Twelve Q&A #3

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[Music] my favorite Pokemon would have to be shiftry I would probably pick JC SP on I don't know what about Pokemon but I really like Pikachu probably Eevee I probably want to see into the past there's some pretty good memories there I would want to see into the future that way I can always see the times ahead of me you know what I think I'd choose the past definitely future we can already kind of see into the past with memories given the choice I would like to see into the future how can a clam cram in a cream Ken how can a clam clip son of a gun okay I got I got the pencil yeah the pencil what was the light again ah crap how can a clam cram nope okay how can a clam cram be the creep Ken how could a cram camera that creep don't think I got that one how can a clam cram in a cream Ken how can a clam cram in a cream Ken how can a clam cram in a queen kam how can a cramp I'm haunting your dreams forever that's it you're getting nightmares for the rest of your life I'm small little doggie who is annoyed with you weirder sound I can there you go Oh Oh weird sound I can purr like a cat probably a fish because there's so many different places under the ocean that nobody knows about I think I'd like to be a bird it'd be really nice to fly free and you know see the world if I had the choice I would have absolutely been a human I long to understand their perspective their language their their own take on life you know I'd be a giraffe's so that I could say that I'm taller than everybody I would love to be a butterfly that way I can always know what it's like to go through metamorphosis and see things in a new perspective my dashing good looks fur don't stand up like this on its own you know it takes a lot of work my favorite thing about myself would have to be my spots they look just like my mother's well people say I have really nice blue eyes so I guess that's kind of cool my favorite thing about myself is my wisdom market around the block a few dozen times perhaps and um I'm proud of what I've learned from that and my stripes nice combo probably a ghost I'm gonna go as a spider this year I'm gonna wear my witch costume I be a vampire easily for Halloween I will be a pumpkin a hearty pumpkin let's see if I could describe myself in three emojis it would be the pizza emoji the heart emoji and the sassy girl raising her hand the the winky-face emoji with the smile on it with the tongue sticking out the cat emoji the x3 emoji and the pizza emoji that's that's me that's me to a tee I don't I don't I know I've never really thought about it emojis oh wait are those those smiley faces that humans use on their entertainment boxes mine could be the chicken the ball and the dog how about a thumbs up a face that looks tired and then perhaps a ghost I'd probably make every vessel and happy if I could but that's not the way it works wish it did but it doesn't well I probably wouldn't change a thing this was God's plan not mine but if I could have changed anything I would have tried my absolute hardest out Cypress more than I did but it's over and peace is gone nothing I can do now but focus on the present I definitely ensure that may actually successfully escaped with Cyprus and allowed him to live on grew up with the freedom he always wanted I would switch with Cyprus because I would want to pay for my own mistakes not make him and pay for it I might have been able to live I'm I've actually had a life I could have been a dog to the next day who knows but now now I have nothing if I were to choose a new name for myself it would probably be Irene to be honest Marvin the tap-dancing horse I've always been a fan of the name Boulder its steadfast supremely solid and stands the test of time I really think that would fit me not to sound too full of myself well I don't really like many many things about myself probably amber I didn't play any video games since I'm a cat but I watched my owners a lot and I don't really know the names of them but this sounds fun yes I do all I wanna do is see you turn into a giant woman a giant woman maybe I'll start telling the jokes and then don't understand how it feels I love orange blossoms they bloom in the springtime around my house and they smell so good apple pie I love fruit fruit is way better than chocolate in my opinion no next question I've never had anything so horrible happened to me my life and it's all my fault I can't go back and fix my mistakes I just have to live with them that's hard I just wish I could have done more I don't know I can't tell them about Impa the vessels deep they never believe me I look at it as it's a bad day not a bad life it was just a bad time and I got through it luckily I have lots of support thanks to imp in the vessels and I was very busy so I didn't really have time to just mope over it I had to be forced to move on my best friend's are Kate Simon in TiVo they're like my squad no she only knows me as imp and wait how do you know that well I chose Cypress is a vessel based on his needs right he was having a really rough go and I really wanted to try to help them but yeah we all know how that worked out I don't know all I know is what my taste buds tell me and my taste buds tell me that chocolates awesome it takes a lot of power to like transfer somebody over into another world in this case send it to the overworld right sometimes it just comes back to bite you or burn you rather yeah well the three main things go into that right how close the vessel is what they're dealing with at certain time and whether or not I think that may can actually deal with it some of the vessels that I gave may later on I don't think she would have been able to handle it if I just threw them at her you know I kind of had to build her up oh yeah I did I what can I say you can't save everybody yeah you know you live and learn well wait wait wait wait what glitching what that's funny because if if there was glitching that would be my family and I we were always going out into nature my dad and I would go fishing my mother and I would look for stuff like leaves rocks berries okay and bird feathers fur feathers were awesome because I get to take him home and I'd be able to like prick and peel the feathers it was awesome when I look at myself in the reflection I kind of look like a rat but when I was a Reaper I was moreso a cat than a rat it's kind of ironic if you think about it yeah I totally could have but I was locked in the pocket watch so there wasn't much I can do until after the fact after his soul was up for grabs so things would be a whole lot different around here that's for sure well the way you become a reaper is you kind of have to die which is kind of sketchy and then after that the Reapers have to find you but yeah that's kind of how it happened I got found by the Reapers and I asked to join them and here I was next thing I know I'm helping souls for eternity ha ha dream job well look it it's it's hard for