Exploring The @gr3gory88 Creepy Twitter Account

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The video describes/spoils what's on the twitter account. The story checked a lot of Lovecraftian boxes for me, maybe it does for you guys too.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/IIkt5 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
Gregory 88 is a name of a Twitter user that's been posting since mid 2018 and his posts are bizarre to say the very least today we're going to be taking a look at his story one involving a secluded inherited estate relics and a cloaked figure that seems to be watching Greg's every move despite not having any eyes in case you guys missed it I did cover the story briefly in another video I just posted on the top internet oddities of 2018 so if you want to give that a watch it'll be laid down below the video is ranked but also features updates to stories if any are available now in case you're on the other end of things and came here from that video we'll be starting from the very top and work our way down to Greg's most recent tweets at the end of this video I'm going to quickly break down a few things we saw and if you have any theories based on the questions that come up feel free to tweet them at me with that said let's begin Greg's first set of tweets were fairly mundane mostly consisting of posts about things like food or watching TV the tweets you see here were made between July 22nd and August 16th so far so good everything seems completely normal August 27th Greg tweets the following just found out my grandpa died never really knew him but still my mom never wanted to talk about him and I never really asked after this point Greg seems to completely go dark for the entirety of September and most of October until he posts this on October 29th again things still seem normal Greg is outside enjoying himself not too long later however Greg posts the following something weird is happening in the woods outside my house and I don't know what to do I guess I should start at the beginning this isn't really my house it was my grandpa's but I guess it's mine now he died a couple months ago and because of some tricky paperwork I'm apparently responsible for it now he lived pretty far away up in the mountains by the lake there are a couple other houses down the road but they seem like they're empty for the season I assume they're summer houses I've been here for a few days and it's really pretty but it's super quiet and chilly my mom never talked about my grandpa and I only met him once when I was really young I think they had a bad relationship but the few times I asked about it she got annoyed and changed the subject so basically I don't really know what I'm doing here this guy from my grandpa's estate basically told me the house is mine now so I came here to sell it as fast as I can and go home I guess it's not that easy to just sell a house especially one in the middle of nowhere at any rate I think I'm alone up here or at least I was I figured I'd be up here for a couple weeks to get all this handled and go home and be done with it I'm on break from grad school so I don't really have any other responsibilities at the moment but now where things are starting to happen it started on my third day here there's a little town about 25 minutes away and I'd gone to get some food and supplies since I don't know how long I'm staying when I got back that evening there was something strange on my door it was this artifact I don't really know what to call it it was obviously handmade it was made of sticks and twine and had some small bones tied into the middle of it I didn't think too much of it at the time I figured it was probably a kid from one of the other houses trying to mess with me so I took it off the door and toss it in the fireplace by the next morning I had pretty much forgotten about it and honestly I had too much of my plate at the moment to worry about some kids prank so I got up that morning made some breakfast and went out on the deck to have some coffee I was sitting there drinking my coffee when I noticed something hanging in a tree just over the railing it was another one of those artifacts it was just like the last one but it had a rock tied to it instead of a bone and then almost immediately I saw another one in a tree farther down by the ground I went down the deck steps to retrieve it and then I started seeing even more of them but they all had different objects tied to them bones feathers that sort of thing it was definitely weird but I was more annoyed than anything thinking that someone was in my yard decorating the trees with these ugly goth Christmas ornaments also if someone was trying to scare me it was going to take more than some arts and crafts project to do the trick I gathered all the artifacts together and burnt them like the first one so after I disposed of all the stick things I took a shower got dressed and went back outside to do some basic tidying and whatnot the deck in the yard are sort of overgrown and leaves are starting to fall and cover everything being a new homeowner is a lot of work turns out the thing is that's when I found something that actually did make me nervous I was raking a corner of the yard when I saw something dark on the ground off by the trees I couldn't tell what it was from afar so I went to investigate at first I thought it was a blanket but when I got closer it looked like a big sweatshirt or hoodie or something I