TikTok "Dating Coach" Claims Women Are Horses

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rules for picking up girls in clubs rule number one first things first if you even want to play the game you got to get into the club and i've only ever waited in line one time in my life when i first got to la and never again rules for picking up girls at the club first things first if you even want to play the game you got to get girls back to the crib step one rip up some old white t-shirts into some rags step two hop on to craigslist and buy some chloroform three head to the club and loiter around the exit where all the girls are leaving at the end of the night pretty drunk four straight delicate behind your prey with a handful of rags soaked in chloroform step five head up to the link in my profile and get my course called how to get chicks when you radiate douche bag energy for four easy payments 29.99 and i'll teach you the rest of the steps hello everyone so good to see you welcome back today we're going to be talking about this guy uh russell hartley he's a tick-tock entrepreneur slash pickup artist and there's just a couple things to know before we move forward well hold up i almost forgot bro no cord no cord baby we finally did it that there is an inside joke for those of you that are subscribed to the channel so if you're not subscribed yet you better smash that [ __ ] so you're not like the loser at the lunch table that doesn't get the joke next time you come around so as i often do last week i got an email from a guy named phi tran and he said uh to give you the cliff notes version what's up man check out this dude russell hartley he's your typical alpha male overly confident misogynist who also just happens to sell bs to insecure dudes about how to treat women and a screenshot of his tick tock pretty good amount of followers how to text a girl and not get ghosted and more so i was like oh hell yeah this guy's definitely a dink let's put him on the back burner and get to him in a couple of days and since that time he's kind of russell here's kind of gone viral a little bit i think in large part to the fact that uh he got a little beef with curtis connor if you don't know who curtis is he's a very funny youtuber he does similar style commentary videos now i haven't watched curtis's video i'm sure it's a masterpiece he's very good at what he does but i wanted to keep my head fresh because i knew i was going to be taking a look at this guy myself so jumping right in here uh it's clear that this man has just been on the grind you know just pumping out content for these young bucks trying to teach him how to slay some females uh by scooping him up at the club absolutely loves wearing suits and apparently he's so in love with himself he will not record a tick tock unless he's looking at himself in the mirror so just a slew of videos here let's pop in on some early ones to kind of see what he was all about when he first started in february how i completely automated my corporate job and made a passive income for myself part one so for those of you been following along obviously at this point in the story i'm working on a big corporation and a lot of the work you do in big corporations is like tons and tons of bureaucracy and i start to realize that a large portion of my job is just basically like all the time yeah i'm less interested in business bureaucracy russell and more interested in how to conquer females russell let's move forward a little bit what it's like being a bachelor in real life part four so in the previous part i mentioned having a stable so what this means if you're a bachelor is that every time you have sex with a new woman that's a new marriage and you want to keep doing this you're going to have mayors coming in and out of your stable and the reason why they go out is because eventually you get to that conversation where it's like so where is this going and the reason why you have multiple maps i'm just is he using an analogy that women are mares in his stable this is uh oh baby uh hashtag my girls hustle dating me what it's like to be just all right go on russ bears in your stables so that you can determine which one's a thoroughbred but when the mayor's come to you eventually they go well where's this going this obviously you're not serious about me this isn't going anywhere they're going to move on to greener pastures and exit your stable and that's just an excellent analogy i'm so glad you used the greener pasture since we're on the horse analogy to begin with well done russell the natural way of things three to six months and they're out they're moving on to some other guy that will lock them down but there is a dark side there's actually a huge sexual obligation i mean it seems like oh that sounds great right wrong because if you're seeing three or four women simultaneously and you're busy you have a job you have a business or something because when you do finally see them you have to hook up with them because they're going to think there's something wrong with them or something wrong with you or worse they're going to go on and find some other guy even if you've been hooking up with girls every single day they've only been with just you since last week okay boy well a lot to absorb there i i don't know if there's he does a lot of part one two threes i'd like to see if there's more to this particular one but it's like being a bachelor in real life part five so as i mentioned there's a sexual obligation sometimes you just wanna cuddle yo sometimes your man rush don't don't please don't ever do that again sometimes you just wanna cuddle you cuddle get raw sometimes you're just not rejuvenated enough so to speak i mean i'm not complaining i had plenty of opportunities to wife it up but i think every man should have a stable so that he can effectively choose his partner with a clear head and not just choose a partner because that's the woman he most recently slept with and there's a lot of women that are out there telling you oh yeah you got to