me to go into sorry but I basically I don't think I was the best person back then and I felt like I actually learned a lot about myself while I was in the pocket watch so I felt like I became a much better person and I kind of want to look forward into the future the old imp is a thing is just a part of my past that I kind of want to forget about let's just say that well in Perry is my full name I usually don't go by it because I don't like it I know I'm not the first person to hate my name yeah of course I'm still mad I mean in promise me that me would change my life for the better not put me in a grave so yeah I'm still pretty upset Thanks I'm not the kind of person who takes Owen else's life away I know how that feels I went to hell what do you think I went never junior was the only good thing I had in the dark times I appreciate and respect her so much and I'm happy that she's happy and I I wouldn't take that away from her and if I had to die to save her I probably would do it and I probably would have died without her I would once again be upset I mean I just feel like this god that Jennifer talked about it's just testing these demons and sins and I fell for it and the cost of my own life so in a way I'm angry with her I mean with goddamn Inglis myself I just oh look if she's helped other people great fine that doesn't excuse her for ruining my life okay a thousand good deeds don't mean that one really bad one gets off scot-free yes of course I'd love to see juniper again I mean I don't know how when you know where but if I did meet her again I think I'd just say thank you cuz I don't know if I ever really properly said thank you for just how much she made my life better well when I got a little bit older a cinder and I loved it when a human would take us to the dog park I had a few friends there and we like to compete with thatch and frisbee and tug O'War and keep away just to show off my speed and skill in front of cinder and he always was so enthusiastic and impressed with what I did and I especially loved it when the old man joined in and I missed them where's with you people and asking me whether I'm sorry for what I said she killed me she led me to my death oh whoa whoa whoa whoa Becca how do you know it's regardless how the hell am I supposed to know it's regardless she killed me no matter what you want in sort of hypothetical situations she is the villain she killed me if she had just left me alone if you didn't enter my life I would have been happier because she's not the one I cheered me up that goes to juniper juniperus someone that made me feel better without her without me I would have been fine I was starting to see that everything mattered you don't know and I don't know and that's the problem I would have rather died by my own hands that stone dragged me out and have me killed yes 100% as I've said before if she didn't come into my life everything would have worked out fine juniper would have still made me feel better and felt like that there was least some hope in my life she were still cheered me up Mae did nothing they didn't cheer me up made it give meaning to her pet talk all Mae did was leave me to my death so yes I think my life would have been amazingly better without her and now I'll never know because guess what I'm dead thank you it means a lot to me that you care like so many other people have comments and questions no and I haven't been able to rest in peace any word rest in peace you kind of have to be able to let things go and I'm just not I'm not there yet no no no no no no I don't care how hard she was trying I don't care what you say she still caused me to die and you know what why my service because I literally lost everything after losing my parents having no home after having the only father figure only good friend I had died white people man has been taken away knowing new friend I had that I made doing pursues gonna stick by me gets taken away from me goes to a new home because everything has to go wrong for me nothing can turn out right nothing can be good for Cyprus and you're wondering why I am so depressed and why I am so upset with everything that happened to me are you kidding I beg your pardon what's a glitch I'm not a hundred percent sure I mean I want to live of course but I just wouldn't know how to process juniper dang I'm not sure if you can tell but I'm not very good at that in fact there would be the last person I ever had that was sold pretty young so I really don't remember revealing much I can kind of remember the scent of my mother I think and one or two siblings I think but no I don't really remember enough to really tell anything interesting sorry honestly no I don't I think I think he would have wanted that way I think he would have preferred that he died and I go on to live a happy life I don't know I don't see you having around here do you no no I haven't I haven't seen anyone I'm just stuck in this darkness and I can't tell where I am how long I've been here as I said before it's just completely dark and blank and void of anything I mean I wish I could find a cinder but I guess he's probably in a better place than I am harsh oh no no I don't think I was too harsh in fact if I had the chance I would say so much more but no I would never hurt her I wouldn't how many one physically or anything like that but believe me there are a few choice words I still have me sindhu was very special to me he was like my father I'm like my mother like my grandfather he was just everything to me I just have so many fond memories of just spending time with him and when I lost him I guess I lost a part of myself just never knew and I still don't know what to do without him I'm not strong enough I'm not good enough to be in a world without him I think I did have at least somewhat a crush on her a little bit but I don't think Oh what joy it is to know that I will never ever get to see light again a little be able to feel until not be able to feel that any sort of laughter and music I'll never be able to taste any kind of food I will not be able to be able to hold anyone or talk to any order feel anything anymore cuz I'm now stuck to where was before only much worse because last time I was in a place where I felt like I was in a boy or nothingness at least it was least some hope that was in a real world where I could possibly break out and feel better and no longer feel depressed but no now I'm stuck in a place with that's not possible I don't know be possible and thank you so much for reminding me that I will never ever be happy again and there's no point in anything I can't even kill myself because I'm already dead so thank you for that that was so helpful and that made me feel so much better thanks well maybe because I had a bad feeling about the situation and guess what I was right I sensed that there was something something was off it was either that maybe God was testing me and that maybe he could help but it felt like this was following me a bad idea so I resisted