didn't want to touch it but it was obviously clothing of some kind I looked around and realized that it was a whole encampment there was a couple of old socks a pair of what I think was underwear a few old napkins scattered around a plastic spoon and creepiest of all a beat-up notebook I flipped it open but there was nothing written inside a whole bunch of pages had been ripped out so I know someone had been using it plus you could sort of see the shadow of pen marks on the most recent page but I couldn't make out what had been written there anyway that definitely freaked me out it was clear that someone was camping on my property and possibly trying to scare me out of the house I wasn't really sure what to do about it though what could I do I definitely didn't sleep well that night if that was the day before yesterday the next morning I sort of expected more weird artifacts to be outside but I didn't see anything and the encampment was gone so I figured it was probably a homeless person passing through or something I thought that was the end of it and I turned my attention back to the house I realized that the house had almost no cleaning products and I needed to pick up supplies again I drove into town and picked up some Windex some spare lightbulbs and some other stuff then came home the driveway ends aways up from the house and then you have to trek down a path which bends around the side of the house to get in I was walking around the house when I saw some movement across the yard near a tree I froze dead in my tracks someone was standing under a tree staring at my house they didn't see me though since I was partly behind some trees and a good distance away whoever it was they were wearing the same dark hoodie I'd seen in the grass the day before as quietly as I could I set down my shopping bags next to me and slipped my phone out of my pocket I did manage to take a couple photos but the person turned and disappeared into the woods I stood there for a couple minutes too nervous to move in case the person came back but they didn't so I picked up my bags and hurried inside I picked up the phone to call the cops but I put it back down because I didn't even know what I'd tell them someone was looking at my house like any police officer would take me seriously and like an idiot I destroyed all the weird artifacts from before so there wouldn't even be any evidence I felt like there was nothing I could do right then I was mad at myself and feeling scared all alone in that house so I locked all the doors and left out the back I went down the lake because I didn't know where else to go I just knew I didn't want to be in that house at the moment I walked away on the lakeshore and sat for a while looking out at the water I thought about getting in my car and just going home but I felt like that would get me in trouble there's all sorts of property tax stuff I don't understand I felt trapped on top of that I couldn't decide if I was actually in any danger when my grandpa died it took me a couple months to actually get up to the house so maybe someone was just squatting in the empty house and now that I'm here they might just leave on their own accord it was starting to get dark so I reluctantly headed back to the house I walked up the stairs leading to the back of the house but right before going inside I got this weird chill I made up my mind that I absolutely did not want to stay in that house overnight I decided to go get my car and drive into town to find a motel for the night the house was all locked up and I already had my keys so I went back around the house and towards the path that led to the driveway and that's why I saw her the figure from before standing right in the middle of my front lawn staring straight at my house I froze in place completely in shock I was practically right next to her but it was almost as if she didn't see me and then it hit me she couldn't see me because she had no eyes just shiny skin over where her eyes should be and she had almost no hair at all I wanted to run it but I felt like if I moved even a little she'd hear me as quietly as I could I went for my phone I needed some sort of evidence to show the cops it all felt like it was happening in slow motion I feel sick to my stomach as I'm writing this but I was able to get it on video my heart is racing just thinking about this I haven't been able to watch it since I recorded it but here it is I ran back around the house and got inside I scrambled upstairs and looked out my bedroom window at the front yard but she vanished remembering it now it feels like it really didn't happen like it was some kind of nightmare or something I called the cops and explained what had happened I'm sure I sounded crazy but they said they'd send someone by the morning and to keep my doors locked so that's where I am now alone in the woods freaking out October 31st after taking a day off from posting Greg is back again and with quite a few interesting updates he first apologizes for the lack of posting explaining the subpar reception where his grandfather's estate is located he also says that he managed to talk to a police officer the day before and here's how that thread went I explained everything to the cop and even took him out to the clearing where I found the stuff but it was all gone except for the notebook and since the notebook is empty it was basically useless I feel like the cop didn't believe me anyway I showed him the photos I took of the stick things and