In the Dark: The Louise Paxton Mystery

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In The Dark was great, certainly ahead of it's time. But Nick's conclusions at the end are missing the mark, I think. As a lot of comments on the video point out, 'mentalist' is UK slang for 'crazy'. Nick assumes it's meant in the US sense of performance art akin to magicians and mind readers. An understandable mistake, we Brits have a lot of slang that isn't heard much overseas. But Nick seems to base a lot of his final conclusions on the assumption that Louise and her friends are aspiring performance artists.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/blackcell8 📅︎︎ Jul 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
one of my favorite things to do on my mind is bring you the old stuff the forgotten the lost the buried the unknown the older it is the more it feels like uncovering a relic and considering this month marks five years of nightmines i think it's appropriate to dig up a classic too few people know about that help make a real mark in this field of storytelling but as always it's best to make sure we'll be safe online before exploring mysterious material so for this video our friends at surfshark are back to sponsor and help us out you know the lay of the land by now when it comes to web series threats and real online dangers monsters masked weirdos and everyday cheaters would love to get access to your logins passwords bank information and locations sur shark is designed to shut it all out using clean web technology and it's available for unlimited devices from your phone to your game console guard yourself against attempts to access your data your emails and your logins while receiving alerts about potential breaches and stay safer than ever with a virtual private network that can run your activity through over 1 000 servers and 56 countries and if you wanted extra layer security even while doing that you can run blind search and improved incognito mode we even have camouflage mode to keep your internet provider in the dark about it so nobody except you knows what you're doing who you are and where you're located and for those of you who use tiktok but are worried about losing access to it in the u.s sarah shark is here to let you in while preventing any data tracking from the app itself to problem solved with one vpn another surf shark sponsor means another window of opportunity for a special offer tonight mine viewers 85 off of a two-year plan and three extra months for free at nightmind this special offer makes your subscription just a dollar seventy seven per month so you can browse securely on all your devices and the link for it is in the video description below again that's nightmind where you can use the code nightmind to get 85 off a two-year plan and three extra months for free thanks to sarah shark for sponsoring this video and giving an excellent offer tonight mine viewers now let's dive into a classic in the early days of unfiction and i've been waiting for just the right rainy night to talk about youtube has a website launched on february 14 2005 and it didn't take very much time at all for creative people to see an opportunity for storytelling we already know about one of the earliest to arrive on the platform the human pet which began november 17th 2006. months later early youtube viewers would see the arrival of a vlogger named louise paxton the story of louise or lou as her friends call her is actually a feature-length film clocking in at just under two hours taking place entirely on her channel in a vlog format and its official title is in the dark but as her mystery grew it became known online as louise paxton and at the end of the tale grew to full notoriety as louise is missing because spoiler luiz does go missing not only did someone close to her put the information about her disappearance in the about tab on her channel they created a website dedicated to finding louise which set the internet on fire this all took place over the course of april to july of 2007 a time when projects like these were only just starting to become known as fictional immersive narratives so viewers were genuinely concerned about a vlogger in london who had suddenly gone missing under some very scary circumstances eventually the news did break in about 2010 that it had been a creative project and louise paxton was actually actress zoe richards who went on to work in a movie called the torment under the same director but up until that point people had wandered on and off for three years what happened to the poor girl who went missing after months of torture in her london flat in the dark is a great viewing experience as mentioned it takes place entirely on youtube and i've put together a playlist for you that can be found in the video description and the pinned comment just sit down start the playlist and off you go on a really seamless experience that not only takes you through the story but takes you back to the mid 2000s and the early days of youtube it's worth your time especially if you love found footage films and haven't watched anything good in a while that understands the scare tactics and direction needed for this approach i have the thought come to me a few times while watching they just don't make them like they used to but it's true domestic terror web series projects began with experiences like in the dark which laid the foundation for so much of what came after and it really holds up i encourage you hit the playlist and watch it all the way through like a movie add my playlist to your saved playlist if you need to or look it up on my channel from a smart tv or a big display connected to a device with a youtube app