do this to get girls or this or that and they'll tell you all the things you got to do to like impress her or take her on cute dates yeah don't listen to the women about what they want for men listen to russ who uses an analogy about a stable that compares women to mares and you can trust this dude russell all right you're not dressing up in an armani suit just to take tick-tocks in your bathroom mirror if you're not spitting the troops my advice is don't ask a fish how to catch a fish ask a fisherman i mean one minute women are mares and a stable and the next minute they're fish i just can't keep up with this dude that's how you know he's good sometimes you just want to go hey guys sorry to interrupt a fat guy in a little coat here just back for a quick second in lieu of a sponsorship today i just wanted to take a second to plug myself i am launching a gaming channel as well as doing monday night twitch streams at 9 pm est we just did our first inaugural twitch stream this past monday it was a great success we had a lot of fun so if you're into live streaming love to see on the twitch channel and if you're into the gaming community at all i'd love to see you over on the gaming channel the links to these things will be in the description additionally my discord is up and running now as well so i'll be popping in there trying to be a little more involved in the community and i'll also be coming up with some ideas to involve the community in some gaming videos as well so if you're into that type of thing really appreciate the support on those channels if you want if you're not in that type of thing that's totally cool too thank you guys so much for watching uh back to the video hey come look at this don't threaten me with a good time the only difference between dating apps and say other social media is that you don't really know if they're single or not so if we shift our attention over to twitter i saw just a few days ago that russell has gone viral over there now from this tweet by this dude that says i found him this is it the final boss of misogyny 5.7 million views huge thread this dude is getting all types of hate uh and is being uh jeered at by females worldwide let's see what dish russell's serving up over here rules for picking up women in clubs rule number five always have a reason to bring her home and what you guys are at the point of making out at the club and things are really getting hot and heavy i always have a reason like for me it's like hey i got a dog at home his name's max he's super cute you should meet him they always want to meet him or i'll say oh i have mario kart every girl for some reason every girl under the age of 25 is like oh i'll kick your ass in mario kart oh yeah prove it we've never once played mario kart not bro [ __ ] you russell come on there are lines that are not to be crossed russell i don't care how conservative or how much of a scumbag chauvinist you are like russell here you do not lie to somebody about playing mario if you tried to pull that off on any girl that was worth her weight in salt you would instantly have your neck snapped you'd be getting fitted for a new pair of cement shoes and you get dropped off in the local reservoir [ __ ] lying about mario kart got me steaming russell oh yeah prove it we've never once played mario kart what was that it's like a faux sneeze to try and make a point russell how many times did you rehearse that one or is that just your normal thing you go to when you're lying about mario kart you inhumane piece of dog and sometimes they'll be like unsure like oh i don't know or whatever and you go oh yeah no i have to work in the morning anyways you can't stay or anything you're just going to meet max and you got to get going but we're going to play one round of mario kart then you got to get going remember i've never played mario kart with a girl not one yeah you talked about it so i always have a plan remember a confident man has a plan a cocky man doesn't think he needs one almost forgot to do the threads uh theory suit hyper tailored as you can see uh blitziaga prada burberry burberry uh prada respect the drip oh no you didn't do it you did you didn't do a respect to drip at the end god damn it russell wow yeah so it looks like russell's just getting a little bit more unbearable uh with each tiktak he posts and he does a couple more donna a shocker that when girls drink they start to really loosen up i mean the next thing you know they're dancing like strippers or they're making out with each other on the other side of the table a blonde asian girl with fake cherries making out with one of her fake cherries he kind of reminds me of a seven-year-old that just learned about what a penis does guess what penis making out with one of her friends and i'm like perfect in a six foot one well-dressed white guy hitting on ablation is like shooting with a handicap i mean it's child's play [Laughter] six foot one well-dressed white guy he did conveniently leave out however that he's a spaghetti-armed string bean 108 pound soaking wet that possibly could blow away in a warm summer breeze and the magnum opus what is like dating models in hollywood part five anyways i haven't talked to the russian girl since but whatever that's the nature of the game they come and go it is what it is it's no big deal you find i i literally walking around on the streets of l.a i fall in love with a new girl every day and dating models in la is great because you never have to worry about them being like out of shape or gaining weight or whatever because they're already so hard on themselves it's absolutely perfect and as long as you have the resource they're already so hard on themselves and hate themselves so much because of this unquenchable unrealistic vision of what women should look like because of how social media has warped everybody's minds i don't have to do any manipulating myself they already hated they already hate themselves it's perfect russell has figured it out in la this is the perfect place for them really i