and guess what may even though I ve mentally show that I was not comfortable with this decide now you're gonna be brave and you're gonna go out there and guess what it got me killed so guess what it's not my fault it's hers so that is why I blame her she is to blame not me you really think I'd waste my time haunting me I want nothing to do with her and in began just leave me to my void of nothingness for all eternity forevermore I will be lost busy my new family for is definitely a handful my family is quite crazy but it's my job to play with them and protect them it hasn't been very long that I've been with them but I adore each and every one of them already yes I do know I watched him get dragged into that room where nobody escapes I did everything I could to help him but it was no use I couldn't help him escape I just I just hope that God treats him Wow well I wasn't in the pound with Cyprus for a terribly long time before I was there I dipped getting transferred all over to several shelters this went on for many years I met a ton of new dogs and I'm a a lot of humans every single time I'm just glad that I get to live my life with my new family I felt awful mortified because I knew that there was nothing I could have done to help him and what hurt even worse is everything I promised him never happened it happened that he wouldn't get taken into the room I promised him that he would get a dog they didn't think I knew he was just no I don't feel that way about Cyprus I cared for him more like a brother than anything times were tough and I just heard the best for Cyprus and I didn't feel like I didn't feel like it was the right time to be in a relationship when I first got to my new home I felt ashamed that I was alive and Cyprus wasn't I hid from my new family and I stayed in my bed and hid for several days because of the guilt that I felt but eventually I realized that it wasn't my fault and if Cyprus saw me behaving like this he would be very very upset after thinking about it I stopped Heidi and I began to warm up to my new family I do still think about Cyprus every day every day but I know that he's in a better place now before I got to the pound well I lived with my mother and my brothers sisters most of my childhood was spent learning how to be a good dog I was taught by my mother how to be kind caring loving and then I should always believe in God er the lantern bearer as my mother called her but deep down I knew that it would all be over after a while and that I would be separated from my family get sent off to a new life even with this thought it stopped me from getting attached to my siblings and my mother I missed him terribly but I know that God has a good plan for them I play all sorts of games we play fetch frisbee keep away and sometimes dress-up there's such creative kiddos and I loved every minute I get to spend with them when it comes to sleeping on the beds I'm allowed to sleep with them but I respect their space and I decide to sleep in my own bed instead and sometimes in the evenings when the kids are asleep I get to go out on walks with my master and his mate it's quite a calming weight and a busy day of play I learned to be optimistic from my mother my father was never around so I learned everything from my mother she was such a strong-willed dog she was compassionate caring optimistic sure things were difficult for her all the time but she powered through it with optimism and strength I can't think my mother enough thanks go on I keep Cyprus in my thoughts and prayers every day I pray that he made it to heaven safely and that's all I can do at this point everything else those up to God I do miss him but I've wanted to move on and keep going that is what I think is Hyper's would walk for me I lived with my mother and my siblings when I was very young but in the recent years I was transferred to pounce all over with each transfer I met a lot of new dogs and I taught them to he'll have hope and believe in the lantern bear I'm doing really well with my new family I get to spend every day playing with them and learning all sorts of new things and of course I miss Cypress he was like a brother to me not only do I miss Cypress but I miss all the other dogs I encountered throughout the years I miss the wall I keep every one of them in my thoughts and prayers I care so much about Cypress because I was closest to him not only page wise but friend wise he needed someone in his life he was going to help him get better when I first met him I could sense that he needed help and I knew by his actions that he would be a challenge but if I could help him believe in God and give him hope I would fulfill the path he had shown me well at first I was scared all the times that I had been put into the pound adopted transferred I was afraid that they would I wouldn't keep me around I just prayed and prayed and prayed that they would love me and wouldn't abandon me and it seems that so far my prayers have been answered my family loves me for who I am and they care about me so so much they learned about the lantern bearer or God from my mother everything I know about God is something I've learned from my mom she had so many important lessons and I made sure to pay attention one of my favorite childhood memories was always this one particular pond in my first house inside of our fence line where there are always so many ducks gathered and bathing in it I always made it my mission as a pup to chase them around off hour long so to speak I never known again I'd managed to nip off one of their feathers I kept these as trophies and hid entire pile around back and I was always far to myself for that one time where he scared the living daylights out of me unintentionally of course it was just a little puppy and um when we called him in from the backyard for dinner I made my way over rather quickly being quite hungry until both skinny and I noticed that Cyprus was nowhere to be seen I walked back outside and began calling for him skinny was searching the house but we found neither high nor taalib this went on for a lantern bear knows how long until finally I could breathe beside the relief when I found him in a flower pot covered in dirt and snoring like a bear it was just the most pressured little puppy to receive mischievious of course like me at his age but absolutely adorable I grew up mainly alone but I did like it that way my original human owners had a large house and property where I couldn't frolic and be myself for one day I guess some they had decided that I was too much to take care of and I was handed over to another man skinny he was the one who'd also adopted Cyprus in well he always made it his job to give us plenty of love and plenty of food that house that home was truly the happiest part of my life I had grown up always longing to make an impact in the world someone's world I loved life my life I could never find anything truly meaningful with it the thing that's satisfying me along came this young