This Miracle Spring Water Will Cure Your Disease!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2018 🗫︎ replies
the name of Jesus the name of Jesus man I don't know what this fad and you just watching right now but it is so good [ __ ] Devine surgery oh good hello everyone my name is Leon lush welcome back to another video and look what my chair can do but honestly I am simply stuffed with pleasure that you would decide to spend a few minutes here with me today before moving on on to something much more productive but I promise you that we have found today of all days an absolute [ __ ] goldmine oh boy this is some this is some top quality aid plush it you know home saying this is that [ __ ] Oh give me that cringe give me that [ __ ] scam artist [ __ ] you know saying give me that you [ __ ] enter peter Popoff a 68 year old German born American televangelist that has spent his entire adult life preying upon in exploiting the sick the weak the indigent in the mentally unstable for his own financial benefit he has taken a lifetime of collectively scamming people out of millions of dollars and he's wrapped that up in a beautiful little box put a bow on there and call it faith healing no get ready for God to touch you with his miracle-working power can we just stop and appreciate for a second the fact that peter Popoff the faith healer and keemstar used the exact same intro music I did not edit that in I'm just saying shoved that is [ __ ] tremendous God is touching hurting people around the world and now he wants to touch you with this miracle working power God is gonna bring life to that bad situation you were gonna see miracles all the discomfort all the pain and the mighty name of Jesus God's gonna bring your blood sugar down super now you may be sitting there at home or at school you know on your phone or your computer watching this and thinking to yourself man there's there's no way this can be as bad as it seems Leon tell me that there's there's no way that this can be as bad as it as it seems and I'm here to tell you that it is it's it's as bad as it seems [Music] I'll get out the chair baby Jesuses get up the chair stand up in Jesus name you're not gonna walk or you're not gonna walk you're walking and listen I could spend the better part of an hour talking about this clown peter Popoff but for the sake of brevity I want to just touch on a little bit of the history of Peter who he is and just kind of hit on a few bullet points now in the 1980s peter Popoff rose to prominence performing miraculous cures of his audience members on nationally televised programs claiming he was getting divine revelation now this went on for years and Popoff built a reputation for himself is this sort of miracle healer for years and years as he's preying on these sick and helpless people offering them the promise of divine healing of sorts in exchange for you guessed it money now fast-forward to 1986 and to investigative journalists by the name of James Randi and Alexander Jason who I'm sure at the time weren't the only two people that smelled a little bit of [ __ ] right well they did a little bit of a sting operation on our guy Popoff and found out definitively that he was a complete fraud and that his wife Elizabeth was using a wireless radio transmitter to broadcast info she had called from prayer request cards filled out by the audience members know according to Wikipedia in addition to tapping this wireless transmission between Popov and his wife Randi also planted accomplices in the audience including a woman who Popoff cured of uterine cancer one of the recordings demonstrated Elizabeth describing one of the women in the audience is that big n-word in the back and warned him keep your hands off those tits I'm watching you they were also recording laughing uncontrollably at the physical appearance of a man suffering from advanced testicular cancer just the lowest of the [ __ ] low kind of scumbag so not only were Peter and his wife scamming these people out of hundreds of thousands millions of dollars they were hurling around racial slurs and laughing behind the backs of these people with terrible diseases so there's a shitload more to the story but essentially in that same year these two guys that compiled all this evidence against Popov you know they made a video out of it and at that video aired on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson and finally after admitting that he sometimes used a wireless communication and that everybody knew about it peter Popoff declared bankruptcy in 1987 listing more than 790 unpaid creditors good riddance you piece of [ __ ] human garbage legal ramifications no consequences pop off as his wife just get to live scot-free off the millions of dollars that scammed off of the helpless and the poor and you think that's the end of the story that's it right these guys just kind of fell off the map never to be heard from again happy to get away with what they had done without having to face the music or suffer any sort of consequence that's it right nope call the toll-free number and receive the miracle spring water and the anointed faith tools this powerful point of contact will not only get you started on debt-free living