Chan story - /x/ - Deep sea threads & dive anon stories

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why did I watch this at 2am? I'm going to have horrible dreams now, if I can sleep at all.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/LysanderBlue 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

The worst part about that video for me was definitely that story of Davy Jones. The idea that Davy Jones is actually a 200ft bipedal sea creature roaming the sea floor similar to a scavenger really fucks with me tbh.

That, or the unexplored nature and intelligence of Cephalopods, and the idea that there's potentially a sapient cephalopod species deep down in the ocean.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/ComradeOFdoom 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
I'm a professional diver and on I posted a story of mine a couple weeks ago or so not going to write it up again but to give the gist of it I was doing body recovery on contract for the police found a body and attached a line and started swimming to the surface when something grabbed the body and started dragging it at incredible speed I cut the line just in time to prevent myself from being yanked down with it I'm sure some of you deep sea loving Eddins will remember it I've got a couple other stories of my own that I can go into more depth if you guys want mostly stuff involving fish that were a bit too big for comfort coming to take a look while I was doing some welding or that time my rebreather malfunctioned and I started having a full-blown drug trip while I was 200 meters underwater fun stuff I've got a ton of more interesting stories though mostly from other divers I can't speak to the truth of them because I wasn't there some are pretty out there keep in mind some of these stories are sort of like diver urban legends they get passed around until nobody can remember where they got started the story I'm about to tell you though I heard from a good friend of mine a dive master and the guy who trained me on my first dives I have no reason to believe he's lying this was back sometime in the late 80s I believe my friend let's call him Frank had just gotten out of the Navy and started doing civilian work mostly welding and he worked with a police for a short time like I did like me for Frank diving was both a hobby and a job so he would spend his weekends exploring known shipwrecks and points of interest known to the local diving community sometimes he would just set anchor in a random spot and dive down to see what he could find he usually found a whole lot of nothing but on this particular occasion he hit the jackpot metaphorically speaking because there was nothing good about what he found he was doing an extreme depth dive that day which as I explained in my last post I'm not going to name the lake he was diving in just in case it's somehow leads back to him but it was a very large lake that was nine hundred plus feet deep so he was pushing the boundaries a bit especially since he was so low diving without any partners he gets to the bottom and as per usual there's just the usual sand silt and some rocks covered with algae not even any fish that he could see he digs around in the sand a bit to see if he can find anything and he feels something hard and smooth buried a few inches under the surface Frank grabs it and tries to take a look at it a bit further up away from the floating sand it was some sort of prescription bottle with a label worn / torn off so he puts it off to the side and keeps digging find something much bigger right away he pulls it out of the sand and to his shuck he's staring at a human skull he digs around in the sand some more to find the bones pretty much feeling his way around because the fine sediments he was digging up made his visibility zero he found something else hard and pulled it out but it wasn't another bone it was another skull he kept digging and found on his estimate at least 200 likely more skeletal remains at the bottom mixed in with the skeletons were he estimated thousands upon thousands of prescription bottles like the one he found earlier he didn't have enough oxygen / time to stay down for long so he dug around in a few spots to see how large the dump of bodies and bottles was he estimated it must have been almost 50 by 50 feet roughly in size so it's possible that there could have been many many more bodies there than his estimate probably the spookiest fit is since he had done work with the police he knew what a body looks like under water at various stages of decomposition the bones had been picked clean by the fish but the bones themselves couldn't have been there for much longer than five years like a good citizen Frank carried one of the skull pieces up with him to the surface he talked to some of the people he'd worked in the police with as a diver and they immediately told him that they were not going to investigate and that he should never speak about it again being someone who valued his own skin Frank did just that and ended up moving to the other side of the country about a year later he never told me why but I've got the feeling that he no longer felt safe working / living there okay time for one of my own shorter stories Frank has more interesting stories than me but I want to share some stuff from my own personal experiences as well this actually happened just last year I was doing some maintenance slash repair work on a dam for an artificial lake I had chosen this spot to work in particular because it was a treasure trove for exploration as a diver since the lake was artificial there were several small villages farms and homes that had been submerged when it was constructed something that's actually surprisingly common when it comes to artificial lakes so I was down at the bottom of the dam doing a visual inspection of the gate guides and seal plates trying to find anything that needed maintenance or replacement it was summer so the water was pretty murky and visibility was low something chef slash nudged me on the back and I turned around expecting to see my dive partner but instead I was starting right at the face of the biggest ugliest catfish I've ever seen water does weird things to your perception of size but I could swear this thing must have been the size of a small SUV if it had wanted to it could have eaten me no problem I froze in place because I hadn't expected to be in danger from the aquatic wildlife on a freshwater dive but he swam away and circled around for a while as I worked it's actually fairly common fish watching you while you work but I've never seen one as begins this before I'm just glad he wasn't hungry this next story is a bit out there so to speak I trust Frank but being deep underwater can do strange things to the human mind narcosis can and does cause hallucinations among other mental disruptions I've experienced it myself firsthand when it's happening your brain can't distinguish reality from the hallucination and there's never a point in your mind where you go oh while I'm trapping because it's usually a case of the Frog boiling where it comes on you slowly anyway back to the story this was probably late 90s to early 2000s Frank wasn't really clear on the date when he told me the story Frank at this point has graduated from casual rec exploration to full-blown treasure hunting he's got a boat with sonar designed to find shipwrecks and all sorts of neat stuff to this day he hasn't found anything of actual value but I suppose the thrill of the chase is a treasure of its own it was the long week and so Frank was making a big expedition to a remote part of the coastline where an old ship apparently sunk in the early colonial period nobody ever found the wreck their route was known but there was a storm and they never arrived the location was extremely remote you either got there by boat almost a two-day trip from the nearest suitable launch where you hiked there on foot Frank figured that the remoteness of the area accounted for the wreck never being found which is why he was so keen to search himself he still talks to me about going back there today since he now has a portable sonar system that you can mount on a canoe he didn't have one of those back then so he just packed a bunch of food and supplies for the weekend along with his diving gear I doubt you could even carry a canoe with you on that hike but if anyone could it would be Frank he gets to the ocean sets up camp a ways away from the ocean in a sheltered nook then drags his gear down the ocean and goes for a dive first day he just snorkels mostly second day after he has the lay of the land his words not mine Frank decided to go diving he only had two cylinders of air with him from the hike so he had to make his time count if he wanted to find anything the entire expedition was ill-advised in my opinion but Frank does what Frank wants apparently he thought he knew exactly where the damn wreck was because he had figured out where the currents would be pulling any debris so he sets out for that spot swims in and dives Frank gets to the bottom and to his disappointment does not find a shipwreck or sunken treasure or anything really of interest there's a lot of just various debris and [ __ ] some pop cans trash and garbage even just when he's about to give up he hears the tell-tale sound of a boat motor coming from the surface his immediate instinct is to surface and say hi but his instincts were screaming something else so he decided to wait and see until he ran out of oxygen and had to surface he swims up a bit closer to the surface to see if he can find a boat following the sound he sees coming above him and cut off the engines something big gets tossed into the water and begins to sink like a rock Frank said that it was immediately obvious to him what it was based on the silhouette but he didn't really fully realize until the man sank past him eyes bulging with shock screaming with empty lungs Frank followed him to the bottom as fast as he could when he got there the guy was still conscious but just barely he pulled off his rebreather and fitted over the guy's face while trying to free his legs his legs had been put in buckets full cement Frank alternated breaths on the rebreather for about 15 minute while desperately trying to break the guy's feet out of the concrete without any luck the whole time he thought the guy was trying to talk to him trying to say something that he couldn't understand after about 15 minutes Frank realized that he couldn't get that his legs free if he stayed down any longer he would run out of air and die himself he said leaving the guy down there to drown was the hardest damn thing he ever did the poor bastard realized Frank was leaving and frantically grabbed him trying to rip off his rebreather and keep it for himself Frank ended up kicking him in the face and swimming off without looking back he reported it to the police and they found the body about a week later it was a mob related killing apparently it actually happens more often than you think I don't think Frank ever got over what happened the way he described it first the pure relief and joy when Frank gave him rebreather and the