The Wyoming Incident Returns | Case File Update

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this is definitely a moment when something has happened that I least expected I didn't think the new year would start off with a major lead and I certainly didn't guess that my first case file update would be the infamous Wyoming incident for those who don't know the Wyoming incident is currently the longest-running alternate reality game I've ever covered and it might have been the first major creepypasta legends online I made a video on the project back in May of last year that tells the story in detail but here's a quick review the Wyoming incident is mostly known as a series of really abstract videos that began circulating online in the mid-2000s the first video that gave any sort of notoriety appeared on August 9 2006 and came with a story about how someone in Wyoming's Niobrara County hacked a local television station to broadcast this video there are plenty of creepy subject lists video channels who can find on YouTube who claimed that it was a real event like the Max Headroom incident but rest assured the Wyoming incident is just online storytelling most likely inspired by the Max Headroom incident it was a popular creepypasta story before Creedy pasta was even a thing and just came with a video element to help the story go viral those who dug around online pulled up more videos and got involved in a major storytelling experience surrounding the uploads it was revealed the uploads actually began in March of 2006 making the series older than most people thought by about 5 months the Wyoming incident then revealed itself to be even older when the videos led back to a forum called a happy cube containing threats in post dating back to August 29 2004 it's debatable whether or not you can include the origins of the happy cube as we started the Wyoming incident because evidence does suggest that it was trying to be its own arg project to begin with but the fact remains of this project at least goes back to March of 2006 making it over 10 years old what you need to know about the Wyoming incident if you haven't seen my full video is that this thing is an aggressive zombie just when you think it's finally dead whether through lack of participation gain jacking or its own hand it comes right back and believe me when I tell you I haven't seen it make a comeback as hot as it just did on December 9 2016 the original account that opened the board Jack Q Pembry posted a new thread titled debts - he wrote only one message and they will be paid I'll bring over the text revealed a with a link to his SoundCloud account with just one upload by user whose name was a series of numbers the title of the track is a clue to what we're hearing and how we've been given the power to hear it fun dog mic active headphone inactive REO track is a recording of someone having a conversation completely unaware they're being recorded their device has been bugged we start in the middle of the conversation which again we can only hear one side of I won't be playing the whole thing just the portions we need a link to the original audio file will be available in the video description for you during the opening sentence remember what I just said about how old the Wyoming incident appears to be the better part of a decade and that is too [ __ ] wrong yeah I'm getting a little frustrated yeah I'm [ __ ] sure there's something in this I know why downloaded it there's an attachment that I didn't download it see that one can recognize that file type I just ran both of them being a parent there's not any malware in it that I don't really understand any of this stuff I should be honest with you now not just out of the certain group should like this very phasers event making any attempt to disguise who year the I got a lot of emails from this guy and the values of different email account it was almost average a different email account and the rare food was just like res so [ __ ] stupid me whether I open it when they do it every time using one because I'm a [ __ ] now this privilege bill should surround this it just all seems like a big joke the title seems like if seems like a joke the three calls in four days it's exhausting I'm sick and tired because the payments Adams Lam gaps where it finally seems like everything's over with and then then then boom it liked a [ __ ] ton of things which is happening at once I could just appraise to him I got a torment this guy who I've never met I'm going to live with a handful of times I'm just going to die on up singing and the [ __ ] out of them I already did that twice yeah last year when I still need to remember they think there is a gap it's everything and he knows my address I don't see how you can either this or the information and not have that no because I'm just my main concern is that one day I'm going to end up with him or supplementing black behind on my doorstep this guy's something right with him he's not completed there and he's done like this to varying degrees ever since we started working together the first rectory he was married as know at least as close as he gets to that then again after that point when I started like editing stuff and I started how do we sort of them put it out he's just gotten weirder and weirder and you know I really pass sometimes and it's just completely total silence if I think it's agitated or something the last one I got was the last one I got and I tell them he didn't doubt to people I still don't know anything about because I wasn't really I think that's what I don't get but I wasn't about that epic like I have not been involved in this for a really long time and he just ran bizarre about stuff like that and it it's impossible within the three are rugs exactly like true and that's just his luggage [ __ ] that he likes to make up I don't know what he's going to do because each time the start it's not addressed when it was the last time and I heard Jane it should happen that I'm worried about but I don't think people a people I'm going to believe me that I just got disgusting at this time something bad is going to happen the first question someone might have about this track if who they're listening to based on evidence from the case we've already gone over and new evidence that we're about to review I can actually answer that it send your band those a major figure from the project who initially seemed to be a game jack control and then later turned out to be a pawn for the game bambo made his first appearance as a member of the something awful forums who took credit for the Wyoming incident he originally claimed it was on the plan by him and a few others done something awful but ended up taking back his claim later long after the game had continued saying that he had been pressured to hijack the project but a friend from something awful viral detector and it up the railing everything as bamboo splitter he had been behind the project but only to a certain extent he was a tool used by the real person running all of this who had bamboo help deliver some of the wyoming and senate videos online do role playing for the