Cyprus and at last I felt like I found my purpose being a father to him was just sort of meaningful adventure I'd always wanted well he was skinny well he was um a rather lanky in tall human Cyprus and I had actually nicknamed him skinny because he would constantly share his food scraps with us um shirt off at the dinner table and we had joked that he gave us so much food that he grew skinnier by the day nevertheless he was a very caring man it's just it was funny at the time at one point little young Cyprus had determined it with himself that he wanted to learn how to fly so I decided to help him out with these gigantic leaves that I had found in the back and um I had Cyprus hold them in his mouth like a pair of wings then I instructed him to run as fast as he could and jump simple as that but halfway through he ended up tunnelling and falling onto his face and we just couldn't stop laughing about that absolutely um Cyprus is pain is like my own I am I never wanted anything more firm than to be happy and have the freedom and life he always deserved it um it still pains me it does a lot to know that Cyprus ended up having to be put to death shortly after I was some if only he'd grown up like he needed to he might have found it in himself to survive I just wish I could have done more with Cyprus 100% my purpose in life became Cyprus and I I would never be the same without a little pile of fluff no I was quite a heretic and dare I say ambitious as a child adolescent and even as an adult I loved playing sports and exercising all the time and raising Cyprus that was a workout within itself he was quite the powerful and um it was always his energy I guess I used to be I did go tired my later years simply watching him sometimes but believe me I was not always the lackadaisical fellow you I was towards my end well because if I had fallen ill I was only getting older and well I grew tired and sad I longed for skinny our home my previous family even the stress from being in the pound and knowing Cyprus is fate my own fate and even junipers fate it's too great a deal to handle sometimes I just got to the point where I simply wanted to be free of it all and I knew that in the afterlife I would be I dreamed of happier days of skinny's house and playing with Cyprus all day and if I simply hope I could find that in the other side I don't know I guess would be nice to be able to speak out a bit more or something I definitely wish it was smarter I guess it had to be the type of fur I have a lot of the things get stuck in my very easily so it is a bit of a hassle to clean I would change the fact that I can't voluntarily turn off my hearing every now and then that way I can actually get some peace and quiet from may I like any kind of coffee as long as it's iced I love a good latte Oh cappuccino well I don't I don't I don't drink coffee a lot because it makes me super jittery but I'd really like mocha I I I set a kid down the wrong path one day and I just hope he's okay the worst thing I've ever done was taking the life of a mouse when I was a kid I didn't know what it was until it was too late Cosmo keeps telling me that it's the way of the wild I'm a predator and the mouse was a prey still it's really hard to bear no matter what animal I've always regretted it and I always will okay well so there was this little girl and she she was pretty cute but she came she came up and was trying to pet me and I didn't see her and she kind of scared me and I kind of kind of bit her hand it was it was in self-defense I mean it's just sorry I I failed my vessel um I think it's pretty obvious by now uh this guy name is Simon I don't really have a crush there is this girl I do have a crush on her name's Elena she's a whoa I'll tell you what she's something else when when she smiles which is uh which is pretty rare she's got like this beautiful sparkle in her eyes and like it just just she's like she leaves me speechless like I don't know what to say he scares me ah Morgan he's a no-good backstabbing lying conniving malicious horrible little pizza um I'm not sure who that is [Music] okay toy boat toy boat toy boat I don't understand how that could be hard but I did it anyways toy boat toy boat oh boy okay toy boat toy boat toy boat toy boat toy boat toy boat ha anywhere I could be alone so probably my room anywhere outside that's a good distance from home I've always enjoyed nature and it really helps calm my nerves when I go out for walks it just feels like an escape to a whole new world I just like to be by the sides of my best friend's the ones that don't stab me in the back I'm not talking about anybody in particular I'm orben I usually talk to fennel or somebody else if he's not around I I just like being around my friends I guess oh oh I don't tell good jokes okay I got it I got a joke for you the friendship that Marvin and I used to have oh oh here I've got one okay okay two fish are sitting in a tank and one of them turns to the other one and says do you know how to drive this thing okay I got a good one at least I think so how does the puppy stop the video he presses the pause button here's a joke it's humor I've never met anyone named Mae or imp before so I guess I would have to meet them for I'm sure they sound like lovely people making be a bit of a sassy pants but I'm sure she means well that's for imp he is a very funny guy in seems like a very nice person to be around I think Mae is pretty cool but amps kind of annoying well it's pretty awesome if I do say so myself uh Mae on the other hand he's kind of annoying I hate everybody or else we're all gonna frickin die my name is Reed get on my my house uh I rather not do that it's not a nice you know it was kind of hard to adjust to it in the beginning but after a while it was kind of fun it was really interesting just missing that sense but gaining a different kind of sense it was just really colorful and really different oh thank you I honestly wake up like this but as for styling my dad likes to style my hair sometimes I would have to pick ebony it's really hard choice but when it comes down to it he and Daisy both need me so it's more like more people need me rather than just one yeah I was born in May and that's why I was named that and I was born on the 18th my heart well-hit knows something I don't so it's keeping my determination strong probably phenol because he was polar opposite to me and he just was missing an entire sense dealing with that kind of problem and living that kind of life really kind of opened my eyes to understand like how disabilities can really shape a person I'm pretty sure I can handle it without him it's really nice that he does help out sometimes but other times I just really wish I could take control and I could just do it my way I love soccer soccer has always been one of my favorite things it's always been like a family game of ours and I remember a whole lot from my childhood we'd play it all the time there was just so much going through my mind I