agonized panicked fear when he realized Frank was leaving him being someone who dies for a living I've had lots of friends who drowned on the job for various reasons it's not something you really dwell on a lot but this man has always stuck with me what the hell was he thinking in his final moments it's probably due to my line of work but I've got a bit of a fascination with death or rather the final thoughts right before death that last final spark before everything gets snuffed out forever I have more stories to tell you n uns but I've got to go do real-life [ __ ] now so if this threat is still here later I'll come and post some more if not I'll post them in the next deep sea thread that I come across thanks for all the kind words oh that's the black carpet allegedly a bit of an urban legend amongst deep-sea divers I'm that diver and on if anyone was in the last deep sea thread I've heard about this thing a couple times from co-workers and buddies I don't remember the details of the full story right now to be honest but I'll talk to my buddy sometime and see if he remembers and post em on here but the basic gist that I can remember is that this thing is some sort of colony organism like a giant moving core it's a giant black carpet of macrobiotic cells that crawls over the ocean floor sifting though nutrients with millions of tiny fillers nobody has ever gotten a good estimate of the size other than its big and apparently it makes a noise similar to this bloob thing one guy apparently saw it swimming slash riding the currents as well so it does more than just crawl on the ocean floor I suppose you could call it a one-of-a-kind organism but I'm not sure if that applies to colony organisms like this macrobiotic cells so you were saying the ocean floor is covered by a giant jellyfish essentially yes according to how the black carpet has been described to me it shares many similarities to a jellyfish one story I heard had a diver getting stung by some sort of large feeler strand that apparently hangs off the top similar to a jellyfish there was this really old retired diver I talked to who claimed to have seen it he claimed to have seen an entire decomposing sperm whale being consumed by the carpet I should really make a post compiling all the stories I've heard about this thing if it's similar to a jellyfish and is actually a colony of microorganisms then it might be related to the Portuguese Man O'War the way I've heard it described it shares more similarities with a starfish or sea anemone than a jellyfish the marine biologist guy who said he'd seen it had some interesting thoughts on what it was his idea is that it's some sort of holdover / descendant from the very first invertebrate forms of life on Earth he did a whole long talk about how coral is one of the oldest forms of life on the planet and the reason why the ocean is the only place teeming with large invertebrate creatures is because that's where all life first evolved in his mind jellyfish and all other sea invertebrates probably evolved from this thing rather than vice-versa this giant sea carpet or whatever would have been one of those very first life-forms to ever exist on earth technically making it one of our ancient ancestors it's a pretty cool theory all things considered so I talked to my buddy and I'm going to start writing up some of the stories I've heard about the black carpet this is the first story I heard of it from some Finnish bloke with a strong accent he was doing a deep-sea dive repairing some sort of cable I assume it was probably fiber-optic as he told it initially he thought he was in the wrong spot because he couldn't find the cable he starts searching and eventually finds one end just the one sheared clean through he gets his dive buddy to stay with that end of the line while he goes looking for the other end swimming in a straight line in the direction of the other line in his estimation he swam about half a mile before he found the other end of the line he stressed to me that the entire half a mile middle section of the line was just completely gone it was a huge deal and everyone thought it was the Russians but this guy was sure that this carpet thing had done it said he heard the noise it apparently makes even thought he never saw it this next story is from my buddy he heard it from the guy who heard it from another guy who heard it from another guy so taken with a heavy grain of salt this guy is doing a dive depth location what he was doing never got specified just that he was really deep he starts hearing this odd noise that gets associated with the carpet a lot the way he described was similar to that video of the blue ultra low pitch sort of like a super creepy distorted whale song as he gets closer he hears this almost static crackling noise as well the way he described it was like a million prawns getting cracked open at once if that makes any difference as he gets closer to the bottom the noises are getting louder and louder at this point he was thinking that he's hearing some sort of sonar from a submarine and that some jackass submarine crew is playing a joke on him when the guy gets to the bottom he shines his light around trying to find whatever he's looking for and what he was was that the seafloor had literally come to life and was crawling past him this is probably the best description of the car but you're going to get according to this guy carpet is at least a mile long / wide made mostly of these strange black feelers that apparently make the strange popping noise most of the top is covered in various sand rocks debris with feelers poking through also a few long transparent stalks as he described them that float upwards apparently some of these were like 20 feet long according to the guy it was singing which doesn't make any [ __ ] sense to me but whatever guy swam back up to the surface and claimed he had an equipment malfunction came back down a couple hours later and got there just in time to see the last of the thing disappear apparently it stretched as far as the eye could see which isn't that far at the bottom of the ocean but still this one is an old urban legend that's been floating around the diving community for years never heard a concrete source of it so emo it probably never happened especially since it involves a submarine crew so I'm not sure how a diver would have heard about it since as far as I know submarine crews usually stay inside their ship anyway here goes submarine is doing something either wargames are patrolling for Chinese / Russian / North Korean / bad guy submarines the story isn't terribly consistent about this I hear a different every single time for whatever reason they are not using active sonar because they want to avoid detection floating dead somewhere a couple hundred meters off the seafloor they're just sitting there chilling and listening with their sensors trying to detect enemy submarines or whatever when they start hearing the noise their sensors can't make any sense of it and it's getting louder at an alarming rate starts out as something only the sensors can hear but before long the entire crew is hearing this strange distorted humming / singing that people always associate with the carpet captain thinks the only explanation is that it's some sort of new sonar / jamming technology and order the sonar crew to send out a ping to locate the source of the noise this is the part of the story that stays the most consistent I assume because it's the most memorable the sonar operator shouts out new sonar contact bearing sir what's our depth the captain replies five hundred meters or whatever depth the submarine is supposed to be at the sonar operator replies but sir the sonar says the seafloor is 10 meters below us the captain says that's nonsense then walks over to the sonar station checks the reading then walks over to the Houseman and checks the depth checks the nautical charts for where they are somehow apparently the ocean has gotten about 200 meters shallower the captain orders another ping from the sonar to try and locate the source of the noise sonar operator speaks up again concerned sir the ocean is getting deeper again captain asks him to repeat himself ocean floor is once again had expected depth sir captain takes a look for himself and sure enough they are no longer 10 meters above the ocean floor there is also a very very large dot on the screen behind the submarine captain asks what the large contact is sonar operator equipment malfunction sir captain pings again just out of curiosity the equipment malfunction has maintained its shape and is continuing to move away from the submarine and apparently taking the strange noise with it again this is basically an old wives tale amongst deep-sea divers so take it with a grain of salt it's possible that a submarine detected the carpet or whatever on sonar and that's the origin of the story but I highly doubt this actually happened still makes for a cool story though last story for now I'll see if I can dig up some more later this is from the old guy I talked about earlier nice guy marine biologist who has done both deep-sea wells and nature research studies with roughs apparently the carpet ate one of his rafts on an expedition according to him it happened late one night while the rest of the crew was sleeping he was pulling an all-nighter studying the sea life around volcanic vents he's moving the raw from one vent area to the next one he sees what he described as churning sediments on the seafloor a giant moving cloud of underwater dust essentially moving towards the Rauf he moves and closer and sees what he describes his colossal ectoderm crawling along the seafloor with long dexterous filament probing the seafloor ahead of it he maneuvers the wroth in for a closer look and uses the arm to prod one of the filaments in the blink of an eye he lost contact with the Roth apparently it happened so fast he didn't even see it happen one second the thing was about five meters away from the vehicle the next second it had swallowed the thing whole his excuse for not having footage was that the footage was all recorded and stored on the Roth rather than being recorded on the operating station which seems fishy to me he was however very confident in himself to the extent he claims that he is the discoverer of this new species he even gave it a name which I completely forgot because it was so stupid and boring giant sea carpet sounds cooler anyway way way back in the mid-90s I read in a book on cryptids that there was something called the hide apparently it was a flattish thing with eyes along the rim about the size of a large cowhide hence the name from what I recall the one observation was of such a creature rising up out of an underwater trench to absorb a shark who'd somehow become paralyzed by it it was observed at some distance by a diver does any of that ring a bell to anyone supposedly took place somewhere off the Pacific coast of South America I've heard some people who claim to have seen the thing were other similar things a lot of stuff I've heard from other divers seems like they could be attributed to very rare / large siphonophores that lived in the deep sea