Cryptoland Is Embarrassing

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another day another goofy crypto project to laugh at yesterday i was finding tons of beautiful nfts to make me sick to my stomach such as the adolf hitler collection where apparently adolf hitler's soul has been minted into the blockchain in a collection called the a dolphies which is basically board apes but with hitler i'm guessing that project's really popping off and then of course recently troy baker went on twitter and publicly shot himself in the foot by announcing his own nft project saying you can hate or you can create and collectively he got hated he got [ __ ] ratioed straight to hell he had banished to the shadow realm with a fat ratio but that neither of these projects are what we're talking about today today we're going to be looking at crypto land i actually watched this on stream the other day before i enlighten you with the crypto land video i wanted to clarify something on stream before i watch this i mentioned that i knew a very limited amount about crypto land but i did mention a [ __ ] storm that i saw on twitter with crypto land in regards to kids so i said that they allowed kids on their island but apparently this wasn't exactly what they said so i'll just show you the tweet this was a tweet that caused all of the drama on twitter and it's a [ __ ] weird tweet so it's even like more disturbing than what i said going into the video or what i thought it was about going into the video it deals with the age of consent on their island so uh further clarification crypto land was also trying to be a real world thing where they were actually going to own a fijian island for crypto enthusiasts and someone asked what the age of consent on the island would be and they just said mental maturities enough with a winky face so you can see why this was immediately just written off as a [ __ ] creepy project i just wanted to clarify this before showing you the video because i got it wrong in the beginning with what this was actually about and also one other thing i learned is that crypto land has been dmca striking people that [ __ ] talk their project so if that does happen to this video i will be fighting it legally tooth and nail and put as much money and time as i need to in order to combat that because that is some outright [ __ ] crypto land i think was what we're gonna start with crypto land is this new crypto scam or something i don't know [ __ ] about it the only reason i know this exists is because i saw an argument on twitter where someone asked who's allowed on crypto land are kids allowed and they said anyone's allowed of mental maturity or something so then everyone started calling crypto land epstein island that's the only thing i know about this and i know they had like a full-blown animated announcement that was really embarrassing hi this is me christopher a crypto d-gen with a crush for cryptokitties i'm on my way to crypto land the number one that was pretty clo that was pretty quick after just giving a brief backstory of the only thing i know about it saying they like kids on the island or whatever he just talks about his obsession with crypto kitties in six seconds wow and when counting one chris generator visionary investors could own a piece of this uni guy i did convince matt one of the 60 exclusive parcels on the blockchain hills that's how i became a king crypto lander there it is yeah let's go crypto land christopher come here oh jesus christ yeah 50 000 blocks at least been waiting for you this is like one of those pc games that came in cereal boxes [Music] of last resort this must have cost them so much to make all the other king crypto landers have been arriving from all corners of the world when we get to the blockchain oh that's another thing also one more thing i kind of know about this going into it apparently this wanted to be more or wants to be more than crypto it wants a physical island that you can go visit which is why people got really bothered by them saying like as long as you're mentally mature any ages welcome because it's that's like a weird thing to say and like welcome on to your island of crypto bros so i think this whole thing is about like a real place in the real world that is also tied to the blockchain or something again i only know a very limited amount from the twitter arguments i was reading reddit island 3.0 pretty much not your keys not your bitcoins seriously your keys your bitcoin not your keys not your bitcoin where do you come up with these crazy ideas you goofball i'm not going to tell you where sir god this is embarrassing holy [ __ ] [Music] this is an actual project crypto land is a real thing like they have their own white paper and everything a glimpse into the future we all deserve yeah i guess that's one way of saying it oh here i guess this is a better explanation than i provided it's a project headed by cryptocurrency enthusiasts to purchase an existing fijian island and develop it into a haven for fellow cryptocurrency enthusiasts oh my god in this video guys i'm buying a real piece of land in crypto paradise on shameless [ __ ] shameless yeah there's no dislikes though so it must be good is it real though uh no man it's a [ __ ] scam what