NOC+10: The Darkest Secret in the Deepest Sea

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when it comes to oddities on the Internet we've seen a lot of things that can easily be explained but sometimes we find things that are not so easy to take apart this is working the mysteries that refuse to be solved welcome to the night mind Case Files whenever I run into a web series I begins with secret codes and siphon messages I immediately try to become more patient than usual in order to evaluate the project codes have always been a popular mechanic of online games and mysteries but to the arcs major role in Marble Hornets kicked off a wave of imitation that's still rippling out to this day and my experience in finding new media that actually justifies the secret codes approach while telling a great story has been less than fantastic seldom do I find an awesome experience buried under all the base64 'invite Airy codes and even less often is there a legitimate reason I codes are even involved patience is required when it comes through a series that has code elements in the same way that code breaking itself requires patience sometimes after digging through all of - the Ark's devoted followers that Asian's is rewarded such is the case of tonight's oddity an encrypted mystery that leaves you with a need to keep diving deeper on March 7 2015 with a tunnel comprised entirely of binary code by a channel with an equally odd name NOC + 10 no profile picture no links to the about page on the channel just the uploaded had provided the video began with a very grainy but animated intro featuring the name of the channel which was accompanied by distorted symphonic music viewers were then given the word start followed by a code string the initial appearance of the string Lederle players in the channels gained to believe it was the ID for youtube video but when placed in a link it led nowhere right from the first upload the viewers had hit a wall but after forming a small gathering on Stack Exchange his puzzle cracking community site they began to pull together information and succeeded in the first challenge the music playing at the beginning was from a piece by Friedrich Chopin called Nocturne opus 27 number 1 in c-sharp minor knock +10 was also found to be shorthand code for naval operating concept 2010 a guide for the US Navy's movements to prevent conflict and prevail in war and the string of letters shown was the ID for YouTube video it just needed to be put through a Caesar cipher a popular kind of encryption which led to an unlisted video video 2 also had a title in binary code but presented the next step in logical binary sequencing in this video a female voice read the letters presented in the code block accompanied again by Nocturne opus 27 once more a Caesar cipher broke it down to text that could be used Oh Helen had a steamboat the steamboat had a bell when Helen went to heaven the steamboat went to hell this is a direct reflection of the old rhyme miss Suzie where the name Helen has been put in Susie's plays it's believed to be inspired by the tragedy of the SS Sultana the largest major disaster on the water in United States history the Sultana was a steamboat in 1865 that went down when three of its boilers exploded killing 1,800 people a new video arrived on March 12 2015 again with binary code for the title that followed standard sequence saying this presented a string of numbers and letters that when translated into ASCI characters gave us a combined string with two pieces of information another YouTube video ID and a message hello world Helen awaits the second hidden video provided a lot more information than previously received we first catch a short list of systems that H have a status two of the system's number 33 and 1090 are dead but system 10 remains we're also shown a list of sectors with a node pressure watertight stable five sectors out of seven are stable but sector four has a principle of flooding and sector six is no longer sending a communication signal a female voice and pronounces a series of letters over the phrase there's another mother to sleep here l I owe you why it was discovered that this wasn't a nonsense word or anagram but an old telegraph code from the late 1800s li ouy meant why do you not answer my question no answer has been found for what the odd phrase about a sleeping mother means or if it's another code how it's broken or used we can take a moment to review the information here for a better look at the situation now it's very clear that wherever these messages are being sent the sender is surrounded by water flood warnings watertight seal statuses concerns over pressure and then we have the relation to ships the steamboat rhyme and the code for NOK 10 naval operating concepts if the broadcast Center for these messages isn't a ship it's some kind of structure underwater or surrounded by enough water to take active countermeasures against flooding on board the ship or inside the structure we have seven sectors and three subjects two of these subjects aren't dead only one is left alive the remaining subject hasn't made reference to themselves in the messages we can entertain the idea for now that the broadcaster may be a separate being from the living subject the broadcaster is also targeting a woman named Helen they really want to get Helens attention the fifth video presents a new code and a woman's voice pronouncing the letters P I in Reverse code breakers have to really put in a fight to get the answer for this one it involved taking the characters converting them to decimals as part of hexadecimal code and then using the digits in the number for pi between the 10th and 20th digits in the quran feld cipher to get the hidden video ID the reward for cracking a puzzle that difficulty however was well worth it the hidden video gave a set of core debts and a very direct message I require assistance assimilation of systems deceased typing the coordinates and an T map system confirmed theories of the broadcaster's location while she a truly disturbing secret the position was in the ocean directly above the area of Marianas Trench the deepest point in the entire world how far down does the trench go at least a mile deeper than Mount Everest the lowest point of Marianas Trench is right around seven miles down water pressure in this area of the trench is about 16,000 pounds per square inch human beings entering that depth would be crushed beyond comprehension 3,000 feet deep is all it takes for light to stop piercing the water everything below that is pure darkness this is where NOK 