board and generally keep things on track he became wrapped up in the lambing incident after hearing a local radio station vijay talked about alternate reality games Bimbo's went to the radio stations forum found a thread discussing alternate reality games and posted saying that he'd like to take part in one someday later on that same forum he was contacted by users saying he could definitely help with that he had a game in mind and wanted some assistance making it happen Rambo's agreed to help but obviously things didn't end up going as smoothly as he might have hoped until now that was our history of the user known as seƱor Bamm bose a troll hijacking the game who later admitted that he wasn't a troll at all he had been involved but he didn't have any real power over the game it had no idea who was really running at he's been kept in the dark as much as anyone else the puppet master or gain master as those who run these projects are called send the videos to Bam Bo's through email and told him how to write the descriptions he constantly changed up his email address so bamas visit knows he can actually still contact them and he knows very little about the puppet master no identifying information whatsoever the man heard in the audio clip has been involved for about a decade the span of time we've seen for the life of the Wyoming incidents he's received a lot of emails from the person harassing him and those emails have almost always come from different accounts the man in the audio clip has worked with the man harassing him in the past that was their relationship they worked on something together primarily corresponding through email just like BAM posted with the puppet master and now we have our new evidence on December 21st 2016 Jack Q Pembry posted again with a thread titled this is him the post appears to be some kind of collection of different pieces of messages it doesn't feel like it all came from the same source the opening statement is very interesting I think the most major issue lies in him trusting anyone enough to present the material as he intended it to be presented especially after the first derailment of his propaganda push and a later edits to his videos I don't know he keeps himself at a remove I suggest that might imply him being naturally distrustful but when he does stress someone he can be almost wonderfully naive we warned him about bamboos and viral detector but he had invested too much one-on-one time with them to drop them he still clings to them someone is going to be hurt whoever wrote this was talking about our puppet master character the man in the audio clip mentioned making edits through the videos he was receiving which caused the video maker to respond with strange behavior BAM Bo's is mentioned directly and so is his partner who derailed the game for something awful viral detector the next goes from December 30th 2016 has a long record detailing a lot of history and movements by subject whose name has been redacted for the sake of simplicity and following an old theory by senior band boss and his big reveal post that he believes the puppet master was with something awful username Oh CJ will say that this character's name is Jim Jim's history is found around simple states and periods of reckless traveling behavior ending with a section about senior BAM Bo's the location has been withheld but that's not as important as the information were given Lambo seems to think that he's not actually encountered Jim in person I have reason to doubt that BAM post claims he has been stalked online over the phone by Jim since the conclusion of their project but it took some time before he realized who I was talking about apparently he never knew Jim by name remember the audio clip segment where the man mentioned being called by stalker three times in four days another match for Bam Bo's being the guy bamboo says a little over a year after he moved in an older man moved in across the hall three doors down up until about a month before the lieutenant moves in bamboos had been receiving harassing emails and calls non-stop they ended with no real resolution and the timing of the new tenants arrival seemed suspect bamboos conceded that between its form accounts emails the gym phone number and involvement on the project it would have been possible for someone to deduce his identity and location the man kept running as a bambo from the parking lot in hall at all hours of the day the men were made confident unsuccessful attempts at small talk his voice seemed familiar - BAM bonus but it didn't seem to completely match the voice of the calls he had recorded fell he appeared to be watching and waiting for BAM Bo's eventually bambo said breakdown they began screaming at the man in the hallway the Teutons was a neighbor mediating and while he wouldn't give specifics he did say the conversation eased his suspicions van BOS later moved out for unrelated reasons I think we have enough testimony now to conclude the audio clip was indeed a recording of Bamm bones it's unknown who he was talking to but we know what it was about his description of the history with the puppet master explained a few things about the Wyoming incident it happens in phases he said long caps of time in which nothing happens followed by sudden downpours of activity makes sense for the way that this project seems to die then re-emerge every few years the puppet master is also a really disturbed individual he's not just playing a game he's obsessed with keeping it going and may believe everything that he's been pushing throughout the story The Postman on December 30th with the timeline of Jim's history movement seems to come from a report made by some kind of investigator here is a rough breakdown of his movements and the activities I've been able to establish per your request like I said before this was not necessarily our guy once again I must emphasize that there are several persons involved whose identities and actions may have become intertwined make of this what you will there's a lot of interesting things going on with this guy you so sure you want to write a book about just in our project either way hope it's going well let me know what you'll be needing next we also didn't seem to get the original copy of this report the note at the top lets us know that Jack you Pembry is not actually an ally I have chosen which parts to keep in which parts to dispose of sometimes an edit will be mocked and noted sometimes not the same goes through missions and name alterations nothing here is certain is it that the appeal how will the weight feel when you realize what this is audience we've been played with all along but now it's really obvious I suspect a gym or the puppet master or however he refers to himself as providing the information to us and he enjoys taunting players take a look at the end of the message from December 21st no mystery here this has been engineered well enough to function in the right hands the operators are flawed my requests have been ignored this was mine do you know how close I am to you right now do you know I can see you through the dark can you make it to the