he said at worst I counted as vandalism but without physical evidence of trespassing they couldn't do anything even when I showed him the video he still acted really skeptical he kept asking if I knew the person in the video I think he thought I was pranking him or something so I ended up just getting frustrated the cops had to call the station if anything happened though after he left I went back to get the notebook from the clearing maybe there's a way to figure out what was written on the last page I don't know anyway the cop drove away and I was alone again so quiet up here all I want to do is leave but I feel like I can't I'm so far away from home that I can't even invite a friend up here to keep me company and even if someone did come it would take them a couple days I haven't seen the woman from before since but I feel like she's still out there and other where things are happening too I took a walk around the lake yesterday because I wanted to get a look at the other houses in the area maybe see if someone else has noticed anything weird the thing is though they're all empty every house is totally dark and there are no cars in any of their driveways I haven't seen a single person at all except one sort of after I came back from my walk I was out in the deck and saw a boat in the water way off in the distance they weren't moving and they stayed there all afternoon I feel like they were watching me they actually stayed out there in the same place until I got too dark to see them anymore normally I think they were just fishing if it weren't for what happened the day before and the fact that all these houses are empty where do they even come from anyway the boat was gone this morning so who knows I microwave some oatmeal for breakfast and took it down to the dock near the water it's weird but I sort of feel safer down there in a way the water makes me feel less stressed I guess I was actually starting to feel a little better about everything this morning if it wasn't for what happened next I'd finished my oatmeal and I was starting to head back to the house when I noticed something in the water it was in this little Inlet by the shore it was small and white and at first I thought it was a brightly colored rock but I wasn't sure it seemed too round to be that though probably against my better judgment I took off my shoes and went into the water to retrieve it it was an eyeball this has to be from an animal right please tell me this is from a big fish or something I threw it back in the water and hustled back up to the house I washed my hands in the sink and sat on the couch for a long time I don't know what's going on I still can't believe I pick that up out of the water to make matters worse the boat is back out there again it showed up again this afternoon and it's just sitting there in the same place as yesterday are they watching me from the boat after this thread Greg takes another break from posting this time for nearly a week until his eventual return on November 6 this time Greg starts out by explaining to us that he's been hearing sounds at night specifically things moving throughout the woods despite being a bit creeped out Greg convinces himself that it must be the deer even though at this point that's clearly not the case Greg also mentions that the night before he heard what he thought were screams so of course he had to investigate once morning arrived to his horror but perhaps not to his surprise what Greg found were insights from what he couldn't be sure Greg posted an image of this on another site to avoid being flagged by Twitter and I know I'm breaking immersion here but I can't show it either because this channel may go bye-byes so spooky music back in place and go Greg then tells us that he disposed of the remains further away from the house then he switches his attention over to the blank notebook that he had found on the property I've been trying to figure out what's written in this notebook from the woods I've had it for a couple days and I can see faint letters but I can't really make them out a bunch of people replied and told me to do a pencil or charcoal rubbing but I don't have anything like that I did find a bunch of pens but no pencils so I had to go back into town it was actually really hard to find charcoal I finally had some luck of this little hardware store the Box didn't even have a price tag on it so I feel like it been sitting on the shelf for years it seems like people in this town are starting to recognize me and I don't like it I didn't plan to be here that long but it looks like I may not have a choice people are nice enough but it seems like the kind of town where everyone knows everyone and I definitely don't belong when I was in the hardware store these little kids were following me around and giggling and making fun of me I think they were twins or something I couldn't really hear what they were saying but I'm sure they were making fun of me because little kids are jerks on the way out of town I stopped at the grocery store but they were out of some things that I wanted it seems like they're always out of stuff they've been out of eggs for a couple of days now so i just got some pop-tarts and stuff and left anyway the notebook I've actually been putting it off for most of the afternoon because I wasn't sure if I wanted to find out what the woman was writing in it I can't ignore it forever I'm gonna eat dinner and then I guess I'll try the charcoal I'll be back in a bit