just my last words would probably be I'm sorry and that's it because there wasn't much more I could do I have three good friends at home my best being Kate she is awesome she's kind of a country girl but she's also really quirky I just love her because we could talk about everything together and then we have Simon and Deva who are brothers and divas the youngest they're both really adventurous Souls and we always get into trouble together so it's always a good time hanging out with all of them chocolate lava cake because it melts in your mouth oh of course she will it'll be like seeing an old friend I'm gonna run up to her give her a big old hug and stab a knife right in her back okay okay you ever hear about how Medusa works it's kind of like that if you look him in the eye he'll actually turn to store on impact well you see when you get banished from the rift you actually become a lesser form of who you used to be so in my case ironically I was a cat and I became a rat instead kind of funny huh actually it's really easy all you got to do is break the law and get banished from your existence we don't talk about Cyprus we just don't but I do after showing her what happened to her mother with a little bit of power I had left I think she's doing pretty fine hey wanna go fishing well there is this one girl I like her name's Elena and she's super cute see my mom and dad 1-point knew they were gonna have me and they decided to just name me in Perea because they thought I was a girl I wanna die nope I materialized into existence course had parents what my mom and dad were awesome uh is there anything beyond ten we're talking more like on the twenty 2500 scale that's how edgy Morgan is you kidding me I still like fishing dude well I grew up with my parents Arya and Gaius our more lovingly known as mom and dad so I actually don't have any siblings or I didn't have any siblings we live by the ocean along the coastline we played on the sand every day and sometimes my dad and I would even go out fishing it was so much fun when you get tired enough believe it or not the bags under your eyes they go from black to white I'm kidding I'm kidding it's just it's a mask I wear see here watch I can take it out okay yeah I can't really take it off but it's cool oh that's easy definitely my best friend the rift would definitely be looks over at Marvin my radio well my reflection I know it can sound a bit narcissistic but you would probably find it strange like really strange if you've been living as long as I have and not have a clue of what you look like so if I had a chance to see anything it would be my reflection well I was born with it I never really had the eye sight to begin with so it's pretty normal for me I can't tell you what the shape actually looks like but I'll tell you it's really really pink like the brightest pink you could think of it's really really sweet and nice I love it so much honestly it's mainly because the fact that I've been with him for so long and we've known each other since we were very little and he's always been able to explain things to me in the way I never knew I mean without him I would be completely lost to what the world actually is and I am very very thankful for that and yeah I am a little bit bummed about it still I didn't really mean to make it as awkward as it did but you learned from it you know well it's still a little bit weird talking and stuff but it's getting better well it was very strange to be honest he did came up to me in a dream it really felt very very real at first he was very read because I didn't really know him at first but then he slowly turned into it Orange so I kinda trusted him but at the same time I was a little bit skeptical oh man being able to see the world that would change a lot of things but I don't really think it'll change how I feel about things so I guess that's my answer I don't really remember much before moving in meeting Kozma for the first time I came here when I was a little kid so everything in my past before that is pretty much a fading memory for me well why associate colors with taste and smell Cosmo really helped out with trying to get an understanding of what the colors are and I pretty much took it and put my own mix into it you know well I'll be honest it was a bit frustrating when I was a kid before I ever met Cosmo no one really gave me that kind of guidance to really understand what the world looks like but ever since I moved in with Cosmo he showed me the way in again I'm very thankful for that well Cosmo has been my best friend ever since we were growing up I was so close to him that it felt like he was my soul mate and when that feeling in my chest started to I grow bigger and bigger I started to realize that it was love and of course at first I didn't really like that feeling much considering that I've heard from other cat's dead it wasn't right for it to male cats to fall in love it's pretty unbearable to really think about at first so I hid it for a very long time well Cosmo and I met when we were very young we're both adopted at the same time and grew up together and when we got older that's when I started to have these feelings for him my favorite pastime is going outside for long walks it's only soothing to be able to go out and see the nature well for my perspective at least it's always so beautiful oh wow there's so many I'll just give you a few I usually associate with food I always have green as living plant life and blue is for all the earth and for feelings I've always had pink as happiness oranges embarrassment Green as fear and white as love yeah it's definitely awkward but we're still talking and it's getting better as the time goes on so I think we're okay I probably wouldn't I felt so so bad for putting Cosmo in a situation like that I wouldn't want to put anyone else in that same scenario again so if it does come up I probably would rather keep it to myself it's probably better that way Cosmo taught me he did a really really good job but how would me figure out what was what like for instance he picked up a flower and told me that the stub was green it took me a bit but I now get an understanding that all plant life is green ah the feeling of rain it's so so good to be feeling that makes it cool and smooth and when it comes to hearing the sound on the wind chimes it makes a nice beautiful tune it does make me a little bit sleepy though but it's very calming and restful I would love to see my favorite walking paths I would bring Cosmo as well and get a chance to explain some of the things that I chose as colors and explain why I chose them it would be a wonderful experience oh no thanks I'm good I would rather not eat any more vegetables again oh I was extremely terrified my whole body was entirely green but my guardian angel she pushed me and I finally came out and sure was a bit disappointing after what happened but it was good to finally have someone to help me build up that courage you know yeah I'm still a bit sad