it all happened then this is an extremely serious case where this guy needs to be off of twitch asap as well as have some kind of investigation done because this is some really [ __ ] up [ __ ] uh i just wanted to talk about it and uh yeah that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 4,175,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zX6u3ORUogo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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