but it will also show you how to receive everything that God has for you when you receive the miracle spring water and the anointed faith tools in the mail follow the instructions just like these people give 6.5 million settlement twenty three thousand two weeks later a hundred dollars twenty five thousand dollars just a decade later and my [ __ ] Pete is back with a vengeance with his miracle spring water that can now not only cure your disease in your ailments but it can also erase your debts and get you checks in the mail I'm gonna give you strength [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] God's gonna give you strike let it flow into his legs now walk in the name of Jesus hello around this time in 1998 the Washington Post reported that Popoff was making a comeback seeking to jumpstart his ministry by repackaging himself for an african-american audience buying time on the Black Entertainment Television Network Oh bro pop off bro you are making you are making white people look real bad pop out you know [ __ ] take your foot off the gas you [ __ ] scoundrel scumbag piece of [ __ ] speaks Portuguese and she's been with our ministry for two years and she said that she's been praying with you and God did a miracle and how much did he send to you you got to give him a constellation that the constellation $52,000 you got fifty thousand dollars from God well what did he write you a check that he did he PayPal that [ __ ] did he venmo you I mean Jesus I'm trying to get fifty large from the big guy if you could give me a little write you can give me a little insight into what I'm doing wrong [ __ ] on I got the best job what is the deal I mean this Brazilian [ __ ] over here getting fifty thousand dollar checks from the Lord Jesus Christ and all she gets is a new job as a data entry specialist with mediocre benefits at best that is an unjust God [Applause] cancellation amen you're probably finding this whole thing very hard to believe how is it possible that there are this amount of people that are this naive and how has this been going on for so long how did someone exposed as a scammer as a fraud I'm just kind of like hang out on the wayside for a couple years and then started making this huge comeback this was in 1998 this [ __ ] is still going today these infomercials for miracle spring water are still playing on American New Zealand and Australian television in fact the reason I found this [ __ ] is because I saw his late-night infomercial on television a couple months ago and I was like oh man I gotta make a video on this [ __ ] I gotta make a video on this [ __ ] and it took me a while because I'm lazy and I put things off but here we are Philadelphia was at Philadelphia where the woman got to point something million dollars that's right 2.2 million dollars it's awesome and so many people delivered from drugs now the way it works is these people give the popoff ministry their address so they can get this miracle spring water and then they get these beautiful prayer cards and these instructions to sleep with the water like under their pillow or some [ __ ] for a night and then drink the water the next day and then you have to send the empty water package back with a $19 donation and all of your debts are canceled and Jesus comes and heals your testicular cancer the peter Popoff doesn't stop there after the initial order of water you continue to get relentless correspondence from this ministry with these long verbose prayer letters that are written in order to manipulate these people into thinking they're gonna get healing in divine intervention divine miracles if you would only donate X amount of money to my ministry $25 $30 because what you give you will get back tenfold my friend I see money being released I see money being released and it's going to come suddenly to you now you say I don't believe it all right you're not going to get it but I feel 7,000 dollars coming in the next 7 days do you feel money just waiting to be released who is releasing the money Pete where is it coming from you don't just drink tap water and have $15,000 show up in your bank account [ __ ] ah I guess I can't I can't do and this just goes on and on for years and years into the 2000s into the 2000 teens to the current day Popoff is still making money and you're thinking you saw well you know how much money can you make their kids this is just a handful of people that are this [ __ ] gullible to be suckered by this [ __ ] conman I mean how much money is he really making let's run the numbers real quick in the 1980s when he first rose to prominence before being exposed by those two guys on late-night television he was collecting close to four million dollars a year fast forward to 2003 a couple years after the beginning of his resurgence in the late 90s his ministry received over nine point six million dollars two years later in 2005 twenty three million dollars that is a lot of [ __ ] being scammed damn Pete take the foot off the gas P give these kids right now this is where it gets even better because for decades Popoff's organization had been functioning as a nonprofit that has to disclose earnings and pay taxes but in 2006 he was able to merge with a small Church