Twin brothers “prank” gets them a felony charge

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what is the deal with twins on youtube man gosh the dolan twins the martinez twins the dubrey brothers the dave martino twins all of them rich as hell subscribers spilling out of their anus it's like youtube one day was like you know what if you had to share a womb with your sibling boy that must have been difficult why don't you just start a youtube channel we'll toss you 10 million subs right out of the gates the only requirement is you have to make content that makes adults want to lobotomize can't hit themselves if you ain't scared i actually thought you were a girl bro oh shh yeah bro bro you're uh you were yeah you pranked me too we haven't done a boyfriend swap video in some time and we decided to bring it back for fall i mean i'm not trying to throw shade but honestly who chooses to be a twin that's disgusting anyways another pair of twins we're at it again this week and that's why we're here today youtubers the stokes twins have been charged for bank robbery pranks no stokes twins oh god you hate to see it oh you just hate to you just i don't really hate it that i i quite like that actually yeah that's not bad now these were felony charges okay and i don't know a lot about the justice system but i know that felonies are bad and i know that when you have hair that looks like that you're probably not going to hold up that well in prison listen i love a delicious e-boy cloth as much as the next guy i mean the pair here magnificent but if you're used to spending 45 minutes in the mirror with a hair dryer adjusting to prison life is gonna be sad violin.wave i'm just spitballing here don't take my word for it what the hell do i know so the stokes twins here are approaching five milly subs crushing it clearly and this is the first i've heard of them which is a shock uh to me because i'm usually really into uh [Music] extreme dares in public nah i'm only teasing and i do apologize if you got a retinopathy from looking through those thumbnails with me i promise i wouldn't do that again to you [Music] got him now the video in question was deleted off of their channel on account of the felony charges i'm sure but guess what it's the internet and someone re-uploaded it so we're going to take a peek at that coming in hot right out of the gate to hook us for the full 1002 running away with bags of money in ski masks classic hey guys welcome back to another youtube video so i'm alan and i'm alex and you might be wondering why we're dressed like this and it's because [Music] it's because we're doing a bank robber prank these guys [ __ ] kill me look at that hair though money so we have a lot of money right here we're gonna be running around in front of people and making it seem like we just got done robbing a bank let's try to get this video 100 000 likes because we're literally risking our lives doing this video risking their lives for you the viewer for you the underdeveloped child viewer i have to imagine the least you can do is give them a hundred thousand likes smash the [ __ ] like button damn it 200 no i'm trying to make like a larger larger like amount you know how tight your security is or you know that's probably tight that's okay i'll just go find out myself all right thank you i know that dude was thinking nobody with this quaff here is robbing any banks so he probably just played along to be nice uh until he left him alone uber uber for allen they got an uber here we go uh our getaway driver just bailed on us so uh is it uh what is it [Music] oh we're going like a costume costume party oh we're going to like a costume uh costume party you uh step on it like step on the gas okay can i just take this right off my coffin actually no we're gonna get caught yeah we can't do oh man this isn't good so they call the uber he gets there prank his ass idiot these guys are a hoot uh and then he calls the cops i think and uh a bunch of cop like a swat team rolls in and they pull guns on the uber driver not knowing if he's involved uh and he gets out of the car and it's a whole thing what could have gone wrong i mean come on this is some hilarious [ __ ] that's what i read after the fact in the in the police report or the article i read hey hey what's going on you guys just get out of an uber a minute ago uh you're videotaping stuff yeah yeah we were like a public yeah officer you know we were just doing a public prank you know so it's gucci though right a public prank seeing police officers in the area hauling butt over here because you guys are pulling up mass officer i just told you it was a public prank hello we're youtubers idiot go write a parking ticket or something actually before you do can you can you get a selfie over here with me real quick my followers are going to think this is lit uh is it is it okay if i take you on a date sometime or uh no no i'm sorry okay uh oh you have a girlfriend okay what about what about now i can literally buy you anything please like just not even a number a phone number i have nothing witty to say this segment is just stupid you guys know where the nearest bank is at well like atms are like a bank bank wells fargo how far is that do you know how tight their security is or oh we're i'm about to go well i'm not i'm just going to make a large withdrawal if you know what i mean all right you guys know where there's like a bank nearby yeah oh wells fargo sick dude yeah no don't worry about the ski mask i'm gonna rob the bank yeah i know no oh it's next to the target cool it's for a youtube video don't panic cool guys thanks so i'm i'm actually trying to rob a bank and i'm looking for an attractive female to like distract a security guard would you would you be down to do that oh did you hear that those panties just hit the concrete that is pickup artist level 11 right there my man is spitting game with the ski mask the whole getup that woman doesn't stand a chance i'm looking for an attractive lady to distract the guards while i rob the bank god damn it where were those pickup lines when i was in college i'm new around here and i was just wondering real quick like maybe get your names or like your phone number or anything like that no is it okay if i take one of you guys on a date sometime what is