about that but I knew that in order to keep a good relationship with him I have to put that feeling to the side you know and I will suggest and do the same just because the person you love doesn't feel the same way about you doesn't mean you can't be friends at the end of the day even if it isn't the same they still love you for who you are and that's all that matters well she definitely has a light yellow tour with a little bit of orange of course but at the end of the day I know she's very determined and I'm really admired about that pink definitely pink the reason why is because it's the color of food for me and also the color of my favorite season spring well I mean he can't see anything and so I kind of have to help him see I have to kind of see for him I don't know like I try and make sure he doesn't run into things or fall off of things and I try and help him understand the world around him ya know I was born this way of course we're still good friends I mean I was always kind of a afraid that maybe he had a crush on me but I mean now that he's he's spoken out about it we can actually work past that and it's in you know it's it's important to be honest with people well I was adopted by phenyl most owners and and I don't know we just sort of grew up together yeah I I'm not particularly attracted to anybody that regardless of their gender I don't I don't really I don't really understand what that feels like I guess no I haven't developed more feelings than I already had for fennel I'm not particularly interested in that type of relationship if fennel is already my best friend I don't really think I need more than that I mean I wasn't so much surprised that he liked me I was just kind of shocked that he said anything phenyls not really one to talk about things like that openly he's sort of introverted in that way I guess I don't know I kind of got worried that he liked me and of course it was true and I was a little upset that I had to break his heart but I mean I guess we're still good friends so it's not a huge deal what do I even begin it's just so many stories I guess one thing we used to do all the time was we we do these color exercises and it's just to kind of help for mental understand colors and the way light works I'd bring him an object and try and describe it just using color and like you know I might bring a hot stone that was lying in the Sun and had fennel touch it and described it as red just to kind of help them you know kind of understand that you see suffice if I was the blind one I don't know where we do I don't think I'd ever leave the house how would I know where I'm going that would be scary I had a pretty good idea fennel was crushing on me so I figured that was what he was gonna talk about but I was pretty proud that he was stepping outside of his comfort zone like that so that's pretty cool I guess if you must know we did had an interesting relationship we came from the same repr class and for whatever reason our mentors paired us up to do many tasks we pushed each other as rivals and we always had each other's back for training so in a way I did consider him as a friend at one point well first that would not be possible considering that she is already dead even then I would do the right thing and pass her on so she can be at peace that's what any Reaper with good value should do yeah I totally had the shell when I was alive since you're interested it was something that I earned after achieving the acromion rank these bones represents the current status that you have and each bone gives us new abilities under our Arsenal the more bones you have the higher the rank it's it's not like I felt proud kidding who I consider at one point one of my close friends into that much trouble however he was a part of a rebellion who were more than willing to break the laws of the rift I couldn't ignore that our ancestors put them there for a reason to break them it's immoral there are many abilities that can be learned the basic powers that you will usually see are teleportation telepathy regeneration dream accessibility shield defenses and cursing I wasn't I used to be a mortal like you however I feel more content being a reaper admittedly a little bit even though turning imp in was the right thing to do I do miss having the goof around he helped bring down the tension a little bit when we needed it I'm not keeping out much but I'll give you one word that represented my mortal life dull being a reaper gives me some sort of purpose which is why I prefer doing this first off real Reapers not demons second these masks are items that we wear when we're in the void or when we're using our abilities and the bones are unique to each reaper based on their totem my totem is the turtle evil what kind of question is this I was doing my job and following the rules like any good reaper should be doing unlike a certain rat why am i being labeled for doing things the right way okay so I'm bringing up this video then I'm supposed to watch but we'll see what it is [Music] what the souls are gather get passed on to heaven or hell and each one is counted towards my total soul count once we reached 1,000 souls we get the decision whether to become a mentor or return back to our lives the souls language is learned at the second level of training and it's a law to learn it because it helps us break the language barrier of other species free time is non-existent when you're me many souls need to be collected each day of course who wouldn't I feel like I play a major role here unlike my time as a mortal it holds a lot of responsibility you don't want to know it's pretty gruesome are you serious right now we are not Devils we are not demons not angels or gods we are Reapers who are from the rift we are accountable for the final judgment of these souls with no bias we are recruited when we die to do this difficult job so don't you dare call us evil I'm going to get a lot of backlash for this one but I told on amp in order to save not just my friends who are involved but myself as well I was a part of the rebellion and helped steal Souls from under Shiva's nose but after I realized that we were breaking the law and knowing it was his idea I had to make that sacrifice what the hell is that with everyone calling me evil for just doing my responsibilities as a reaper you have no idea what imp actually is he is a manipulative snake that will do anything to get what he wants thou shalt only purge those of their own kind meaning by law I am NOT allowed to purge any species other than my own don't get me started if I hear another snapping pun I would crack his skull open since I am in a comeon rank I shout the ether maintain skills accompany other Reapers on missions and complete them continue to reap and collect souls are a few of the things I do him of all animals absolutely not not only it's because I find him repulsive it is not right for Reapers to engage in that disgusting activity I'd rather die again in the most gruesome