so I did the charcoal rubbing over the most recent page of the book like people were telling me to and I am not sure what I was expecting but it wasn't this November 9th so I called my mom yesterday I wanted to see if she knew anything about this place she said I've actually been here before when I was really young but I don't remember any of that I tried to ask her again why she never got along with my grandfather but she's so cagey about it she grew up in a town nearby and my grandfather didn't move into this house until after my mom left for school I guess she never really came back we talked for a little bit but my reception here is spotty she asked me if there's still wine in the cellar and I told her there wasn't a cellar but she said there is there's a bunch of old antiques in the basement and behind some filing cabinets there's a dusty little wine cellar I can't believe I missed it at first it's full of wine and some of its really old there were also these weird wooden wine Stoppers all over the place and look at some of these bottles I don't know anything about wine I wonder if they're good anyway at least I have a surplus of alcohol down here to take my mind off of how weird things have been lately this house keeps surprising me I keep finding words stuff around the property like there's a collapsed shed in the back a little ways through the trees it's not that strange I guess but I can't have overthinking everything I see now a little ways away from the shed I found this in the middle of a clearing what is this none of it makes sense and there's something else I found that I can't stop thinking about there's so much junk around the house and I'm trying to clean it up partly because it will help this place sell faster but also to keep my mind off of things anyway I was sorting through some debris and found these old rusty letters on a pile on the ground partly under the foundation I could see some nail holes on the side of the house so I think they were on the house at some point I know sometimes people give Lake houses names but I can't figure out what they might have said though I brought them inside and laid them all out in the kitchen floor to see if I could make sense of them but no luck so far maybe someone else can figure it out November 21st after another break Gregg returns to explain that there was something weird about the town down the road from his grandfather's property he tells us of his visit to what seems like the town's one and only restaurant describing the experience as bizarre Gregg had ordered eggs benedict only to receive some without the most important component of the dish when he brought this up to the waitress she claimed we don't have that and when asked about how that was possible for a diner early in the day the woman apologized and walked away confused Gregg turned to the diner's menu to see if this really was the case and sure enough eggs weren't listed anywhere not even in the dishes that feature them as a centerpiece on his way out Gregg noticed a family watching him leave a family with two twin girls Gregg's arrival home unfortunately wasn't any better this is what he posted so when I got home I found something folded up and wedged in my front door near the handle someone clearly wants me gone it was written on the back of a tag of some sort I'm guessing it was that Eilis woman from before I haven't seen her but I think she's still out there [Music] November 29th I saw something out in the woods today I've been trying not to spend all my time at the house since being cooped up all the time makes me feel crazy even though it might not be super safe to be out alone in the woods it still feels better than being home all the time anyway I was taking a long walk today these woods would be so pretty if I didn't feel like something was going to murder me up here I was actually almost enjoying myself when I stumbled into a clearing and found something strange there was a single filthy chair overlooking a ledge it didn't seem that creepy at first but I got this funny feeling so I took out my phone and pulled at my Maps app sure enough the chair was pointed in the exact direction of my house I was probably a mile away from the house at that point but it was still weird it made me feel queasy and I didn't want to stick around so I hustled out of there I'd barely walked about thirty feet what I found something else though something way worse I didn't even know how to describe it what the hell is this it seems like every day there's something new but I'm not any closer to understanding what's happening out here or why I finally pulled myself away and practically stumbled away from the rock I felt dizzy walking away I just wanted to go back home I started back in the direction of the house and that's when I saw her again that woman from before she was standing up on a hill seemingly staring at nothing I darted behind a nearby tree but luckily I don't think she saw me I hadn't seen her in weeks but I knew she was still out there I took a video from behind the tree I don't even know why it's not like it'll do any good but at least I have some proof that I wasn't imagining any of this eventually she left the hill and disappeared into the woods once I was sure she was gone I left the tree and practically ran back home the whole way back I kept expecting her to appear again and I don't know attack me or something I don't understand what she's doing out here is she a witch that sounds so stupid but