if you can that's how i watched it and i'm seriously glad i did when you're done come back to me here and we'll discuss this forerunner in the unfiction field the story begins with lose last night in norwich hanging out at a bar with her colleagues it sets the tone immediately louise is fun loves her friends enjoys the pump and is the kind of person to wrap up at going away party night in a youtube video in 2007. her friend helen sees her off at the train station the next day we're then welcome to renew flat in london where our story will take place and we can immediate and definitely believable reason for these videos to even exist hi guys it's louise um this is my first blog for all you nourishmentalists um so i'm here in my new flat in london i'm sorry that i haven't got in touch already but i've been here 10 days and it's taken a week for the broadband people to come and install my line so um i'm gonna be uploading this later and sending luiz is a very cheerful very likable girl and it's fun to explore the flat with her and experience her enthusiasm for the new place we know she's filming all this for her friends back in norwich but it feels like we're a new friend she's made too we leave the bedroom and explore the usual territory bathroom lounge kitchen and then see something luis is quite excited over this makes up for the crappy kitchen check out my garden that is mine there's an ace yeah and i've got a pond i'm a grown up with a poop um and look at that how beautiful the sun so you've all got to come down and we can have barbecues in the summer and lots of parties and a proper mash up and i've got pots so that's my bedroom window through there i was in to begin with and that's it we get a bit more fun in the flat with louise who is trying her best to show us her scooby-doo soap dispenser with one hand while filming and then receive some backstory for one of the reasons that she moved i just wanted to mention briefly um a little bit about joel and say that i haven't just moved down here because of him and our situation um partly it was because of that and i came down with the hope of physically making distance between us and getting on with my life and feeling independent um we were together for a long time it's nearly two years and you know i did love the guy a lot and um the saddest thing about it is just to feel like i've lost one of my best friends but i don't want to lose the rest of you and um i still adore him and i you know i will always have a place for him inside but i want you to know honestly that i am feeling all right and i'm even feeling pretty happy i had a great week with lizzy last week when i moved down i feel strong and i feel independent and pretty excited as well about being here and having my own place and starting a new life um you don't always get that opportunity and um it's great you've got to risk your heart to feel love and now i felt a certain sort of love i would be glad to risk my heart again so don't feel like i'm a problem area call me anytime and come and have fun with me i'm still pretty cool um even though it hurt that's what breakups are and i realize that now um so there's an ex-boyfriend in the picture that louise was serious about for a bit which is partly why she moved away a fresh start some distance from old memories in our next sit down we gain more information on the backstory of the move and i just i've just been thinking about how i was able to come to london and do this and get a place on my own and start um like the property thing and have my own real estate what's it called anyway yeah um and i wouldn't have been able to do this without granny basically and i started to feel a bit guilty about it because yeah i was really close to her and you know i was her only granddaughter but or only grandchild but i just think it's um that's [ __ ] isn't it like getting someone else's money which they never had a chance to spend and just spending it all i think it's because i spent it in such a big bulk on the deposit for here and i just think it's i um know i like someone works hard all their life and then they die and someone else spends their money like they should enjoy it shortly when they're alive and i uh yes i've been feeling a bit guilty about that and i've started to have like fun as well so i'm like uh um i wonder if granny would have been pleased with my decisions but i haven't just wasted it you know i've put it towards something which will help me in the long run so i think she'd be pleased um thank you granny wherever you are you can hear me it seems louise experienced her breakup and went through the passing of her grandmother in a short time which left her with enough of an inheritance to put down money for the flag being able to do that for the first time combined with a need to get away from a particular scene certainly would be enough to open up the option of a move luis shows us a new stepper machine she buys while working towards a job that will get her gym membership and then makes a playful video showing everybody her secret talent the dolphin spit then we experienced the first interruption in louise's new life in london stalker video one louise explains on camera that she needs to document an event that happened two nights ago and on tuesday night an intruder came to my house i was woken up by the sound of a rustling it was like a scraping noise outside of my bedroom window and i it stopped so i didn't really think anything of it um i lay there for a while and then i came through into the kitchen in here to make a drink and um i must have walked right past him because on my way back to the bedroom um there was a man stood i'll show you um there was um a man stood at my doorway