and torturous death that even think of dating such waste my rank is acromion which is above the full-fledged Reaper rink and below the mentoring level one in twos rank I wouldn't mind teaching a bit of soulish gives me a bit of practice to get that next rank Gretchen's is how you say hello the SMS is known as goodbye and for giggle pisanio is a curse word that's from a horrible leader we once had I love snickerdoodle cookies they're just so yummy strawberry ice cream is the best definitely sleep oh it has to be a food fudge brownies then Oh easy chocolate lava cake hands-down no second guests sleeping without interruptions that'd be great I probably go find my friend Aleta she meant a lot to be and I I'd give anything to see her again well if I could do anything in the world I'd go back and tell my humans that I was sorry for everything I probably want to go back and fix all my mistakes and just make everything right for the vessels and myself I know Reaper still have to eat but I would totally go with food just say definitely drink you can't survive off of just drinks oh that's gotta be food I mean you can get water anywhere it's in the ocean it's in puddles but food that's kind of hard to find sometimes so definitely food unlimited food I suppose I wish I could be back at home I wish I could get out of this pocketwatch honestly I'm Mikiko I'm getting a little sick I've kind of spent a long time in it and I just kind of want nothing more than to get out I wish I was deaf so no one could wake up from my maps anymore I wish it was so cozy in their little house I despise all music it's a distraction from my napping there's so much variety so much to choose from and listen to and they're all just so cool I like any pop related song Eddie Disney swag I mean come on they're always on TV they're always cool and you just can't let it go let it go definitely a giant donut shield I mean like it can shield me from everything possible like it's big in it it's really fluffy because you know it's a donut personally I take a candy cane and sharpen the edge of it and use it as a spear but uh a reanimated chicken dinner just Washington little guy go with the amusement and then I can eat him without a problem um Peas because they're evil you know honestly I want to go out camping with my parents again I remember doing that a lot as a kid had a lot of fun go fishing sit by the campfire tell scary stories and we'd have so much fun looking at the stars and naming all the constellations and stuff and one time we saw Bigfoot ah just kidding or am I wherever I can sleep I don't care where we go as long as there's a beach I would totally go to the undersea temple of Atlantis I mean Atlantis is a lost city and I could be the first one to go there petunia asleep yes already I once had a ship called the Black Pearl and I was captain for two years and then I was viciously mutinied upon yeah it's like the kinds I see on the ocean what are you talking what ship a properly rose and violet Latonia expa tuna this really fast oh wait now that wasn't a question yeah I'll probably miss him we've become pretty good friends and it's gonna be really sad to go your separate ways when I see him again I'm probably just gonna give him a giant imaginary step 5 I am probably rock solid a girl I'm just too girly to be anything else really but I'm kind of glad that I got to experience vessels like this all because it's open my eyes that other people can't change no I don't please stop asking next question honestly I feel bad for him he probably has very vivid memories of his death and I don't it happened so fast for me but it was so slow for him I have a whole different kind of a respect to because he's such a positive person even though he's gone through so much I gotta say other than ebony I really adore Heather she was such a good person and she did her very best to help me which is kind of a rarity amongst wrestles nowadays love never had any siblings but if I did have to call him my brother I wouldn't mind he's practically like one to me now oh it's a birthmark no I'm dead and I'm traveling across the world hopping vessels I can't clean my room right now yes I have owners ah yes it was so amazing it was nice just to relax and it reminded me so much of home oh yeah we all have genders it's typical stuff male/female non-binary all that good stuff nobody really cares about gender when you die here I'll just kind of there and also the way we recruit new members is by finding them at the void like souls that have passed on you're offered a choice right you can either go on to heaven or hell whichever option that the recruit sees fit or you could check with the Reaper and see about becoming a Reaper okay I guess I could talk about it well basically what happened was my dad went out fishing and an earlier on the Weather Channel they said that there was gonna be a terrible storm and my dad didn't come back and so I went out looking for him right and I I fell into the ocean and the storm made the waves all crazy and I drowned I drowned that's pretty much it I ground looking for my dad still don't know if he's alive okay next question pretty much I could see anything and Mabel get annoyed go my favorite thing to do is use like my name in a pun so be like it's impossible for me to not be a brat despite everything that's happened and like all the fights we got into stuff like that I'm really gonna miss her she was one of the first people I was actually able to talk to after in a long time so yeah I never want to look at a clock or watch ever again as long as I die or as long as I live or remain to be dead I don't want to look at them I studied the interior of that clock and I know it backwards it forwards and sideways and upside down and all that so i i i i don't know to answer you no no no no no no no no no no no I do not ever wants to look at a clock ever again okay okay I don't want any confusion here I have a deep deep deep love for chocolate but that's only second-placed special someone I know her name's Elena and I love her more than chocolate yeah I said it hey you know what yeah sunsets are overrated in my opinion I used to stare at the sky like all the time I see enough for one lifetime or at that time or what do you call this limbo limbo time like I don't know what yeah no no no I wasn't suicidal what are you talking about oh yeah yeah might have been when I was in the pocket watch for a little bit but now my my death was an accident I like I said I was I was looking out for my dad and couldn't find him accidentally fell into the water drown that's that's how I went you know probably not honestly I you know you know what I bet you somebody's already taken over my room anyway so it's their problem not really I didn't nearly have a lot of friends growing up the town I grew up in was pretty small so yeah I did a lot of hanging out with my parents instead they're pretty much all the friends I needed oh I could start up with her smug little face I do not like