I don't know how to explain any of this those weird stick artifacts and now this thing on the rock it feels like witchcraft or something and on top of that who's that on the boat I keep seeing out there on the lake why is everyone in this town so weird at this point I just want answers and I feel like I'm actually getting close to getting them I'm just scared of what they might be December 11th I found out what those letters spell I basically forgotten about them after finding them I put them in the back of the closet and pretty much stopped thinking about them entirely but yesterday I found something else there's this little alcove upstairs with built-in shelves and a bunch of old books sort of a mini library I was flipping through some of them looking for something to read and I came across this little book about wine tucked inside were a couple of old Polaroid photos they were pretty faded so it was hard to make out what they were this first one was pretty unremarkable it looks like it's just photos of the trees outside the second one was even blurrier for a minute I didn't even know what I was looking at but then I realized it was of the house and the letters I found on the ground a couple weeks ago the photo was super fuzzy so it took me a second but I was able to make it out deep-water chapel this is so weird I've never heard that name before was my house a church or something I spent the afternoon going through all the other books in the library but I didn't find any other pictures I really don't know what to make of this December 12th Greg clearly alarmed begins as threat by telling us that the woman was in his house he backs up a bit to explain that yesterday he had been outside when it started pouring rain resulting in his clothes getting soaked once home he changed out and placed his wet clothing by the fireplace to dry them off and then went to bed he then begins to describe a dream or rather a nightmare that he had that night in it Greg and a few of his friends or sitting in a circle out on the deck of his grandfather's home Greg's friend Eric took control of the conversation talking about how dark the woods were and how anything could be out there watching and no one would ever know Greg playing tough ensured Eric that his comment wasn't going to get to him in response Eric narrowed his eyes and bet that he could scare Greg only this time his tone changed he was no longer smiling and everything went quiet only the sound of the wind and lake were present Eric then broke his silence quietly whisper a question to Gregg asking if someone was watching him sleep in that moment Gregg sprang up barely able to move or even breathe to make things worse he just heard something from downstairs Gregg quietly snuck around trying to find the source of the noise but found nothing while trying to calm himself down Gregg made his way into the kitchen only to find a door wide open in the final tweet of this thread Gregg hysterically insist that he locked the door and he'd never leave it open especially considering everything that had been going on he then considers finding a motel and he's now beyond his breaking point the cherry on top of all this Gregg also realizes that his wet clothes are now missing assuming that the eyeless woman had taken them a little later Gregg responds to a tweet suggesting that if the woman was able to navigate the house without eyes she must be familiar with its layout Gregg responds saying that he didn't even consider that possibility and that he left the property in favor of finding a hotel December 23rd Gregg posts the following I'm sorry I haven't said anything in a while I've been staying in a motel about an hour outside of town when I left the house that night I just kept driving until I felt like it was far away enough to feel safe I called a locksmith but they weren't able to come out right away and there was no way I was going back to the house without new logs I've been waiting it out here until I can go back basically doing nothing jumping at every little sound and feeling crazy finally a couple days ago the locksmith called back and said he'd come out so I checked out of the motel and got in my car to drive home it was a pretty long drive back and the closer I got to the woods the worse I felt anyway I drove past the town and reached the woods where the roads get worse and harder to drive on they get twisty as you drive up to the house and you have to be careful not to hit deer I almost always see a dozen or so deer on my drive but today there were none not a single deer in sight in fact the woods seemed a lot quieter than usual I could have been imagining it but something definitely seemed off I was almost ready to turn around when something darted across the road it was so fast that I wasn't sure if I saw it at all I panicked and swerved off the road and into a deep groove by the roadside by the time I realized what had happened the thing was gone I have no idea what it was it was just a blur but it wasn't a deer it was red like blood worse my car was stuck it's my mom's old car this week little two-wheel drive and I couldn't manage to get out of the groove i sat there for a while trying to figure out what to do I knew it wasn't a good idea to walk the rest of the way but if I didn't I'd miss a locksmith and I'd have to either spend the night in the house with old blocks or go back to the motel which I couldn't afford I wasn't too far from the house so it made the most sense to walk