what you're talking about was described to me as a sort of pancake shaped creature that would hide under the sand with a single small near transparent tentacle floating upwards a diver touched it spasmed and immediately the creature rose out of the sand to devour him don't touch strange [ __ ] in the ocean people may as well go on a tangent and talk about some other stories I've heard that might be attributed to Scifo force there was this one cranky old retired diver who swore he'd seen a sea monster of unfathomable size on a dive once I always assumed he was full of [ __ ] but the way he described it sounds a lot like a siphonophore the story went something like this he was on a dive doing something that I've forgotten when he sees an absolutely giant tentacle stretching up from the nearby drop-off the thing was so huge he couldn't see no beginning nor end to it and so now he goes around constantly claiming to have come within a hairbreadth of devourer meant by a gargantuan sea Leviathan of unfathomable proportion and yes that is exactly how he talked looking into these siphonophores it makes total sense that something like this could exist though it would be less of a sea monster than a giant serpentine jelly blob sifting through plankton and floating nutrients another siphonophore related story I've heard is one about an absolutely gargantuan jellyfish type creature that was allegedly about the size of a military submarine the diver who saw it said the thing was so massive it had somehow developed its own biosphere with various species of fish circling around and swimming inside it he described it as having an appearance like a giant upside-down orchid suspended underneath a massive sphere of translucent jelly the coloration was very dull but that might have just been due to the extreme depth this story is off on a bit of a dance very much out there in terms of believability it's not a very widespread of widely believed story mostly because of how crazy supernatural it is if you work as a diver for long enough you're bound to run into a few people like this ultra superstitious guys who believe in all sorts of curses black luck sea monsters etc a common belief he'll find among many of them is this sea deity / gods / demon called Davy Jones who roams the sea floor searching for divers or sailors who have displeased him for one reason or another whenever someone or something is lost at sea and never recovered Davy Jones has got it what makes this / x / related as the description one guy gave me of this Davy Jones because it's pretty spooky the guy claimed to have seen on one of his dives a trail of giant footprints a approximately as long in length as he was tall so about five and a half feet long since the guy was pretty short and though he'd never seen it himself he claimed that one of his friends had this Davy Jones was a bipedal humanoid that stood over 200 feet tall on tall stock like limbs that was walking along the sea floor kicking up great clouds of silt behind him as he walked according to this guy - looking in the faces instant death for his village be too horrifying for any mere human to behold thanks for sharing known whereabouts in the world did this story come from I met the guy while I was working in the Hibernia oil field in 2009 fun story I refused to do any oil rig work now because a lot of it is really sketchy and you end up having to pull a 10-plus our shift while doing very delicate work deep underwater and I was afraid after that big Mexico oil spill that I'd [ __ ] something up and caused a massive spill so yeah I don't do jobs like that anymore even though they paid really well ever seen a ghost underwater yes well to be more specific I saw a hallucination of my dead father because the oxygen injector on my rebreather malfunctioned on a dive and gave me a bad case of narcosis I was definitely hallucinating but it really felt like him if that makes any sense the one at 409 looks almost exactly like a very small version of what I've heard the black carpet has described as I'm going to try and get in contact with the old biologist guy who saw the carpet and ask him some more questions so I finally got hold of the old biologist guy on the phone and talked to him about the sea carpet again according to him it is not a siphonophore he qualified that by saying that siphonophores are not fast or mobile they survived by basically floating around expending very little energy and occasionally snagging a meal with the neurotoxin Stinger tentacles he talked for a while about what makes the car but seemingly a biological impossibility according to him something of that size wouldn't get enough food / energy to survive and keep up its level of activity just from scavenging sediments on the seabed siphonophores can get really really huge because they sort of sit around and let food come to them without any energy expenditure so the profile of the carpet fits more with an active predator / scavenger than a passive one I mentioned to him that I'd heard stories about decomposing corpses of whales being seen by some people being digested by the carpet and he got really excited about that his working theory is that the carpet is an entirely unknown form of life in the sense that it is a colony organism similar to a siphonophore but the individual cells are much more complex and capable than those of a siphonophore keep in mind this is purely theoretical stuff he's pulling out of his ass to try and explain why something that should be physically / biologically impossible might exist he's study siphonophores quite extensively and one thing that's remains a mystery is how the cells communicate considering they have no central nervous system or brain to speak of they're basically just big bacteria the key apparently is high-frequency vibrations he hasn't been able to prove it yet because it's damn hard to get your hands on a siphonophore to study but he thinks the individual cells vibrate to communicate with one another and pass a message along the entire organism his theory is that the carpet is basically the siphonophore equivalent of a Russian nesting doll rather than being a colony of individual cells it is a colony of individual multicellular syphon a person is therefore the missing link between single-celled life and complex multicellular life the bloop knows which the carpet apparently makes is actually millions of these creatures communicating in their own primitive language since siphonophores can reproduce asexually he envisions the carpet is constantly evolving in size and shape depending on environment and amount of food it can consume so perhaps after consuming the carcass of a very large creature like a whale or a giant squid it would be extremely large and have a large amount of cells but would eventually shrink has itself consumed on meat it sells the multicellular structure of the carpet serves a two-fold purpose both serving as a distraction from potential predators similar to a lizard losing its tail while running away and a long-term storage of nutrients since big meals are few and far between at the bottom of the ocean the carpet stores the energy it consumes by creating more cells and growing larger which it will consume between meals whenever it needs energy not just that but he's very convinced that the very first forms of life on Earth evolved in the deep ocean near volcanic vents making the carpet the oldest existing form of life on the planet by far he tucked my ear off for a while but I don't have much more interesting to tell you guys other than this for now though I feel that even though this is slash X slash and people come here to hear about supernatural slash weird stories and [ __ ] this is just the hypothesis of one guy who apparently saw the carpet once it's by no means the definitive truth and this guy hasn't ever actually been able to perform a real scientific study on it he just saw it once and is drawing conclusions from what little knowledge he has diver and on here I'm back with some more stories from my colleagues around the world please sit around the campfire and enjoy a good old-fashioned threat they don't make em like they used to have you heard of the raptures of the deep few people have 30 meters below the surface water pressure alters the properties of gases within the human body what was once harmless or vital begins to poison your mind the deeper the depth the deadlier the poison becomes symptoms include impairment euphoria laughter anxiety hallucinations hysteria terror and death and yet we still venture into these depths risking our lives and Minds delving into a place where the barrier between the mind and reality becomes thin those of us who return can bring with us only memories of bad alien world beneath the waves these are some of those memories tales from beyond the depths of madness my first story of the night is not set in the depths of the ocean but rather on the surface this story was told to me by the captain of a ship I was on for research work a good Aussie chap he always had a good yarn or story to tell about life at sea at the beginning of his career on the sea he was the greenhorn on a commercial deep-sea fishing trawler they mostly caught black cod though a lot of other fish got caught in the net and discarded he said that the deeper you laid your Nets the stranger the things he pulled to the surface would be beyond a certain depth of fish become an edible their flesh transforming into a pale gelatinous substance not long after reaching the surface one night in particular it seems this crew set their nets too deep as the nets raised out of the water dripping wet and filled with pale wriggling flesh it became apparent that something was wrong the fish were screaming the noise was unbearable some of the crew ran below deck and the rest put in earplugs after some debate they opened up the net on the deck to examine the fish the captain swore that when they did he saw fish with human faces distorted corpulent distended that unmistakably human and they were screaming pale blobs of flesh with a drooping face fleshy nose and black eyes wretchedly screaming in anger pain or hate they were quickly thrown overboard and the crew fished in shallower waters from that point onward the next story is one of my own those of you who have been in previous threads might recall me talking about this briefly I was doing a mixed gas dive to the bottom which was 60 metres at this part of the lake mostly I was just looking for valuables or other odds and ends that had ended up at the bottom of the lake when I was a kid I lost a tooth on a boat rip I think that was when my fascination with a deep began my mind fixated on the idea of my tooth sinking to the murky bottom and lying there lost to the depths forever I enjoy finding those lost things and bringing them back to the surface it's so rare that you can bring something tangible with you from the deep on this particular day I brought back with me something that was intangible yet infinitely more valuable than any treasure I still had over half my cylinder and was enjoying scamming over the lake floor sifting through the sediment and whatever odds and ends had ended up