Who Is Poppy?

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just one of the reasons I love interacting with this community is how so many viewers send me leads the mysteries new web series and internet oddities that I haven't seen I get a lot of leads from quite a few different sources and while a few names do appear more than once it's rare when I have a search of viewers suddenly all asking about the same topic until this week I had never even heard of a girl named poppy or that poppy or poppy the girl who everybody wants to be as some call her it was a little jarring to suddenly be flooded with requests to explain this girl I hadn't even seen before but a quick search for poppy revealed why there was such an unexpected demand reaction videos by huge channels do tend to have kind of an earthquake effect for uncovering mysteries even if that is an unintentional results upon looking into this however I will absolutely admit that I wish I'd found out about this before - games and pyrocynical discovered her because you guys are right poppy is definitely night my material and I'm thrilled to finally know about this and have the chance to speak about it with you if you've already heard a poppy or taking a look at the videos on her personal channel you'll be aware of what has everyone curious she's a young blonde girl very kind quiet and innocent who seems to be just a bit strange you might say I'm poppy I'm poppy I am poppy I'm poppy I'm poppy I'm poppy I'm poppy I'm poppy I'm poppy I'm poppy if it's on the Internet it's real do you believe in the Internet there's so many different social networks what if I told you that there is a secret my favorite thing about the inner is connecting would you like to take a selfie with me okay let's do it is there a reason to be concerned about this girl and perhaps a little bit disturbed considering that she has over 50 videos that are all like this with some entries that seem to define normal human behavior beyond what you've already witnessed I think you'd be justified in wondering if papi is okay even papi herself sometimes thinks about it it'd be like if you could just restart you need to stop worrying so much but if you could reboot yourself almost like a computer I wonder what it's like to reboot everything's gonna be a-okay is it okay to think things like this everything's perfect am I gonna be okay the inner not make sense to me everything in your life is perfect what do you have to worry about it's okay I think everything's gonna be fine I believe that everything's okay papi seems to be under a lot of stress that she's doing her best to hide or may not be entirely aware of she's got a lot of attention on her now after all with many people asking if she's okay but what brought all this attention to papi anyway a channel like this would usually come across as some kind of experiment or prank can be easily dismissed it turns out that papi is first and foremost a musician she has a legitimate VEVO account on YouTube where she's uploaded songs from her debut EP album bubble bath that EP is also available on iTunes it's a real product the record company representing her online records is also real which you might have already known seeing as their big to be representing Fall Out Boy Demi Lovato and Nick Jonas to name only a few would this have been enough power to give a musician as brand-new as poppy an official VEVO account absolutely it also might have been the reason that Pompey has a verified Twitter account while only having 16,000 followers here's where the story begins to get interesting unraveling the pappi mystery means we need to head back to the source where activity began except that we can't actually do that because Papi's channel and Twitter accounts say she's been active since 2011 but it's not possible to fight any media that she's posted before 2014 Twitter claims poppy joined in January of 2011 but her first tweet was on November 4th 2014 of a still image from the first video on her personal channel which was also posted on November 4th 2014 when to the YouTube account start October 6 2011 and the VEVO account with Poppy as an official member of Island Records began on June 11 2015 so we have two accounts that existed for poppy well before she appears to have begun uploading this can mean one of two things either Poppy's been active on social media since 2011 and everything prior to November 4th has been deleted or whoever's involved set up the accounts years before they were ready to be used no matter what the reason is the space between account activation and use is a major red flag remember this will be coming back to it in a moment to find out why it's so important let's go back to the VEVO to check out the music video for her song low life it's the only video produced for the album as we go through the events keep in mind that this was the very first time poppy was introduced as a musician it's the first video from the first album which is only an EP a type of album typically used by companies to test if a musician will be accepted by the market we begin with a gradually widening shot of poppy on a sort of throne in a white void in this place she's the only thing that has any sort of colour and she's seated in front of a large triangle with a heart in the top portion poppy has one hand raised and one lowered holding her fingers and in way look at this closely very closely do you recognize this pose think about it for a moment it may look at least a little bit familiar to you this is the very pose held by Baphomet a pagan God adopted as a symbol of satanic power and worshiped by followers of occult organizations the two fingers pointing up with two folded over and the two pointing down it's an exact mimic and the set-piece that's behind her the triangle people always associate triangles now with of course the Illuminati to the point of it now being a joke but if you look at the placement of the heart cutout it's in the same position as the Eye of Providence on the dollar bills still of the United States again attributed to the Illuminati people of a conspiracy theories up and down about celebrity musicians being part of the Illuminati and using symbols in their videos but here in Poppy's very first video for her very first single off of her first album we have not just one but two very specific signals of occult worship and influence on the same set we also later have poppy standing in a broken egg with Satan holding another odd pose I can't actually place what this one represents if you know add