the rest of the way and call a tow truck from home I needed to meet the locksmith anyway I got out and I started walking once I was outside I realized that I had been right about the woods seeming quieter than usual I couldn't even hear any birds it was dead silent my footsteps seemed so loud every twig that cracked under my shoes sounded like a bone breaking I was periodically checking my phone's GPS to make sure I was heading in the right direction I had just rechecked my route and was about to put my phone away when I saw something that made my heart sink it was another one of those artifacts like the ones I'd seen on my first day here but it had one of my gloves tied to it from the rain storm last week when I left my clothes by the fire to dry there was a pair of gloves with them I knew that woman had taken my clothes that night and this confirmed it I also knew that I'd find the rest of my clothes before I saw them and sure enough I found more artifacts not far from the first I found my other glove my socks and a bandana everything from that night except for a sweatshirt that I've been wearing I left them alone this time all I wanted to do was get back to the house get the locks changed and call a tow truck I started jogging a bit wanting nothing more than to get away from those stick things after a while though I started to think that I should have been home already I slowed my pace and took my phone out but it couldn't calibrate this time it couldn't seem to locate me in the GPS still I could hear the leg off to my left which meant that if I kept walking alongside it I should get to my home eventually I continued moving and tried not to think about getting lost I must have gotten turned around because I was walking for what seemed like ages I found myself in a part of the woods that seemed unfamiliar I had no idea where I was and then suddenly I saw something off in the distance something bright white almost seeming to glow against the dark trees I couldn't figure out what it was from a distance so I went closer trying to be as quiet as I could when I actually got close enough to see what it was my mouth literally fell open they were eggs huge eggs all in a cluster like a nest they were enormous it's hard to explain their size but you can sort of see them in relation to my boot here I felt like I was dreaming before I even knew what I was doing I touched one it was warm and I had a sudden urge to smash one and see what was inside but then I suddenly decided against it I felt sick like I was going to throw up if I didn't leave right away I left the clearing and tried to listen for the lake and then headed in that direction I got to the lake shore and felt a little better since I was out of the trees I had a better view of my surroundings and I was able to pinpoint my house a ways down the shore I never thought I'd be happy to see it the rest of the way back I felt like I had fur to go I couldn't make sense of anything that had just happened I still can't I reached the house and somehow felt a little better once I was inside so the locksmith arrived a bit later and changed out the logs I watched him work in a daze I also had him installed dead bolts I called a tow truck and they got my car out of the ditch but now I'm alone again and I can't stop thinking about what I saw I can't figure any of this out I don't know what's happening I know I should leave but I just can't at least no one can get inside tonight December 28th I heard something someone was outside I was in the kitchen washing a glass and I heard something outside on the deck a scratching sound and then it stopped I thought I imagined it but then I heard footsteps for some reason I just ran outside without thinking I don't know what's wrong with me I don't even know if I'm scared anymore I just want answers I can't be sure but I think it was her I saw someone running into the woods I'm sure it was her but I couldn't catch her in time I did think about chasing her into the woods but decided against it because I don't want to get lost out there at night I turned around to go back inside and that's when I saw what she'd been doing on my deck in the first place I shouldn't still be surprised by these artifacts but this one was huge taller than me on top of that it had my sweatshirt from the storm tied in the middle honestly I was just going to leave it there I'm sick of this I was about to go back inside and then I noticed there was something written on the wall behind the artifact I hadn't even seen it before fear the new moon what does that mean I don't know where that woman got a marker and I don't like how familiar she is with my house and property I guess the new moon is January 5th [Music] January 4th one day before the new moon Greg briefly appears on Twitter to point out that along with it there is supposed to be a storm and that he thought he'd be safe if he stayed inside January 5th it's been storming all day and into the night thunder and everything I've stayed inside all day nothing has happened yet and maybe nothing will happen still I'm nervous maybe I shouldn't have stayed I don't know what's wrong with me I should leave tomorrow I'm not really sure what I'm even saying I just need to occupy myself with something writing this makes me feel less alone I'm like I'm talking to someone I just can't do this anymore I'm leaving tomorrow first thing in the morning I don't care about selling this house anymore I just want to go home I just need to make