10 was broadcasting from and it had just given us a distress signal more disturbing was the second message assimilation of systems deceased this is the same process as absorption what could the broadcaster be doing by assimilating the dead subjects answers don't come right away instead viewers are presented with two on videos which share the same titles half of the usual binary code again it seems to be a type of code in itself have a look the third video begins similarly to the previous two but is much longer and has a lot more material that can be understood after the knocking sounds and three white dots were informed of the assimilation of subject 33 and are presented with an image trying to discern what's in the picture is no easy task even when cleaning it up in an editing program it doesn't become much clearer the most I can be said is that there's a type of fence or bed post at the forefront of the image immediate impression is that we're looking at some type of cradle the image doesn't appear for more than one second next we move on to the assimilation of system 10 90 and something goes very wrong as jarring is that video may come across we can make some sense out of it it seems that we're viewing old footage of children on Christmas the two kids on the Left are wearing bright red and we can see what seems like the vague shape of a Christmas tree behind them a few seconds later a child runs by holding something that appears to have wrapping paper falling off of it a young boy follows holding something to his torso and the video ends with a child on the floor playing with an object the audio we hear is tough to interpret the first batch is nearly impossible to comprehend but the second automated voice is clear enough to receive parts of the message the message is still too distorted to fully understand but the part we hear are enough the broadcaster still wants to get hold of Helen and they're looking to die if they want Helen to break it's not quite clear if they want her emotionally hurt as a result of being abandoned or they want her to break in terms of staying silent so communication can finally occur the following video contains a code broken by some to Grunsfeld ciphers which is to say Blanc's of letters have to be rolled forward or back by four on the left and nine on the right the hidden video shows whatever computerized system is being used for broadcast rebooting followed by the connecting of a device information presented next both provides answers and further complicates our understanding Lobo storm-damaged neurotransmitters working dma work by oh machine parameters inline start system the next video another zero one zero one title provides context we see the phrase recovery memory data while audio plays of a series of different sounds ending with a submarine radar and alarm sirens the system we witnessed trying to start up again presented us with recovery memory data this is a system that uses bio machine components and operates with neurotransmitters it let us know it would be assimilating to dead subjects and during a simulation we saw what looked like someone's memory of Christmas Day the broadcaster we're dealing with may not be human it may actually be the very system we would normally assume a person is using to send their messages it's a machine plugging itself into the brains of dead human beings to collect their memories we don't even have to wait long to have that confirmed the next video to provide valuable information is a major delivery it begins with an error message followed by an animation that leads into the reveal of a name research station Nocturne we can see images of faces and footage of a baby in its crib before catching an animation of a brain sending out pulses of information the word above it reads neurotransmitters we finish out a few more animations and clips of distorted footage with again a shot of a child followed by some noises and a single word kill another video another code another unlisted video as reward with even more evidence that we're dealing with a sentient machine recovery data from temporal lobe this video contains audio we can make some sense of and there's no question why the temporal lobe is responsible for listening and understanding sound not all of the audio is clear but I play subtitles where the audio is clean enough to make out the words there's something very advanced and very secret in development at this research station and it's being hailed as the greatest achievement in human progress since the atomic bomb an evolution of human communication involving neuroscience and a meeting with Steel is this with the system broadcasting the doctor holidays and advancement in technology meant to increase communication power of the human brain it feels as if it's working in Reverse the machine is using organic material to run itself and desperately needs to talk with dr. Helen or in a much darker turn of events one of the assimilated subjects may be using the system to communicate as it was intended but they're not quite as deceased as NOK 10 believes the next video puzzle features a mathematical movement known as the pad of in sequence to solve it the reward is another audio clip with information we can discern once again giving us a look into the events that led to knock ten assuming duties of assimilation ah ah ah Oh I ah I ah the numbers given at the beginning of the very coordinates provided earlier by the system pointing at its own location and Marianas Trench this recording is of a live distress call from inside the research station someone on board is facing a major flood or they were at the time they sent out the signal November Oscar charlie is phonetic alphabet speech he's spelling out the letters and Oh see whether the pressure and a weak sector caused a flood or something worse happened is unknown but things have gone very wrong at the underwater facility the next video presents a code accompanied by chess pieces on a board to use as a cipher unlocking a new type of hidden video live footage with corresponding audio finished project and the operative system will be useless not really something the memory system by app active and created will forever change worlds Ferengi feel on military control side tactile we will give you more information with with when you were here we're activating normal system he's got everything we have the subject number which is pretty much here and use a brain for MIT ihnen Network you know done some we need more time people are running you should the first temporal lobe from the very very near something really