that face and she's also dumb ignorant naive the pretty much all means the same thing but it's you know it's fine because she is so dumb ah there are so many reasons why I want to be alive it's not funny like I died by accident first of all like I never wanted that the wrist is such a toxic environment man it drains you kind of just want to go back to the way things were the only thing that makes the only thing that makes being a Reaper worthwhile is Elena she's like the best part about it oh yeah totally yeah although I couldn't do it at first I had to train a lot because my first thing that I got was foresight right and so after that I had to get to a certain rank and then I was able to shoot fireballs babe you master the elements uh you know it wasn't that bad like everybody was telling me it was gonna be really hard to do and sometimes even have to chase down your your souls but that didn't actually happen what happened was uh it's kind of sad I was this cat who told me he got hit by a train and fortunately he lived a really good life and so I was able to set him straight to heaven or the overworld or whatever you want to call it that was my first so fifth one was a little bit more troubling but that's just because he tried to run yeah tried to run I hadn't been living there for too long maybe a couple months at the most well you see something happened it was like a freak accident involving some sort of human machine they didn't mean to do it the machine was really really loud it was eating the grass and there was these things sharp spinny things underneath it you know what hurts so bad I can't even talk about it I'm just lucky it was only my wagon it healed so fast since I was really young at the time Oh coming up with games is so much fun I love running and chasing others oh my gosh I wish I could do some games right now well it was mostly difficult at first but now I can barely tell us gone I mean I've gotten pretty good with learning how to walk and run on three legs I mean I'm pretty proud of myself yes I still do live with petunia and I love it so much I love the beach I love the humans that owned the farm and Petunia really does feel like the older brother I never had I'm doing great thanks for asking and yeah I have a collection of seashells and seagull feathers it's pretty cool and they're getting pretty big I have a variety of a lot of different shells and feathers you should see it sometime petunia is definitely my best friend like nobody could be him and I really do hope he feels the same way summertime is my favorite time I can play in the ocean and it's so warm out the cold weather it's just really cold and I can't really handle it very well so it's definitely summer for me I actually just made it I found some old glove in the junkyard and I used it to play superhero and then when I was done I tied it around my neck so I wouldn't lose it do you like it well I ran away from home after the incident and yeah I don't really want to talk about it let's just focus on the positive yeah I had a few neighbors and they never treated me the same after the accident they always treated me like a baby and it was getting really annoying I never knew my mother I was raised by my father and four other siblings Briar saffron and elm they were pretty good siblings sometimes to fly I could fly through the air I can chase the seagulls I can I could be a superhero well I'll sometimes go see what Virginia's up to or I'll head down to the beach you see I ran away from home and I just stumbled upon the junkyard the junkyard dogs actually captured me for trespassing on their territory but after I offered them my collar which was apparently valuable ah orchid allowed me to stay since my youth would be great help to the pack for some reason I don't know that's what she said I'm pretty sad the packs had to chase me off I tried really hard to fit in same with the people back at home I'm pretty glad I didn't end up like them I mean who wants to be that mean I'm pretty careful when I explore cuz last time I left Hawaii I ended up at the junkyard and I really don't want something like that to ever happen again superhero I'll turn my bandana into a cape and I'll I'll fight off the evil Seagal army and I won't let them hurt my land I'm 12 so I'm a kid with a kid please hey I'm not cute I might be small but I definitely have a bite well I ran away from home and I had to stay in the junkyard by force were kids orders and I was pretty much fine with it I just wanted to fit in fully losing my ability to walk and run I really really hope that never happens I actually taught myself I'd practice balantine for hours and hours until I got used to the new shift in weight Joey nobody can take me seriously just cuz I'm small it's not fair I am NOT a toy I just pretend to be a superhero when I chase them away yeah kids all right I suppose but damn does that kid need to turn down his voice box my strong moral compass I'd left him there he probably would have been eaten by a hawk or something and then I'd probably feel bad maybe possibly I mean I really don't mind sharing my food bowl with a kid but that kid wakes me up from another nap with his whining so help me actually I hardly seen you dogs around the pond or by the beach meeting lupin was a pretty rare occurrence besides being furless is great joke yard here's a junkyard nearby alright listen up here little wish I absolutely refuse to wear clothes and scratch my skin but I do tend to stay inside the house or the barn more when it's cold out oh I see how it is I'm the mean old hairless cat huh well at least you admitted that cool the hell's in that actually I'm not a dog at all excuse you oh I'm a sphinx cat just because the lead character is a dog doesn't mean everyone else is sleeping eating napping those fleeting moments when lupins not screaming did I mention sleeping do I sound like a girl kid oh yeah actually I think that being unique and hairless is way better than being normal and having fur it's really that all deaf a flower for a name is a male I think my owners have great case names way better than their parents at least it's actually quite the elegant name and I feel sorry that you live in some hellscape where that's weird I mean really the main thing that struck me when I met open was that the kid looked really spooked by something rather and then he was exhausted if you mean the kid's leg I honestly didn't even notice that until like halfway through the conversation actually that reminds me I still need to ask that kid how that happened or I could nap instead let's do that [Music]
Channel: PetPyves
Views: 20,635
Rating: 4.9627042 out of 5
Keywords: twelve, series, show, cartoon, question, answer, part, episode, nine, eight, seven, funny, 12, petpyves, animation, animated, AMV, PMV, QNA, Q&A
Id: F0DPjyNG_r8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 31sec (5251 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
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