here leaning against the pain of the window and um i rang the police on tuesday night and i told them that there was somebody um at my door and i asked him who he was and what he wanted and hadn't he hadn't said anything um they said that they couldn't come unless he posed an immediate threat and i said well he's at my door and um they asked me if he was still at my door and when i looked he'd gone so um they wouldn't even send anybody out just to check uh they said to call again if it happened again and um then again on wednesday night last night um i heard the noise again and when i came to look um the same he was there again so uh i called the police again and again they said that they couldn't do anything unless it was an immediate it's nearly one o'clock now and um for the last two nights he's come around one o'clock so i'm gonna film luiz picks up the camera again that night in stalker video too when she witnesses a human shape in the window of the back door he's back and while lou tries to call the police the phone battery runs out she finds herself stuck with two options hide or confront the intruder [Music] oh [ __ ] he's not here [Music] there was absolutely a shape in the window and once louise was done looking in the backyard it didn't reappear this was no trick of the light but with a disappearing act that quick was anybody even there in the first place there very well might have been watch the movement of the plants on the right side of the screen next to the door right after she opens it did you catch it this faint back and forth movement as if it had just been disturbed there's no telling whether or not some wind was at play but we do know the shape was at the back door louise assures us that everything is all right in the next video and explains the police won't accept the video as evidence they need something more concrete and the boys ian and pete i really didn't appreciate the comments you left about it um it's not funny and i have been quite upset about it so don't take the piss um lizzy um thank you for pissing off just as i arrive in london i know you're here with my first week but um i've really missed you this last week so i hope the training's going well in cardiff and you're learning lots about marketing um yeah lizzy's gone off to do it so i look forward to seeing you wow we're well trained in understanding moments like that aren't we that sure isn't just a glitch something's gone on here just now on a level we can't see time to get suspicious of something a little bit scarier than the average intruder especially considering what follows in may louise finds an old coin from the year 1900 at the foot of her bed after waking up and then records a video concerning some classic paranormal circumstances the unexplainable cold spot in her bedroom she explains the temperature is just fine except for one side of her bed where it's unusually cold when i bring it into this cold spot let's see and straight back down to nine too cold there you go soon after this we're given uploads concerning noises in the night outside her bedroom this time there isn't anything out the back door and nothing can be seen in the garden louise comes up with a player i'm gonna leave the camera running and see what we get in the morning did you see what i saw once again something isn't right around those plants by the back door louise comes to us again with a mission to stay up in anticipation of catching the stalker she wants to get enough video evidence to make the police actually do something during her reconnaissance she reviews the footage from the previous night and check out what she found right so watching there did you see that i'll stop it and review rewind it okay there's the remote control um what the hell is that i just found a shoe look i just found a child's shoe in um under my sofa you see that that's so weird um the hell is that there's a name in it amy it's a little girl's shoe so odd that must have been under there all the time i've been living here how weird unless it was in a removal van it got stuck under my sofa so i don't want to be seen by this weirdo i pull this curtain across a bit and i get behind this one the wanker's not gonna see me it's quite a thing to do though to a young girl living by herself like obviously they think it's funny just hanging out and being divvies wasn't part of the plan moving to london and getting a stalker really out of order there's something in this video that louise didn't seem to catch maybe it's a trick of the light but if we look at the light source which is outside above the door aiming at the windows it probably isn't look here at the spot where the second bedroom window is illuminated see it for a second something passes by the camera or the light source just enough to momentarily darken that window pane the way it moves it's as if there's something in the backyard vaguely shaped darting across could it be something as simple as louise's finger while she adjusts that curtain that she mentions possibly but the way it looks the evidence doesn't suggest it when we next see louise it's morning and she reports having not slept again trying to catch that stalker she certainly seems off just how often has she been staying up the tired appearance in a coffee mug in the next video gives us a bit more concern as she reports her interview with a nearby job prospect has been postponed she's always trying to reach out to her friends as well the norwich mentalists i'm getting a bit itchy really um being here on my own lizzy's still not back yet obviously um so i'd love it if some or all of you want to come down and visit me um otherwise just an email would be nice um i haven't heard from you in a while