big cables no more nothing this completely wireless today No a global wireless system this is a lot bigger than we thought whatever they're working on it's massive we could already guess how important this project was seeing that it required an underwater basin Marianas Trench to keep the secret but now we're beginning to understand the ramifications field of military I thought I might have heard him say ARPANET system at the beginning that was the original prototype of the system that we now call the Internet designed by the US government's Defense Department that would make sense with the earlier mention of a defense secretary in the early audio we could make out that included Helens name the following video begins with the word offset and clips of electronics bleeding were informed of a sector for error followed by footage of internal data which seems to be of a machine being flooded by water the system calls out to Helen again and we see more organic looking shots intermixed with technology footage electronics are then shown burning melting and running away before nokton delivers a final message shutdown me in this instance we can trace the footage back to its source a viewer commented with a link to a music video called arterial by the artist Lucene featuring a mass of electronics and connected technology that bleeds to death before overheating and melting away commentary by the video director relays that he wanted to present the idea of organic material and technology as one the same concept being underlined by the system unable to shoulder the burden of being connected to human brains that are somehow still alive and demanding Helen kill it is it a gamebreaking use of external footage to incorporate a music video like this I'd argue that it isn't NOK 10 has already proven it's fully capable of interacting with the Internet by uploading its videos downloading other videos to use the footage for communication purposes maybe a new trick that it's learning the final video was uploaded in December of 2015 and shows a bank of monitors playing old footage the system delivers a clear statement amid black and white static all the memories event displays the NOK 10 intro at the end of the video creating a bookend that matches the beginning of its first upload nothing has been heard from NOK 10 since and it leaves behind it a trail of mysteries what exactly was the system and development and what was it meant to do what was happening to the nokton system that made it crave to have where is Helen and how can she help shut it down what happened inside the research station to lead to the death of subjects what was so important about all of this at a facility was built in the most dangerous part of the ocean miles below the surface just to protect the secret and in the midst of all the audio and the strange short videos what messages have we not received what answers were given to us that we're missing and finally is it all really over all the memories the system said the final subject must have died in the research station and their brain was added to knock tens memory recovery data if Helen hasn't managed to shut this thing down is it still alive the system is suffering or worse the subjects whose minds been added are in a state somewhere between life and death and all of them are suffering trying to let us know through the system's communication methods if Helen is gone is there any way for viewers to put this thing or the minds trapped inside of ed out of their misery all of these questions and the unsolved messages that remain of a reason for NOK tens current designation in my case files we have audio tracks too distorted at the moment to hear that might be fixed by cleaning and the strange videos that were first marked Oh 101 do need a closer look for code potential I also feel as though the experience for research they should not turn a name reveal that did give me a slight chill to find out isn't quite over yet the latest upload seems like the end of a chapter rather than the full story I'm going to make a post on tumblr linking to the videos in order so those who feel like tackling the project can take a shot at it I'll put the link to that in the video description below make sure you subscribe to the channel as well to catch any new uploads of this game wakes up again you certainly won't want to miss it knock 10 is highly impressive it's really not often that a series that comes across covered in codes and cyphers has such rewarding material behind the puzzles all too often codes and ciphers are gimmick meant to portray the same kind of creepy secrecy presented by to the ark in Marble Hornets but in knock 10 it's just a computerized systems gatekeeping method for very sensitive information the codes and ciphers aren't meant to be the hook they're just the challenge standing between a viewer and the real reward whoever designed this really knew what they were doing from the video graphics and editing to the puzzle layout and the careful balancing act of giving away pieces of the story that were needed while still making us demand more info and keep digging and for something as odd and without a central story characters this it accomplishes a whole lot while using just a little thanks for joining me in the dark again this evening if you'd like to take a shot at deciphering more of knock 10 or just want to be along for the ride make sure to follow my link in the video description below if you've enjoyed this oddity from the depths of Marianas Trench hit the like button and let me know what you think in the comments subscribe for more internet mysteries web series and dark interactive experiences once more I'm Nick Nocturne and like a terrible secret hiding in the darkness of the sea I'll be communicating with you again real soon sleep tight you
Channel: Night Mind
Views: 425,199
Rating: 4.9485312 out of 5
Keywords: noc+10, noc10, noc 10, case files, night mind, nightmind, nick nocturne, nick nocturn, webseries, deep sea, scary, codes, puzzles
Id: 6miahiNDtiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 04 2016
Reddit Comments

On the one hand I like the lack of information because it makes things more creepy, on the other I really wish this series didn't stop when it did. Is the computer still in the Mariana Trench? Why was it there in the first place? Did SOMA completely rip off the story or are there more differences? (/joke)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TheStarrySkye 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2016 🗫︎ replies
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