do you mean is it real here i'll just keep letting the announcement play whoops oh my god wow damn this place looks sick dope for vacations but folks approach me saying connie we need somewhere where we can be programming surrounded by palm trees and views to open sea they were sick of working this is a great mascot he's like clippy when they can work from paradise so we built it come on in but all he can do is like people are picking up their people vomiting [Laughter] oh i get to eat nfts well we don't have any real food but we do have receipts of food no no no no please go ahead i am i'm not a fan of forks you know oh yo yo classic thanks enjoy your meal jesus christ yikes while you were what's that that's crypto lands follow satoshi and you'll get to the moon that was fun boy we are in crypto beach and fun is the norm here god damn right it's fun let's go what about the rug pull room let's go to the proof who is this for six-year-olds pass out what the [ __ ] is this man is there any i have to look this up i'm not going to do it on stream because i don't want to see the council of [ __ ] but i'm going on twitter real quick does crypto land have like a good following like people that saw this and like oh my god paradise at last this is what i was born for i'll take five crypto what were these cryptokitty nfts the [ __ ] are they selling i already forgot what it was called this is sad they posted an announcement five days ago dear cryptolanders we have been the victims of what seems to be a planned attack to harass vilify and twist our work we condemn all the false information and false accusations being spread about crypto land and invite those who are truly interested to make their own research and politely ask us if they want to know anything about this amazing project much love crypto land team you know bah humbug [ __ ] all those people that are misrepresenting the good work of the crypto land i think they did a great job of making sure no one would ever be interested with this animation i don't think there's any need to twist their words when this exists fire fest for crypto virgins i keep seeing that posted everywhere jesus christ my god in their own household here i can't find anything positive like they're literally liking some of these tweets too [Music] damn this slaps the future is here baby and it's bright let's [Music] go right i'm coming to crypto land baby that looks amazing that looks good i'm exhausted i come from new york city new york oh my god even crazy frogs here he's been minted into the blockchain that's actually just going to give me dmcad see you all there hey see on crypto land all right that looked that looked awesome the land of dmca strikes and cease and desist loaders they have resorted to legal threats and dmca strikes and misrepresenting information is that right because they are doing the good old uh dmca and sending legal threats to people are they so good luck with that one by the way guys but either way let's start looking into some of this stuff the tweet about age of consent right somebody tweeted at them and said what's the age of consent on crypto land and their twitter account responded with this mental maturity should be more than enough winky face yeah that's that's what i was talking about yeah this this stirred up quite the [ __ ] storm like just a like normal question you know and such a normal answer it's weird that people have been besmirching the good name of crypto land yeah i mean maybe this is where edp is hanging out now like he's he works there i couldn't tell you yeah this is this is a very [ __ ] weird response and especially the winky face at the end i know that this is going to sound ridiculous because this wouldn't hold up in a court of law yeah but you're going to bring up the winky face the winky face is weird why is there a winky face in there so this is when they started sending out cease and desist letters it looks like the cease and desists are going well lol 36k likes nice the crypto land legal team i promise you no such thing as ever existed in any crypto project ever the legal team is uh that's voldemort's name there's no such thing as legality when it comes to [ __ ] crypto nft teams no shot it specifically states you can use this it's free anybody can oh so they just used free assets they have the condition and the condition is it looks like so much hardware credit me so they stole a bunch of assets entities and giving it back to the people but of course not when it suits us uh not not when the corporate oh so it actually did go through on youtube i think that's one of the most laughable parts about youtube is that something like crypto land can still take down a video like from just some person that's pretty wild this is a video that's showing every single one of their things is from somebody else on instagram so they stole everything and it's a terrible project to begin with nice well i'm all caught up that animation was pretty [ __ ] lit though that [ __ ] really kind of went in do we have any crypto landers in chat will i be seeing any of you guys on the island
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,811,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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