so i think you don't like me anymore so um get in touch soon and um love to everyone okay bye guys the next two videos are actually youtube concentrated thanking subscribers who have appeared beyond just her friends and discussing a youtube 2007 time capsule her next video concerns the events at home replying to a viewer who studied the footage from the night recon and highlights the presence of a potential orb for those unfamiliar orbs and photographs and videos are round spots of light sometimes large and some can be explained by normal mundane things while others can't they're often attributed to the presence of spirits things get much more serious over the next few uploads as louise finds a muddy handprint on her bedroom window an inspection from outside shows another handprint on the top of the frame suggesting that whoever left them may have been trying to lift the window up after another two nights of hearing noises louise decides to camp out in the lounge with a sleeping bag it doesn't take long to see results there's a loud bang that kicks off terrifying night part one the lights aren't working and doors louise had left clothes have been opened she makes her way slowly to the bedroom and turns on the light [Music] luis returns to us in the morning trying to summon the courage to go back into the bedroom after blocking the door to the lounge with a chair she's convinced that she's locked the intruder in but there's only one way to make sure luke gets a knife and moves one cautious step at a time working her way to the [Music] bedroom ah oh my god that was made [Music] ugh oh god in the next video louise brings us her findings about the wallet and what exactly scared her but there's something else here right at the beginning of this video the footage is intercut with something that was caught on tape beforehand the way it looks it's like footage of louise on the right and a figure to her right in the center of the frame having a door closed on them what is going on here let's try to keep a lookout for anything else that sticks out like that [Music] i've watched the tape back of what happened earlier in my room and you can see it on the tape but not as well as what happened when i was in there there's a moment on the tape where you can see the bed moves before i leave the bedroom does it though let's look again ah there it is upper corner of the bed there do you see it it lifts up as if something had been holding it down what does louise have to say about it but it doesn't show it as it happened when i was in there um there was a felt like there was somebody else in the room with me and um somebody got up off the bed and uh stood up in the room i also found um this in the room i found this wallet and this is what was inside the wallet we have a driver's license of somebody called margaret watts we also have a checkbook it's all pretty old and battered and this checkbook is also made out to a j watts and um the receipts in the book show that it's being used as far back as as far back as 1993 there was um this cutting from a magazine which is um of a place called belair house which is a grade one listed georgian building in dullich um there's also uh in the wallet we've got a photograph of a family i've never seen these people before i don't recognize any of them it looks like a grand grandparent um possibly a couple two children and there's a blonde woman in there as well the place mentioned in the magazine cutout is belair house is louis ed in dullich an area of london it's still an operation today as a very popular british wedding venue luis sits down for a phone call in her next video she says she used the directory and gave them the name of margaret watts and the address listed on her license which produced a landline number someone does answer but it's not a comfortable conversation [Music] yeah i just i found um margaret what's his wallet what as um what do you mean is this some kind of joke no um no i found her wallet with her driver's license and um cards and bank bank book and um basically i rang directory inquiries and i got your number from them so i'm setting you you've got it wrong it must be it must be somebody else um i have a driver's license and there's a photograph in the wallet of a family and um some children in the photo and there's a lady with blonde blonde hair in that and um the bank book uh is um uh is made out to two people there's a j watts are you are you jay yes i am look i don't know who you are or what you want um my wife disappeared 10 years ago i i really i don't know what to say um i'm sorry sorry to uh hear that where are you i'm um where are you speaking from have you ever lived in a flat in south london i i live in south london where in south london i mean you just ring me like this after 10 years i just don't know what to say i'm sorry i don't mean to cause any um harm i'm not um you know anything about my wife no i've well you've got a wallet so you're telling me i mean i don't understand they must have got this somehow i i found it um i found it in my flat [Music] if you ever lived in a flat in south south london or had friends or i don't know why it was here it just appeared here um i've just found it i just moved in and um i found well i think we ought to meet um the police gave up looking for a years ago um could i have some contact details please look i'm sorry i'm sorry i rang you and brought all this back up before you i don't know anything about your wife and i've never met her you take me quite a bite [Music] so margaret's been dead for about 10 years according to her husband and the police gave up looking for her years ago margaret watts is a murder victim and the wallet is covered in dirt