this like asking people out on a date narrative during the bank robbery prank thing that's that's such a twins youtube channel aids content kind of thing i just why why are you gonna stuff that in there for the gen it's for the gen z i know what it is okay so we're gonna stop the video right there honestly we've been filming for three days and those are the best reactions that we could get so if you guys enjoyed sorry did you say you filmed for three days for the [ __ ] for three days for the in those are the reactions you got i get it you spend two of the days blow drying your hair why is it so nice god damn it it's gorgeous hell yeah outtakes this is so perfect the first outtake the first outtake is them bragging about the very reason why they just got arrested uh here nine months later just to clarify this now since we're in the postscript a little bit uh this video was on their channel in october of 2019 so it takes the police a long time to build a case apparently but uh they just got now charged this week which yeah that's like a solid nine ten months each of the twins was charged with one felony count of false imprisonment affected by violence menace fraud or deceit i don't really know what that means exactly but also one misdemeanor count of falsely reporting an emergency uh which is basically the same charge you get when swatting so they didn't call the police themselves like a traditional swatting but they were doing something that elicited a bunch of calls that kind of results in the same thing for example the police showing up rifles drawn on that uber driver because the police don't know is there a real bank heist going on is this uber driver involved super dangerous [ __ ] and as we all know someone a year a couple years ago died as the result of a swatting prank i mean it's just it's negligent you know i hope they got a hundred thousand likes that's the least we could do for a couple of felony charges i hope they hit that hundred thousand and it made it worth it i caught an uber driver right and we both got in the car and then uh the like people like saw us get in the car with like the ski mask and everything on and then we the uber driver kicked us out of the car one minute later there were like 10 cop cars that pulled out like guns on him like they're like rifles they thought he was getting away so he got like 15 guns like he's like i'm not even a part of this i mean you can't draw it up any better than these two yeah he like dude he literally almost died like the cobb was like oh he almost shot him in the face oh that would have been sick but nah he's fine i think i don't really know but you guys know where the nearest bank is yeah poor guy so yeah poor guy so and felony charge sorry about your luck but you guys are pulling up mass so i called the emergency non-emergency number about like um i think the other day this was on saturday and i told them that we'll be filming saturday and on wednesday as well i'm sorry did you say you called the non-emergency number to let them know on which days you would be filming these fake public felonies in order to get the public riled up and to you know just disregard all the calls coming in that day we're just we're just filming a youtube video hi yeah is this the police station yeah on saturday sunday monday this week three days actually just monday the first two days we're going to be styling our hair yeah if you get any calls about potential bank robberies and some dangerous characters forget it it's just for it's a prank video on youtube so don't worry about sending the cops we'll be it'll be fine because they're watching this guy's pulling up ski masks throwing stuff on the ground changing clothes first they actually stepped it up and like pushed her like our i guess yeah it worked yeah and i just didn't expect this to actually happen because like most time people are just always laughing because they we just kind of stepped it up this time officer i don't know what happened usually people just laugh it's funny but we just it's it got so lit this time that i just can't believe people call it i'm so sorry these dudes these dudes are yeah a little bit they're just a little disconnected from reality that's all i'll say think about what's going on nowadays think about it man you've got to be smarter than that man you know better do they know better though you're absolutely lucky right just be careful so that incredibly nice and gentle cup uh wraps that video up unfortunately there are no comments to read because this is a re-upload and the original has been deleted but here we are nine months later these brothers are facing misdemeanor and felony charges and according to the legend jonathan scarce the brothers face up to four years in prison if convicted on both counts they could face up to four years in prison yeah that's never going to happen but you know they'll pay a hefty fine i'm sure which will be a drop in their bucket of youtube money maybe get probation for 6 12 18 months uh i don't know but there's no chance these dudes are seeing the inside of a jail cell a little part of my brain has sympathy for these two you know what i'm saying caught up in the youtube grind just doing some dumb ass prank just disconnected from reality not realizing what they're doing is absolutely [ __ ] stupid but the other part of me loves to see youtube pranksters eat crow after they do some [ __ ] so i'm curious to see what comes to this i'm not wishing that anybody goes to jail but as the saying goes if you play stupid games you win stupid prizes so you know what at the very least i hope these dudes learn their lessons so next time they think twice before doing some dumb [ __ ] in public thank you guys so much for watching please consider subscribing if you haven't already and after you do that grab your mother's razor and shave the small of your back and take those hair shavings and twirl them up into a little ball and then place that ball of lower back hair on your tongue and swallow it down like a vitamin and stand up and hip thrust that [ __ ] like button for me i'll see in the next video bye you you
Channel: Leon Lush
Views: 443,303
Rating: 4.9721465 out of 5
Id: KtAzphAmgyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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