it through the night I'll be fine if I stay inside the locks are new and nobody can get in I'll be fine I'm gonna get some wine and stay in the upstairs bedroom tonight I'll be okay she's here she was in the cellar I practically ran right into her she didn't even hear me because of the Thunder outside her back was to me and she was standing dead still in the middle of the room just staring at the wall I couldn't move I felt petrified all I could do was stand there like a fool and stare at the back of her head and then she turned around and she spoke to me she said she won't hurt me she said she'd explain everything I'm sorry I'm just trying to make sense of this she said that she'll tell me everything I'll be right back okay so I'll try to relay everything she said but there was just so much of it I can barely keep track of it all so first off she said that she made those stick things for my protection she says that it's dangerous out here and that she was trying to protect me when I asked what she was trying to protect me from she got quiet for a long time when she finally replied I could barely hear her there are things in the water I didn't really believe her but I didn't have any rational explanation for the things I've seen so instead I just listened here's what she told me a long time ago something came from the sky and landed in the lake it brought something with it something ancient and strange the people who lived here began to commune with it they protected it from the outside world devoted their lives to it and in return the thing gave them a gift the people here were blessed with abnormally long healthy lives and many children but it all came with a price I had so many questions but I didn't even know which ones to ask so I just sat there in silence and took it all in the woman continued apparently in the beginning there was just the one it spent most of its time deep in the lake slumbering but over time it made more instinctively I asked about the eggs I saw in the woods and the woman nodded there's so many of them now she said they come from the water to lay eggs and the people take care of them hide them away until they hatch but when they do hatch they need to feed at that point I was starting to put two and two together I thought about all the twins I've seen in town she must have sensed my understanding because she spoke again I told you there was a price the people in this town are blessed with many children but they don't get to keep them all when the eggs hatch the people must bring one of their own to the woods the creatures need to eat she was quiet again and said they start with your eyes I asked her how she knew about all this but I already knew the answer I know because it happened to me she said when I was a girl my father brought me into the woods with the others offered me up to the newborns she turned her head towards the window like she was gazing into the distance as they took my eyes I waited until she was ready to speak again it was a long time before she did she told me how she was led to one of the eggs how she watched a break open how something came out of it before she knew it something was on her burrowing into her eyes she wasn't sure what happened next she only remembers the searing pain and then suddenly she was free she doesn't quite know if she managed to push the creature off or if someone helped her but she got away and ran to woods she ran until she couldn't breathe anymore she was too scared to go home so she stayed in the woods eventually the forest became her home and she's been there ever since I felt completely bewildered none of this made any sense to me but at the same time it did somehow I had so many questions I wanted to ask but I couldn't sort my thoughts I couldn't figure out what to say I finally asked why are you telling me this now after all this time the woman didn't say anything at first she took a long laboured breath it's the same time every year she said they'd come out of the water in the fall lay their eggs a few of them begin to hatch surely they feed on animals in the woods they need strength to make it back to the water but most of them hatch when its darkest she turned to me even without eyes I felt like she was staring right at me tonight is a new moon she whispered tonight is a ceremony my stomach began to sink as realization set in realization about what was happening out there in the woods at that very moment we have to do something to stop it I've learned it out I started getting out of my chair but she just shook her head she said there was nothing we could do it happens the same way every year we can't stop it but I wasn't listening anymore I don't know what came over me but I jumped up and ran out the door ran into the woods I don't even know where I was going at some point the rain had stopped it was dark and I couldn't see anything but I could hear things all around me things moving through the trees and I could see lights in the distance fire flashlights I don't know I had no idea where to go or what to do more than once something ran by me in trees I was using my phone as a flashlight and try to take pictures of the trees trying to see what was out there but everything happened so fast I don't know what these are if this was the clearest shot I could get they all move so fast I ran for what seemed like an eternity ran in circles I had no idea where I even was then somehow I was back in the same clearing where the eggs had been but they