there out of the blue I had a powerful intuition that I was being watched I turned around and saw a man standing there behind me on the ocean floor he smiled at me broadly and waved his hand that's when I recognized him in a sort of stilted shock I was face to face with my dead father on the lake floor 60 meters below the surface he pointed to my cylinder and said something his face wrinkled with concern well he tried to speak when he opened his mouth only bubbles came out and I couldn't understand what he was trying to say he pointed again directly at my oxygen regulator it slowly dawned on me what was happening my equipment was malfunctioning giving me an improper mix of gases that at this depth can result in raptures of the deep narcosis at this point I was aware of the fact that I was hallucinating I should have started swimming back up immediately but I couldn't I had left so much unsaid to my father he had died in a boating accident a few years before and I had never really gotten over it he was just there one moment and gone the next I never said goodbye you have certain regrets when someone dies things left unsaid I always mulled them over in my mind I wish I'd said this why didn't I tell him that before I died and I finally had a chance to tell him those things to have that goodbye but I couldn't speak because of the stupid rebreather in my mouth I started to rip off my mask and rebreather so I could talk to him but he grabbed my hand I yanked against him and tried to pull off my mask but he wouldn't let me frustrated I screamed into my mask bubbles floating up around me in a stream up to the surface and then I felt him pull me into a hug the kind he used to give me when I was a little kid and in that instant I just knew that he understood that he knew that this was him saying goodbye when the bubbles cleared he was gone I swam back up the surface spent a few minutes at my safety stop and then surfaced I know it wasn't real that it couldn't possibly be real besides I don't believe in ghosts I know I didn't really see my father or my father's ghost down there it was probably a manifestation of my subconscious desire or some [ __ ] I'm not a psychologist even still it's hard for me to not want to believe that it was real in some small way that my mind was more open in that state and he reached out I'm not sure why I guess it's just that it felt like he was there it felt like him it felt so god damn much like him god I miss him this story is also one of my own it happened in Hawaii during one of my many diving vacations it's a damn beautiful place with great weather and even greater views underwater while I can appreciate the dark murky atmosphere at the bottom of a lake there's definitely something enchanting about crystal clear water filled with colorful exotic fish it's certainly much less frightening than any of my deep sea dives especially the ones that involve me welding vital components for hours on end with even the smallest mistake having potentially devastating consequences that however does not mean that it was not dangerous you are always in danger underwater whether you realize it or not it is not your house you don't live there you don't belong there and most importantly in the water you are no longer the world's apex predator you're in a much much bigger bond keep that in mind if you ever go diving yourself it might just save your life even a small thing could kill you in this case it was a moray eel now morays are known for being vicious but most people don't know that they're also very intelligent I like to call them sea daemons due to their disturbing combination of cold intellect and raw aggression if one bites you the best way to get it to let go is to cave its skull in otherwise good luck getting it to let go that in itself isn't unusual but when it's paired with an uncanny Anderlecht it gets a little bit scary this moraine particular was the king demon of all the sea demons not in size he was about average for an elder mori what placed him above all the others was his pure dickish nnessee tried to [ __ ] cut my oxygen lines I felt something plug at them violently and I spun around to be face and face with this [ __ ] [ __ ] I could just see how [ __ ] smug he was that stupid [ __ ] face he knew what he was doing and I knew that he knew and he knew that I knew so I pull out my knife that I keep for defense against sharks and cutting myself free if I ever get loose and I show it to him see look it's shiny if I poke you with it you die he knew what that was - he didn't seem worried but he backed off a bit I kept an eye on him the whole way back to shore I swear the country formed the Mora equivalent of flipping me off when he finally swam away as I was nearing the shore moral of the story morays are [ __ ] don't [ __ ] around with them okay all done with my own personal stories now this next story is supposedly bonafide true taken from the Journal of a now deceased biologist / researcher I haven't seen the pages of the journal myself but I'm working on getting them sent to me if possible I'll share them with you if I ever manage to get my hands on them for now enjoy an abridged version date unspecified just hurt a sperm whale on the hydrophone very unusual for this area and time of year frequency of few Hertz lower than normal possibly a new subspecies date unspecified pod is upset still hearing the sperm whale haven't seen mark today hope the old codger is OK date unspecified pond remains agitated second day in a row without a sighting of mark scarred old dorsal starting to get worried date unspecified heard Marv on the hydrophone today good to know the old man is okay date unspecified keep hearing Marv on the hydrophone he sounds distressed pot is still agitated date unspecified if this keeps up much longer I might dive and check up on him date unspecified pot is extremely agitated nudge me back to the surface when I tried to die Dayna unspecified illegible okay I'm actually back this time here's the rest of the journal for those of you who were waiting date unspecified I'm not sure if I should write this down I feel like I'm losing my mind what I saw couldn't have been real date unspecified it's killing the salmon it's not eating them they just float to the surface to Ron they're refusing to eat the dead salmon won't be long before they starve date unspecified [ __ ] started singing again date unspecified I guess I'm going down to try and deal with this thing I don't think I'm crazy I'm going to write down what happened on my last dive in case something goes wrong I used the hydrophone to roughly triangulate where Marv's calls were coming from check the depth got my gear ready and dove the pod kept nudging me back to the surface but I kept swimming down and eventually they stopped circling me from a distance and making odd mournful noises I'd never heard an orca make before I pressed on determined to find Marvin get to the bottom of what was happening poor bastard after a certain depth the pod gave up trying to stop me and circled from above crying out in their own odd way I reached the bottom but couldn't spot Marv immediately I could hear him but I couldn't spot his location it sounded like he was right next to me even though I couldn't see him I figured at the time that it was the channel walls bouncing the sound around and continued to search eventually I found him he was floating immobilized and trapped in some sort of strange translucent substance he seemed unresponsive but I could still hear him it seemed impossible he could be alive after so long underwater but he still seemed to be vocalizing took out my knife and tried to cut what I assumed at the time to be degraded plastic packaging of some sort the instant my hand made contact pain came ripping up my arm and pulls through my entire body I saw stars and when I came to I was floating immobilized next to Marv I tried moving but I was completely paralyzed I don't think I've ever been more scared in my life slowly I felt the tendril that had wrapped around my arm began to tug me downward I frantically tried to turn my head and see what was below me but I couldn't even move my eyes it continued to tug me down at a snail's pace turning my body with it as the seafloor tilted into view I realized something was horrible wrong the seafloor was writhing the sediment shifting and pulsating as my view tilted further downward I saw what the filament was pulling me down towards protruding out of the massive writhing sand was what I can only describe as a massive sea anenome of some sort with bulbous protruding growths reaching up from the seafloor towards me and inch by inch I was being dragged towards it I couldn't scream I couldn't cry I couldn't even close my eyes all I could do is watch as this thing reeled me and like a fish the [ __ ] took its time either it was slow or elect its food well marinated in fear I'm sure there's worse ways to die but this is probably pretty high up there I was pulled in inch by inch until it grasped me I can still remember the sensation thousands of feelers pinching my arms and face rough like sandpaper pulling me further in I still couldn't move but inside my head I was screaming the mass pulled me further in with a rippling motion each pulse pulling me farther and farther down I think I accepted that I was dead somewhere around the time my head was completely pulled into the mass all I could hear was the rough rasping of the thing as it rubbed against my mask pulling me deeper into itself I'm not sure if I blacked out or went catatonic after that but when I came to I was floating freely in a cloud of murky sediment all around me were the same bulbous writhing feelers that had pulled me in but disconnected and squirming alone directionless I took a second to orient myself and calm down when something brushed past me in the water if I wasn't still paralyzed I would have [ __ ] myself it came again a massive dark silhouette shooting through the water just above the seafloor in its wake I could see thousands of the strange bulbous feelers being pulled up off the seabed that's when I heard it the familiar lovely called it was Shay and I quickly began to see several other familiar shapes as the rest of the pod joined her they shot through the dark like torpedoes making an odd clicking vocalization that I've never heard before strange filaments like the one that had grabbed me marv trailed upwards from the mass but the whales gracefully ducked between them and continued to skim the ocean floor kicking up clouds of sediment and thousands of individual feelers eventually I felt Shay and several of the others nudging me towards the surface they even gave me time to decompress before pushing me up to the surface it took about an hour of sitting on the surface Shay gently nudging me and clicking and what I assumed was concerned before I finally regained enough mobility to climb back into my boat the old girl seemed pretty excited when I finally managed to flop inside I guess whatever was down there didn't really appreciate having its lunch stolen so now it seems to be killing the salmon I don't know what I'm going to do yet but I'll be damned if I let them starve that