in Farmers Branch Texas called word for the world which operated out of a storefront by being classified as a church the operation no longer had to report annual income or salary to the IRS when a reporter from GQ attempted to visit this church on a Sunday morning in late 2016 he found a deserted parking lot in an industrial park with no Church sign visible on the outside so not only is he scamming thousands of people on their last hope out of millions of dollars he's now able to hide how much he's scamming these people from the government and he's completely tax-exempt got to call right now pick up the telephone call us use the miracle spring water I'll send it to you I'll tell you how to use it to see many miracles in your life and I'll also send you the amazing faith tool to help you see your Dead Sea race kindly [ __ ] off you bag full of microwaved cat [ __ ] everybody in the meeting who has a miracle has used the miracle spring water oh and that goes for you too Liz you dumb [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up she said when I laid hands on her she saw a light come all over and it goes on and on in the world continues to turn as Popoff and his wife live happily in California and a four and a half million dollar mansion driving around three hundred thousand dollar cars off money they scammed out of helpless people that gave up their last dollar in hopes of some sort of divine debt cancellation or divine healing it is just a fairy tale ending how the [ __ ] is this allowed to go on how is he allowed to have this ministry make millions of dollars because I guess he's using this religious organization as a scapegoat he can't be touched he doesn't even have to pay [ __ ] taxes because of religion or some [ __ ] I don't [ __ ] know name any other situation take religion out of it where someone could do something like this and not get in trouble for it any other situation where you can blatantly scam people be exposed for it be exposed to be a complete fraud extorting people for their hard-earned dollars in the hopes of getting something in return that you know they're not gonna get I mean [ __ ] this guy's ministry is like the WWE of religious ministries except somehow inexplicably the audience doesn't know it's fake I'm gonna reel it in I'm gonna reel it in before I go full Sion tomato and my head pops off from prolonged elevated blood pressure I mean I don't even know Yanks what the hell I cannot avoid I mean I'm doing a video with religious undertones and yet I can't avoid these flying dildos it's insane Nigel you have you have no chill do you you piece of dog [ __ ] anyways thanks for watching I hope you know you got a laugh out of it I tried to make it entertaining but really I just wanted to vent a little bit and bring awareness to how big of a piece of [ __ ] this guy is and obviously nothing's gonna come from this video and I have to imagine that nobody watching me right now it could ever possibly be gullible or naive enough to fall for something this [ __ ] but I honestly I feel general sadness and like an empathy for these people that he's taking advantage of I mean these are some people that are just have a lot of [ __ ] on their plate man you know whether it's disease chronic illness financial hardships and he is just sinking his teeth in and bleeding them dry for every last bit of cash that they have and somehow he can sleep at night I don't [ __ ] get it but if I'm being honest I I would like 15 minutes in a [ __ ] locked cafeteria with peter Popoff and my crowbar and I'll show his [ __ ] kneecaps a thing or two about divine [ __ ] miracles you piece of [ __ ] like that miracle Pete I built that one once you've donate 19 dollars to my foundation we'll find a divine way to put your [ __ ] legs back together you piece of dog [ __ ] yeah anyways if you could just do me a small just a tiny little favor and start a religious ministry of your own and scam people out of their hard-earned money for 30 plus years and somehow avoid paying taxes on it make millions and millions of dollars off of the loss of others and when you finally retire filthy rich and you're somehow still able to sleep at night I want you to go down to your basement where your gaming setup is sit down in the computer chair preferably a dxracer like the one you see right here and slowly slip off your trousers fire up fortnight if it's still relevant at this point get the stream going and then hip thrust that [ __ ] like button for me I would greatly appreciate it listen you guys have been great [ __ ] peter Popoff I'll see in the next video deuces [Music] I need some [ __ ] view do
Channel: Leon Lush
Views: 1,339,996
Rating: 4.959868 out of 5
Keywords: peter popoff, miracle spring water, miracle water, televangelist, miracle spring water peter popoff, miracle spring water commercial 2017, instagram, comedy, miracle spring water scam, miracle spring water commercial, televangelist scandals, miracle spring water review, miracle spring water infomercial, divine intervention, divine healing, televangelist exposed, televangelist funny, insufferable
Id: PfYNwJ5P9sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2018
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