the information to the comments section below so we can begin compiling at all during the video we see poppy having Satan as her dinner guest for a feast of bones and we can get a clean shot of her sweater covered in half closed eyes you'll remember that the Eye of Providence is also have closed and and yet another shot when poppy wears a green dress we see it's also covered in eyeballs these are closed they're wide open still more eyes watching from every angle from top to bottom we can even spot them on her pantyhose after poppy grows tired with her dinner guests and after flashing a clear shot of the Baphomet pose she heads outside where there are fans standing in wait all with the same picture of poppy she grabs a red paintbrush and runs a line down all of them which makes them as happy as if she had actually signed them poppy climbs into her vehicle where she breathes what appears to be oxygen but may very well be a kind of drug through a mask administered by a handler assistant or friend of some kind she heads back inside and then pushes around a few men in suits who seated in wheelchairs these men were spotted earlier and shortcuts away from the main video also wearing oxygen masks as poppy makes her way back to the set we noticed the director's chair is empty and aside from the men in suits there aren't any members of a production staff to shoot this video none that are paying attention to what's happening anyway those pictures of poppy with red paint laid across him come back by the way in the video on her main channel everybody is boring she pulls out the pictures and goes through them one by one around the same time of this upload we have a series of videos with the same title Charlotte interviews poppy Charlotte is a mannequin with an auto-tuned voice and the interview she holds are very telling hi everyone I am Charlotte and we're here today with everyone's favorite internet girl poppy hello Charlotte thank you for having me on this internet broadcast poppy why does everyone want to be just like you I often wonder that myself Charlotte I don't know why everyone wants to be someone else everyone should just be happy with themselves just the way they are poppy what inspires her as an artist what an interesting and remarkable question that no one's ever asked me before lately I'm inspired by many things candy empty paper bags petrichor what is petrichor petrichor is that pleasant spell that frequently accompanies the rain after a long period of warm dry weather what kind of music are you listening to right now I like the sound it makes when something wet hits something metallic I don't know what the John wrote music is but I like it poppy what is your favorite food my favorite food is donuts covered in Froot Loops I hear you have a new song coming out yes we just completed the music video for my new song low life what can you tell me about this exciting music video there are so many fun things that happen in this music video the devil even makes an appearance the devil yes he eats a banana who on earth came up with such a strange idea it was directed by titanic's and Claire what an amazing director I am excited to watch this groundbreaking new music video I can't wait for you to see on my fun outfits we'll touch on the finer points of those interviews in a moment but first let's follow that lead given to us by poppy herself titanic's and Claire Sinclair's name appears in the credits as director for just about every video on Poppy's Channel and a quick search pulls up his website the first thing you'll notice is something I couldn't quite capture in the screenshot upon visiting the site your mouse cursor will turn from an arrow into the eye of Providence the most notable Illuminati symbol that was mentioned earlier you'll also catch this obviously false quote from jay-z praising Titanic jay-z is one of the celebrities most often accused of being a member of the Illuminati but out of everything what you should take note of is the short bio statement titanic sinclair is a director / writer living in LA in case you haven't hit the conclusion already poppy is not actually a rising Illuminati celebrity manufactured by occult organizations to further control of the industry she's a full-scale ongoing art installation that is a critique and parody of celebrity pop musician culture poppy what inspires you as an artist what an interesting and remarkable question that no one's ever asked me before this was the major cipher key for viewers to understand what's going on here the interviewer is a mannequin someone plastic - just prop up and perform a task who has poppy a question that she replies to with the most sarcastic answer possible it's a form of meta humor a lot of the videos on Papi's channel are meta humor serving as part of the celebrity culture critique for instance Papi's inspiration coming from petrichor and her taste for unique food items like Donuts covered in Froot Loops she's also a complete contradiction from her music while poppy herself is quiet robotic and monotone and her high-pitched Airy voice her singing voice has variation energy body and attitude listen to any of the songs and not only will you not believe they came from poppy but the lyrics tell a story of being something another person wrote while also being the same kind of generic pop music served on your local radio full of conflicting feelings contradictions a little bit of rebellion some general audience empathy and ultimately nothing groundbreaking retrospective being said yes poppy is an art installation from her videos to her generic pop music her image all of it but within the art as part of the story she absolutely is in Illuminati product titanic sinclair may also be acting in the same way that Alan Resnick did for Alan tutorial and live forever as you are now portraying a fictional character of the same name and appearance as himself while still playing a character in Mussoorie line of poppy sinclair may truly be Illuminati as well acting as Poppy's handler why would poppy need a handler well she's not a part of the Illuminati or whatever cult organization is in control of her out of some kind of choice you've noticed how not human poppy seems to act how abstract she is when I said poppy is a product of the Illuminati I meant product she was made when it comes to the Illuminati and Hollywood one of the most scandalous conspiracy theories is straight out of a science fiction novel the infamous and extremely sinister project monarch the monarch theory is presented as an offshoot