mean you can pull them as often as you meet them i mean it's really amazing i mean these girls aren't going to be wifey but like who said anything about marriage but full disclosure i have met models that i have entered into a serious committed monogamous relationship that went on for years so it is a case-by-case basis but for the most part i'm just letting you know this is what it's like and you gotta have a strong constitution to date really high-end models because they have a huge following on social media they're waking up to 30 dms from dudes that are like good morning beautiful and all this stuff so you got to be able to handle that that's exactly why high-end models don't date weak dudes and you have to have enough resources to provide because she's not working isn't calling them models by definition mean they're working that's why they have all those followers they're getting paid to be models i don't know but this guy clearly uh you know some of his early ones he's talking about the business bureaucracy talking a little bit about palamari you know getting his feet wet it looks like russell just started to spiral he let a couple hundred tick tock followers excuse me a couple hundred thousand tick tock followers uh really travel up into the the depths of his brain and start to hit that bike pump so his head just continued to expand to the point where he started spitting out some [ __ ] like this oh well it's basically skillshare oh my gosh to see the light on your face oh my god and that's what half baked journalism gets you curtis connors wow dude he actually made a full youtube video on youtube come on dude so clearly he's leaning into this curtis connor beef obviously because he's getting plenty of traffic even though it's probably mostly comments telling him how much of a piece of [ __ ] he is this video is in response to curtis connor's wow attack expose whatever his channel is about i'm so excited because this is my first youtube video ever and i'm extra excited because i'm getting to respond to a relatively large channel hey yo what the [ __ ] so it's really cool to have that kind of exposure i can't wait to get into it yeah dude well you know russell hartley's not the type of man to miss an opportunity so he just went straight from tick tock and we now have russell hartley in the commentary community here on youtube responding to curtis connor's video so i'm not going to go through that 19-minute response video but it is interesting he changed his profile he did before this whole curtis connor thing he had uh in the email i got he had a tiny url um which i think he just changed it recently because i clicked on it and it took you to obviously a sales funnel for a course on how to text a girl and not get ghosted which is the main reason i wanted to make this place make this video in the first place is because uh i can't stand these click funnels from from these pickup artists but but this dude man out of russell hartley listen his sentiment the way he thinks isn't necessarily unique there's been a massive cultural shift in the last 10 to 20 years with social media and all of these dating apps the swipe left economy now where relationships are expendable right if something you know the first sign of struggle you can just throw that one out and then swipe left a hundred times and and find something fresh and new so i'm not gonna sit here and say this guy sucks because he likes polaris relationships or he wants to go to clubs and smash as many girls as possible i personally find a lot of value in committed relationships and finding a deeper connection with somebody that you can share experiences with and share your life with that's valuable to me maybe it's not to russell to each their own and the same goes for everybody watching this obviously everyone has their own idea of what a relationship should be but just on the surface level when you take away like that kind of the deeper stuff he just comes across as a real kind of chauvinist piece of [ __ ] but it shouldn't come as a surprise i mean in every single corner in nook and cranny of the internet women are being objectified just people in general being objectified reduced to their physical aspects their traits and uh you know it's this whole social media game has kind of flipped that whole thing on its head so the fact that russ was being honest about it and how that's what's important to him you know i'm sure a lot of men feel that way that just don't put themselves on blast via tick tock in an armani suit in their bathroom in the mirror and listen for every girl that's disgusted by this dude and leaving a comment on his tick tock and that twitter video that went viral there's probably another one that would be just as happy to go to the club and get hammered on champagne and and go home with russell and skip a round of mario kart to clap cheeks you don't skip mario kart it really just depends on what your values are and my values tell me that wow this guy's uh definitely a douche bag but hey at least he's being honest about being a douche bag so there you have it russell hartley uh tick tock's number one pickup guru number one equestrian expert how to stable the mares just incredible advice all around and uh if you ever need something armani certainly i'm sure he'd be happy to give you a reference on a suit that fits a you know 103 pound six one white boy with arms the size of wrists again nothing wrong with that russell you know nothing i just want to keep you just want to bring you back down to earth here where the rest of us peasants live that occasionally don't wear armani suits thank you guys so much for watching let me know what you think in the comments do me a favor and stand up boldly out of your chair and yo hip thrust that [ __ ] like button for me uh and we'll see you soon peace you
Channel: Leon Lush
Views: 825,086
Rating: 4.9684048 out of 5
Keywords: leon lush, lush games
Id: DPmEFjC-l6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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