was the last entry in the journal and the writer is apparently missing / deceased still trying to see if I can actually get my hands on the journal itself or some pictures of it but the owner is a very odd person and is being uncooperative at the moment I'm going to leave for a bit and maybe come back with some more stories later back again this is another story from Frank if you remember him from one of the earlier deep-sea threads I posted it in case you weren't in those threads Frank was my diving instructor absolute legend been around a while and seen lots of strange [ __ ] he never told me exactly where / when this took place it's kind of irrelevant in any case he was taking a group of new diver trainees out on a dive for their certification usually they start you out in shallow water after a few dives they take you out somewhere deeper Frank goes out into the ocean of ways to get you used to the sensation of being underwater and being unable to see the bottom it's an important thing to get used to if you're a diver there's lots of places where the Shelf will become a sheer drop-off for potentially hundreds of meters straight down into nothing but abyss if you're not used to it just seeing it can induce panic and terror in certain people the deep does that to certain people and I would recommend not becoming a diver if you have some sort of phobia or fear of deep water facing your fears is great at all but having a panic attack while you or 40 meters underwater is a bad idea Frank said in people who got panicked / scared of deep open-water were pretty common hell I got pretty scared my first time but he says there's another reaction he's Dean he's only seen at once but he's heard of it from other diving instructors the only way he could describe it is the call of the deep they dropped into the water off the boat and Frank could immediately tell something was off this kid hung back from the group staring down into the water Frank tried to pull him back but he shook off his arm and started swimming away straight down Frank waited a second then started after him he caught up at about 30 meters and grabbed at his leg the kid looked back at him and smiled then pushed away and continued going straight down Frank followed him for a bit and tried to stop him again but the guy just kept going further and further down eventually Frank had to stop and let him go or risk dying himself to this day Frank says it is the most unnerving [ __ ] he's ever seen what could possibly compel a man to just swim straight down into the ocean what did he think awaited him down there the kid's body was never found the parents sued Frank but he was exonerated by the testimony of the other trainees who backed up his claims police chalked it up to the kid being suicidal but I'm pretty sure there's a long list of better ways to kill yourself and like I said this isn't an isolated incident no cause or motivation has ever been determined and the reason for why these people swim to their deaths remains a mystery okay time for a repost this is the first story I posted on here figured some engines in this threat might have missed it I was doing a recovery dive in a local lake for the police some idiot kid who hadn't worn his life jacket while drinking on a party boat it was deep enough to require mixed gas to avoid narcosis I was following all the normal protocols keeping in contact with my diving partner watching my dive computer it doesn't take long to get to the bottom getting back up always takes much longer me and my partner split up to cover more ground because visibility was extremely low it must have been about five minutes before I saw it there was a human silhouette standing upright at the bottom of the lake I swam closer and found him in perfectly preserved without a sign of decay on his body he was buried in silt up to his shins it really looked like he could still be alive or had only been dropped into the water a few moments ago I tied a line to him and started to head back up to the surface so I could get the boat deemed to haul up the body so I swim up letting the line play out behind me until I reach my first safety stop while I'm waiting for my body to decompress so I can head further up I noticed that the spool of line is still being pulled out even though I've stopped it's completely taut and rolling out straight down at a blistering speed it takes me about half a second to realize that my reel is about to run out and I'm about to be sucked down by the line there's a good 900 plus feet on my line and the speed it was being reeled out was so tremendous that as soon as I tried to grab it my hand was split almost completely open to the bone in retrospect that was a dumb thing to do but it was just basic instinct to grab the rope and try to cut it with my knife I get a sudden IQ boost and instead cut the straps holding the reel to my suit a few seconds before the line runs out and it vanishes into the murky water within about half a second I feel as if the force of the whiplash alone would have been strong enough to break my back and kill me if I hadn't cut the straps I'm pretty shaken at this point more shaken than I've been since I found my first dad kid but still I managed to ascend slowly and take my safety spots despite the pain fear and of course all the blood leaking out of my hand good thing this was a freshwater dive or I might have been in real trouble on my way up anyway my knee-jerk reaction and what everyone else told me was that it was narcosis fueled hallucinations divers see all sorts of [ __ ] when narcosis kicks in I've heard stories of fish and squid with human faces some guy swears he was face to face with Cthulhu my point is narcosis is to an extent like temporarily being on DMT and it can make you see some absolutely crazy [ __ ] the thing I could make sense of is how I got the cut on my hand it's clearly from a rope it's not clean enough to be from my knife or any other sharp object the doctor even noted that I had friction burns all surrounding the cut so what the [ __ ] caused the cut if I was hallucinating and if I wasn't hallucinating what the [ __ ] could drag out a line that fast what really keeps me up at night is that the guy was resting on the bottom of the lake and my line was going straight down so either he was pulled through the bottom of the lake or something with incredible strength and speed grabbed my row than was reeling me in like a fish I'm not sure which is worse hello again friends and welcome to the first weekly edition of this thread every Friday night I'll be posting a bunch of more stories feel free to add some of your own for anyone out there who like the stories from my old friend Frank you're in for a treat I visited him yesterday and got him to spend me a few new yarns that I think you guys will love this story is one of his from back before he left commercial diving to be an instructor Frank was doing a fairly normal job basic rig inspection on a jack-up rig inspecting the gears and pinions before they moved to the next trail site the depth was on the extreme end for a jack-up rig just under 600 feet I say this is extreme for a jack-up rig but that's because it's supportable rate with legs that sit on the bottom of the sea floor so it can't drill as deep as a floating rig as Frank was doing the inspection he felt something like a long rope brushed the top of his head he twisted around and saw what he describes as the biggest squid he's ever seen in his life floating aimlessly in the current the body was massive with ears near its head and nearly a dozen long thin tentacles that stretch down so far you lost sight of them in the gloom Frank stared it in a bit both in awe and fear I did some research and he was never in any danger this particular type of squid is likely passive and uses its long tentacles to feed on plankton one thing that is odd is the depth at which this squid was at big fin squid are normally found at much lower depths Frank watched the squid for a few minutes as it floated nearby then turned back to his inspection after a few minutes he looked back and it was gone he looked all around but he couldn't find a trace of it that species of squid are rarely seen and little is known of them but they have never been observed to move at high speeds you might want to sit out this next one if you have a combined phobia of the deep sea and spiders now spiders aren't the sort of thing you think that you'd encounter in the ocean I know there are aquatic spider species but those usually are very small and live in ponds spiders aren't something you'd think to see it's a the bottom of the ocean well I'm here to inform you that sea spiders absolutely do exist they're mostly harmless but then again so are most land spiders they're long gangly things that are all legs with two grasping and a proboscis for sucking up their preys insides not supposed to get any bigger than about two feet diameter and I say not supposed to because lots of strange things seem to happen at the bottom of the ocean our intrepid diver in this story was after some sunken treasure and had just stopped to investigate what he hoped was an undiscovered wreck that he'd spotted on sonar he descended to the bottom but to his dismay the wreck was simply a strange rock formation on the bottom disappointed he prepared to ascend just as he checked his dive computer he noticed something out of the corner of his eye a massive wall of sand approaching from behind him underwater sand storms aren't anything unusual they're just like sand storms above water except significantly more wet it's just current stirring up sediments and throwing them around our friend managed to grab on to a rock and hold his position steady as the current slowly faded leaving only murky waters filled with sediment letting go of the rock he turned upward and came face to face with a large Barracuda impaled on the end of a long transparent tube the tube stretched up and vanished into the murk visibility was below 10 feet now the diver was getting spooked so he went back down to the bottom and swam along the ocean floor for a while to bypass whatever had skewered the fish that's when he nearly ran face-first into its leg according to his description a leg was skinny proportionately but still about a quarter of a foot in diameter and it stretched up into the murk beyond above him he stared up at it for a few seconds then it began to ever so slowly move gripping the ocean floor as it moved the rest of the mast that must have hung suspended above hidden in the murk the thing moving spooked our friendly treasure hunter enough for him to probably break a couple Olympic records in his mad dash slash swim to safety fortunately he retained enough sense to wait at his safety stops though I can hardly blame him for being scared after seeing a giant underwater spider this next story is one of mine it's a bit mundane as far as the stories in these threads usually go nothing supernatural or unknown at all just a normal dive with some normal sea life you might have noticed the fish that got so unfortunately skewered by a giant sea spider in my last story was a barracuda and you guessed it this story is about Barracuda