of the abandoned CIA research into project MKULTRA the attempt to discover the secrets of mind-control the theory goes that project monarch is the illicit child of project MKULTRA utilizing all of the legitimate findings to program corporation owned celebrities candidates for monarch programming are adopted by the Hollywood system at an early age and put through a series of obscene and highly disturbing practices these consist of programming efforts needed to mold them into the celebrity desired by the group and control of the child while also turning them into willing and ready slaves at the mere mention of a code word for the demands of their handlers that are of a much more adult nature have you ever noticed the pattern to the way female celebrities who start young and TV shows movie roles in clean kid musician's faces suddenly emerge after a period of silence as overtly sexual provocative and unusually sensual celebrities monarch Theory places the blame on their programmers who conditioned them to turn from child stars to sex symbols overnight to gain advantage of a new market as a result of aging victims of Monarch are said to have unusually polite and reserved behavior during interviews and public outings if it's part of their image at that point and they may act a little bit odd those who fight their programming or don't fully adopt it will act out and become rebellious often doing insane things caught by paparazzi that they'll never live down it's also been theorized that this is a form of punishment by the programmers dragging their puppets through the mud to weaken their resistance before cleaning them up again for a new round of profit and while monarch theory in Hollywood is just that a theory something you should take much more seriously when it comes to Poppy's image is a relation that she's trying to push herself on her channel poppy has three videos of a cartoon that is heavily influenced by Japanese kawaii culture and in the tanks for her videos you'll notice races like kawaii Japan Tokyo a Kyari Pamyu Pamyu GRE is a Japanese Idol and an icon of kawaii so culture often referred to as the Harajuku pop princess Japanese idols like key Aria the closest you can ever get to legitimate documented examples of Monarch programming they're entirely manufactured celebrities by corporations and are sold as models of kawaii culture as well as role models for Japanese youth they are well behaved they are diverse in their talents and abilities they are educated and they are meant to elicit extreme devotion by fans which in turn sells a whole lot of merchandise they aren't allowed to have boyfriends or fiancees and if they do they have to keep them hidden at all cause or their sex appeal will be tarnished and their career destroyed from Papi's obvious Illuminati references to her monarch victim behavior and the attempts at compared to Japanese idols the image presented is very clear poppy is 100% a manufactured celebrity programmed by a secret group that's either the Illuminati or an organization that deals with them she exhibits a whole lot of symptoms and the fake celebrity actions in her videos both on her personal channel and the lowlife music video are obvious critiques of our own Hollywood culture propping up brand-new stars who have literally no audience while still flashing money jewelry and adoring fans being excited about inspiration from odd things and having unique taste and food pushing music that has become generic and commonplace in its approach while not representing the musician singing the words even her name is a giant clue poppy pop e pop music pop idol she's pure pop-culture parody she's poppy so do we need to be legitimately concerned about poppy the actress no not at all this is an art installation and poppy is just a character and this entire art experience is in my opinion truly awesome it's just amazing this is some Allen tutorial level of genius at work and I'm so extremely excited to know it exists poppy is the kind of long-term artistic commitment depending on mainstream acceptance and investment I've dreamed about but didn't think could happen anytime soon for Island Records to be in on a project this cool and self-aware and actively supporting it is really worthy of praise I love this whole poppy experience and can't wait to see what happens with it and there you have it poppy explained as creepy as she may come across you have nothing to be afraid of when it comes to this actress a word of warning though if the storyline really is using the idea of monarch programming it means that poppy has been taught certain subliminal code words that only her handlers are supposed to know if poppy ever reacts strangely or violently to something a person says or something she herself says without thinking take note of what happened and what the word might have been according to Monica theory every programming subject has a list of words to operate them like a machine if we have any say in how this story turns out his viewers finding the right keywords to free her mind will be necessary I also suspect the reason the social media accounts went up years before they were used is due to Poppy's reprogramming whoever she was beforehand online had to be raised otherwise this really was all set up in advance with Poppy's handlers knowing the accounts will be needed in due time and finally if Poppy's character isn't a mind-control victim we can always take the other sci-fi route and assume that she's an Android of some kind the evidence is against it so far but I am open to that possibility either way just be aware that poppy is not entirely in control of her own actions and behavior that's all for tonight thanks for joining me in the dark again this evening for a lesson in shady Hollywood occult groups in Japanese culture once more I'm Nick Nocturne and just like the lyrics to a poppy song you wish you hadn't listened to I'll be back to haunt your mind again real soon sleep time
Channel: Night Mind
Views: 1,474,891
Rating: 4.7787094 out of 5
Keywords: poppy, daz watches, daz games, pyrocynical, that poppy, thatpoppy, explained, lowlife, who is poppy, poppy analysis, night mind, nightmind, nick nocturne, nick nocturn, poppy explained
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2016
Reddit Comments

I wholeheartedly agree, this post needs more uptokes man

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/merekisgreat 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2016 🗫︎ replies
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