were gone now nothing but bits of shell left on the ground it was all over I was too late it already happened and they'd cleaned everything up I stood alone in the clearing the lights in the distance were disappearing it was getting quieter and just like that I was running again running towards the lake I didn't even know why I couldn't do anything branches scraped my face as I ran blindly through the trees I reached the water but there was nothing there I saw some faint ripples out in the black water but besides that it was silent it was over January 16th Craig explains that he left the house after the night he met the eyeless woman he tells his followers that he decided not to sell it and that he was back home trying to process everything Greg then goes on to say that since the eyeless woman claimed that the events that took place happened once every year perhaps there was something he could do next time although he wasn't sure what he ends his story by swearing that he won't let this happen again for now the story is to be continued in the end this is definitely at least in my opinion one of the best executed Twitter horror stories out there and I'm pleased about the fact that Greg or whatever the author's real name is has decided to pace the story out and just for the sake of clarity yes this is a work of fiction in case you haven't already figured that out right now it seems like we may actually need to wait a full year for real updates and if that ends up being the case I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to this series I know a lot of people will probably think that's too long to wait but the idea has pretty much never been done before most things of this nature tend to blow up and fizzle out rather quickly naturally there are still a ton of things we don't have answers to right now like who the eyeless woman is exactly the running theory that most agree upon is that the woman is Greg's aunt or some other relative I say theory but unless we're being thrown a huge red herring then it seems like it's pretty much going in that direction especially given the fact that Greg has only liked one tweet it asked if maybe the eyeless woman is Greg's mother's twin sister that he was unaware of given what happened to her and little that we know about how the town works this could explain why Greg's mother isn't fond of her father we're also still left to wonder who the people on the boat were exactly were they there to watch Greg or were they attending to the creatures who live in the water based on the fact that Greg found in eyes shortly after makes me think that they may have been there to feed their let's just call them pets aside from this there are also still questions about the creatures themselves and how this all started all we know is that they came from the sky live in the water and lay eggs on land once a year I'd also love to know if that's solely the reason why the town doesn't eat or stock any eggs I suppose it seems a bit excessive but it's too early to make any real judgments given that we don't know all that much about the town and its people speaking of the townspeople the jumbled letters that were later revealed to say deep water travel that Greg found people have been trying to find out more about what it means many assume that googling the term would lead to an actual church but that doesn't appear to be the case given this I am thinking that it's possible that the Deep Water Chapel is or was the Church of the entire town in a cult-like sense keep in mind they made a deal with these creatures that emerge from the water and they essentially worship them so it would make sense if they base their entire religion around these things now Greg did mention noticing small holes in his home where the nails used to be so we can assume that the property was once the deepwater Chapel as Greg suggested as for the present day it's either been relocated or simply not running anymore given the death of Greg's grandfather who we can assume ran the church continuing with the thematic connections to water when Greg finds a note left on his door saying to leave the note was on some kind of tag if you look closely you'll notice that it's meant for repairing some kind of inflatable possibly a boat life vest etc the last thing I want to address is what the eyeless woman was looking at when Gregg ran into her yes she lacks eyes but given everything we've seen unfold maybe she doesn't even need them notice how Gregg said she was just standing there staring at the wall the thing is there is something on the wall that Gregg drew attention to you before if you look closely you can make out the form of a bird and based on the other side also appearing to have wings I'm guessing the pattern repeats but from this angle I can't be entirely sure as for what the seal means exactly for now I don't know yes the eyeless woman seemed to explain everything the night she finally spoke to Gregg but she was overall still pretty vague this of course is good news for this series because it actually does have stuff to uncover once it eventually returns for now I suppose the story of Gregory 88 will remain dormant and I for one will be patiently waiting until the next time Gregg returns home
Channel: ReignBot
Views: 3,575,392
Rating: 4.8857412 out of 5
Id: _72MlCuYdSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 18sec (2598 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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