they have a really bad reputation which granted is somewhat warranted can get big around seven feet long they have a mouthful of giant razor-sharp teeth they can shred through flesh like knives and they have a tendency to hunt in massive packs oh and there are all sorts of stories of people getting mauled by them the truth is Barracuda have been somewhat maligned by the media and rumor mill they rarely attack humans most cases of attacks are due to the fish mistaking a shiny dangling object like a necklace or bracelet for food or spear fisherman trying to wrestle their catch away from an uncooperative fish of course those are all the rationalizations I was running through my head when a pack of six foot long Barracuda began shadowing me on a nighttime dive why was I diving at night you might ask why the [ __ ] would any sane man do that I don't have an answer to that question other than that I think anyone who has ever dove to the bottom of the ocean as part of their job is probably a little bit crazy I spotted their eyes first with my flashlight silver gleaming dots in the distance I immediately switched off my light and went dark for a bit hoping they wouldn't notice me because the last thing you want when you are swimming alone deep in the ocean late at night is to get noticed by a pack of large predatory fish after a few minutes I turned on my light again and almost [ __ ] myself when I saw the very big eye on the also very big teeth of one of the Barracuda right next to me and yeah they're not supposed to hunt humans but that didn't make me feel any better these things were big mean as hell looking killing machines and if they decided that I was lunch for whatever reason I would be lunch there's no getting away from a pack of six-feet silver torpedoes with razor-sharp teeth so I very slowly and carefully turned around and headed back up having decided I'd seen enough of the ocean for that night my ass quartz tagged along all eight of them they never harmed me and I'm not sure why they were following me could have been pure curiosity I've had lots of fish swim bite - check out my light when I'm diving / welding underwater not really the typical story I post here but it was a very spooky experience for me to be followed by these very large deep-sea predators this next story isn't from a diver rather a guy who was working on one of those big cruise vacation ships it was the tail end of the trip and most of the passengers were either drinking or asleep this guy was a kook and had finished his shift he was just relaxing on deck and watching the glowing dolphin swimming through the water beside the ship if that threw you for a loop there's this type of plankton that glows when it moves creating this mesmerizing glow around any moving objects nearby it's cool as [ __ ] I would highly recommend anyone interested in the sea take a vacation to a place that has glowing beaches it's cool as [ __ ] also very romantic explanation aside our intrepid cook was sitting out on the railing watching the dolphins leave glowing trails through the water beside the boat it's the sort of thing that makes working at sea worth all the boredom and loneliness worth it unfortunately after a few minutes the Dolphins left and the chef was left alone with his thoughts which is when he noticed that there was now something else swimming alongside the boat whatever it was it was big he couldn't see the shape too clearly because it was a fairways below the surface but the glowing plankton gave him the rough view of the outline he described it as long serpentine in shape and at least a hundred feet long if not longer he watched it follow the ship for a ways before it dove further down out of sight continuing on with the themes of Lights underwater I have another story from the same cook there's not much to this one but I think it's still interesting he claimed to have seen on multiple occasions inexplicable glowing life coming from below the ocean different colors sometimes glowing red green or yellow he described it as something completely different from the glowing plankton the lights would appear and disappear sometimes they would blink or flash some of them would remain in place others would follow the ship or move in erratic patterns once he got close enough to get a better look and saw a glowing orb floating just above the ocean surface which then shot away from the boat at extremely high speeds I've heard of similar things from lots of sailors and I've never heard of a satisfactory scientific explanation so much about the sea even on the surface still remains unknown last story for now before I have to leave for a bit this is another one from Frank and it's a good one during his time as a commercial diver on the west coast Frank made a friend and with friends like this who needs enemies Frank first met his friend while doing a basic maintenance check-up on the local marina he was checking on the moorings to make sure they were in good condition when he noticed something strange one of the mooring chains appeared to be sticking straight out of a large rock on the ocean floor Frank moved in to take a look and sure enough that chain was somehow embedded in this rock perplexed Frank felt around where the chain entered the rock and noticed something even stranger the rock felt distinctly unlike a rock in fact it felt very softy and squishy and it was looking at him the color of the rock suddenly flashed too wide and then the entire thing vanished in a cloud of dark ink you might have guessed it at this point but Frank's friend is a Pacific giant octopus they can weigh around 600 pounds and if measured from tentacle to tentacle can grow to over 30 feet in diameter they also have the ability to change the color of every cell in their body allowing them to mimic nearly any object on the sea floor they're big next to invisible and can be very very smart so it was fortunate for Frank that this particular octopus who he named Fredrik was just a prankster and not a serial killer like some reports of giant octopus I've heard over the next few months Frank would encounter Fredrik on various dives imitating some strange object flashing wide upon being discovered and swimming away in a cloud of ink after a while Frank simply assumed that anything strange he saw was just Fredrik playing a prank on him and ignore him which would lead to Fredrik tickling the back of his head while he wasn't looking or playing with the valves on his equipment after being ignored one too many times Fredrik turned off Frank's oxygen regulator briefly before turning it back on after that Frank made sure not to ignore him and would occasionally bring toys or things down from the surface for him to play with this odd relationship continued for most of the year until about January where Fredrik disappeared for several weeks Frank said that he was relieved but I think he worried about what had happened to his friend Frank eventually found him at the same marina he had first seen him wrapped around the chain and disguised as a rock his skills of disguise seemed to have gotten dull as the rock look distinctly on rock lichen was covered in strange white spots Frank waved hello his customary greeting to Fredrik and after a pause Fredrik waved back he flashed white briefly then changed back into the color of a rock Frank hung around for a while but Fredrik didn't seem to be interested in playing hide-and-seek or any other games so he went back to his inspection after a week of half expecting to spot Fredrik somewhere on one of his dives Frank returned to the marina Fredrik was still there wrapped around the chain he was no longer disguised as a rock and his skin was a bright red mottled with white spots he waved at Frank flashed white and then turned back red Frank had brought some fish with him but Fredrik refused to eat or move staying anchored around the meringue Frank came back the next day with a lobster which was apparently Frederick's favorite food he was still there hugging the mooring chain he refused to eat the lobster and didn't wave to Frank or flash white like he usually did the next day he was gone Frank came back once a week for the next month before finally giving up on seeing him there again sometimes still Frank will inspect strange rocks or objects he sees underwater in hopes of seeing Frederick one last time you can find lots of things at the bottom of the ocean a friend isn't usually one of them that's so crazy did Fred die or was he dying and then went somewhere to die Wow imagine this being living there self-aware wondering why it has this amazing intelligence observing life seeing a human being playing tricks etcetera and then finally saying goodbye I don't know anything about this stuff but at turning red etc sounds like he was dying and losing control over his body this story is so sad octopus typically died soon after they mate the females remain alive long enough for them to grab the eggs but males develop a form of dementia and stop eating white after mating is over their body basically self destructs and consumes itself for energy until death occurs Giant Pacific octopus azar semelparous they breed once before death after reproduction they enter a stage called senescence which involves obvious changes in behavior and appearance including a reduced appetite retraction of skin around the eyes giving them a more pronounced appearance increased activity and uncoordinated patterns and white lesions all over the body while the duration of this stage is variable it typically lasts about one to two months death is typically attributed to starvation as the females stop hunting and instead protect their eggs meals often spend more time in the open making them more likely to be preyed upon Fred became a dad F F have sex die would you an ins do it okay I'm back got two more stories for those of you still hanging around these are from the same treasure hunter guy who told me the story about the giant sea spider he was deep out at sea scanning the seafloor in an area known for shipwrecks to see if he could find anything he had been doing it for most of the day with no success he turned away from the screen for a second to look at something else and looked back barely in time to catch the tail end of an absolutely massive blip on the sonar disappearing from the scan radius never got an exact measurement out of him but it was too big and too fast to be a whale right after this he hears something strange coming from the ship's starboard side and looks up to see a massive wave bearing down on his boat he barely had enough time to turn into it and avoid being capsized and a bunch of his stuff got soaked or washed overboard apparently the sea was completely calm barely a cloud in the sky and no wind at all last one for this week but I saved one of the best for last again this story comes from our intrepid treasure hunter I'm going to call him Carl from now on just to make writing these a bit easier on myself Carl was a week into his two-week treasure hunting voyage slash vacation so far he'd had little success in today wasn't any better it was getting near lunch and so far all he'd done is sit around drinking beer and watching