because it was buried with her whoever put this here knows precisely where the body is buried and they wanted louise to know about it her next video gives us plenty more to be concerned about i'm just gonna show you okay um came through here and the latch on the door is unlocked this is um unlocked and um the keys have gone from my door i always lock this door every night before i go to bed and um it's unlocked so um this is where i found the key down here it's my house key and here's the key it's covered in mud you see that and at the top there as well it's covered i don't know why my key has got mud on it [ __ ] but it feels really weird really cold oh my god the key's moving convinced what she's experiencing is paranormal lou attempts a seance with a tape recorder hoping to hear from margaret watts is there anybody there who are you i use margaret watts do you want [ __ ] [Music] it's difficult to hear the audio but that seems unimportant once a figure that's been standing there the whole time suddenly moves still we can examine the footage to get a clearer sense altogether of what happened by taking the audio into an editing program we can sample the background noise from the tape and then lower it in the track giving us a much better chance of hearing anything that doesn't match the sample the result is confirmation that there was definitely a voice but what does it say to me it sounds like get out the place in the moment that said we see a threat moving in the background but what is it if we take a moment to play with brightness and contrast we get a clearer picture of the scene we know it's lou's bedroom and she's on the bed with the door open on the left and a white box with lettering in the middle we've seen this perspective before here which tells us that the camera is with her pointing this way again she's just holding it now that means the movement we see is in her mirror it was behind her the entire time how do we know it's not a trick of the light from her position on the bed being reflected in the mirror the light we're seeing comes from the point of view of the camera because it's built into the camera you can tell by how constant the light is throughout her movement and if her camera light was reflected in the mirror we would see its movement in the reflection as the wheels tried to make contact but this lit portion which seems to be the face of whatever was behind her it stays exactly in position the whole time until it moves and if you really stay concentrated you'll notice it casts a shadow on its way out the next video opens with evidence obtained by a viewer it was from the video i took the night that it was at my door and i went um went to the door and i opened um i opened it and it disappeared and as i was coming back in this was um caught on the camera and it's um it's a hand in my window that's my lounge window and this is um there's a sum and um there are fingers and um there was um there was nobody luis says that it's time for her to go she's packed a bag and she's getting out of here for a bit her friend helen was supposed to come stay with her but she's twisted an ankle so there's no other course of action with explanation we hear a bang from the roof within moments the light turns off and won't come back on lou activates the camera light and looks around wow oh my god can you see that [Music] someone my god i am battery's going lovely inside [Music] no i don't want to be in the top [Music] yeah uh [Laughter] uh the battery goes out and somehow lou survives that night she uploads the video on june 25th and writes in the video description i think i let it in does that make any sense that night when i opened the door i don't think i scared it off i think i let it into the house is that possible on july 1st we have an upload featuring the only one of lou's friends to really visit her lizzy who was mentioned as a visitor during the first week in london they actually write the video description together and the only thing of note is a mention from lizzy that all mentions of joel lou's ex-boyfriend have been removed from the video and editing it seems they had discussions about him on camera louise seems in high spirits now that someone else is here to stay with her and they have good conversation bringing a touch of normality to the flat there is something interesting that comes up during discussion for us though i lost my necklace my turquoise necklace my favorite one last night weird i don't know where it is i looked everywhere um but i um fine i'll get another one yeah louise means this necklace which we've seen on her throughout the series we'll get to that in a moment lizzy and lou hang out drink some wine and just enjoy some time together until turning off the camera the final upload please help arrives on july 4th luis is sleeping around 11 30 at night and lizzie is recording hoping to take a walk around with the camera as a security measure she explores each area finding all is well and returns to louise lizzie did you hear it yeah i did all right that's kids i'm going to get out there hey louise how'd you get the door open he's in the door no they keep saying the door no they're not in the door there's no keys in the door where are the keys they're in the door yeah all right don't worry there's just okay you must have put them somewhere else in the door oh come on i'm gonna sort this out for you all right how else do i get out where's the is switch where's the truck calm down right here where is it what's here oh my god okay don't worry we've got to get out of here we've got to get out we've got to go and that's how it ends no more footage no more uploads the video description is from lizzy and reads i don't know