light switch before I have your neck in my hands you won't see my face there's a lot of information that's been written down in the latest post by Jack you Pembury so I'll provide a link to the page listing his latest post by order of most recent to oldest in the video description for now here's a quick rundown of her friend Jim who tormented fender ban pose to the point of having a mental breakdown and moving away Jim was raised in the state of Indiana and had a fascination with magic as a child as he grew older if interest turned to psychology telecommunications and government Jim's friends could be described as outcasts and he may have had more enemies than allies but it was his own doing leading harassment campaigns against people who angered him Jim moved to Ohio after high school and met a friend who was referred to by a few different names together they ran scams to get by and were no strangers to shady and illegal activity they ended up in Wyoming after running out of luck taking advantage of people in Ohio and eventually found someone new to leech off of names Martin the man put up with their presence for a while but soon grew sick of having two very sketchy guys living with them Martin moved to California but somehow Jim tracked him down and again moved in with Martin during their time away from each other it seems that Jim had developed a fascination with the internet and computers it also gained another interest the power of creating negative emotions and other people Jim had even written his own research and Theory papers on the subject despite belonging to absolutely no group club or university studying anything at all Jim began leading Martin to believe he had murdered people in his absence intentionally giving him hints that he was a killer he built the walls computers in his room and bought a filing cabinet which Martin later found was filled with identification documents for many people most of them being children who died in Ohio he even had their obituaries filed away shortly after Martin became aware of just how many secrets his roommate had Jim fled to Canada where his activity could be tracked to the town of Yellowknife if you have a sharp memory you might recall that name mentioned in my full video on the Wyoming incident one of the original videos had been purchased by a man named Danny visiting Yellowknife one summer a police altercation in Yellowknife had Jim on the run again there's a possibility he met up with his accomplice from Wyoming here and there but not enough information to make a definite call some stops in Jim's history have been withheld all we have after this is the contact with Dan Bo's as for the other pose from December 21st that's a tough one we have to gauge where the pieces come from and who said that Weir's talk about a PDF file with information that may not be legal in a concern about there being no mythos in it so it shouldn't be on the boards someone pops up and basically says they really don't care about anymore meth oh [ __ ] which I personally find funny and honestly enjoy seeing the biggest issue I had with the Wyoming incident with so major I had to highlight it more than once in the first video it was entirely focused on mythology this game had an insane amount of heavy overbearing lore and mythos building involved that just didn't move anything forward and it made reading the forms a long painful chore I'm not sure if this comment is an out of game reply saying the message was received or if it's a part of the game but in either case I'm glad to see that we're heading going to the territory of genuine intrigue now instead of heavy fantasy world building speaking of fantasy mythos whoever was involved in this dialogue about mythology was concerned about involving certain aspects of it if our benefactor was thinking clearly he would not want to open us up to further investigation by legitimate police authorities like I said it's not that I necessarily know the legality of the whole thing but it seems troubling to say the least do you want to incite violence how would you feel if a player did indeed make a murder happen it's not directive and it's not a ritual for the game it is simply a way a person could theoretically pull off these acts and get away with it but none of it is anything new to someone who's familiar with true crime this isn't the Anarchist Cookbook father wants it and we need more found documents not mythos I vote posed whoever was arguing about this besides that shows the PDF post saying posting it would be unfathomably irresponsible so now we have a document with some serious content being kept a secret and has seen that there's a group of people making decisions over the board the mystery grows and finally a touch of commentary on Jim he's on checked phone lines broadcast and I'm sure good 20 years ago he could have kicked up the hell the storm on Usenet or something he's unrelentingly unpleasant he understands the fundamentals of video editing that is it that's the extent of his talents he talks about viral content like my dad does do you really believe half the [ __ ] he says guarantee you he's BPD or something and I believe the final statement comes from the puppet master as well or Jim or Joe or whoever is operating Jack Penry's account now activity really is heating up on the wyoming incident its return wasn't expected especially with so little activity for previous visits after the games on down I really really like where this is going Val I'm surprised the direction being taken in the best possible way and like bambo said on the phone I think this is going to be a much bigger phase than it was before we've had a sound file here there early in the game but nothing like the recording we were given to start the new phase I am genuinely excited for this I don't know where it's going to lead but it's a break in the case that's very welcome and I enjoy the direction I'm seeing so far the return of the longest-running alternate reality game I've ever seen this is a hell of a way to start the year I hope you guys happy about the revival of the Wyoming incident as I am let me know what you think about this in the comments below and if you aren't familiar with this project do you take a look at my previous video on it please do excuse the audio quality if you find it lacking it was recorded with the old microphone which is now very much retired I'd like to extend appreciation to you for watching and for all of my supporters on patreon who make it possible to cover all the major developments coming from the Wyoming incident and other cases as they happen stick around to see the names of all of these awesome patrons at the end of the video thanks for joining me the dog again this evening once more I'm Nick Nocturne and just like the oldest wildest open case in my files I'll be seeing you again real soon sleep tight [Music] [Music]
Channel: Night Mind
Views: 505,378
Rating: 4.9260969 out of 5
Keywords: the wyoming incident, wyoming incident, 333-333-333, night mind, case files, twi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2017
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