his sonar finally he spots something that piques his interest along pole shaped object jutting out of the ocean floor and propped against some sort of large rock outcrop more often than not Carl says that stuff like this on sonar ends up being just an old waterlogged tree that's sunk to the bottom but there's always the chance that it's the mast of a long sunk ship that was shattered by undersea currents its treasures and artifacts spread along the seafloor hoping for a much-needed win Carl prepped his gear and dove the descent was uneventful visibility good and he was able to spot the from a good distance away he became more and more convinced that it was a wreck the closer he got and his excitement grew finally reaching the spot he discovered that the beam was in fact jutting out of the rock rather than leaning against it the rock was weathered and covered in dead coral and barnacles along with the mast but the shape was distinctly similar to the hull of a large ship an intact halal means intact treasure and Carl eagerly began to search for an entry point so he could investigate the interior after a few minutes of searching he couldn't find a single hole or break in the coral encrusted exterior of the wreck which is a bit odd given that the ship had sank Carl almost gave up hope until he came across something extremely strange there was a door perfectly preserved sitting embedded in the side of the hull Carl's first instinct was to open it but out of nowhere every single one of his instincts started screaming alarm bells at him he hadn't seen a single fish or sign of life on or near the wreck the wreck was old too old for there to be a perfectly preserved modern door complete with unroasted brass handle in the side of the hull he pulled back and took another closer look at the wreck as a heavy sense of dread began to overtake him he found a patch of the mast where the coral crust had fallen away and revealed the true surface after knocking on it a few times Carl realized that the mast wasn't made out of what it was stone if the entire wreck was petrified it was very very old much too old to make any sense and much much too old for there to be a completely preserved modern door in the side of the hull who the hell puts the door in the side of their ships I'll anyway the sense of dread Karla was fearing became overpowering every single one of his senses was screaming at him that he shouldn't be here that he didn't belong that something was very very wrong but there was no way he would just come all the way out here make the discovery of a lifetime and just leave so he swallowed his fear and headed back towards the door he wasn't going to let nerves take what was possibly one of the greatest archeological discoveries of the century away from him as he swam around the hole to the section containing the door the fear intensified until as he described it felt like I was having a complete mental breakdown still though he pushed through his fear and towards the door as it came into sight he noticed something was wrong the door was ajar and slowly opening from the inside Carl sat there for what must have been a few full seconds watching the door open his entire body screaming at him to run that was when he felt something else something watching him from inside the door something that Carl could only describe as pure unthinkable evil Carl made a mad dash for the surface hyperventilating and screaming into his mask not daring to look back as he could feel a presence following behind him watching with hungry eyes he shot straight to the surface without any safety stops flopped onto his boat headed it back towards land at full speed and managed to call the Coast Guard for help despite being wracked with pain from decompression sickness he was picked up off his ship in a helicopter and flown to the nearest decompression chamber thanks to the quick rescue Carl survived albeit with permanent joint damage and some paralysis in his left leg that put an end to his treasure hunting career he refused to share the location of the wreck with me some things on the bottom of the ocean aren't meant to be found I'm going to begin tonight with one of my own stories that I haven't told yet we're also going to try and investigate the phenomenon I witnessed which has been corroborated and seen by many other commercial and hobby divers if you've been diving a lot or spend a lot of time around divers you might have already guessed what I'm talking about black divers one of the most persistent and unnerving legends that has plagued diving since the time of giant metal bell helmets will dig into possible causes and explanations for this phenomena after I've written up my own encounter with them this story comes from early in my time as a commercial diver on the Hibernia rig the rig is the biggest in the world and is absolutely massive basically a small city jutting out of the seafloor the entire thing is on top of a massive concrete platform settled on the bottom of the ocean that's also used to store barrels of crude even back when I was doing this safety regulations were very important unlike most of my other jobs where I mostly inspect / repair the integrity of the structures themselves I was checking the oil storage itself to ensure it was safe secure and not leaking out of containment it was good work steady work inspecting the site nearly every day and it paid usually I worked with a group of two other divers the day this happened was like pretty much any other the weather was [ __ ] the on-board chefs omelette was delicious and the rig workers were [ __ ] nothing new began to dive reached my target and began the inspection of lids seams Becton taking water samples as well to ensure no minute particulate leakage after a few minutes I get a feeling on the back of my neck that I'm being watched I turn around to see one of my partner's floating a distance away from me watching me work I wave at him and give the okay sign to signify the I am okay and he returned it I wasn't sure why he was watching me instead of doing his own work but I really didn't give much of a [ __ ] I had a feeling in my gut though that something wasn't right I mold it over in my mind while I worked something about him it seemed off but I had no idea what it was so I turned around again after a bit and sure enough he was still there watching me I waved to him and made the okay hand sign and again he returned it something about the way he did it made me feel disgusted and repulsed the fingers looked wrong if that makes any sense I don't remember enough detail to describe exactly how they moved incorrectly but I felt a distinct on County Valley level repulsion upon seeing it I was looking at something very very wrong my gut instinct was screaming at me that this guy was dangerous that's when I realized what had actually been bugging me initially the guy didn't have any bubbles coming out of his regulator oh [ __ ] this guy has a regulator my diving partner has a rebreather this isn't my diving partner wait oh [ __ ] how the [ __ ] can this guy be giving off serie bubbles without a rebreather here's where I need to explain a bit of technical stuff for the non-initiated regulators are those typical scuba masks you see you breath in air from them and exhale into the sea rebreathers are much bulkier and they recycle the air you're exhaling and reuse it so that you get more bang for your buck better for longer / deeper dives than a regulator regulators make bubbles rebreathers don't like I said all our guys on the rig used rebreathers it was company policy and it was just full stop the best option this diver was using a regulator and on top of that he wasn't making any bubbles which is just screaming all kinds of I stare at him for a second as he just floats there staring back at me through the gloomy water my stupid search-and-rescue / recovery instincts kick in and I assume this diver is having an emergency malfunction with his rebreather and cannot breath and as possible already on concea sore dead so I try and stuff down there blaring warning signs and my gut and swim over to him as quickly as I can the warning signs in my gut get worse the closer I get there's just something about this guy that is wrong somehow I can't describe it in any other way than that I knew instinctively that he should not exist that he was wrong my gut finally got the better of me just as I reached to pull off his broken regulator so we could share my rebreather on our way up I stopped my hand a few inches away from the mask and I felt an intense jolt of fear staring down into his mask there was nothing behind his mask it was completely empty no eyes no face no skull no corpse nothing just empty blackness I reached out with my hand and touched the top of his head his wetsuit hood squished inwards as I pushed deforming the shape of his head that's when it moved the thing turned its mask up towards my face raising its hand and making the okay sign again my body was in full fight-or-flight mode at this point and though I'm no [ __ ] spooky phantom divers are pretty far past my limits of what I'm willing to fight so I swam the [ __ ] away putting a decent distance between us before I dared to look back when I turned to look I saw the diver floating backwards into the current leaking black oil or blood or something from his mask arms and legs it wasn't long before he was hidden entirely behind a black cloud vanishing into the murky sea I went back up to the surface as quickly as humanly possible assuming that I had a bad mix of gas or a malfunctioning rebreather causing narcosis the maintenance crews never found anything wrong with my gear though that doesn't rule out the possibilities of narcosis hallucinations man if sounds like human countered some highly capable squid I reached out with my hand and touched the top of his head his wetsuits had squished inwards as I pushed deforming the shape of his head when I turned to look I saw the diver floating backwards into the current leaking black oil or blood something from his mask arms and legs it wasn't long before he was hidden entirely behind a black cloud vanishing into the murky sea ye it definitely is some kind of squid that is either friendly slash interested in humans enough to imitate something that doesn't signify danger as opposed to what would happen if you saw a human sized squid just staring at you some of them are not only insanely intelligent but have literal active camouflage and can change their entire texture so as promised a bit of analysis / insight into this particular phenomenon there's a couple different names for them phantom divers ghost divers black divers the stories aren't all the same there's two basic types of phantom diver encounters the ones with a body and the ones without some people report seeing a corpse skeleton face behind the mask others saw what I saw which is a seemingly empty black void with nothing inside except water the common thread shared through most stories is the lack of bubbles and the black blood / mist emitted by the phantom diver not all stories have the black mist but the majority do there's a couple possibilities for this it could be an actual supernatural