what's going on when i got into the bedroom a few minutes later lou wasn't there i don't understand where she could have gone are you messing with me lou because if you are it isn't funny is this some kind of stunt does anyone on here know anything about it seriously i'm really worried this isn't like lou at all i've been back to the house and it's just like it was when i left it it doesn't look like she's been back i'm going to take this tape to the police so it might get pulled watch it while you can and please if you can help let me know now that ending shot isn't going to just go by without a close look here it is as a still image showing at least one pair of bare feet that only looks somewhat human and something behind it that looks like a third leg the patch of color to the right suggests a fourth which can mean we're looking at two pairs of legs two people or if that patch of color is something else we're looking at a creature whatever we're seeing the first pair of legs is obvious we just don't know if they're actually human this is all we get from the footage running it back and forth we can see a moving patch of light frame to frame that gives us the impression of that possible fourth foot on the right this might just be an artifact of recording what we do have to concentrate on is what's completely revealed in the light and there's no telling what it really is in the dark is thoroughly a mystery story it's a mystery how louise disappeared it's a mystery what took her it's a mystery how these paranormal elements come into play it's a mystery how there seemed to be someone in her home and her car back to back it's a mystery how margaret watts totally figures in and there's more mystery i have to offer that's going to make your head spin but it takes coming back to the note about the missing necklace first louise mentions to her friend lizzy that she lost her turquoise necklace clearly this has a visible effect on lizzie she doesn't seem to react as if it's just any old necklace that's been lost and it might be fair to guess it's because the necklace was more than just lou's favorite and she wore it all the time turquoise as a stone is known as a healing and protection crystal and it's been referred to as a legendary stone it's for personal protection with a history of reference by aztec warriors heading into battle so luis ends up losing her protective necklace the night before lizzy arrives to stay with her in that immediate following night she's attacked and goes missing this is why the conversation about the necklace occurred in the first place were meant to make that connection but louise's habit of wearing a turquoise necklace and her friend lizzy's obvious worry about it is one half of another connection we should make and this one is a tough road of thinking to go down because of the implication there's a way of referring to lou's group of friends in norwich that she just keeps on using she does it in the very first episode in text form she does it again in the title of a vlog asking where her friends are while she's out in london struggling and she says it during the introduction video to her new flat hi guys it's louise um this is my first blog for all you nourishmentalists mentalist she refers to a group of friends as mentalists now what is a mentalist let's hear it from the writers behind a website that's meant for magicians illusionists and mentalists mentalists are performing artists or entertainers who appear to be psychic and demonstrate highly developed mental or intuitive feats such as telepathy telekinesis and mind reading contemporary mentalists use a combination of misdirection theatrical trickery mental mathematics keen observation and sophisticated slight in their stage acts to perform astonishing and jaw-dropping shows that leave their audiences simply spellbound some claim to possess supernatural mind-based skills others believe they are masters of misdirection and cunning perceptual manipulators whilst the debate continues in the sphere of magic there is no denying mentalists are extraordinary artists this new genre of entertainers use aspects of a magician's craft combined with an understanding of human psychology modern mentalists often mix traditional magic tricks with their mental maneuvers in what is a combination of psychological skill suggestion and charisma that astonishes and masterfully engages audiences mentalists have a keen eye possess advanced memory techniques can artfully read one's body language as well as slip read or adept at hypnosis and sleight of hand trickery and know how to use misdirection to their advantage in effect their trickery is based on reality basically it's the fake psychic version of exactly what we do when we craft unfiction a mentalist tricks you into believing a performance that isn't real through a combination of fantastic and realistic tactics louise and her group of friends in norwich are practicing trickster performance artists whose subject matter deals with the supernatural so what does that mean in terms of the story simply put the biggest mystery that would haunt audiences in 2007 while watching this the question of whether or not what they're seeing is real is also the biggest mystery in the story of louise paxton we already know from a meta position that it's non-fiction it's fiction that disguises itself as non-fiction the real story is anything but yet it presents itself as real as possible but now we have to worry about the entirety of events inside louise's channel being a mentalist performance perhaps one of the greatest mentalist experiments that she and her friends could have ever concocted think about it she's got this group of friends who are all hyped to