phenomenon weird [ __ ] happens in the ocean divers die all the time could the ocean have some sort of property that traps the souls of those who died there dooming them to float aimlessly on currents as ghostly phantoms I won't outright rule it out because weird [ __ ] happens in the ocean I've seen stuff defies explanation time and time again it could also be what I like to call a mind virus you see it a lot amongst the DMT / psychedelics community the drugs are a window into your subconscious thought process so if you go in with certain expectations or knowledge even if you don't realize you are it will affect your experience it's possible that people see phantom divers because they've heard stories about them and it's something their subconscious mind jumps to when it experiences narcosis hallucinations which would mean that by spreading these stories I am in fact contributing to the spread of this idea the last possibility is very much related to the next story I have for you I'll save it for after I have typed it up describe how the fingers were wrong it happened quite a while ago in my memory is far from perfect if I said that I remembered the exact detail of what made the fingers wrong I'd be lying there was something about the way they moved when he made the hand signal it was like someone had studied exactly how a human hand functions without ever having a hand or using it and so there was just something missing in translation and innate humanity in the gesture that was completely absent this next story was written by the same old biologist who allegedly had a deep-sea ROV he was operating eaten by the black carpet back in one of the first threads I posted on here one of the biggest questions we face as a species is the question of sentience what makes a sentient what allows us to exist consciously self-aware why do we exist that's what fuels our search for other life out there in the Stars but I would posit that we are searching in exactly the wrong direction the effort time and resources to reach the Stars are vast and our chances of discovering any life little own intelligence sapient sentient life are astronomically small that isn't to say that we shouldn't explore the Stars only that we should finish exploring our own planet first 80% of the Earth's oceans are unmapped unseen unexplored dark chasms of unknown depths never seen by human eyes teeming with undiscovered species and wonders what are the chances that some undiscovered form of intelligent life exists some were in those unfathomable deaths very very likely in fact I am nearly certain that it does exist I've seen the evidence with my own two eyes it was another voyage chasing after that profane and accursed siphonophore the blasted thing has ruined my academic credibility and resisted my best efforts to record observe or prove its existence I have not given up the search but I grow more discouraged every year my prize eludes me even so I saw something on this dive perhaps even more shocking intriguing and abominable than that even the Titanic black carpet of creeping flesh that lies at the deepest depths of the abyss one of my remote hydrophones had picked up a sound unlike any I've ever heard in the ocean I was entirely convinced that the colossal siphonophore himself was in the vicinity and to head a flank speed towards the site hoping to die before the bastard could move on and vanish into the depths again after agonizing hours spent staring at the horizon willing my boat to crash faster through dark and unforgiving seas I arrived at the location of my hydrophone the dive took place mere minutes after my arrival as I intended to waste as little time as possible and had gotten fully suited and prepared while my destination was yet an hour distant as swiftly as I had arrived still swifter I drove to the bottom some 700 feet beneath the curling Whitecaps and seething foam my flashlight was the only illumination in the inky darkness playing upon the innumerable tiny flotsam particles and microscopic plankton floating upwards on unseen current from still greater depths as Ayad ov it became quickly apparent that several large barracuda shattered my descent each specimen measuring nearly 8 feet in length these inquisitive creatures are quite harmless to humans despite what deceitful Luciferian history attic media Psychopaths might try to tell you I felt no fear at witnessing these noble Wolves of the sea and instead welcomed their company to my immense disappointment two of the creatures vanished in pursuit of a large blue tuna leaving me with only a singular companion as I plunged headfirst deeper into the abyss eventually he too left me I was alone with my thoughts for what seemed an eternity ever so slowly the ocean floor came into view through the murky dark was I beheld a greater underwater plateau perched at the edge of a steep plunge into even greater depths a swift shadow shot out of the gloom at the plateaus edge in the corner of my vision and a world to face the new danger to my great relief and surprise the silhouette belonged to none other than an exquisite bottlenose the dolphin swamp triumphant arcs round me squeal chittering in his strange language an obvious delight to himself for having found a friendly light in such dark depths despite the affections and welcome from my new friend i urgently pressed downward to the floor of the plateau with my companion in tow I imagined at that moment that he must have been following out of sheer curiosity what was this land ape doing alone at such a depth during the night this land ape was on the hunt for big game the biggest game ever to walk the ocean floor perhaps but I was not destined to find my old being the colossal siphonophore today for upon reaching the plateau floor I quickly noticed strange unnatural shaping amongst the rock and coral sections worn and carved by water but seemingly with intent purpose and craftsmanship strange groove lines ran in circles on the stone seabed each pattern similar and yet distinct astonished I began to photograph and record as much of this incredible phenomenon as I could taking video and photo in great detail of the structures after my mannequin thew Zee azzam had waned somewhat I turned to look for my bottle-nosed companion I found him sitting only a short distance away staring at me with eyes that had suddenly lost their gleaming laughter that was when it struck me like a bolt of thunder bottlenose dolphins never swam this deep they definitively would never venture to the abyssal depth of the drop-off I had seen this one emerge from as I had this very revelation the flesh of the dolphin shifted and rippled in both shape texture and color and I saw the things eyes burning with a cold and malevolent intelligence that I have never before and have never since witnessed he even amongst the worst of mankind the thing in front of me was no dolphin but rather a clever imposter from some yet unknown secretive species of mollusk there was a moment where the both of us locked eyes daring the other to make the first move a tendril reached out from the mass and grasping my camera slowly but firmly pulled it from my grasp apparently satisfied the creature jetted away in cloud of thick black ink leaving me to surface without a single speck of proof evidence or answers I fully believed that the only reason I still breathe is that the creature knew my boat's discovery nearby with me missing would bring greater danger to him than I could by myself all right I'm back for a bit I talked to the old biologist again we're going to call Amory to make my life a little bit easier now Marie is a bit of a character he talks and swears like an old sea captain despite being a marine biologist and always seems to have a ready excuse for why he has no proof of the things he's apparently seen I'm not particularly inclined to believe him most days out of the week but I still find the stories fascinating I asked him for a bit more in-depth explanation on the creature he saw and his thoughts on it his belief is that there is an unknown sentient species of cephalopod in the ocean cephalopods are squids octopus etc in case you're wondering cephalopods are strange creatures with a remarkable ability to mimic other forms of life they also have a level of intelligence that has still to this day not been fully studied or documented octopus in the wild and captivity have been recorded to wave back at humans in an almost friendly manner supposing that an unknown intelligent species of cephalopod existed if it did not want to be found it would be extremely difficult or impossible to find it their ability to hide and mimic other forms of life is unmatched especially if matched with a keen intellect the creature described by Murray was able to create a near-perfect mimicry of a bottlenose dolphin this is actually completely within the realm of reality there is a species of octopus known as the mimic octopus that mimics a wide variety of creatures with stoning accuracy this is achieved by a complete control of the shape texture and color of its body it's possible that this unknown deep-sea mimic is also responsible for the black diver phenomenon a cephalopod of sufficient size could easily mimic human movement and mannerisms from the inside of a wetsuit the black blood to me indicates that this might be the case I wonder what these mimics might think of us humans invaders from the land what secrets or mysteries might they hold could they have secret cities hidden and great unknown caverns at the bottom of the sea what purpose does imitating a human divers erv are they just observing us or other plans more sinister the entire idea frankly has me a bit on edge these things could be hiding anywhere disguised as anything I might have swam past one a dozen times then watched by them hundreds do they know me do they have a name for me if these things exist I think it's better that they remain hidden when these questions remain unanswered I tried to convince Murray of that but he remains dead set on proving that they exist there's one more question that stitching at the back of my mind if it was a cephalopod mimic in that empty diving suit I saw where the hell did it get the suit they must either scavenge the suits from dead divers or actively murder divers to steal their suits and gear I've heard enough stories about murderers octopus do not like where that is going one bed so if you find yourself often beneath the waves of the ocean as I do be wary of any unknown divers and objects that don't belong you
Channel: Chass
Views: 496,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chass, greentext, greentexts, scary greentext, scary stories, creepy stories, creepy greentext, /x/, /k/, innawoods, scary encounter, creepy encounter, kekke, kekke the op, keque, doomerfilms, pepe, skinwalker, wendigo, kommando, secluded, creature, imposter, spooky stories, spooky, water, underwater, sea, lake, ocean, whale, dolphin, davy jones, octopus, deep sea, deep ocean, paranormal
Id: CdIni-VEHJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 25sec (5005 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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