meet her at the pub have a going away party wish her well and watch her on youtube this stuff is happening not only in a way that they can see it but a lot of other people can and their friend is facing an obvious threat that they acknowledge but nobody comes to visit her or check in until the exact moment things go horribly wrong we just sit back watch and make funny comments about a young female friend living on her own being stalked by some guy in her own backyard does that sound like a group of caring friends to you or does it sound like a group of mentalists who know about this brand new online platform that's just beginning to get buzzing could be used for a grand experiment it's youtube only two years into its lifespan how easy would it have been to pull off a trick like this supremely easy especially for mentalists who knew what she was doing and if you go to the playlist that louise made you'll find this video on subliminal advertising listed under the coily named entry stuff think she might have been dropping some hints in character now does this necessarily mean it was all a performance in universe no but it is a possibility we absolutely cannot ignore we can also cross off one possibility thanks to an interview with writer and director andrew call conducted by steve powell of the uk website the venetian vase i wanted louise to have lots of friends back in norwich for two reasons it made for a more rounded and believable character it also allowed us to have other characters interacting with her online via comments and remarks that she'd referenced in the videos i played almost all those characters online commenting posting reply edits of videos with regards to joel he was something of a red herring now a lot of those comments from her friends are missing on youtube but it's been mentioned that there was a myspace page louise had in character which i have found but is largely wiped out over the years of myspace's downfall this shows however that her group of friends was interacting online meaning they saw everything happening and did nothing basically giving us more reason to believe they were in on the performance and any idea of joel being eventual ex-boyfriend in this tale is also confirmed as a trick but what if the mentalist angle is purely there to clue audiences into the fact that this story was fiction and they didn't actually need to go searching for a missing woman what if the events we've seen are legitimate in canon the story ties are pretty wide open for you to put together and yet they will never be closed could it have been margaret watts's killer haunting louise taunting her with objects from previous victims like the wallet the little girl's shoe and the coin could it have been a supernatural force that once haunted margaret watts just as it haunted louise if it was a human force the entire time how did they keep escaping from sight as if they were paranormal who was sitting in louise's car was this site at the time of luke's disappearance even human why did we hear sound like the shriek of a monster when the lights went out that night what to even make of this particular frame with louise in a very clear figure she must have seen and how about this moment during that night when the lights went out and louise felt something touch her only to see her arm appear as if something had squeezed it or something invisible was squeezing it leaving these ridges in her flesh mystery abounds in the tail of louise paxton was this the tale of a mentalist encountering real paranormal events and being forsaken by friends who thought she was running an experiment were they all in on it together breaking new ground for performance online was louise really taken and was it by a monster or was it a human being delighting in the torment of their next victim in a career of murder one thing's certain this stands as one of the best early projects to ever arrive it played to all the strengths scared and mystified thousands of people laid a foundation for projects to follow and did it all in the span of just a few months telling a horror story from beginning to end and throwing in a website and myspace interaction to deepen the immersion in the dark is a treasure and it's been a delight not only to discover it for myself and watch it all the way through but to bring it to all of you here and celebrate its triumph and cunning design [Music] i'd like to thank our friends at surshark once again for sponsoring this video and giving nightmine viewers a special offer on their service and i'd of course like to thank all of you for viewing major thanks to everybody supporting nightmind on patreon who have made five years of nightmind and so many of the adventures we've been on possible stick around to see all their names at the end of this video and hey just as a quick thing it's the channel's birthday month after all so if you're a regular viewer but haven't subscribed why not uh you know subscribe you're already a viewer and you'll be able to see new videos in your feed when they arrive and get notifications plus if subscriptions pick up we could hit 500 000 by the end of this year which would be incredible thanks for joining me in the dark again this evening once more i'm nick nocturne and like the mysterious thing lurking in your backyard waiting to reappear i'll be back again real soon sleep tight [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Night Mind
Views: 358,738
Rating: 4.9408345 out of 5
Keywords: night mind, louise paxton, unfiction, nick nocturne, arg, webseries
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 36sec (3396 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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